A Dragon's Pride

Story by travisbuchanan on SoFurry

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Wrote this for ZsisronDarkwater, who Thamaxar belongs to! Icon art by Forge . This was fun to write! Two more parts incoming when I stop being lazy and feel like uploading them.

Summary: Khalmeth, a noble protector of the city of Astronath, finds himself besieged with a strange type of dark magic that stirs new feelings within him. He leaves the kingdom to find its source - but what he doesn't realise, perhaps, is that a dragon is no match for a lord of demons.

Khalmeth grinned in exhilaration, his wings flaring wide above him. Sunlight gleamed off brilliant golden scales, only mildly scuffed by his spar with the sapphire dragon before him. Daganth, his name was - another recruit whose talents closely matched his own. Though he knew in the back of his mind that this was simply a drill, he couldn't help but lose himself in the fight. He could see the same gleam of excitement on Daganth's eyes.

With a roar, the dragon launched himself forward, flapping his wings hard once to fling himself with an even greater force. There was no way for Daganth to get out of the way in time, not with how close the two of them were - so he simply braced himself for the hit, his tail whipping around to try to strike Khalmeth across the face as he approached.

Khalmeth's wings adjusted at the last second so that he dipped underneath the tail, feeling the gust of wind just above his head. His grin was a savage one as he rammed into the other dragon - they were sent rolling in the sand, kicking up a cloud of dirt far obscured all view of the two dragons.

It was only when it settled that the result was clear - Khalmeth sat proudly atop Daganth, his claws held to the other dragon's throat.

"It seems that is another win for me," Khalmeth said, his smile surprisingly gentle. The dragon's voice was a low rumble, a mellow tone that fit his noble looks. "Good battle, brother."

"Evens up our score, if I'm counting right," Daganth responded with a smirk. "Better be ready for me next time, or I might surpass you yet."

Khalmeth chuckled, sliding off the other dragon and using his snout to gently nudge him back to his feet. "Indeed. I look forward to our next battle."

Daganth shook his head. "Always so polite, Khalmeth. When're you going to let go a bit?"

"It is a noble cause we follow," Khalmeth admonished gently. "We must be an example for the others to follow, Daganth."

"Yes, yes, you've told me that the last hundred times you've won," Daganth said with an exaggerated roll of his eyes. He knew his friend wasn't about to change, no matter how much he was teased, but he respected Khalmeth nonetheless. "And I've invited you to drink the last hundred times I've won. Don't see you accepting my offer, do I?"

"It would be improper." Khalmeth huffed, but there was a slight twitch of a smile at the corner of his muzzle.

"It's just a barrel or two!" Daganth protested, grinning. Khalmeth was already walking away, his tail flicking playfully on the sapphire dragon's snout as he left in response. Barrel or two, indeed - Daganth had almost destroyed a tavern once when he'd gotten drunk. It was a good thing all his skill at fighting fled when he had mead in his blood.

Ignoring the other dragon's playfully angry protests, Khalmeth fell in line with the other dragons as their general glanced over them. Terivan by name, the crimson dragon was far older than the rest of them; it was rumored, in fact, that he'd been there when peace was first brokered between man and dragon.

It was certainly clear that he'd been through his fair share of battle - there was a deep scar scratched over one of his eyes, likely left there by an enchanted weapon. Dragons could heal from almost any injury, and it was usually only through magical weaponry that they could be scarred, though Terivan refused to talk about the source of his mark.

"Seems you did it again, Khalmeth." The general's good eye observed the golden dragon, and Khalmeth lowered his head in respectfully.

"For the glory of the kingdom, sir," he responded, and Terivan nodded in response.

"Very good. Make sure you get some good rest tonight; it's your first proper guard shift tomorrow." Terivan gave the younger dragon a stern look, and Khalmeth lifted his head proudly.

"Of course, sir. I will not disappoint you."

Terivan smiled at him, the look almost fatherly. "I know you won't. Good luck, Khalmeth."

The golden dragon bowed his head in response before he took off, powerful legs launching him up into the air. He flapped his wings once to gain some air, exhilarating for a moment in the sheer freedom of flight, then dove towards his hoard.

Their agreement with the kingdom of Astronath was a unique one. The king had agreed to forego gold and silver as precious metals within the kingdom; rather, they would use simple copper as their form of currency. All the gold and silver they did obtain would go towards the dragons. Each had a hoard of their very own, protected by the greatest mages Astronath had to offer - and as they served their kingdom, that hoard would only grow, filled with medals that honored their work.

