Summers' Passions

Story by Zantal on SoFurry

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Everything copyright Zantal...really, please just be nice... don't use characters without permission; don't repost random places (especially without citing); etc.

Adult, Furry/Scallie Content - Don't read if it's illegal for anyone involved (me, you, the site, your ISP, etc.)


Ten'lis and C'ram, a pair of anthro alligators, had decided to spend the afternoon going for a swim in the lake to celebrate the beginning of summer. The lake had a very uneven, swampy edge, which made it great for hide and seek. It was also popular with the non-anthros. The non-anthros seemed to recognize the shared heritage; they shared a mutual respect with the anthros, and the two groups largely left each other alone. The anthros didn't mess with the non-anthros' hunting, and the non-anthros didn't seem to mind the anthros enjoying the lake.

The two gators had hoped to be accompanied by a couple of other friends, but one had gotten stuck at work, and the other had ended up needing to babysit his siblings, who were also home from school. This had made Ten'lis at once excited and stressed; he had been contemplating and deliberating nearly constantly over a couple of encounters he had with C'ram.

The first had occurred while the two were studying for their Discrete Math final about weeks prior. They were in the library, but at a corner table, away from the few remaining furs still in the library late at night. C'ram and Ten'lis had been good friends for nearly all of their lives, and Cee had known something was else was stressing Ten beyond the simple stress of finals. C'ram had pressed him until he finally revealed what was bothering him.

In the present, Ten'lis had been listening to C'ram talk about some crazy client he'd met at his summer job, but as Cee continued the story, Ten let his mind drift back and recall what he had said as they studied.

"Well, I'm just...we're almost seniors, and I've been thinking a lot about after graduation. I'm worried about moving out into the world, away from my loved ones and friends. In college, everyone is really outgoing, and we're all in the same boat, but out there, lots of furs already have their, um, stuff, together. And wherever I go, I'll probably lose some of my friends. I can't remember before we met."

He paused, then continued; "this will be my first time I won't be near you, and I'll be leaving so many other furs...or they'll be leaving...and that's compounded in my romantic life. I...well, I need to tell someone...I think I'm gay. And...I know you've said you're bi, but I'm new at this. And...I was really hoping to have some kind of semi-serious relationship going before I'm graduating, and now I don't know how I'm going to handle that."

Ten sighed. "It's just been a lot to think about."

C'ram had seemed a bit surprised at this emotional expression. Ten knew he was usually a bit reserved and was almost always upbeat, and he had hoped this wouldn't worrying C'ram.

Ten recalled Cee's reply. "I know it's a hard step. It's going to be hard on all of us, but it's something we have to do. And there's a bright side - there's so many opportunities, so much of the world still out there to see...adventures to be had. Who knows what will happen, but good or bad, we'll have to move on."

The careful way he had said it indicated that Cee had put both thought and care into his reply. Then, he continued with something he hadn't expected: "As for the romance, well...I'm not really bi. The females don't excite me anymore. And as for you...well...I guess you bared your emotions for me, so it's only fair I do the same. I'd always secretly hoped we could move beyond just friendship. I don't want to pressure you into anything; you need time to think it over. And our friendship is important enough to me that I never want to sacrifice that. So if you don't see me like that, act like I never said that - please, no hard feelings. Just know I'll be here for you, in this as in everything."

Both feeling a bit awkward and thoughtful, the conversation hadn't continued much beyond that. Somehow, probably through pure fear of the exam, they had forced themselves to go back to studying.

As Ten drifted back to reality, he knew it was probably pretty obvious that he'd zoned out. He did manage to catch the end of Cee's story, and that kept the conversation going. As they continued to shoot the breeze, Ten carefully pondered their next private encounter.

It was about one week after the previous one; a few of the students had breaks in their exams, and Ten had invited some over to watch a movie. C'ram had stuck around after the other ones had left. Both had been tired; few words were said. Cee had correctly guessed that Ten was still worried about the same things, and Cee reassured him some. They had cuddled some under a blanket, and both had done some playful grabbing. The night had ended with a brief goodbye peck from Cee, but Ten was still too tired and confused about himself to go much beyond that.

