Night 4 - Just a bit of Luving

Story by Sylva on SoFurry

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Hit 10k words last chapter so an average of 2k words per chapter. 1K views, thanks to everyone who has and especially to those who have faved, followed or reviewed. Oh and THIS IS THE LEMON CHAPTER.

I'm also going to go third person. I'm confusing myself a little too.

Jace woke up and seeing it was still quite early he decided to go out shopping for parts. He'd already used up quite a lot of them after all and he didn't want to run out of materials when fixing one of the animatronics. He bought blue and yellow fur this time to fix up Chica and Bonnie. Not buying brown as the mostly human male was reluctant to go too near Freddy.

He'd ended up having to wear a hoddie to hide his ears. Though he did have to keep himself from laughing at the sensation of them rubbing against the fabric. It really tickled.

He then traveled to the pizzeria. It was night four now, he'd ended up keeping a track of it as each night seemed especially long and stressful. Though he was getting tired of the fact that people seemed to be more and more surprised that he was alive. That should be a good thing... maybe?

Going over to the stage again he dumped his stuff on it and climbed up. Again there were protests but the adults and children were clearing out as it was the end of the day. It wasn't like he gave shits anyway, he was the night guard not them.

He began working on Chica first and worked to replace her fur like coat as it wasn't looking too good. The new material looked much better, made her look brighter and more kid friendly.

"Y'know you don't have to do this." Jace heard Mr Fazebear say behind me.

"I know, I just want to. Foxy is looking better, his voice doesn't glitch and from what I know neither does Chica's after I did some maintenance that was long overdue." He replied before going over to Bonnie and beginning to take off his suit to repair it.

"The workers have been noticing the difference and don't like it. The Chica is becoming more lively which the children love but the staff are uneasy. You have to stop this. I can't have my staff leaving." He said, glaring at him. Jace just rolled his eyes.

"And if you kick me I'll just call the environmental agency, see what they find in Freddy." He replied as he cleaned out the bunny. It wasn't good or fun work but it needed to be done. "Besides, where are you going to find a night guard, or someone willing to do maintenance on the animatronics. At least this will allow this place to be a better attraction and you're paying the wages of 1 person to do the job of two. Both of them very dangerous. Though I doubt you'd tell anyone that." He continued.

The manager could always hire other day time staff but getting people to work at night? That'd be a problem with all the rumors that circulated around this place. It was better financially that he allowed him to do what he was doing, and it came out of his wages and not the establishments as well.

"Alright. As long as you know what you're doing." The manager said. Jace just nodded in response and continued to work on Bonnie and he ended up sweaty by the time he'd finished. Chica and Bonnie looking almost brand new much like Foxy was. He cleaned up everything and put away his stuff into the storage closet.

He walked to the cove. A smile appearing on his face as he did so. This was his safe place, he knew that none of the animatronics would enter here because of Foxy. Even though he didn't have access to the cameras and there were no lockable doors he felt much safer here than anywhere else.

"Foxy." He called out, walking around and trying to find him.

Jace jumped as he felt two paws on his hips. "Hey Jace." He heard from behind him and he relaxed as he recognized the voice to be Foxy's.

"Hey Foxy. How are you?." He asked brightly, a hum coming from the male behind him before he was spun around and kissed. Very surprised at that but he melted happily into it.

"I'm good laddy, now that ye arr here. Ye know what ye can do for me tonight?" He was asked and he gave a small shake of his head in response. Looking up into the others golden eyes. "Ye can stay here with Foxy for the night."

Jace's ears perked happily and he nodded. "OK." He chirped, hugging the animatronic and burying his head into his fur. The fox didn't smell like metal or oil at all, he smelt a bit like spices, a bit earthy and there was the others musk too. He found he really liked the smell. It was relaxing to him and smelt warm and comforting.

He murred and nuzzled the others neck and shoulder. "I really love ye Jace." The human heard and he eeped as my ass was rubbed, a blush on his face as he looked up at the pirate. His blush deepening as he felt a bulge against his stomach. Looking down he saw a bulge in the others fabric. By this point he'd gone bright red and looked back up to Foxy.

A chuckle came from the pirate, "Ye're adorable." The Fox said picking him up in his arms and he mewled in surprise. Looking up to the others face he could see the love and lust there. It seemed he'd been holding out for a bit and had been trying not to jump him... at least not like this. Just like he hadn't jumped me on the first night... probably not the best comparison.

The fox put me onto the bed and climbed on afterwards and settled atop of me.

