Let's Be Friends!

Story by summerlong on SoFurry

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#6 of October

Alright moving into the next phase of October: A bunch of new residents are moving in! Perhaps more to come later! And Matty begins seriously training to be a demon hunter! Fun times all around!

Apologies to Sky for taking so long to actually get around to writing this. It was fun to introduce everyone, and I especially hop he liked it Enjoy!

Axel, Gensa, Kazama, and Sirius Created By and Belong to SkyWing

Proofread by SkyWing

Standard boiler plate: This is fantasy, not real. Simple rule of thumb, do not do things to people without their consent in real life. That is bad. No more to say there than that.


Kneeling in his garden, Valian was hard at work, carefully pruning a small bushy plant, making sure to gather the falling leaves in his palm. After a rapid series of cuts, he gave a slight nod and placed the scissors on the ground. Holding his now free hand over the other, he tightly pressed the trimmings between them, closing his eyes in concentration. Moments later, his hands burst into flame, instantly reducing the leaves to nothing but cinders, ash, and smoke. As the fire died back down, he opened them, gently wafting the smoke up to his nose and inhaling as deeply as he was able.

He let out a small sigh. The pungent smell of burning basil was one of those small pleasures he had forgotten he missed. After all, he didn't have to eat, so there wasn't much point to saving any of the leaves for culinary purposes. Then again, he wondered, maybe it couldn't hurt to try it out sometime. The way the gluttonous fox fawned over the otter's pancakes, maybe food was something worth giving a chance. His life of late, like it or not, was about trying new things.

Regardless, the charred residue in his hands was a bit too far past saving. Once he had made sure it had cooled enough to not do any harm, he gently spread the ash at the base of the basil plant, hoping it would do some good as pest control. That finished, he sat back and took a moment just to enjoy the day.

A warm breeze blew through his headfur. The sun was shining brightly, without a single cloud in the sky. The lingering smell of the burnt basil continued to fill his nostrils. The-

"Alright, I'm done! What now?" a voice called out from a short distance away. Valian sighed again, this time out of frustration rather than subtle happiness. Looking back over his shoulder, he could see the smiling black fox standing proudly next to a half-uprooted marigold plant, several pulled weeds littering the ground near his feet.

"You do the rest," Valian tersely answered, shuffling over to start trimming the next plant.

"Really? There has to be a thousand in this row alone! This is what you do for FUN!?! Seriously?"

"I enjoy it, yes. Now either shut up and get back to work, or find some other way to keep yourself busy."

"It just seems, I don't know, dull. Like, really, really dull... I know! I could order a stereo system or something out here, that might-"

"The quiet," Valian quickly interrupted, not bothering to look up from his pruning, "is exactly why I like it."

"Jeez, sorry. I'm just trying to help! No need to bite my head off!" the fox shot back with an indignant huff.

"I didn't ask for your help!" Valian growled, spearing his scissors into the ground. "Things are perfectly fine as they are! Just let me have this, and you can go and... and I don't know! Watch cartoons! Or better yet, how about you do some more studying like you promised you would!" By the end of Valian's little tirade, Matty looked almost offended, standing with his ears folded back, twiddling his thumbs. Exasperatedly shaking his head, he added a defeated, "Fine, do whatever you want. It's your property."

"No... No, you're right, I was being a steamroller again... I don't get the appeal, but it's your hobby. I shouldn't try to hijack it."

Saying nothing more, Valian simply let the act of pulling the scissors out of the ground act as a form of silent agreement. Or maybe thanks. Having long since lost interest in the conversation, he happily got back to trimming the next plant.

At the same time, Matty was about to head back inside as requested, but found himself standing in place watching the demonic bat work. Specifically, he couldn't help but zone in on the taut rump resting on the heels of his boyfriend's sandals, complete with a pert little tail sticking out through the back of his shorts. "I do have to admit that the view is pretty great," he said with a lecherous leer.

Letting out yet another sigh, Valian asked, "You're staring at my butt again, aren't you?"

"...Maybe... Just a little... More than a little, maybe... Or a lot... Definitely pretty fixated on it," Matty gradually answered, continuing his staring. "Honestly, seeing you sitting there... Covered in dirt, wearing those tight shorts... It's taking a lot of effort to keep from jumping you right now," he added as a sly grin crept across his face. "You know, I don't think we've tried outdoor sex yet. Feel like giving it a shot?"

When Valian silently raised a single eyebrow, the horny fox was ready to strip right then and there. Before he could say anything else on the matter, the bat's tall, powerful ears swiveled toward the mansion. "As nice as that sounds, you should go answer the door."

"So? Vydra'll answer it. We have time for a quickie."

"Or he'll have his headphones in and won't notice. Or maybe he got stuck in the dryer again. Either way, the doorbell's still going."

"I still think it was you that stuffed him in the dryer," Matty mumbled, suspiciously scratching his chin. "Ah, dammit, got all worked up for nothing... Clear some room because we'll be revisiting this one soon, I can guarantee you that much!" he shouted, sprinting back to the mansion.

As annoying as the fox could be, Valian had to admit, he did have a few good ideas. A romp in the garden, his single favorite place in the world, did sound amazing. He silently watched the eager fox speed away, but so help him, he genuinely looked forward to fulfilling that guarantee.


