Max & The Mid-Shifter

Story by gratitude-advocate on SoFurry

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#1 of Story/Art Combos

This story was written to accommodate this amazing piece of artwork I received via paid commission. :D

Maxwell & story (C) ME, MIKE! aka Gratitude-Advocate

Celesti the mid-shifting wolf-demon anthro-woman (C)

Source-link to original artwork post: (NSFW!)

He awoke to the sound of screaming.

Clamoring guitars, slapping bass-strings, clanging snare drums... it only took a moment of dawning realization for Maxwell Blackburnadeaux to grasp that he wasn't even in his own room. He wasn't anywhere where he'd ever recognized before. Lavender-colored walls cast in a basking glow from a soft fluorescent lamp was what he noticed first, as he slowly regained his vision back from a fuzzy murkiness. Max looked down and realized he was bare-naked, wrists strapped tightly with leather handcuffs. From somewhere in the room, the sweet proverbial sounds of Korn could be heard blaring profusely. His eye patch, wrapped snug around his slender canine skull, felt strangely damp. He looked around and saw a cedar armoire cabinet propped up in one corner of this mysterious bedroom he had awoken in. He glanced into a long paneled mirror upon one of its doors, half-expecting to see his ear torn off, maybe a chunk of his temple removed, gouged clean with a scalpel.


"What the ... fuck?" Max whispered over the blaring metal music. He glanced around steadily now, half-expecting to see a security camera embedded upon one of the room's four corners, hanging down from the ceiling. All four were clean. The room was just a normal typical bedroom... or was it? Max saw band posters suspended by nails propped against a wall, hung over a reclining futon and an oaken end-table. This table held the one source of light in the entire room, a tubular table-top lamp. Moths fluttered aimlessly around its conical surface, absorbing the stark glow of phosphorescence. The room itself smelled like a cruelly cloying blend of patchouli, intercourse and... was that burnt hair? Perhaps so.

"Where am I? My God, what have you gotten yourself into now, shep-coon?" Max asked himself, shaking his head and wincing from the surprise jolt of pain that spread across his neck and all along the left side of his face. He shrieked surprisingly and walked to the mirror to see what was causing him to hurt so damn bad. He witnessed a hand-paw print embedded into his fur. It singed with a blackened-red glow, like embers from the tip of a root structure after a devastating forest-fire. Almost as if he'd been severely bitch-slapped by a demonic entity.

"Oh great. That'll leave a week-long mark. How will I explain that to the others? Damn! Ow!" He scrunched up again at the painful bruising welt upon his left cheek, tender to the touch. He wanted to know who (or what) had done such proverbial damage to him and why they saw fit to stick him in this room, incapable of any form of esc-

As fast as the thought approached him, he leapt up to check the doorknob. He reached out to wrap his hand-paw around the spherical copper-plated knob and reeled back with outlandish shock. The doorknob felt like a flame-heated iron brand. It didn't appear to look any different, except for its live-iron heat. It singed his paw-padded palm and emanated a tiny plume of smoke, remaining smudge-free.

"Fuck! Okay... chill out, coon-dog. Can't be that bad! Um..." He looked around and glanced upon velvet-paisley curtains draped over a sliding-glass window. "Aha! Freedom, here I come."

Max ran to the window, footfalls echoing hollowly from repetitive thumps with each step, then yanked the curtain aside... to glance upon wrought-iron steel rods fastened tightly into the windowframe.

"Augh! Dammit!" Max groaned aloud, pounding a rod with his fist. It clanged and echoed like a tuning fork. He grabbed two inch-thick steel bars with both his hand-paws and pulled at them, attempting to yank them free. They wouldn't budge. A dawning fear began to creep out from his mind as a rattlesnake slithering free from a cowboy's carcass in an abandoned desert tundra. The inevitable possibility that he would stay a captive for a prolonged period of time had reared its ugly head.

"I need to get out, pronto..." Max said. The current track ended, only to segue into an even heavier one. He didn't even know how he could tell he was hearing Korn... maybe except for the distinctive sound of Jonathan Davis's singing (and in this case, bloody-murder screaming, Max thought.). At least ten seconds into the song, Max heard the bedroom door creak open. He whirled around to see a beaming bright light emanating from the crack of the doorframe, blinding him temporarily. When his vision returned through a haze of festering blackness, there stood before him an unbelievably attractive canine anthro-woman.