Ten's thoughts briefly returned to the present. As they (well, really just C'ram) continued to shoot the breeze, Ten once again ran over his thoughts and conclusions in his head. Few decisions had given him this much thought, but this was clearly an important one.

The one thought that stood out among his other deliberation was that the more he thought about it, the more he didn't want to imagine life without Cee, without their relationship getting stronger. He had just gotten more and more happy with the idea that he and Cee could be closer. The more he thought about it, the more he realized that his relationship with C'ram, and C'ram himself, was what he wanted. Ten'lis only hoped Cee was also on the same page and ready to move forward.

Stealing glances as they walked, Ten started to check out C'ram's body. This was the most revealing attire he'd seen Cee in since their feelings had started to develop. Looking at him, it was easy to see the resemblance between their species and the non-anthros. In fact, very little had changed for the effect it had.

Anthros had retained the short arms and legs; notably, the anthros' legs were a bit longer and stronger, better accommodating a two-leg stance and upright walking. Anthros also had an additional joint at the base of their tails, allowing it to point out dorsally, again for when they were on two legs. Obviously, they had more flexibility in orienting their necks, to face forward when upright, and their spines were a bit stronger as well, again to support being upright.

Ten couldn't see C'ram's, but he knew that the anthros also have a slightly different genital layout than the non-anthros - it was very similar, but anthros had two separate slits-a change that Ten was definitely happy with.

They could certainly communicate much better, achieving speech thanks to their vocal cords, longer and less attached tongue, more flexible gums, and more dextrous claw digits. Otherwise, they were actually very similar to the non-anthros, and with their flexible nature, the anthros could actually comfortably achieve a similar on-all-fours posture and movement to the non-anthros when they wanted to.

Ten was brought back to the present when he suddenly realized that Cee had stopped talking. He'd been caught. "You're still thinking about after college, aren't you?"


"Are you thinking about me?"

Ten nodded slowly. Cee swallowed "You made any decisions?"

Ten walked up to where Cee was standing. "Well, I..." Ten knew this was what he wanted; he just had to find the courage to say it and not to rush it. "Yes, Cee, and I want to be with you. I know we haven't been romantic long, but I've known you nearly all my life, and I know you're what I want. I....C'ram...I love you."

C'ram broke out into a huge grin. "I was hoping you'd say that. You know, I'm glad the others couldn't make it now." The two normally masculine gators hugged and nuzzled each other. Then, C'ram carefully took Ten's claw in his own, and they held claws the rest of the way to the lake, caught up in their strong emotions.

Both gators were now excited and upbeat. For Cee, a dream of his, that he all but given up on before two weeks ago, was coming true. For Ten, as he thought about it, he realized that much of his worrying had centered on leaving C'ram.

Suddenly, life was beginning to make sense again, and thing were looking up. The happiness of the pair was reflected in their conversation, as they began to reminisce about their antics when they were younger and to imagine what the future might hold.

When they arrived, they found the lake, or what they could see of it, empty of anthros. The size of the lake, the swampy surroundings, and the uneven edge made for plenty of alcoves, inlets, and subsections of the lake that weren't visible of the main entrance. What they could see, though, was devoid of anthros.

They had passed a couple of older females on the path who were clearly leaving after having been out for a sunbathe on their lunch break, but that was it. However, they hadn't been expecting a crowd. After all, it was a weekday at the beginning of summer. College students were still adjusting to being home; exams for Cee and Ten had happened only a week ago. High school students were stuck in school; it was exam review time, when students couldn't afford to play hooky.

Once at the lake, they were distracted from their thoughts as soon as they got in the water. Swimming was something universally loved among gators, and it made a great escape from, well, pretty much anything. And of course, they started the typical guy horsing around nearly immediately - splashing, racing, sneaking underwater, and general hijinks.

Both were enjoying the fun, getting to relax, and getting to play together. Playing in the water gets tiring quickly, though; despite their prowess in the water, both gators still tired quickly, as they played hard. Their play slowed, and Ten began to drift, slowly swimming a spiral as he caught his breath and decided to relax a bit.

