The New Start

Story by Tidal_husky on SoFurry

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#6 of Story attempts

The second part of the story trade with hyenapurple it's a sequel to Christmas fennec set during New year's I know I'm a bit late but I really hope you enjoy the new characters and of course thank you to hyena for letting me use his sona Rusty again :3

It was almost New Years night, but to Rusty it felt like Chase passed away just a few hours ago. Rusty tried his best to move on,it just felt like every little thing reminded him of the sweet little fennec. Every night was a conflict inside his head, Rusty wished he would have said something or even stood up to John that maybe Chase would still be alive. Rusty just wondered if Chase would have actually left John if he had tried to talk to him. It made Rusty sick to his stomach to think of all the things John had done to Chase, but Chase stayed with him. It was hard to believe that the small fragile looking fox was the strongest fur that Rusty had ever known.

It was late on that cold night, Rusty sat in his living room with all the lights off just staring at a blank tv screen. He picked an empty plate off his lap and shuffled to the kitchen, he added it to the pile of dirty dishes waiting to be cleaned. As he turned to go back into the living room he heard a faint knock come from the front door, he walked over brushing food crumbs from his pants. When he opened the door he was slightly baffled by what stood before him. He was a young canine of some sort, small feminine like body covered in the purest white fur Rusty had ever seen. His ears were long almost matching those of a rabbit like Rusty and at the end of each ear was a rather large gauge hot pink in color. The tail that protruded from the back of his gray skinny jeans was the same brilliant white, it was long like that of a fox but poofy like the fresh snow that covered the ground outside. Rusty was also surprised by the strange creature's lack of clothing for the cold weather since he only seem to have a jacket and what looked like a t-shirt under it.

Rusty just stood there silent almost like he was lost in the canine's frost blue eyes. A gentle voice broke Rusty's daze "I'm so sorry for bothering you so late, but I'm a little bit lost. Could I possibly use your phone to call my brother?" The freezing air finally hit Rusty since he was only wearing pajamas, he crossed his arms and shivered "of course you can, now let's get out of this cold." The young canine walked in and Rusty closed the door behind him still shivering "if you don't mind me asking, what are you sweetheart?" He looked at Rusty slightly confused at first "oh! I'm sorry my name's Snow I'm a hybrid, don't really know what my kind are called though." Rusty still looked puzzled as Snow took off his blue jacket to reveal a hot pink gameboy color tank top "if it helps my mom is a coyote and my papa is a cotton tail, and no his names not Peter." Snow said with a smile.

Rusty smiled as some of Snow's strange features started to make sense now "my name's Rusty and my phone's right in the kitchen, please excuse the huge mess I've been kinda down lately." Snow just let out a sweet little smile "there's no need to apologize my brothers actually going through the same thing he actually just lost someone important. Well technically he's my half brother, he's from another father." Rusty was relieved to know that Snow understood what he was going through, but something felt off to him which Rusty just brushed the feeling off. Snow picked up Rusty's phone and dialed a number, Rusty went into the living room while Snow was on the phone so he wouldn't be rude. "Hey bro I was out and about and kinda got lost on my way home, I'm at 361 Cherry road wherever that is. Do you think you could pick me up?...kay thanks bro." Snow hung up the phone and went into the living room with Rusty.

Snow stood next to Rusty's couch "thanks again for letting me use your phone, my brothers on the way." Rusty sat down on the loveseat across from the couch "it's no problem at all, sit down make yourself at home." Snow smiled and sat down on the rather soft tan couch. Rusty leaned forward to get closer to Snow "if you don't mind me asking, how did your parents get together? That's a bit of an awkward species combo." Snow's face got red with embarrassment "well you mom kinda...ate him..." Rusty just stared at Snow with wide eyes "it's the truth I promise she let him out to play with her meal a little more and something sparked, they've been inseparable ever since." Rusty just slowly nodded his mind racing with questions, he knew that kind of stuff happened a lot after all it was the food chain but usually marriage isn't an outcome of it. They both sat there silent not knowing where exactly to continue from that, Rusty sat up and put his hands in his lap "well maybe if your free tomorrow, would you like to get lunch or something?" Snow's ears perked up "you mean like a date?" Rusty's face got red as he slowly nodded.

