New Spin On An Old Classic

Story by Veerano on SoFurry

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Here's my latest work fuzzbutts!

This was an incredibly hard story for me to write, lots has been going on in my life (especially recently) but the real problem was...I didn't WANT to keep writing this after the first few paragraphs, it felt too dark for my style of writing. But, I kept going and eventually it did devolve into the usual debauchery and yet I still did not enjoy writing this. That's probably weird to say but, I needed to finish this for myself.

Hope you guys can handle some dark scening for this one anyways!

New Spin On An Old Classic

Izzy knew he was in the right place from half a mile away. What was once a bustling hive of activity; was now a tumbleweed infested shell of a town, ravished by the sight of its own destruction. Where there once stood ornate buildings there now lay only the beaten and broken corpses of crumbled stones, only very few having survived the obvious carnage upright. For anyone else, the sheer destruction would bring a tear to the eye...

But not for Izzy; the practiced chameleon knight could only feel anger towards the one responsible for this senseless violence. Long before this his own village had met the same fate as the one that now stood before him, each now a discarded ruin of the past. He shook with rage as he remembered that awful day, when a giant shadow had descended from the clouds and left nothing but rubble and a young lizard in his wake. Back then he lost his best friend to the monster, not even being able to trace his body even though he saw the many other lifeless faces. All he could assume was that the monster had taken his friend for its own twisted purposes, or simply made a meal of him. Either way, Izzy would never forgive the creature and had spent the last few years chasing it all while training himself into the knight he was now.

As he made his past the crumbled archway into the town and avoided the many blockages in the path, the lizard approached one of the houses that were left standing and opens the door. Nothing, empty so he moved on to the next one and the same happened again. Swiftly running out of options, he continued on through the remains of the town house to house looking for survivors. But again, like the last three towns he'd found like this there was no one spare from the creature's rage. One small bonus was that this meant the chameleon could restock his supplies from what was left of their storages, the residents didn't need any of it anymore after all. As he was about to leave he saw it, the thing he needed most.

For the first time, his heart swelled with a brief hope as he ran over to a large foot shaped gap in the ground where a single scale had left the monster's scaly hide. The lizard picked it up and examined it "so it's some kind of reptile...that's reassuring...and it's still warm!" Looking around, he quickly found the next giant footprint and began to follow them out of the town. He had yet to realise what it was yet, but there was something very wrong with this and he could feel it. But this had been his best chance yet, he couldn't let it go by that easily from a bad feeling he had.

So he tracked the beast, filled with determination that he was finally going to get revenge for his friend as well as the countless others that the monster had taken from this world. Armour clanking, feet thumping across the soft ground and his own panting were all the noises he could concentrate on, as he broke into a run following the gargantuan creature's footfalls. Izzy could feel it, he was getting closer the his goal and it was making him reckless as he plunged balls deep into the unknown abyss ahead with little regard for the world around him.

That all ended when he saw what was ahead though and he skidded to a halt just a short distance from what had jogged his senses back into line. A gigantic cave was hidden here, right in the middle of a moat that almost completely surrounded it all sides blocked apart from the mouth of the lair. Izzy could see that the footprints lead straight inside and fist bumps the air, ecstatic that the blundering beast had led him right to its home. Now all he would have to do is go in there and slay it where it stood, thus achieving his goal of revenge.

Pumped full of bravery or stupidity, the knight made his way over to the mouth of the cave and tried to look inside of the pitch black inside with little success. Naturally, he saw only darkness welcoming him and he hesitated momentarily before stepping into the abyss that stretched out before him. His green scales dimmed and grey in the lack of light, the chameleon waited a short while just inside the mouth of the cave both listening for any sounds inside and letting his eyes get adjusted to the darkness deeper in the cave. Hearing nothing and somewhat able to make out the walls of the cave now; it was time for Izzy to move in for the kill.