After a few minutes, Ten began to wonder if they would be expressing their romance at the lake. It was such a beautiful location, but he trusted Cee to make the right choice and to make the first move.

He didn't have to wait long - within only a couple of minutes, C'ram swam up to him. "Would you like to go somewhere a little less...out in the open? I found a great area last year. It's not as private or nice once the season picks up and lots of furs are here. Today, though, it should be great."

"Lead the way, love." C'ram that was something he wouldn't get tired of hearing. Although, he mused, they probably couldn't be quite as, well, mushy, around just wouldn't be good for their image. For now, though, he enjoyed it.

As they got near, Ten could see a small, overgrown edge, but more importantly, there were plenty of shallows. He could tell there were areas where he could touch bottom and relax on all fours, as well as areas where he'd be comfortable on just two legs. It'd be a great spot to relax. Ten stood up in the shallows, turned around, and was met with a view of the entire length of the lake.

"Wow...that's beautiful." Then, he realized he could only see the shore opposite the entrance. "Clever...until it gets crowded enough that furs spread out, this might as well be a small alcove." C'ram walked up beside him "And there's no one I'd rather share it with than you, Ten." And with that, he leaned in for their first full on kiss.

For those that haven't seen gators kiss, it's an extremely intimate moment. Because of their shape and sharp teeth, the two heads actually have to be at a 90 degree angle from each other. They carefully have to interlock their teeth to avoid hurting each other, and even so, all movements are very gentle to avoid any painful accidents. This being the first time for both Ten and Cee, they had some minor pokes and scrapes, but they managed to get into position without any dramatic injuries.

Once in this position, the two gators share breaths, each breathing directly into and from the mouth of the other. This was something unexpected for both of them; it's not something they had learned from watching others. Both gators quickly found that they loved this new level of closeness. Lack of fresh air didn't pose much trouble for the pair, since their species is adapted to living in the water; anthro gators are capable of being underwater nearly as long as the non-anthros.

The position also gave both gators a significant volume to play in, and their tongues explored it fully. Both gators loved the feeling of their tongues rubbling slickly along the inside of the other's mouth and intertwining with the other's well as the sensation of the other's tongue doing the same. The pair blissfully continued until they were nearly panting, and when their claws ceased to trace along each other's backs, it was a signal that both were ready to move on.

After they had carefully separated, Ten pulled them into a close hug. "That was...amazing" he whispered into C'ram's ear.

" really was." Cee replied. "Now...since there's no one do you feel about some skinny dipping? Let's go throw our trunks by the shore." Ten smiled and hurriedly splashed to the shore. Looking toward the shore, he slowly and erotically began to pull his shorts down. When he cocked his around to gauge Cee's reaction, though, he found that he had the same idea, and both were doing nearly the same thing. The two gators had a good laugh at this, though they both also took the chance to check each other out.

Ten'lis then slipped into the water; C'ram followed, and they began a slow, sensual swim. They swam around each other, gently brushing against the other and making contact, only to separate an instant later. Both underwater and above, each carefully examined the body of the other, appreciating, loving, and longing.

The pair of gators enjoyed the slow teasing and relaxing swim, knowing that they probably only had another week until the lake would be too crowded for them to swim this freely and so casually be so revealing.

After a while, their movements brought them back near the shallows they had left from. Ten wasn't sure how much more teasing he could take. He was glad when he felt C'ram's form graze against him as he swam up beside him. Cee used one foreclaw to hold onto Ten'lis's back and steady himself, and the other one began to slowly trace along Ten's side.

"I think we should head over to the shallows and " he made air quotes that didn't really work as one of his claws were in a weird position for it " 'celebrate' our new relationship a little bit more. What do you think?"

Ten nodded vigorously. Cee continued "I think we should start with you on your back, we can see each other and look into each other's eyes as we do this."

"That's what I thought, too." Ten made his way over to a shallow area where he would be able to lean his head up and breathe while on his back, but their bodies would still both be underwater. It was evident from the distended, slightly pink mounds at their fore vents that both gators were getting excited.