They're heard a car pull up outside and they both stood up "I think that's my brother..." He took Rusty's hands "and I'd love to go on a date with you." Snow gave Rusty a little kiss on the cheek, causing Rusty's face to get red. They both walked to the door just as Snow's brother knocked, Rusty opened the door and his heart sank when he saw the one person he never wanted to see again. John stood at the door wearing pretty much the same outfit he was wearing when Rusty first met him "what are you doing here John?" Snow looked at Rusty confused. John sighed "relax bunny I'm here to pick up my little brother not start trouble, whether you believe it or not I'm just as torn up about Chase as you." Rusty tried his best to hold them back but tears just rolled down his face. John held out a rag "stop the water works, it late and cold and I need to get my brother home, but we need to talk later." Rusty pushed the rag away and nodded "I'll be free after tomorrow since I already have plans for new years." Snow blushed and smiled, John looked down at him "ready to go Snowball?" Snow nodded and they got into John's car and pulled away, Rusty watched the car get farther away before walking back into his warm house not knowing exactly what to think of the situation.

Houses and street lamps passed by as John and Snow made they're way down the road, John turned down the heat for his brother who was built for the cold "I'm just taking you to my house ok Snowball, I'm just way to out of it to be doing a lot of driving tonight." Snow nodded in response as he slipped his jacket off "how do you know Rusty bro?" John let out a quiet sigh "he hung out with my boyfriend before the accident." John's grip tightened on the steering wheel, Snow just looked at him with sorrow. Snow had only met his brothers boyfriend once minus the fur color and marking Snow and him could have passed off as twins, Chase was very nice when they met but he was very quiet. Snow was slightly excited as they entered the development where John lived, this was the first time he had ever been to John's house. John slowly pulled into the driveway and they both got out of the car, they walked up to the door and shuffled in after John unlocked it.

John went around the corner into the kitchen while Snow sat next to the front door taking off his shoes and jacket. After he got everything off he went to walk into the kitchen but stopped at the entrance when he saw John standing next to the fridge staring at a full beer bottle in his hand. John's eyes teared up and he threw the bottle into the trash can which was almost overflowing with full whiskey and beer bottles. "Bro?" Snow said softly, John quickly wiped the tears from his eyes "I'm gonna get ready for bed. You can sleep wherever you want, just please don't get into anything your not suppose to." Snow nodded and John went back to his room closing the door behind him. Snow felt so bad for his brother, he wanted to help him but just didn't know how. He glanced over at a picture of John and Chase hanging on the wall, which gave him an idea but he didn't know how his brother would react.

John took off his shirt and jeans throwing them on his bedroom floor, he fell onto his bed in nothing but his red boxers and stared at the ceiling. He thought about the chances that Snow would end up at Rusty's house of all places. John's thought was interrupted when he heard Snow's soft voice come from the doorway. John turned to see his little brother standing there completely naked, John was surprised to see the two billard balls hanging between Snow's legs just below his sheath "holy snowballs Snowball! Where the hell are your clothes?" John sat up and leaned against the headboard of his bed trying to make sense of what was going on, Snow's face got red as he claimed onto the bed. Snow positioned himself over John with his heavy balls resting on the bulge in John's boxers "do I remind you of anything?" John bit his lip as he eyed up Snow's body "God you look just like him." He put his hands on Snow's hips gently rubbing them. Snow's tip began to peek from his sheath as John groped his ass "can we lay down?" John nodded as he slowly ran his hands up Snow's back.

The two layyed down on the bed, John laying behind Snow spooning him tightly. John began to grind the large bulge in his boxers between Snow's soft round cheeks. Snow could feel John's rock hard cock through his boxers rubbing against his tail hole, his face got red "please be gentle." John rolled over reaching into his nightstand and grabbed a bottle of lube, he pulled off his boxers and drenched his member with the lube to make it as slick and painless as he could. His cock now dripping lube and pre John lined his tip up with Snow's tight virgin hole, Snow let out a little whimper as he felt John's cock begin it's plunge into him. Once his knot bumped into Snow's anus John began to slowly move his hips, moaning as he felt Snow's tight warm ass around his shaft. Every time they're bodies separated strings of lube and pre connected them, making Snow's ass a mess as more gushed out with every thrust do to all the excess. John reached around with his right hand and began to gently stroke Snow's cock, he was a few inches longer than John at ten inches and three inches wide from base to tip the only thing Snow lacked was a thick knot. The knot definitely wasn't needed though Snow's meat was a handful even without one. Snow let out sweet little moans as John began to play with his tip, paired with John's cock massaging his insides, Snow's mind was racing with pleasure.

