Welcomed (Part Two)

Story by Mahiri Morahan on SoFurry

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I've decided to make a short series out of the fun between Mahiri, Kenya and Sara. Currently have about three more small stories planned following this one. There will be lots of sex all around. Fun fact: When Sara mentions something about her being in the news, I briefly opened up my internet browser so I could confirm the details until I remembered it didn't happen in the real world. Don't think I'm going to bother grouping this into a series, as each one is going to appeal to a different crowd.

Mahiri scrubbed his soapy fur to a fine lather while searing hot water poured down all over his tawny fur. With enough soap and shampoo, the stuck-on hyena cum from the night before had eventually washed out, but the scent remained stubbornly clinging to him. It wasn't just a bodily musk. It marked him both as property and revealed to anyone who got close enough just what he'd been up to with that hulking, powerful herm. It felt wonderful. He wanted to run out into public and stick himself under people's noses. Being cared for by such a aggressively affectionate being brought him a new pride and security, and he was quite willing to smell like a hyena's seed in return. An accidental brush over his sheath turned his thoughts to sex. Looking back, the previous night's events took on an almost legendary quality. All the fear and shock he'd experienced had become a fond memory rather than lingering trauma, making the encounter that much more exciting to think about. It wasn't long before he was starting to show some pink at the end of his firmed sheath, the beating of the water against his crotch enough to arouse him with no help of his own. Faintly grunting, he wrapped his fingers around his emerging cock, letting it glide over the pads of his paws, the heat of the shower helping amplify the heat of the moment. His thoughts came back to that savage hyena. The feral glint in her eye, the gleam of her teeth, ready to strike at any moment. He thought of her muscles tight and flexing as she pounded forth with her hips, grunting and cackling her delight at just how good he felt... he was obsessed! He couldn't get her off his mind if he tried, and every moment she spent on his mind made him all the hornier. Soon he was lightly shaking back and forth as he masturbated, his eyes shut tight and some faint whimpers escaping his lips. He even let himself moan Kenya's name... or nickname, as it were. As climax built, the pleasure went surging down his legs, making them buckle, forcing him to lean back against the shower wall. He slowly slid down with each stroke he gave himself, until he was slumped right down and sitting, still shaking with the pleasure of each jerk. It wasn't so much that he was doing an especially good job at pleasuring himself, but rather it was the fantasy that raced through his mind. In pictures it would have been mostly incoherent, focussed on the little details of the herm's body, the way a certain muscle tensed, the way she arched when she slammed forth... With the bathroom door wide open, he could hear the knock even over the beating of water and paw against his body, the burning ecstasy of orgasm shooting up through his cock, faltering, and then leaving him squirming as it died right down again. So close! The knock had come softly, not urgent, and he just needed a moment more... ah, but surely the hyena would be pleased to see how worked up she got him even in her absence. Turning the water off and hastily stepping out, he wrapped himself in a towel and hastily shook off so that he wouldn't drip too much on the way to the door. Expecting the herm, he was prepared for just how toothy the individual behind the door was, but found himself surprised nonetheless. He remembered her - he'd seen her for a moment as he fled from the hyena's rampage. She had looked intimidating then, and this time was no different, but she stood with a shy smile and nervous stance like she had come to slip him a love note. As for what she was, Mahiri had no idea. Sleek and scaled, she was no doubt a reptile of some sort, but nothing he could identify. Earthy brown all over, she had a bit of a gleam to her bumpy skin, making her look smooth even though she was scaly. Definitely not a dragon, as she lacked the spikes and horns or the like to resemble such. She was a blonde, too, with a head of hair splayed well down over her shoulders. That made her the first reptile he'd seen with actual hair. In her slight grin, she revealed a series of stakes for teeth, with two fangs that unquestionably belonged to a snake prominent amidst them. A lizard with a little snake mixed in perhaps. Aside from the confusion over her species, Mahiri saw plenty of things to like about the girl at his door. She was almost the size of the hyena, a little shorter, and a little more on the athletically toned side than blatantly muscular, but still one hulk of a female, one that could destroy the leopard in moments if she was so inclined. All things considered, between the sizeable teeth and fangs, the narrow, reptilian