A Second Chance in Life - 4

Story by Gruffy on SoFurry

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#4 of A Slave's Second Chance (BDSM themes)

A Second Chance in Life - 4


Hello, and welcome to the fourth chapter of this curious tale, as sponsored by the patron of arts, Heru - it's been a fun start, and I hope that you shall enjoy this story in the future as well!



The lion's alarm went off at six o'clock sharp and made his ears flatten and his eyes snap open.

The hour of awakening was not unusual for Thaddeus Fischer, but the last day's activities and the late night meant that he had not slept quite as much as he usually did. He laid still in his bed, eyes open, but with his body still feeling the desire for further slumber. The alarm was not really a clock per se, but a touch-screen terminal that sat on the bedside table and could control various functions in the bedroom ranging from opening the curtains to turning on the television embedded to the wall.

His bedroom was no longer dark. With the alarm, the lights on the ceiling plafonds had turned themselves on. The lights were still adjusted to a relatively low level, but were programmed to slowly increase in intensity and to help the cat with his waking up. Even this technological help made Thad feel somewhat less happy about it than usually. He felt tired, physically and mentally as well. A day of hard work at his office besides everything that took place afterwards at the Dealership had made for a very tiring day.

His mind quickly drifted to the bull, his wild, drugged eyes, and the contempt his keepers felt for him. Thad knew that the bovine had been transported out of the Dealership and into a hospital for treatment. No longer he would have to be there, openly slighted and treated as slightly less than a piece of meat. He might've been a slave, but slaves were valuable for many reasons besides their monetary value, at least in Thad's mind. He would have been shocked by the disposition if he hasn't seen such things so many times before.

The lion growled, and yawned in a manner that made his jaws creak.

"Knock, knock, knock."

The gentle tap on the bedroom door was much more personable than any electronic call ever be. The lion's tail made a pleasant jump under his cover.

"Come in, Carrell!" Thad called out.

The stallion entered the room quietly, and looking almost annoyingly chipper, considering the hour. He couldn't have slept any more than Thaddeus had, and probably less too since he had his own morning routines to adhere to that would have to be accomplished before the task of waking Thaddeus up came to be.

"Good morning, sir!" the horse nickered.

He was freshly bathed, with his mane combed and arranged, and only wearing a skimpy black thong jock that gave him the most attractive morning bulge. In his hands he carried the lion's slippers, freshly warmed in a bizarre, almost Victorian contraption in the clothes room. Carrell knew how much Thad liked wearing something warm on his paws while he padded into the shower. It was just one of the little luxuries the stallion could provide his Master with, and he gladly did so.

"Hello, Carrell," the lion rumbled in his greeting.

"Are you well, sir?" the stallion questioned cheerfully. "The weather outside is quite lovely."

Thaddeus would have to take the horse's word for it. The drapes were still drawn, and taking his busy day into account, the lion knew he would likely not see much of open air.

"Are you planning to lounge in the sun again, Carrell?" the lion mused from his bed-bound position to the horse who now stood waiting by his cosy sleeping arrangements.

Carrell's ears flickered.

"It would be a great pleasure, sir," he said, "once I have done all my chores, of course, not before that."

"Of course," the lion rumbled companionably, "You are free to do as you please. I know how you enjoy your sunbathing."

"Only if it does not interfere with your plans for me, sir," the stallion deferred to his master with slightly flattened ears.

Thad cracked him a smile.

"You do not tend to disappoint me with your actions," he said, "and I trust you to adhere to your duties, and enjoy yourself while at it as well."

"Oh yes sir!" the horse flapped his casually braid tail. "Thank you, sir!"

Thad let out a pleasant rumble as he witnessed the obvious pleasure the horse experienced while contemplating his services to the lion. The eager looks on his face, this unabashed desire to please, made the lion feel a twinge in his groin. He might not have been particularly horny in this particular early morning, but the sight of Carrell's submission was as powerful an aphrodisiac as any.

"Hmmmyes..." the lion continued his rumbling while he adjusted his position on the bed a little.

"I have your slippers here, sir!" Carrell gestured with the footwear on his hands. "May I help them onto your paws?"

Thad made his decision.