Though he had never been big on exercise of the non-sexual variety, Matty was grateful that he had gotten into jogging over the past few weeks. Almost coughing his heart out from chasing after Dax was something of a wake-up call. He may not be running any marathons anytime soon, but he found it was nice, being able to run through the winding hallways of the mansion without going completely out of breath. As he speedily rounded the last corner into the entryway, he slammed on the brakes, barely managing to keep himself from plowing through a startled black bat. Stopping both to catch his breath and shake off his surprise, he took a moment to get a good look at his new guest.

The new bat was of average height, which made him a fair amount shorter than Valian, even a little shorter than Matty, though he did have a far more fit, athletic figure compared to the other bat's overly skinny one. His fur was almost entirely pitch black, with only a yellowish mask around his violet eyes showing any color. He was dressed casually, wearing a tight midnight blue shirt, an even tighter pair of black gym shorts, and a pair of sandals. The shirt was backless, allowing the folded pair of wings emerging from his shoulder-blades to comfortably hang free. His shorts left little to the imagination, outlining an obvious bulge showing through the crotch. A glinting sliver cross dangled from a blood red chain around his neck, and an oddly familiar swirling bluish crystal on a silver mount embedded near the bottom rim of his left ear.

"Oh! Hi! You're... Axel, right?" Matty excitedly asked, politely extending his hand.

"Axel Verndal, yup," the bat casually replied, grasping the offered hand and giving it a brief shake. "Sorry it took so long for us to get here, had some business to finish that took longer than expected."

"No worries, we've been keeping busy. Sorry I, uh, almost ran you over right there. I wasn't sure if Vydra was going to let you in." Glancing downward, Matty was stunned when he caught a glimpse of the bat's hand. Sitting snugly around the ring finger was a ring, almost identical to his own except for being a deep midnight blue instead of red. "You have a Ring of Solomon?" he asked, a shade above a whisper.

"Mmhmm," Axel nonchalantly hummed. "Nullification, specifically. Cancels out demonic powers in a short radius. It can also permanently mark demons to that effect, same as your Ring of Enslavement."

"The rings have different effects? That's awesome! How many others are there? What do they do?"

"Dunno. Most of 'em have been lost to time. As far as I know, ours are the only ones left."

"Aw," the disappointed fox dejectedly groaned.

"Yup," Axel responded, leading to a brief awkward silence between them. "So. Who's Vydra?" he eventually asked.

"...He didn't let you in? How did you..."

"Oh, sorry, no one was answering so I used a key Burr gave me the last time I was here." Axel pulled bundle of keys out of his pocket, singling one out and holding it up. "Must have been twenty years ago. You should probably look into getting new locks."

"Twenty years ago? Really? He gave you a house key when you were what, six?" the skeptical fox asked, making the bat chuckle in response.

"I'm a bit older than I look, I suppose," he admitted, tapping the crystal in his ear. "A long time ago I captured an incubus lord, which is essentially a supercharged version of a regular one, and have kept him trapped in here ever since. Among other benefits, as long as I keep it well fed it halts my aging."

"I knew I recognized that thing!... Huh. You said you keep it fed... Like an incubus... So that means-"

"Lots of sex, yup." Axel said, widely grinning. "It's not as effective as it was for the actual demon, so I have to do it much more often, but at least there's no risk of harming anyone by feeding. I'm not about to complain though; it's a pretty great trade-off, really."

Matty found himself smiling back at the sexy bat. Something told him he was going to fit in just fine. "Eternal youth by having lots of sex, huh? You don't have any spares lying around, do you?" he optimistically asked.

"Sorry, there aren't many crystals left so they're doled out sparingly. My family keeps a pretty tight lid on them these days. Took me a ton of convincing just to get them to let me give a couple to Burr in exchange for my ring, but it helped that's he's still hugely respected in our community. It's a bad idea, giving them out to just anyone anyway, the connection is a two way street. I have my guy pretty well subjugated, but a sufficiently strong demon can easily take control of a weaker host, and that generally ends poorly."

"Makes sense, I suppose," Matty said, mildly disappointed after picturing a literal eternity with Valian.

"So, did you want to meet the rest of my crew? They're probably starting to feel left out."

Looking behind the bat, Matty slapped his forehead in embarrassment, finally realizing that they weren't alone. "Sorry again," he said, shyly blushing.

"This is my assistant, Gensa." Axel gestured toward a short, plump, enthusiastically smiling raccoon-like creature standing slightly behind him, wearing a tight pair of shorts similar to the bat's own. Unlike Axel's rather large bulge, Gensa's was tremendous, showing blatantly displaying a massive pair of testicles through the crotch. He wore on open vest and no shirt, happily exposing his round, tan-furred belly. A somewhat out-of-place baseball cap sat atop his head, letting his unkempt dark brown headfur spill out from under its rim. Despite having the straps of at least six heavy-looking duffel bags looped over his stout shoulders, he didn't seem to be struggling to keep them off the floor.

"Is... is he a demon?" Matty asked, hoping not to offend either of his guests.

"A tanuki, specifically, but yes. A generally benign, even friendly type. Sort of a cousin to imps, but with shapeshifting abilities."

"Tanuki? Huh," the confused fox mumbled, scratching his head. "I don't remember seeing that one in the book I found in my grandpa's office listing them all."