With the fire in his belly burning strong, he unsheathed his sword and looked down at his noisy metal armour. Needing to take the stealthy approach here, the lizard carefully begins to remove his protective casing. A pile of metal now hid in a little alcove in the cave and the lizard finished his transformation from knight into rogue, now clad in only his scale-tight shirt and shorts that were the only thing he could wear under all that armour without boiling alive. Taking his sword again, he continued on albeit a lot lighter and quieter than previously.

Now a great deal more sure of himself (if that was even possible at this point), he peeked around the next corner and was suddenly greeted with something he wasn't expecting at all. It was a big empty dome...just a huge empty space filled with a whole lot of nothing and that seemed to be the end of the cave. Utterly confused the lizard made his way to the centre of the room and looks around, well looked around the five feet in front of his face he could see at least. Even more confusing was that the tracks he had followed here just stopped at the curved walls, making the lizard scratch his head.

Just as he was about to sink into disappointment's slippery maw, something caught his attention...rather forcibly in fact. A rumble of the ground shook the cave walls, making them seem to ripple a bit and a sudden crack from above made the lizard dive out of the way of a volley of falling rocks that smashed loudly on the cave floor and echoed everywhere. Izzy soon picked himself up, but wished he hadn't as a sudden rush of wind knocked him back down prompting a groan from him. 'Wait a second, wind? Where the hell did wind come from?'

The question was a good one and one that usually would be unanswerable in this situation, but the chameleon soon got his curiosity sated. All at once Izzy saw something huge and bulky stretch out as though from the side of the cave and before he could do anything he was plunged into complete darkness as the only light and his only escape were blocked by whatever that thing was. Now stumbling around in the dark, the lizard shuddered as he heard something that sent a harsh chill down his spine "well well...about time you got here little friend..."

Freezing in place, the lizard looked around at the darkness in a panic as that cold, deep drone filled the cave. The noise and vibrations of the voice seemed to come from nowhere and everywhere, making it impossible for Izzy to hone in on. Quickly losing his sense of chivalry and starting to panic a little, the lizard tries to think his way into a better position. Little did he know, he was about to have fear replaced with a different feeling one that was teaspoon of dread and a whole heap of rage.

A small flame momentarily blinds Izzy, throwing the cave out of the darkness and into illumination. Ripples of flame danced across the cave floor and igniting a scattering of sticks and branches that littered a patch in the middle of the cave. As the light flickered into existence, a shadow was cast upon the majority of the cavernous dome. The colossal mass that was creating this eclipse of the lights shone a bright sapphire blue in the flickering of the now alight foliage on the ground. A smooth, broken surface refracted the light into the caves atmosphere and would have been beautiful if it was not so foreboding.

Past the shimmering scaly surface there was the fearsome bestial features of what the knight assumed was the culprit of all the senseless destruction he had witnessed these past few months. The huge rough boulder that was its face was pointed right at him, its intense features stretched into a grin at its comparatively tiny guest. Izzy was face-to-face with the largest creature he had ever seen, a giant feral dragon that dwarfed him in every way. Flashes of the destruction that had previously blighted the land cursed the lizard with and unholy amount of anger. This was the creature that had ended so many lives, including his friend all those months ago and it was time for redemption.

With a cry of battle, the chameleon lunged himself towards the chest of the larger reptile and swung his heavy sword as hard as he could into his adversary. CLANG! Deafened suddenly, Izzy was forced to dodge as the thick blade of his sword reflected back at him and impaled the ground close behind him. Those thick scales had easily broken his sword like a toothpick and from what he could tell in the light of the new flames, the attack hadn't even scratched the giant creature. With an annoyed grunt, the smaller reptile tossed the hilt of the blade at a foot of the dragon. Naturally though, it simply bounced off and into the darkness whilst yet again causing no damage whatsoever.