eyes, claws and muscle and a thick tail, he probably should have been afraid. But she was so cute! Bright-eyed and shy-looking, and wearing a little pink dress suitable for a fairytale princess, he was struck by the urge to just leap forth and give her snuggles, but restrained himself for fear of offending Kenya. They did seem to be romantically involved after all. "Hiya!" chirped the big reptile, waving a clawed hand and then tucking it shyly away once more. "You must be the one my Kenya likes so much! Um, we sorta met before but you looked like you were in a hurry, so I just thought I'd stop by and, you know..." She shuffled her feet, toes tipped by curve claws. "Say hello. Are you busy? You're all wet! Sorry!" Gripping the towel a little tighter around his waist when he realized he was slightly flashing her, the leopard couldn't help but giggle at the lizard's cheery demeanour. It had a way of putting him into an even better mood than he already was. "No, no, it's fine! I was, uh, just getting out. Are you Sara?" "Yup!" Her tail wriggled behind her, like a snake speeding along through the air. "Wanna come hang out for a while? You know, new neighbours and stuff like that." It was a strange feeling for the leopard, being out-shied like that, and by a cute, strong girl no less! "Um, sounds good, but lemme get some clothes on first!" "If you want! I'll wait." Mahiri chuckled, as she slowly let the door close, padding off and drying himself as he went. If he wanted? He wondered if that was a slip of the tongue or if she was flirting in her girly way. Between her and the hyena, there was about as much contrast as could be in a relationship. Judging by his first impression, anyway. Their only resemblance was in size. Poor Sara would have to be big and strong, living with that lusty monster. This time he dressed a little more casually, so as to avoid giving the wrong impression, pulling on a looser pair of jeans and a shirt. Purely comfortablel. That way, nobody would have an excuse to molest him - not that he was especially afraid of that. Sara was still standing in the exact same spot when he got back, patient and still smiling. She offered her hand and he took it softly, looking up at her to return the smile. An odd girl, truly. Being around her gave him the feeling that he was back in grade school all over again, being pulled away by the girl crushing on him. "Kenya said she had a lot of fun with you last night," she giggled as she led Mahiri across the hall and into her apartment. "And I can tell! You smell like it." The leopard didn't blush. He wasn't ashamed, and by the sound of it the little playfulness wasn't something frowned upon at all within the relationship. If anything, Sara seemed delighted that her significant other was enjoying herself with others. He wondered if the freedom extended to the reptile as well - Kenya was pretty dominant, but she had balked at the idea of outright owning him, so she probably wasn't any more possessive with her mate. Not that the leopard was especially inclined towards jumping into bed with Sara. She was adorable and curvy and sexy and all, but her innocent mannerisms made it seem strangely taboo to think such things. "Is she always so... you know, rough?" "I'd say you got off kinda easy. She loves guys like you." "Guys like me?" "Guys with cute butts!" Mahiri flicked his tail, flattered. He was rarely a prideful one, but he always liked having his more girly features complimented. Before he could say anything more, he found himself falling into a reverent silence when he saw the hyena herself come out of the bedroom. Or at least it was *a* hyena, one of the same size and musculature as Kenya, but something was very wrong. Dressed in pressed pants, sport coat, even a tie, such looked like she was heading out to a business meeting or the front of a lecture hall rather than to rape and pillage the countryside like Mahiri expected her to do in her spare time. She even wore a pair of glasses, thick-rimmed and rectangular. Trendy, sure, but not exactly matching the mental image the leopard had formed of her so far. Her hair was neatly braided too, all tidy and precise. "Be back a little late tonight, rappy." When Kenya spoke, it was as gruff and rumbling as ever, but it lacked that hard, aggressive edge she had used when forcing herself on the cat. "You two be sure to have fun." She gave the lizard a gentle kiss on the snout, and then ruffled her hair, giving Mahiri a ruffle while he was there. "Treat my gal nice now, y'hear? Or I'll fucking crucify you." Her giggle following that was rather soft for a hyena that time, more, well, sane. Maybe she really was just kidding, but the leopard wasn't going to take any chances. He'd be on his best behaviour, obeying Sara's every word for as long as she wanted him to. The hyena left with briefcase in hand, winking to the two of them. The stunned silence Mahiri had fallen into was interrupted when he felt a forked, reptilian tongue caressing him behind the ears. It was enough to get an automatic purr out of him, along with a gasp of surprise. It was just a small gesture, but it felt sexual to