Khalmeth curled around the pile of gold he called his own, admiring the glittering metal of the latest medal he'd earned. A pride swelled deep within his chest. One day, he would work his way to the top, become skilled enough to stand beside the general as an equal.

Until then, he would work hard - as he always did.


Khalmeth stood tall and proud at the top of the Wall that surrounded their kingdom, the following morning. Though guard duty might have seemed like a lesser job, Khelmeth knew it was an honor. Guards fulfilled more than one role in Astronath. Certainly, they kept a watch on the sky and the ground, ready to intercept any force that might dare attack - but these days, that was few and far between.

No, there was another purpose that the guards of Astronath served. It was the reason they stood on the walls of the kingdom, rather than fly above the clouds; they stood as a symbol for the men and women of the kingdom, a reminder that they were protected by the noble and mighty dragons. They were both hope and pride, strength and courage - no friend could look upon Astronath and not be gladdened by the sight, nor could any foe do the same without trembling.

Khalmeth knew this, and it was why he kept his head held high, puffed out his chest a little more than he usually would. His golden scales gleamed in the sunlight; he'd made sure to polish them before he headed out to replace the dragon on duty before him. They'd given each other solemn, respectful nods before parting ways.

That should have been the start to an uneventful day.

For all his preparation and skill, however, Khalmeth still lacked experience - and it was that lack of experience that cost him here. The dragon of gold didn't notice the slight taint of dark magic in the air.

In Khelmeth's defense, it was a power so faint that even an experienced mage would have been unlikely to notice it. The result, however, was the same - this was a subtle magic that had to be countered before it found its victim, or they would be lost.

Such was the case for Khalmeth, who didn't notice the magic as it splashed against the normally magic-proof scales and dug its way inside. It slipped into his bloodstream, filtered into his mind as a gentle, teasing warmth - and somewhere far away, a demon grinned with satisfaction, two of his four eyes flickering a dark red as a certain bond between the two was established.

Khalmeth was not aware of any of this. He only knew that he was growing a little more impatient and restless as time passed, a natural consequence of staying in the same spot for so long. ong. As he stared out into the distance, his mind began to wander...

"_It would be improper," Khalmeth huffed, but there was a slight twitch of a smile at the corner of his muzzle. _

"Yes, yes, you're always worried about what's proper and what isn't." Daganth grinned at him, but there was shy sort of look in his eyes. Khalmeth noticed, of course, as he always did with these things, and a scaled brow rose at the other dragon.

"Alright, I know you are planning something," he said, unable to keep the hint of amusement out of his voice. "Out with it, you."

"What could I possibly be planning?" Daganth shot him an innocent, betrayed sort of look, even as he slunk closer to the golden dragon. "There isn't much I can do to a handsome dragon like yourself, out here in the open... is there?"

He'd come far too close for comfort, now, but Khalmeth didn't feel anything save for a faint heat in his body, centering towards his loins. "I... suppose not?" he said intelligently, a little uncertain. Daganth chuckled, his voice a low, seductive sort of growl that sent shivers through the golden dragon's body.

"Always so innocent," the dragon breathed, and his head was suddenly just beside Khalmeth's, his voice whispering past his ear. "How about we change that, hmm?"

Khalmeth couldn't help but stare; he'd never noticed quite how attractive his fellow recruit was, before, the sinuous muscle and hidden strength in the other male's body. He moved with a deliberate charm that seemed to emphasize all the right places in his body, muscles shifting under bright scales, tail lifted ever-so-slightly, teasingly...

"_I, ah..." he responded, uncertain. Daganth smirked, then, and Khalmeth could feel it even if he couldn't see it. The sapphire dragon let a long tongue slip out of his mouth and run teasingly over his fellow dragon's jaw. _

"Come on," Daganth teased. "Who cares that we're out in the open? How long has it been since you've felt a tongue around your pride, hm? Have you even felt it before? Because I guarantee I am very, very good at it..."

Khalmeth shivered in spite of himself, the skin under his scales blushing a bright red. Thankfully, it wasn't visible, not at his height and not without some magic to aid the eyes, but...

