8- Healing Hands, Loving Arms

Story by TalricSurnahm on SoFurry

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#8 of Star Wars: Path of the Sentinel

After a close shave, it's time to heal- things open up and accelerate between the two as they share their first night in each other's arms. Also sex. :3

"So, what's got you worried? Afraid the parts won't line up right?"

"No, the parts line up just fine- I'm worried the feelings aren't aligned just yet."

"Give it a few parsecs, Cadet. Sometimes you need a little extra distance to know how far things will go. On the upside, though... sometimes you'll find out immediately when the ship is flying just right."

~ Unknown Trianii Ranger pilots

They reached the refresher easily enough, Kajex's bleeding having slowed though his trousers and shirt were still drenched. Syrra crossed over to the showers and set one of the overhead spouts to spray hot water for later, as Kajex leaned back on a bench, his shirt having been pulled off and now fumbling to get his pants and boxers off, shedding everything except the pendant around his neck. She hesitated, watching as his sheath and balls came into view, but put her interest in his body aside, striding forward with the bacta containers and a surgical kit- the sight of half his lower body matted with his blood canceled out any arousal she'd have otherwise felt.

Her pause had not gone unnoticed as she knelt in front of him, throwing aside the borrowed bomber jacket she had been wearing and checking his abdomen. "Heh... need me to turn my head and cough?" he joked quietly as she put a pair of fingers to his neck.

Syrra frowned and pressed her paw into his midsection, making him whine in pain even as he chuckled. "Shush, you- I can't feel your pulse while you're talking." She stared at the wound for a few moments before smiling softly, wiping around the two steel flechettes embedded in his flesh. "You might make this injury worse if you keep laughing _or_provoking me." She sighed in relief a few moments later. "It's... bad, but not as bad as it could be. You'll be sore tomorrow even _with_bacta."

"Just 'sore'? 'Sore' is fine, as long as it's not 'dead'."

"The spikes have to come out," she said gravely.

His smile faltered. "Yeah, they do." He gripped the underside of the bench with one paw, bringing the other to the flechettes- they were both close enough that he could grab both, eyes watering as he did. Before he could pull, Syrra grabbed his paw.

"On 3, pull."

He nodded, bracing himself.

"1... 2... 3."

It was a horrible howl that punctuated the moment when they both pulled, pain lancing through his midsection as each thin nail came out and fell to the floor. Working quickly Syrra placed a thick cloth over the wound and held it against his abdomen with one paw as he gasped, breathing hard as fresh tears of pain rolled down his face. She put her free paw on his chest, soothing the wolf gently with circular rubs. "They're out, both of them," she assured him as she looked over the spikes curiously, noticing a syringe-like needle at each of their tips. "Looks like they might have been injecting you with... something. Your heart rate is fine, if your pulse is in any way close to a Trianii's or a human's average pulse- seems like you didn't lose as much blood as I thought you had. I'd guess they added a sedative compound in case it didn't kill like they wanted it to, it would explain your fatigue."

"Thank the Force they weren't smart enough to use an actual lethal poison," he groaned. "Not the worst injury I've sustained in my line of work, but easily in my top 3 in terms of pain..."

"You don't say," Syrra replied softly, staring at his chest closely. She had not noticed until now that beneath the layers of chest fur were what seemed to be a spider's tapestry of healed scars; marks that had not been healed with bacta, which would otherwise have prevented scarring. She said nothing about them, instead waiting for the bleeding to slow down before grabbing one of the 2 bacta containers she had. Once she seemed certain the bleeding had slowed enough, she removed the cloth and applied a liberal amount on the wolf's belly, making sure it seeped into the two cavities.

Kajex watched her intently as the pain receded into a very aching throb. "You're a skilled medic... you look very much like you know what you're doing- it barely hurts," he complimented.

Syrra gave him an appreciative and concerned look. "Standard Trianii Ranger training- even for the ones on the backline doing nothing." She paused. "Aarn and Iaora gave me a little extra training, as well. I used to spend most of my off-hours at the Estate and they gave me lessons while I was around."

"Didn't spend much time at home?" he asked

Syrra shook her head. "I didn't like it at home. I... _respect_my mother, but it's difficult for me say whether there's any real love between us. I didn't take much after her, and I avoided her when I could."

He cocked his head to the side. "You preferred Aarn over your mother?"

There was no immediate answer as she spread the bacta gel along his wounds. "I preferred Iaora over my mother," she stated finally, looking up at him for a moment before reaching for the surgical kit. "You should keep talking, it'll keep you awake."

Kajex shrugged. "The pain roused me. I'm awake. If you need more assurance, the surgical kit has an adrenaline shot."

More to assuage her fear of him passing out again than because it was medically necessary, she picked it up and administered the stim. "You passed out earlier in the cockpit," she stated as she set the injector aside, picking up a mild painkiller injector and applying it as well- there was a pause as she tried to phrase her next words delicately while cutting apart a large piece of medical gauze. "You offered _interesting_flight instructions when you did."