All the while, the dragon taunted him by chuckling to itself at his meagre attempts at harming his body "that sword tickled a little...too bad for you that it couldn't have hurt me, it is way too tiny" The knight was running out of options fast, throwing punches, rocks and even trying one of the burning logs to no avail. Hopelessness was taking over but he kept trying, he had to for his fallen comrade and his own honour. But as the dragon let out a single strong huff of air he was blown clean off his feet and sent a few feet back on his rear end, the last of his hopes being knocked out of him with his breath.

Dragon fangs beamed down at him from above, still keeping that accursed grin that the knight had quickly grown to loathe. But the looming shadow was as impossible of a challenge as you might expect and the smaller lizard knew it as he began to embrace what he assumed was coming next...his death. But, that booming voice from the sky sounded again and the dragon's lips curled into its oddly soft spoken words "You seem to be done with your little may I ask why you attacked me so?"

Izzy was struck by the sudden question as he slowly got up; debating whether or not conversing with the dragon would wield him any mercy though he guessed it couldn't hurt to try. He had no option left but to try and escape with his linguistic skills though he had a feeling they wouldn't be enough. Still, he had to try as he spoke loudly up at his adversary "You killed my best friend...and destroyed my town without mercy, why would I show you such a curtesy when you have not extended upon to others?" Tilting its head, the huge reptile inhaled the air around his tiny guest and cracks a smile "you smell like the southern town of I right?"

Nodding, Izzy growls as he hears his old town's name uttered by those tainted lips but holds himself back from any more violence as he knew it would do no good. With a laugh the dragon simply looks at him "do you know how hard it is for me to do simple things like get food and water being this big? It's only natural I'd wreck a few buildings when I landed. But, what's the first thing you reckon the people did when they saw a huge dragon coming down? They panicked and attacked just like all the other towns did...I was defending myself when I was there and eventually I had to stop them one way or the other."

Listening to the story but told from the other side did make Izzy loosen up a little, it was true they had all just assumed that the dragon was attacking them before they even questioned what other motives it could have. But that didn't explain one thing "what about my friend, the collie with the odd colouring to his fur? He would never have attacked you unless you struck first..." Blinking, the dragon finally stopped smiling and looked slightly offended "You mean Veerano? How dare you accuse me of killing such a gentle soul?"

Now it was the chameleon's turn to be confused, staring up at the gargantuan mass of dragon in front of him "So if you didn't kill him...what happened to him?" Huffing in mild annoyance, the larger reptile scans the other male "He came with me to try and help with my situation, unfortunately I need more food than he could carry. But he stayed with me to help any way he could, after all he believed everyone in his town to be vanquished just as you did so he had to start a new life somehow."

"So where is he now?" Came out of Izzy's mouth in an excited blurt, eager to see his friend after all this time. With an odd, knowing look the dragon chuckled down at the obvious anticipation billowing out of the smaller lizard "He went to get some breakfast for himself...he should be back soon, if you wait here he will return." A slight moment of hesitation later and Izzy sat himself by the fire, watching as the light the flames made did the tango across the stony ground. Meanwhile, the dragon was observing something else...the smaller lizard himself. Unbeknownst to his new companion, it was a rare occurrence for him to entertain other reptilian company like this.

But their alone time didn't last long enough for anything to come from those looks, as the sounds of paw falls just beyond that tail blockade hit both lizards' ears and then a familiar voice sounded that filled Izzy's chest with butterflies "Come on Hajju, move your tail so I can come in and relax...hold on, do I smell company?" Sure enough, the dragon obediently moves his tail out of the way again and lets the new male see exactly who their guest was. Freezing in place like he'd seen a ghost, the canine looks blankly as the chameleon turned to look at him "I-I-Izzy? Is that really you?" Simply smiling and nodding at his old friend, the reptile gets back onto his feet.

Immediately, he was almost knocked down again as the collie ran over and practically tackle hugged him in greeting "It is you, I thought you...I thought..." Izzy could hear how choked up his friend was getting at the surprise meeting and he was getting there too, holding the canine close "Me too buddy...I thought you were gone too..." It took them a short while to separate from their tight hug and then even longer for them to settle emotionally, before they could sit by the fire and tell each other about their journeys since leaving the village. While they caught up the dragon watched them, intrigued by their clearly close connection to one another.

