Wondering Eyes

Story by inuyashasg1 on SoFurry

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A short story where Augie, a tiger-wolf spies on raunchy couple and gets more than he bargained.

This story was created after antiroo (http://www.furaffinity.net/user/antiroo/) drew my avatar. She did a joke sketch which showed him cumming obscene amounts of cum. It was funny, so I decided to go with it as being the reality. A short time later I saw one of her characters (http://www.furaffinity.net/view/17067453/) and asked if I could do a short story with them both. She agreed and that's when I wrote this. Then I promptly got busy and forgot about it until I just now got around to editing and uploading it. I hope you enjoy this short story and take a look at antiroo's other works.

Wondering Eyes

Augie stepped out of his bland grey concrete college building into the warm evening summer breeze. The sun had just sunk beneath the horizon line, and the sky was a brilliant violet. His school wasn't that big, consisting of only a half dozen buildings. Still, it was probably the busiest part of the small town. A tall giraffe schoolmate passed by him and gave a small wave goodbye as he headed towards the nearly empty parking lot. Augie returned the wave and began to head in the opposite direction. He owned an old, rusting P.O.S. van that his cousin had sold him for next to nothing, but he almost never drove it to school. He didn't need to, his apartment was only 2 blocks away. He always preferred walking, probably some hold over from his heritage.

Augie's mother was a tiger, and his father a wolf. He wasn't sure how they got together, as by the time he was three they had already divorced. It was so strange imagining them in love. They could barely stand to be in the same room when he was growing up, and the only thing they seemed to agree on was their expectations for him. They never came out and said it, but he suspected that they were at least a little disappointed with how he turned out. When he was young, he was bigger, stronger, and faster than basically all the other children. He knew it too, and wasn't above exerting his power to convince them to do what he wanted. As he got older though, he mellowed out considerably. He stopped being such an asshole and became more interested in mental activities rather than the physical ones his parents pushed him towards.

The tiger-wolf was making good time on his way home. Traffic was light, just as he expected it to be this late in the day. About a block away from his apartment, he heard a strange noise. While looking around he heard it again; this time it was louder and much clearer. The sharp sound of someone inhaling, followed by a stifled grunt was coming from the luxurious lot of the single tallest building in the town. A lavish apartment complex that was ten stories high, with a grounds that included two pools, a basketball court, tennis court, and a jogging path that weaved in and out of tall, carefully maintained hedges designed to offer privacy to its occupants. Around all of that was a tall wrought iron fence that would keep a determined fur out for about all of 10 seconds. Augie pushed himself up against the cold metal fence, trying to peer though the thick foliage to see the source of the noise as it came again. When it did, he could tell it came from a woman and knew exactly what the noise was. He had seen enough porn to know what was going on in there.

A blush crept across the tiger-wolf's face as he imagined it. I should just go and act like I didn't hear a thing. He thought to himself as he continued to stare into the trees. A long drawn out moan of pleasure made his ears twitch. On the other hand... He looked up at the top of the fence, judging how much of a threat those spikes on the top actually posed. Screw it. Augie threw his small bag over the fence then quickly climbed over, jumping over the bush below him. Once he was in, he grabbed the bag and quietly moved through the trees and bushes until he found the source of the sound.

A pair of furs, boyfriend and girlfriend he assumed, were on the tennis court. The guy was large Doberman with short cut blond hair, the woman was a busty red squirrel with long brown hair and a meticulously groomed fluffy tail. Judging from the bag on the far end, next to the chain link enclosure, it appeared that the couple had started out playing an actual game. At some point though, they must have decided that the furry yellow balls were less entertaining than the kind the male was packing. The two hadn't even bothered to strip, only pulling down the obstructing clothing enough to get at each other.

Augie stayed hidden in the bushes, not even daring to breathe until he was sure they hadn't noticed his arrival. Once he was certain that he hadn't been detected, he let out a sigh of relief as he took in the scene. The male was drilling himself into the woman, making her whole body bounce with each impact. She was clearly enjoying it, letting out constant half muffled moans as she tried to cover her mouth. Being this close to the two lovers was quickly getting to Augie. He knew it was a mistake for him to have come here, but he couldn't leave now. He'd almost certainly be caught if he tried. He should just sit and watch, then jack off back at his apartment... but this was just so hot, and their smell, GOD their smell! He could practically taste the lust wafting off them.

