13th December

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#13 of Christmas at Snow Valley

Sorry for the delay today. I am still fighting with illness and just remembered that I still had to write the end and upload it.

Tomorrow will also be a bit later because I have an appointment with the doctor and will write the story afterwards.

It is another advent and a bit longer story. Did you think it would turn out this way? Well we will see.


This is an original story by me (Imya). It involves anthro animals (canine and feline) in a pure fantasy environment. It may contain at some point nudity and sexual contact involving adults and cubs.

If you are offended bei either of these topics please stop reading. Please only read if you hit legal age for your country (generally 18).

The story is an ongoing story planned with 25 short chapters. It is my Christmas special and I plan to upload one chapter each day. Some chapters may be a bit longer but most of them will be short.

Most chapters will just be story progression and not R rated. So please do not expect this to have action all the time. I hope you will enjoy this small story.

13th December

The night got all three of them re-energized and after a short but chatty breakfast Vince, Tracy and Lilly went to their castle again. There had been no new snow this night and so they could directly start with their work again without cleanup.

"How does it go with Mia?" asked Vince because the oldest daughter of the Purringtons was missing again. "The same as it was yesterday. She says she does not feel good and shouted at us for being loud this morning." Miles answered and Alia looked a bit down this morning. By the look of her face she had got a lot of heat by her older sister. "Don't you want to help us inside today?" asked Vince to cheer her up and Alia started to smile again. "It should be safe at the entrance, right Miles?" he asked. He still did not feel comfortable to judge the snow as good as Miles did." - "Sure thing! But be careful not to trap yourself again." The younger snow leopard boy chuckled. "Very funny!" replied Tracy and took one of the shovels Miles brought with him. "I will scoop away the snow, Vince will bring it to the entrance and Alia and Lilly will help you to get it outside, okay Miles?" she asked and crawled into the castle.

Ten minutes later the kids did not think about the odd behavior of Mia and worked hard. The chatter died down a bit because they were to concentrated on their work. Only Miles chatted with Lilly and Alia outside to tell them where they should put the snow.

"Hey Miles?" Tracy suddenly shouted and Vince held his ears because it sounded even louder in the small room. "Should we make a back entrance as well?" The answer took half a minute before the head of Miles appeared in the entrance. "Good idea. I think we will be even faster if we can get the snow out from two ends and a castle needs a secret back door, right?" Vince did not know how a castle looked like. The only castles he had seen were in movies and he tried to remember if any of them looked like the one they were building. "I will dig from the outside so we break through at the right position. Be careful inside." He added and soon they heard him work hard at the wall on the other side. Tracy avoided this side and started to carefully scoop the other walls to make the room bigger. They could already stand in the middle when Miles broke through the back door and poked his head in. "Looks great!" he praised them and started to make the exit a bit bigger and look more like a door. "Can you have a quick look how much further I need to dig?" Tracy asked and Miles went inside while Alia and Lilly took a break and also joined them to watch the inside of their castle. "Only a bit more on this side!" Miles instructed and pointed at one wall. "You should not dig on the other side or up. This is enough." He shortly went outside and then came back in with a few branches that he stuck into the corners of the room. "This should be where the towers are." He explained. "Lilly and Alia can dig the doors now, right girls?" the young girls giggled and directly were excited.

When the girls just finished the first breakthrough to a tower Stacy called them from the outside and they all went out of the castle. "Kids, it is time for lunch. I spoke to Sarah and you will all eat with us today. She said you can also sleep at our place tonight so there will be no more fights with your sister." She added to Miles and Alia. "Go and get your stuff at home and then come to us. You can continue with the castle after lunch, okay?"

The kids cheered and put the shovels to the side. Miles and Alia ran home and Vince followed the Softpaw girls and Stacy. The lunch was even loader than normal. All kids chatted and giggled and laughed. They were excited to talk about the castle that they planned to finish today and none of them wasted any thoughts or words on Mia and her mood.

The second half of the day went by in a flash. Lilly and Alia finished the doors to the tower and the kids crawled into each of them to look outside through the windows they created the day before. The inside was carefully widened still leaving a thick wall all around. Vince noticed that even though all was snow it was warmer inside than outside.