"The Encyclopedia Demonica?" Snickering politely, Axel explained, "There are multiple volumes, silly! One covering demons from each region of the world."

"Really? Wow... I really have lot of catching up to do... Wait, why are they divided by region?"

"It makes the most sense, really. While some demons are wanderers like incubi, most tend to stay in the areas and cultures that feel most like home. Hell and Heaven are vast, and there are whole different worlds with completely different residents and rules bound to specific regions of our own. I spent the past decade traveling through Japan alone, fighting and banishing evil demons here and there. That's where we met, and long story short, Gensa signed on to act as my assistant."

Laughing weakly, Matty tried to hide a small blush. "To think I was beginning to feel like I was getting the hang of all this," Matty said with a small laugh. "Well, nice to meet you, Gensa."

"You too, sir!" the smiling tanuki chirped back.

"And next, this..." Axel said, gesturing upward, causing a large feral crow to swoop down from the chandelier and land on the floor, by his feet, "...is Kazama."

To Matty's utter astonishment, the bird's body stretched and bent itself, eventually reshaping itself into a lithe, thin anthro crow standing just a shade taller than the nearby bat. He seemed entirely unperturbed by his own nudity, proudly standing with his limp cock and dangling balls out in the open. All told, Matty couldn't help by notice that the bird's true form looked quite a bit similar to that raven-shaped nightmare that tried to kill him just a short time ago. Despite a passing shiver, Matty kept his composure, nodded, and said, "Welcome, Kazama."

Kazama only tilted his head to the side, then silently nodded back.

"He doesn't talk much," Axel said with a chuckle. "At least outside the bedroom." He, Gensa, and Kazama all shared a lustful glance at each other. A fact that Matty observed with an eager grin of his own. Gesturing to Matty's side, he continued, "And lastly, this is Sirius."

The confused fox turned his head, following the bat's hand. "What's SeriYAAAAAAAAHH!" he shrieked, suddenly finding himself nose-to-nose with a massive, curious looking, feral black wolf. Stumbling backwards, he fell against the wall, desperately gasping for air.

"That's Sirius." Walking over to the wolf, Axel scratched him between his ears, making him thump his paw against the ground. "Sorry about the shock. But don't worry, for an inugami, the big guy's a total sweetheart!"

"I'LL BET!" Matty shouted, gaping at the pleased-looking wolf, which had to be no shorter than 4 feet tall at his shoulders. "How the fuck did he sneak up on me like that?"

"Yeah, he has a tendency to-" Before Axel could finish his thought, he was interrupted by the sound of soft footfalls mixed with quiet humming coming down the hallway. They all watched as Vydra passed by carrying a basket full of laundry while listing to his walkman, completely oblivious to the fact that he had an audience.

Sirius in particular seemed enamored of the little otter, perking his ears up as he watched him go by. Suddenly, the wolf took off like a shot, bounding down toward his unsuspecting victim with frightening speed. Vydra barely had time turn his head before the wolf pounced on top of him, sending the contents of the basket flying through the air.

Despite being a mix of surprised, confused, and terrified, Vydra was giggling so hard he could barely breathe. He could do little more than squirm helplessly with the wolf pinning his shoulders and giving his face a series of long, sloppy licks. Matty watched this in amusement, which rapidly changed to curiosity when he heard several loud pops and realized that, like the others, Sirius had some ability to change his shape. Within seconds the transformation was complete and the massive feral wolf was replaced by an equally massive muscular anthro wolf. Rising to his feet, Sirius hefted Vydra up as well, wrapping his arms around the much smaller otter's chest under his armpits, hugging him tightly to his chest. The wolf had to be at least 7 feet tall, utterly dwarfing his impromptu stuffed animal.

Vydra was in a bit of shock, suspended off the ground, his back pressed up against the muscles of a herculean stranger. "Matty? Sir? What just happened?"

"He's a friend, down worry," Matty replied. He turned to Axel and added, "This is Vydra. He's an imp, and essentially the butler around here." Axel and Gensa both give a friendly wave, while Kazama simply nodded again. "Valian's out back, and Dax is out with Will. Valian and Dax are both incubi, I don't remember if I mentioned that before."

"What's Will?"

"A badger."


Matty and Axel shared a small laugh until they were distracted by a shout of, "Oh my!" from the blushing otter.

It seemed Sirius was excited to meet Vydra in more ways than one, since while they weren't paying attention, his knotted cock had emerged from his sheath and grown to it's full, nearly foot long length. Vydra was basically straddling the length of throbbing wolf meat, one leg on either side, while the tip poked out just past the crotch of his shorts.

Speaking for the first time, Sirius asked Matty and Axel in a low rumbling voice, "Can I play with Mr. Vydra? Please?"

"Fine with me. Matty?" Axel answered, looking at the fox.

"Me too, but it's really up to Vydra," Matty answered.

Vydra blinked twice, looked up at the panting wolf, looked down at the tip of the cock between his legs, looked back up at the wolf, then looked at Matty and nodded enthusiastically. Seeing this, Sirius bounded down the hallway with his new friends at lightning speed, prompting Matty to frantically call out after them, "Pick a room without anything breakable!!!!"

As they shared another chuckle, Axel sidled up next to Matty and asked, "So... We've kinda danced around it since I got here, but my crew is pretty... open... sexually... Is that true for you? Or..."