As Ten lay onto his back, he was struck with an instinctual fear. Gators' soft underbellies and the way their legs and arms were oriented made them extremely vulnerable when they were on their backs. Ten quickly dismissed this fear - in fact, he relished the idea of fully exposing himself to C'ram. Plus, he knew Cee would protect him, not harm him.

"Try not to get hard; I want to get inside your penile vent" Cee said, as he started to slide his way up on top of Ten. That was easier said than done, as Cee's movement pressed their soft, sensitive undersides together. They both felt small waves of erotic pleasure run through them while they rubbed against each other.

When he was about 3/4 of the way up, Cee stopped, and Ten felt Cee grab one of his hindclaws in his own. Leaning slightly to the other side, Cee wriggled the clasped claws in between them until they aligned with Cee's distended vent. Cee pressed Ten's claw against the vent, and Ten felt the tip of Cee's cock press against his scales.

"I think you know what to do from here" C'ram said, removing his own claw from the pair. Ten began to slowly tease the opening of the vent with the tip of his claw, being careful not to scrape. He then ran his palm around the entire mound, starting with light pressure and gradually increasing how hard he pushed. Ten'lis simultaneously felt Cee gasp and Cee's penis evert against his claw.

Ten carefully began to carefully caress the tip of C'ram's erection. He had never felt another gator's erection before, and he found he noticed the shape more when he wasn't felling the rushes of pleasure masturbation gave. Ten found himself appreciating the notches and grooves of the uniquely shaped head, which was shared only by other crocodilians; he was glad their cock shape hadn't changed from the non-anthros.

Each gasp from C'ram was causing his throat, which was now against Ten's mound, to flex, and Ten realized ruefully that they'd have to stop soon, lest he start to evert as well. He quickly brightened, though-his claw's clasping and feeling had caused C'rams penis to become fully erected and everted; they were ready to step it up a notch.

When Cee felt Ten move his claw away, he knew that they were ready, and he began to move himself again and finish aligning them. Time slowed down for Ten as he tried to resist the arousing effects of Cee's movements; Cee's short legs slowly moved him along, and their soft belly scales slowly ground together. Ten tried to focus on something else, and settled on the squishing of the mud underneath him as the additional weight pressed him deeper into it.

Soon, they both felt the shaft of Cee's erection graze against the vent, and Cee adjusted himself slightly so that the tip of his penis pressed against the crease in Ten's body that was his vent. "Are you ready, Ten'lis?" he said; he felt using the full name better expressed the significance of what they were about to do.

Ten'lis replied: "Will you..." - he swallowed nervously - "Will you be my mate?" Though the question had already seemingly been answered before, this underscored the importance of the decision.

This was the last chance to turn back, and their actions would mark the beginning of a profound relationship. Mating was not necessarily for life in their culture, although that was not uncommon. However, mating was an expression of deep love, and it would not be undertaken by two beings unless they were committed to a long-term relationship.

They had forgone some of the typical foreplay in the interest of keeping Ten soft, but both had thought about this, and felt it emotionally, enough to be certain that this was the right choice. "Gladly, yesssss" Cee responded, holding the S sound as he began to push his cock into Ten's now slightly pink penile vent. Both moaned as Cee pressed into the tight crevice and the two penises rubbed against each other. It was a tight fit, but soon Cee's hardness was completely enclosed inside of Ten.

Cee held his position and began to wrap his tail around Ten's; the intertwined tails increasing their closeness and expressing their love. This movement sensually squished Ten into the mud. Cee let out a lust-filled whisper "you know, you're soft...which means there's more of my gatorhood in your slit right now than there is of your own."

Ten responded with a moan.

Cee began to lick at Ten's lower jaw; with each lick, he could feel a slight throb of Ten's penis against his own as the sensual feelings affected him. They both knew that they probably could not hold this position much longer; Ten's rod was beginning to harden and grow.

The gators each began to make sensual moans and grunts as Cee began slow and shallow thrusting. Their movements resulted small waves in the lake; the quiet splashing complimenting their own lustful soundtrack.