Soon enough though, the words took a brief pause as the two stories came to a close and there tellers sat that waving their tails behind them and it came to the dragon to break the silence "Your friend seems to have brightened your mood considerably Master Veerano, from what I can gather you two are very close...are you mated to one another?" Chuckling, the collie simply shook his head as a blue tinge of blush crossed the lizard's cheeks at the last statement. But something else about what the dragon said struck the chameleon as unusual...since when do huge dragons like that call anyone 'Master'?

Looking at the canine as though hoping his expression would ask the question now haunting his mind, had the collie managed to tame this great beast? Seeming to read the other male's mind, Veerano winks at his old friend "I always did have a way with pets, didn't I?" Dumbstruck the lizard looks from the collie to the dragon and alternates between them, clearly struggling to see how such a thing was possible given their size difference. Once again the dragon himself speaks up, albeit a fair bit more timidly this time around "Yes, Master Veer has a way with words...and actions."

Izzy couldn't believe this, it was true that the canine was always great with animals but this was a whole other level of insanity. Just as he was musing over the possible meanings of what he had just been told could be, his mind was stopped as the canine next to him did something that he never expected. With a neat little movement, the collie was soon bare-chested in an almost sensual moment of revealing himself. His pants weren't far behind, folding them and his shirt up into a neat pile that he placed on a rock next to him and now sitting in nothing but his tight boxers which didn't hide anything of his large crotch bulge.

The chameleon had almost forgotten how hot the canine was, though this was the perfect way to be reminded. His predominantly black and white fur was always so fluffy and yet enough hung to his strong muscles, letting anyone who was looking see that he was stronger than he first appeared to be. The trademark collie mane adorned his chest and neck, though Veerano's was a neon green tint that matched his head fur perfectly. Both his arms and his legs had white 'cuffs' over the feet, lower legs, paws and arms, all of which had an extra layer of dark red fur just below his knees and elbows that nicely separated the black from white. His long bushy tail had a similar pattern, but in reverse with the red at the end of the brush and the white to lead back into the black tail base.

It was all Izzy could do to hope that his friend hadn't caught him staring at his barely clothed body, he had no idea how long he'd been sat there gormless at the sight but it felt far too long. Not only was this a misplaced hope, but it wasn't just the collie who had noticed the awkward gaze of the lizard and a grin crossed the dragon's face as he broke through the smaller male's thoughts with his deep voice "Master Veerano is very arousing to look at when he's like this isn't he? He likes to get back to his feral roots of nudity when he's at home you see..." With a shy nod, Izzy agreed with his larger scaly friend making himself blush harshly as he openly admitted to liking what he saw.

Veerano chuckled, admiring his friend's honesty and going a little red himself as he responded calmly but honestly "well...that's nice of you to say...I always thought you looked good too you know Izzy." Caught aback by that statement, the smaller of the lizards retracted into his emotional shell a bit and slightly shakes as he wondered 'Always?' With a gentle smile that made Izzy's heart beat more calmly with its sweetness, the collie nods and laughs to himself "All this time I just assumed you liked girls." Shaking his head softly, the chameleon looked at his friend "Nah...I've been into guys since I was a teen, like I know you were too"

Unfazed by that last remark, the collie looked back at him and softly laughed to himself but was cut short from what he was going to say next by Hajju who had been patiently sat waiting for them during this conversation so far "You two should mate... I think you would make adorable mates." Both Veerano and Izzy blushed at that, but neither of them broke the gaze they shared for a moment after that. Their longing stares were interrupted by that huge dragon tail wrapping around the canine and moving him so he was sat right next to the smaller lizard.