John rolled Snow onto his belly allowing himself to get on top of Snow for a more comfortable angle. John moved his hips faster causing Snow's moans to get louder,John leaned down and began to kiss Snow's neck. Snow's body was shaking with pleasure almost like he had no control over it anymore, he bit down on the pillow only letting out cute little whimpers and moans. Snow felt John begin to push harder, he felt John's knot force it way in slowly stretching his anus as it went. Snow clenched his teeth then let out a sigh of relief as John's knot finally popped in, John grunted and Snow felt a warm sensation flooding his insides with every pulse. Snow bit his lip blowing his own load, he felt the warmth of his seed as it gushed between his belly and the sheets of the bed. They rolled onto they're side and John pulled Snow close as he could as his knot continued to throb inside Snow's ass. John put his right arm around Snow resting his hand on his messy belly, both completely exhausted they drifted to sleep as they layyed there stuck together.

Morning came with the sun peeking through the blinds in John's room. At some point in the night John's cock had worked it's way out of Snow allowing a mess of cum to leak from his ass as they slept. John's eyes twitched when the sunlight from the window hit his face, he woke up to find his arms holding Snow close as they layyed in the mess they had made last night. He gently nudged Snow to wake him up "Snow? Are you ok, I didn't hurt you last night did I? I don't know what came over me." Snow brought his hands up to rubb his eyes "no you didn't hurt me. I wanted to do it, to help you feel better." John got up looking at the huge mess on the bed and them "we need showers and after that I should probably get you home." Snow nodded and got up from the bed "I'll go first, I hope this stuff isn't too hard to get out of my fur." He gathered his clothes and went into the bathroom as John took the sheets off the bed and threw them into a hamper. John sat down on the now bare bed "hey Snowball I really appreciate what you did for me, but can we please just forget about last night." The whole house was silent for a few seconds, shortly after a response finally came from the bathroom "yeah I understand bro, we can do that." Snow shut the water off and put his clothes back on, he walked out of the bathroom to see John had all his clothes back on "I need to get you home, after all I kinda feel like plans for New year's eve." Snow blushed "yeah I have a date tonight." John pats Snow on the back and they head out to the car.

After a fairly short ride they arrived at Snow's parents house. Snow got out of the car, before he could close the door John grabbed his wrist "hey thanks Snowball, for everything." Snow smiled "it's no problem bro really, let's just move on. Hey you wanna come in and see everyone?" John couldn't help but smile "nah some other time, you know how mom can be." Snow just chuckled at the thought, he knew exactly what John meant mom could be a handful. Snow could only hope that she wouldn't scare off Rusty tonight, she tends to be very open with everything and Snow did mean everything "alright bro I'll see you later then." John smiled "later Snowball, have fun tonight." Snow smiled and closed the car door, he walked to the front door and went in.

Rusty was getting himself ready for tonight, he could barely hide his excitement to have a whole night with Snow. One thing kept nagging at him though, how could someone like John come from the same mother as such and adorable hybrid. Rusty shuddered as a new thought entered his mind, meeting Snow's parents terrified Rusty, what is they don't like him then his chance with Snow are over. These thoughts scared Rusty but hopefully it'll be awhile before he has to meet them. Rusty shook his head to refocus on the problem at hand, what the hell will he wear this is the fifteenth one and he's still not happy. He continued his assault on his closest flinging clothes everywhere, but he came to a dead stop as he pulled the tan turtle neck from the hanger. He went out and set on the bed with a pair of light blue slim jeans, it was the outfit he was wearing the day he met Chase. Rusty sighed as he picked up and held the turtle neck, it was definitely his favorite outfit and he knows Chase wouldn't mind if he wore it tonight. He put on the outfit and looked at himself in his standing mirror, his mind began to race again as thoughts of what he was about to do sank in. Those thoughts were interrupted as he heard the faint knocks on his door. Rusty rushed over and opened the door, Snow was wearing dark blue skinny jeans paired with a light purple eevee t-shirt hiding under a lime green hoodie which looked absolutely adorable on him "you ready Rusty?" Rusty nodded and grabbed his keys and the walked to his car.

