Just One Chance

Story by Darkhom on SoFurry

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Happy Valentine's Day everyone! Or Singles Awareness Day! Or Chocolate Day! Or however you want to spin it! Anywho, as a little gift from me to all of you, I am releasing this short story that was previously found on my Patreon, so everyone can enjoy it!

A little note: This story is actually an Alternate Universe style take on Chapter 29 of "My Roommate's A Stripper!?". After the chapter came out, one of my Patrons took advantage of their tier bonus to request this alternate take on an important scene in the story. So thank him for this wonderful tale, and have a great day! <3

"Aiden, that steak was delicious. Best I've had in a long while.

"Yeah, Nii-san. Best Valentine's dinner I've ever had. Well, the only one I've ever had, but still."

"Glad you both enjoyed it." Aiden beamed as he cleared the table. "Also, glad there was enough for three. I had only intended to make that meal for two."

"It helps that I eat so little." Max smirked. "One of those would have been too much for me, but half was perfect." She blew out a sigh, masking a small burp as she rose from her chair. "Alright, time to get ready for work."

"So, it's just you and me tonight, Nii-san?" Jessica had a hopeful look in her eyes as she asked, though her voice was ever calm and casual. "A brother-sister date night? Better than being alone, right?"

"Couldn't think of anyone I'd rather spend the time with." The fox agreed. "We can pop in a stupid movie and forget all about the hassles of dating and all that crap."

"Sounds fun." Max said as she got ready to leave. "Kinda sorry I'll be missing out."

Despite the temptation, Max did indeed head off for work, leaving the fox siblings to enjoy their evening alone. As Aiden had suggested they were soon sitting side by side on the couch, watching some stupid romantic comedy they'd seen a dozen times before.

Jessica wasn't really paying attention to the movie though. Being alone with Aiden on Valentine's Day was proving to be quite the distraction for her, her feelings torn between simply enjoying the night for what it was, or daring to push for a more romantic evening for them both. That second option was just a wishful fantasy, she knew, but she could already feel her heart beating faster just from sitting so close to him. She kept thinking of what Max had told her, the very thought of confessing her feelings terrifying her to no end. But she knew deep down that Max was right, that she'd never be able to move on until she got it over with. Plus, she couldn't help but cling to the small hope that he might not reject her. Perhaps she could at least test the waters.

"Aiden, have you ever been in love?"

Aiden was caught off guard by the unexpected question, but he recovered quickly, a smirk crossing his muzzle. "I thought I had been, once upon a time. But looking back I guess I was mistaken for something else, or maybe just fooling myself." He flashed her a smile, ruffling her auburn hair. "Why do you ask? You think you're in love with someone?"

"I..." A heavy blush filled her cheeks, the young vixen fidgeting as she hesitated. "I think so, yes. There's this guy that I've known for years. He's handsome, and kind, and I just love being around him. And, I think he likes me too. I get knots in my stomach whenever I think about him, or when I'm close to him. I just... I don't know what else it could be other than love."

"Infatuation maybe?" Aiden shrugged. "But I may not be the best person to ask. Does this guy know how you feel?"

"I... haven't told him yet. Max said I should, though."

"Maybe she's right." Aiden said with a nod. "I mean, it is the twenty-first century. Nothing wrong with a girl asking a guy out."

"But what if he says no?"

"Well, that would suck. But you can't let the possibility of rejection frighten you into inaction. If I followed that logic, I'd have given up on my novel a long time ago. Being rejected isn't the worst thing that could happen. Besides, this guy would be a fool to say no to you."

"You really think so?" Jessica gripped her hands into fists as she fought her doubts to find her nerve. Logic screamed that it would never happen, but she knew she still had to try. And with all the encouragement, her faint hopes were higher than ever.

With firm resolution, she rose to her paws, turning to face her brother. She locked eyes with the suddenly surprised man, taking a deep breath as she found her courage. "Nii-san... Aiden, I love you. For years now, and with all of my heart, I love you."

Aiden was silent at first, but his ears dropped once he finally processed what she had said, and what she meant. "Jessica..."

"I know." She quickly cut him off. "I know. I'm not supposed to feel this way, because you're my brother. But I can't help it! My heart aches whenever I think about you, especially you being with someone else. I want to be with you, to share my heart and soul with you. You're the only person I want to date, and to share my... my everyting with! Aiden, I fully and truly love you, and I don't give a damn about what anyone else might think. So, could we... just give it a try?"