The wolf breathed in deep, sitting a bit straighter as the compound reinvigorated him. "I might have been hallucinating earlier. I was actually speaking?"

She nodded. "You called me 'pup'. What were you dreaming of then, if you were half-conscious?"

He paused. "My father. Bran."

Syrra looked up curiously, pausing her work. "You mentioned an adoption center, days ago. Was he the one who adopted you?"

Kajex hesitated, then nodded. "In a sense. Bran was... he wasn't meant to be my father- he simply _became_my father, him and his partner, even though we kept it hidden." He shifted slightly. "Their kind of relationship isn't exactly favored among these parts." He met her stare. "His husband and my other father, Kane, was Trianii- I guess you can see why they hid it."

Syrra blinked, then looked down, nodding. They both knew it was frowned upon in Trianii culture. "You... don't have to keep talking," she offered quietly.

The wolf chuckled, wincing again. "I'm fine with treating you to storytime- but there's not much to say about it. They were my family- and part of family-time included them teaching me how to fly this ship. That... that is what I was recalling when I drifted in and out."

"So, when you said you were 'so proud'...?"

Kajex smiled. "That was what he told me a long time ago, yeah. But right then? No. That was me telling you, Syrra. You did great, you really did."

Syrra blushed, but didn't look away, smiling back warmly. "Thanks." The feline returned to her work, pressing the gauze against his midsection and finished up by covering the fabric with impermeable adhesive. "You'll need to shower off the blood," she said as she stood, offering him a paw and helping him up. "It'll take about a 10 minutes for the bacta to begin replenishing your blood cells, and all of tonight for the wounds to close." Kajex gave her an amused expression, before she gestured to the running shower. "Go on, doctor's orders," she quipped, sitting on the warm bench and watching him rinse off, feeling exhausted but calm.

She nearly dozed off, waking with a jump as she heard the shower deactivate 10 minutes later, Kajex drying himself off with a combination of the heat lamps and a clean towel- except for the new bandaging, he looked and moved as if he were good as new, though she noticed with a bit of shyness that he did nothing to cover himself up now that he had a towel to hide his maleness. She stood up, knocking over one of the bandage rolls and moving to retrieve it before feeling a sharp pain lance through her back, steadying herself with the bench- she had been so intent on treating the wolf that she had forgotten the vibrosword injury she had sustained.

Kajex strode to her. "You're hurt."

"I'll be fine," she insisted.

The wolf shook his head, frowning. "Not until that wound is properly bandaged. Take off the robe, Syrra."

She hesitated, balking at the idea of stripping in front of him, but relented after a few moments of more pain. "Give me a hand?" she murmured, undoing the robe's front ties. She raised her arms carefully as the wolf helped her out of the damaged robe, hissing slightly as the binding straps that covered her breasts fell- the slash had severed them. Yet she found herself unwilling to cover herself, and after hesitating a moment, she knelt, undoing her boot straps, then the lace holding her trousers in place, slipping out of them and her undergarments. Kajex said nothing as she did this, and when she turn it was to him staring in disbelief at her nude frame.

Words failed him for at least 10 seconds, before he managed a response. "You... didn't need to strip completely."

Her cheeks burned, but she did nothing to cover herself. "I know," she responded with a shy smile.

"Then why did you, if not out of necessity?" he asked, unable to keep his eyes from trailing down her body, reaching her ample, pert breasts before glancing back up into her eyes.

She paused, her own eyes trailing down his body, stopping briefly at his sheath, noting the tip of length peeking from his sheath. "Out of choice. I saw yours... fair is fair," she teased softly, turning back around and taking a seat on the bench.

Kajex took in a steadying breath, sitting behind her and moving the medical kit near him, starting to wipe around the nasty gash with a sanitation cloth. He cleared his throat, trying to resume the conversation while simultaneously trying to ignore his hammering heartbeat while he worked. "So... you mentioned you preferred Iaora to your own mother. Why is that?"

Syrra hissed slightly in pain, the wolf muttering an apology. "It's fine," she reassured him. She chose her words carefully. "Like I said, I love my mother, but that love is only as strong as the blood that connects us. Our thoughts, opinions and values are... different, to say the least. I don't accept the strength of her words because she rarely invokes action with them. She... manipulates, rather than advocates- I think that's the best way to put it. I don't think she approved of me speaking my mind, likely because it came at the expense of my reputation- and hers."

"I guess I can understand that," he responded as he began to cleanse the other side of the injury.

"Iaora, though... she encouraged me. While I spent time on their estate training to be a Trianii Ranger, she gave me separate tutelage in medicine whenever she was able. She had the free time, usually, since she's not a part of the _yu'nar_despite repeated requests for her to join. She and my uncle are rich, sure- but they had good hearts, and cared for the individual instead of coldly calculating the needs of the whole, if you get what I'm saying."