"All done!" stated Miles and looked at the finished castle. They had smoothed the surface inside and outside and modeled stones into the snow so it looks like it the walls were out of rock. "Looks great." Commented Vince and looked at their work. He had never done anything like that but he felt proud of their work. The castle was big and really looked like one of the fantasy castles in the movies. "You did a great work." The kids turned around and saw Sarah and Stacy coming from the house of the Purringtons. "Good job kids." Said Stacy and smiled.

The children showed the castle to their mothers and let them crawl inside. Alia and Lilly were most excited about showing them the doors they dug from the inside and that they really could enter the towers through them. Vince just smiled and watched the other exciting kids show their work. The sky durned darker and Vince looked up. Thick clouds prevented him from seeing the sun but he was sure it was at the edge of setting right now.

"Time to head home for dinner." Mentioned Stacy who followed his look. "Sarah will eat with us. Miles can you help her to bring a bit of the dinner back to Mia afterwards?" she asked and looked at the wolf pup. "Sure." He answered and she ruffled his head. "Thank you dear. Mia still does not feel too good so she will not join us. But now let's head home. I got a roast in the oven that should be ready soon.

The children were as excited about this special dinner as they had been about their castle. With the shovels over their shoulders they walked back to the hose of Stacy and her kids. When they entered the house a wonderful smell already filled their noses. The girls helped Stacy to prepare the table and when they sat down Stacy sat an Advent wreath in the middle and lighted up three candles. "Happy third advent!" she called and the others except Vince answered. Vince was not very familiar with this custom but he suspected it was a Christian tradition.

The food tasted wonderful. All the food up to now had tasted wonderful for Vince but this was special. When they were finished with the mal they sang a few songs that Vince never heard before but he enjoyed listening. Then Stacy brought the kids upstairs to the room of the girls. She had prepared extra beds. "Prepare for the night. You do not need to wait for Vince. Sarah wanted him to help her with something so it may take a bit." Stacy explained and Sarah nodded and lay her paw on the shoulder of Vince. "Are you ready?" she asked. Vince gulped. He was not sure why but he got a bit flustered. "Yes." He gasped and followed Sarah downstairs. After they picked up the food for Mia they exited the house into the night and walked over to the house of the Purringtons.

"Was about time." Was the greeting of Mia before she saw Vince and looked to the ground a bit flustered. "You can go up and take a shower. I guess you would want to clean off the sweat from work first, right?" Sarah said softly and took the food out of the hands of Vince. "The first door to the right." She added while she pushed her daughter into the next room on the left and closed the door. Vince still wondered what she wanted from him. He pondered about the reason for her to have him stay here all the time he spent in the shower. He took a bit longer than usual because he was lost in thoughts and just was reminded of the time when Sarah stepped into the bathroom. "Are you finished?" she asked. Vince looked at her panicked but relaxed directly. She had seen him naked and more so there was no use in being embarrassed towards Sarah. "Yea, in a minute." He answered and she smiled. "Come to the room at the end of the floor here when you are done, okay?" He agreed with a nod and when she closed the door he stepped out of the shower and used the towel to dry his fur. He had to take the furdryer to get it completely dry. Then he put on his clothes and stepped out. The door at the end of the floor was slightly open and he could see light.

"I am finish..." he stopped in his sentence startled by a short scream. He saw Mia on a big bed and next to her Sarah. Both females were naked and the paw of Sarah was just removed from between the legs of Mia. The fur between her legs was damp and Vince caught a glance at her pink pussy before her paws moved over it and her tail curled up. "What are you..." her mother silenced her. "Deer, I called him here. He will help you to get through it, trust me." Vince still stared at the paws that covered the nether region of Mia. A scent tickled his nose and suddenly he knew what was going on with the younger girl. The scent was fresh and a bit more underdeveloped and innocent than Sarah's smell had been but without a doubt Mia was in heat.

"You will help her, right?" Sarah asked softly and winked to him. "Sure..." Vince gasped while he slowly recovered from the shock. He moved towards the bed and crouched down bringing his nose to the alluring scent between Mia's legs. She tried to close her legs and pull away but Vince already was between them with his head and used his own paws to softly pull away hers.

