C&B Productions

Story by summerlong on SoFurry

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#3 of Holiday One-Shots

Bit of a shorter one here, but this caps off the four for the day. Got a lot done, even if it took longer than I would have liked, but I'm still proud of myself either way.

In any case, I definitely want to revisit these characters in the future. Not enough bulls, and almost no roosters out there, haha.

As always, enjoy!

Proofread by SkyWing


"Are you almost done yet?" Harold asked with an impatient snort. The brown-furred bull was huge, well over 6 feet tall, muscular, athletic, and at the moment totally nude. Sitting on a large plastic tarp, he leaned back slightly, propping himself up with his arms. His long, beefy legs were spread in a wide V as far as they could stretch, letting his low-hanging, apple-sized testicles rest on the tarp. Between his legs knelt a rooster, who barely registered the complaint as he continued to work.

"Patience," Ren laconically replied, not taking his eyes off his subject's crotch. The lithe rooster was close to the same height as the bull, though he was nowhere near as bulky and well-built. If anything, his skinny frame was vaguely feminine. He wore nothing but a revealing thong that did little to hide his package, as well as a thin-rimmed, circular pair of glasses resting near the tip of his beak. A bunch of long, green tail feathers poked out the back of the thong, idly swaying with every minuscule movement he made. "I know it tickles, but you need to hold still. If I mess up now I'll just have to start everything all over again." Dipping the thin tip of his brush into a small bottle of yellow fur dye, he stopped for a moment to inspect his work, then intently resumed his painting.

Harold did his best to keep his composure as the brush ran along his plump nutsack, stifling a reflexive giggle while barely managing to keep himself still. "Come on!" he begged, "no one's going to notice if a line's askew or something! Stop being so finicky! Just get it so it's good enough and let's go!"

"I'd notice," the rooster replied. "I'm not going to apologize for being a perfectionist. Our fans respect attention to detail."

"Oh, right, yes, they're watching us for the DETAILS! How could I forget?"

"Be sarcastic all you want. If I'm going to do this, I'm going to do it right." Reaching over to the dye, he dipped his brush again. "Besides, if I see an excuse to make you squirm, I'm going to take it."


"I know."

Sharing a small laugh with his mate, Harold sat back and quietly waited for him to finish. He looked out at the large, bright, open studio they shared and happily sighed. Though he considered Ren to be the true artist between them, the rooster being a skilled painter, photographer, and videographer, Harold was himself an exceptionally talented and imaginative tailor. Generally, no one that saw the massive bull's thick-fingered hands would guess his chosen profession would require a needle and thread, but he found he enjoyed playing against type. No one had better, more skillful hands than his, excepting, perhaps, the rooster himself.

He and Ren had met a couple of years prior, soon going from a couple of awkward first dates to a passionate, loving relationship. The instant they realized they shared a certain flair for bondage and exhibitionism they were inseparable, and within a year together they were married. A short time after their wedding, Ren proposed a way for them to combine their interests and skills for a side business making artistic pornography, and Harold instantly agreed to help make it a reality.

Cock & Bull Productions, as they named their new company, turned out to be a fast success to the degree where it was now the rooster's primary job. Ren's nights were spent working on short, creative film shoots with his husband, while his days were spent offering his services as an erotic boudoir photographer. The films were already earning a solid income through ads alone, so the additional publicity for his daytime side of it was just icing on the cake.

Harold ran his own independent tailor shop during the day, crafting custom-made suits and performing alterations or repairs. Even if he lacked his husband's level of raw creativity, he treasured the opportunity to create the costumes for their shoots, as well as brainstorming ideas for new themes, toys, and designs. A number of recent viewers had even begun asking where they could buy some of the custom-made costumes he created, making him wonder if it was time to expand his own business as well.

"There, what do you think?" Ren asked, sitting up and handing Harold a small mirror. Angling the mirror downward, the bull grunted tentatively, seeing his testicles for the first time since the rooster began painting the fine details.