"Oh! God, am I glad you're here! You have to let me out so I may-"

"NOT... another word. Coonshep." She snapped. Her spiral-iris eyes shone with a dull amber glow. As Max stared deeper into them, he noticed her ocular spirals were oscillating in place, looking as hypnotic as a barber's pole. She looked intrepidly steamed.

Oh Christ, now who did I piss off??!

Max shook his head in bewilderment and issued out a deep sigh, plopping down hard upon the futon mattress, hard enough to cause the music to skip for a few seconds before resuming its course. He had never felt more overwhelmed, especially by another anthro. The female dog-woman snapped her finger-paw and the music suddenly cut off into absolute silence. The only thing he could hear now was a high-pitched squealing buzz and his own heartbeat. Slowly, he regained his hearing enough to be able to determine what she was saying to him.

"...found you outside... shadows, and I felt... home to give... murdered that boy, then... time to show you a... dog."

"I didn't exactly catch that, babe. Mind running that one by me again? Also, you wouldn't see fit to unstrap me from these things, would you kindly? And did I hear you mention of murdering someone?" Max asked, holding his handcuffed straps up, twirling the leather cuffs in figure-eight movements, petrified yet struggling not to show it too blatantly. He began to feel more aroused than frightened anyways. Max at long last thought he began to understand how Stockholm Syndrome victims felt.

"I should kill you where you sit right here, right now." She said. A dizzying fit of homicide blemished from her hypnotic swirling eyes, filling Max's mind with distraught turmoil.

"Okay, obviously I did something to make you a trifle irate. So tell me, what's the buzz?"

She stormed upon him suddenly, marching over to where he sat with each step rumbling hard and causing the floor to shake violently. The pictures upon the wall jumped askew, the lamp upon the end-table rocked and swayed to and fro, jumbling its peaceful shine all over the room in a makeshift strobe-effect. When she reached him, he was able to see her a little clearer. Blackened tattooed ribbons were strewn all along her body like tiger stripes, outlined in red. They ran up the sides of her mid-section, along her torso, across her voluptuous breasts and down her slender muzzle. Her hair cast a smooth shimmering glow in the effulgence of the lamp, red as an apple, flowing straight and freely. She wore a military beret cap with a golden winged skull embroidered upon its front surface, reminding Maxwell of a Third Reich doomsday officer. A similar symbol, with a split heart charm, hung freely from a leather collar strapped around her neck. Between her thigh-high leggings and mid-section coat, both blackened-red, she presented herself as a frighteningly intimidating figure. With piercings along her ears and upon her lower lip, she snarled impatiently at Max, foot-paw raised and placed between his legs, apt to crush his balls with a single stomp.

"No buzz, fucker. I just want to see you bleed a little, that's all." She said. Soon after, she slowly curled her blackened lips upward and bent her brow down into a wild maniacal grin, gazing into his single shep-coon eye with a look of... was that glee? Longing? Pure plain arousal? Maybe even avid excitement? Max could barely tell in such a low lighting condition, but knew this night had only just begun. He felt a surge of lust twinge in his groin, but refrained from honoring it.

"Yeah, that's what my last girlfriend told me... before I ripped her head off." Max said. He actually didn't rip his last girlfriend's head off, only got dumped embarrassingly... but he wasn't about to admit such a thing to this demonic entity. He only wanted to appeal to her better nature in order not to be popped like a ripened pimple by her dominant prowess.

"Kinky! Did you tear it free from her shoulders while fucking her raw? Maybe you came hard into her pussy then removed it, in order for you to get your ultimate kicks? I'd prefer that over auto-erotic asphyxiation any day of the week."

"Uh..." Max uttered. He was dumbfounded by her matter-of-fact bluntness.

"Oh goodness! I'm sorry, I didn't even introduce myself yet, did I?" She grabbed the leather harness between his wrists and pulled it up, slamming her fist against the wall behind him. "Call me Celesti, little bitch. You're all mine until I see fit." Celesti said, licking her lips and chuckling low and coyly.

Holy shit I love this girl already! Max thought as he tried to tap into her mind and failed miserably, only seeing an eternal fog composed of absolute blackness.

"You happened to stumble upon me during a transitory phase, boy. I don't like being intruded upon during this time... so I knocked your faggot ass out and dragged your body back to my place. Welcome to my room, dog-coon." Celesti stepped back and raised her arms up, presenting her living quarters to Max like Vanna White showcasing the grand prize to all the playing contestants. Of course, this room lacked a spinning wheel and a live studio audience. Max wasn't interested in her room though... he was busy gawking at Celesti's body. Her stripes seemed to possess a life of their own. When she moved, rivulets of bright red shifted and swirled in the red outlining upon her fur. Max was reminded of a pothead's cloudy corneas. Almost on cue, Maxwell began to stiffen up. He tried not to think about being castrated by her teeth, but couldn't help himself either way. When the vices of pleasure sprang forth, there was no telling what could make him erect.