After that little intervention, the collie nodded and slowly moved his paw onto the chest of the other male "He has a point you know...besides I always did wonder what your dick would feel like hehe" Izzy glowed red at that, his camouflage reflex kicking in some and making his whole body change for a moment "well...I can't say no to an offer like that, especially from you." Softly murring at those sweet words, the canine moves in and takes those soft scaled lips against his own in a passionate; long anticipated embrace.

Moaning into the sudden kiss, the chameleon tenderly presses back into the tasty and oh so arousing experience. Their tongues collided, tangled and then slipped together into the collie's mouth as the lizards more dominant side slowly started to bloom into play. Veerano wasn't complaining; not one bit, his growing 'excitement' down below a testament to this. Izzy's own crotch wasn't far behind either, making the two males wield tents that would make most people watching blush and ogle.

Unfortunately for both males, they had to stop kissing eventually and as they separated Izzy's long lizard tongue slurps free wetly and splatters the floor with their tastes. Giving each other a single look, they stripped together...well the collie removed his boxers and then watched his friend get out of his protective garb with much delight. Between their legs: A long shiny and tapering length normally held protected in a tight slit, and the other male's huge green balls and sizable red sheath, the latter of which had released the large, black, meaty, knotted captive it usually kept to itself.

For a second, they stared at each other's naked malenesses, openly ogling one another until the collie made the first move. A soft, canine paw wraps gently around the hardening length of his friend, feeling it pulse into life as he slowly moved the soft pads of the paw up and down. Having only ever experimented with his scaly brethren before this, Izzy couldn't help but gasp and groan at the completely new feeling of fur tickling his meat as it was rubbed slowly and teasingly. He could feel Veer's grip slightly tighten, shivering as his whole length was hugged in the hold and squirts a clear shot of precum right up the canine's arm " tease..."

Laughing at the chameleon's words; Veer keeps massaging that now fully stiff reptilian length and licking his lips as he admired the size of it. Though his teasing was soon stopped, leaving his paw around that juicy cock as he looked at the lizard softly "I can tell you're really pent up...I guess I kept you waiting a while huh?" Simply nodding at his friend, the chameleon looks him in the eyes and leans forward for another deep kiss. Caught off guard by that, the collie's grip falters as he feels his lizard friend push him down onto his back on the cave floor. That long lizard tongue once again enters his mouth and slides its way easily down the canine's throat for an extra deep sensation for both of them.

Having no idea where this came from didn't stop Veer from loving every second of it, as he let the chameleon above him manoeuvre his hips up and feels that throbbing need of the other males probing against his rear. Shivering in anticipation, the canine hoped he was ready for whatever the lizard had in store for his ass. He wasn't waiting long to find out though, as Izzy lines up to his tight entrance and presses his tapered tip in so he could start pushing into the collie's hot insides. Yipping just slightly at the penetration, Veerano instinctively clenches for a moment around that intruding manhood before relaxing himself and gently groaning into the mouth of his new mate.

Muted grunts left the canine as his reptilian lover pressed deeper inside him, plumbing new depths in his tight rear as he did his best to stay relaxed back there. Izzy meanwhile loved his best friend's perfectly clutching ass, not stopping with his long movement until his scales pressed up against the fuzzy taint of the collie and feeling himself ooze precum deep in there to lube the way a bit more. Clutching up at the chameleon's strong body with a moan of lust into his throat, Veerano was forced to pull back from the kiss to pant deeply "'re so big hun."

Chortling and suddenly moving his paw down to wrap around the canine's own rock hard erection, Izzy winks and murrs deeply "you're not much smaller than me silly...and besides yours is way thicker haha" Gasping out loudly, the collie visibly shoots a few shots of precum up to his own face and quietly whines playfully "mmf...that's true and I'm pretty sure we both know who's got the bigger balls heh heh" With a gentle laugh, the chameleon strokes Veer's sides softly and starts to slowly grind himself back out of the canine's hot love hole and begins to softly sway his hips back and to; much to the delight of both males involved.