Kajex nodded. "They were kind enough to me, I liked them. And they seemed to treat their own servants with respect. A couple of them told me how they liked working for them, how they were given a fair wage- pretty much treated as family, even."

Syrra nodded. "And they're open-minded- very non-traditional in those respects." She paused. "I can... empathize with what you just told me about your fathers. My youngest brother is also homosexual, which is why he is agnostic about our faith. The poor treatment he suffered from my mother and siblings is one of the prime reasons I grew apart from her."

"That sounds harsh," the wolf replied sympathetically. "And your father?" It occurred to both of them that she had never once mentioned him, though he guessed at why when she didn't answer immediately.

"... He died when I was young." She looked back at him, tears in her eyes, but smiling proudly. "A Trianii Ranger to the end. He gave his life protecting those under his command by smashing into an Espo cruiser with his ship."

Kajex smiled back. "My condolences for your loss. But if he was anything like you, I'm sure he was courageous to the end."

Syrra nodded, wiping her eyes. "Anyway... I know that he knew of my brother's fondness for other males, and loved him all the same even when his siblings and mother didn't. When we... lost our father... he nearly ended his own life. If it hadn't been for Iaora, he would have succeeded. She loved us both as if we were her own children." She paused. "She's unable to conceive. I think her love for us was her way of being the mother she wanted to be. In a way... she was mine."

Compelled to offer comfort, he reached out and rubbed her shoulder. "I'm sorry that your relationship with your mother was so limited- but I'm glad that you've found a surrogate nevertheless." He leaned down, picking up the open bacta container and applying a moderate amount to her back. "This'll sting a bit, I need to make sure it fills the wound."

They sat in silence for a while, bar the occasional sharp hisses from the Trianii, followed by quiet apologies from the wolf. Halfway done, he started again. "Your father... is that why you joined the Rangers?"

"Among other reasons- but his life constitutes the main reason, yes."

"Why else?"

"Beyond chafing under my mother's influence, as I described earlier... yesterday?" she said, glancing at her chronometer- the day had not yet passed. "I craved adventure. And wanted to see the wider universe. I love Ekibo, and most of my culture- but longed for anything beyond it, no matter how strange. I joined the Praxeum to maximize the chances that I would, but until you came into my--" she stopped short, trying to start again. "Until I met you..."

"That's... not what you were going to say," he murmured, squeezing her shoulder gently. It was not a question, but nor did he state it with an accusatory tone- it was stated more in a tone of hopefulness.

"... Until you came into my life," she admitted slowly, shivering with trepidation, "I'd never known a non-Trianii on a more personal level. I mean-- as close as... this. What's between us. What-- whatever that may be," she stammered, head swimming slightly. She breathed in, starting again. "Master Moarn is... cold. Efficient. A good instructor, in the same way a droid instructor is. He never used my name- he only ever called me 'Padawan'. Garrett, my fellow padawan, is a recent friend- but that only happened the day before I left for Ekibo. He's kind and friendly, but his true love is for the wildlife and natural aspects of the Force." A shiver passed through her as Kajex began applying bacta to a long strip of gauze. "I've been so distant with everyone that I haven't made much in the way of relationships." Warmth flooded her cheeks as she committed to her next words. "Until, like I said... _you_came into my life."

Kajex said nothing for a moment, applying the strip to her back. "I'm... glad I got you to open up."

A pause. "In more ways than one, I admit. Faster than I expected."

He applied the adhesive. "Syrra...?"

She shook her head. "It's nothing."

Kajex wasn't buying it, putting the canister down and hesitating, putting his paw back on her shoulder encouragingly. "It sounds like it's more than just 'nothing'."

She turned to face him. She felt almost precisely the same nervousness as she had earlier, when Kajex noticed her scent; the scene was almost identical, with her frozen in place and barely able to form words as the same look of dawning comprehension from the same moment lit up his eyes.

"I_hope_ it's more than nothing," he admitted, looking cautiously optimistic.


"Hold on a second." He grabbed a sanitation cloth and brought it up to her cheek. Both of them had forgotten he had placed a reddened paw there, the stain of dried blood still on her face. He rubbed it gently, but stared back, his gold eyes peering into her twin pools of sapphire directly. It was clean in only a few rubs, but his paw remained.

She leaned in.

He stopped her, a paw in the middle of her chest, still staring into her eyes. "Whatever happens beyond this point... it goes as far as _you_want it to go. I promise," he whispered.

The moment he said that, she'd made her choice.

She had never experienced the physical sensation of a kiss, in the way that lovers kissed- not until that moment, when her muzzle pressed against his gently. She wasn't expecting the wolf to reciprocate despite hoping for it, yet he did, moving into her at the same moment and placing a paw on her hip. Warmth spread through her starting from her chest as she broke off, surprised she couldn't hear her heartbeat echoing throughout the ship, breathing excitedly.

