Quite an interesting turn of events

Story by Laska on SoFurry

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Blah blah, no one under 18 admitted to read the story, and if you are not in the likings of rough play, spanking, whipping or domination then this really ain't the story for you. BACK OFF! -Quite an interesting turn of events... Were the words that ehcoed through Laska's mind as he awoke in the middle of a beautiful, grassy field on that warm summer's day. Having previously been caught up in quite the act the night before his body still somewhat weakened from the activities as proof his left leg lay limp, motionless... Unable to move it from the fact that he was as tired as he was. He sighed lightly as he lay there staring up at the clear blue sky, eyes half-closed in relaxation as he played a staring game with the sun in his somewhat delirious mannerisms of tired. His usual hoodie lay a good few feet away from his resting body, torn in two from previously mentioned activities. He chuckled as he recalled the memory so quickly even though he was still awakening from the stupor of his own little dream world. His paw covered his face as he drifted off into rememberance. Pitch black outside save for the fire he sat at and the moon above.. Stars glinting lightly like the flickering of a dieing light bulb. He stood there by the fire in naught but a leather-made loincloth painted up to somewhat of a tribal effect, following along in the path of his teacher. Living his life as a nomad was tough, living off of the land, not truely using any modern tools 'cept for his clothing, shoes, and his CD player of course. His fluff-ball tail waggled as he stared into the fire, concentrating hard upon his teachings as he then turned, hearing a footstep clearing the brush of the field. He knelt down and rolled behind a fallen tree, peeking over to take a good look at what had tried to sneak up on him. A lioness no less, but what was she doing here in the fields of a cattle farmer? He left no time for question as he stepped from behind the fallen tree filled with either bravery, or stupidity, at this point his mind registered it as dumb luck when he pointed a finger and said to the lioness.- "State your name, you are trespassing on my native lands during a ritual that I must perform to move onto the next plane of thinking..."-Was what he muttered, before snickering lightly.-"Nah, just joshin' ya toots... I'm Laska... What's your name?"-He said, lowering his paw back to his side as he took a seat on the tree that he used as refuge only a moment earlier. The lioness turned her hungry gaze to his small, somewhat muscular form.. Nearly naked she thought to herself as she stared him down.-"I've no name, or rather it's none of your concern what my name is... Truthfully if I were you, I'd be running right... About... Now." -She said in a calm, almost dulcet tone as she pounced, but he was quick to dodge allowing her to practically fling herself over the tree as he tucked and rolled into the thick grass surrounding the fire. The lioness growled gently and chased after, following his scent. He chuckled to himself as he was in the knowledge of her having fell for his trap, in the teachings of his master he grabbed his necklace and concentrated. Four more of him appeared and darted off in opposite directions, one running back from whence he came to confuse the liones thoroughly. He crouched down into the grass and kept an eye on her as her head spun trying to keep up with each moving part of him, they soon all dissappeared into the grass as well as he did, vanishing. He stood up partially to get a glimpse of her, behind her own clothing he saw that the clothing itself had no backside coverage, giving him a good view of her well rounded rear-end. He shook his head in disbelief and said.-"Jeez.. Tryin' to give me a heart attack ain'tchya lady?" -And with that, he realized his mistake. She turned and saw him, quickly running for him. He sighed and sat down, knowing she'd be there in a matter of seconds... And as he guessed she now hovered about him slowly, growling in a somewhat excited manner as she stated.-"You give a good challenge... I guess I can tell you my name before I feast upon your........ Tender, fragile little body. My name is Alsia..."-And at that, she pounced with claws extended. He smirked seeing the flaw in her attack, gently pushing a footpaw up against her abdomen, launching her over himself as he rolled onto his feet.-"Just because you got me in close range, Alsia... Doesn't mean you'll get what ya want. I'm not gunna go down like some lil'fragile hare."-He said as he returned the pounce, landing dead center of her chest, knocking her back onto her tail-end. He then mounted her and placed his paws on her shoulders, though he knew that he was not nearly strong enough to hold her for very long in this position, he shrugged the thought of her ripping him to pieces off. He sighed lightly and closed his eyes.