Aiden had to take a deep breath of his own as he stood, putting his hands firmly on Jessica's shoulders. "Jessica, I think you might be confused. You're my little sister, and-"

"But that's so stupid!" Jessica interrupted, tears already forming in the corner of her eyes. "If two people are in love with each other, then it shouldn't matter that we're... I mean, who gives a fuck? It's just... it's just not fair."

It always bothered Aiden to see his little sister cry. And it was all the worse that he had to be the cause of her pain now. He sighed as he wiped a tear from her eye, wishing he could tell her what she wanted to hear. "I'm sorry Jessica, but we just can't."

"But... No!" Jessica whimpered, her tears starting to flow more freely as she felt a pain forming in her chest. "Just... give me one good reason why we can't be together. Other than me being your sister! You love me, right? If we love each other, then we should be able to be together, right? If we weren't related, it wouldn't be any problem. So give me one reason why we can't at least try."

Aiden wasn't sure he had an answer. It was true that he loved her, she was his sister after all. And she had a point; were they not related nothing could stop them from doing whatever they pleased. But in Aiden's mind it all came back to the same one problem. He had always just thought of her as his sister, and nothing more.

"You can't think of anything, can you?" Jessica said, a hopeful glint in her teary eyes. "There isn't a single good reason why we couldn't be together, and you know it."

"I think being siblings is a pretty good reason."

"Well, I think it's a dumb reason." Jess countered, blinking away her tears. "And I don't think it's fair that the only reason I don't get a chance is because I'm your sister. All I want... all I want is a fair chance. Everyone else get's a chance, everyone except me."

Aiden sighed at the defeated tone in Jessica's voice, not sure what to do as she whimpered and wiped her tears away. It did seem terribly unfair for her. The man could only imagine how it must have felt to watch someone you love give their attention to so many other people. while completely ignoring you. In fact, when he thought about it that way, it seemed almost cruel.

"Just one chance." Aiden pondered the notion for a moment. "Alright Jessica, how about this? I'll give you your one chance, one date. Just for one day, I'll try not to treat you as my sister. But then you have to promise me that you'll move on from this. Does that sound fair?"

"Really?" Jessica's watery eyes brightened up at the very suggestion, a wide smile returning to her face. "You mean it? You'll take me on a real date, like your girlfriend?"

"Don't make me regret this." Aiden replied. "But yes. Only one though,"

"It's all I ask for!" Jessica squealed, taking her big brother in a tight hug. "Thank you so much, Nii-san! I promise, even if it's just one day, I'll be the most loving girlfriend you've ever had!"

"We'll see." Was all Aiden responded with, still not sure if this was the right decision. But it made her happy, so what was the worst that could happen?"

Jessica was positively glowing as Aiden drove them to a mystery location a few days later. True to his word, he had picked the young woman up for a romantic date, though he refused to tell her exactly what he had planned. While the mystery added to the excitement, it was also driving her nuts.

"Come on, Nii-san, where are we going?"

"You'll find out when we get there." Aiden replied with a smirk. "Don't worry, we're almost there. Just be patient for a bit longer."

"Okay." She pouted. "Please tell me it's at least somewhere you'd take a girl on a real date."

"Well, it's something I think you'd enjoy." Aiden admitted. "I figure, if I'm taking someone out on a date, the best option is to do something they'd enjoy."

"I guess that makes sense." Jess admitted, though she still didn't seem convinced.

"Trust me." Aiden flashed a smile as he pulled into the parking lot for the local ice skating rink.. "You'll be having fun before you know it."

"Ice skating?" Skeptical, she decided to give him the benefit of the doubt, following her beloved brother to the rink so they could rent some skates and get out on the ice.

"It's been a while." Jess muttered, her legs shaking a bit as she slid over the ice. "I can't even remember the last time I went skating."

"Not since we were kids." Aiden remarked, easily gliding beside her. "Well, not since you were a kid anyway. Hopefully you won't fall as much as you did last time."

"I won't fall! I just need a minute to find my balance." She flashed Aiden her bright blue eyes. "You wouldn't let me fall, would you?"

"Maybe. Depends on how much of a brat you are." He chuckled at her pouting, ruffling her hair before skating away. "How about we see if you can keep up with me for now?"