Kajex seemed no better or worse, also breathing heavily, a small, understanding smile forming on his muzzle. "Too much?" he asked quietly.

Syrra smiled back. "No... not enough." Emboldened by the act, nerves aching from the tension, she moved back in, kissing him more firmly, whimpering quietly into the wolf's muzzle as he matched her eagerness- she fought the urge to giggle as she sensed his tail wagging anxiously, paws moving to his chest and stroking it, taking care not to brush against his injury.

It lasted over a minute, the feline drawing closer to him every second, before she broke off. Kajex grinned broadly this time. "So... what's gotten into you? First you save my life while busting some heads, then you pull off a perfect takeoff, then you treat my wounds, now you're making out with me, nude, as if you've wanted this for..."

"A week," Syrra answered, laughing gently. "You. Y_ou've_gotten into me." She paused, her eyes flicked down, spotting his turgid, ebony member- she had not glanced at it since the tip had peeked from his sheath, and now it was at full mast, bigger in reality than she had fantasized. She reached down, paw trembling as she touched the length.

Kajex caught her wrist. "No."

Syrra looked up, heart skipping, wondering if she had overstepped her bounds, gone too far, too fast- but it was to a warm smile that her heart settled down, as she saw he was far from angry.

"No... not here, at least."

Syrra had only ever glimpsed the interior of Kajex's quarters once, when she had spied on him while he masturbated the first night she spent on his ship- she had not memorized anything about it beyond the red and black chair he had taken from Aarn's office and placed next to his bed. There was barely any lighting in the room, though neither of them needed much to see well; they were fully capable of seeing, and appreciating, each other's bodies in the dimly lit environment.

She breathed in as she lay next to him on his bed, putting her muzzle to his chest and breathing in deeply, taking in his scent and committing it to memory. She stared down at the wolf as she leaned in, nuzzled his face tenderly while purring, an action he replicated as he carefully stroked her back. Part of her worried- it was a part that made her tremble in apprehension.

Kajex was not oblivious to it, pushing her back slightly in concern. "Are you okay?"

Syrra shook her head. "Yes... but no." She tried to steady her nerves. "I've never lain with a male and..." she smiled nervously, "I'm trying not to mess this up. Or take this farther than I want... or give you the impression that I'm not attracted to you, or--" She squeaked as the wolf silenced her with a kiss, which did more to steady her nerves than her breathing had.

He drew back, breaking off the kiss, finding her apprehension cute. Yet he also guessed at what was likely troubling her, as it was the same reason he felt a minor twinge of unease. "Are you worried this is going too fast?"

Syrra nodded. "Just last week I was butting heads with you. I don't even understand why you're okay with this- not that I'm unhappy," she added. "It's just, you told me you found it difficult to trust people, and now...?"

Kajex considered her carefully before explaining. "I've worked with dozens of people on jobs before, and most of them fit the profile of the kind of mercenary you initially took me for- uncaring, greedy..." he smiled dryly, "_wolves_looking for an opportunity to strike." A wince marked her features as they both remembered her earlier, unkind words, and he reached up to rub behind her ears, eliciting a purr.

He paused, recalling something Bran had told him once in the past. "The wolves I was told of when I was young by my old man, were close-knit and social creatures that lived as a family, bonded to each other for life and working together to survive. None of the other mercenaries I worked with came close to fitting that- only close friends of mine have fit that profile... and some of them died for it. Then you came with an abrasive attitude and I made the mistake of letting my experiences with them make it a little more difficult with you than it should have been."

"But in the last two days you displayed an amazing amount of compassion, integrity and courage. To say you don't have a ways to go toward self-improvement would be dishonest- but you've impressed me. Add to that your cleverness and skill in a fight, and I'd be lying if I said I didn't find it tremendously_sexy." He smiled. "More than that, though, you're... wolf-like, in the best way possible. You fought alongside me, worked with me, protected and healed me. You gave me every reason to trust you by showing me the kind of person you are- the kind of person that attracts me _more."

She seemed unable to formulate a full response, though she looked pleased nevertheless. "I... understand," she managed to say, flattered.

"Maybe it is a little fast. If you want to wait, Syrra..."

She shook her head, looking coy. "I know you're picking up my scent, Kajex. If I don't tend to myself, I'm going to be irritable for several hours, and _you're_going to be on the end of it," she joked. Before she could react, he sat up and pushed her onto her back, putting the weight up his upper torso on her legs and waist, laying his muzzle between her breasts and looking up at her endearingly.

"Then I'd be glad to help you satisfy that urge, kitten."

"'Kitten,' am I?" she purred. "I'll try not to be too rambunctious, then."

"Just try to relax," he responded, smiling. "You're in control. If you say 'no, stop', I swear I will stop. The last thing I want to do to you, someone I respect and... to be honest, someone I'm starting to fall for... is hurt you, scare you, or disrespect you." He put a paw on her nose, tapping it and drawing out a laugh from her. "And don't worry... I'm experienced enough for the both of us. I'll guide you- or better yet, I'll do the work."