"I live with two incubi. What do you think?"

"I think we're gonna get along just fine."


The rest of the day went by in a flash, with Matty, Axel, Gensa and Kazama gathered in the den. Axel had taken a seat in the center of the long couch, regaling the fox with stories of his recent adventures, as well as some much, much older ones alongside Burr back when he was starting out. For his part, Matty only had a few good stories of his own, but had fun trying to one up the energetic bat. Sitting intimately close to his master, Kazama listened along, occasionally smiling or nodding, never saying a word. Gensa was busying himself on the other side of the room, looking through Matty's impressive collection of comics.

Later on in the evening, once Will and Dax returned and Valian finished up in his garden, Matty ordered several pizzas so the assembled group could get further acquainted over dinner. Of all the demons now present, only Valian abstained from eating any mortal food. Gensa in particular was attacking it all with a sort of ferocity that put the ravenous fox to shame. While everyone else was chatting away, the bat was pleased to have found something of a kindred spirit in Kazama. He was sitting across from the black bird near the end of the table, having seemingly taken a shine to the bird's conversational style of not saying a word.

Still, as Valian observed everyone else happily eating, chatting, having fun, he couldn't help remember his thought from just that morning about trying new things. Letting out a small sigh, he grabbed a slice from a nearby box. To his relief, no one else noticed, or at least cared. Except, of course, for Matty, whose face lit up with pure, unrestrained joy seeing his love want to join in. A withering glare from the bat kept him silent, yet no less gleeful, and for Valian's sake he did his best not to stare. That didn't stop him from smiling inwardly at the pleasured hum as the skeptical bat tasted his first bite of mortal food.

Later, once dinner was over and the evening wore to a close, Axel made a suggestion that piqued Matty's interest. Apparently, in a time long past, Matty's grandfather, among other things, had taught the bat how to box, which in turn sparked a lifelong passion for other martial arts. Figuring that the least he could do was continue to pass down that spark, Axel offered to help Matty learn as well. The offer had scarcely left his mouth before the fox leaped up and excitedly accepted.

With that, Axel suggested they call it an early evening in order to start first thing in the morning. For a few seconds Matty looked tentative, having grown fond of sleeping in. Still, the prospect of being a ninja, as the black fox immediately pictured himself, was worth that small sacrifice.

Bidding each other a good night, leaving everyone else to their own devices, Axel added, "See you in the gymnasium at 8!" as they left for their respective rooms.

Matty made it all the way to his room before he stopped and muttered to himself, "I have a gymnasium?" With a small chuckle he climbed into bed, eagerly awaiting the next morning.


"I honestly had no idea this was here," Matty marveled as he looked out into his expansive personal gym, complete with multiple sets of exercise equipment and a full track running around the perimeter of the room.

"Really? Coulda fooled me," Axel replied, teasingly poking a finger into Matty's noticeably non-muscled upper arm.

"Hey, if I thought for one second that it was possible something like this was hiding about, I would've started using it ages ago!" he said, indignantly placing his hand on his hips. "Next you're gonna tell me about my sauna, huh?"

Without saying a word, Axel raised an eyebrow and glanced over at one of the door at the other side of the room.

Following the bat's gaze, Matty mumbled, "No shit!" and was about to run off. A hand on his shoulder stopped him in his tracks.

"You wanted to learn how to fight, right? Focus on this for now, sauna time later."

"Aw, okay."

"Good. Fair warning, I don't use a towel," Axel said, grinning coyly.

"Me neither," Matty agreed, giving the same grin right back.

"Are you two gonna fight or fuck?" Valian asked with an exasperated sigh. "If I can't watch the fox get his ass handed to him I'm going to go back to bed."

"Right," Axel chuckled. "You ready, Matty?" he asked, tossing the fox a pair of boxing gloves.

"Sure, let's give it a go."

As they began their session, Axel did his best to provide the most basic of basic instructions to the fox. Proper stance, keeping his arms up and close, keeping his feet moving, simple first-day things like that. Pointing out some of the different types of punching bags available, he showed his new student the best ways to use them to practise on his attacks. Teaching Matty to dodge was somewhat tougher, mostly involving a series of soft rabbit-punches to his snout, endlessly frustrating the fox. While he was grateful that Valian had long since nodded off, missing his abject humiliation, after Matty was struck by the twentieth time or so he was about ready to call it quits.

"It just takes practise, Matty," Axel reassured him. "Give it time, you'll get better."

"Yeah, I believe you, I know. I just think my nose has been tenderized enough for now, thanks. Want to try out the sauna now?" the grinning fox asked.

"Actually, before that, I might have a fun way to cap off our first day if you feel up to it." A wiggling of his eyebrows made it explicitly clear what the bat was implying, though Matty only stared on with a skeptical grimace. "It won't involve hitting you."

"Oh, okay then. Do tell."

"Alright. I'll give you two minutes. If you can tag me in that time, you'll get to be on top. Otherwise, I will. Sound fun?"

"I only..." Matty trailed off, thinking back for a moment. "Aside from tentacles, I only top."

Axel giggled slightly, clarifying, "I didn't say top, I said ON top. Frankly, I got a little enhancement from my friend here." He tapped the crystal embedded in his ear. "Don't take it the wrong way, but I don't think you could handle my cock."

