Genetic Children-Log 05- Hi! I am...

Story by Korm on SoFurry

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#5 of Genetic Children

BOO! Korm is mine please don't steal him. As always the Latin was borrowed from Google.(also I typed this while my house temperature was at -2 degrees C, forgive any errant commas and weird punctuation...please?)


The door to Korm's Lab opened as he swiped his thumb on the small LCD screen outside. After getting inside he went to the sink and washed his hand, the sticky one.

After he arrived, he had been taken to the Director. Who had interrogated him about the attack, getting all the information out of Korm that he could, he also grabbed a copy of the surveillance footage. Throughout the interrogation Korm was distracted. The Director noticed this and enquired but Korm just brushed it off as just having a troublesome week. The Director had also requested an update on the project as well.


The screen flickered to life on Korm's project computer, the box in the middle of the screen was flashing tell him that the compilation of the genetic strains was complete. He opened the fridge and grabbed a redbull, cracked it and took a long swig. Next he proceed to his second computer, waited for his computer to flicker awake and then sent an internal e-mail to the Director.

"Project is at 100%." He shuffled the mouse to the Internet shortcut.

He navigated to ‘GOOGLE' and typed in the search box: "Bringing items out of the dreams."

Google came up with a few web pages but after sifting through nothing was even mildly interesting or informative, he next tried variations of the search and still came up with nothing. He decided to order a few books and get them sent to the anonymous P.O box held by the Lab, they would arrive in a few days and he could spend the next few days resting up and working on the Project.


A light beep was heard from his computer and there was a flashing icon telling him that a new mail message had arrived. He clicked to open and saw the following:

"Proceed with the Project, assistance will arrive at your Lab." Assistance? This would be the first time he would work with someone else from the Lab.

Korm put his computer back into sleep mode and went to his Project computer, he closed the flashing 100% box and was automatically switched to the basic U.I of his main program. He was presented with a few options, like run, compile and store. He clicked the option on the left hand side of the menu at the bottom, Backup. The Genetic print of his current Project was downloaded onto the Labs central server, a portable 1 terra byte hard drive and it was printed in hard copy.

The pages spooled slowly out of the printer into a file box under the desk, he walked around to the other side and watched his ‘Daughter' spooling out in U's, C's, A's and G's. After several thousand lines of text, about 40 pages with all the formulas and pairing options he had chosen. Everything that was printed in the lab was also printed in the Director's office, the Director was reading it while Korm was awaiting his assistance.


A voice was broadcast into Korm's office:

"Korm? Your assistance has arrived, you want to open the door or should I?" Neil his Med.Tec guard.

"I am heading to the Cafeteria, they can join me." Korm had used his intercom, the intercoms for each Lab were connected to the guards outside each Lab, and the guards had a radio that allowed them to speak back as well.


The door opened and Korm was faced with the back of a woman, she was turned talk to Nameless. For a second he was shocked, this woman, for a second, reminded him of his female dream companion. Even down to her raven-black hair. She turned to face him and his heart almost skipped a beat, she was wearing the same sort of clothes as him, casual street clothes, but she had a necklace on that had a small cat-eyed pendant on it. Her eyes were the lightest of greens and her face reminded him of his feline companions, even though he hadn't seen the Cat's face, he knew that he knew exactly what it looked like. Only he could never recall the details to picture them.

"Korm?" She had been talking to him while he was admiring the body of his ‘Daughters' dream mother.

"Oh sorry. I've had a bit of a rough week." She nodded and turned to walk down the halls to the Cafeteria.

"So, I have been assigned to assist you in the synthesis of your project, the Director said that you can ask Neil to add me to your Lab access. You have already been added to mine so that you can access the Synthesiser at anytime to check on Mythos9-534 01220." They arrived at the café and grabbed a tray with more of the tasteless, texture-less food.



Twenty minutes later, Korm was standing inside a Lab whose owner he didn't even know that name of. He decided to explore as she had left to inform the Director of the readiness of the Synthesiser, also, she had to submit her report from the test run from the previous day.

Korm went to a chair that was positioned in front of the machine, after he sat down he stared at the pod for a while. It was a large clear pod connected to a metal base with several thick pipes connected to the right hand side, on the left there was a massive bank of computers extending across to the wall and reaching the roof. The print out of his ‘Daughter' had been delivered to the lab while they were in the café and he had the portable hard disk as well, he decided to borrow the white board on the wall and began to write some of the equations for synthesis, the amount of energy needed, the amount of basic matter that had to be added to the synth fluid and several notes on temperature and liquid depth and pressure.


After writing for over an hour, he had filled the six-meter long whiteboard with numbers, letters and diagrams. He took the seat again, moved it to face the door and sat down to doze.


"Placitum." The Feline was in a bathtub filled to the brim with bubbles floating across the surface the way a cloud skids across the sky.

One arm hung out of the bath and Korm could see that she had one out of the water with her ankle resting on the lip of the tub. The black Cat fur covering her body was slicked down everywhere except her head which was turned away from him. He was standing next to the bath, and through the bubbles that were moving on the surface, he occasionally caught glimpses of her stomach, which was now swelled to the size of a full term mother.

"Placitum." Her head was turning slowly to face him, she had a human face but her nose and teeth were of the feline persuasion. Her eyes, he could see her eyes. They were of the lightest green, identical to his ‘assistance'.

When he had arrived in the dream he was wearing his clothes, but now he was naked and lifting a leg to plunge it into the bath. This gave the cat a perfect view of his sack and shaft.

She lifted a hand up and groped him as he was lifting his other leg to get in the bath. He stopped moving and closed his eyes, letting her play. He could feel himself getting hard and could see that she was horny too, as she was thrusting with her hips as if she was already impaled on his cock.

_Â _

"PLACITUM!" She kept repeating the same word, the Latin word for meeting. As she said it this time she stopped playing and dropped her hand into the water. Korm sat down and heard the sound of the water displaced by his body spilling out of the bath, curiously it didn't take any of the bubbles out with it. Her leg was still resting on the bath lip, and now where he sat, her leg was centimetres away. He was reclined with his legs on either side of her body and he could feel her rubbing her clawed hands up and down.

He reached out and grabbed her foot, pulling it out of the way and drew his legs back. He stood up out of the warm water and then went down to his knees in between her legs. Now his hands were on either side of the tub and he slid along her body to kiss her nipples. He kissed, sucked and nibbled on each till they were hard and then moved on to her mouth, they explored each other until when he kissed her, all he could taste was himself. He drew his hips forward, and she crossed her legs behind his back pulling him closer. Even with the already warm water, he thought he could still feel her warmth. He moved his right hand up to play with her black, fur-covered cat ear, and got a long drawn out purr from the woman.

His tip was pressed against her swollen lips, begging to them to let it inside. She pulled her legs closer to his back and dragged him in, piercing her love-flower in one swift move. She hissed once and dug her claws into his back, making him cry out as well. He stopped moving as she scrunched her face up as if in pain, and he knew what from, apparently she was a virgin.

"Placitum." She whispered.


"KORM!" His assistance was back waking him from a dream that he would rather have stayed in.

"Sorry. I'm all here now.

"Oh I forgot to introduce myse...." As she was saying this Korm got up and her eyes went to the chair he had been sitting on.

There was four lines of blood oozing down the chair.