The fur on the left side of his scrotum, which had previously been dyed a solid vibrant purple, now had three brand new horizontal yellow stripes running around the center from front to back. The right side, which had previously been dyed a solid sky blue, now had a number of brand new small reddish-orange dots peppered all over. Just above where his plump balls were resting on the tarp sat a solid silver chastity cage, decorated with a series of bright red stripes and yellow dots, fit snugly over his sheath and locked around the base of his scrotum.

"It looks great," the bull said with an reluctant nod of approval. "I still think you should've been the one to do this though. You know, being a bird and all."

"Be that as it may, you have the better looking 'eggs' between us, so deal with it," Ren said, pulling his gloves off with a pair of loud snaps. "Besides, you had the dominant role for our last two shoots. Did you think I forgot you strapping me down and giving me an anal probe a few days ago? Or using your whole fist to search for my 'pot of gold' last week?" Placing his index finger on the bull's flat, broad nose, he firmly added, "It's my turn."

"Right, fine. How long is this stuff gonna last anyway?"

"Couple of weeks I think."

"What? WEEKS?" Harold shouted in surprise. "You're kidding, right?"

"I am not. What, is my big strong moo cow afraid of wearing sissy pastels?"

Blushing slightly, Harold replied, "No... little chicken... It might make our April Fool's Day shoot a bit confusing though."

"Hm. Maybe. Confusing might work in our favor on that one. We'll figure it out. Worst case scenario we can just redye them," Ren casually offered, turning to leave.

"Oh, yeah, you'd like that wouldn't you?"

"Never said I wouldn't. Just stay still for now and let the dye set. Once it's done I'll rinse it off, and as long as you don't fidget and ruin everything we can finally get started."

"Rinse..." the bull spat, subtly grumbling. "Fine. Mind getting me my hood while I wait? If I'm just gonna be sitting here, I might as well touch it up a bit."

"Stop being so finicky," Ren mocked, handing the bunched up bundle of white fabric and a small sewing kit to the bull. As the rooster briskly strode away, Harold simply stuck his tongue out at him, then went about inspecting his hood.


"Shit! Dude! That's ice cold! Warm it up a little! And watch the pressure! They're sensitive!" Harold frantically shouted at the rooster, who was using a small hose to rinse the bull's colorful nutsack as it dangled over the edge of a large sink. The ordeal, despite the pretty colors formed by the dyes as they washed away down the drain, was far more tortuous than the actual painting. He couldn't believe he allowed it. Three times now. As he cringed, he silently vowed to get the rooster back for it sooner than later.

"Any more commands, your highness? Or is that everything?" Ren scoffed, rolling his eyes.

"Right, yeah, it's totally unreasonable to NOT want a pressure washer used on my junk, huh?"

"It's on the lowest setting. The water's practically dribbling out."

"That doesn't make it any less fucking freezing!"

"Oh, stop being such a baby. It's done now, alright? And I know full well you enjoy the next part," Ren asserted, guiding his whiner of a husband away from the sink. Pushing the bull to his knees, he used a nearby hairdryer to fire a stream of heated air at the mildly shrunken pastel scrotum, smirking at how the rambling complaints immediately ceased.

"Mmm, I do. I do enjoy this," Harold hummed, growing antsy as the increased warmth made his cock swell in its metal prison.

Keeping his eyes glued to the twitching cage, Ren reached down to fluff the heavy, increasingly plump sack as the fur dried. There were few things he enjoyed quite as much as making the overtly masculine bull squirm helplessly. He was almost disappointed when his task was complete and it was time to put the dryer away. After taking the protective plastic bag off the cage, he gave the bull's package a final check, officially declaring the arduous prep work complete.

Rising to his taloned feet, the rooster then helped his husband to his hooves, and they walked, hand-in-hand, to the set that he had previously designed. The set was decorated relatively simply, with a small piece of green carpet and a large pile of fluffy green cushions giving the impression of a grassy hill. A smaller stack of thicker cushions had been placed in front of the larger pile to act as a seat, both for Harold's comfort and to raise his rump off the floor for easier access. Several baskets of brightly colored plastic eggs were littered about, adding some color to the scene.