Vince felt his penis shoot out of his sheath and get tight in his pants when he extended his tongue and licked Mia. The girl let out a moaning cry and gripped the cover under her in the intense pleasure his lick produced. "See, I told you it will feel great." Sarah whispered and started to massage the dugs and chest of Mia. Vince licked the fur around her pussy clean and ran his tongue over her flesh. The clitoris already popped out of the snatch and he ran his tongue over it a few times earning a long moan from the girl.

"Turn around deer." Sarah instructed. "He can please you even better this way." Mia was now out of complaints. The new pleasure she felt totally pushed away her embarrassment and worries and she complied. Sarah helped her to get into a position on all four legs while holding her tail up by instinct and pushing her snatch against the licking tongue of Vince that still probed her outsides. "Be careful when you probe her insides with your tongue. She still has her hymen. You will feel it as a barrier a few centimeters inside. Do not put too much pressure on it yet." Sarah told him and then Vince felt her starting to remove his pants. He only stopped licking for a short while when she pulled his shirt over his head. He let Sarah pull down his pants and underwear without letting up from the pussy in front of him. Her taste was even better than Stacy or Sarah had been, probably because it was so young and innocent. His tongue probed inside and soon he found the barrier Sarah had talked about. He caressed it softly but did not push against it.

Vince felt a tongue lick his erect member and clean the pre that dripped from its tip. Soon a muzzle closed around the full length and started to suck which made Vince moan together with Mia. The scent and taste of Mia and the muzzle around his member made him come close to his climax and even before he managed to lick Mia to her orgasm he felt himself spurt. He heard Sarah gulp and just moaned while still licking Mia. And then her pussy lips quivered and gripped around his tongue. He felt a stronger taste on his tongue when she climaxed and sprayed her girl juices into his open muzzle. The girl cried out a loud moan while her whole body shivered. "Oh my god, this feels so great." She moaned and Vince felt the muzzle around his penis being pulled off after his last spurt. The tongue however still licked over his member and knot and made sure the softening dick went hard again.

"Now deflower my little girl." The whispering voice of Sarah was next to his ear. He felt her paw cup his balls softly and her breath cross his cheek. "Push into her vagina and break the barrier you felt earlier. It will hurt her at first but don't worry. It has to be this way. Just go slow at the start and then let your instinct go." She kissed his ear and Vince licked his lips when Mia started to pee. His head was already at the level of her tail but she peed directly against his throat and chest and soaked it with strong smelling urine. For Vince this aroused him even more because the urine had a lot of pheromones in it that directly went through his nose into his brain. He moved on the bed and over the still dazed girl. When Vince's penis brushed against her quivering folds she tried to move forward by instinct but his instinct also kicked in at this moment. When her body moved forward his teeth dug into the fur on her neck holding her in place and pinning her down. A ripple ran through her and stopped any movement. Her lips gripped weakly at the tip of his member and he slowly pushed it inside while pulling her body on his member with his grip on her neck. A growl and groan emitted from the throat of Mia. He soon hit the barrier inside but like Sarah told him he slowly pushed forward which turned the groan of Mia into a painful cry. With a shriek and a sob of the girl he felt the barrier give way and his penis pushed an inch further before it slowed down again. His hips pressed further and he felt her incredible tight tunnel grip his member strongly. It aroused him even more and he moaned with her fur between his teeth.

She was much tighter than her mother and Vince started to move back and forth slowly. After a few minutes of inching in more and more he felt his tip hitting a second barrier and he knew this from his actions with Stacy and Sarah. This was the last barrier he had to breach. His knot was now fully formed but there was still an inch of his rod until he would touch her pussy. She sure was smaller than Sarah and Vince was not sure of he would not bottom out before the knot already. Vince picked up the pace and the groans of Mia slowly turned into moans. Her tight tunnel felt more lubricated and Vince felt her juice dripping down from his sacks. He did not regard Sarah anymore who surely was still somewhere in the room but just concentrated to fuck the tight girl under him. He felt the urine on his throat and chest soak into the fur on her back while he pressed his body close to hers in his onslaught.