-"One thing you predators need to learn.. One o'these days the food for your meal is gunna fight back... And I'm guessin' that said revolution is gunna start right.... About... Now."-He said, mocking her earlier statement with a bit of sassed tongue behind it. His words were soon abruptly stopped as she lifted her feetpaws and wrapped them about his neck, giving a rough tug to inadverdantly toss him to the ground. In which case she saw fit to straddle his hips and give him just the same stare-down that he had given her prior to this now situation when he had been in control. Unbeknownst to the lioness though, his right paw had landed under his body and clutched the hilt of the whip hanging on the back of his loincloth. He brought it out as she prepared to sink her claws into his well built chest, giving it a twirl then a yank and with that... Her paws were tied together at the wrists. He gave it another yank and tossed her aside with that motion, moving to his feet as he pulled back on the whip. This action caused her to be scooted lightly on her knees back against him, in which he saw the best action. He placed a footpaw against her spine and pushed inwards as he pulled the whip torwards himself, causing her back to forcively arch as he leaned in and nipped at one of her ears.- "Look here, lil'miss hissy kit... Seein' as you're all tied up and such.. I'm thinkin' that I'ma 'bout to have a lil'fun.. Play a lil'game so to speak, ya dig?"-He said as he pushed her muzzle-first into the soft, grassy soil. She purred lightly as she turned her head to look at him with a smile as her tail flicked back and forth.-"Oh... My. It seems that you've caught me. What's the point in this Laska? Why hold me prisoner? If you just let me go, we'll forget about this little incident and I'll make sure to nev..."-She was cut off in that sentence as he gave her rump a throttling with the handle of the whip. She yowled in pain before turning to him with a hiss.-"What was that for you little bastard? Oh, if you thought I was just going to let you go, you're sadly mistaken... I'll make sure that not a single piece of you is left, maybe a few bones.." -He grinned at that, and gave her ass another few whacks with the handle of the whip.-"Toots, you really ain't in the place to try and be bad, or try to threaten someone.. Lesse who's got the most authority at this current point in time.. You're on your knees, tied up at the wrist... And I'm standing on firm ground spankin' ya with a whip... And, as far as it goes by the time you are untied I'll be long gone."-He said with a smirk as he reached down and plucked off the clothing covering her bottom half. He then removed her upper clothing and said to her.-"Now, as far as I can tell it seems that you've got quite a nice body on ya... And for now, I'll use it as my play thing, capiche?" -He said, as he spit onto the hilt of the whip and shoved it directly into her tailhole, using said saliva as a makeshift lube. The sound that emitted from deep within her throat couldn't be distinguished as pain or pleasure, but he knew exactly what she felt just by looking down to see the fur along her spin all the way up to the scruff of her neck standing on end. He grabbed the whip hilt and pulled up, causing her to stand along with it, for her not being able to stand the pressure of the pull within the confines of her well toned, tight rump. He pushed it slightly deeper to signal her to walk, smirking as he led her back to the campfire where he hun the loose bits of the whip over a knot on the previously mentioned tree of refuge. He then walked to his bag and rummaged through it's contents until he pulled his paw back, wielding a paddle of somewhat large proportion. He turned to her and moved in, grabbing her by her hair with a devious grin playing 'crosst his lips as he forced her into a bent over, nearly spread eagle position against the fallen tree. He gave her buttocks an examining glance as he then came down harshly upon her right ass-cheek with the flat, oak surface of the paddle. The smack resounded and echoed throughout the empty field for a good second before a second administering was issued, back and forth on each buttock in rapid succession. Her body writhed in a mixture of pain and pleasure as she grit her sharp, flesh tearing teeth, gnashing them horribly as she clenched her body up for all it was worth. She finally cried out in pain, as a moan of pure ecstacy followed in suit closely behind it. She closed her eyes and whimpered.-"Please, just let me go, I beg of you."-He chortled a bit as he leaned in to take a quick nip at her neck before whispering lightly.-"Oh, just a few moments ago, you wre goin' to eat me... Now you want me to stop?"-Her rump swayed back and forth somewhat teasingly he thought, as she looked back to him in a pleading manner.