Story by dragonspanker on SoFurry

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After Dylan woke up from his nap he heard voices just outside the tent,so he quietly left the tent and saw that his Dad was talking with another Dragon and he noticed that both his Father and the other Dragon had the same colour scheme. And Dylan figured that they were related so he called out to the two of them and they turned and looked over at him, and Dylan greeted his Dad and the older Dragon greeted his son and Drazz introduced him to the much older Dragon seated across from him."Dylan come meet your Grandpa" his Dad said to him, and He came over to where the two of them were sitting and when his Grandpa stood up to greet him Dylan looked a bit nervous at his imposing form. "Nice to meet you Grandpa" he said and the elder Dragon introduced himself nice to meet you to "I'm azzeron and I have to say that you're polite youngster I ever met" he told his Grandson, and Azzeron looked over at Drazz who was walking over to them "well son you must be a great parent to have such a well mannered child" he told him and Drazz chuckled and told his Father that he spanked Dylan earlier. Azzeron laughed and said to Dylan "you are one lucky kid" and Dylan looked at him and asked him what he meant by lucky and his Grandpa told him that Dragons used spanking not only for punishment but also strengthen bonds, "And that brings me to my visit you're Father called me and asked me to come and spank him" Azzeron told him and Dylan turned and looked at his Dad who had pulled his pants down and was waiting for him.Dylan was shocked to hear that his own Dad was going to be spanked, And as he was taking all of this in he heard his Dad say something to his Father "Dad are you wearing your belt"? and Azzeron replied "yes I am" and he lifted up his sweater. And then he told his son to bend over the fallen tree that the elder Dragon pointed to, and because it was a few feet off the ground Drazz's butt would be in the position to receive his Father's belt, and once he bent himself over it Azzeron made his way over to him and moved his hands to his waist and lifted up his sweater slightly and unbuckled his thick leather belt and whipped it from his belt loops quickly and folding it over in his massive clawed hand.Dylan could not believe what he was seeing, his dad bent over with his trousers down about to be spanked by his own Father and he watched as his Grandpa moved in to position behind his Dad. And then holding the belt in both hands he snapped it loudly and Dylan winced as the sound echoed throughout the forest, Drazz gave a slight moan of arousal and Azzeron held the belt tightly in his left hand and raised it past his shoulder and then he brought it down hard on Drazz's bottom with a thunderous smack. And he cried out and soon another strike of the belt landed followed by another, and before long Azzeron began whipping his Son's backside in a steady pace with only a minute or two between strikes. After about five minutes Dylan saw

that his Dad's rump was a dark pink which due to his dark colour made his butt look much brighter than it really was, Dylan heard his Grandpa tell his Dad to get up and Drazz got up and shuffled over to his Father who sat on the same stump he had spanked his Son on before. Dylan saw his Grandpa putting his belt back on while in a seated position before telling Drazz to bend over his knees, Dylan looked at his Dad and was about to say something to him when his Dad spoke first "don't worry Son I'm fine" he told him before bending over his Father's knees.Dylan soon realised that both his Dad and Grandpa were the exact same colour, which was black with a much lighter Orange Yellow in a pattern that looked like thin streams on their bodies which made him think of Lava. And he laughed a little because his Dad's butt looked like he had sat in Lava, and he ten noticed that there was a place for him to sit and watch so Dylan seated himself and freed his aching cock.Azzeron put his right arm over Drazz's back and raised up his left hand, before bringing down on his Son's bottom with a loud smack and and he soon set up a rhythm of several fast spanks that was followed by slower much harder ones. And each spank that landed on Drazz's ass stung like hell and the only sounds that were heard consisted of Azzeron's powerful hand walloping Drazz's butt followed by his howls of agony. and after ten minutes of spanking the punishment seemed to stop and Azzeron let his Son up off his lap, and Drazz only had a brief rest while his Father unbuckled his belt and unbuttoning his trousers before standing up briefly and whipping them down past his knees so that his pants were gathered at his feet with his belt still in them. Before pulling his Son back across his knees and spanking him much harder than before and Dylan stroked himself while watching his Grandpa wallop His Dad, And Dylan moaned which made his Grandpa shoot him a evil grin before he gave Drazz a hard wallop that caused him to moan and seeing the reaction his son gave Azzeron delivered several fast softer spanks that made Drazz hump his father's lap. Dylan saw his Grandpa's massive erection sticking up like a pole as well as his massive bare ass seated on that stump made him stroke faster and he just about blew when his Grandpa farted, each time Azzeron walloped Drazz he threw back his head and howled to the heavens tears streaming down his face and at that moment all three of them were nearing their peak. And Dylan felt like he was feeling what his Dad and Grandpa felt which seeing as they were Dragons and possessed telepathic and empathic abilities was possible, and Dylan could only guess which one of them would climax first and jugging by how hard his Father was being walloped by his Dad and how he was humping his lap that he was going to blow first. Azzeron sensed that his Son was reaching his orgasm so he gave Drazz the final Four spanks and made them the hardest he could but he ended up

