The Dimensional Traveler- Chapter Six

Story by cjchess on SoFurry

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#8 of The Dimensional Traveler

I do not own Pokemon, Nintendo does.

A Failed Start!; Gotta Find 'Em All!

Well, that went well. After I ended the last entry, which was in the early morning yesterday, I went to tell Margret what occurred, and all I got was a message that basically said that Margret was looking for me, because as soon as I was sent there, Margret lost track of me! I tried to gain access to the room, so that I could tell Margret, but I was repeatedly denied! So I came back to the room that I have this journal in to get a piece of paper. I tore a sheet of paper out of the back of the journal and wrote on the paper that I was back, with the bracelet. I tried to slide it under the door, but then I realised something vital. THERE WAS NO GAP UNDER THE DOOR! I also tried to let Margret know through telepathy, but I just got a 'Do not disturb' message. So I went outside to do the thing that I went through the trouble of getting the Goron Bracelet to do, pick up the hilt of the Fantome Orck's cleaver. However, when I bent down to pick it up, I couldn't pick it up! At that moment, I noticed that the bracelet was no longer attached to my wrist! Imagine my surprise when I learned that the bracelet was in the teleportation room with Margret. I didn't find that out until much later, but I did find out eventually! I had been pounding on the door when I remembered one of my basic skills. I CAN TELEPORT! It took me about a day to realize this. By the time I realized that, I was too exhausted to do anything about it, evidenced by the fact that I fell asleep right outside the door. ... that was a wasted day. However, since that day was wasted, I will go into what happened today, because I am writing this at about 10:36PM Central time zone (US/Canada)... I think. To be fair, it is hard to tell what time it is supposed to be. When Margret retrieved my things from the cave-mouth-thingy, the only things that were lost were my electronics! When I woke up this morning, I tried to figure out where I was, because when you are tired/just woke up you don't really remember where you are right away.When I remembered that I was outside of the the Teleportation Room, I remembered that I needed to get in there, then I remembered that earlier in the day yesterday I had tried to teleport into the room and got denied. It was then that I had remembered the codes. I rushed over to the keypads that Margret used to gain access to the Teleportation Room, and realized that I didn't remember the combination for each keypad. As I sat there staring at the keypads, trying to remember what Margret had pushed and in what order, I started to see fingerprints on the keypad! I also saw the order that they were pressed somehow. Then, however, I also noticed a tray on the OTHER side of the door (the other side of the side that I was on, not the side that Margret was on) that said "ROYAL DNA OVERRIDE INPUT". I realized that that was so that the royal family could enter the room without having to remember the code. So, I picked off some of my skin and put it into the bin, and the door opened! Boy was Margret surprised! I mean, she had the room on "lockdown", meaning nothing could get in or out which is why I was unable to teleport into the room, so that she could find me without being interrupted by anyone, and then the door just opens with me standing in the doorway. Also, she fainted as soon as she saw me, but remained where she was, she didn't fall over, sitting in a chair that allowed her to go quickly from one station to another. When she came to, I gave her the journal telling her that everything that occurred after she lost track of me was in there. It was then that I noticed the bracelet was on the center column of the chair, underneath the chair. I asked Margret if I could disassemble the chair in order to get the bracelet off. "No," was her very simple response. "Why not?" I whined, "I need to get the bracelet off of there in order to pick up the hilt of the cleaver!" "Because," Margret stated in a voice as smooth as honey, "the Goron Bracelet is able to be removed from anything in one piece if it is done so gently!" "Oh," was all I could manage to say. While I was struggling to say that, Margret got the bracelet off of the chair. "Here," she said, "now go get that hilt then come back here." So I did. I picked it up with relative ease, and carried it to the spot on the ground that Margret told me to put it so that it could be transported to the smeltery to be processed. I also put the remains of the Master Sword on top of it so that the weapons will be even stronger. Then, I went back to the Teleportation Room to see what Margret needed me for this time. I had to override the security again, I still need to talk to Margret about that, and