"No offense taken," Matty said with a chuckle. "In that case, I'm in! Hold on one sec." Strolling over to his bag sitting against the wall, he picked up his phone to set a timer. "Holy shit, it's been two hours?"

"Time flies, right?"

"You're telling me!" the Matty exclaimed as he set the timer to two minutes. "Alright, ready to-" The fox went silent when he looked back at Axel, seeing that the bat had disrobed almost completely.

The black bat's tank top and gym shorts had been tossed to the side in a neat pile, leaving him in nothing but a tight, form-fitting jock strap that did little to hide his thick sheath and heavy balls, and absolutely nothing to hide his pert rear. He appeared to be in the midst of stretching out, holding his arms straight above his head while standing entirely on his stretching toes.

Matty was visibly drooling at the sight, only faintly aware that his sheath was already swelling through the crotch of his shorts. When the limber bat spread his legs, not-so-subtly bending down do grab his ankles, Matty shouted, "Come on!"

"Start the timer whenever you're ready!" Axel replied, adding a lusty wink.

Letting out a frustrated sigh, Matty started the timer and charged toward the grinning bat. He threw several fast punches, all the while keeping his feet moving as instructed. Though Axel was at least a little impressed with the fox's fast progress, he easily dodged everything that came his way. No matter how hard the fox tried, nothing he did came even close to touching his opponent.

"It's all! About! Predicting! The attack!" the bat shouted, deftly evading each and every attack.

"Predict THIS!" Matty shouted back, throwing everything he had into one powerful strike.

With a laugh, Axel opened his wings and gave them a strong flap, launching himself into a backflip while stunning Matty with an unexpected gust of wind. The flip was followed by several flashy handsprings, leaving him several yards away, completely upside-down, standing on one hand. His legs were slightly bent at the knees and his back was arched, giving the panting fox a perfect view of not only his footpaws and exposed rear, but also his smiling face looking up from below.

"Now you're just not being fair!" Matty complained, not sure if he was more impressed or just turned on. The pink pucker he could see peeking out from between the bat's cheeks was certainly making him lean toward turned on, feeling his cock emerging from his sheath. "How can you even bend like that?"

"I've had decades to practise!" Axel said, enjoying the sight of the fox's bulge in return. Before he could say any more, a telltale siren went off, both signaling time was up and causing Valian to snort awake with a confused grunt. "Looks like you're on the bottom, Matty," he added, using another flap of his wings to help launch himself back to his feet.

"Alright, so, where-" Matty began to ask, stopping when Axel simply sauntered up to him and eagerly yanked his shorts and boxers off. With a wink, the bat pointed downward, signaling Matty to join his clothes on the floor. "Okay, here's fine," he said, lying flat on his back on the cold wooden floor while holding his hands behind his head. By time he got settled, his cock was completely erect, standing straight up while faintly throbbing alongside his pulse.

Axel let out a small sigh as he pulled the elastic of his jockstrap down his hips, exposing a plump yellow-furred sheath and unusually large testicles, and shimmied them the rest of the way down. The pink mushroom-headed tip of his cock was swelling out of the sheath, and if its size was any indication, the rest of it was going to be huge. Matty felt particularly grateful at that moment that the bat wasn't interested in his rear.

"Another 'little' enhancement from my incubus," Axel explained as he knelt between Matty's legs. Leaning forward, he extended his long tongue, wrapped it around the red, knotted fox cock, and took the full length into his mouth.

Moaning deeply at the sensation, Matty balled his fists, not wanting to claw up the floor of his gym so soon after discovering it existed. While the black bat didn't seem to have inherited the same superheated insides of a true incubus, he made up for it with skill and enthusiasm. He bobbed his muzzle along the length, swirling his coiled tongue all the while, quickly coating the throbbing fox meat with saliva.

All too soon, the pleasure ceased when Axel pulled his muzzle off the needy cock and crawled forward, kneeling muzzle-to-muzzle over the fox. Placing his hands on Matty's upper arms, he firmly held the fox to the floor. Without even needing to look behind him, he lowered his rear, spearing his tailhole on Matty's cock with the precision of a marksman. As Matty let out another moan, bordering on a desperate whine, he reiterated, "I've had decades to practice." Once his hips were as low as they could get in that position, he leaned back and effectively sat on Matty's lap, forcing everything but the knot inside.

When Matty opened his eyes, he gasped sharply, seeing the bat's fully grown shaft sitting on his chest. The pillar of flesh had to be close to a foot long and no less than three inches thick. And it was staring him square in the face. He didn't have much time to marvel at it, because Axel soon lifted himself up and proceeded to pound his ass repeatedly onto the pinned fox's lap.

The sounds coming from Matty could best be described as one long extended moan peppered by grunts every time their hips were slammed together. Axel simply gave occasional sighs of satisfaction as he continued to bounce, loving the feeling of the knot hitting his rim as the shaft spread him open.

Owing to the bat's mix of skill and joyous enthusiasm, Matty didn't last long at all. All too soon, he was curling his toes, arched his back, and howling as he sent several spurts of cum deep into the dominant bat's tailhole.

Feeling the flood pumping into his rear, Axel finally dropped down and accepted the knot past his rim, humming again from being tied and spread even wider. Perhaps owing to his stolen incubus lord traits, Matty's orgasm triggered his own, and his beast of a cock went off like a firehose, sending a torrent of jizz directly in the surprised fox's face. Within moments, from the shoulders up, Matty looked like a drowned rat, blinking in shock as Axel lightly laughed.