She smiled up at him, feeling reassured. "You're injured, you really shouldn't be overexerting yourself."

He grinned, moving down and away from her, his muzzle brushing against her left breast. "I'm feeling much better after the painkiller and stim you gave me, and I don't need my midsection to get you going," he informed her.

Without another word, he dipped his head against her chest, kissing at her teats gently, chuffing slightly in a silent laughter as the effect was immediate, the feline squirming beneath him, trying not to jerk around even as her tail twitched erratically. He wondered how sensitive she was to this stimulation, treating whichever nipple his muzzle was not busy with to his paws, pushing a thumb against them, grazing them roughly- he was pleased with her reaction, tensing up and digging her claws into the sheets. He eased up on her, looking up- she looked back, gasping softly.

"I'm... fine..." she said, smiling weakly.

Kajex chuckled, then smiled more seriously. "I believe you now, when you say you're new at this. I actually feel happy knowing I'm the first you found worthy enough to do this with."

She reached down, putting a paw behind his ears and rubbing affectionately, the wolf leaning in to the petting. "Because you find me attractive?"

"That, and because I've come to admire you."

"I'm nobody special..."

"You are to me," he said before he could stop himself. It was simple and honest, and despite not meaning to say it out loud he found himself refusing to take it back.

She didn't speak for a moment, a look of astonishment and appreciation for him on her face- but when she did respond, she allowed the words flow from her as easily as they came. "The feeling is mutual." She stroked his face. "There may have been others I could have pursued, if I had been less cold to the rest of the world and learned to appreciate them- but you? You're the only one that reached out to_me_, even when you had a reason to hate me more."

"I never hated you, Syrra," he assured her gently.

"I believe you- and that you could look past that abrasive side of me, eventually trust me to defend you and fight by your side... that... _you_mean a lot to me, too." She shifted, opening her legs slightly for him. "I trust you more than enough to not violate what we're sharing right now."

"You have my word," he responded solemnly, crawling back away from her until his muzzle was near her cleft, keeping his eyes on her as he breathed in and took in her scent. It was as if he had sampled an intoxicating aroma, his eyes half-lidded as he pressed his lips against her slit, slipping his tongue out and lashing against her netherlips slowly, sending the Trianii into barely-restrained convulsions as her sampled her folds. Every few seconds he paused, letting her reorient her senses.

He reached up, taking one of her paws in one of his as he continued his oral ministrations- she took it, squeezing it hard each time he traced her labia. Her breathing became more labored the faster he lashed his tongue against her folds, erupting into a soft cry as he probed her slit, dipping his tongue into the canal repeatedly. Kajex wore a satisfied look as he eased up on her, pulling back so she could catch a moment to savor the aftereffect. The interaction reached a break after he pressed the tip of his tongue against her clit, Syrra responding by mewling cutely. She slapped her free paw over her muzzle as her eyes widened in alarm, looking down at Kajex as his eyes shot up, an astonished smile on his face.

"Did you just... make that sound?" he asked, his smile growing wider. She shook her head furiously as she refused to speak, but the blush on her face gave it away and she knew it. He dipped back down and she panicked, trying to squeak out.

"Kajex, wai--"

Her words were lost as she writhed and mewled again, louder and longer, trailing off into a moan as he attacked her button, circling around the nub expertly before pinching his lips around it ever-so-gently. Half-amused and half-terrified her bucking hips and kicking legs would remove a tooth or cause him to accidentally nip her, he grabbed her thighs firmly, keeping her pinned as he swirled his tongue repeatedly around the bud. He kept the efforts up a full minute, watching her reactions with interest before he stopped abruptly, letting the Trianii catch her breath.

She huffed, red-faced with tears in her eyes, a dazed grin playing on her muzzle. "You... cheeky... son of a bitch..."

Kajex grinned back sheepishly. "You voice was too cute, I'm sorry."

She shook her head, hiding her face as she shook with an exhilarated giggle. "Don't you dare... apologize for that. How in the hell... where...?"

Kajex crawled up to her, sliding next to her and nuzzling her cheek. "Years of experience, a handful of close friends that doubled as lovers." He rubbed her stomach, fingers caressing over her vestigial teats gently, making her jump and purr louder. She relaxed under the stroking, looking up at him in concern.

"What does that make... what _we_have?" she asked slowly. Kajex hesitated and she winced at her question, shook her head. "No... I'm not going to demand an answer for that... that's not fair to you."

"No, it's okay," he responded, looking slightly troubled. "The truth is... I don't know. The only thing I can say with complete honesty and certainty, is that I don't want it to stop yet, and I want to see where it goes- hopefully somewhere that makes us both happy. But ultimately, it isn't up to me alone." He squeezed her paw. "For now, I hope that'll be enough." She could only smile and nod in response to him, squeezing back and reaching up to brush his hair out of his eyes. A glance downwards and she swallowed, noticing his stiff prick. His eyes followed hers and he nuzzled her. "Go slow- it's sensitive at this point," he advised.