asked her what she wanted. "You have heard about the plates in the Pokemon world, correct?" "Yes," I responded. "They power up the moves of certain types and change the type that Arceus is/are and the type Judgement is considered. Why do you ask?" "It has been rumored that they have something to do with the royal family of the Underworld and their powers. I need you to go there and collect ALL of the plates, one of each type." "Alright, where in the Pokemon world are you sending me?" "I am going to try to send you to the place where Arceus first appeared." "Alright. This time, we need a way to keep in touch though." "I already have the solution, this." Margret produced a Bluetooth set. "I took this from blueprints that we got from the Earth Archives, and strengthened the signal range on it so that we can keep in touch from anywhere!" With that, she gave me the communication device, and I put it on. After I did that, I stepped onto the platform of the Teleportation Device. "Transmitting coordinates," Margret stated, "Retrieving location of coordinates, bingo! Spear Pillar-Hall of Origin." Then, to me, she asked, "You ready?" I gave her a thumbs up indicating that I was indeed ready. "Alright then," she said as she pushed the button. For the second time in as many weeks, I felt a slight jolt of electricity as I was cast into the "unknown" before I passed out. I woke up feeling sore all over. I felt a strange device on my ear and instinctively reached up to touch it. It was the communication device, but it felt different than before. Then I saw my arm. I had a machine strapped onto it... I was wearing a Snag Machine! I also had a full team of SIX POKEMON on my belt! I was also at the top of a tower, but it wasn't Spear Pillar or Sky Tower, it was REALGAM TOWER (I could tell because of the "floating" pillars on three sides of it. It seemed like I had beaten the "final boss" of Pokemon Colosseum without having any of my Pokemon faint. Taking the time out of the cutscene to check out my team, I saw that I had a Misdreavus, an Umbreon, a Typhlosion, an Espeon, a Metagross, and an Altaria. Not the best of teams, but in the Orre region your options are limited, VERY LIMITED! ---For those of you who know Pokemon you are probably wondering why you would have a Misdreavus on your end game team. Well, Misdreavus is THE ONLY GHOST TYPE POKEMON THAT YOU CAN OBTAIN IN THE ENTIRETY OF POKEMON COLOSSEUM! Now, back to the adventure at hand!--- My Altaria knew Fly, so I started to fly to the Sinnoh region, when my Altaria just fainted out of nowhere! The final boss had started to escape, and didn't want me to chase after him! Then, Ho-oh appeared in a burst of Sacred Fire, smashing the boss' escape vehicle into nothingness! Recalling my Altaria, using my two Time Flutes to summon Celebi (purified the Metagross with one, and Release all of the Pokemon that I had, except for my Espeon and Umbreon, because they were all purified with the other), hopped onto Ho-oh, and requested that Ho-oh take me to the Hall of Origin. Ho-oh, having seen the purity of my heart, since I had purified ALL of the Shadow Pokemon, granted my request. Before I could get comfortable for the trip from Orre to Sinnoh, we were there. I got off of Ho-oh, and a Pokeball fell out of Ho-oh's beak! Almost as if Ho-oh wanted to join me on my adventure! Well, what kind of trainer would I be to turn down a Legendary Pokemon? A crappy trainer is the kind of trainer that I would've been if I said no. So, with a new party member on my belt, I entered the Hall of Origin. As soon as I entered the Hall of Origin, I saw all of the plates in a neat row along the wall. I picked them up, one by one, and put them into my bag. I then contacted Margret letting her know that I was on my way back, and I am getting ready to teleport back, but I will do so in the morning.

The Dimensional Traveler- Chapter Seven

Well, today did not go as expected. When I woke up today, it was not peacefully like one would expect in the Hall of Origin where there was nothing living inside of it, except for Arceus, but instead, the ground was shifting, pillars were falling, the...

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The Dimensional Traveler- Chapter Five

Alright, the journey here has been tricky. More difficult than it should have been. Something went wrong when Margret sent me here and I ended up in the middle of the Kokiri Forest! How this happened is a mystery. However, until I can figure out how to...

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The Dimensional Traveler- Chapter Four

Hoo-boy. This was an eventful time. My life has been harrowing for what feels like a few weeks. When you know the ins and outs of a location, you would think that you would be able to traverse said location with ease! Well, I have proven that that is...

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