After a few minutes of his hammering her cervix finally unsealed the womb and let his tip enter. His shaft sank into her pussy up to the knot and his tip hit the back of her womb. Vince moaned loud and increased his rhythm trying to push his knot in because he felt his climax approaching. "Stop Vince, slow down." The voice of Sarah was next to him barely touching his ears over his own moans and the moans of the girl below him. "She is too small for the knot. You will only hurt her but never being able to..." Vince did not regard her but continued to push harder. The first quarter of his knot stretching her vaginal lips open and the moans of Mia were exchanged for groans every time he pushed his knot into her tight snatch. He felt Sarah grapping his rod with her paw and trying to block him so he could not push his knot in anymore. At first it worked and he felt it mainly by his tip not reaching all the way to the back of the womb of Mia. She started to moan again and his slippery rod pushed back and forth through the paw and the tunnel of Mia. But the grip of Sarah got looser and looser because his dick was too slippery from the juices of Mia. Also he pushed harder and harder each time in his tries to knot the female by instinct. He was very close to his climas when he pulled back until only his tip was in her snatch and then with all the momentum he could muster he pushed forward. The hand tried to hold his knot back and refused to have him push in. His tip was stuck in her tunnel but he pushed stronger and stronger feeling the grip slowly slipping. And then Sarah lost her grip and the rod pistoled forward. His knot smacked hard against the folds of Mia and with the force and speed the knot just stretched her open and with a wet slurp and a cry of Mia it went inside. Vince felt his tip press hard against the wall of her womb while his balls contracted and the first spurts pushed between the opening in his penis and her walls into the womb. Because it happened so quick Mia moaned directly after her cry of pain. The pain directly subsided when he spurted into her. She came down with an orgasm herself and squeezed his member hard milking it from all that he was worth. Vince let go of her scruff knowing that now that he knotted her she would not pull away. He licked her neck and huffed into her ear while splash after splash entered her little belly.

The room around him slowly got back into his consciousness. "I never thought you would fit into her." Sarah said out of breath still watching the spot where the cubs connected. Mia also slowly calmed down but still moaned with every twitch and spurt of his member. "How did it feel for you?" Sarah asked Mia concerned and lifted the head of her exhausted daughter. "I..." she was out of breath and still moaned. "It hurt but... wow... it is just..." she moaned again and smiled big by showing off her white teeth. "Like I told you." Sarah chuckled. "This will help you get over your heat."

Vince pushed softly as if he wanted to remind Mia that he was still there. "You are wonderfully tight." He remarked and grinned to Sarah. "Don't worry. I will help you as much as you want and as long as you are in heat." He caressed the sweaty body of Mia and when he let his hand glide over her stomach he felt his knot and his member and he could swear even his last spurts through the skin and fur. "Well then I think I can leave you alone now and go to sleep." Sarah said. "If you need me I am in the room next door." She added and Vince saw her leave the room. He saw that her snatch was also a bit wet when he got a look at her naked pussy from below. His show most likely had her aroused as well.

A moment later he totally erased Sarah from his mind. He moaned and licked Mia while the last spurts entered her and a few minutes later his knot shrunk enough for him to pull out. He saw that Mia was totally exhausted and needed to catch her breath first and so he moved to her head and introduced her to the way to lick him clean. While her tongue ran over his member and he pushed it into her muzzle she slowly came down from her own climax and at the moment he was hard again she moved into position and begged him to do it again. The scent of his own musk mixed with her heat sent Vince into a rut and he just let his instincts go.

While the rest of the village most likely was sleeping he took Mia again and again this night. His introduction into sex with Stacy and Sarah had been a wonderful experience for Vince but Mia had the energy of youth and was so tight that Vince did not stop until both of them fell asleep locked to each other with his knot still deep inside her from his last climax. The last thing he did while the moon was just looking into the window with an already low angle was moving the warm blanket over both of them. Then he snuggled up to Mia from behind and enjoyed the last spurts into her womb, her week moan and her scent. "Good night Mia. You are mine now." He whispered into her ear but she already had fallen asleep and he soon followed.