Freedom in Love

Story by Fopfox on SoFurry

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Crouching low, I sniffed at the sandy dirt. A heavy scent wafted from the east with the wind; earthy and musky. Wolves, at least two of them, and I could smell that they were interested in more than just the reward on me. They might just dare violate one of the King's favorite slaves, it was a long way to the palace, anything could happen.

Panting, saliva dripping from my long, slender tongue, I continued my retreat into the dry hills on the border of the Kingdom.

I can't let them get me.

I won't let them.

Swinging around the nearest hill, I sat down on the slope. Grabbing my brown, fluffy tail, I nervously stroked it.

I could turn back.

I could.

The King would take me back.

Shaking my head, I unscrewed the top of my canteen and pressed it to my muzzle, filling my mouth with a gulf of warm water.

He'd take you back. He'd take you back, hurt you, fuck you, and'd always be a reminder of his weakness. The girl who escaped. I wouldn't be the first who tried and was returned.

I wouldn't be the first who vanished one night and was never spoken of again.

I can't let that happen.

The scent grew closer. I had to get moving.

Charging west, I weaved around hills of varying sizes, careful to make sure I was covered from the East.

The savannah...almost there. The Wild Marches...

And then what? They'll just give up? Where will you hide in the vast, open plains? You should turn yourself in, submit like the good little Fox you are...


My tongue lolled out as I panted, my lungs growing heavy with strain. The heat was getting unbearable and my thick fur coat was not making things any easier. I had long since abandoned any clothes I had, for even the cool night air was manageable.

My foot landed in a hole and the ground rose up to meet me. My ankle cried out in pain and I clutched at it, wincing at the touch.

"No, no, no, no..." I crawled behind a nearby hill on the western side. Burying my muzzle in my knees, I sobbed.

I can't...I can't...

The Wolf musk grew closer, I didn't have to focus on the ground to track it approaching. There was only one of them now, but he was getting closer and closer until...

The Wolf leaped atop me from behind, pushing me to the ground. I felt his teeth clench against the back of my neck and I went limp, I couldn't help myself.

"Mmm," he murmured, running his broad tongue against my neck, sending shivers down my spines, "Looks like I caught the King's whore."

Sobbing in defeat, I surrendered, "Take me back..."

Flipping me over onto my back, I stared back at the Wolf. His face was a solid gray color and his nose was wide and large, even for a Wolf. A smile wrapped around his lips, "Not until I have some fun first..."

Shocking, I tried to squirm away but he planted his leathery palms on my shoulders, pinning me down against the dirt with his bulk.

"Haven't you read the bounty sheets?" he groaned, lifting his face towards the sky and grinding against my pussy with his bulge, "Whoever finds you is allowed to enjoy a night with the missing slave."


"Yes..." he whispered, leaning back down and tapping my nose with his. His breath was atrocious, smelling like rotten meat, "And I intend to enjoy myself and so should you."

"Stop, please..."

He howled into the air, "A slave telling me to stop? Hmm..." his cock began to slip out of its confines, "Keep on doing that..."


"Oh yeah..." his red, veiny cock was growing rock hard, "Don't stop."

The tip of his cock dipped into my pussy.

"Maybe I'll even share the reward with that other guy..."

Slowly, he began to push his cock inside, sending involuntary waves of pleasure throughout my crotch.


"Ahhhh" I exhaled as he pressed against me, "Please, I don't want to..."

"You don't have a choice," he whispered, his tongue darting out and licking his lips, "You shouldn't have run away..."

Something slammed against him, causing his cock to get yanked out of me and sending him flying away, followed by something orange and large.

I sat up and saw the back of a Lion, naked, save for a loincloth, jabbing downward with the shaft of a spear. Terrified, I covered my eyes.

I heard the Wolf's death-rattle. I smelled his blood.

I felt the Lion approaching, smelt his sweet musk.

"It's okay now," I heard a deep, guttural voice, followed by a large paw planting itself on my shoulder, large enough that it could have crushed my bones, but it was gentle, "You're safe now."

Opening my eyes, I saw the Lion's large face staring back. His brown, heavy mane lining a tan-orange face lined with the occasional scar from some battle long-past. Unlike most Lions, or Felines for that matter, there was a warmth to his expression, as if he was trying to calm me down.

"Thank you," I blurted out, looking away, down at the dirt, "If you hadn't..."

"Don't," he said, pulling me into his chest. I pressed my nose against his skin and sniffed. He smelled different from Wolves, of the court or of the city. He was neither perfumed to mask his state and emotions, nor did he smell rank like a Wolf who had not bathed. His scent was sweet with just a slight earthy tinge to it.

His chest rumbled...purring. In that moment, I felt all my fears fade away with his breaths. I wanted him to take me with him, so that I could listen to his purrs for the rest of my life. It was foolish, but I had never had any choice to make in my life and I wanted to make one stupid, idiotic choice, just one.

"They're chasing after me...I don't know where to go..."


"The King of All Wolves...his men..."

"That's a problem then..." he muttered, patting my back, "The border is just a few minutes away...he might have trouble chasing after you then."