What in the world had summoned those thoughts? He'd never been a dragon to care much for the more carnal activities his fellow recruits sometimes participated in. Sure, it wasn't uncommon for male dragons to fool around with each other; it was an accepted method to relieve the stress of training and duty.

Still, he'd never been one to consider it himself. It wasn't so much that Khalmeth considered himself above it - rather, he'd never considered it necessary. He'd never felt the heat gather in his loins, not the way he did now. It was only by the barest measure of self control that he was able to keep the sudden surge of lust in check, and he took a few breaths to steady himself.

"I suppose Daganth was right, to an extent," he muttered wryly to himself. "Perhaps I should let go more often, if these are the thoughts that holding back leads to."

Still, he had to admit, it had been... a pleasant fantasy. Khalmeth had never thought about it before, not in any particular detail, but Daganth was an attractive dragon in his own way. Khalmeth was no slouch in the looks department himself - he'd been propositioned more than a few times, and Daganth had hinted before that he would have jumped at the chance to relieve stress together.

Khalmeth shook his head. Such things shouldn't be necessary, not for one such as him. It was a pleasant thought, perhaps, but it was best to leave such distractions out of work. What would the general think, if he knew? He could only imagine.

"Khalmeth, I am appalled." Terivan's voice was stern and unyielding, as it usually was; the general of the dragons paced in front of him, not quite looking his younger recruit in the eye. "What am I to do with you? You know I am not one to judge my soldiers for their actions, but to fraternize so blatantly with Daganth in the eye of the public..."

"My apologies, General," Khalmeth spoke, shifting uncomfortably in the sunlight. He knew what he had done was wrong, but even now he couldn't help but feel the burn gathering in his body. He knew what it was like, now - his body craved the feeling of a warm tongue wrapped around his cock, licking and slurping eagerly away at his precum. "I do not know what possessed me."

"Certainly, it seems you do not." Terivan sighed, looking over at Khalmeth. "You are one of our most promising recruits, Khalmeth. I do not want you to suffer because of this incident."

"I appreciate the thought, General, but..." Khalmeth's wings drooped. He had been seen. There was very little even the general could do at this point; the city would want answers, would want to know what had happened.

Terivan shook his head. "You are correct in that there is little I can do about this - but perhaps I can do a little more than you think." He offered his recruit a gentle smile. "There is a rare condition amongst dragons, you know."

"A condition, sir?" Khalmeth's tone was questioning. He hadn't heard about any such thing...

"Some dragons are simply unable to feel their sexual drive." Terivan's shoulders lifted in a massive shrug, his eyes glancing over Khalmeth carefully. "It is not that the drive does not exist; it is there, underneath the surface, slowly building. However, there is no lust, no desire to mate - not until an event triggers it, and it all comes bursting forward."

"I... was not aware of this," Khalmeth said slowly, his brow furrowing. "Do you believe this is what affected me, when Daganth made his proposal?"

"I am almost certain," Terivan nodded. "There is no particular cure for it, but it is not a particularly severe condition; all you need to do is be certain that you drain every bit of your sexual drive once every few days. You are a handsome young recruit, Khalmeth, and doubtless you have no end of suitors... but I would be honored if you would allow me the opportunity to help."

"_Ah.. G-general, sir?" Khalmeth blinked, uncertain if he had heard the other dragon correctly. _

"You heard correctly," Terivan chuckled, guessing the younger dragon's thoughts quite accurately. "As you might imagine, my job can be... lonely, and there are few that I can trust. I believe I can trust you, Khalmeth."

"I don't..." Khalmeth struggled for the words, not certain what he should say - but he looked up into the wise eyes of the older dragon, saw the rugged handsomeness in his scars and smile, and a small shudder of approval ran through his body as he stared. "I, ah... I trust you as well, sir."

"Very good." Terivan smiled at him - a gentle smile, even as he began to approach. He pushed the golden dragon gently, nudging him to lay on the floor and roll over to expose his stomach. Though shy, Khalmeth obeyed; he stretched out on the floor, his pride and manhood already exposed and leaking in the air, dripping precum back onto his body. Terivan smiled at the sight.

"That excited already, recruit?" His voice was teasing, even as a forepaw reached forward to tease at the golden dragon's shaft. "I suppose I should be flattered, hm?"

"You... a-ah! You are a very handsome dragon, s-sir..." Khalmeth's voice was a whisper, his eyes fluttering closed briefly as he tried to steady his breathing. Something about the touch of the older male aroused him like nothing else; the paw stroked gently across his length, rough yet skilled, and it took everything he had not to arch into the touch and whimper for more.