The tiger-wolf couldn't hold back any longer. He reached down, slowly undoing his fly as his eyes remained glued on the pair. Once that was done, he unbuttoned his jeans and slipped them off. He could feel the breeze cooling the massive bulge in his precum soaked briefs. He slid his underwear down, but not all the way off. Like the couple he was watching, he did it just enough to get to the good part. He didn't want to have to pull them up too far if he had to run. With them down, he wrapped his furry paw around his cock and began to gently stroke his 15 inch shaft. Already he could feel his knot wanting to well up, but he forced himself to continue the slow pace. I can't risk cuming here, there's no way they could miss that. Besides I don't want to miss any of this. He told himself as he watched the dog underneath her feel around for the tennis racket then inserted the hilt into the woman's ass, making her let out the loudest moan he'd ever heard. The male quickly grabbed one of the tennis balls and shoved it into open muzzle to shut her up. Then she moved his hands to her hips to support her as he began to thrust up into her with even greater speed.

It was clear to everyone involved that the two would soon cum, even to the newly arrived bat girl flying high in the sky above them. Her name was Bossy, but she preferred to go by Batty. Like Augie she had heard the sounds of sex, but unlike him she didn't intend to just watch. She pulled out her cell phone and quickly began to record the whole thing. She particularly liked the part where the man gagged the woman. As she recorded the pair fucking, she noticed something odd. It was dark, so she wasn't sure at first, but there seemed to be some brown figure hidden in the bushes. She turned her phone toward the figure and zoomed in, revealing the masturbating tiger-wolf. She let out a small gasp of delight as she noticed the size of his tool. "Oh my, this is going to be fun." She said to herself as she licked her lips. She silently descended behind Augie, so that she could enjoy watching both him and the couple.

Even though the makeshift gag, the woman's grunts and moans were becoming loud. Wet_shlich_ noises could be faintly heard with each drive of the male's hips up into her. The Doberman had begun driving the hilt of the tennis racket all the way into her ass in tandem with his cock, filling her to the brim again and again. Under this onslaught neither could last. The man came first, letting out a triumphant growl as he sprayed her insides with his seed while grinding his knot against her entrance, threating to pop it inside. She came shortly afterwards, arching her back as far as it could go as she screamed into the makeshift yellow gag. The dog pulled out just as he was finishing, shooting his last wad of cum all over the squirrel's tail and rear. The two laid there for a few seconds, catching their breath. Finally the woman gave the dog a long kiss, then got up off of him. Finally finished, the two quickly pulled their clothing back on and collected their equipment, leaving the tennis court before anyone could investigate their loud noises.

Augie increased the speed of his hand now that the two were gone, closing his eyes to picture himself in the place of the Doberman in his head, as he began to pleasure himself in earnest. "Smile," came a woman's voice from behind him. He nearly lost control, but just barely managed to stave off cumming as he quickly tried to cover himself up. The tiger-wolf turned around to look at her, expect she wasn't there. "Up here dummy." He looked up and saw a small bat girl wearing a short black tank top that exposed her midriff, and a black miniskirt so small it barely even covered her butt.

"I was just, uh, taking a piss." Augie said, as it was the only remotely believable excuse he could come up with.

Batty just giggled at him and rolled her eyes. "Who do you think you're fooling?" She landed several feet away and walked closer to him as she talked. "I saw the whole thing, so I can sympathize with you. That was just too hot not to get worked up watching. I'm a little wet myself, so don't worry. I won't rat you out, assuming of course..."

"What do you want?" He asked with a groan, still trying to hide his ever present erection.

Batty gave him an evil grin. "Well first, stop trying to hide that. I've already seen it anyway. Second, I want you to continue doing what you were before I interrupted, just with less clothing and in better light. After all, we need you to look good for the camera."

A huge blush came over Augie's face. "You can't be serious, we'll get caught!"

"No, you might get caught if you do what I say, you will get caught if you don't. Either way I'll be perfectly fine." The small bat said with the same evil smirk. "Now get moving."

Augie pulled off his underwear and gathered up his bag and pants. Then he slowly moved out of the bushes and walked into the well-lit tennis court. Once he was there, he quickly removed his shirt and threw it to the ground, his entire face beet red. Batty walked around him, examining his body. He was much taller than her. Even with her large pointed ears, she only came up to the middle of his chest. Surprisingly, he wasn't all that muscular though, actually she thought he was a little skinny for whatever kind of fur he was. At first she thought he was a tiger because of his stripes and face, but now she was guessing he was a canine, judging by the impressive penis he was sporting. The tip of which came up almost to her eye level, practically begging for attention from her. She shuttered with anticipation as she touched its pointed head with her finger, feeling the warm wet coating of precum and the pulsing of his erection. "You... You can get back to work now." She said pulling away, trying to regain her dominating composure.