A small growl emanated from Jessica's throat, glaring at her brother as he skated away. With one last check of her balance she chased after him, determined not to let the man get the better of her.

She caught up with ease, aided by Aiden slowing down for her, though she'd never let him admit to that part. "Caught you! So, what's my prize?"

"You want a prize now?"

"Maybe." Jessica giggled, skating closer as she took Aiden's hands. "Just a little prize for staying on my skates?"

"Sure, I suppose. You want ice cream or something?"

"Not exactly. I was thinking more like a kiss." She leaned in with an innocent smile, closing the distance before Aiden could argue. As she reached in her skates slipped on the ice, Jessica's paws sliding out from under her and causing her to fall with a yelp.

Aiden was quick to grab her, chuckling as he helped his sister regain her balance. "I think you just lost your prize there, kid."

Jessica took a deep breath as the scare passed. With a twitch of her ears a grin spread across her muzzle. "Maybe, but it feels like you got a prize instead. Do you always cop a feel on a first date?"

It took Aiden a moment to figure out what she meant. With a reflexive flex of his hand he felt the soft, familiar flesh beneath her jacket. With a surprised yelp of his own he pulled his hands away, causing Jess to flail on her skates.

"Aiden!" Jessica pouted, finding her balance yet again. "First you grope me, then you drop me? Do you treat all girls like this?"

"No! I mean, I'm sorry. I didn't mean to..."

"It's alright, Aiden." She chuckled. "You can just make it up to me later. Just try to keep that sort of touch for a more private location, okay?" With a wink and a flip of her tail she skated off, leaving a stunned Aiden in her wake.

As the awkward feeling passed, Aiden had a moment to stop and simply watch as Jessica skated around the rink. Having found her footing, the vixen was enjoying herself, a bright smile on her face as she elegantly moved in small loops and circles. Aiden had to admit that she looked rather stunning, her long hair waving out behind her like an amber cloak. She truly was beautiful, and he thought then how surprising it was that she hadn't found a boyfriend already.

"Has she been holding out for me all this time?" The thought was troubling, but as she stopped to smile at him from across the ice, he found himself smiling back. "With a smile like that, people must have asked her out before. Yet she's saved herself for me. I suppose that makes me lucky, in a way."

Shaking those confusing thoughts away, Aiden met back up with his sister to enjoy the sunny day on the rink. To anyone watching, the two foxes could have easily been on a date, laughing and holding hands as they simply enjoyed each others company, almost oblivious to the world around them. After a few more rounds they headed back to the car, ready to continue with the date. Having taken care of the fun surprise first, the man was less secretive about his plans for the rest of the day.

"Shopping? Really?" Jessica asked in disbelief. "We can go shopping anytime."

"You have so little faith in me." Aiden smirked. "I was right about skating, wasn't I?"

"Yeah, well... Okay, so where are we going then?"

"Where ever you like. Just so long as we don't miss our dinner reservations."

"Well, wait, you made reservations?" Jessica's eyes lit up at the very idea. "Oh my god, where? Is it somewhere fancy? Am I dressed up enough for this?"

"Calm down there, kid." Aiden said with a chuckle. "It's nowhere too fancy. I just wanted to make sure we'd have a table without having to wait."

"Still, I've never had reservations before. Oh this is so exciting, and romantic. But I am so not dressed properly for this."

"You look fine." Aiden countered with a smirk. "Very beautiful in fact."

"I... Thank you." A warm blush spread over Jessica's cheeks, but she didn't let it distract her for long. "But you said we could shopping first. I love this outfit well enough, but couldn't I just get a new dress for tonight? Just for you?"

As she asked, Jessica ever so gently placed her hand on Aiden's thigh while giving him a soft smile. The man could feel a lump forming in his throat, taking in the warmth of her hand and the inviting look in her eyes. He was used to her trying tricks to get her way, but never as flirtatiously as this. He had to clear his throat and force his gaze back to the road before responding.

"Yeah, sure. We'll see what we can find."

"Thanks Aiden." Jessica's smile widened as she gave his thigh a light squeeze. "I'm sure we can find a dress we can both enjoy."

"That's what I'm afraid of." Aiden muttered under his breath as he subtly picked up speed. Her demeanor was becoming more inviting by the minute, and he was hoping to get to the store before that hand of her's became even more daring.