Plopping down on his makeshift seat, Harold felt his pulse quicken as he watched the rooster gather the props and saunter over with a lustful grin.

Taking a pair of thin white ropes, Ren bent Harold's legs at the knees and deftly tied his ankles to his thighs. Once that was finished, he spread the bound limbs as far apart as they would comfortably stretch. He then grabbed the nest he had created, which consisted of a short length of straw-covered rubber hose with a sturdy metal clasp added to each end. Gently bunching the bull's eggs up against his painted cage, he clasped the ends of the nest together around it all, holding his junk snugly in one place. Ren couldn't help but feel a special sort of pride at how well this one worked out; the nest and eggs looked surprisingly convincing, not to mention spectacular and unbelievably sexy. For Ren, all that prep work had been well worth whatever revenge the bull was no doubt already planning.

"I don't suppose you can loosen that thing at all, can you?" Harold grunted with slight discomfort.

"One size fits all. Just tough it out."

"...tough it out..." the bull grumbled under his breath. "Oh, toss me my hood. I have to put that on myself."

"Sure, but don't forget this first," Ren responded, holding up a large rubber ballgag, swirling with a rainbow of colors.

Looking skeptically at the gag, Harold asked, "That isn't covered in paint is it?"

"No, of course not."

"What, did you just drill a hole in a giant superball or something?"

"...No comment..."

"Whatever, just do it."

With a small shrug, Ren placed the ball in Harold's open mouth, clipped the straps behind his head, and handed over the large, floppy hood.

Harold let out a small grunt of disgust from the overwhelming taste of rubber in his mouth, thinking of little more than how he was going to get back at his mate. Grinning evilly at the rooster, as much as the gag allowed, he pulled the hood over his head, carefully guiding his long, tall horns into a pair of equally long pockets, and clipped a small buckle under his chin.

Checking out the completed costume for the first time, Ren had to stifle a laugh, finding his husband's new look utterly adorable. Especially now that most of the bull's head was covered by the fluffy white hood, with only his broad nose, multicolored gag, and floppy, downcast ears still visible. The talented bull had nailed the look of the Easter Bunny perfectly, from his horns playing the part of a long, thin pair of rabbit ears, to the painstakingly stitched, cartoonishly wide eyes covering his own, acting as a blindfold. Seeing that alongside the 'nest' full of 'eggs' in his lap was simply a thing of beauty.

Now that the hood was on, the only thing left was a pair of fluffy pink handcuffs. Pulling the bull's muscular arms behind his back, Ren snapped the cuffs around his wrists, securing them together. With that finished, Harold got into position, lounging back against the mountain of cushions while awkwardly scooting his rear forward.

Seeing the thick-rimmed, dark brown tailhole appear between his cheeks as the bull slouched back, Ren suddenly remembered one final piece of the costume. He quickly retrieved a large, shiny, black butt plug, with a short, white puffball attached to the base. After giving it a generous coating of lube, he placed the thin tip at the bull's practiced entrance, firmly pushing it past the flexing hole. Harold gave a muffled moan as he was filled by the widening thickness of the plug, slightly swaying his knees and twitching his ears.

Though he focused on enjoying the bull's squirming, Ren was faintly aware that his own long, tapered prick was tenting his thong outward. For a brief couple of seconds he was tempted to drop the plug and plow the inviting hole right then and there, but he was too much of a professional to give in before the job was done. Within moments the thickest part of the plug gave a loud, squelching pop as it completely passed through the slick rim, held snugly in place by the ring of flesh clenching back down around the thin stem.

Ren eagerly checked out his completely bound mate, who now unquestionably looked every part the bunny. Seeing the white puffball of a tail sticking out just above the bull's own long, thin, brown one was somehow even cuter than he would have expected. Watching as the real tail idly writhed, slapping at the green carpet was almost mesmerizing, he was well past ready to get the show on the road. As he enjoyed the fruits of their labor, he threw a proud thumbs-up to the camera he had recording everything for the behind-the-scenes video.