Batty took a couple of steps back as she brought up the camera to resume recording. Augie stood there for a moment, looking at the cellphone, trying to work up the courage to do as she told him. An annoyed growl from her did the trick, and he began to slide his right hand up and down his slicked shaft. Batty's eyes were fixed to his paw as it moved along his bright red length. He couldn't quite get his hand all the way around its girth as he moved towards the bottom, and that was not even counting his nearly inflated knot. His hand quickly got soaked in his precum, making it glisten. "You must really like being in front of the camera if you're already dripping wet. I bet you secretly do this all the time don't you, you little slut." Batty as she bit her lip to distract herself from her own arousal. Augie increased his speed, letting out a little grunt as began to breathe harder. "Yeah that's right, work that meat for all it's worth, who cares if you're doing it right in front of a stranger."

"So close." Augie grunted out between breaths. He added his free hand under the first, and pumped his cock for all it was worth. His hands were moving lighting fast, making wet slapping noises as he repeatedly hit his rock hard knot.

"Do it! Cum for me you bitch!" Batty yelled taking a couple of unsteady steps towards the panting tiger-wolf. Her knees were shaking with anticipation as her eyes were glued to his pulsating cock. She could practically hear his massive balls churning as he prepared to cum.

With a strange mix of a howl and a roar Augie let himself go. A burst of cum shot out of his engorged manhood, soaking his chin and muzzle with hot white goo. For a brief moment Batty was shocked by the frightening sound he had emitted and the huge load he had blasted himself with. That brief stupor was just enough to dull her reflexes. The second mighty shot from the tiger-wolf's cock blasted her full on in the chest, soaking her tiny shirt and most of her fur with his steaming seed. It hit her with so much force it actually splattered a decent amount up onto her face and down onto her legs. The impact immediately made her quickly flap her wings so that she could take to the sky. Even as she ascended, she never looked away from Augie. She couldn't have even if she wanted to. She had seen many well-endowed men, but none of them had come as much has the tiger-wolf had, and he showed no signs of slowing down. It took the better part of a minute before he finally petered out, and by then he had covered the tennis court in puddles of semen, the biggest of which was right under him. When he finally finished, he collapsed backwards with a splash, soiling what little bit of his fur hadn't already be drenched.

Only once she was sure he was done did Batty look down at herself. A sudden twinge of annoyance hit her as she noticed just how drenched she really was. Her immediate thought was that he had done that on purpose, but as she looked down at him she changed her mind. He was barely conscious right now. During the height of his orgasm she doubted that he could have managed the thought of soaking her, let alone actually managed to aim himself so precisely. Still, that didn't change the fact that her shirt was ruined and now she was going to have to go home and take a shower, making her late for her shift.

Batty shook her head and pulled off her top, tossing it down at Augie, hitting him in the face. He forced himself to sit up and looked at the topless bat, noticing that she was pretty cute once he pulled her tank top off his face. She landed and walked over to his stuff, picking up his shirt which only had a few splatters of cum on it, and ripping a whole in its back. Then she slipped it on, popping her wings though the opening. It was ridiculously huge on her, going down below her knees, but at least it was mostly clean. Then she reached down and picked up his pants. After she had them bundled up in her hands she walked over to him. "I got to admit, I'm impressed by you Augustus?" She said in a questioning manner as she read his driver's license. "That's a stupid name, I think I'll just call you Mr. Kitty Dog. No, that's too long, how about Pet. Yeah, I like that better."

"Look, I don't know what you're on about, but..." Augie was stopped as she held up her cell phone.

"One button press, and you're amazing orgasm goes viral." Batty said, as she waited for a response she knew would never come. Satisfied that she had won, she gave him the same evil grin from earlier. "You're my toy now, mine to play with whenever I get bored. All you need to do to keep this video off the web is do whatever I say." She paused for a second to see if he'd say anything, which of course he didn't. "Good, I think you should go home now and get some sleep. I don't know when I might want your company, so you should always be ready. Oh, and I'll be taking your pants along with your shirt. You can have mine so you know the size when you buy me a new one."

"But, What if someone sees me like this." Augie asked desperately as he stood up, feeling the cum dripping off his body.

Batty let out a little laugh. "What indeed, better hope you don't get caught?" She said as she took off leaving him standing in his own semen. Augie let out a sigh, then grabbed his bag and tried his best to use it and Batty's shirt to cover his still engorged cock. It would be at least half an hour before it was back to normal, and he couldn't wait around here. He just hoped that he could sneak into his apartment without being noticed. It suddenly really sucked that his building had a security guard.