"Ah! I see you're making yourself perfectly at home!" Celesti said, giggling through an enclosed fist while pointing daintily at his crotch. He smirked innocently and shrugged. "That's good... wouldn't want to see you go too flaccid before I begin."

"Oh? Begin what, exactly?" Max asked flirtatiously.

Celesti peered back into his face, wet dog noses touching one another, eyes sparking mad-crazy with the potency of Chinese firecrackers, then laughed aloud. Her breath was scented with the halitosis of Satan, a spicy cinnamon blended with burnt pork... at least that's what Max had hoped that's all it was.

"Why, having sex with your faggot ass! Of course!" Celesti said.

With almost no time to react, she spun around in a perfect 180-turn and plopped down into his lap, causing his shep-coon cock to bend downward against her thigh. She laughed aloud and craned her head back into his shoulder, licking his muzzle in a sultry slathering. He moaned aloud at the force of her buttocks drilling into his hips, thighs buckling against his waist, tail tickling his foreleg teasingly.

"Why do you want this from me? What's in it for you, anyways?" Max asked, attempting to push her off. Celesti clenched down hard upon him, locking her thighs around his legs and tightly gripping his muzzle in her finger-pawed death-grip. She sneered while staring deep into his one good eye.

"You interrupted a very important monthly ritual of mine. I want compensation for it. You're just lucky I didn't kill you already. I could, you know? I could easily cut your cock off and shove it down your nostril, then rip your nuts off and push them into your eye sockets. At least one would fit fairly well, as far as I can see." Celesti said. Her voice never faltered or wavered, remaining perfectly calm and freakishly intellectual. "Now shut the motherfuck up and squeal for me, little faggot. I'm going to make you jizz harder than you've ever dreamed possible."

Max gasped then tried to move his wrists, which had been pressed down under Celesti's back. She reached down beneath her thigh and grabbed his shaft, then tugged it out into the open so it rested just beneath her labia folds. He moaned pleasurably as Celesti readjusted his cock. Reaching down with one hand-paw, she spread her Ignis Daemon wolf-girl's vagina lips wide apart and slid Max's manhood with the other hand-paw into her folds. She cried aloud then growled passionately, bouncing herself up and down upon his lap, wild and unhinged. Max felt a million tiny bristles tickling his cock with each knot-deepened thrust. He was fucking a live-wire in the reverse-cowgirl position, or rather being fucked by one very exuberantly hard.

"Make me squeal and I might just let you live, Maxie-poo! Make me cum and I'll act as if this never happened! Whatever you do, don't fucking cum in me or I'll rip you to shreds, agreed?" Celesti said. Her voice ran deep and sultry, echoing into his ears with a carnal lingering.

"Aah!-I..I-uh... eh... yeah, agreed... OH fuck! Mmph!" Max proclaimed. He'd been man-handled by more than one woman in his life... but this was absolutely crazy and way beyond any capacity of love-making he'd ever endured. Max felt like he was getting drained by a milking machine on full-power. The sensation hurt like hell, yet also felt marvelous beyond reasoning. If this was what copulating with a Hellraiser felt like, Max regretted not having felt such an experience sooner. Before long, Max felt his wrist-strap snap free. Instead of strangling this crazy-lady demon-spawn wolf-bitch with it, he endured a change of mind and heart and wrapped his arms around her body instead, caressing his hand-paws upon her bosoms and squeezing with unanimous desire.

"Oh no you don't, fucker!" Celesti hollered, then pulled his wrists off her breasts, re-fastening the strap and throwing his wrists aside, flinging them like yesterday's garbage. "This stays on, no matter what. Now FUCK ME! FUCK THE SHIT OUT OF ME YOU LITTLE CUNTLICKER!!!"

There was no question about it after all... Maxwell was making violently rough love to a demon-spawn wolfess and had no immediate refraining will to stop anytime soon.