"...Sorry, forgot to warn you..." he apologized, handing Matty a thick piece of cloth to clean his face. It was only after the fox had rubbed the cloth over most of his face that he noticed it was actually Axel's jockstrap. With a shrug, he finished cleaning off what he could, sitting back to relax as they both waited for his knot to go down. Something that getting a huge whiff of the bat's musk wasn't helping to hurry along.

A short distance away, the sound of snickering got their attention. Valian had watched the whole thing, and seemed extremely amused by the sight of Matty getting dominated and soaked in spooge, followed by accidentally wiping a crotch holster all over his muzzle.

"Glad you enjoyed the show," Axel said, grinning at the white bat. "I'm feeling pretty invigorated now, feel like doing a little sparring?"

"I'm good."

"Really?" the back bat asked, disappointed at Valian's response. "Not at all?"

"Nope. Hand-to-hand combat holds no appeal for me. Never learned, not interested."

"If I understand correctly, you want to join Matty as his partner in hunting demons without being able to defend yourself? Seems a little short-sighted to me."

"I AGREED to join him. And I can defend myself fine." Opening his hand, he caused a small flame to ignite in his palm, illustrating his point to the unimpressed master demon hunter.

"You shouldn't really solely on special powers like that," Axel replied, displaying his ring for the other bat. To Valian's surprise, his flame suddenly died out, leaving nothing but a small trail of smoke in its place. "There are plenty of ways to cancel them out, and you're just going to end up helpless. Well, except for sonics, but even so, if you're serious about wanting to protect each other, you should use every tool at your disposal. You should know better than most that this is a dangerous business."

"Sonics? What are you talking about?"

"...seriously?" the black bat incredulously asked. "You ARE a bat, right?"

"I'm an incubus that happens to look like a bat. Demon first and foremost. That's what I am, that's what I know."

"I hate to break it to you, demon or not, you're still a bat. Refusing to learn a new skill out of misplaced pride is well past silly." Feeling that Matty's knot had finally softened, Axel stood back up, letting the sloppy cock slip completely out.

With the extra weight off his pelvis, the exhausted black fox shakily climbed to his feet. "I think I'm gonna go wash my face before this all dries," Matty said with a small chuckle. "You two have fun with... whatever." The two bats watched as he wobbled out the door and resumed their discussion.

"Look, all I'm saying is, yeah, you're old. Way older than me." Axel's expression grew somewhat serious as he spoke. "You should know, full well, that as powerful and skilled as even I am, there are things lurking out there that could obliterate me with a thought. Hell, there are things that even outclass Burr that way. Whether you wanted to, or simply agreed, if you're getting into this business, the time will come when simply being a demon won't be enough to protect yourself." His seriousness rapidly faded, replaced with a sly grin. "Or Matty. You do love him, right?"

"I... care for him, yes."

The door suddenly opened as Matty's cum-covered head poked through. "Knew it," he smugly said, showing a positively beaming smile. A snarl from the demon sent him right back out, shouting, "Leaving!" as he left.

With a sigh, Valian muttered, "Fine. I'll learn some self-defense if it'll get you off my back."

"Actually, now that it's come up, for the moment I think I can help you get started with sonics."

"Do tell."

"You'll have to trust me here, but take off your shorts," Axel said, doing his best to stifle a laugh when Valian skeptically raised an eyebrow. "I'm serious. I won't say I'm not delighted by the opportunity to take that tight butt of yours for a spin, but I honestly think this will work."

"Whatever. I won't say I trust you, but you've made me curious." Quickly slipping out of his shorts, Valian rose to his feet, now wearing nothing but his tank top and chastity cage.

"Oh, haven't seen one of those in a while," the black bat lustily intoned as he inspected the cage. "Looks good on you, very sexy."

"You going to get on with it or what?" the white bat replied with an annoyed huff.

"Alright then. Get on your hands and knees."

With a low grumble, Valian complied, promptly dropping to all fours with his rump in the air. He looked over his shoulder, curiously observing as the other bat retrieved his discarded jockstrap, slathering its contents on his once again fully erect shaft.

Kneeling behind Valian, Axel placed his slick cock head between the white bat's cheeks and playfully prodded it against the exposed tailhole. He couldn't help but inwardly laugh when the insistent poke elicited a noise akin to a startled chirp from the proud demon. Tightly gripping Valian's skinny waist, he firmly pushed forward, grinning as he felt the unbelievable heat of the other bat's insides. Despite Axel's impressive size, Valian's rear spread easily around the thick shaft, having had plenty of training of its own as of late.

Though he was granted a degree of tolerance to heat from his enslaved incubus lord, he himself lacked the same internal biology and core temperature. The tolerance in turn led to a strong preference for heat, making Valian's internal furnace infinitely more pleasurable. He thought back to subduing the skunk inhabiting the crystal in his ear, having forgotten just how good a full incubus felt wrapped around his shaft. Sirius, having an affinity for fire on his own, came close, but this was on a completely different level.