"Please!" I pulled myself away, looking up at him with pleading eyes, "Take me to the Marches! I'll do anything, I can be your slave, you can do whatever you want with me, just take me with you!"

"I don't want a slave."

Fear grew in my stomach, of being abandoned to the mercies of the next Wolf.

"I want a wife."

My heart leapt and I licked at his lips, "I don't even know your name, but you're the kindest person I've met! I with you."

"My name is Grolth," he said, scooping me up in his strong arms and nuzzling me with his broad, pink nose.

"And mine is Yel," I replied, nuzzling back.

"Well, Yel, shall we get going?

We camped out on the savannah as soon as our pursuer's scent grew cold. Grolth would place me on the ground on occasion to let me track his progress, recognizing my superior Canine sense of smell.

He had no tent, no sleeping bag. We just laid under a lone, leafless tree in the middle of the plain, my back leaning against his chest.

His paw rubbed against my row of nipples, each one sending a jolt through my chest. I knew what he wanted...if I had not responded, he would have left it at that, I could tell.

But I wanted this.

"Mmm," I murmured happily, "Grolth, please..."

"You want me to stop?"

"No," I said, "I want you to do whatever you want to me."

"I told you, I don't want a slave..."

"I know, that's why I'm asking you. A slave doesn't ask," I turned around, rubbing my nose against his, "And I trust you not to hurt me."

His scent grew sweeter and he started purring. I felt the tip of his cock poke against my thigh.

"No," he said, shaking his head, "You know...about Lions?"

"I've read about your people."

"No, what I mean is..." he peered down, rubbing at his cock and brushing against tiny bristles, "It will hurt..."

"No, it won't. Not with you," I said, licking him on the nose to re-assure him. He tasted as sweet as he smelled.

Purring, he laid me down onto the ground gently. Taking his place atop my hips, I reached down, coaxing his prick out, careful of his barbs.

"If it hurts, just let me know."


Carefully, he slid his bulbous cock into my slit, almost too carefully, for I barely felt it until it was all the way in and a gasp of pleasure escaped my lips.


"Brace yourself..."

He pulled back and I winced, grabbing at a pile of dirt with my claws. I tried to hold it in, but I let a yelp of pain escape and he immediately stopped.

"I'm sorry, are you okay?"

Biting my lips, I muttered, "Keep going."


"Keep going!"

Wordlessly, he thrust his cock back in and out, sending another wave of pain through my groin. It hurt, but I didn't want to stop, I wanted to feel him, to be with him, even if it was sore.

"Harder, please!"

He obliged, pounding away at me faster and harder than before, his thick mane waving madly with his thrusts. The pain was starting to mix with the pleasure of ecstasy and soon I could not tell the difference.



Lifting me from the ground, he spun me around and pushed me against the tree, holding me upright. The rough bark chaffed against my fur and he continued thrusting into my pussy with strength I never imagined.



I felt a warm sensation inside me, followed by relief as spasms of joy spread through my pussy. This was not the normal sense of relief from my time with the King, where that was relief at it ending, but this was relief at us climaxing with enjoyment. Relief at our love.

He carefully took his cock out, sending one last spasm of pain through me, but I did not cry out; and placed me on the ground where he collapsed down next to me. I placed my head on his lap and started slurping at the droplets of semen on his cock.

"Yel, I want you to be my wife..." he whispered as I cleaned up his mess.

Raising my head and staring up at him, I whispered back, "I love you."

"There is something I have not mentioned and I know you do things differently in the Kingdom of the Wolves," he muttered, his gaze shifting to the side, "I am married. I want you to be my second wife."

Confused, I tilted my head, apprehension growing in my chest.

"This is common among the Lion tribes here in the Marches. I love her and I love you as well, and I know that she will love you just as much," Grolth's ears lowered, "But I know your kind only have one partner, so I understand..."

"I would love to be your wife," I whispered, poking him in the lips with my nose, "And I can't wait to meet your other wife."

Smiling widely, an uncommon thing for Lions, he wrapped his arms around me and held me close. His scent was sweeter than ever, I knew he was truly happy to hear that.

"Thank you, Yel. I was worried that..."

"Grolth, you know what I was back there...monogamy is less common the more power you have and I was the King's slave."

"And I will never let him or anyone else hurt you again," he whispered, tightening his embrace, "I promise."

"But what if..."

"Never. Even if the Marches are invaded and conquered, I will never let him take you again. Even if we have to run for the rest of our lives; we'll do it together."

Smiling, I puckered my lips as best as I could and pressed them against his, letting my tongue enter and wrestle with his. It was rough and course, but at the same time, comforting and gentle. Grolth began to purr and I pulled back.

"Where did you learn that?"

"That's how humans kiss. It's becoming more popular in the East," I giggled, running my paw through his chest fur, "I have lot to teach you."

We slept out on the savannah as soon as it got dark, drifting off to sleep almost instantly with his arms still wrapped around my chest. I had only just met him, but he was in my dreams that night; we wandered the plains together, paw in paw.

And when I woke up, he was right beside me.