They proceeded down the road, Rusty glanced over at Snow "so anything special you wanna do tonight?" Snow smiled "well I thought we go somewhere to eat and then if you want I thought we'd watch the ball drop at my house." Rusty's eyes got wide as his hands tightened on the steering wheel "um...yeah we can do that. if you don't mind me asking, what are your parents like?" Snow scratched his head "well my dad is rather shy but is really nice once he warms up to you. My mom well, she's kinda kinda hard to explain." This didn't bring Rusty any comfort, his mind began to race again. Rusty felt soft touch on his hand and turned to see Snow's soft smile "don't worry Rusty they'll love you, I promise." Rusty smiled "thanks Snow, I'm just a little nervous." Snow leaned over and kissed Rusty on the cheek "don't worry I'll be with you the whole time." Rusty felt a warm feeling rush through him that put his mind at ease, all his worry just melted away like the snowflakes hitting the windshield. Snow sat back into his seat "so where are we going to eat?" Rusty smiled "it's somewhere very special to me and I think your gonna really like it." They pulled into the parking lot of "The Mountain Bear" the small lake side restaurant that Chase use to work at. Rusty couldn't believe he was here, the last time was with Chase when he found out about what John had did to him. They pulled into a spot with the lake spanning out in front of them.

Snow got out of the car "look at this place, the snow falling onto the calm lake. It's absolutely gorgeous." Rusty got out and closed his door "I agree it's gorgeous, but there's one thing far more beautiful here tonight." Snow blushed as Rusty put his arm around him as he leads him to the front door, Rusty opened the door for Snow. They were greeted by a kind looking female panda who looked to be in her early twenties "hi, table for two?" Rusty nodded "yes please." She grabbed two menus "please fallow me." She leads Rusty and Snow to a table at the back of the dinning area with a gorgeous view of the lake. They took they're seats across from each other as the young panda wrote down what they wanted for drinks before she walked back to the kitchen. Rusty scanned the menu, then glanced over at Snow who was looking through the signature dishes "so do you like it here?" Snow looked up at Rusty with a huge smile on his face "this place is amazing and the food looks amazing, but it seems a little pricey." Rusty took Snow's hand "now don't you worry about that, this is a very special night and your more than worth it." Snow's face turned red as he desperately tried to hide it before the waitress came back, Snow almost jumped out of his chair when a female voice came from behind him "are you two ready to order?" Rusty couldn't help but let out a little chuckle "yes I believe we are, thank you." The pair ordered they're food, then continued they're chat like two school girls as the waitress disappeared back to the kitchen. After a little time she returned with they're food, the two began to eat chatting in between bites. They finished they're meal and after paying the bill and chatting just a little longer they went back out to the cold where Rusty's car waited for them.

They got into the car, Rusty went to fasten his seatbelt when a flash of white flew in front of him as Snow jumped into his lap. Snow put his hands on Rusty's chest "I know this was just our first date, but Rusty. I love you." Rusty could feel his face getting warm as his cheeks turned red, Snow rested his arms on Rusty's shoulders and leaned in close pressing his lips firmly against Rusty's. Rusty put his hands on Snow's hips, pulling they're bodies close together. Rusty was swimming in bliss as he ran his hands up Snow's shirt causing him to let out a muffled moan since his lips were still locked together with Rusty's. Rusty pulled himself back down to earth and forced himself to pull his lips away "I really hate to stop but it might not be so wise to get too excited before we get to your parents." Snow leaned back against the steering wheel panting "yeah your probably right, but we can finish this when we're alone right?" Rusty smiled as he put a hand under Snow's cute muzzle "I promise hun." Snow happily climbed back into the passenger seat and buckled up as Rusty started the car. They left the parking lot and proceeded down the mountain road, it didn't take very long to get to Snow's house from the restaurant, which Rusty didn't mind since he was eager to continue where they had left off. There was only one hurtle left for Rusty and that was Snow's parents, his mind began to race as they pulled into the driveway. Rusty's nerves were starting to getting to him as they got out of the car, but he was quickly comforted when Snow took his hand with a soft smile and lead him to the front door.