- "Yes... Please just let me be.."-His fingers met his chin-tuft for a moment before his gaze met her own.-"How 'bout no? I'm havin' way too much fun and by the time this is over, you'll thank me for it."-The grin returned to his face as he pressed the paddle against her nether regions, rubbing it back and forth betwixt her entrance, and her clit slowly, applying more and more pressure with each passing second. Her hips bucked at this attention, ears flattening to her tan colored head as she mewled in pleasure.-"Oh.... My goodness!"-Were the words that escaped her lips as he continued the friction between the paddle knob and her cunt. She tilted her head back and moaned out.-"God, please not there.... I've never..."-She stopped mid-sentence as another moan of delight erupted from her, but he got the message though. Which in knowing this only prevoked him to be a bit more devious in his deliveries.. He pulled the paddle up and brought it back against the cleft of skin directly between her reddened rear and her tight little cunny. Which caused her to yelp in pain as her body jumped. Jolts of pleasure signaling up her spine as he brought the paddle up once more.-"Again... Or do you really want me to stop?"-She gasped, and shook her head quickly in dissapproval at the word stop. He smirked and gave her another spank, which in turn caused her back to arch as her hips wiggled in frustration.-"Quit teasing me.... I can't stand it anymore.."-She said as her tail swayed back and forth as she looked back with a seductive glare.-"Make my day.."-And with that, he tossed aside the paddle, grabbing the hilt of the whip that was still jammed up her posterior just so, that it would tickle her tightening rectum each time he wiggled it back and forth. Her tail lifted to accept the whip's handle with happiness as her body shook somewhat nervously, in need of more. He tugged off his loincloth and presented to her his hardened member, and with ecstatic proclaim she gasped as he wasted no time in hilting it in her instantly. With one siimple thrust he took from her which she begged him not to take only moments before, but now she begged for him to do just the opposite. She wanted him to make her his little she-bitch, which he mostly already knew. His paw grasped the whip's handle and began to pull it in and out, matching the rythmn of his rough, quite rapid thrusts into her tight virgin hole. Her hips bucked wildly in a passionate blaze of fury as a moan sounded from her each time their hips met with one another. Her body still tense from the shock of the paddling, finally began to loosen up with each following thrust from the wiley hair that had put her here in the first place. He pounded away at her without hesitation, not slowing his pace as he grunted with each almost-painful hilting. Her tight walls clutching his shaft eagerly awaiting his seed as he made way with giving her something to remember. Her body tensed up once more as her back arched so quickly that it nearly caused her to fall to her knees as an orgasm rattled her so. A growl of the deepest guttural ecstacy escaped her throat as a rumbling purr welled up within her chest as he continued to work her, each time their hips met he grunted as his own climax approached quickly. His cock began to twitch, pulsating in time with each thrust as his paw continued grinding the handle of the whip into her bum, the sounds of their wild doings ehcoing throughout the field, surely the cattle farmer would hear it. His climax finally came, erupting forth into her with much excitement to her, she felt his thick, steamy seed coat her walls as her own juices dribbled down her inner thighs, making a puddle on the ground as well as matting her fur up quite nicely as she came as well, a yowl of climax pouring forth from her as her head met the tree, both of the two panting in exhaustion as the whip handle left her rump, pulling the coil from her wrists allowing her freedom of movement once again. They both fell to the ground with smiles of pure joy on their faces, a purr of quite affectionate proportions gently leaving her maw as she said to him.-"Well... That was quite an interesting turn of events.."-A single claw played at his chest fur as they both drifted off into a deep sleep. During the night she awoke and smiled at the sleeping hair, walking to his clothing. She knelt down and tore a few slits here and there in his hoodie, a little parting gift as she meandered off into the brush once more. He sighed as he came from the daze of his day dream and leaned up, putting his pants on.-"Well... I guess I'm off then.."-And with that he gathered his things and left the prairie, the cattle farmer coming out now on the first light of the sun to tend to his herd toting a gun to protect himself from the beast he had heard just the night before.- * * *