She took the tool in her free paw, resting her thumb against the tip as it throbbed visibly, his heartbeat barely perceptible against her palm- with a look of slight nervousness, she squeezed around the shaft gently, stroking her paw down until it reached the base. The wolf shuddered appreciatively, shifting his position and thrusting slightly into her paw. "It's not frail- you can be a little rougher." Gripping it a little tighter, she stroked back up, repeating the motion in reverse, then back down as she worked a steady, slow rhythm, stopping every so often to smear his precum along his length, his natural lubrication making it slicker and easier to rub. She jumped slightly as a warm paw slipped between her thighs and slid a finger against her folds, shuddering as Kajex began to repay her.

For his part, the wolf kept a close eye on her movements, murmuring soft encouragement into her ears and rolling his hips up each time she slid her palm down his prick, grinning as she threw head back the moment he drove a pair of fingers into her cleft, deliberately matching the pace that she was stroking him at, pausing anytime she did. Within a minute, she seemed to catch on, looking into his eyes challengingly as she boldly began to increase her pace, jerking the black shaft faster, moaning as he easily matched her efforts precisely- she only stopped when it became too much for her to handle, the Trianii leaning into his chest and purring. "I couldn't keep up," she breathed.

Kajex chuckled. "I've been at this for a while- for a first-timer, I'm impressed with your endurance."

"I'm trying to make it last- I'm really enjoying this," she admitted.

"I don't blame you for that." He paused. "Truth be told, I was wondering since I met you what it might be like."

Syrra blinked, then hid her face in his chest, stifling her laughter in his fur. "Now I don't feel so bad about this entire last week."

"What, you were thinking of me?"

She hesitated for a moment, swallowing. "First night I spent on this ship, I peeked at your erotic content- halfway in, I... heard your voice."

Kajex stared at her blankly, before bursting out into a quiet laugh. "Shit. I forgot how sound tends to travel in this ship. But you only just saw me in the buff an hour ago, what were you fantasizing?"

Syrra blushed. "I didn't have to fantasize the first night. I... watched you."

"My quarters are locked," he said, confused.

"I didn't have to leave my bunk to watch you," she admitted meekly.

He frowned for a few moments, confused, before a brief moment of insight illuminated what she meant- he smiled incredulously. "You used the Force to watch."

"Only for the first night!" she said, holding her paws up defensively with a shy smile. "It felt wrong to keep doing it, but I remembered it. I'd never seen anyone like you, I found you fascinating." She swallowed. "Especially your... shape."

"Well now you're gonna get it, kitten!" He lunged at the shorter feline, growling playfully and nipping at her neck, causing her to chirp excitedly and laugh, trying halfheartedly to push him off as he gave her a bit of rough affection, his paws groping her breasts and squeezing as hers stroked his sides and undamaged torso. They stopped after a few moments with him positioned above her, his pendant hanging from his neck, the gem within glinting. She spread her legs apart, pulling him close and placing her paws on his strong shoulders.

"If there's any discomfort, let me know- I'm following the pace you want, kitten," he advised her gently.

She leaned up, kissing his nose. "I should be telling _you_that- you're the one that took a shot to the gut only 2 hours ago."

"You treated me well- I intend to return the favor." He kissed her neck, drawing out a pleasured sigh from her. "Ready?"

She nodded, curling her tail around his leg. "When you are."

He sat back up on his knees, taking his prick in paw and guiding it to her nethers, watching as she squirmed slightly beneath him the moment the tapered tip traced against her slit. He took a moment to press it against her clit, watching her jerk and arch her back, marveling at how sensitive she was before angling his hips down, placing the tip between her netherlips and rolling his hips into her gently. A quiet gasp escaped Syrra's muzzle as he placed the first inch of his length in her, a dull, pleasurable pain growing in her loins. Kajex groaned slightly, pausing and grabbing Syrra's sides firmly, circling his thumbs around her lesser nipples slowly and making her tremble as he teased them.

He tried again, pushing his hips harder into her, meeting significant resistance, stopping when she winced barely two inches in. Feeling unable to press forward without causing additional pain, he smiled and spoke. "You're tense. You're incredibly moist, but your tension is making it difficult to move."

She nodded. "I can't help it. First-time jitters," she chirped nervously.

He leaned in, nuzzling into her neck affectionately, paws working over her belly and hips gently. "I don't blame you- my first time, I went off only 30 seconds into foreplay. I wasn't impressive," he admitted. He lips pressed against the fur of her neck again, drawing out a short purr- as aroused as he was, the last thing he wanted to do was hurt her. Still embedded in her cleft partway, he settled on trying to soothe her with gentle licks. "Can you try to meditate, then? You're a Jedi, after all."