him. Maybe he was overreacting. Truth be told, he was a little afraid of getting intimate with the big lizardess. What if he screwed up or accidentally hurt her? Kenya would be sure to hear about it, and would probably end up fucking him until he broke in two or something. "Are you okay down there, mister Mahiri? You look kinda hypnotized." Sara poked him in the back with the tip of her tail - it seemed to be rather flexible. The leopard shook his head and blinked a few times. He'd fallen into such a trance, he had totally forgotten she was actually there, still holding his paw. "Huh? Er, sorry, lost in thought, nevermind, I'm okay, don't worry. What were we talking about?" "Hee." She giggled girlishly. "She scares you pretty bad still, doesn't she? He shrugged his shoulders. "I dunno, it's not so much scared, it's just sort of... intimidated, or something." "Don't worry, she scares everyone! It's just kind of her thing." Giving Mahiri a little tug on the paw, she led him over to a wide, green couch, sitting herself down and bringing him alongside her. "I'll let you in on a little secret. She has a heart the size of the moon! You're her friend now, and she never, ever would betray a friend." Looking up at the lizard who was now beaming with affection as she spoke of her mate, the leopard couldn't help but break into a broad smile of his own. "You really love each other, don't you?" "Heehee, you can tell? You haven't even seen us together for more than a few seconds." "Yeah, just sort of something about you two. You really give off that kind of ... air. You know?" Sara slipped her arm around Mahiri's waist and pulled him a little closer, so their hips met. She was good and soft for such a scaly, tough creature. Again he felt like just hopping on over and cuddling, but he waited for her to give some sign of approval first. "Aww, that's really nice of you to say! She's just my everything... I wouldn't even be here without her." Sara broke into a strange hissing noise, smiling to herself, before she just turned her head down to the leopard beside her and gave him a soft laugh. "And I'd be delighted if you wanted to cuddle, by the way! Don't hold back! I'm not going to eat you. And no, Kenya won't crucify you either! Hee, such a dark sense of humour. That's hyenas for you." Mahiri wondered how exactly she could tell he what he was thinking. More than that though, he was overjoyed for the invitation. He laid his head out onto her lap and stretched out on the couch, giving her firm thighs a nuzzle as he looked up at her, admiring her teeth. He feared to imagine what the offspring would sport in their jaws should she and Kenya ever reproduce. Again, Sara could either read his thoughts or just saw him staring, as she opened her jaws up to give him a good look. He'd never seen anything like it - she must have been a hybrid of particular good luck. Reaching up despite his first instinct to keep his paws to himself, he ran a finger over one of those long, curled fangs, then drew it away with a bit of a startle when he caught a hot, acidic scent. The scent remained on his paw afterwards. That worried him, but at least it wasn't eating through his skin or anything like that. He lay staring at his fingers, not daring wipe them off on anything. "Ooh, did you get a little venom?" she asked innocently. Mahiri gave a soft eep. "Venom? You're poisonous?" "Yup. I'm just a little bit cobra! It won't kill you or anything. Go ahead, try it!" Mahiri chuckled, sniffing the obviously dangerous smell of poison on his fingers. "Seriously? Um, no offense meant or anything, but my mama always said that licking deadly cobra venom off my fingers leads to a shorter life." "Silly. I wouldn't say it if it'd make you die." Shrugging, the leopard decided to indulge her, carefully cleaning off his paw. At first he winced at the sharp, bitter taste, his face wrinkling in disgust, but it was gone soon enough. Then, nothing. He sighed with relief, only to feel his heart start to race. His thoughts got scrambled, and he felt his body ceasing up, his breath coming in wheezes. There wasn't enough air getting into them, a feeling that brought about panic as he stared wide-eyed up at her, shaking and convulsing. "S-Sara! I..." He stopped. As soon as it had come, the feeling left him. Everything was fine. In place of impending death, he found a much better sensation all throughout his body. His muscles relaxed, and that lingering arousal peaked sharply, leaving him starting to erect rapidly. A low purring moan rolled through him as he relaxed down against her thighs, half-closing his eyes in a blissful high. "Oooh, Sara..." She leaned down and gave him a peck on the lips, giggling deeply. "You look so cute when you're horny!" Saying such a thing made her pause to lick her lips in what might have been a nervous gesture. "Um, so I was kinda wondering!" "Y-yeah?" he stammered, though he knew what she meant. "I'm so shameless for saying, but, erm, kinda wanted to take you for a spin myself! You know, was curious and all." Looking up at her with an amused expression mixed in with a pleasure-induced weakness, the leopard gave her a