All too soon, Cee felt Ten's penis pressing insistently against his own, and he began to slow down and draw out. On its way out, Cee felt his penis shoot just a bit of precum, and he heard Ten gasp at the shot of warmth on his rod. Both of them sighed as their cocks left the friction-created warmth of Ten's fore vent and slid into the cool waters.

It wasn't long before Cee began pressing down against Ten again, this time pressing their tools together. He began a slow writhing, rubbing them together against each other as he worked to keep their rods aligned. With his back in the mud, there was only so much Ten could do, but he did his best to thrust back against him.

Cee began to slow down, and Ten followed, confused, but then Cee tightened his grip on Ten's body and shifted his posture slightly. Ten immediately caught on as he felt their aroused internal testicles rub against one other through their scales. Ten let out a breathless moan at these previously unknown pleasures.

Cee began a shallow, gentle humping motion that increased the contact. " did you know?" Ten moaned. "I found that playing with myself" Cee replied, "and I'm glad you enjoy it."

They continued these soft motions for a few more minutes, until Cee shifted their movements back to rubbing their cocks. Then, he began his plan to surprise Ten. With each thrust, he subtly moved forward along Ten's body. Once he was far enough forward, he made one long forward movement and stopped. He had aligned his anal vent with Ten's slick rod.

"I thought since I was the first to explore your fore-vent, you could be the first to explore the aft." Cee began to push down lightly against Ten and felt the pressure on his aft vent increase. Then the bulbous tip of the other alligator's cock slid in, lubricated by the water surrounding them. Ten felt and heard inhale Cee sharply, and he knew Cee was adjusting to the stretching.

Cee paused briefly. Then, he began to make shallow, subdued thrusting motions against Ten. Each thrust drove them a little closer, forcing a little more of Ten's rod into Cee. Ten felt Cee's tail tighten the grip it had on his own, and he squeezed back. He then realized that Cee was clenching his teeth, and he moved one of his claws from its grip on Cee's back to rub against his jaw. "Hon, you can slow down...don't hurt yourself."

Cee continued his movements as he opened his jaw slightly and showed his teeth, in their species' version of smile. "Don't worry...I'm just excited. I just want" - he gasped as one thrust sent Ten's penis particularly deep - "to feel all of your gatorhood deep inside me." C'ram continued the shallow thrusting, preferring to prolong the feeling of his body adjusting to his new mate inside of him rather than do it more quickly and painfully.

Both gators began to gasp as Cee's body continued to adjust, relieving the pressure just slightly and increasing the pleasure for them both. Suddenly, Cee exhaled sharply and briefly stopped his movement. For the first time, he felt something touch his prostate. " that's what they were talking about."

Like any gay, male teen, Cee had looked up some information, and stories. He had never gotten the nerves up to try it on himself - not that he'd be able to reach it as well with his claw, anyway. Now, he was glad that he hadn't, because it allowed him to share this special moment with Ten.

Cee slowly started his movement again, a bit nervous that getting Ten all the way in would position Ten''s cock away from Cee's prostate. He needn't have worried - at the same time, he felt the overwhelming sensations of Ten's scales pressed against his and one of the lower bulges of Cee's cockhead shoved against his prostate. C'ram stopped his movement and was left breathless.

When he could speak again, Cee relaxed his tail's grip just a bit and moved his head back so that he could see Ten'lis's head. "Let's savor this moment for a bit. Our first intimate joining. As close together as we can get." Both gators had their jaws open, "smiling" at each other.

After a brief pause, Ten said "May there be many more." "I'd, love that." Cee replied.

The gators continued to enjoy the meaningful moment for a bit, and then Ten'lis made what Cee thought was an adorable whine. "I love you Ten" Cee said as he began to pull back.

" you too, C'ram." Ten said, interrupted by Cee's thrust against him. As Cee began a regular thrusting motion, he found that if he pulled back just enough, he could actually get his prostate rubbed by both bulges of Cee's cockhead. Each of thrust brought the two flush again and pushed Ten's body against the mud.

Soon, they were producing the quiet, lewd rhythm of gators thrusting against each other, in the throes of passion. Cee began to feel the singular sensation of lukewarm shots of Ten's precum among the cold water that now surrounded Ten's rod in his vent. He remembered that he had done the same for Ten, and he hoped that Ten had found it as erotic as he did.

