Spyro and Cynder

Story by Razvan563 on SoFurry

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#1 of Forever After

Since there seem to be a lacking of lemon fics in both these worlds I decided to start a series based in a combined Universe of both The Legend of Spyro and Wings of Fire (Others may appear as well). All characters belong to their respective editors, authors and companies. The chapters won't have a link in between, but they are all set in a Universe I built, so something might be strange at first. Also this is my first time writing lemons so mistakes may appear.

First one a classic pairing which a lot of dragon fanatics like me like enjoy as for the setting here are some pointers:

Spyro (The Legend of Spyro) after fighting for most of his youth decided to settle down and began teaching at the new Warfang Temple Academy he rejected the idea of becoming a Guardian for the simple fact that he controls multiple elements and it wouldn't seem fair to the rest. Nevertheless his role as teacher has earned him a great respect among his fellow colleagues as many dragonets come to him for advice from the smallest things to more serious ones.

Cynder on the other claw/hand has decided to continue her military career and attaining the rank of Colonel. While her past still clings to her like a shadow most dragons have forgiven her and have set aside those things seeing as she was a vital part in the War. Now she protects Warfang as leader of the 1st Steel Talon Regiment called the "Royal Guards" which keeps the peace both outside and inside the walls.

Spyro and Cynder

The halls of the school were empty this night, as most students finished packing their belongings and returned to their homes. The Season of Fire holiday has just begun and the halls were empty, though through the shadows a lone dragon moved slowly his purple scales blending him into the shadows, enjoying the peace and quiet after these past months of training young dragons everything the need to know.

"It's good to finally relax a little after these past moons." He thought stretching his bones a little. "These dragonets take your energy away faster than Volteer could talk."_He chuckled remembering the retired guardian after returning from his trip a few days ago. _"How things change."

His mind began to relax once more as he finally reached his room, but before opening the door his nostrils flared. There was a spicy sent in the air, he didn't think too much of it, but after feeling something stir inside him as if the scent began clouding his mind and making his body hot, he knew right away what it was.

Opening the door he was first met by a more powerful dose of the spicy scent, his blood began to boil and sweat drops fell to the floor. The room was lit by two large candles on each side of a medium sized bed. But what made the purple dragon stop was his mate sprawled on the bed with her back legs opened wide giving the male a front row seat of her nether region.

"I've been waiting for you Spyro." Taking one paw she began spreading her pink female lips, letting out a small moan as she presented herself to him. The purple dragon couldn't speak his mouth only drooled at the sight, but managed to regain some sense.

"Cynder, what are you doing?"

"What does it look like, Spyro? I wanted to give my mate a surprise, seeing that he was so stressed out today." Her claws pushed deeper and juices started to flow out of her pussy. The scent became stronger and Spyro couldn't resist anymore as his member pushed out of its protective sheath. He moved forward towards the source of the smell - his mate. Getting up on the bed his rational thoughts were thrown out, only his lust and passion continued on.

He got up and came face to face to the origin of his unrest, Cynder's vaginal entrance. Coming closer he blew a little air at her entrance making her shiver a little and giving a small moan, after a few sniffs he had enough and gave a lick to the outer lips of her sex.

Cynder began trembling as she felt her mates tongue began poking her female entrance. His rough and dexterous tongue going deeper and deeper into her, touching her inner walls, massaging the inner walls giving small electric shocks throughout her body.

She couldn't resist anymore, her heat making all her body more sensible than usual and the added stimulation by Spyro made her reach her orgasm quickly. The torrent of juices hit Spyro's snout with force making him retreat a little, but despite the initial surprise he began lapping at her female nectar, delighted by the sweet taste. As he did this Cynder was in heaven as smaller orgasms made her clench her lips around his tongue making him go deeper, eating her out fully.

After lapping at her juices and licking his snout clean, he looked up and saw her looking into his eyes.

"You know you should never start a meal with the desert, master."

"Maybe, but that doesn't mean I don't like it." He gave her another lick. "My dark mistress."

"Yessss." She moaned. Spyro stopped his ministration and hopped on the bed by his mate's side. He started closing his snout to hers hoping he could steal a kiss, but was stopped when she put a talon on his lips. "Not yet purple boy, you had your fun time, not it's my turn." Her tail wrapped around his dragonhood and slowly began stroking it with small motions. Spyro was taken by surprise and closed his eyes, moaning in delight of his mates ministrations. Cynder looked towards his member and saw it become hard as a rock. She decided that enough was enough, like a snake she slithered towards her goal.