Luckily the mall was only a few minutes away. Jessica soon gave up flirting for the hunt to find the perfect outfit. This was more of Aiden's comfort level, quietly following her as she browsed for a selection of dresses to try on. At first, he was reminded of many of his dates with Layla. But as they shopped he realised just how different the two women were. Layla only ever regarded him as an extra set of hands when shopping; someone to quietly follow and help carry things, but not much else. Jessica, on the other hand, truly enjoyed his company, chatting and joking with him as she led the way to the fitting rooms. It was a bit of an eye opener for the man, and he found himself genuinely enjoying this date more than he had expected to.

"Still takes just as long to try something on." Aiden mused as he waited outside the changing room. "Is she trying on every dress in the store?"

"Sorry it took so long." Jessica sang out, pulling Aiden from his thoughts. He was momentarily stunned by the sight before him. His sweet sister was now wrapped in a stunningly beautiful blue dress, one that looked almost tailor made just for her. "I wanted to show off the one I thought looked best. What do you think?"

"It... looks great, Jessica. Beautiful even. It really brings out your eyes."

"Aiden..." The blush on her cheeks was unmistakable, and made her look even prettier in his eyes. "I'm really glad you like it. I just wish I had a nice pair of shoes or sandals to go with it."

They both glanced down at her bare paws, the young vixen having forgone footwear despite the cold weather. She looked back up at her brother with a meek shrug, but Aiden saw through her ploy with a smile. "Alright, let's see if we can find something that matches."

"Yay!" Jess jumped into Aiden's arms, hugging him excitedly. "I won't take long, I promise."

"We've still got time before our reservation." Aiden chuckled, placing her back on her paws. "Now get changed so we can find something and buy all this stuff already."

A few moments and one discrete change in the back of the car later, the two were at the restaurant with time to spare, on their way to their reserved table. The place, an Italian restaurant in the heart of the city, was fancier than Jessica had expected, and she was feeling both awestruck and thankful for the new dress.

"This place is kind of romantic." She could barely sit still, taking in the decor and atmosphere like a child at an amusement park. "Keep treating me like this and I might end up jaded."

"Only the best for my girl... sister."

They both blushed over Aiden's slip, but for very different reasons.Jessica was willing to let it slide, but Aiden was quick to try and change the subject just in case. "So, uh, what do you feel like getting to eat?"

"Not sure." She replied with a grin, "Do you have any recommendations?"

"Well, I've only been here once before, and that was a buffet event through the college. But, feel free to order whatever you like."

"Oh, I don't know. There are so many options." Jess took a moment to look over the menu, internally pleased to learn that Aiden hadn't taken any other dates here before. She kept glancing over the menu at the man, who was similarly trying to decide on an entree. "Aiden, could I make a silly, kinda selfish request?"


"Well, would it be okay if you ordered for me?" She asked meekly, a blush returning to her cheeks. "Some people might think it's sexist or whatever, but I think it's kind of cute. And I know you'll order something good."

"You're putting me on the spot, kid." Aiden replied, though he grinned at her over his menu. "Alright, but only because it's you."

Just as Aiden put his menu down, the waiter stepped over, and Aiden suddenly did feel put on the spot. "I'll have the chicken carbonara. And, uh, the lady will have the... eggplant parmesan?" He looked to Jessica for approval but she just smiled at him, clearly trying not to squeal in delight.

""Very good, sir." The waiter nodded as he wrote the orders down. "And would you and the young miss like some wine to pair with your meal?"

"No, thank you." Aiden said, ignoring Jessica's pout. "A couple iced teas will be fine, thank you."

"Why no wine?" Jessica protested after the waiter left. "A glass of wine sounds great for a date."

"You're underage." Aiden reminded her. "They would have asked for your I.D. anyway." He didn't miss her disappointed sigh, though there was nothing he could do about it then. "Maybe later, okay? When we get home."

"Alright." She perked up at the promise, and the thought that the date wouldn't be over right after dinner. "You really do spoil me."

"Don't remind me." Aiden chuckled. "I guess I've always been guilty of that."

They shared a laugh, the two feeling rather at ease with each. Having spent most of their lives together, it was easy for them to find something interesting to talk about, bypassing the awkward banter that can often plague a date. They chatted casually for a while, Aiden nearly forgetting he was technically on a date with his little sister, and not just a gorgeous young woman whose company he greatly enjoyed. That was until he felt her paw sliding up the inside of his leg. It sent a bit of a shiver up his spine, and he mentally chastised himself for enjoying it.