giving more than Four, and Drazz howled every time his Father's scaly hand walloped his backside which even though was covered in scales did not protect him during his spanking. Dragons have much softer scaly hide on their butts than they do on the rest of their bodies which also meant that they had tougher skin on their butts than Humans but in the long run were far more sensitive than a humans butt, which was why Drazz's butt was only a deep red and only mildly welted than if he'd been Human. And just like Dylan predicted his Father was getting closer to blowing his load, and he started to moaning and giving primal bellows of arousal as he humped his Dad's lap howling like a madman his tail raised straight in the air feeling the sting of his Father's hand as he walloped him."OH God Dad! please I can't take any more" Drazz yelled as tears fell down his face."Yes you can and you will" Azzeron said to him as gave two rapid spanks on his Son's already roasted ass."Dad I'm going to cum" Drazz yelled to his Father just as Azzeron's hand slamed into his butt for the last time and that was it."AHHHHH Dad!" screamed Drazz as thick jets of cum exploded out of his cock covering some of his Father's thigh and the area around his Dad's feet, and after his orgasm stopped he went limp breathing hard then after catching his breath Azzeron helped him stand up. once he was up Drazz began rubbing his bottom with both hands, and noticed that his Father still had not orgasmed so he thought about how to help him and when he came up with a idea he told his Dad about it."Dad your belt" Drazz said a little loudly you can use it to masturbate with. "What! you want me to use my belt" yelled Azzeron angrily."Yes I do Dad" replied Drazz."Okay fine" he said to his Son.So Azzeron who was still seated on the stump reached down and grabbed his belt by the buckle, and whisked out of his bet loops and folding it over and made the motion like he was going to snap it. Only this time he stuck his cock in the open space and then started sliding the belt up and down his shaft moaning in pleasure, and after some time he would snap the belt on his cock causing both him and Drazz to moan but Drazz got impatient and he came over and grabbed the belt before moving away from his Dad. Drazz held his Father's belt by the buckle and snapped it like a Whip at his Dad's cock, so each time that Drazz lashed the belt it would wrap around his Father's erection before he pull it back for another strike. and this went on for a few minutes before he saw that his Dad was about to blow so Drazz lashed the belt once more and as it wrapped around Azzeron's cock, the elder Dragon shot a jet of cum in the air as Drazz pulled back the belt and waited for his Father to finish shooting before handing his belt back to him.Drazz walked over to his Dad as he stood up and pulled up his trousers, and he handed the belt to him and

Azzeron began threading it through his belt loops and buckling it while his Son watched clearly aroused by the whole thing. So Drazz and Azzeron began walking towards Dylan who still was in need of release, and as they reached him they found him asleep on the ground so Drazz reached down and picked him up and carried him in his arms as if he were a baby.Once the three of them returned to the tent Drazz went in as the front was still unzipped, and gently put Dylan down before going down and sitting next to him and lovingly licked his Son's face with his long forked tongue. And at that moment Azzeron entered the tent and and knelt down next to his Grandson and licked his face with his tongue lovingly before doing the same to Drazz, who then looked back at his Dad and nuzzled him and Azzeron nuzzled him back then the two of them moved closer to Dylan before finally talking."Dad thank you for coming and being a part of our camping trip" I really enjoyed it Drazz told his Dad."Really which part did you enjoy most Son, the fact that I came camping with you or that I spanked you?" Asked Azzeron."Well honestly Dad I enjoyed you spanking me."And Azzeron gave a slight laugh and replied "now that I think about it, I enjoyed spanking you too Son and maybe if you want I could spank you again.""Really Dad you'd spank me like you did today.""Yes just tell me where and when and I'll whip that butt of yours.""Dad before we get dinner can ask you something.""Sure Son what is it.""Can you use that Razor Strap that you used on me growing up.?"Sure I can in fact I brought it with me just in case you needed some old fashioned discipline" replied Azzeron.And with that he left the tent to get dinner feeling excited about the next round of spanking.By the time that he returned both Dylan and Drazz were very hungry. So it was a good thing that Azzeron brought lots of food for them to eat and upon seeing him they left the tent and joined him outside, and Dylan told his Dad that they had no place to eat so Drazz went back in the tent and brought out a table and set it down a couple of feet from it. And as Azzeron began putting food on the table Drazz told his Son to bring out some chairs and he ran and got some from the car, and as he brought the first two chairs and placed them at the table he before heading back to the car to get a chair for himself only to find that his Dad only brought two chairs. So after closing the car door he made his way back to join his Father and Grandpa who were already seated and told them that there were just the two chairs in the car, and just as Drazz was about to offer his seat Azzeron snapped his fingers and a chair appeared and he set at the table and Dylan went over and sat down next to his Father."Wow Dad! this looks great" exclaimed Drazz in mild surprise. "Yeah Grandpa it does" said Dylan clearly still wondering how his Grandfather

managed to bring so much food for the three of them, and as they began eating and talking Dylan told his Grandpa about the spanking his Dad had given him and the elder Dragon laughed and he proceeded to tell his Grandson about how badly behaved his Dad was growing up. Dylan couldn't believe how bad his Father was as a youngster and Drazz just groaned at his Father's telling of his childhood, "Dad please stop" begged Drazz and Dylan said to him "stop whining Dad Grandpa was just about to tell the story of when he found out that both you and your friend had been caught steeling Apples from old man Walsh."And upon hearing that his Father was planning on telling that particular story Drazz looked like he would be sick. "What's the matter Dad?" asked Dylan and Drazz looked down like he was ashamed of what happened all those years ago, "well son I had this mischievous friend named Dez who was always in trouble for something and one day he talked me into steeling Apples from old man Walsh's orchard." "So then what" Dylan asked his Father with great interest. "Well Mr Walsh caught us and took us back to his place and told us that he was calling our Dads and as you can imagine I was scared, so while I was in the living room with dez and Mr Walsh I saw that he had something hanging on a hook over by the closet door right next to where we entered the living room. So being curious I asked him what was hanging on the hook and he grunted as he waked over to it before taking it off the hook and making his way back to us, this is my Razor Strap and it's used on naughty little Dragons who steel he said to me just as my Father knocked on his front door.