little laugh. "Don't be embarrassed, you don't come on nearly as strong as the other resident of this apartment." "Hee, guess not! In that case, I hear you've got a nice tongue..." A broad smirk came over Mahiri's lips. He didn't need to be told anything else, he just slipped down slowly to kneel on the floor, head between Sara's toned thighs, paws gliding up and down smooth scales. Looking up her dress, he saw that she had as much respect for undergarments as he did, a bare, glistening reptilian sex wet before him. Seemed she already was a little worked up, just having him close. He appreciated the natural compliment. The effects of the venom in his body still weakened him enough to leave his legs shaking with the effort to keep him up, even kneeling. It wasn't going to slow him when the silken treat was within his reach. The aphrodisiac effect of the little taste certainly helped his initiative, making the mild scent of arousal coming from between her legs flow through his senses, lighting them afire. Part of him came close to just tumbling forth and collapsing between her legs, his whole body thoroughly intoxicated by what rushed through it and what he touched and saw alike. Looking over the folds and flaps of the reptile's vagina though, he was reminded of one thing. "Um, just so you know, I'm not all that good at this..." Sara rubbed his head, her claws combing through his hair. "It's easy! You just have to lick a whole bunch. You know how to lick things, right?" Another smile came over the leopard, his remnants of hesitance shed. She was such a happy lizard. It made him stop worrying about not being good enough for her, like he tended to do with other girls, and not to mention it made him want to hear her moan. Dipping his head forth, under that frilly dress, he first gave a kiss and then a long, deep lick from bottom to top of the wet sex, prodding the tip somewhere around the vicinity of her clit. He wasn't exactly sure when or if he'd hit it, but with enough firm prods in that direction surely some pleasure would come of it. Sara had closed her eyes - apparently having eyelids - and was showing her teeth as she gave more of those deep, snakelike hisses. Hopefully, that was pleasure. Funny, she had bigger teeth than Kenya and was even poisonous, but Mahiri didn't worry nearly as much that something violent was going to happen to him. "Good.... good.... that feels great, kitty-cat..." came her moans, fingertips pressing to his head, with claws lightly pressed against his skin. Sharp but painless, they didn't disturb his unpracticed attentions to her sensitive regions. "Lil' deeper..." He nodded slightly, with the unintentional effect of brushing his lips against hers a few times, as if lining up for a kiss. He'd never really liked the taste of female genitals before, and was expecting Sara to be no different, but as he drank in those reptilian juices, and felt the hot, deep air of arousal caressing over his face, he felt ready to change his mind about such things. She might have had all the sexual parts of a mammal - indeed, most every reptile he knew was the same way - but the taste was purely foreign to his tongue, exciting new buds that had until then lay dormant. More. He wanted more. Burying himself nose-deep in the sweltering, slick sex, he stuck his tongue inside of the lizard and breathed out a hot breath, panting a little. That alone soon had Sara squirming above him, her thighs squeezing at his head with startling pressure. She could probably crush his skull if she wasn't careful. He trusted her not to. The feast of her taste had him drooling into her, the additional wetness unnoticeable in the rising flood that formed trails of moisture down the leopard's cheeks and chin. Deeper still he pushed that tongue, stretching it out so that he could feel her darkest depths, taste her strongest flavours, bathe in all the wetness she had to give. Sara shook and hissed, gnashing her teeth and giving a strange, wet rumble of a growl a bit like she was gargling. Around the leopard's rough tongue she twitched and contracted, making him pause in his pleasuring when he couldn't quite move through the tightness. It felt heavenly on his tongue alone. What a thought it was to actually be mating with her - but he cared more about her pleasure at the moment, even if it didn't seem that way. The way his erection was jutting out, pressed tightly against the crotch of his jeans wouldn't exactly be presentable in public after all. While she rattled and moaned and generally wouldn't sit still, Sara began to audibly sniff the air. Such was the strength of her reptilian nostrils, Mahiri could feel the shift in the air around him as she did so. Her long, forked tongue swished swiftly over her lips, leaving them with a light gloss. She looked a little hungry to the leopard's eyes, but such a toothy creature looming over him with an expression distorted by pleasure had a way of doing that. This time it wasn't much attributable to telepathy so much as it was to smell that Sara could tell what he was thinking. "Gosh... that's so good, Mahiri... but it's no fun if you're not getting anything!" Pausing