"What are you doing?" He managed to keep his voice calm as he asked, though he didn't move to stop her.

"Nothing." Jessica smiled sweetly, her paw sliding closer to his knee. "Just enjoying our date."

Aiden snorted through a grin, doing his best to ignore the heat rising in his blood as her paw teased his lower thigh. "Where'd you learn to flirt like this?"

"Am I flirting?" She asked with an innocent smile. But Aiden's look told her he wasn't buying it, so she dropped the act with a laugh. "I don't know. Movies, and my manga I guess. I'm just trying to do what feels right. Things I think you'd enjoy. Are you enjoying it?"

Though he didn't reply, Jess could tell by his expression that he was indeed enjoying it. Her heart skipped a beat as she firmly pressed her paw against his thigh, even daring to blow a kiss his way. She wasn't sure how far he'd let her get, but he wasn't stopping her yet, and every move emboldened her to push just a bit further.

For his part, Aiden was enjoying her antics more than he cared to admit. Her flirting was so innocent, so sincere. And her paw felt nice and warm as it slowly crept up his thigh. He had been reminding himself all day that this was his sister, but those thoughts were becoming fewer and farther between as he allowed her to wear down his defenses. He certainly enjoyed the date more when he gave in.

The flirting continued through their meal, Aiden even throwing a few flirtatious remarks her way when he forgot himself. The meal was one of the most enjoyable he'd had, and he wasn't going to let some technically inappropriate flirting ruin it. Jessica, meanwhile, was having the time of her life. As such she was somewhat disappointed when the meal was over. It was only the promise of what could come that got her in the car without argument.

"Best date ever." Jessica beamed once they were back at Aiden's apartment. "You really know how to treat a girl. Is Max working tonight?"

"You know she works weekends." Aiden replied. "She won't be home for hours."

"So, it's just us then?" Jessica moved right up to Aiden, placing her hands on his chest, flashing her eyes at him and giving him a slight glimpse down her dress. "Just the two of us, all alone, for the rest of the evening?"

"How, uh, how about that wine now?" With a nervous chuckle he stepped away to find the bottle. "I did promise you a glass after all."

"You've promised me a couple things today." With a coy grin Jessica retreated to the sofa. "But I suppose I can wait a bit longer."

Aiden had a response in mind, but found himself speechless when he saw Jessica's provocative demeanor. He had never seen her look so enticing before, so alluring and inviting. Plus he didn't remember that dress showing off that much of her legs before.

"How about we just start with the wine?" He forced a calm smile as he handed her the glass. "Take a moment to relax and... cool off."

The moment Aiden sat down Jessica slid right up against him. "I don't mind if it's a bit warm." She cooed softly. "In fact, I think it'd be nice if things got even warmer still."

Aiden's eyes naturally gazed at her lips as she took a sip of wine. They seemed to glisten as she licked them, so soft and warm. He felt his blood rush as his thoughts drifted, and the man ended up taking a bigger gulp of wine than he intended.

"Aiden." Jess pulled him from his thoughts, her hand resting on his thigh. "I've had a really great time so far. I don't want this day to end, ever. But, I know it has to eventually, so..." She leaned in closer, adjusting to look into his eyes. "I don't want to waste what little time I have left."

Aiden had to swallow the lump forming in his chest, his feelings growing more conflicted by the second. "Jessica..."

"I know, and I don't want to make you do anything you don't really want to. It's just, you made me feel really happy today, and I was just hoping that I'd be able to... show you just how much this has all meant to me."

"You don't have to do that. I've enjoyed today so much already, too."

He started to take another sip of wine, but Jessica took his glass away, placing both glasses on the table. She then moved to sit in his lap, placing her hands on his shoulders and looking into his eyes. "I love you, Aiden. I know you promised to treat me like your girlfriend today, and so far you have, but I would like to go... further. If you want me..."

"Jessica..." Aiden sighed, his hands resting on her hips. "I... don't know how I feel anymore. I admit, you've been rather convincing today."

"Convincing enough for a kiss?"

Aiden couldn't help but chuckle. "I suppose I do owe you one, huh? Well, alright, but I'm not making any promises about anything else."

Jessica shivered as Aiden's fingers gently brushed over her neck, her heart racing just from being so close to the man. Her lips quivered as he gazed into her eyes, her breath quickening as he started to close in.