Maxwell's thrusts sped up into triple-time, now buckling like a piston firing into an engine block, as he felt his knot scraping against her folds voluptuously with each repeated humping. Celesti moaned passionately and breathed deep and fast, nearly spewing flames from her eyes now. Max brought his hand-paws back up to cup her breasts again, this time without being batted away. Celesti craned her head back and licked at Max's muzzle and cheek with illicit desire, caressing a hand-paw against his nape and the back of his head, twirling his dreadlocks through her rustling finger-paws. "Aaah yes, you aren't quite a faggot after all, are you little bitch? Aah! Ah yes! I think you've got some killer's instinct in you just yet!"

"Ah! Mmngh! Ah! Oooh you have no fucking idea, you freak of nature." Max said aloud in a desultory manner. He thrust harder upwards into Celesti's vagina, ramming the knot home to tie with her balls-deep, then yanked it free again, stretching her out to vast proportions. She gasped and screamed, biting hungrily into his neck, drawing blood, as he managed to pump her into a fit of delirious orgasm, prodding her cervix and scraping against her tightly-concealed G-spot. She squirted seminal fluid upon the hardwood floor and clenched up tighter still, making Maxwell groan somewhat painfully.

"You_do_ know your stuff, don't you little coon-shep? Oh how the Gods burn and falter upon high! Aaah! I don't have to eviscerate your guts after all, do I? I don't have to dismember your limbs and beat you with them, right? I don't need to pry your ribcage open and feast on your innards after all, eh? AAAH!!! Harder!!! Deeper!!! Don't fucking stop, don't fucking stop, don't fucking stop, don't fuc-"

_ _ As Celesti delved into this repetitive sex-mantra, Maxwell felt himself tense up and his testes-sac tighten formidably down below. She was on the verge of causing him to climax into her, something she discreetly insisted unto him not to do under any circumstances. He began to panic, then as if she felt his fear from within, she spun her head around as if on a swivel and gazed deep into his one good eye, teeth exposed in a lustful snarl, eyes blazing with red-gold embers, heated breath panting upon his chest-fur tuft. Max could see waves of simmering heat basking from the glow of her spiraling eyes.

"Remember what I said before, about cumming in me, Maxwell? I take that back. Give me all you got, little bitch-whore!" Celesti insisted.

All at once, he too felt an overwhelming surge of arousing pleasure course through his brain and his eye-patch melted into a cacophonic fireball, crumbling into ashes that scattered down upon his cheek. In his empty socket, a metallic spherical orb floated deftly, brimming with a crimson-red aura teeming with tiny blackened rivulets. In the orb, Celesti saw her own shimmering reflection as if looking into a fish-eye lens. Her grin grew formidably and she kissed him with stifling erotic candor. Celesti's tongue skimmed the roof of Max's mouth and wrapped around his own tongue, caressing and smacking aloud. Their muzzles interlocked like jigsaw puzzle pieces into a perfect fit and she moaned profusely into his kiss as she felt him ejaculate hard and deep into the confines of her swelling, heated vagina. Celesti's clitoris grew stiff and prodded free from its hooded skin-flap shield while she comforted Max's head in her grasp and felt rope after rope of hot sticky white jizz inject freely into her. Maxwell yanked his head back, freeing his lips from her death-grip French-kiss.

"There, you psycho-broad! You happy? Mind letting me go now, you fucking bit-"

Before Maxwell could finish, she reached around and bitch-slapped the other side of his face, leaving a sweltering, smoke-tinged paw-print mark upon his right cheek.

_Oh great, another one to even the score. I should learn to keep my big maw shut!_Max thought.

"No chance in home, coon-shep. I'm keeping you around for a little while longer... I think you've got plenty more for me than perhaps even you may realize." As Celesti said this, she grinned naughtily while staring into Max's good eye and rubbing a free hand-paw against the cusp of his kneecap, slowly moving up his thigh.

I suppose I could stay for a few more rounds... Maxwell thought. At least until she sees fit to murder me in cold blood... which I doubt may be happening anytime soon. Celesti raised her hand-paw up from Max's thigh, snapped her finger-paws and triggered music to play once more, only instead of Korn, the track that came blazing into the room was an earlier and heavier Nine Inch Nails song. Max could barely remember the name... but with a blazing-hot demonic anthro-woman getting her rocks off upon his lap, song titles were the farthest thing from his mind.

They went on copulating for the next seventeen hours before Celesti had her fill... which had resulted in a good three-hour break before she returned to ride him hard cowgirl-style. Her insatiability, coupled with her evil predatory mannerisms, kept Maxwell stiff as a rod for the long haul. He was in for a wild-ass weekend for sure.