"F-foxy." He said, the anthropomorphic pirate fox stopped and looked at me. He leaned up and kissed him before saying, "J-just go slow, y-you're my first." He said to him. The fox nodding and giving me several small kisses.

If you couldn't tell already the lemon starts from here onwards in case you don't want to read it.

"I will lad." He heard before the other nibbled on his neck. He murred softly at the pleasant feeling and tilted his neck to give him more access. The nibbling became firmer and more energetic and he moaned as it felt really good to him.

Looking down he blushed as he saw the bulge in the fabric of the others slightly ripped trousers. A wet spot on the front of them. Jace reached a hand down and felt the hardness, a murr coming from the fox as he did so.

Tenderly pulling the pants down the red, throbbing member sprung out of them, dribbling pre down it's side with a large knot at the base. He breathed softly as he looked down upon the tasty looking member. "Like what ye see?" Foxy asked me and he could only nod in response.

Though he yelped softly as he quickly found myself on my back. The fox hovering over me before leaning down and giving soft licks and nips at his neck. His head tilting to the side to give him more access as he felt Foxy's hands roam over my body.

He then felt him slip his hands under his shirt and begin to move it up. Jace felt him stop at his attention at my neck to pull my shirt up and over his head and then pulled off his trousers and pants. His hard member springing up when they were removed. A blush colouring his face as Foxy was able to look at his body in all it's glory.

Then he felt him draw away, confusion spreading across his face as the other did so. His head raised to look at him before he froze as he felt a cold nose press against my butt and gasped softly as he felt a soft and wet object lap at my taint and hole. A soft moan coming from him as he felt the tongue focus on his star and begin to press in.

"Foxy, what are you-" whatever Jason was going to say next disappeared as he felt a warm appendage slowly making it's way towards his sacred spot, his gasping in surprise and pleasure. Foxy, only murring even more once he knew that Jason was enjoying this, doubled his efforts in pleasuring his mate while prepping him for what was to come. Jason, never having anything go up there, was stunned with pleasure as the appendage keep on rubbing a certain spot that shot pleasure though his body.

"F-Foxy please stop t-teasing..." Jason moaned out as the other prepared him. He swore the other was grinning as the tongue spread open his hole and delved deeper.

"All right then. I think ye arr ready." The human heard after a moment of continued squirming from the other eating out his ass. The fox moving up his body and giving licks and nips as he did so. Jason moaning softly as he felt Foxy's fur rub against his cock as he moved up.

He blushed softly as the other came face to face with him, the other capturing him in a kiss as he felt the fox's member rub against his ass.

"Ye ready?" The fox asked caringly, leaning over and nibbling on my ears a little. A purr coming from me in response.

"Yes, I'm ready." He replied. Foxy nodded and moved till he'd lined himself up with me.

"I'm goin' ta start now." He said before beginning to press forwards gently. The human trying to relax as the other did so, feeling his hole spread around the wide member.

Foxy murred as he slowly inserted himself while fighting back his instincts to push forward and start ramming himself up to his knot into the human below him. By the Seven Seas, Jason was tight! Even with all the prep, Foxy could only move slowly as he watched for signs of discomfort. Though he was glad, as he sunk into the other, that there were few signs of discomfort. Something that the Fox was glad of as he entered the other. It was hurting the human a little, it was his first time there after all and the other was quite large.

After he had hilted his human he drew back to his tip thrusting forwards and repeating. Slowly building up a pace.

Jason began to moan loudly as the pleasure built. He'd had some dreams about this and it was really happening! The human having a slight smile on his face as he felt the male fuck him deeply. Another moan coming from him as the other lent down and began to nibble at his neck.

"Yer so tight." The fox murred in his ear. The human gasping softly as he felt the other hit his prostate.

"Oh you feel so good." Jace replied, just holding onto the other as he was violated in the most pleasurable manner. Just moments later the human climaxed and spurted his pearly white seed between them as Foxy knotted him and coated his insides with hot cum. A soft cry coming from him as he felt the other bite down on his neck and mark him as the Fox's.

The human smiled happily as the fox animatronic collapsed on him, their bodies rubbing against each other as they relaxed in their afterglow. "Love you." Jace said with a content sigh. Feeling the other wrap his arms around him and roll them over before hugging him close.

"Love ye too Jace." The human heard before he yawned softly and nuzzled into the others neck. "Goodnight." The fox saying as Jace fell asleep.

Hello, this is my first attempt at a lemon at all. I'd appreciate feedback but it's certainly not manditory. Fave it if you liked, follow if you want to see more. Comment if you can spot improvements or would like to suggest improvements or ideas.