Whilst this was going on, the large form of Hajju was watching the show. He was intrigued to say the least; after all they were mating in a way that the dragon was unfamiliar with being a feral and all. Something he was more used to was the growing monolith of a member that was protruding from his groin and standing proud above the ground, much like the chameleon's in shape only about ten times the size in both length and girth. It was leaking too, creating a small pond of precum in a convenient crater in the cave that his foot had made earlier and adding to the musky scents in the air.

As his show-stopping spear throbbed to its fullest state, the dragon grins as he gets an interesting, kinky idea. With a grunt, he gets up onto all fours and towers easily about triple as much as he did lying down. It only took him a few steps in all to get closer to the mating couple, casting a shadow over them with his body and his member. Splattering both males with his hot, free flowing precum, the large reptile grins as he reaches his own tail around to wrap around and start stroking that impromptu fountain of musky excitement.

Now caught in the arousing shower of dragon lust, Izzy only got more into the lovemaking. His bare scales slapped loudly at the fuzzy ass of his lover, cock twitching and pulsing inside him as it gave him its own batches of pre-seed. Veerano meanwhile groans as he got a mouthful of the dragon's offering, slapping the chameleon gently in the belly with his length as he was claimed again and again by his ever more powerful thrusting. One other thing Hajju's mess was good for was oozing down and further lubricating the other lizard's shaft as it was ploughed through that tight canine ass.

The two mates rutted happily for what felt like hours; neither of them wanting the pleasure to end and holding back their orgasms as long as they possibly could. But alas, it was unavoidable that the pleasure would eventually get too great and an eruption of need was due any moment soon. Veerano was first to pop by a short margin, howling out in total bliss as his seed sprayed up between them in a huge geyser like fashion and soaked both males in its salty heat. The rhythmic anal clenches of the collie as well as the rush of hot sticky wetness being blasted over him set the lizard off immediately after though, a rough moan leaving him as he stuffs the other male's insides with his hot, fertile load.

Panting, Veerano caught Izzy in his arms as he slumped down onto him in exhaustion and kissed the chameleon as deeply as he could. Shivers broke through the scaly male's tired body, as he joined the collie in that passionate kiss. This time it was much shorter due to them needing to regain their breaths after their intense mating session, but the look they gave each other after the smooch broke apart satisfied for now. Hajju looks down at the couple, soaking in the canine's load and his own precum after that as he kept idly rubbing himself over them " is master Veer's turn to claim you in the same way scale-kin..."

Murring at that idea, the canine looks at Izzy and they both recover their previous energy as if refuelled by the idea of switching roles up. Nodding to one another, the chameleon gets up off his furry mate and gets onto all fours with his tail raised "I guess we'll go for a canine's favourite position...let's do this right haha" Rock hard again at that offer, the collie licks his lips at the sight of the other male's tight looking hole. The view was even better than he dared hope, even in his days of fantasising about how great it would be to try and squeeze his member between those lovely tight cheeks.

Eagerly, Veerano mounted up over his new boyfriend and pressed the thick tip of his wide cock up to the hot backdoor entrance of the lizard. Gasping, Izzy dug his claws into the ground as he felt that canine masculinity pushing at him, slowly but surely making him stretch apart. The collie was being as gentle as he could be with his girth, carefully squeezing in bit by bit until he finally broke into that tight love tunnel "Ohh fuck!...that's one tight ass you've got buddy mmm." Grunting in slight discomfort, the chameleon relaxed himself the best he could to let more and more of that sizable doggy dong in there.

It was an awkward few moments as the canine started to move his hips back and too gently, trying to slowly widen the backdoor of his mate so it wouldn't be quite so much of a stretch for him. He'd be lying if he said this was completely comfortable for him either at the moment, struggling to push himself any deeper than a few inches at first and only very gradually getting any deeper. But, Veerano was determined to make Izzy feel as good as he had when he had been the bottom, so he kept up his gentle movements and eventually he feels that overtight tunnel slowly widening around his cock.

