When Going To A Gay Bar
When Going To A Gay Bar Afternoon was dragging its heels as per the usual for a Friday and the excitement of evening drawing near was thick in the air of one household in particular. Theo could hardly believe that he was going to his first gay bar...
Ninety Nine Red Ships Go By-Chapter One
Ninety-Nine Red Ships Go By Chapter One-Everything and Nothing Life is strange when your society decides that your life is already set on a course from your birth. Such was the reality for one hundred young cubs growing up, all of whom were...
A Big Ol' Mess
A Big Ol' Mess Deep in the mountains there dwelled a mountain town named Leamou. Leamou was a mining village, having most of the inhabitants working below the ground for a large part of each day to produce their one and only export...iron. Most of the...
Hundred Acres of Fun - Piglet
**Hundred Acres of Fun-Piglet** It was a relatively calm morning in the hundred acre woods today, the birds were happily singing away and all the blusteriness of the windy season had gone away by now. The inhabitants of the wood were just waking up...
The First of Many
**The First of Many** It was a simple life being a baby, cry for attention, eat, sleep and go the bathroom in your diaper. Yet there was something more for young Danny, a year old dragon boy. Sure he did all that stuff too but there was this other...
A Night With Larry
**A Night With Larry** The start of the afternoon had been like many others before it and as many more would be beyond this day. A cool evening breeze was starting to sweep along the road, making the leaves all along it dance to an unheard beat....
Tean Taming
**Team Taming** Groans of need were hot in the air, the hotel room thick with a cloud of desires and needs. Soft slurping could be heard between groans as a small wet muscle hit something equally as slick. It was ecstasy for both of the males...
The Pride Lands
The 'Pride' Lands It was late afternoon in the Pride Lands and all was quiet except for the swift breeze kicking up dust across the landscape. A small lion cub was just waking up from a nap in the shade of the safe haven of trees he knew so well,...
Forbidden Place - Fortunate Love
**Forbidden Place - Fortunate Love** You'd only have to open your eyes to know what a perfect day it was. The waves were gently lapping at the shore and sparkling in the unbroken rays of the sun's glow. Sand glistened across what felt like miles of...
A Backwards World Of Forward People
**A Backwards World Of Forward People** All that could be seen was space, that infinite canvass of darkness and the odd speck of light from a faraway star. That view surrounded every window of the Eagle Head Mark eight, the ship that was widely...
At It Again
**At It Again** Goddamn that racket was getting annoying, the constant creaks and movements of two people clearly tangled up in lust. It was driving Darren mad, not just with annoyance but with jealousy as his large, fat slab of horse meat two feet...
Cherished Christmas Gift
**Cherished Christmas Gift** ** ** Peaceful glow or dancing shadows, whichever you saw the beautiful heat of the roaring fire could not be argued; two dimly lit figures caught in its welcoming glow. Their bodies huddled together for even more...