Kelly's Story

Story by Michael J. Simmons on SoFurry

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#2 of Kelly's Story - A conception

Kelly's Story


(A conception Story)

By Michael J. Simmons

Adult Text & Content: If you are under the age of 18, or easily offended by sexual content (i.e. - explicit in nature), Between Men & Women/ Men or Men/ Woman or Woman or Group sex, for that manner any type of sex in general. Then please do not read on.

Kelly was nervous. The last time she was this nervous was on the night she gave away her virginity. She stood in front of the mirror at the bathroom sink, trembling. Her eyes looked down at the counter at the little stick with its little window mocking her with its one pink line in the shape of a "-"symbol. It was the weekend after last and she had waited with growing impatience until now to find out if she was with child (again); she still had five or so minutes to wait or so.

She could hear the sounds of laughter and mock indignation as the rest of the family, Michael, David, Michelle and Cassie, were playing Life. Walking out of the bathroom to get away from the little stick and its mocking - sign, "easy to read...right!" She snorted in disgust. She walked casually through the master bedroom that she shared with Michael and stopped to let her hands caress over the satin sheets that only last week had held them both as they made love. She stared at the four-poster, mahogany king-sized bed. Her eyes gazed over the rest of the room, from the dresser in the right hand corner that held their clothes to the vanity mirror desk set that Michael had bought for her on their honeymoon. She turned to see a small recliner chair, in the other corner; next to that was an antique rolltop desk. Her gaze roved around the room until she focused on the double doors that lead to the private balcony upstairs. She walked over to them and gently opened the door, going outside.

Stepping outside she inhaled the clean night air; the stars were twinkling in their nighttime glory in the clear air. Michael had encouraged her to move to an area that was far enough removed from the city to give them some privacy. She had admitted that it was one of his better ideas and upon seeing this house she had fallen in love with its location, even if it was a stone bitch to get into and out of during winter time. Smiling fondly, she wrapped her arms around herself, savoring the quiet of the night. Turning around, she went back inside and crossed the room to another door that led into what the realtor had called a home office.

In here, in there off time, both of them had spent the past three months converting this bare room with its stark colors into a nursery. They're thinking was that wishing and a positive thought about having a baby will help make it so. She rested one hand on the crib rail after she came through the door. The crib was a smooth burnished wood that Michael had spent about a month refurbishing along with the dresser/changing table, which though empty, would hold the baby's clothes. Her eyes took in the colors of the room, which they had all helped paint. She had found an interesting thing online; a kind of paint by numbers set for a bedroom, so they had proceeded to paint the place in a soothing woodland setting theme. The ceiling was painted black but held the bright colors of stars and a moon.

On one of the walls there stood a unicorn. Cassie had suggested it but David, the artist of their little troop had drawn and painted it in. The creature looked like it was going to walk right out the picture. The room's floor was covered with a thin green carpet, which had a blue rug cut in an odd shape in the middle of the floor that was meant to resemble a lake. Her eyes drifted over the rocking chair and footstool that had been bought as an early gift for her by Michael. Next to that was a small bookshelf, which already had a small collection of bedtime books for baby.

She stood alone in the darkened room, with her hands wrapped around herself. Just the thought that she might be pregnant made her go slightly weak in the knees; if everything that happened last weekend was for naught, she did not know what they would do. Since a year after the birth of her daughter, Michelle, she had wanted to have another baby, but each time she thought she was pregnant it never happened. Then she had met Michael and his children. Upon meeting him, first online, then in person, she knew with certainty that she would have a child, and not just for her. Now she wanted to have a baby for him as well, to see a child with her brown eyes and his black hair, or vice versa; she really did not care.

She just wanted to have a baby to hold in her arms and love, care for, and nurture. She crossed to the rocking chair and sat down. Pulling up one of the pillows on the floor, she laid it across her belly. She closed her eyes, savoring the feel and weight on her stomach, also the comfort of the chair in which she sat, her imagination starting to run off with her as she fell into sleep.

Michael slowly walked up the stairs; he smiled ruefully as he carried his seven-year-old daughter up the stairs to her bedroom. He had left the two teenagers, his two step-children, alone down in the den to their own amusements as he made his way to his younger daughter's bedroom. Quietly opening the door, he entered into the room decorated in Unicorns, Fairies and the like. He helped her out of her clothes and she sleepily got into her nightgown and climbed into bed. Kissing his daughter good night, he walked out of her room and closed the door.

He walked down the hall to the master bedroom, knocking quietly on the door as he entered. He found the rooms empty, but the bathroom light on. He barely acknowledged the other two doors left open. He walked into the bathroom to check on Kelly only to find it empty. As he turned to leave, he spotted the E.P.T. test stripe on the counter. Looking at it closer, he noticed the indicator in the window. Checking over the paperwork and the log made by his wife, he noted the time she started and what time it was now.