"While that is a pleasure in and on itself, I think you could help me with something else..." he murmured.

The stallion gave his lion Master a curious look. Thad smirked and pushed the covers aside to show his sturdy body, and the swollen sheath that rested on the apex of his thighs. He saw Carrell's eyes glint when his nudity came into view.

"Oh, sir..." the horse whinnied.

"Climb on here," Thad patted his thighs, "face the wall. You know the position."

Carrell nickered eagerly.

"Oh yes sir!"

The stallion wasted no time in getting into the position on the bed. He swung one leg over his Master and settled on his knees, ass proudly presented and pushed back so that its arched curve became all the more attractive. His tail was still low, but the lion, whose eyes now roamed the horse's bare back and rump, knew that would soon come to change. Thad felt his cock swell, now that he also picked up the scent of the stallion's body. A major source must've been the plump balls that laid snug in their very tight pouch held in place by that obscene slip of fabric that sunk into the crevice between the stallion's sculpted ass cheeks.

"Is this right, sir?" Carrell asked, while looking over his shoulder.

"Yes, boy," Thad rumbled. His voice fell lower with his arousal, and so did his paws, to grip on the stallion's shapely hips.

"Hmmm...sir..." the stallion breathed out. His braid tail swished to the side and exposed further of his ass crack for the lion's view.

Thad fondled the horse's rear with great pleasure. The curvy posture meant that the rump was pushed towards him in a most attractive, wanton manner.

"Closer," Thad ordered.


The lion tugged playfully on the horse's hips. Carrell fell easily onto all fours so that he was now effectively crouching over his Master's lower body. This pushed his butt up as much as his face was down, and directly towards the lion's own inquiring gaze. The little garment he wore was exquisitely teasing, in that while it lined the stallion's rear, it also covered his sweet equine puckerhole to a tantalizing degree.

"Hmph...you must've worn this to tease me especially..." Thad grumbled.

"Do you like it, sir?" the horse asked. Carrell wriggled his rump so that his hips rubbed onto the lion's warm palms.

Thad let out a growl that could have been interpreted as an aggressive one, under different circumstances. For now it obviously spoke of the lust he felt, even on this early hour. His cock would definitely not stay weary when subjected to the teasing sight of his favorite rump hovering above it. The stout, barbed shaft throbbed fully hard now and emitted a deep musk into the air both of them breathed.

"It is incredibly...teasing..." noted the lion.

He gripped the horse's right ass cheek and used his thumb to tug on the part of the thong that covered the stallion's crack. This move exposed the richly puckered, silky-skinned tailhole the lion so craved to see. The naturally pouty hole winked at him from the stroke of the fingerpad rubbing on its periphery.

"Hhmmm... sir..." the horse moaned.

Thad admired the perfectly submissive hole, quivering right in front of his very eyes. He felt a great desire to fill it up completely, and to make the horse moan out again and again in pleasure while taking his own deep inside the stallion's rump.

A long day might've been ahead of him, with his morning routines yet to come, but the lion was not about to waste a perfect opportunity in playing with some prime quality stallion butt. The horse's nickering and the needy push of his ass against Thad's paws were more than indicative that he wanted something as well.

"Gonna be my good boy?" Thad teased the horse verbally while he groped at the fleshy buns.

"Yes, sir...please..." Carrell neighed, "oh yes..."

The horse pucker's desperate clenching made for a teasing display the lion could not deny from himself for long. Thad licked his lips before he made his attack with his muzzle. This was something to savor, despite the potential time constraint he faced. Thad was not about to get himself into such a hurry so that he wouldn't be able to properly play with his boy's rump.

"Ohhsir!" the horse practically brayed.

Thad's fuzzy chin made contact with silky taint. He chuffed, nuzzled and breathed, enjoying the musk. The horse was impeccably clean, in and out, he knew, and was hence not deterred from exploring him fully from the very beginning. His lips and tongue only found the softest skin and the most pleasant of manly scent coming from leathery balls and the hole snugly hidden under the tail that now flagged up high.


The lion slurped his raspy tongue about the stallion's crack. He held the butt wide open, so that his muzzle could explore all he wanted. He slip-slopped against the hole on every pass and made the hungry stallion-hole tremble under the wet, muscular stroke.