"You okay?" Aiden whispered, pausing in his approach. "You might want to calm down and catch your breath."

"Sorry! I just... I've never done this before, and I don't want to do something wrong."

"You'll do fine." Aiden assured her, gently caressing the side of her cheek. "Just relax, close your eyes, and don't overthink it."

"Okay." With a deep breath and a nod, Jessica did as Aiden suggested, though it did little to calm her nerves.

Aiden had to stifle a chuckle, Jess looking rather adorable with her eyes closed and lips pursed. "If this were anyone else, I'd kiss her in a heartbeat." Aiden reasoned with himself. "Well, I suppose it would be rude to keep her waiting."

With a deep breath of his own, Aiden let go of his reservations. Closing his own eyes he finally pressed in, his lips meeting hers with a soft hum. He felt her grip on his shirt tighten, could practically feel her heart beating in her chest. It was thrilling to kiss someone who wanted it, wanted him, this badly. The longer they kissed, the more he gave in to her, and the more he wanted her in turn.

Jessica's nervousness quickly faded as she enjoyed the warm, soft feel of Aiden's lips against her own. It was better than she ever dared to dream, surpassing even her wildest expectations as he suckled on her lips, and even pressed his tongue into her maw. "We're doing this! We're really doing this! Oh god his tongue is so... big!"

Their tongues wrestled for a bit longer, before Aiden pulled away with a gasp, swallowing hard as he tried to catch his breath. "Damn..."

"More." Jessica whimpered before leaning back in. She skipped his lips and went for his neck, nipping at the tender flesh as her fingers worked to undo his shirt buttons. His every moan encouraged her further, as did the bulge she felt forming beneath her. "Oh Aiden..."

"Jessica..." Aiden moaned, his hands gripping her shoulders firmly. It took all his willpower to push her away as she started to trail kisses down his chest. "I think it might be time for bed."

"Could I sleep with you tonight?"

Her innocent demeanor as she asked left Aiden speechless, and he found himself reaching past her to gulp down the last of his wine just to find his voice. "Yeah, of course."

Jessica was full of nervous energy as she followed her brother up to his room. She could practically hear her heart beating in her chest, not quite sure what she was supposed to do next. Boy love manga could only prepare her for so much, and as she watched Aiden undress, decided to try something on a wild whim. "Aiden, could you unzip me?"

Aiden looked up as Jessica turned her back to him, pulling her long, auburn hair to the side as she glanced over her shoulder. He knew, or at least assumed she could unzip it herself, but it was impossible to say no when she was looking at him that way.

"Yeah." With shaky hands he slowly lowered the zipper on her dress, exposing her with growing anticipation. He audibly swallowed as Jessica turned to face him, covered only in a surprisingly attractive set of black underwear. "Damn."

"You like?" Jessica gave a little pose as she watched Aiden's reaction. Specifically the physical reaction she saw in his boxers. "At least part of you seems to."

"Uh, yeah. So, ready for bed?"

"I've been ready for this for a long while now." Unable to wipe the smile off her face, the young vixen stepped right up to her half naked brother. "You can take me to bed now. Or you can just take me."

"You're pushing your luck." Aiden chuckled. "Now get in the damn bed before I change my mind, brat."

Jessica faked a pout, but she couldn't help but giggle as she crawled under the covers. As soon as the light was off Aiden joined her, the woman curling right up to his side. The quiet cuddling didn't last long, Jessica soon trailing kisses along Aiden's chest and neck. It all felt too pleasurable to ignore, and Aiden had soon pulled his sister atop him, the two kissing passionately in the moonlight. Jessica's body already felt on fire, and her mind raced through all she had read about this sort of thing. She had a good idea of where this was going, and god did she want it, but the thought of finally acting on it filled her with more nervous anxiety than she expected.

"Aiden..." Jess moaned, pulling away to sit in his lap. "This feels so good. But, I've never done this before, and..."

"Getting nervous?" Aiden chuckled, finding her sudden hesitation endearingly cute. "You're doing great so far. But, if you want to stop-"

"No! I just, I'm not exactly sure what I'm supposed to do next, and I don't want to do anything wrong."

"Hey, relax." Gently, Aiden pulled her closer, giving her a kiss on the nose. "We'll take it slow and easy, so just follow your instincts, and if you feel uncomfortable at all just say so."