to take a few deep breaths, she scratched him behind the ear. He wasn't giving up on the licking, intoxicated on the silken juice of her nethers, until she gave him a tug on that same ear, similar to the way the hyena had yanked him into position the night before. Though this time he didn't fear bodily harm. He let his tongue be dragged with delicious slowness from inside her, splashing out with a mixture of saliva and female juice, to flop and hang down out of his mouth while he panted, taking in the air he needed and the taste of the heat as well. The sight made Sara giggle. Such a pure, innocent girl she seemed to be, it almost made Mahiri feel he was doing something sinful to be getting intimate with her like he was. Not that he was reconsidering. She'd asked first, after all. "Come on, little kitty. You've worked hard, time for you to relax!" She didn't look like a powerhouse like the other half of the relationship, but the way she plucked the leopard up into the air from where he was knelt made him feel as if weightless, heaved into the air without even visible effort. It even got a startled yelp out of him, making him grab for a handhold before he felt gravity coming back into play as she held him tight and kissed him on the forehead. It was a sweet, gentle gesture confounded just slightly by the mild scent of poison on her breath. A quick sample hadn't killed him, that was for sure, but he was in no mood to experiment with just how much he could survive. He smirked at her, as he dangled in the air like a infant being bounced. "By relax, you don't mean go into a venom-induced coma, do you?" She poked him in the nose with the forks of her tongue. "You tease. I just wanna do something we'll both enjoy. Mind if I take off your clothes?" "No permission needed." He was mostly helpless in her grip, so he just leaned back and let her do what she wanted. Until she opened up her jaws and brought him towards them. With a momentary, unbelieving gasp, he started to futilely squirm and pull away sharply, shaking his head. "Woah, no, bad idea, I don't like this idea!" A sudden poke to his rump with the tip of her lifted tail shushed him, while those deadly teeth of hers closed lightly on his belt, leaving him thoroughly unharmed. He was tense all over, half wishing he'd treated his genitals better over the years, until he found that she was as nimble with her mouth as she was with her tail. With teeth and tongue alone, she unbuckled him and even managed to take his zipper in her lips, forked tongue darting in to brush at the base of his bare erection once it was exposed. She took a slow lick upwards, seeming to savour it, but stopped suddenly. "Ooh! Bumps!" Mahiri glanced down with a slight smile. Both slightly embarrassed and proud, he nodded, gently working those little things over the reptile's tongue. "Yeah, barbs, if you've ever heard of ‘em..." "Don't feel very sharp to me! What are those for?" The leopard didn't want to laugh at her, so he suppressed his chuckle. She'd really never seen a feline penis before? No harm done, he'd teach her. "I dunno! Just general poking. Ribbed for her pleasure." He offered her a playfully sleazy grin, the effect partly lost considering he was still hanging there helplessly in her hands. "Um, in my experience they feel really good. I don't know about *mine*, of course, but..." "Can't wait! Be naked already!" Her insistent tugging didn't actually startle the feline anymore, his cock popping out of his pants once she'd dragged them down his legs. For a feline, he wasn't all that tiny, at the least, though he was still outsized by the average canine - or hyena. With a quick lick over his crotch, Sara set him down at last, laying him out like a blanket, stretched across the couch as she rose to her imposing height above him. He watched with lusty eyes as she curved her hips to the side, grinning at him. "I guess I should take this off sexily, shouldn't I?" She fingered at her dress, tugging the bottom, not appearing to be the most knowledgeable on the act of a striptease. Not surprisingly; her mate seemed more the type to just hop on and get thrusting. Mahiri grinned back. "Go ahead, you'll be great at it! You look crazy-sexy the way you're standing right now." Sara looked down at herself. "What, like this?" She planted a hand on her hip and swung her tail behind her a few times. "This is just how I stand! I suppose you're going to say this is sexy too." Where she stood, she slowly arched her hips from side to side, so that one was higher than the other alternatively, while her claws curled at the bottom of her little pink dress, tugging it up along her thighs. The smooth lips of her folds came twinkling into view, inch by inch, spread slightly out between gyrations only to be pressed together at the end of each, squeezing out a drop or two of those flavoursome juices to lightly trickle down between her luminescent thighs, pressed between them as they rubbed against one another, more slickly with each motion of the reptile's hips. She worked her dress up farther, exposing the apparent smoothness of her creamy brown underside, the hint of pink