"Cynder what are you...?" His words died out as he felt her tongue on the tip of his dragonhood. She eagerly began swirling her tongue around the tip all the long to the base, feeling every spine of it. Spyro could only moan as his mate pleasured his organ with gusto. Precum began escaping his from his tip wasting no time she gave a long lick taking as much as she could on her tongue, enjoying the salty taste. Having licked enough, Cynder decided to take it a step further and took his member in her mouth. Slowly she went down on it and began bobbing her head on his tool, engulfing it.

Spyro was in bliss at his mate's ministrations, her muzzle touching the base of his organ, her tongue caressing every spot on it. Pre was dripping from it lubricating the black dragoness's mouth making it even easier for her to engulf his length, she wanted to taste his seed, to taste everything he had to give. She didn't have to wait for long, lick after lick he got closer to his imminent release, but he didn't want to finish so quickly. He began tickling her belly with his talons, making her yelp and let go of her 'candy'.

"Spyro what are you doing?" She asked annoyed.

"Making you remember your place." He responded with both an evil and possessive tone. Cynder knew it all too well, ever since they became mates Spyro became more confident during mating however he let her having the reins during those times, but when she was in season her dominance over him ended as her scent turned him into her new master.

Without a warning he turned and aimed his tip to her entrance, she didn't deny him even if she could, now she was the submissive partner. He teased her entrance only entering a little, smearing her juices on his dragonhood.

"Spyro stop teasing me." She moaned.

"Not yet, not until you beg my little slave." He responded lustfully, continuing his ministrations, teasing her clitoris and vaginal lips. She couldn't hold it anymore, she had to have him inside her.

"Please master I want it so bad, I am your dirty dragoness, I am your toy... please give it to me, take me hard." He grinned.

"As my lady wishes." He said pushing his length inside her in one movement. She gasped for air as she felt him impale her with his rod. It simply felt fulfilling for the dragoness after all that tease she got her prize all of his length inside her.

He didn't give her a respite slamming into her at full force, he knew that she was safe and that his size would not harm, so it gave him the liberty of taking her hard. She on the other hand moaned in bliss as she was pounded into the bed. His barbs were massaging her insides, getting her closer and closer to another mind wrecking orgasm. Spyro however felt better than ever having his mate underneath moaning and begging to be taken like an animal in heat, well who was he to deny her.

His member pushed deeper and deeper with each entrance in her vagina, he felt himself getting closer after all the teasing and the delicious smell she was giving off it soon was clear that he couldn't wait any longer, he wanted to claim her once again, marking her as his mate.

Cynder however was incapable of coherent thoughts, the only signal her brain was giving was that of the pure animalistic action called mating. She didn't care she was dominated, her love for him was strong and his for her the same. Embracing him, she kept a strong lock on him making sure every last drop of his seed will enter her.

It was all too much for the black dragoness after all the teasing she couldn't hold out anymore, in a single scream, her orgasm hit and her inner walls clamped down on Spyro's shaft. This is what the purple dragon was waiting for, in a single deafening roar he took her pushing his member as deep as he could, shortly followed by a torrent of cum as it hit the back of Cynders womb. Her vaginal lips were squeezing his rod for every last drop of white cream making sure nothing goes to waste. Eventually his white river stopped flowing, but not before filling Cynder with life giving cream, they both knew that an egg will most likely form their union, but they didn't care they were happy to once again have a dragonet running around. Without saying anything else Spyro tried to take out his member out from his mate, but was stopped when she wrapped her tail around his backside.

"Don't...I don't want you to take it out, I want to sleep with you just like this." She smiled at him. He responded by licking her cheek.

"As you wish my black diamond." They rolled a little into bed trying to find a better position for them to sleep in. after settling in they stole a small kiss from each other. "You know you will be gravid again, don't you?" She only gave him a smile.

"Why did you think I wanted you to mate with me now, I miss the feeling of taking care of a dragonet, I just wanted to fell like a mother again, I 'm sorry if I was to forceful..." He moved his hips a little grinding his member over her insides.

"Don't worry I don't mind and I would love to have another hatchling with you." He comforted her. "Now let's get some sleep we both need it." She raised her head and blew a gust of air at the candles their flame faded away immediately.

It didn't take long for slumber to claim the couple, their lives and dreams entwined in one. Deep inside Cynder new life was taking root once again a new promise fulfilled.