"Ohhh..." the horse moaned before burying his snout against the bedsheets, "hhmhmhmrr..."

Thad gnawed his lips against the stallion's pucker. The musk in his nose and the fleshy yield of the meaty hole under his tongue made him saliva, well enough so that his tongue could spiral about the by now messy crack. His spittle wet the thong containing the horse's sizeable nuts and made the cloth stick to the flesh within. He was sure that the stallion's dong was fully hard by now - having his butthole played with usually had that effect on the horse. Thad wouldn't spare a paw to check up on that...not yet. His paws were too busy at keeping the stallion's ass nice and accessible by the lusty muzzle.

"Mmmmaster..." Thad could hear the stallion's moans, even when muffled by the cloth of the covers.

He pulled his muzzle back and stared at the beady, spit-soaked eye for a moment. It seemed loathe to lose the contact of the tongue that had been exploring the stallion's rear before, and winked mournfully in an attempt to perhaps to attract the lusty lion back down onto this natural centerpoint of the stallion's photogenic butt.

Thad spat onto the horse's crack.


"That's right...I'm your Master..." the horny lion affirmed his ownership of the stallion, and especially his marked territory that was the horse's rump.

"Uhhhh..." the horse whimpered again.

Thad gave Carrell's ass a good-hearted slap. It was not meant to hurt, only to tantalize even further with the sharp sensation of heat that surely know spread over the stallion's butt.


Thad slithered his tongue onto the stallion's fragrant rear once more. He French kissed at the horse-hole in the hopes of opening its fleshy gates for him. The lion's tongue penetrated at the very fringes of the said hole, slipping past the outer pucker and then along the undulating rims - effectively doing exactly what this lusty act was named for. It appeared to drive the horse wild, too, because his nickering and yipping only intensified, as did the clenching of his hole.


Carrell's tail ruffled against the lion's head. His Master's exploring tongue made his ass feel empty and in need to be promptly stuffed. He tried to make this desire known with his moans and by the push of his ass towards the lion's muzzle.

Thad did not mind getting a sudden extra faceful of lusty horse butt. His own arousal had grown to such heights now that the culmination to their little morning tryst was not only appreciated, but also required. His cock was very hard and curved aggressively from his body. Breathing in butt musk was certainly putting him in the mood for a very intense fuck.

"Hrrhh...I'm going to fill you now..." the lion growled.

Carrell clutched handfuls of bedsheets and waved his ass wantonly.

"OIh please...please hurry...I'm ready..."

Thad scooted backwards and knelt on the bed. His fingers found the stallion's hole and poked at it to make sure the horse was ready. His finger sank into the opening with ease - both stretched, ready, and lubed within. The horse's morning bath extended inside his butt as well, so that in case the lion was in a mood - and he often was - he would be prepared to take his Master without any further interruptions.

"I'm going to give it to you..." the lion grumbled again, even deeper, lustier.

"Please, sir..." his stallion panted, "fuck me and fill me, sir!"

Thad wasn't about to deprive himself for any longer. He thrust his hips forward to slap his cock onto the stallion's ass crack.

"Umph...sir!" yelped the stallion, happy about the feel of the barbed cock finally sliding into place.

The torturous hot-dogging of the stallion's buns did not last for very long. Thad aimed his oozing tip onto the horse's puckered anus, and pushed.

"OhhhhhhhhhhHHH!" the horse nickered. "Ooooooh...!"

Like hot knife on butter, the lion thought rudely when he felt himself sink within the horse's gripping warmth.

The stallion's magnificent, muscled back rippled when his body was invaded. His ass was hot, churning, slick, perfect in every way to receive the lion's cock. His thick shaft spread the slave' ass open and gave even his experienced hole something to get used to. His back arched and he pushed his rear back so that his taint mashed onto the lion's hot, curly-furred groin.

"Ahhhsir...my s-sir..."

Carrell's ass cheeks were solid with muscle, but they had to act as padding now that he got pounded up the butt by his very eager leonine lover.