After a while of the longer thrusting, in an effort to express the closeness he was feeling, Ten grasped Cee's back with his foreclaws and pulled them even tighter together. Cee welcomed the new closeness, and the shorter thrusts would mean he could last longer - his prostate wouldn't be doubly hit anymore. In this new position, the two mated gators really took on the shape of one writing beast.

Both enjoyed this new position too much to change anything. Cee kept the small thrusts forceful, and their bodies rocked and slapped against each other. Both tried to hold on as long as they could, but the pleasure would finally hit its peak. As he felt Ten'lis start to tense up, Cee pulled them flush together and stopped. C'ram felt and saw Ten gasp, pause, then slide over the edge into orgasm. For both, it was the first time feeling an orgasm with another; Cee relished the flow of warmth into his vent and Ten savored the feeling of Cee's insides that clenched his cock and held the semen against it.

Both rested in this position for a few moments. Cee hadn't cum, but the pressure inside him meant he wouldn't be getting soft while they sat there. When Ten was coherent again, he released his grip on Cee, but decided to let Cee make the next move.

When Cee was ready, he moved his hindclaw down to his aft slit, and pressed against where the two gators were joined. He then pushed himself upward and backward, using his claw to keep the cum from flowing away as Ten's penis slipped out of him.

C'ram stretched one of his foreclaws down to the same area, and used it to grab some of the liquid. Thick and sticky, it mostly stayed together as he brought his claw out of the water, then up to their faces. Cee licked some off of his claw, then held it out, offering Ten'lis some as well. He enjoyed the sensation of Ten's tongue on his claws as he licked his own cum off of them.

Then, C'ram leaned back in, and both began licking the remains of Ten's cum off of the same webbed digits, tongues occasionally touching and sliding against each other. Ten thought about how erotic it was that they were sharing this cum, which had now been inside both of their bodies, between their mouths.

When the claw was clean, Ten thought Cee would grab more, but instead, he felt Cee move to use his other hindclaw. Confused, Ten soon felt Cee's hindclaw against his aft vent. Cee was using his claws to push, slide, and coerce Ten's cum back inside of him. "What are you doing? We're in the water."

"Water's good, but this is even slipperier. Not to mention really sexy."

"I can't deny that."

When Cee was satisfied with the amount of Ten's now cool and thicker cum he had gotten back inside of Ten, he slid back off of Ten and stood up.

"Get on all fours- I want to do this like they" - C'ram used his head to gesture to some non-anthros across the lake - "would." Ten opened his mouth, "smiling", and did as he was told, slowly moving his tail from side-to-side once he was in position.

Cee took a second to admire his mate's beautiful form. Thanks to their earlier activity, Ten's back was now covered in mud. Cee got down on all fours behind him, and began to use his foreclaws and Ten's tail to guide himself as he propelled himself forward with his hindclaws. Soon, his underside was rubbing against Ten's slick back, and it was all he could do to keep from sliding off as he moved. This created a pleasant writing movement for both of them.

Ten felt Cee slide up his back, the movement stopping when he felt Cee's head directly on top of his own. Cee used all of his claws to grab against Ten and position himself. He had to be at a slight angle, sliding his penis roughly between Ten's tail and leg, to hit his target. Cee used his own tail to push Ten's tail toward the left, allowing Cee's erection more effective access on the right side.

Cee slid his erection around Ten's underscales, quickly finding the vent he was looking for. He then took a moment to slide his erection around a little more, though; he liked the feeling of his tip rubbing along Ten's underscales, and he hoped it aroused Ten.

"Stop teasing. I need you, love." Cee moved his penis back to Ten's aft slit, and then began to gently push.

The slickness allowed the very tip to open the vent pretty easily, but the slight angle made the bulbous head catch - an erotic feeling for both of them. Cee increased the pressure until he felt the slit give way and the rest of his his head slide in. Cee heard a gasp and stopped a moment to allow Ten to adjust. He relaxed his grip and moved his arms to wrap around Ten's and do the same with their legs. This twining was very sensual to both gators, and it would allow Cee to control his movement without grasping Ten quite so tightly.