caught in the sunlight shining in through the window. Her breasts came into view, luscious in their roundness and visible firmness. They gently bobbed with her motions, especially as she took the opportunity to take a sultry swing around, her big tail's swishes giving just glimpses of the toned cheeks of her rear. Mahiri lay nearly unblinking, his paw straying towards his crotch, barely resisting the temptation to just grab hold and start jerking at himself at the mere sight. So unexpected from one so timid! He could feel a hot trickle running down the length of his shaft, as well as puddling on his belly. The only hitch in the professional little show he was getting was when the lizardess attempted to smoothly pull her dress right over her head. Her abundance of hair slowed the process, and it'd become so scrunched up in the process of curling it up her body that she became momentarily lost in navigating it, leaving her forgetting about sashaying and swishing as she just tugged at the damn thing. When it came free, she laughed softly, sounding a little embarrassed, and slowly stepped towards the aroused leopard, putting a hand on his chest. "That was pretty silly, wasn't it?" Mahiri promptly and sincerely shook his head. "No way! You're driving me wild, Sara... you know, in case you couldn't tell." He took a brief glance towards his wet erection for emphasis. Slowly stroking up along his length, Sara squeezed his barbs inwards. It got a sharp yelp from him and left him squirming his legs back and forth on the couch. Startled, she yanked her hand away. "Eeek, sorry!" "Mmm, more please..." He half closed his eyes, laying his head back. So high had his arousal peaked, he didn't have to do anything to be in pleasure. "You mean that didn't hurt?" "Nope! It's just us cats. We're yelpy." "Okay, well, get ready!" She licked his face slowly, up along one cheek, while taking hold of his penis again. This time, he tried not to squirm so much. Watching her slowly climbing onto him helped him hold still. A slight huff of surprise escaped him when he felt just how heavy she was, her hips settling down against his, her rump sitting on his thighs briefly before she leaned over him. The way she handled his cock, it was as if she thought it made of glass, carefully lining it up to press into the soft embrace of her labia. While he was gasping and slightly twitching, he tried not to move or make too much noise. She was on top, she was in control, but she seemed a little nervous about it all. He didn't want to make her think she couldn't do it. That went out the window pretty quick when he felt the hot, deeply moist embrace of her insides slipping over his length, a long moan leaping forth from the gruffest reaches of his voice. Immediately, he brought his paws to his hips, arching his hips upwards in want of more. In all truth, Mahiri really didn't have a lot of experience with the female gender just yet, and so every squeezing, contracting, wet pulse around his cock was almost new to him. On the downside, it meant he was tensing up and drawing back mere moments after entering, feeling the rising heat of impending orgasm rushing to his tip. This time, he managed to hold it back. It was a rare accomplishment for him. "Those thingies... um, barbs... they're really nice..." came Sara's breathless murmur, her eyes closed for a few moments as she sank right down, hilting the leopard's member inside of her. "Never felt anything like it..." "Thanks... god, you feel so good..." Mahiri faulted himself for lack of originality, but his mind was a little too swirly at the moment. "Tell me if I get too rough..." "I will." Rough? Her? He doubted it, but then again her sheer size could have made for brutality even if her aggression was lacking. Her first bounce was a soft, testing motion, though even that came down firm on his crotch, giving his every inch a good, hard working over. A sharp breath was knocked out of him, and with each little buck down on him that followed, there was another gasp out, until he sounded like he was heaving for air. The lizard got going into a firm rhythm easily, though she kept it slow, using her muscle to drag out the caress of his little barbs along her inner passage. Slow perhaps, but the firmness soon was all but sending the cat right through the couch, his own hips utterly unable to help her when she pressed down, entirely pinned and unable to move. It was for the first time that he truly realized what a powerful creature she was - even in all the visible tone of her body, and the displays of strength so far, her innocent, girly nature had just made him forget that he might want to be afraid. He wasn't afraid now either, but between pants and groans he reflected on just how lucky his little self was to be mating with such a big, beautiful, deadly girl. The weight on him just increased as she brought her body right down atop him. With such a height difference, her breasts were pressed firmly to his face. He wasted no time with those. A few flicks of his tongue against a nipple made it erect, and he soon latched onto it, lips pressed all around tightly, suckling away almost