Emitting a low, quiet rumble of a moan, Axel shuffled forward on his knees, giving short, repeated thrusts of his hips. Making his way inch by inch, he soon bottomed out, thighs flush against Valian's ass cheeks, with the entirety of his fat cock filling the panting white bat's rear. He leaned forward, placing his hand on the back of Valian's neck, and curled two fingers around it until they gently pressed against the base of his throat, just above the sternum.

"When I start, focus on this spot," he said, rubbing his fingers in a small circle. "When it feels right, try to scream, except through this part of your throat instead of your mouth."

"What-hnn-the fuck does that mean?" Valian asked with a huff of annoyance, still getting adjusted to the black bat's size.

"You'll know it when it happens. Just focus on that spot. When you you feel it start, push it to the highest pitch you think you can hit, then keep going as far as you can. Ready?"

"You're already-hnnnnn-inside me, I'm not getting any readier."

"Okay then, don't forget what I said."

Without saying anything more, Axel slowly pulled his slippery length out and proceeded to aggressively fuck his student's presented rump, repeatedly thrusting in and out. The sound of their furred flesh slapping together filled the large gym, mixing with their various moans and grunts, echoing throughout the entire room.

For the first few minutes, Valian completely forgot about his instructions, too focused on the foot worth of bat meat pounding his ass. While it wasn't probing as deeply as one of Vydra's tentacles could, it was thicker, more solid, and just as capable of making his toes curl. He moaned in frustration as he felt the familiar tightness of the metal cage encasing his futilely swelling cock. Before Valian could lift a hand to give his trapped member a rub, Axel silently reinforced his instructions by again massaging the white bat's throat as his thrusting steadily increased in speed.

Doing as instructed, Valian shut his mouth and focused everything on his throat. It was strange, but as he concentrated, it did feel like something was building. Something he'd never felt before. Every time the long cock bottomed out inside his rear the pressure in his throat grew stronger and stronger until it felt like he was going to burst.

At that moment, Matty, his face freshly washed and dried, finally returned, stepping back into the gym and holding the door open. Vydra walked in after him, smiling as he carried a tray holding glasses and a pitcher of lemonade.

"Hey, Vydra made lemonade if you-Oh, you're busy."

Neither Axel nor Valian noticed the distraction, too wrapped up in their individual approaching climaxes. Brutally slamming into Valian's rump, Axel swiftly hit his peak, flooding the white bat's boiling colon with several loads that rivaled the ones he previously sent straight into Matty's face. Though he never stopped his thrusting, the instant he looked down at Valian, seeing his student quiver like he was about to explode, he quickly covered his ears.

As his insides were thoroughly coated by the black bat's semen, Valian flew over the edge as well. As his cage's blocker was currently not engaged, it didn't prevent him from shivering and sending his smoky cum all over the floor between his legs. More importantly, as he shuddered in climax, he finally released the pressure in his throat. What started as a scream quickly hit a pitch neither Matty nor Vydra could hear.

The fox and otter looked on curiously, wondering what the two bats were up to, when the glasses on Vydra's tray suddenly shattered, sending lemonade everywhere. They both stared at the shards of glass and liquid for several seconds before Matty simply let out a disappointed, "Aw."

Once the silent screech tapered off, Axel uncovered his ears and smiled down at the gasping incubus. "Excellent job for your first time!" he congratulated, patting his student on the back between his folded wings.

"...how...how did you know that'd work?" Valian asked between rasping gasps.

"I wasn't 100% certain it would, but my first time went largely the same way. I was in training to learn to use sonar, I had some alone time one night, and long story short my room needed new windows. Anyway, now that you've done it once, keep practicing. With time you can learn to modulate the frequency to stun attackers, act as radar in the dark, or..." He trailed off, noticing Vydra and Matty nearby, both soaked with splattered lemonade. "...shatter glass. Whoops..."

"Don't worry, bad timing, I guess," Matty shrugged. "Thanks for the sentiment at least, Vydra."

"It's no problem, Matty!" Vydra replied with a chipper smile. "I can always get more lemons! Would you like me to clean up the gym?"

Looking around at the various puddles of cum and lemonade littering the room, as well as several pieces of broken glass, Matty had to say yes. "That's probably best. Be careful with the glass, okay?"

"Will do!" he shouted, running to get his cleaning supplies.

Strolling over to the satisfied bats, Matty smugly asked, "Not used to getting fed upon, are you?"

"I suppose not," Axel said pulling his long, softening cock out of Valian's sloppy tailhole. He gave another stretch, flexing his wings, and added, "Still felt great though. You've got a wonderful mate there."

"I know it." the black fox replied, chuckling warmly. "Now how about that sauna?"


After figuring out some initial difficulties to get it running, Matty, Valian, and Axel sat together in the sauna, lounging while completely nude. Axel seemed to be enjoying the temperature, though Matty was having some difficulty adjusting. Valian, on the other hand, was leaning against the wall, eyes closed, absolutely enjoying the oppressive heat.

"I never asked," Matty said, wiping the sweat from his brow, "how long were you planning on staying with us?"

"Trying to get rid of me already?" Axel teased.

"Not at all! You're welcome as long as you want to stay! I do want to keep training, Valian might too. And Vydra's taken a real shine to Sirius. He said he wanted to take him on a walk later. Or was that FOR a walk? Huh. Ah, they'll figure it out."

"Sirius feels the same, especially regarding the little guy's tentacle trick."

