Dawn - Chapter One

Story by Arbie2 on SoFurry

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Don't flame me for the poor quality writing, I'm new to this, 'kay? On a side note, the armour worn does not match that in the relevant refs. That will come soon.


Magdora; a planet of anthropomorphic animals. The Capital; the city built as a monument to the ascension and unity they strove so hard to gain. A courthouse; where the truly horrible criminals are sentenced. And the bird who governs who goes there.

The Danton courthouse, where evil beings meet their demise, quick or otherwise. Within this courthouse, a trial was preceeding; one for a truly despicable man. This court is preceded -past, present, and future- by Nebuna, A being who is neither male nor female, Neither young nor old, And not organic, But rather an AI ancilla forged by one of the three who paved the path to their ascension.

Alongside the rainbow glow of Nebuna's gaseous avatar, the courtroom notably contained a number of teenage females clustered around the accusation's bench, majority of whom were pregnant, and said majority were accompanied by another of similar age.

Also within this courtroom, situated in a shadowy corner near Nebuna's stand, was an armoured figure- A lithe avian, clearly predatory, judging by their talons, donned in an armour that, while appearing cumbersome with its seed-like upper body shell, appeared to be almost crystalline in structure, from head to ankle, for it did not cover the figures wings, hands, or feet, with a faint teal glow, not that it'd be noticed by anyone without the most acute vision.

This figure was currently looking intently towards the accused's attorney, who was currently making an argument about a loophole of intent between their quarry and the victims, and at during this time, the figure was seemingly impatient, and just waiting to leap in whatever way they do- while some of the teens and the attorney for said teens appeared angered by the tripe the other was spouting;

"...My point is that the 'victims' all WANTED children, and were unable to naturally until they went to the local Aurora medical centre, wherein -by THEIR CHOICE- they opted to receive an 'alternative fertilization' treatment, at which time my quarry did what they were payed to do, and performed said operation in a way that the 'victims' agreed to."

After giving this statement, the cloud that was Nebuna flashed as if they had lightning within them, before responding, with their clearly synthetic, yet soft voice;

"<Your point has been made. Rebuttals? No? Then I suppose->" Nebuna was interrupted by the figure, now emerging from the shadow, wings spread to give them a larger profile, before speaking with a commanding, almost monotone voice;

"While the defendant does make what would seem to be a reasonable point on the surface, I can inform the court without a doubt that, while the defendant did work in that section of the Aurora medical centre-"

"See! The defendant is-"

"INTERRUPTING, they were -and still are- not hired to perform any interactions with clients and patients, as they were a janitor."

"And how would you know that?! Kio's corporate privacy-"

"<The corporate privacy enactment initiated by mistress Kio denies the public and other corporations from accessing any information regarding employees without permission from the employee and employer. All Aurora Tech employees under contract agree, and Kio only permits this information to be given to the Arbiter present in this room, as par protocol.>

"Thank you. Now, what the defendant did- at least according to what I had- was knock out the doctor authorised to the operation, Dr. Fret Ferdinand, and by using the doctor's key-card, he gained access to the victims and then proceeded under the guise of the doctor taking a sick day. And I don't believe I need to go further."

"<Well, I believe that's enough for me to guarantee a guilty verdict, no? Supreme Arbiter, how would you charge the defendant?"

" *No! * He can't, h-he's not the judge! The Jury hasn't- h-he just can't!"

"Nebuna, that is outside protocol. Buuuuut, if I could, I would say that he should go back to the medical centre, do the most degrading jobs, and whatever 'pay' he gets goes straight to the victims."

"<My my, Arbiter. I henceforth sentence Damian Costel to exactly what the Supreme Arbiter said. With the addition of all time outside the MC spent under house arrest. All neccessities paid for. Barely. This court will hereby be out of duty until...>"

Halfway through the speech being given by Nebuna, the figure, or 'Arbiter' as they were being called, left the room, proceeding down an empty hallway, but not towards the exit, instead moving towards an unlabelled door, which took the appearance, and blade, of his wrist-mounted sword to open. Upon entering the room, which was pitch black and empty inside, the Arbiter, after door closed on it's own, moved towards the centre of the room, where upon they knelt in the seiza position, eyes closed, not that you could see them through their helmet.As they did so, a single light flicked on, centred on them, as they slipped into meditation.