The lion fucked the horse hard. He was not rough, but he was aggressive, humping away so that his cock slid rapidly through the wet grip of the horse's rump. Everyday pleasure or not, the lion always made the most out of it. His stallion's ass sucked him right in and made him loathe to pull out. That's why he kept himself inside the hose for most part and just resolved into shallow humping that stroked him inside the stallion.

"Ohhhhhssssaaahhh..." the horse hissed. The lion's barbed tip was raking against his prostate and made it impossible to let out coherent noises. His fat cock drooled into the front pouch of his jock and stained the dark fabric with the pre-juice that his cock expelled with the pumping into his rear. His usually low hanging balls rose close to his body, and the lion's own pair smacked onto them with the rough thrusting he continued.

Thad was not about to hold himself back. It might not have been more than a few hours since he got off, but that was not about to stop him from doing again now. His balls felt warmed by the continued slapping, and his breathing quickly grew more harsh with the exercise he got from his impromptu butt fucking. The horse took it all, solidly, and stoically for that matter as well. His muscled body could take the weight of an amorous lion pounding away and trying to fill him up to the brim with some serious cock.

The stallion's jock stretched obscenely with the heft of the shaft that naturally tried to swing about with the rocking motion of his body. The hard dicking he received was literally fucking it out of him. The horse whinnied and nickered. The grip of the lion's pas on his hips was firm, almost rough, and erotic for just that reason. It was one of the sessions the horse knew he would be feeling for a while.

Thad's body arched low over Carrell's. The lion's posture was as possessive as the act of fucking his stallion in the ass. The thick creamy furs brushed over the stallion's muscled, bare, sweaty back. their scent mingled, mixed, and intensified, transferred from one another to create a cocktail of lust.


The stallion whinnied. The lion raked his teeth against Carrell's mane, smelling so sweet and masculine, and alive.

His asshole went into a state of convulsions. The heat moved, throbbed and dragged him right along into the sweet oblivion of an orgasm that he could not hold back once the stallion's rump closed on him and made his tunnel even tighter than before. The rhythmic motions of the stallion's inner muscles poured his cum into the jock that became soaked and messy beyond even washing. The lion's own seed came out in even harder, yet slightly less copious spurts directly into the stallion's core.


It didn't make Thad's orgasm any less impressive. His still thrusting dick churned cum out of the stallion's ass and onto his taint that now became anointed with the dominant male's hot, musky seed.This too screamed 'mine!' for the horse, and the lion on top of him, still deep within the horse's steaming hot body.

"Thank you...thank you, Master..." Carrell panted.

Thad remained mounted upon the horse. He did not want to move away yet.

"It's yours," the lion patted the stallion's freshly fucked butt, "whenever I can give it to you."

The horse's asshole clenched sloppily on his shaft. Thad grumbled in pleasure at the sensation. It appeared to milk even more of his cum out of the stallion's rump.

"Well that certainly worked up an appetite..." the lion mused.

The horse nickered.

"Yes, sir!" his ears flicked cheerfully.


The Murray Clinic occupied a very non-descript building in a part of the city catering for the high end office market. Thaddeus' chauffeured town car did not stand out in the underground parking beneath the towering block. The lion emerged, still talking on the phone in a low, rumbling voice.

"...yes...yes, sell it. Sell it. Alright. Bye."

He terminated the call with a quick tap on his earpiece, and stomped over to the elevator that took him to the sixth floor. It'd been a few months since he visited for Carrell's yearly physical, and these appointments were usually done on another part of the complex, yet he had been told to arrive to the sixth floor and that the lion did.

They had a receptionist, a coyote, which was another sign of the type of high end service The Murray Clinic offered. As far as Thaddeus knew, most people could go to a doctor's appointment or to the ER and not see a fur before actually having to face the physician. The rest would be all about tapping computer screens to fill in personal information and answering health questionnaires. Or so he understood, at least. He hadn't visited one of those public places in a very long time.

"How may I help you today, sir?" asked the coyote, with a polite smile.

"Here to see Doctor Macau," Thaddeus replied, "the patient name is Flynn."

The coyote did a quick search on her computer before she nodded.

"Yes..." she said, "are you his four o'clock appointment?"