"Okay." She took a deep breath before Aiden kissed her deeply. It felt so wonderful to finally be wrapped in his strong arms, with those soft lips pressed tightly against her own. She could practically feel his heart beating in rhythm to her own, his every move exciting he further than she ever thought possible. His fingers slid through the fur on her back, tickling her nerves as he tugged at her bra strap.

"Oh!" She sat up in surprise as her bra hung loose from her shoulders. "How did you do that so quick?"

"Practice." Aiden grinned, pulling the bra off her arms and tossing it aside. "It's really not as hard as some guys think it is."

Jessica nodded as a heavy blush filled her cheeks. "You know, you're the first person to see my breasts like this."

"They're lovely." He replied, his hands gently cupping those mounds, taking their weight with a soft squeeze. "You're lovely. I always knew you were beautiful, but I never noticed how gorgeous you actually are, until today."

"Aiden..." Her blush grew even hotter as she squirmed from the flattery. "Just, shut up and... make love to me already."

"Gladly." He suddenly surprised her by grabbing her hips and pulling her closer. Jess let out a whimper as Aiden kissed along her inner thighs. He took his time, letting her squirm as he teased ever so close to that forbidden treasure, only to switch thighs and start over again.

"Aiden, stop teasing me." She whimpered pitifully, her hands gripping the sheets as she squirmed. "Aiden, please..."

"You're no fun." Finally giving in to temptation, Aiden pressed his lips against her panties. He could smell her heated musk through the fabric, practically taste it. And now that he'd had that taste, he knew he needed more. After just a few more kisses he pulled those panties aside, exposing her moist folds to his hungry lips.

"Oh! Oh god." Jessica shivered as she felt that tongue slide through her lower lips, her beloved older brother lapping up her nectar with expert skill. That thick muscle was able to do more to her pussy then her fingers had ever done before. The vixen hummed with pleasure, Aiden tickling through her labia, then daring to plunge his tongue deeper into her hole. She squealed with bliss as his lips wrapped around her throbbing clit, suckling it between his teeth as his tongue strummed over the sensitive nub. "Oh god, yes..."

With a grin he pulled away, licking her salty juices from his lips. "You taste amazing. I could stay down here all night, unless you'd like something more."

"God yes." Eagerly she rolled off her brother, tossing her panties aside in the process. Glancing back she saw that Aiden had done the same, and was now sitting nude and aroused beside her. "Wow, it's bigger than I expected."

"Not too big I hope."

"No." She reached over to lightly grip his shaft, her hands running over his length as she explored the feel of a penis for the first time. "It's so smooth, and so firm. Heh, I can feel your pulse through it."

"Having fun?" Aiden had to chuckle. He had momentarily forgotten about her inexperience, but it was apparent now. And adorable. "I was expecting more than a handjob."

"Give me a break. I've never even seen one in person before, let alone touched one." With a giggle she gave his shaft a squeeze, her eyes going wide as a drop of precum leaked from the tip. Curious, she ran her finger through the slippery, clear fluid, before bringing it to her lips. "Huh, so that's what it tastes like."

"Not exactly what you expected?" He chuckled. "Your books probably over exaggerate the pallet, but it's always good to taste for yourself." He gave her a wink, the girl blushing once again as she suckled her finger.

"It's not so bad." She admitted, her eyes darting to his member once more. "Maybe an acquired taste. Looks like quite the mouthful though."

"You can try if you like. Or, we can move on to something more intimate. Whichever you like."

"I want to be as intimate with you as we can get." Jessica admitted, her breath heavy again. "Oh, Aiden, I can't wait anymore. Please, take me?"

"Lay on the bed." Gently, Aiden helped her onto her back, caressing her gently as he knelt above her. The way she looked up at him, with such desire in her eyes, only made him want this even more. "I'm going to go slowly. Just tell me when you're ready."

"I'm ready." She smiled at him, her arms wrapping around his neck. "I know you won't hurt me. I love you, Aiden."

"I love you too." He leaned down to give her a kiss just as the tip of his member pressed against her womanhood.

"Is this really happening?" Aiden asked himself, feeling the heat of Jessica's moist labia against the tip of his member. "Am I really about to take my little sister's virginity?"

He knew that idea should have repulsed him, perhaps even disgusted him. But as he looked down at her, all he felt was love and desire. She had won him over that day, and now he wanted this almost as much as she did. Pulling away didn't even feel like an option. "Just take a deep breath, hold on to me, and relax."