The next few thrusts were a test in a little more depth, making the chameleon groan in his mix of mild pain and growing pleasure. Thankfully, the canine was starting to shoot his precum again, only this time it went to use giving much needed lubrication to both males. With a quick look down, he saw that he wasn't the only one who had started to produce that lovely fluid, the lizard's mess oozing down into the pool of goo that the canine had left behind earlier.

Smiling at that and moving his paw down to squeeze slightly around the leaking lizard meat, Veer began to stroke the proud tool in long slow movements. Low moaning left the scaly male's lips, as he gave a gentle clench at the surprise of that paw but soon relaxed for his lover again and suddenly spoke up "You can go a little harder hun...I'm getting more used to you now." Giving a gentle nod and increasing his paw speed a bit, the collie starts to put more pressure behind his thrusts which in turn made the lizard inhale sharply as his inner walls were pushed apart more strongly now. It was a little too much of an increase to start with, but it soon started to feel good...great even; as the rhythmic sounds of wet sex filled the cave.

But their wet slaps were nothing compared to the splattering noises of Hajju's now constantly spraying pre, each pulse smacking at the drenched couple as he pumped his tail faster and faster around his monolith of meat. Those powerful eyes were locked down on the interspecies love going on below him, watching closely as the intensity of the canine's movements slowly increased as he kept up with the smaller reptile's loosening innards. It was obvious that all three of them were approaching the point of no return, though who would finish first was up in the air at this point.

With a loud grunt, the dragon panted and showed his first sign of mild embarrassment as he tried his hardest to hold back "M-master Veer...I can't hold it anymore...I need to release." Growling dominantly, the collie looks up at the dragon with a grin between his panting breaths. "Not yet pet...our guest is closer than you and I'm not far behind him." Lowly grumbling, the large male nods and slows down his tail movements to try and outlast the others with his load. Fortunately he isn't left waiting long, as with a loud bellow of a moan Izzy sprays his fertile offering in thick long bursts that splashed as they increased the size of the impressive puddle both smaller males had made.

Grunting, Veerano felt that clamping tightness return as the lizard below him orgasmed harder than he had ever done before and he was forced to move faster than he would have liked with the last stage of their mating. Giving a harsh howl, the collie sunk in as deep as he could go and repeatedly smacked his knot against the scaly ass that was now his and within just a few more pounds it had managed to somehow squeeze its way into a hole that wasn't made for such additions. It was just in time too, as the howl the canine unleashed was the beginning of his own climax and that knot stopped anything escaping as he gushed red hot seed deep into that welcoming space that was the reptile's ass.

Even midst both their orgasms, both males only came harder as they experienced a stimulus neither of them would likely ever match. Seeing both of the smaller males finally cumming, Hajju had stopped holding back and stroked himself off the deep end. His roar of pleasure almost deafened all three of them, but thankfully the rush of dragon mess blocked most of anything as it flooded an entire end of the cave as well as the two small males that happened to be under the gooey fountain of pent up need.

Veer and Izzy were pressed down with the weight of all that jizz but still revelled in the feeling even as their own afterglows began to start. Hajju didn't stop spewing love juices for a full couple of minutes and made a flow of the white river rush away through the open space that lead to the cave. As all three of them finally started to pant almost in unison, the dragon lay back down carefully so as not to crush his own retreating maleness and began to slurp up some of his cum so that the other two could relax more comfortably.

None of them recalled slipping into sleep after all that exercise but they all woke up together, the two smaller creatures cuddled together and hugged by the dragon's tail. Veer's knot had naturally slipped out during their slumber and Izzy's tailhole was slowly recovering from the stretching it had gotten. It was during this morning wake up session that a single question was asked, one that would cement the three males as firm friends or mates in the case of the chameleon and the collie. Did it matter who asked it? Not really but all they knew was that the answer was obvious.

"Who's up for round 2?"