Rusty built up the courage to knock on the door, he could here someone approaching on the other side just before the knob started to move. Rusty was slightly relieved as the door opened to reveal a rabbit, who Rusty assumed to be Snow's dad. The rabbit stood slightly shorter than Rusty and his fur was a brilliant white which explained where Snow got his fur color, the main features that stood out against his fur was his short Brown hair and blue eyes that almost looked like they were glowing. His outfit definitely made him look younger than he was, he wore a dark gray pair of jeans paired with a red gaming shirt for some game Rusty couldn't recognize "you must be Rusty, you wouldn't even believe how much we've heard about you." He spoke with an inviting smile and his voice was soft much like Snow's "my name is Henry, I'm Snow's father. It's a pleasure to meet you." He shook Rusty's hand then stepped aside allowing Rusty and Snow to come into the house, Snow lead Rusty into the neatly arranged open concept house. From the door you could see the modern kitchen off to the left, a beautiful granite island being the first thing your eyes hit. To the right you see the back of a black leather sectional which marked the start of the living room, hanging on the wall in front of the sectional was a massive L.e.d Tv directly under it was a dark wood entertainment center with a large collection of game systems and games ranging from New to old. Rusty got mixed messages from the the living space, the decoration was minimal and mature but also gave a nerdy and childish vibe as fantasy Dragon figurines lined the the few shelves that hung from the walls. All the way in the back of the living room against the wall was an amazing glass staircase leading upstairs that almost looked like it was floating. Rusty was amazed by what he could see of the home, it was clear to him that Snow's family was pretty well off.

Rusty got a chill down his spine when a female voice came from just out of his line of sight on the kitchen side "aww Snow I didn't know you were bringing dinner home." Rusty turned to see a female coyote standing just to the right of the island, she stood well over six feet tall which was unusual for her species. Her fur was the typical mix of brown and gray which one would expect from from a coyote, she had long smooth hair that was as black as the night sky which had thin tight braids randomly placed throughout it. Directly under her hair Rusty could see two brilliant amber colored eyes, her muzzle had piercings running down it leading to a steal septum ring which matched the rings that ran up the outer edge of her ears. She was slim minus her wide hips and breast which looked to be C-cups. From there Rusty's eyes where drawn to the tattoo on her neck the detail in it was amazing all the small designs looked as if they were drawn on by a fine point pen. She took a few steps closer to Rusty "hey hun my eyes are up here." Rusty's face got red "I'm so sorry, it's just your tattoo I can't get over the fine detail." A grin appeared on her face "you like it? There's a lot more that you can't see." Before anyone could even react to what she had said she lifted her loose black t-shirt up taking her bra with it, revealing her breast with pierced nipples. Rusty could now see that she wasn't lying her chest and belly were completely covered in the same amazing details as her neck going all the way down even disappearing into her pants, from there Rusty's eyes were drawn to a bulge in he tight white skinny jeans. Rusty was jerked back as Snow pulled him close "mom! Your gonna scare him away before he even gets through the door." She put her shirt back down "calm down sweety I'm just being nice." She looked back at Rusty "so your this adorable Rusty that I've been hearing about, it's so good to meet you. My name's Jane." Rusty couldn't get over how soothing and hypnotic her voice was, he could definitely see how she was once an apex predator with a voice like hers she probably had prey in lines to jump down her throat. Rusty held out his hand "it's really nice to meet you ma'am." She ignored Rusty's hand going for a full hug instead "none of this ma'am shit, I'm only in my thirties. Just call me mom." Rusty nodded slightly astonished by her age she looked to be in her early twenties.

Rusty felt a nudge on his side as Snow leaned over and kissed his mom on the cheek "if you'll excuse us I want to show Rusty my room before the ball drops." Jane released Rusty and walked over to the sectional where she flopped down across Henry's lap "go ahead and you two love birds take your time you still got two hours before the balls drops, er I mean ball." Rusty couldn't help but to chuckle as Snow lead him to the staircase, where Rusty fallowed him up to the second floor. At the top to the left of the stairs there was a balcony overlooking the living room, directly to the right of the stairs was an open door that Rusty could see was the bathroom. There were two other doors up there one across from the balcony and the other was all the way on the other side across from the bathroom. Snow lead Rusty to the door in between the bathroom and what Rusty assumed was the master bedroom. Snow opened the door and turned on the light as Rusty walked in. Snow's room was exactly as Rusty imagined it, the far right corner was filled with a large collection of pokemon plushies surrounding a pokeball beanbag chair. In the far left corner sat a neon green futon which was folded down since Snow used it as a bed. Snow's Tv hung on the wall next to the door easily seen from the futon, under the Tv was a sunk in shelf that held various game systems and games. To the right of all his plushies was a modern looking desk with an expensive looking "Dragon Claw" gaming computer sitting front and center, the desk itself was the same light purple color as the walls that surrounded them.