Thaddeus noted that she avoided using the lion's name when she spoke. Discretion was of a great importance in a business like this, almost more so than at the Dealership on the day before.

"Indeed," Thaddeus said.

"Doctor Macau should be with you in a moment," the coyote answered, "You may sit down to wait for him, if you like, sir."

"Thank you."

Thaddeus barely had the time to sample the genuine leather armchair before a red panda appeared in adjoining hallway. The traditional white coat of the past had been reduced into a tightly buttoned jacket that still set him aside from the rest of the staff.

"You must be waiting for me," the red panda greeted conversationally, "how do you do."

"Good day," Thaddeus said.

"Would you come with me?" the red panda said.


The walk to the red panda's office was not a long one. His consulting rooms were immaculate, and comfortable.

"I am Doctor Macau," the red panda offered his paw.

"Thaddeus Fischer," the lion answered.

"You usually consult with Doctor Rubin, I understand," the physician noted.

"That is indeed so," Thaddeus said, "for the annual visits of my unit."

"Oh, yes," the red panda mused, "but today we have something else altogether to consider."


"May we sit?" the red panda suggested. "We have many things to discuss."

"Of course."

The doctor's table was round, which Thaddeus found quite interesting, and had three chairs - for the doctor, for an owner, and a unit, the lion thought, when he sat onto the seat provided. The red panda sat to his left, and began to access information on the provided computer terminal.

"The unit Flynn has had a very busy day," the red panda began while he slowly tapped away, though he mostly kept eye contact with the lion, "many tests have been conducted."

"I hope he has come through well," Thaddeus replied. "He was not in the best of condition when he left the Dealership, I feel."

The red panda nodded.

"His initial assessment was somewhat difficult because of the heavy sedation," Doctor Macau said, "the psychological component especially so."

Thaddeus snorted.

"They drugged him up at the Dealership, and considering that he did not have a very conscientous keeper as his previous owner, I would not be surprised if that would have been the case for a longer time as well," the lion observed.

"We have performed the initial toxicological screening," the red panda read out from his display," it was mostly clear except for a high concentration of a substance called diethylphenazine."

Thaddeus didn't like the sound of that.

"Is it a tranquilizer?"

"It is an antipsychotic still occasionally used in clinical practice," Doctor Macau formulated," It is a major tranquilizer."

"The stuff that made him stare and drool," Thaddeus described his memory of its effects.

"It is very potent, yes," said Doctor Macau.

"So they've been keeping him sedated?" Thaddeus asked.

"The serum levels indicate that it has been the case for the past few days, but we do not yet have the results of the study of the hair sample that we may use for detecting the remains of a long term exposure to this and other chemicals," Doctor Macau replied. "It is a standard procedure to check for such things so that we may employ the proper detoxification techniques."

"I see," Thaddeus said. He knew that he would have to be patient with his new bull, and all it would take to make him better.

"We have given him another sedative that is milder and will help to alleviate any negative effects from the diethylphenazine being removed from his system," the red panda said. "It's going to give him some proper sleep too. Heavy sedation with a tranquilizers does not really count as such."

"I assume not," Thaddeus said.

"We have performed the usual bank of tests," the red panda continue to tap through his file," the vitals are normal. Primary blood values, liver and kidney function, respiratory function, all basic systems are functioning. He appears to be slightly malnourished..."

Thaddeus' ears dropped.

"He's not been receiving food?" he asked with concen. "Has he been starved?"

"It is more a question of poor nutrition," the red panda replied, "judging by the fat tissue distribution, his diet has been high on carbohydrates and fat but lacking in nutritional value."

Thaddeus nodded, and his ears rebounded. That sounded more promising.

"Nothing too serious, then."

"Not in that respect, no," the doctor said. "Rapid testing for STDs and other infections was negative, as were the blood, saliva and rectal cultures. He does not carry any contagious diseases nor suffers from any other apparent conditions."

"What about injuries?" Thaddeus made his next inquiry. "How badly has he been treated?"

"We performed a full body scan," Doctor Macau said, "no internal injury or broken bones were detected. There are some mild osteoblastic changes on the knees and the elbows, suggestive of prolonged stay in the all fours position, which the changes on the spine seem to indicate."