"You can keep going again." Cee began to thrust gently against Ten, remembering how he had preferred the shorter thrusting motions at first when he had felt Ten'lis inside of him.

As Ten got closer to taking all of him, Cee heard some small gasps, but he hadn't noticed a reaction like when he had first felt Ten hit his prostate. "Am I not aiming right, love?" he asked. Ten replied "you're grazing it, which is a cool teasing feeling. I'd love it if you'd move just a little bit to the right though." Cee used his tail to adjust his position, and heard Ten gasp. "You like?" There was a pause as Ten regained his composure. "I expected it to be good"

Cee picked up his thrusting again, and soon he felt their vents meet. He paused, savoring another first. "Can you stay still for a second, Cee?" "Sure." Cee wondered if Ten was okay, but trusted him to say something if there was a problem.

To his surprise, Cee felt Ten'lis begin to push back against him. Cee had been doing almost all of the movement so far, and now that Ten finally had some purchase against the mud, he wanted to be the one in control for a bit. Cee enjoyed the new feeling of getting the sensations without doing the work, and Ten loved being able to control the movements.

With each thrust backward, Ten was moving so that he felt the same great double-prod Cee had loved. Cee, no longer focusing on their movement, unwrapped one of his foreclaws from Cee. Still stable because of his remaining three claws, he dragged his digits up along Ten's arm, ending with them where the arm met the body.

Both knew that this was one of the most sensitive areas on a gator's scales. Cee began to use his claw to carefully work the area, alternately massaging, rubbing, poking, and just dragging his claws along it. Cee felt Ten sigh under him at the new feelings. Distracted by the simultaneous sensations, Ten slowed his thrusting and opened his mouth in a blissful "grin."

Soon, Ten'lis was accustomed to the additional movements, and he began to pick back up the thrusting. Ten had been too engrossed in their intimate connection to notice, but his cock had become aroused and fully extended once again. With each thrust, Ten was now sliding his penis in a chasm his erection had made in the mud.

Ten knew the combination of sensations-the mud squishing against his rod, the wonderful sensations from C'ram's claws, and Cee's cock deep within him - would keep him from lasting much longer. Cee could tell from the moans and gasps coming from Ten that he was really getting into it and would probably hit his second orgasm soon.

As their movements had started to work the mud off of Ten's back, Cee had begun to enjoy the sensations of the rough scale edges on Ten's back rubbing against his sensitive underside. That was something he'd get to enjoy more next time. For now, it was time for a beautiful ending to a beautiful change in their lives.

Cee began to thrust again, working in tandem with Ten to make each thrust harder, deeper, and longer. It was an amazing feeling as Ten's insides massaged all along the length of his cock. Just as C'ram didn't think he could hold out any longer, he felt Ten tense, and he knew he could let himself go.

He got two more thrusts in while his orgasm hit, and then he succumbed to the wave of sensations. Cee had to suppress a scream of ecstasy as he felt Ten's insides contract and squeeze his gatorhood in their simultaneous orgasm. Ten'lis had to do the same; he felt Cee's cock shoved against his prostate and pouring his sweet, lukewarm gator cum into him; all while he also felt his own cum surround his cock as he shot into in the mud.

Both gators were rocked with the sensations, and it was a number of minutes before either of them thought about moving. They lay there, pressed together and panting, each feeling the movements of the other's body as they took deep breaths.

When Cee finally did move, he repeated the actions from earlier, using a hindclaw to guide one of Ten hindclaws to where the two gators' bodies were in intimate union. Ten caught on, and used it to keep the semen from flowing out as Cee extracted himself. Ten groaned at the empty feeling when Cee's tip slid out.

This time, it was Ten who used one of his claws to gather the cum from his vent and share it between them. The mixture of their two loads-after all, Cee had forced Ten's cum back into the same slit he he had filled with his own cum - was relished by the two of them. When there was no more to be had, the two gators, still basking in their afterglow, began to stand. Ten pulled them into a tight embrace.

"I couldn't have asked for anything better for my first time, or my mate."

"I couldn't have said that any better myself."