Grabbing his camera and tripod, Ren proceeded to set them up a short distance away. He painstakingly framed the perfect shot, quietly snickering when the bull idly shifted, letting out an impatient snort. After finally snapping the picture and giving it a quick look-see, he moved the camera to a new angle, eventually snapping another picture. Once that was finished, he moved to another new angle for another shot, and another, and another. All the while, Harold was forced to sit in place, bound and helpless.

"Hey, try to control yourself, okay?" Ren said with a small tinge of annoyance, noticing the bull's painted cage shifting as he futilely tried to grow erect. "You're skewing the nest." An incoherent series of grunts and muffled swears issued forth through the bull's brightly colored gag. "Just a couple more shots. Patience."

Seventeen shots later, when the rooster was finally satisfied that he had everything he needed, he removed the camera from the tripod, putting it safely aside. Retrieving a larger video camera, complete with a large, high quality mic on the front, he screwed it onto the the now vacant tripod and hunted for the best angle for the full video. He made sure to find a perfect view of both the bull's rump, as well as anything, or anyone, that might make use of the bull's rump, and zoomed out enough to get the entire set in frame. Once that was settled, he grabbed another tripod with a smaller camera, setting this one up to record more of a bird's-eye view of the bull and his crotch. After testing that the audio was working properly on the primary camera, he started the recording and was finally ready to begin.

"Hello again, everyone!" he proudly exclaimed as he stepped in front of the camera. "Welcome, as always, to yet another C&B Productions holiday special!" Sweeping his hand back, he gestured toward Harold, who pretended to weakly struggle in his bonds. "We have a nice treat today, as I've gone to great lengths to capture the Easter Bunny himself to appear in today's film! Unfortunately, Harold couldn't be here, so it'll just be me and Mr. Fluffybuns, but I think we can still have some fun. Now, on with the show!"

After a small bow, Ren strutted up to the bull, proudly swaying his hips, putting his skinny ass and shiny tailfeathers on display. He sensually worked his thong down his legs, sighing softly as his long, totally erect dick sprang free past the waistband. Once he shimmied his one minuscule piece of clothing the rest of the way down to the floor, he focused his attention back on the restrained 'bunny.' Running a finger along the tip of his cock, he teasingly smeared a drop of pre-cum on Harold's nose, making him whine as his cock again pulsed in its cage. He took a minute to rub around the muscular bull's nipples with his thumbs, sending him into a fit just shy of a frenzy.

Looking down at the painted cage, noticing a bit of pre dribbling out the tip, Ren sighed and said, "Oh dear, it seems I've cracked an egg and he's leaking! Well, we can't just let him run out of cream, can we?" Dropping to his knees between the bull's open legs, he set about the task of removing the plug. A stray thought crossed his mind, regarding how pulling the supposed rabbit's tail off may not have fit the theme of the film. He simply shook it off, deciding that he was officially overthinking things at that point, and gripped the base of the plug, giving it a quick twist.

As Ren excruciatingly slowly tugged the thick toy back out, making absolutely sure that every last millimeter of the stretching rim was caught on camera, the bull let out a long, muffled moo through his gag. Chuckling softly, the rooster pulled harder, twisting occasionally, until the base eventually popped free, soon followed by the rest of the greasy, tapered plug.

"I hope Mr. Fluffybuns likes getting his cream filling," the smirking rooster said, winking at the camera. Lining his throbbing, eight inch prick up to the bull's lubed, gaping hole, he wasted no time, forcing the entire length inside with a single thrust. Ren sighed with joy, always loving the feel of the bull's moist warmth squeezing down on his shaft. Harold shuddered, throwing his head back while mooing once again, only this time a little clearer and a lot louder. After shooting a grin back to the camera, Ren leaned forward, placing his hands on the bull's muscled shoulders to support himself. He quickly pulled everything but the tip of his cock back out, then slowly gyrated his hips, lovingly fucking the frustrated bull's ass.