Smiling, he walked out of the bathroom with the stick in hand. Going first to the porch he looked out there. "Kelly," he said quietly into the night as he looked around the balcony, not seeing her. He turned, and then seeing the door to the nursery was opened he walked towards the room, stopping at the doorway. He saw his wife asleep in the maternity rocker he bought. The light of the moon was coming through the window in the baby's room, lighting her with its luminescence, the pillow laid on her belly just so, so that at first to his eyes it looked like she was already heavy with child, and her face had a content look of peace and happiness on it. The light from the moon also shone on the unicorn painting behind her, illuminating the great beast, making it seem more alive then ever before. As it hovered there behind and over his wife, he walked quietly into the room.

He knelt down next to her, placing his hand on the pillow. "Kel," he said, "wake up, hon..." he crept a little closer and kissed her gently on the cheek. Murring slightly she woke up, stretching out and causing the pillow to fall.

"How long was I asleep?" she asked, still half asleep.

"About an hour or so. I just put Cassie to bed and David and Michelle are downstairs watching a movie or playing on the computers. I just came in to check on you and found you in here asleep and looking, might I add, very maternal in appearance." His eyes gleamed at his little joke, and she smiled at him.

"The test... Oh my god, I forgot the test." she exclaimed, as she tried to get out of the chair.

"It is okay, I have it right here," he said, his voice starting to thicken with emotion. "Would you like to know, now?"

Kelly held her breath, nodding, hoping and praying.

"Congratulations, Kelly... You are a Mom, again," he said while placing his hand on her belly, and kissing her gently, first on her cheeks, then on her lips. She clasped her husband around his shoulders kissing him back, their pent up emotions flooding out of them as they celebrated quietly in the nursery.

Gently he held his wife as they kissed passionately in the nursery. He felt her hands start to skim his back. Standing up, he helped her up out of the rocking chair, still holding her as carefully as if she were a porcelain doll. He looked at her, his hands gently drying her tears of joy, happiness and release of pent anxieties.

Her hands came to the top of her shirt and started to slowly unbutton it one button at a time. "Kel... We do not have to do..."

She placed the tips of her right finger on his lips and making a small husing sound she quieted her husband. "I want to;" she said her voice low and throaty" I want to feel my husband making love to me, right here and right now."

She then proceeded to gently push him down to his knees so that he was looking up at her; she finished with the unbuttoning of her blouse. Then dropping her blouse slightly,it came to rest on her elbows, revealing her bare skin to the open air and moon light that was still shining through the window. She reached behind her back to unfasten her bra. Allowing that and her shirt to fall to the floor, she then proceded to undo her pants, dropping that and her panties. Kelly stood before her husband, the moonlight highlighting her naked glory.

Michael knelt there stunned; he had never seen this side of her before. Sure, they had made love in kinky and sometime inappropriate places. But here and now, his breath caught in his throat. He felt as if the maiden herself had come down to him and inhabited the body of his wife. He stayed there, not making a sound as she appraoached him. Her hand caressed his cheek as she pressed her naked body against his head. He kissed her taut belly that soon would grow in girth with their child. He felt her hands slowly encircle his head, holding him close as his lips and tongue continues their slow and sensous process over her belly/womb. He lowered himself a bit and gently kissed and bit at her vulva. His hands curved around her thighs to her buttocks to hold her in his arms as he gently licked and teased her moistening vulva.

The dance moved with slow passion as he licked his wife until she shuddered in a light orgasm. Kelly then brought her hands back to the front of his head, and slowly bade him rise. She then lightly kissed him on the lips, scenting and tasting herself on them. She proceeded to pull up his Polo shirt, pulling that over his head, her hands skimming over his chest, noting the slight paunch of middle age in his stomach, the matt of black hair on his chest. SHe brought her lips to his chest and kissed and licked him, sending small shudders up from the base of his spine.

This she continued until she reached his pants, there unbuckling the belt and unbuttoning his jeans. She helped him out of his clothing including his shoes and socks. He stood now naked before her,a s she gently kneaded and massaged his manhood, which had sprung fully erect from the concealment of his clothing. Down on her knees she then started to kiss the head of his shaft, gently licking and suckling as her mouth slowly encircled him. The fingers of her right hand she gently toyed with his testicles while she slowly and languidly tongued her husbands stiffening manhood. Sucking a bit of precum from him, she pushed herself backwars until she lay on the floor, her feet planted with her knees pointing upright, She held her hands in invitation to him.

Gently he lowered himself to his goddess and slowly covering her body with his, entered her. The feel of her smooth skin against his, the feel of the smooth walls of her womanhood as it fully engulfed his manhood made him shudder anew. They moved in slow and sensuous motions, passions building with their kissing. Their lovemaking took on a whole new meaning and level of intimacy. His hands played gently with her breasts, while her hands alternated between loving caresses and digging furrows in his back.Beginning gently, their motions became faster as both their bodies became ready for the final conclusion. Their breathing becoming more labored until finally she cried out in sensual relief as she felt her husband explode deep into her already pregnant wopmb, filling her with his seed and love, collapsing over her. As their senses slowly came back to them. Gently getting up from the floor, they quitely padded back into their bedroom and went to bed. To sleep, perchance to dream of the new life that they had made.