Terivan chuckled. "It's alright to make sounds, recruit." There was a faint smirk in his tone, playful in nature. "You'll be making far more soon enough..."

Khalmeth tried to respond, but couldn't - his voice cut itself up in a gasp as Terivan climbed atop him. The older dragon pinned him down with superior strength and power, and Khalmeth's voice failed him as he watched the rippling muscle underneath the general's scales. He was the epitome of manhood, for a dragon, and that dragon was about to mount him and share his seed..

He felt a hot, wet length tease his tailhole, and looked up to see his general smirking at him as a thick black shaft protruded below him. Khalmeth's breath caught in his throat; the dragon was handsome beyond measure, exuding dominance and power; he moaned as he felt himself being stretched.

It took far more effort for Khalmeth to shake himself out of his fantasy, this time, and he was glad that his post had him standing guard on the Wall rather than flying above it. His arousal was far too evident by now; his shaft had emerged from his sheath, and was leaking faint traces of his essence onto the stone below. The golden dragon winced as wind blew across it and pleasure ran through his body.

Apparently, it was going to be a long day.

Khalmeth didn't fully understand why his thoughts kept driving him in strange directions today. He'd never been the sort of dragon given to fantasies, yet now his thoughts were filled with them. Perhaps it was the utter monotony of the day, but there was an itch underneath his scales that seemed to tell him that something was wrong.

That didn't make sense, though. He shook his head; it was just the monotony of the day getting to him, that was all. It left him unquestionably aroused, but all he had to do was to focus on something else that he wasn't attracted to - perhaps his human friend?

Thorpe was a knight from the human side of the Order where Khalmeth was from the dragon side; they were often paired with one another based on their personalities and capabilities. Thorpe and Khalmeth had hit it off almost immediately, both focused on their duty in their unique ways - in that, they had found a certain kinship, and a friendship based on that.

The human, truth be told, was one of the few people that Khalmeth felt truly understood him. It was only around Thorpe that he allowed himself to truly relax. Similarly, it was only around Khalmeth that the knight let himself laugh and smile. The two were so convinced of the importance of their image that they never let it falter, not unless they were around each other.

Such was the strength of their bond that they had already been promised to one another; when they graduated to be fully fledged members of the Order, Thorpe would be the rider and Khalmeth his dragon. No other pair would have worked for the two of them.

Thorpe was a handsome man by human standards - even Khalmeth had a certain appreciation for the knight's dedication to maintaining his physique. Perhaps his hair was a little unkempt at the end of the day, for all the work he did, but there was admittedly a certain appeal in the dark, messy tangle.

Khalmeth blinked, heading off that particular thought before it started. He hadn't been about to fantasize about his human partner, surely. The size difference alone would make such a courtship almost impossible.

As the day passed, however, Khalmeth's mind couldn't help but wander back to the knight. He hadn't any true idea of what the human looked like under his clothing; he knew the man had a defined body, yes, and that he worked hard to keep it that way - but he didn't know anything more than that. Would he be appealing? Did Thorpe appreciate his body in the same way?

Khalmeth was shaken from his thoughts as the sun finally dipped below the horizon and a dragon with scales of pure black landed behind him, coughing politely to alert him to his presence. He gave a hurried nod to his replacement, who returned it with a somewhat amused smile.

"First shift, eh?" The dragon spoke with a gruff laugh. "Always more boring than you'd expect. Don't worry, kid, you'll get used to it."

"I am certain I will," Khalmeth returned with a smile of his own, though his was far more preoccupied. Without further ado, he took off into the air, hoping that flying would allow him to clear his thoughts a little - to understand where these new feelings were coming from.

It was only when he did so - when he'd moved out of the cloud of magic that suffused the city, the enchantments that kept it protected but made it harder to detect subtle spells - that he noticed the lingering trace of magic on his body.

Khalmeth's eyes instantly narrowed. His strange behavior wasn't something that had happened on his own, then; he'd been deliberately targeted. Someone had wanted him to think those thoughts, for one reason or another, and he was going to find out who.