Syrra paused, considering it. "Alright... but first, let's just..." She pulled him over him a bit closer, his nose pressed against hers gently, holding the sides of his face as she looked him in the eyes. "Don't look away. Let me focus on your eyes."

"Why my eyes?" he asked curiously.

"I like them," she answered simply- it was the truth. She was only starting to realize those eyes were a source of comfort to her, like a pair of suns warming her very being. She took a deep breath, letting it out slowly as she focused into the wolf's gold circles- Kajex complied, keeping himself on edge by gently pushing what fraction of his length was already within her, waiting patiently for her to fall into her trance.

She wondered why it came so easily- what part of her mind allowed for reasoning suspected that recent events, emotions and words of trust had given her an insight that she could only feel and not know with any certainty. A warm shudder passed through her as all the trepidation, nervousness and tension in her mind and body seemed to ebb away. It seemed perverse, in a way, as Master Moarn had taught her how to purge emotion; yet now she was using it to loosen her body up so she could give herself to Kajex. This time she halted the purge, focusing instead on what positive feelings remained. Feelings of admiration, affection... even love for the wolf lingered; feelings she was reticent to give up.

Something changed, as she stared into her lover's eyes- a dream she had from what seemed like years ago on board another ship, a dream of another being's eyes. Behind the facade of cheer and warmth radiating from Kajex, she could see his were the same eyes- speaking of pain, sorrow and immeasurable loss.

She cried out as he hilted into her, bringing her out of her trance and back into his quarters. Kajex groaned, hips pressed against her as he drew his face back, looking concerned. "Are you okay?"

Syrra breathed in- there was no pain, just an incredible sense of fullness in her vagina that sent ripples of ecstasy through her, making her gasp softly. "Y-yeah... fuck, you're so..." she moaned. She smiled tremulously, stroking his chest. "I don't think you were made for breeding with Trianii."

Kajex regarded her with concern, unable to tell if she was in any discomfort as she squirmed under him. "Should I take that to mean I should stop?"

"You should take that to mean you're naturally longer and thicker than any Trianii male," she responded. She pulled his muzzle into hers, kissing deeply, tongue slipping in against his briefly before she separated from his lips. "And that Trianii cock just won't cut it for me, now."

He responded by grinning and pulling back his length, drawing a moan from her and keeping half in her cleft before rocking up against her again. They shared another kiss as he began a slow rhythm, the wolf settling for paced, powerful strokes that plowed against her folds. Every heartbeat made his cock throb, every throb greeted by her inner walls fluttering around his maleness as she clenched around him, trying actively to keep him in, to no avail.

He drew back, his paws moving back down her body and zeroing in on the two weak spots he had already discovered, thumbing around her clit with one as the other rubbed across her teats. Already incredibly aroused, she cried out, shuddering as she squeezed around his prick, experiencing in a moderate orgasm which made her shudder cling to the wolf. She gasped, eyes watering more from the sensation than from her being upset. "N-no, I tried to last..." she mewled, looking up at her lover, shamefaced.

"Can you keep going?" Kajex asked simply, smiling.

She paused, then nodded, realizing he wasn't ready to give up, was willing to continue. "Please... more..."

He continued at her command, working through her post-orgasmic tenderness- she was much easier to slip into now, though she clenched around him still with a delicious amount of pressure. When she raised her arms to pull him in again, he obediently drew close without changing his rhythm, letting her wrap her arms around his torso as she nuzzled and licked him blindly, eyes-half closed and hazed in a cloud of lust. A similar fog was obscuring every sense but touch, as his balls began to ache, the stirrings of a climax building in his loins- yet even half-blinded by lust he was able to nuzzle and lick back affectionately. His ears perked up as he heard her whisper tremulously.


He obeyed her without question, taking her paws in his and pinning them next to her head as he bore down on her, striking at her hips with enough force that his heavy balls produced an audible slap against her backside. She did nothing to restrain her vocal appreciation for the change in power, mewling softly and writhing receptively against him, trying to roll her hips up into his as she offered herself to his efforts. A glimpse of a past event, and she realized that she was yet again in the position of a bitch in heat, her alpha breeding her deep and fast- the thought of it, the parallels between her past experience and the sex she was sharing now with this wolf she was falling for, ignited that haze of lust into a fire. Her inner slickness was copious enough that it generated lewd noises from her cleft each time he extracted his length from her sweltering depths, followed by an equally obscene noise each time he plunged back in.

The thrusts became heavier, more varied, as he accepted her movements and matched them, battering his hips against her body and making her quake each time his hips connected. The sweet, bitter scent of sweat began to build as the seconds passed, mixing between them as the wolf's body caressed and rolled into hers, the pressure in the wolf's loins growing with each thrust, sapping his endurance slowly. Syrra had regained enough presence of mind to wrap her legs halfway around his waist, helping to both draw him in and clutch around his member. Adamant on lasting as long as possible for his lover, he busied his muzzle with her neck, lips and breasts, nipping one of her nipples a little firmly and eliciting a loud moan. She shuddered violently, crying his name out, unable to do nothing but writhe as he continued to hold her paws down- he responded by moaning her name into her neck, his voice strain in exertion.