hungrily. With a toss of her head that had her hair splaying in all directions, Sara began to hiss. She didn't stop. Every time she brought Mahiri's cock in and out of her, her hiss sharply rose, never quite dropping to silence between. He sucked away at her nipple, just as slowly and firmly as she moved on him, finding the same tempo eventually, tongue flicking back and forth and dragging all over around it, dampening as much breast as he could get in or near his mouth. With his cum threatening to shoot free at any moment, becoming almost a constant climax, he focussed intently on attending to her chest, giving it as vigorous a sucking as possible, trying to slide and press around inside of her in search of the best spots. For once, he wanted to make a female orgasm before he did, even if the odds were against him. Sara tucked her hands right under Mahiri's shoulders before long, bringing their bodies up good and close while she rode him. While she was warm, she had a much lighter body heat than the mammals he was usually with, and her skin remained relatively cool to the touch even if it actually gave off warmth, being near it. Together it meant they could have hot sex without the fur-clad leopard getting overheated beneath her. "Little harder now... so good..." Sara whispered, barely distinguishable from her pleased hisses. It was just a little harder at first, hardly noticeable, as the reptile worked atop Mahiri's erection, using it from tip to base and squeezing it numerous times every time she slid down on it. She got a little faster, going up and down. The leopard even dared starting to thrust a little for himself, pressing in as deep as he could reach, and giving spurts of precum that remained just that, for the moment. Those little increases in intensity started to build up after a while though, and he soon felt the couch being compressed and nearly collapsing beneath him as his hips were pounded into it. A few small snarls escaped the lizardess as she started to give him all she had. His lips slipped from her breast, leaving his mouth agape, little, staggered yelps escaping. This time, she didn't let them slow her down. He was once again entirely helpless. She didn't hurt him, not even negligibly, but she was most definitely overwhelming him. Maybe she and the hyena weren't so different after all! He couldn't move. Not anything. Part of it was the sheer weight atop him, the thrusts down on him soon turning to a wild hammering as that reptilian body ground up and down. As well, he was simply paralysed by the rush of it all... tight, contracting flesh milking his cock from top to bottom, silky sex pressing down against his crotch and sac, firm body embraced to his, sweet scent of arousal deep in his nostrils. It was perfect. To think he'd once derived no excitement from the female gender. That lizard going wild on him, she was everything he found attractive in a female. So strong and lusty, yet careful and caring, gentle when need be, vicious when she wanted. From ears to toe there came a rush of ecstasy, his every limb, his tail, fingers, toes, all spread straight out as a choked, breathless cry came forth from him. His cock twitched, jerked, pumped back and forth, and then finally he let loose with a healthy dose of his thick semen. It was impossible to hold back. The tingling relief flowed to his every extremity, his body shaking each time another splash managed to squeeze out, even after initial release. Disappointment in himself could wait until later. For the moment, he just wanted to lay back and bask in pure satisfaction. That was interrupted when he found himself being squeezed at so rapidly as to milk out a few more surprisingly thick strands of seed he didn't even know he had in him. The rapid contractions on his sensitive, recently-climaxed penis had him grunting some, not quite uncomfortable but overstimulated. Sara didn't make much noise during her orgasm, her hissing falling silent, but he did hear her quietly gasp his name. "Mahiri...!" That was almost enough to turn him right back on, wanting another round. It was a shame he couldn't move a muscle. Other than those controlling his tail, that is, which he happily flicked up and down a few times as he started up at her breasts in tender silence. He soon saw her actual face as she scooted back and kissed him, bending herself to make it possible. Her tongue sunk right into him, something he greeted with a sucking, kneading embrace as his vision flickered and fell out of focus. The moment she pulled her tongue back out, she spoke in understatement. "Geez!" He laughed a bit weakly. "Was it okay?" "If by okay you mean excellent! We're totally doing this again sometime. A whole bunch!" As she started to pull herself off of him, he was left squirming and mewling like a kitten, still extra-sensitive and barely able to stand the slightest brush against his partially softened cock. A hefty splash came from her when the last of him popped out, a mix of female and male alike that smelled and felt heavenly. He offered her an affectionate smile and kissed her arm as she snuggled up alongside him, almost pushing him