Though Harold valiantly struggled, moaned, groaned, and mooed, there was nothing he could do to make the rooster go any faster. His cage practically developed a heartbeat of its own from the trapped shaft pulsing inside it. A river of pre-cum was flowing out through the slit, smearing the cage's paint, though Ren was far past the point of noticing.

The rooster kept up the tortuous humping for several minutes, threatening to drive Harold completely mad with denial as he increasingly thrashed in his bonds. The random unpredictable tweaks to his sensitive nipples were a wonderful added torture, making him shudder as he grew more and more desperate for release. Without any warning, Ren gave up his teasing and vastly increased his pace, suddenly furiously pounding away at the delighted bull's clenching hole. Giving a loud moan of his own, Ren fell forward, tightly clutching his husband's chest as his hips became a total blur. Unfortunately, he wasn't able to handle that new lightning-quick pace for very long, soon feeling his balls draw in close as he neared his orgasm. Within moments he climaxed, letting out a loud, resounding cry as he pumped the bull's ass full of his hot, thick cum. Collapsing onto Harold's chest, he was far too drained to even think of moving.

With a muffled sigh, Harold could do nothing but wait for the rooster to recover and release him, able to concentrate on little else but his own disallowed climax. Still, even if he was prevented from cumming that time around, having his sensitive tailhole stuffed full as he pictured the things he was going to do to the cocky bird was an adequate consolation prize.

Once his afterglow faded and he recovered slightly, Ren groggily climbed off the bull's chest, smoothly tugging his spent shaft free as he rose to his feet. Giving an overly enthusiastic bow to the main camera, he ended the recording and set about releasing Harold from his bondage. He couldn't help but smirk when he happened to see the nest holding the bull's plump, quivering junk, which was now positively soaked with the river of pre leaking out of the cage. After removing the nest, letting moaning bull's heavy, brightly colored testicles flop free, he tossed the messy thing into a nearby scrap bin.

The very instant Harold felt the cuffs unlock, he removed his hood and practically tore the ball-gag out of his mouth. "Ugh... That thing tasted terrible," he mused, repeatedly smacking his lips while rubbing his jaw. Noticing the rooster walking away, he asked, "Hey, aren't you forgetting something?" pointing down at his smeared, throbbing cage.

"I'll unlock it in a minute, just let me clean up and get dressed first," the rooster said, stepping behind a large screen and shuffling pieces of clothing about. "It's been a few days, hasn't it? You can wait a few more minutes," he added, chuckling evilly.

"A few... What the hell are you getting dressed for?" Harold asked, blatantly grumbling as he was once again forced to wait. "It's almost midnight, isn't it?"

"I'd like to get the photos posted and the promo sent out tonight, and I'd rather not do computer work in the nude. Too distracting. And I'd prefer to keep my chair clean, thanks."

"Oh, right, sending out the promo... Remember to make sure that-"

"I KNOW! Make sure she's not on the list. How many times are you going to make me apologize for that?"

"Dude!" Harold indignantly shouted as he idly tweaked his cage. "You sent a picture of ME, geared up like a reindeer, in a bridle and a cage, getting fucking by you in an elf costume, to my MOM. I'll stop once I get the sound of her voice asking where she can buy a cage like that for my dad out of my head."

"And, again, I'm sorry, it won't happen again!... If I'm being honest, I think it's beautiful that they're still getting freaky after so many years together."

"Ugh, enough, stop..."

"You know, you should just be grateful you stopped listening to the message before she started asking about strap-ons," the rooster mused from behind the screen.

"Oh my god. Oh my god. Oh. My god. You did it. You finally did it. This cage is now purely ornamental, because my dick is dead. You murdered it. It was perfectly fine a second ago, then you made me picture my mom bending my dad over, and now it's dead. You murdered it, and now it's dead."

"Don't be so dramatic, you're fine."