Whoever or whatever the caster of the spell was had been sloppy, that much he knew. There was a faint trace that Khalmeth could detect, a line of mana that constantly fed the magic that was affecting his brain - and though the golden dragon couldn't remove it on his own, he could protect himself now that he was aware of it. A soft growl escaped from low in his throat, a threatening snarl.

"If you believe I can be so easily tricked, then you are foolish," the dragon spoke into the air, but he suspected that the mage that cast the spell on him could hear him. No one would cast such a spell without monitoring their target - particularly not such a... perverted one. The dragon wasn't certain of the spellcaster's intentions, but he knew he was angry. "Remove your spell now, if you wish to live."

Nothing happened.

Khalmeth hadn't expected that to work, not really, but there was a part of him that had hoped. The golden dragon circled once in the air, giving the rogue mage time to respond - and when there was still no change, he began to fly in the direction of the tether. If the mage thought he wouldn't be able to track them down, then they would find that they were painfully wrong.

It was a decent way out of the kingdom, but the dragon was not afraid. There was little to be feared outside of their kingdom, and Khalmeth could call in reinforcements if it was truly necessary - and he doubted it would be. The spell he'd been a victim of wasn't a particularly strong one. It was merely... insidious, in the way it affected its target.

He landed outside a small cave just outside the kingdom, and he gazed rather doubtfully at the dark entrance. Was the mage thinking he could hide from him simply because he wouldn't fit into the opening? There were many spells he could use -

But no, there he was, a figure emerging out of the darkness, and Khalmeth's eyes widened as the shape of the creature made itself clear.

It was no runaway mage he was dealing with, to his utter dismay; the horns that jutted out from the sides of his head and hung down to frame his head made it quite clear. Two pairs of arms were folded across the creature's chest, and two pairs of eyes glowed faintly in the darkness. He had not bothered to wear any clothing; his body was bared proudly in the moonlight, though Khalmeth could not see many details in the shadow.

"You are no mere mage, demon," Khalmeth hissed, his body tensing as he prepared for a fight. He brought his defensive spells to the forefront of his mind; shields for fire and ice, for air and earth, for light and dark...

Yet the dragon did not think to bring up shields for the mind, and therein lay his downfall as he stared into the demon's eyes.

They glowed faintly with a dark, forbidden magic - one that hadn't been used for so long that there was no true defense against it except in spells now rarely known, let alone used. Mind magic had few practitioners. There were far too many risks, and it was too easily broken by a mage of sufficient power. Even necromancers were more common, though the practice was equally forbidden.

That, perhaps, was why the magic broke so easily into Khalmeth's mind.

"Wha... what..." Khalmeth trailed off; the demon's eyes seemed to spiral with power, fractals of energy shifting and moving within them with every second that passed. It was hard to tear his eyes away. Impossible, in fact. It was a thing of dark beauty.

"Now, now," the demon chuckled, keeping his eyes trained on the dragon as he smiled. "There's no need for such violence, is there? We should at least introduce ourselves first, don't you agree?"

Khalmeth struggled to pay attention to what the demon was saying, but the eyes held a haze over his mind. Only a few words managed to properly filter through to his consciousness. There wasn't a need for violence, surely? The demon hadn't done anything particularly wrong just yet... and yes, it was only right to introduce oneself at the start of any meeting, whether for a battle or otherwise...

Was there something wrong with how he was thinking? Khalmeth couldn't be sure. He was more engrossed in the demon's eyes, in the flickering patterns that repeated themselves and locked into his brain.

"I... suppose not," Khalmeth said slowly, his voice uncertain. "I am... Khalmeth. You have... violated my person with your spell. I dema..."

Khalmeth paused. Demand? That word didn't seem quite right. The demon's eyes shifted, seemed to glow for a brief moment.

"I... request that you remove it," Khalmeth corrected himself.

"And I am Thamaxar. I appreciate the introduction." The demon gave him a broad smile, sweeping his arms before him as he bowed - though he kept his head up, his eyes never once blinking or moving away from the dragon's. "See, wasn't that much better than fighting? As for my spell, I hardly think I was violating anything. I was simply helping you!"

Khalmeth frowned. "Helping? But..." The dragon struggled with the thought for a moment. "But I was... those thoughts were not my own..."

"Of course they were." Thamaxar shook his head, giving him a gentle, admonishing stare. "What sort of magic could alter your thoughts? Why, that would be absolute blasphemy!"