"Puppy play?" Thaddeus guessed.

"Possibly," the doctor sounded unaffected by the lurid suggestion. "Or other posture enforcement. There were enough healed skin abrasions to indicate long term use of bondage and other articles on the skins. There are many minor scars and bruises."

"Nothing serious, I hope," Thaddeus said.

"We shall design a skin care routine that will encourage the normal healing process," the red panda said, "the dermatologist will consult today."

"That is good to hear," Thaddeus said.

The red panda tapped onto his terminal.

"Then there is of course the matter of...sexual trauma," the doctor said.

"I expected there to be some, knowing that I saw it myself," the lion replied.

He could remember the sight of the bull's ruined ass, and winced mentally. For the doctor, he would not show his inner feelings. He would let the doctor do the talking. He'd just make the questions for now.

"It is almost a universal find in service units," Doctor Macau said, "and this was no exception. Even the best cared units often display some measure of minor trauma, at least of healed sort. "

"I assumed as much."

"The testicles were found to be functional and relatively intact. There are signs of some past minor trauma, possibly due to harsh CBT practices, but nothing alarming."

"I see."

Thaddeus was glad to hear that. He preferred his units with a healthy pair dangling between their legs.

"The penis showed a few abrasions, likely from long-term chastity device wearing, but there is no functional damage. He attained a full erection upon stimulation and responded accordingly. Retrograde urethrography and cystoscopy indicated no major trauma. The genitourinary system appears to be intact."

"That is very good."

"The anorectal examination revealed some trauma, however..." the red panda drew his words out, "to a degree that intervention will be required to restore full functionality."

Thaddeus' ears spoke more than his words could - or he would allow to.

"That's how it looked like even on the outside," he said. "What's the verdict?"

"There is a major tear in the rectal lining extending into the surrounding muscle tissue. It is not very well healed, and it has been repeatedly re-opened by further extreme penetration. There are skin tags and damage to the external sphincter, equally poorly healed and somewhat scarified. Contrast imaging also revealed a possible functional issue as well, where increased pressure in the rectum, as in defecation and with external insertion, may cause discomfort."

"So basically they kept stuffing him up even if he wasn't up to it..." Thaddeus detailed.

"The level of discomfort caused has been of such level that involuntary action has likely been taken, yes," the doctor opined.

"That does not surprise me," the lion said, keeping himself carefully in check.

"We see these every day," Doctor Macau said, "minor ones are found from almost everyone, even the most well kept of units. Sexual function is an accessory purpose, after all, and certain level of care should always be maintained."

"That will not be an issue in my service," Thaddeus said.

The red panda nodded.

"It is always fine to hear that a master intends to take good care of a unit's wellbeing," Doctor Macao said. "I am sure that he will appreciate it."

"Perhaps he will, once he returns to this world," the lion grunted. "But I want to ask you about what can you do about that damage."

"We have several options available," the doctor said," we may perform reconstructive procedures on the rectal lining and the anal sphincter itself, rejuvenate the skin and repair any gross damage. However, it is possible that a regime of anal re-training has to be undertaken to address this issue and to restore function back to normal."

"What does that involve?" Thaddeus asked. He found himself piqued.

"Various biofeedback methods, balloon inflation and expulsion, possible electric stimulation of the deep pelvic muscles. It is minimally invasive, and very effective."

Thaddeus nodded.

"That sounds promising."

"The results are generally very much appreciated by units and owners alike," the doctor said matter-of-fact, "restoration of function and sensitivity...even cosmetic appeal, as well."

"When can you start?" was the only thing Thaddeus could ask at this point.

"In a few days, once we have completed some other minor procedures," the red panda said. "There is a great deal of work to be done."

"What about the horns? Surely they've been cut too and not naturally like that."

"They have been removed, yes," doctor Macau said, "but the horn roots are intact. He should be more than capable of growing a new pair in due time. Even that can be accelerated, if you prefer."

"We shall see," Thaddeus said, "but I am glad to hear that this too is not permanent damage."

"It is not. I am very hopeful they can be restored to fully natural appearance."

The lion nodded.

"Does this cover the physical side of things?" he asked.

"For the major part, yes, sir," the doctor noted.