off the couch in the process. "I'm really glad to have met you two. The past few days have been way more fun than I really deserve." Settling an arm over him, she kept him close, letting him rest on a pillow of her breasts. "You deserve every minute of it! Cutest little cheetah I've ever seen!" His ears stuck straight up. In more feral times, it'd have indicated hearing a threat. "Cheetah?" A big grin came over him as he started to laugh. "What's so funny? Er, um, you're not a cheetah?" He couldn't see her face, but he could hear the embarrassment in her voice. "Oh, don't worry about it, not the first time someone's called me that. Never someone I've had sex with, though!" Teasing, he tickled one of her nipples. "I need to get out more! So, if you're not a cheetah, that would make you..." "Leopard, you big silly lizard." Now it was Sara's turn to laugh, in her giggly way. "Leopard? Neat! I like leopards now. So, um, what's all this about me being a lizard?" Mahiri looked up at her, searching for signs of just joking with him. What else could she be? "You're not?" "Close! Go ahead, guess." He shrugged, but went ahead and indulged her. "Umm... you're part cobra, so is the other part some other snake? Er, say, python?" "Nope! Not a snake." "Frog?" "Not an amphibian!" "Er... butterfly?" "Hee, you'll never guess it." Grinning down at him, she licked him behind the ear. "I'm a raptor, silly!" "Like, the birds?" "No no. Grawr, rip, tear, raptor." She demonstrated with two outstretched sets of claws, swiping at the air. He chuckled and played along. "Aren't you a little far away from home, miss raptor? I hate to break it to you, but your ... everyone isn't around anymore." It was a joke he'd later feel bad for. "Oh, you! You didn't hear the story? It was big news for a while. Well, sorta, I guess." "Uh, no, guess I missed that one." He blinked. "You're serious? You're a real raptor? Like, from way back whenever it was?" "If I was joking it wouldn't be funny anymore!" Shaking his head, he just chuckled. "I'm afraid you're going to have to explain this one, oh saurian queen." "I'll give you the short version! Let's see, um, started off when, well, I can't really say, because I didn't exist yet, but my Kenya was working in this big, sort of secretive lab, you see." "Doing what?" Mahiri asked, half expecting the answer to be moving heavy equipment. Or beating up nerds. "Science! Um, biochemistry is her specialty, does other stuff too." A snicker seemingly copied from the hyena herself came from the leopard as he pictured that raving beast of a herm, clad in lab coat and carefully observing some beakers full of colourful liquid. And probably threatening them if they didn't behave how she wanted. Of all the things he could have guessed she did for a living... "Her? I mean, not that she doesn't seem smart, it's just..." "Oh, I know! She was sort of one of those child genius types, you know? Speaks seven languages really sexily, even! Get her to dirty talk you with them sometime!" The two of them shared a collective giggle, like two young girls having a sleepover. "Anyway, let's see, so, she was working there, and they were doing some work with, like, leftover... stuff. I really can't say I understand it... Kenya's tried to explain it to me but my brain kinda turns off when I heard the words ‘nucleic acid' more than once per conversation." With slightly furrowed brow, Mahiri wondered where exactly she was going with her story... he had a few ideas, all of them laughable in their implausibility. He kept himself silent. "Anyway! Simple version is, they made me! Just out of some tubes and chambers and stuff like that. I don't really remember. Just sort of felt like I was waking up and had really bad amnesia about myself... knew all about eating and breathing and living life though. Wasn't a kid or anything." Stunned and unable stop her from continuing, the leopard just stared at her, wondering what exactly he had put his penis into. He had no regrets. "Problem was, I was supposed to be some sort of super weapon to help with, like, wars or something. Really shady stuff. Well, she found out, and that was pretty much that. She was getting me out of there. So we got out! And that's most of it... er, there's a few unpleasant details along the way, but let's not bother with those." Giving him a knowing grin, she tipped her head. "Any questions?" "Uh... buh... yeah. Um... just one that's all that important though. You're not gonna, like, kill me, are you?" "Nope!" She was cheery as could be. "They never really did finish. I just get really hungry all the time, not bitey. I need lots of steaks." He had no idea what to make of her, but she was nice to him regardless of what she was. Running a paw over her cheek and shoulder, he shrugged at himself. She was fine by him. "Ooh, speaking of hungry, do you wanna stay for dinner?" "You might want to rephrase that," he chuckled. She licked him on the face and smacked her lips together a few times. "Well, you're tasty and all, but we've just met." Mahiri's chuckle became just a smirk as he thought that perhaps he might not want to encourage such a line of thought.