"It... would be blasphemy," Khalmeth agreed slowly. His eyes felt dry, but he couldn't bring himself to blink; it was just so easy to lose himself in those pretty, shifting shapes... "But... what was the magic, then?"

"My, my. Full of questions, aren't you?" The demon lord chuckled, lounging back on a nearby rock and propping one leg up on the other. "Like I said, I was simply helping you out. Weren't you bored? Sitting up there is a monotonous job, is it not?"

"...Yes?" Khalmeth agreed, his voice hesitant. "But it is... necessary."

"Oh, of course, of course," Thamaxar said agreeably. "Which doesn't mean you can't find any entertainment! We both know that nothing ever really attacks Astronath, so surely there's no harm in simply engaging your thoughts a little bit. It simply helps the time fly by."

The demon lord hopped back to his feet, striding confidently over to the dragon. One of his four hands grabbed gently on to the corner of Khalmeth's jaw; he'd lowered his head without even realising it as the demon approached him, though whether it was a gesture of respect or deference he wasn't entirely certain.

"I suppose... but I have never harbored such thoughts before."

Draconic resistance really was remarkable, Thamaxar thought to himself with a chuckle. Still, it was nothing he couldn't beat; it simply meant that the process would have to be slow and steady. Nudge him bit by bit into the right mindset... His eyes glowed a little brighter, the patterns within them began moving faster, and Khalmeth's eyes glazed over just a little more.

"You've just held it back for too long," Thamaxar argued, spreading his arms wide for emphasis. "It didn't feel bad, did it?"

"Bad?" Khalmeth was finding it hard to focus on the conversation, not when there was something so wonderfully distracting right in front of his face. "N-no, I suppose not... It felt... good, actually."

"That's right," Thamaxar said with a grin. "Now you're getting it. I just helped you feel good, that's all."

"You helped me feel good..." Khalmeth murmured. It sounded right, and besides, it didn't really matter what he said. Not as long as he could keep staring into those eyes. "Thank you..."

"Now, now, don't thank me." Thamaxar patted the dragon gently on the snout. Khalmeth barely seemed to notice the touch, though a faint tremor ran through his body; there was very subtle programming going on in his gaze that would make his scales just a little more sensitive, leaving the golden dragon just a little more susceptible. "You owe it to yourself!"

"I... I do?" Khalmeth looked confused for a moment, like the thought hadn't even occurred to him.

"Of course! You've been a good dragon, haven't you?" Thamaxar grinned, leaning back against a nearby rock. His body was almost casually on display, from the spikes that decorated his body to the red crossed lines that marked his torso - and, of course, the semi-hard length hanging between his legs.

"A good dragon?" Khalmeth thought back. He was one of the best recruits, wasn't he? That surely qualified. "Yes, I - I suppose..."

"And a good dragon deserves to feel good." The demon lord spoke as though he were explaining a basic principle of life, and before Khalmeth realised it, he was nodding along in agreement.

"I... deserve to feel good." Khalmeth's voice was a low murmur as he began to catch on; the fractal patterns in Thamaxar's eyes began to move ever faster as he approached the moment of his turning. His shaft slowly began to emerge from beneath his body as he absorbed the thought. He did deserve to relax and feel good; he always worked so hard to prove himself...

"And why act ashamed of it?" Thamaxar ran his fingers along the dragon's scales, feeling the large body tremble under his touch. "I saw you atop that wall, Khalmeth. You shouldn't hide your pride like that."

"It is... undignified?" Khalmeth was uncertain again, shifting about on his legs as he gazed into the demon lord's eyes. It was almost as though he was waiting for an answer, seeking one from Thamaxar rather than thinking on his own.

Which, of course, suited the demon lord just fine.

"Hardly," he countered with an easy smile. "Do I seem undignified to you? Look at me, displaying my body and pride in the open - you should be proud of what you have. Flaunt it, let everyone see how beautiful your body is. Indulge yourself!"

"Do... do you think so?" Khalmeth tried to shake his head, tried to clear his thoughts - but he couldn't look away from Thamaxar, from those eyes that seemed to overwhelm him. Now that he thought about it, the demon had a very attractive form; there was a bestial sort of strength and power to him, in the way his body was built.

"I do," Thamaxar said with a gentle smile. "In fact, why don't you show yourself to me now? Just as... practice, shall we say."