"Dare I ask about the psychological findings?" Thaddeus questioned.

The red panda's ears shifted a little.

"So far it is somewhat difficult to say, considering the high level of sedation," Doctor Macau said, "but considering all the reports and the initial findings, it can be assumed that he has been subjected to extreme domination and humiliation by his previous owner."

"A vicious thing," Thaddeus said, "I've asked around. His previous mistress has a reputation for enjoying breaking them."

The red panda nodded, though his expression was sour.

"Yes," he said, "some owners are prone to such behavior. We see the results here every day, of course. Although I am not privy to discuss individual cases on such basis."

"Of course," Thaddeus said. "My main concern is of course just for his rehabilitation now. As it is yours."

"As soon as he is weaned off, we will be able to properly assess his mental status," the red panda said, "the initial reports from the Dealership are conflicting in that matter."

"They didn't appear to be very much interested in his well being," Thaddeus huffed. "They just wanted to get him out of there as soon as possible."

"Subsidized unit care is often of lower quality, that is true," the red panda noted. "But here we of course will only do our best with the extensive resources that have been given to us."

"And that's what I'm paying you for," the lion grunted.

"Indeed, sir."


After discussing Flynn's medical care for a few moments more, Thaddeus indicated that he wished to see his latest acquisition. Doctor Macau took him on the elevator to the eighth floor.

"He will be tired, but able to answer questions, "the red panda educated the lion on the way, "you should keep your words simple enough and short, if you wish for him to understand them the best. And I would advise against spending a great deal time at it. A half an hour or so for now should be the maximum, if I may say so, sir."

"I understand," Thaddeus said, "I do have a social meeting to attend to tonight as well, so I cannot stay for particularly long either way. I shall keep it short."

"Yes, sir," nodded the red panda.

They arrived at the locked door into the room. The doctor opened the door with a key code.

"After you, sir."

Thaddeus stepped into his bull's hospital room. It was very clinical indeed, windowless, void of excessive stimulus, he decided. Yet it was comfortable, and spacious, nothing like a slave cage. The bull rested on a bed made with perfectly white sheets and with a grey blanket over his pajamas-clad body. No monitoring equipment was visible, although an IV tube dripped fluid into his arm.

"Flynn?" the doctor voiced his greeting. "Flynn, you have a guest."

He approached the bed.


The red panda's call appeared to rouse the bull. His eyes flickered open, somewhat drowsy, but his ears also tried to seek his location.

"Hello!" Doctor Macao repeated his repeating.

He stepped by the bed and leaned down a little, to be closer to eye level.

"How are you, Flynn?" the red panda asked.

"Sleepy," the bull said after a moment of consideration.

"That is fine," Doctor Macao smiled. "You are still under medication to make sure that you are comfortable. But I have a very important guest here for you now."

The bull appeared quizzical. Doctor Macao nodded for Thaddeus to approach.

"Flynn, here is your owner," the red panda spoke. "Do you remember him?"

The bull looked at the lion now. Thaddeus gave him a small smile. He wasn't sure just how festive he was expected to be in this situation. The bull's ears flicked briefly again, onto the pillow.

"...master?" the bull guessed.

"Yes, that I am," Thaddeus replied.

The bull's expression became one of mild confusion.

"No mistress?" he asked.

"You no longer have a mistress," Thaddeus said. "She sold you."

"No mistress..." the bull sounded disbelieving.

"Not anymore," Thaddeus said.

"I presume you will be fine here, sir?" the doctor asked.

"I think so," the lion said.

"The nurse will let you out when you wish," the red panda said, "here's the call button."

He pointed it out, to which Thaddeus nodded.

"It was pleasure doing business with you, Doctor Macao," the lion said.

"Likewise, sir," the red panda nodded. "I will see you later, Flynn."

The bull did not reply.

The red panda left after these greetings, and then it was just Flynn and the lion, looking at one another. Thaddeus noticed a chair nearby which he could have drawn over to the bed, but he did not feel like sitting down. There was a nervous energy to his body he wished to expend, yet he would not have a way to do so for the moment. He would need to sit for hours in his upcoming meeting.