His bucking increased in speed as he felt the knot begin to swell slowly. He slowed his motions, looking up at Syrra, but she already sensed what he was going to ask. "This goes as far as I want it to go, right?" she breathed.

"And no farther," he assured her, panting for air.

"Then give me every inch, Kajex," she pleaded, pulling herself into his hips and matching his thrusts with desperate counter-moves, mewling in satisfaction as it succeeded in forcing his prick into her tunnel a little deeper. Before long, frustration set in as the knot prevented him from piercing her as deeply. She grit her teeth, trying to relax herself again, but stopped as Kajex let go of her paws, running his along her back as he embraced her and causing her to relax as she looked up at him.

"Brace yourself, kitten," he said softly.

She gripped his body firmly, giving herself to his care as he leaned in hard, grinding the bulb hard against her cleft and grazing against her clit and outer folds as he toiled to slip the rest of his maleness in, while a quiet whine escaped the canine's throat as the pressure nearly became too much. Kajex nuzzled deep into her neck, breathing in and tensing every muscle in his slightly sore abdomen, trying to tie with her, to claim her as her first male. With a single shift of his hips, the knot disappeared into her cleft.

They both cried out at the same moment as it finally sank in, locking the lovers together inseparably at the hips, Syrra shuddering violently and crying out her lover's name once again as she experienced another, far more powerful mind-shattering orgasm. Kajex ran out of endurance at the same moment, snarling loudly and reflexively biting at her neck as he jerked his hips into her, growling lustfully as he poured thick ropes of seed into her depths, rolling into her body firmly, balls to her backside and sheath to her tender netherlips. His balls twitched with every gush of fresh cum he deposited into her belly, aided by Syrra's walls milking around his prick until the volume seeped out from around the knot, trickling down her taint and tailhole.

The both shuddered, holding each other close as they rode out the waves of physical pleasure, moving weakly into each other as the sensations lingered. Kajex drew his muzzle back, suddenly aware that he had bitten Syrra- a jolt of fear and guilt shot through him as he gave her an apologetic look. "Shit... I'm so sorry, I just lost control and--"

She cut him off, smiling exhaustedly. "Shut up, Kajex." She caught his muzzle in a gentle kiss, purring into his muzzle as she expressed her content and affection for him, breaking it off. "Otherwise, you'll make _me_apologize for the claw marks on your back."

He became aware of the dull pain just below his shoulders, where her claws had dug in and drawn blood, but it was a pain he dismissed easily. He smiled, pressing his larger black nose against her smaller, triangular one. "I gather, then... that you enjoyed it?"

Syrra nodded, still panting a bit. "It was... I mean, 'amazing' doesn't even begin to cover it..." She squirmed slightly, shivering as she felt the soothing, creamy warmth of his seed flow into her womb.

"I do my best," he offered humbly as he licked her cheek tenderly.

"I believe it," she responded, stroking the side of his face appreciatively. She twitched again, unconsciously squeezing around his knot and causing her to look down at where they were joined. "How long...?"

Kajex pushed himself back up, putting a paw to her chest. "It'll keep up for a while, but if you want it out, then brace again."

She pushed away from him as he tugged back, expecting the same blissful pain she had experienced as it had locked inside, only to be surprised when it squeezed out of her with a satisfyingly audible 'pop' that made her nerves tingle pleasantly- the seal removed, his seed began to leak out of her canal and onto the sheets.

She laid on her side, watching Kajex slide back next to her. She bit her lip- it was over, but she didn't know whether she was expected to stay with him or leave, and she dreaded the idea of the latter. "Should I go back to the crew quarters?" she asked meekly.

Kajex blinked, looking as if she had lost her mind, then laughed warmly and drew closer to her. "Not a chance. You're getting a post-coitus cuddle." He pulled her into his arms, taking in a deep, relaxing breath. "I don't much enjoy loneliness after intimacy. I mean, you can go back if you want, but..." he trailed off, hopeful that she would remain with him.

"I don't want to," she admitted, laying her head in his neck and nuzzling into his chest, feeling her vision blur. "Don't think I could, not after all of that. I feel so... relaxed. Warm." She hesitated. "Tomorrow, if you're okay with me being here..."

"Syrra, you are absolutely welcome in my quarters anytime you want to be in here. As long as you're on this ship, you can come in here- to sleep, to fuck, to talk, or to just cuddle," he added, pressing his lips against her forehead as he pulled a warm, thick sheet over them. "Like I said... I want to see where this goes."

She sighed contentedly, snuggling him. "So do I..." She glanced next to her, seeing his paw and taking it, squeezing gently- he responded with the same gesture. She smiled to herself as her eyelids grew heavy.

It had been a hell of a day, and not all of it bad.