"If fine means my dick is dead, then sure, I'm reeeeeal fine."

"Alright, then," Ren said, stepping out from behind the screen, "If it's dead, I suppose I shouldn't have bothered getting this on."

Harold's eyes nearly popped out of his head when he saw what the rooster was now wearing. Instead of the t-shirt and slacks he expected, the sleek bird was wearing a full, form-fitting, black-and-white checkered spandex bodysuit. With the exception of his head and scaly, yellow, taloned feet, every inch of his body was covered by the tight spandex. His large bulge was blatantly on display, every detail clearly outlined by the stretchy material, firmly pressing his cock and balls snug against his body. With a grin, he put on a matching jester's cap adorned with a pair of jingle-bells.

"...You...wearing jester?" the bull failed to articulate as he gawked at flamboyantly dressed bird.

"I mean, I thought since our shoot went so well, maybe you deserved a little treat, but if your dick is dead I'll just take it off and forget the whole thing." Facing his back to the bull, Ren bent forward, hiking his tailfeathers, showing off the fact that the suit was missing a piece, leaving his rear totally uncovered. He pulled his ass cheeks apart, blatantly exposing his pink anus, laughing as he heard a long, desperate whine from behind.

"Dick good... Want bird..." the bull incoherently mumbled as his cage was once again uncomfortably confining.

"Oh, alive again, is it?"

Harold nodded.

"So now you want that nasty cage of yours to be unlocked, hm?"

Harold nodded enthusiastically.

"And you want to take my tight butt for a ride hm?"

Harold nodded even harder, threatening to shake his horns loose.

Leaning in close, lovingly caressing his mate's chin, Ren smiled and quietly cooed, "April Fools."

"THAT'S NOT FUNNY!!!" Harold angrily shouted as the rooster repeatedly tried to unlock his chastity cage.

It had taken Ren multiple attempts to insert the key in the lock, since he was laughing so hard he couldn't see straight. "Sorry, couldn't resist," he said, wiping tears from his eyes. "I didn't plan to do that, it just came out."

With a small click the cage finally opened, promptly clattering to the floor. Within moments, the long, thick pillar of bull meat was completely erect, throbbing with need as it stared Ren square in the face. The rooster was about to lean down to run his tongue teasingly along the length when Harold pounced, throwing him onto his back and pinning him down by his shoulders.

"Oh, I've been looking forward to this, featherbutt," Harold growled, wearing a sinister grin as he glared down at the prone bird. "My turn."

Using the pre-cum already liberally coating his shaft as lube, Harold blindly thrust his hips, jabbing at the rooster's ass until successfully plunging the tip into the waiting ring. Having grown accustomed to taking the bull's fist, as well as a number of remarkably large toys, Ren's tailhole had no trouble stretching wide as he forced his cock in, inch by inch. The bull was so desperate for release that he rutted Ren like a feral animal, furiously slapping their hips together as he made a series of loud, grunting snorts.

Ren let out a low moan, almost squealing with pleasure as he felt the throbbing dick plunging into his depths. Lying on his back underneath the furious, horny, desperate bull fucking his ass with reckless abandon, he honestly couldn't imagine anywhere else he would rather be. He wrapped his legs around the bulls thrusting hips as he rubbed at his spandex encased package, groaning as his length swelled, pressed between the costume and his feathered belly.

Before long, both bull and rooster let out loud cries of passion as they climaxed together, Ren filling the crotch of his costume with his second, smaller release of the night, Harold totally flooding Ren's insides with several pent-up bursts of cum.

Once the flow of his seed abated, Harold sighed and rolled off the rooster, not wanting to crush his husband under his girth. They simply rested in silence for a time before Harold leaned over and planted a kiss on Ren's beak. Noticing the sticky, dark patch between the rooster's legs, he coyly smiled and said, "I'm gonna have to clean that suit now, you know. Since you can't be trusted, I guess we'll have to keep your birdy pecker of yours caged until the actual show, hm?"

Ren said nothing more, only nodding as he smiled back.