"I am sure it is very confusing for you, Flynn," Thaddeus spoke further, "but there will be a lot of time for us to get to know each other. I hope we'll be together for a long time."

"Master?" the bull asked again.

Thaddeus put his large paw onto the bull's arm. He could feel it tense, momentarily, at the touch, but the bull soon relaxed.

"I am your master," he said. "Your very own master and owner."

"No mistress..." the bull sounded wondrous while looking at the paw resting on his shoulder.

"You stayed with her for a long time," Thaddeus said.

"I...I think so..." the bull said. "I can't...I don't know..."

"It does not matter how long it was, Flynn," Thaddeus replied. "Right now you can just be assured that you're not going back there."


"No," the lion rumbled. "She sold you. Do you know what that means?"

Flynn spent some time thinking about this.


That appeared to be the leading thought in his mind for now. Thaddeus could not blame him for having that as the only thing that was clear in the bull's head.

"No," said the lion. "You have a master now."

The bull frowned when he tried to stir his memory.

"Master...before...I think."

"That is right, Flynn. You've had two before you had a mistress."


"Yes. My name is Thaddeus. Can you say that? It is alright if you can't remember it. You can call me that, too. Sometimes you'll call me master, or sir, of course, but you can call me Thaddeus as well."

Flynn gave him a subtle nod.


"That's right," the lion in question said. "That is my name."

"Sir...Thaddeus," the bull repeated.

"Sir is fine, too," the lion smiled. "I like it. My servant Carrell calls me that often."

He was sure the bull would understand. It gave him the confidence to proceed, to take out his phone from his pocket. He thumbed through the various folders and views for a moment before he found what he wanted.

"Here is Carrell," he said.

Thaddeus turned the phone about so that the bull could see the screen. He knew the photo well, it being of his stallion, standing outside the lion's house and looking very attractive in nothing else but a pair of swimming trunks on his lean body. It was a relatively innocent photo, and could have been passed as a very casual one as well, yet the lion remembered the situation where it had been taken with much fondness. It had been such a nice day, easily worth being photographed.

The lion watched the bull, whom looked at the picture. He was obviously piqued by it.

"That is Carrell," Thaddeus said. "I've had him for many years now."

"He...your unit?" the bull asked, finally.

"I don't use that word often," Thaddeus told the bull when he pocketed his phone again. "Only when I need to. I do not call Carrell slave, or unit. Servant is usually as far as I go. Well...'boy', occasionally, when it is...appropriate..."

He chuffed a little. The bull's ears made a more natural flick, hearing that cheerful feline voice from him.

"I have told him about you, and he looks forward to meeting you," Thaddeus said. "I have discussed adding a new member to my household for quite some time with him, and he is very excited about it as well."

"You...talk with unit?" the bull sounded disbelieving.

"I do, yes," Thaddeus replied. "We do a lot of things together, besides the...more obvious, of course. It' all done because we enjoy it."

"Yes, sir," Flynn said.

"It will be a pleasure to take you home with me, when you are all better," the lion told to the bull.

"Better?" the bull questioned.

"Yes. The doctors here will heal your body of all the damage that has been done to you."


Thaddeus squeezed the bull's arm again.

"You won't be modified, if you are thinking that is what I mean," the lion told the bull, "I do not plan to do that. They will simply fix the damage your Mistress inflicted on you."

The bull appeared relieved by that. The words really must've gotten through. Thaddeus was happy about that. At least it was something the bull needed to hear. He wasn't here for some freaky body modification operation, but rather simply to...heal. That word sounded grandiose for the lion, but Thaddeus knew that it was the only one that could be applied here. He wanted the bull to get better.

"Alright...sir," the bull said.

Thaddeus smiled, briefly.

"You're going to have to stay here for a while," he said, "but I will come to see you as often as I can, so that we can get to know each other a little before you come with me."

"To...talk?" the bull asked.

Thaddeus could understand the weight in that question.

"There will not be anything else before you are well, and ready for it," the lion said. "I give you my word and you can trust it. Nobody will hurt you here."

"Y-yes sir," the bull breathed.

"Everything will be just fine...and you'll be a good boy," Thaddeus declared.

He hoped that the bull believed it as well.


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