Bound by Destiny 24

Story by SashaWS on SoFurry

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#28 of Bound by Destiny

Back at the castle in Morgova, the planning for the upcoming weddings are in full bloom and with tons of wedding dresses and suits hanging ready for testing, there is a small worry going inside the head of the queen. Is the final battle approaching quickly? Will there be enough time to train before it happens? And why does the bath water smell of roses?

This story IS connected to actual lore.

Akari and Tenchi © (Co-author)

Julie Ruby © Me and Romanthony on FA

Peridot © Me and Sedrinthestar on FA

Sasha and Story © Me

Length: 1,561 words. 8,447 characters.

Time used to type: 1 hour (with corrections and cleaning)

Bound by Destiny 24 - Sharpen Your Skills and Mind

This story is copyrighted to SashaWS/ArtisticEastern, containing characters owned by various people used with permission.

Any usage or posting of this story under the claim of being your own is not approved and you will be requested to remove it or face charges.

The calm after the storm was almost killing the beauty that was once the jungle surrounding the castle in Morgova, now trees that didn't survive the storm laid against the ground as the lumberjacks took their swings at them, chopping them up to use for furniture and other practical uses. However, in the castle itself there was a lot going on, "And there we go, the last thread is now in place." Akari announced before moving back as J.R. looked over at the beautiful wedding dress that Akari had just made. With the silk imported from the finest silk farms of Zae'Hil'Ve, he had managed to make a white dress with the royal sigil embroiled onto the chest, and complete with bridal veil and even what seemed to be fingerless gloves. J.R. smiled to him, "You did a good job on that dress, Akari. I am sure that my big sister will love it." J.R. returned to stitching up the last of the many pants she had to make for the suits, only problem being the part when she had to measure the ones who wanted pants. The memory of when May had nearly had her fist interact with the crotch, it made her smile as Akari moved over when she put the last stitch into the crotch of the pants, "You are really learning well." J.R. gave him a soft kiss, "Thank you."

Outside the castle however, Sasha looked at Tenchi with a very callous expression, "I felt your mother's power growing, Tenchi. We got no time remaining before she might launch another attack on us. I will not go easy anymore on you. I am no longer going to be that understanding queen. From here on out until you learn to grow more powerful, I will be your new worst nightmare." Tenchi looked confused, but nodded, "You felt her? How is that possible?" Sasha looked coldly, "I gonna confess. When you did not watch, I had a sample of her blood from the wings. I self-attuned myself to her and she doesn't know that I know." Tenchi was about to speak again, but Sasha drew her daikatana and assumed stance, "Now, no time for talk anymore. Take a swing at me." Tenchi drew her own katana from the sheath before swinging at Sasha, who parried it and quickly delivered a punch to Tenchi's chest, causing the smaller dragoness to stumble back, "Hey! You could have warned me!" Sasha looked at Tenchi, "I told you, I will no longer be that kind and understanding queen. Open your mind, Tenchi. If you cannot defend yourself now, I can and I will kill you."

The wind blowing behind Sasha was raising her hair to a standing position and Tenchi felt fear once more, this time from the fact that Sasha, the one she respected and trained under, had just made it clear that her life was depending on it now. Defending herself would save her life, and failure... no, it was not going to happen. Taking a deep breath, Tenchi looked at Sasha before readying her blade again, swinging at Sasha who once again parried, this time however it was Tenchi that struck her with a fist, causing Sasha to stumble back a bit, "Good. It is now kill or be killed. There is no peace, no mercy. If you cannot tackle me, then how are you supposed to tackle your own mother who wants you dead?" Sasha sidestepped from the next swing that Tenchi delivered, her knee quickly hitting Tenchi in the solar plexus, making Tenchi gasp out in pain before Sasha grabbed the back of her head, "Pathetic. You have grown dull, Tenchi." Sasha grabbed one of Tenchi's wings before her tail wrapped around the sword, guiding it up to where the base of it was, Tenchi's eyes went wide before she felt the blade cutting slowly through them, making her scream in pain before it ended quickly. Sasha tossed the wing near her head, "Stand up and fight, Tenchi."