Jessica nodded, doing as he suggested as her fingers gripped his fur. Slowly, she could feel his shaft start to push into her eager folds, stretching her inner passage out further than ever before. She couldn't help but whimper as Aiden pressed in even deeper, a slight pain mixing with indescribable pleasure. "Oh god! Oh Aiden."

"Jessica..." Aiden breathed, wrapping his arms around her as he pressed in as far as he could. "You're so tight. I'm gonna start moving now."

"Okay." Jessica felt him start to pull out, waves of pleasure flooding her body as he slowly thrust his hips. It was her every dream come true, to be tied to her beloved brother so closely, so intimately. She knew she wasn't the first to be connected to him this way, but no one could ever be closer to Aiden than she could, and her heart soared as her hips rocked with his, their passion heating up as they made love.

"More." She begged, wrapping her legs around his waist tightly as she kissed at his neck. "Please, give me more."

"I can't believe I'm doing this." Aiden thought as he picked up speed, driven on by her desires. "This should feel so wrong, but she feels so damn good. Fuck it all, I don't want to be right anymore. I just want her."

His own desires affirmed, Aiden stopped holding back. Jessica was soon howling in bliss as Aiden made love to her. They held each other tight, moaning and kissing with every thrust. Their hands roamed each other's body as they became enraptured with one another. There was no right or wrong that night, only Aiden and Jessica.

"Oh god, Nii-san!" The young woman cried out, her brother nibbling at her neck. "It's too much! I'm gonna cum! Cum with me, please!"

"Of course." Aiden growled into her ear. "Don't hold back. Let it... fuck! Let it happen!"

"Oh Nii-san! Yes! Aiden!" Jessica's body tensed as she hit climax, her already tight muscles clamping down hard around his still thrusting shaft. She continued to cry out his name, gripping him tightly as her orgasm enveloped her.

"Jessica!" Aiden didn't last much longer, growling her name as he climaxed. His seed soon filled her tight passage, spilling out as he pumped all of his cum deep in her pussy, the excess leaking down his balls and over her tail.

They remained in each others' arms a bit longer, catching their breath as their hearts beat as one. Eventually, Aiden pulled out, collapsing beside his sister. "Damn, that was amazing."

"Yeah." Jessica panted, idly reaching a hand down to her soaked nethers. "Is it always this messy?"

"Sometimes." He admitted, wrapping an arm around her and pulling her close. "We can clean it up if you like."

"No." She said, curling up to him. "I'd like to leave it, just this once."

They laid there silently for a moment, basking in the afterglow of their lovemaking. Aiden let out a very content sigh as he held his sister close, his reverie broken when her heard the girl sniffle. "Jess, are you okay?"

"Yeah." She whimpered, wiping a few tears away. "Sorry. I'm just... so happy. I wanted so much for you to be my first lover, but I never thought it would happen. But, now you've given me this, and so much more. Oh Aiden, you really are the best. I love you so much."

"I love you too." He admitted, leaning down to give her a soft kiss. "I'm glad I could make you so happy."

"I'll treasure this night forever." She whimpered, cuddling up to Aiden's chest. "I just wish it didn't have to end. I don't want to leave your side."

Aiden gave her a squeeze, taking her words to heart. They had agreed to only do this once, to go back to normal the next day. But could he really do that to the poor girl, after all they'd done? Could he really do that to himself?

"We can't tell anyone." He finally muttered. "We could never tell anyone that we're in love like this."

"I know."

"But, it might be worth it." He continued. "Could you live like that, Jessica? Keep our relationship a secret from everyone?"

She sat up, her eyes wide in disbelief. "Aiden... Yes! I love you so much, Nii-san, I don't care if we can't tell anyone. I just want to be in your arms for the rest of my life, to be able to give all of my heart to you, and no one else. I don't care if we keep it quiet, or if the whole world finds out. I just want to be with you... if you'll have me."

With a smile Aiden gave her another kiss, this one deeper and more passionate. "I can't think of anyone else I'd rather be with than you, Jessica. You will always be my little sister, but now I see that we can be more. I love you, Jessica."

"Oh Aiden." With fresh tears in her eyes, the young vixen clung to her big brother. Her heart was leaping with joy, her dreams finally becoming a reality. She never wanted to let him go, and now she knew she'd never have to.

"I love you too, Nii-san."