Rusty looked around the room feeling like a kid again as Snow walked over to the futon, where he quickly grabbed Rusty's attention as his pants fell to his ankles revealing the cutest pair of eevee panties. Snow turned around and shyly smiled he then walked over and got onto his knees in front of Rusty and began to undo his pants. He pulled them down slightly revealing Rusty's black lace boyshorts, which were stretched by Rusty's rock hard member. Snow began to slowly pull the boyshorts down, once low enough the bunny meat sprung out and bounced right in front of Snow's nose. Snow's own cock was peeking out of his panties as he leaned close and kissed Rusty's tip, to then take the whole thing into his mouth. Rusty moaned as he felt Snow's cold steal tongue ring slide up and down his shaft surrounded by his warm tongue and saliva. Snow put his hands on Rusty's hips as he continued to bob his head on his shaft, after a few minutes Snow forced Rusty's cock down his throat as far as it would go causing him to gag a little before pulling completely off. Snow stood up slowly pulling his panties down as he rose "how bout we finish what started in the car?" Snow whispered into Rusty's ear as he motioned him to the futon.

Snow walked over to the futon flinging his shirt off as he went, he climbed onto the mattress putting his perfect girly rear into the air with his tail wagging playfully above it. Rusty stripped off the rest of his clothes before approaching the futon where Snow waited, he placed his hands on Snow's ass and rested his cock between the two soft white cheeks "Snow, are you sure your ready for this?" Snow wiggled his rear as his tail continued to wag a mile per minute "of course I am, just please go slow." Rusty took a deep breath as he slowly pushed his cock into Snow's puckered tail hole. Snow let out a little gasp feeling Rusty's member move deeper and deeper inside of him, his own cock now rock hard began to drip pre onto the matress. Rusty moaned as he slowly moved his cock in and out of Snow's tight hole, he could almost feel Snow's heart beat as his inner muscles clenched around him. Snow began to move against Rusty's thrusts causing they're bodies to slap together, Snow bit his lips trying desperately to keep his moans quite. Rusty leaned over Snow wrapping his arms around the little hybrids waist and began to kiss Snow's neck as he continued to hump him, slowly picking up the pace and putting more force behind each thrust. Rusty felt himself getting close as he moved a hand down to stroke Snow's girth, upon touching Snow's throbbing tip Rusty heard him whimper and felt the hybrids warm seed coat his hand. Rusty followed soon after flooding Snow's insides with his bunny spunk. Snow let out a long low moan feeling the warmth flow through him as Rusty slowly pulled his throbbing cock out of Snow's messy ass. The two then flopped over on the bed resting for a little.

Snow was the first to sit up on the edge of the futon, which allowed Rusty to finally notice the massive furry lumps that hung between Snow's legs. He reached his hand to cup Snow's sac, only managing to fit one of the heavy balls in his hand "holy hell where were you hiding these things Snow!" Snow let out a cute little giggle as he picked his clothes off the floor "now I can't tell you all my secrets hun. I'm gonna sneak to the bathroom and clean up a little, you should get dressed so we can get back downstairs before my mom starts to wonder." Rusty nodded and Snow crept out the door silently shutting it behind him. Now in the room alone Rusty started to put his clothes back on, once done he sat on the desk chair quietly waiting for Snow to return. Not long after the door slowly came open as Snow silently came back in completely dressed, he looked at Rusty and smiled "you ready to go down?" Rusty stood up and nodded as Snow took his hand and lead him out the door and down the stairs.As they reached the bottom of the stairs they noticed they were up there a lot longer than they had thought as the ball was about to begin falling. When they entered the living room Jane looked at them with a big grin on her face "honey those moans were pretty weak, are you sure bunny boy is big enough for you?" Both Snow and Rusty turned as red as a pair of cherries "MOM!!!" Snow shouted as Jane was now laughing so hard at the young couples discomfort that she rolled off sectional onto the floor. Henry grabbed the remote and turned the Tv volume up "the ball's dropping everyone." The house fell silent as everyone was now focused on the screen as the furs in the city counted down the final seconds. The ball hit it destination and a giant "2016" lit up as fireworks filled the sky, Snow's parents were both screaming and cheering as if they were in the city with the crowd. Rusty felt Snow shift beside him and turned his head to look at him' Snow leaned in close placing his left hand on the side of Rusty's muzzle "happy New year Rusty." He then pressed his lips firmly against Rusty's who's head was now overflowing with pleasure and Rusty knew right there that there was no better way to celebrate the New year than this.