Tenchi stood up and looked at the wing, her mind snapping before the anger forced her body to bulk up in size a bit, her second form now exposing itself as she took a high jump before swinging the blade down at Sasha, watching her parry it, but the ground below her feet began to shatter slowly. Sasha blinked once and Tenchi felt the wing being back in its place. Tenchi looked back at Sasha and understood, "An illusion. You trapped me in an illusion without me knowing." Sasha nodded, "You know that I cannot kill you. It was all to pressure you." Tenchi felt her body going back to normal again before J.R. called out, "Hey! We need you all to test out some clothes." Tenchi nodded to her before Sasha walked by her, "After the wedding, you will be put through a lot of training. I want you to master control of your two higher forms of power. Once you do that, I will completely remove the leash you are on." Tenchi smirked at the word leash being used, but soon she headed to the testing room with the rest.

That night, Tenchi rolled around in the bed, nightmares of her mother winning and killing everyone coming to her mind and she woke up with a scream, waking up Peridot who laid close to her. The sleepy hybrid rubbed her eyes and yawned, "What is wrong, Ten-Ten?" Tenchi sighed, "Just... nightmares of my mother. After Sasha told me about it, I have not been able to keep it out of my mind." Peridot sat up before giving Tenchi a tight hug, "It will be all okay, Ten-Ten. Just go and get some water and air and you will be fine." Tenchi nodded before getting up from the bed, hearing Peridot laying back down and almost straight away going back to sleep.

Getting a glass of water from the kitchen, Tenchi made her way out on the balcony. The moon stood high in the sky, the birds were singing, nature seemed to be calm too. A soft voice soon called out to her, "You cannot sleep either, Tenchi?" Tenchi was caught off-guard a bit, but looked over to the side. About two balconies away, Sasha was laying in a warm bubble-bath, looking over at Tenchi who just nodded, "Yeah. My mind has not been able to let go off what you told me." Sasha gave an understanding nod, "I see that. Wanna join me?" Tenchi was not sure about it, but soon she nodded and jumped over to Sasha's balcony, looking at the steaming water before undressing herself, not even caring that Sasha was seeing her completely naked. When the panties joined the rest on the floor, Tenchi climbed into the warm hot tub and moved over to sit down next to Sasha, who wrapped an arm around her, keeping her close.

Tenchi looked at Sasha and noticed that like her, she was not wearing anything, but she was quickly reminded of not watching as Sasha gave her hair a light brushing, "Yes, I am not wearing a thing. And I promise, I will not attempt anything sexual at all with you unless it is on your own decision. More fair that way." Tenchi nodded and moved onto Sasha's lap before hugging her tightly, Sasha sighing and actually gave a small giggle, "You know? The last time we sat like this was when we had told about our pasts." Tenchi remembered that day very well, they both had really let off a heavy burden and then understood each other. It had been a very cozy time with just cuddling up and sharing the understanding, but Tenchi did have something in mind as she leaned up to kiss Sasha and soon shifted herself to reach back.

Sasha murred into the kiss as it was nothing new to her, but soon she felt Tenchi wrapping her hand around her sheath to gently stroke it, the hand skillfully bringing out the tip of her dick before Tenchi broke the kiss and looked at Sasha, "Mom? Please, let me have you." Sasha lacked the ability to speak for a moment, but soon nodded as she lifted Tenchi off her lap and turned around to bend over in the tub, wagging her tail before lifting it up with a smile, "Mmm, I never knew you used that type of politics." Tenchi giggled as she got up and moved behind Sasha, giving her pussy and tailhole a soft lick before moving up closer to press herself against Sasha's folds, "Mmm, you do not taste of heat, so I guess this is only family love time?" Sasha giggled and gasped out when Tenchi grabbed onto her dick and soon shoved right into her, growling out happily when Tenchi and her became even closer, Tenchi leaning against her back before they shared a soft kiss during a passionate round of incestuous sex. But, none of them cared, because it felt too good.

The End.