"I should be proud..." Khalmeth said slowly. Shivering at the words - at the sense of pride that shot through his body as he spoke them - he stretched out on the ground, breaking eye contact with Thamaxar in the process. He didn't need it anymore, though; he could see the morphing shapes in his mind's eye, helping him to relax, to listen and obey.

His shaft emerged, and this time he was not ashamed. Khalmeth let out a low groan as the cold night air wrapped around his cock and blew past it; it felt good to finally be so open, to forget about everything he used to worry about. Thamaxar was watching him - he had an audience - and he felt... proud.

What shame was there to be had in such a magnificent shaft, after all?

"Like what you see?" he rumbled, his voice low, gaining a little confidence with each word he spoke. Thamaxar looked at him and saw the glaze of lust and desire in his eyes, of pride in a kingdom twisted into pride in himself.

"Yes," he answered with a smirk. "I do. You are a very handsome servant, Khalmeth..."

Servant? Khalmeth considered the word for a moment, then dismissed it; it didn't feel particularly right, but it didn't feel particularly wrong, either. He didn't care much either way, as long as he had someone to appreciate his length and his dragonhood, to admire the throbbing erection that hung between his legs.

Thamaxar approached, a hint of greed and lust in his eyes. Though Khalmeth could see neither, he could feel them emanating off the demon in waves, and it made him shudder to know that he was causing it - that it was his cock that was creating such lust, that this otherworldly creature admired him enough to be aroused by the mere sight. The dragon didn't particularly think about it as he spread his legs wide, showing off his leaking shaft as it throbbed between his legs.

"Mm..." The demon lord practically purred as he ran a hand over Khalmeth's shaft, and the dragon jerked in response. His body squirmed against the sand at the shock of pleasure that ripped through his body at the simple touch. It was, in part, programming from Thamaxar's eyes - but the simple fact of the matter was that it had been a long time since Khalmeth had felt any pleasure at all, and even a simple touch was enough to set him off.

The dragon's maw dropped open, and his tongue rolled out as he began to pant softly. Precum spurted out, soaking into the sand, his scales, and Thamaxar's fingers. The demon lord chuckled softly.

"Eager little dragon, aren't you?" he murmured.

"You said I should be proud," Khalmeth responded. There was a faint glimmer of that very same pattern in his eyes, now, and a dim glow of crimson besides. The magic in his mind took root and began to spread through his body, and the dragon neither noticed nor cared. "I'm proud now."

"Indeed you are," Thamaxar responded, watching with a smirk as the magic spread through the dragon's body. It was a subtle transformation, but one the demon lord appreciated nonetheless; as Khalmeth fell further to his pride and lust, his formerly noble looks deteriorated, became more feral, more bestial.

Scales on his head grew and stretched, giving his head an unkempt, wild sort of appearance; similarly, his horns seemed to thicken, growing atop the golden dragon's head. There was a faint shimmer across his scales, and the gold became tarnished, dull - but it was made up for by the feral grin on the dragon's maw.

The demon grinned as he ran teasing fingers across the dragon's shaft. Khalmeth barely noticed his transformation, so busy was he indulging in his own appearance; he stretched about in the sand, showing off the sinuous muscles that he'd built into his body.

"Feels good, doesn't it?" Thamaxar prompted, stepping away. Khalmeth almost growled at the lack of stimulation, but stopped when the demon lord gave him a look, his eyes flashing once again. His head promptly lowered slightly, a gesture of respect.

"It does. And I want more." Khalmeth's voice was a low growl, both pleading and demanding all at once - two sides of the dragon warring for control, but both wanting the same thing.

"Your master should get what he wants first, don't you think?" Thamaxar sat back on the rock, spreading his legs wide with a faint smirk on his face. Khalmeth seemed confused for a moment, struggling to reconcile the concept of having a master and his pride - but he never doubted either for a second. The dragon was far too lost for that.

The moment of conflict passed, and Khalmeth smirked as he got back up onto his feet. "Of course, master," he said, bowing his head low. This time, when he looked at the demon lord, he only saw how handsome a specimen Thamaxar was - only saw the qualities of strength and power he so much wanted for himself.

Yes, this was a creature that deserved his worship.

His tongue snaked out of his maw, the tip teasing Thamaxar's balls before it coiled around the demon's shaft, warm and tight and wet. The demon lord in question groaned softly, all four hands grasping at the rock he was sitting on; he spread his legs wider to give the dragon better access to his body.