"Yeah he's definitely a talented one," Matty said with a small laugh. "I'm glad he found someone to get close with. Huh, wait a second..." Counting along his fingers, he stopped and grinned when he hit eight.

"Something wrong?"

"No, I just think I have an idea for the next time his tentacle trick is recharged." Wiping more sweat off his face and exhaling deeply, Matty asked, "So how come you aren't even sweating at all? That another benefit of your pet incubus lord?"

"Pretty much."


"You know, I can't promise anything, but I'll have Gensa file a request to see if we can get you a crystal of your own."

"Really? That'd be amazing!"

"Well, don't get too excited. There are restrictions, training, blah blah blah to go along with getting one. And it doesn't' come with a demon pre-loaded, so you'll have to find and defeat a powerful one on your own. Still, given your heritage I might be able to get them to agree. I feel like it'd be a nice way to thank you for letting us stay for as long as we're welcome."

"So you want to move in for good?"

"I've spent the past few decades wandering the world. It might be nice to have an actual home for a while."

Matty was positively glowing, though that may have been because of his profuse sweating thanks to the steam. A wicked grin slowly crept across his muzzle as he added, "And you haven't even had a chance play with Will and Dax yet. Dax may not be a bat, but if you think Valian was good, you'll LOVE Dax."

Rolling his eyes, Valian looked over and muttered, "I know what you're trying to do."


"And if you wanted a threesome you should have just asked. If I'm being honest, this lovely environment is making me incredibly horny." Valian said, idly palming his cage. "I may have to spend much, much more time in here."

"Making a note of that for the future!" Matty cheered, smiling eagerly. "You up for it Axel?"

"Definitely! Are you, though? You sorta look like you're melting."

"Powering through it!"

Within seconds, they were ready to begin a collective round three with Valian, again on all fours, ready to get fully spit-roasted. This time, Axel knelt at his face, playfully his draping rapidly growing cock along Valian's muzzle, while Matty brought up the rear. Given that, even forgetting the stretching he received, Valian's pucker was still slick with cum, Matty didn't bother with trying to get lubed up.

Placing the tip of his red, tapered cock at his demonic boyfriend's entrance, he slipped in up to the knot with a single small thrust, almost surprised by how easily he got past his him. He hissed through his teeth at the wonderful, burning tightness of his ass, far hotter than even the sauna surrounding them. Feeling both exhausted and refreshed, he immediately began thrusting his hips, knocking his knot into Valian's rim over and over again.

Unfortunately, the thickness of Axel's cock proved to be a problem to the white bat, who couldn't remotely fit its width between his long, sharp fangs. With a full blowjob out of the question, Axel instead aimed his mushroom-headed tip toward the white bat's lips, pressing it slightly between the fangs. Extending his long tongue, Valian wrapped it around the first several inches, while Axel wrapped his hand around the base and began pumping.

On the other side, Matty was sweating up a storm as he picked up speed, hammering away at his lover's rear. As tired as he was, there was no stopping him in that state. Valian's cage was visibly quivering as his trapped cock attempted to grow erect, pressing against the restrictive bars. Whether assisted by the steam room or purely due to Matty's enthusiasm, he was clearly about to burst. Giving a muffled moan from the frantic black fox's treatment, Valian focused back on Axel, looping and swirling his tongue around the other bat's sensitive tip. The warmth of the tongue mixed with the slight tickles from its rough texture was driving the black bat crazy as he rapidly jerked himself off.

Matty was the first to blow his load, popping his knot past Valian's tailhole with a resounding pop, adding a couple small spurts of cum to the goopy deposit Axel previously left. Axel went next, shooting another impressive, if slightly smaller, load between the other bat's teeth, into his mouth, and directly down his gullet. Lastly, Valian spread his wings, gyrated his hips, thrust his locked cock forward, and fired a thick stream of his smoky cum onto the tiled floor.

Now completely tied to his boyfriend, Matty fell forward, resting on Valian's firm, white-furred back, and completely passed out. The relative quiet of the steam room was soon broken by the loud snores of a drained, sleeping fox. Once he was finished gulping down Axel's voluminous load, Valian issued forth a small sigh.

"Is he okay?" Axel asked, showing some concern.

"Probably. He does that a lot, though we probably should get him out of here."

With a nod, Axel grabbed Matty's armpits and lifted him off Valian's back. Valian, in turn, grabbed the fox's thighs and, while still tied, lifted him off the floor. With their burden securely held, both bats began carrying him to his bedroom to rest.

"So, what now?" Axel asked as they walked.

"Me? I wait for his knot to fade, then I get to work in my garden. You? Whatever you want to do. I don't really care."

"Alright then," the black bat chuckled, "I think Matty has the right idea, I'm just going to relax for the while."

"Okay then," Valian disinterestedly replied.

After dropping Matty onto his bed, Axel left with a small wave. Casually strolling through the house on the way to his room, he soon happened upon Vydra and Sirius. He couldn't help but chuckle when he noticed a leash running from Vydra's hand to a collar around Sirius's neck. Watching the little otter pulling the massive anthro wolf along behind him may have been the cutest thing he'd ever seen.

Arriving in his room, the still nude black bat promptly leaped belly-down onto the bed. With a happy sigh, and his well-used rump in the air, he hugged the pillow and simply looked forward to the fun they were all going to have together.