"All your training has led to this moment; step into the chamber and you will be asleep until you are needed, when you will take up the mantle of the Arbiters, and you will become the Supreme Arbiter, so I ask you this; What say you?"

While in their meditation, a figure stepped out of the shadows, a feline, with purple, glowing, eyes, black fur, and wearing nothing but a hooded cloak. They were holding an ornate box, which they placed in front of the Arbiter, before stepping back into the shadows and disappearing from sight.

A minute or so after the figure disappeared, the Arbiter leaned forward to pick up the box, using a talon to break it's lock, before opening it to reveal an equally ornate dagger, with a glowing purple crystal running through it's centre. At this reveal, they scoffed, before placing the dagger and it's box to their side, and leaning forward to press a small panel in the floor down;

"All systems engage."

After doing this, a number of holographic displays flicked on around them, including one of Magdora itself, all annotated with a variety of symbols and colours, and after giving everything a cursory glance, the Arbiter turned their attention to the hologram of an Enchidirionin front of them, a female, stag-horned, black-scaled and purple-haired naga.

"I grow tired of your games, Kio!"

This sudden outburst caused the naga, presumably referred to as Kio, to recoil in shock. She took a second to collect herself before responding;

"Mako, you know I need to keep you occupied. You do go on vendettas when-"

"Oh don't bring him up again, he deserved what he got!"

Kio sighed, for she knew how the Arbiter, Mako, behaves, and how she should avoid conflict.

"Mako- Go home. I have nothing more for you at this time. Send me your reports when you're ready. Comms off-"

As she finished, her hologram, along with some others, vanished.

"Yes, home. DARYL?"

At this, a new hologram appeared. This one was the avatar for another AI, one not unlike Nebuna. This one took the form of an eternally morphing, blue, tesseract.

"<Yes, commander?>"

"Prep the Three. We're going home. I need to rest."

"<Valkyrie-Three already spooled. Fog or Storm?>"

As this was asked, Mako stood up, all of the holograms disappearing, as they walked towards a previously hidden elevator, one that could only go to the roof, where the Valkyrie-Three, a small fan-in-wing dropship, waited for it's pilot.

"Fog. Bring the candidate list while you're at it."

Later, in the Arkon Tower

The fog room, a large room, filled with clear water, and a light mist. At the centre of the room was a small coral 'island', a tablet resting on it, turned off. Mako surfaced near it, having been swimming in said room for some time now, stepping up onto the island, picking up the tablet, and sitting, turning it on, and then scrolling through the list that popped up, stopping as he laid eyes on an unusual female, a winged wolf with unusual markings, tapping one of the buttons on the side, before continuing, as he did for some while more...

"Are you sure he's my mark? I mean, he's just so..."

"What, normal?"

"No- something else, doesn't matter"

This conversation was occurring between Kio and her daughter, Kio once again by hologram, her daughter, Merida, being in an elevator, a lush one, decorated with expensive wood and a plush bench. Kio, like her mother, was an Enchidirion, however unlike her mother she was red-scaled, gold-haired, and ram-horned, but was also wearing an armour of a dark metal, almost natural in construction, some purple crystals here and there.

"I'm sure it is, Merida. You know what you're supposed to do; Any harm comes to him and you'll have to spend the rest of your life as naught but-"

"A broodmother, I know."

"Good, now, make yourself look good for him alright?"

"Yes, mother."

At this, they both exchanged a bow of goodbye, Kio's hologram flicking off. After this, Merida sighed, letting herself sink into the coils of her lower body, relaxing her way through the remainder of the elevator's journey.

Song of Magdora

**SONG OF MAGDORA** * * * Magdora was a fairly peaceful planet, unified under the Capital's law, With shining cities, and no hunger. Fairly. Despite this peace, there are still some who fight against this, Striving to turn the world into a world...

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