"That's right... good dragon..." Thamaxar's voice was a low growl. "Please your master, and you shall be rewarded in turn."

The words of the demon lord sent a thrill through Khalmeth's body, his cock jerking up against his stomach. The taste was unlike anything he had tasted or dreamed of before - exotic, addictive, a faint hint of salt and darkness and magic. It filled him with a strange sense of need and hunger, and it was one that he obeyed without question.

His flexible tongue twisted and coiled around Thamaxar's cock with skill that the inexperienced dragon should not have possessed. He reflected what he had seen Daganth do in his fantasies earlier that very same day, teasing the demon's sensitive length and flesh alike; the slick organ caressed Thamaxar's inner thighs, his sac, the slight bulge of his stomach - all while shifting up and down that delicious, aching shaft.

Thamaxar growled low in his throat, losing a little of his composure as he lost himself in the pleasure. Precum leaked from his cock in massive amounts, only to be quickly slurped up by the dragon. Khalmeth let out a small moan each time he drew his tongue in and the taste of his master filled his mouth. It felt good, it felt right - it was what he needed and wanted and never had...

He suckled more eagerly, then, channeling a bit of draconic magic through his tongue. A faint layer of his power glimmered over the organ, giving it a shape and texture it wasn't meant to have - but it certainly had the intended effect as Thamaxar grunted and jerked his hips into Khalmeth's tongue, a low groan escaping.

"Forgot... how good it was... to have a dragon as a partner," Thamaxar panted, and Khalmeth practically preened. His master enjoyed him that much, hm? That could only be a good thing for him.

His tongue left the demon's cock for a moment, teasing and worshipping the rest of his body instead; the large organ swept across Thamaxar's chest, worshipped his pectorals and stomach. The tip teased the demon's skin before it swept back down to taste his cock, unable to get enough of the demon lord's taste.

There was a reason Thamaxar was built the way he was, after all.

Khalmeth's eyes were glazed with lust, now, and Thamaxar could feel his orgasm quickly building. The demon grunted as pleasure from the skilled tongue swept across him - and with a low growl, his hips jerked upwards one final time, demonic seed spraying onto Khalmeth's tongue.

The dragon moaned and shuddered at the taste, his eyes slipping shut to savor it. He drew it back into his mouth, keeping as much seed as he could in the coil of his tongue - and though bits of the seed dripped out and back onto Thamaxar, Khalmeth was able to swallow the majority of it.

As he did, magic swept across him for one final time. The last part of him succumbed and accepted his changes, and tarnished gold became a royal purple. His limbs stretched and his muscles grew, a reward on Thamaxar's for being such a good dragon. Power went to those that deserved it, after all, and Khalmeth certainly deserved it...

The now-purple dragon rolled back onto his back, his cock on full display, hard and leaking. "Master," he panted softly. "Please - I need -"

"Say no more," Thamaxar said with a chuckle. "I made my promise, and you shall have your reward."

Khalmeth shuddered and groaned as the demon began to run all four hands along his length, somehow gentle and rough all at once; his fingers and kneaded expertly across his pride, but it wasn't Thamaxar's hands that drew him to his climax.

No, it was the surge of demonic magic that Thamaxar breathed along Khalmeth's cock. The dragon roared with pleasure as it sunk into him, feeling like a dozen hands and mouths were pleasuring him all at once; his entire body shook as he clawed at the ground and draconic cum spurted in a volume large enough to coat his belly and soak into the ground.

Khalmeth panted loudly as it subsided, utterly spent. Thamaxar, on the other hand, offered the dragon a smile as he gathered a bit of the dragon's seed in his hands and rose it to his mouth for a taste. The mere sight was enough to bring Khalmeth to full hardness yet again.

"Why don't you come work for me, hm?" Thamaxar knew the dragon wouldn't refuse, but he liked to be polite about things, nonetheless. "Guard my tower for me. Go back into the city and they'll only try to fix you, and you wouldn't like that, would you?"

"Mm... I would not," Khalmeth rumbled, a wing curling around his body to tease his shaft. "I deserve better than that."

"Of course you do." Thamaxar began to walk, knowing the dragon would follow. "And I have just the position for you. Why don't you follow me, and we'll talk about your... benefits?"

"Of course, master." Khalmeth bowed his head and followed - his cock hard and aching beneath him all the while.

After all, that was only the right way of things.