Scent of a male: 1, Train Ride

Story by Amit_King on SoFurry

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#1 of Scent of a male -Random Uploads-

This isn't going to be the traditional story series, they are mainly a bunch of short stories with one main character. These stories are not like my other stories in that they are mainly just yiff related, there is no other kind of plot other than the wolf (David) has several situations that end up in yiff. I am warning you now about this series so you don't read it expecting something like Dragon Hunter or Hand of Hell, the point of these is to read yiff.

Let me know what you think through votes and comments as always.


This story might be a bit rough, I've sent it to someone who'll look it over and edit what needs to be edited so no complaining about spelling and what not please.

Moving along with the crowd I head down the stairs toward the subway train that was waiting for us, slipping in along with a large crowd of furs and finding a handle to take hold of I give a soft sigh.

My names David and I'm a grey wolf, heh, I sound like an out of date story don't I. Anyway as I said I'm David and I'm an anthro wolf, I'm grey as my species name says and I have a lighter grey color coming from the sides of my muzzle down around my muzzle then moving from the front of my neck all the way down to the underside of my tail. I stand a normal height of about five eleven and my eyes are a sky blue, all in all I'm a pretty normal looking wolf though I have something about me that is far from normal. You see, I'd have to spin by some history for you if you'd want to understand so I hope your comfortable.

The world I'm on right now is Earth and it's home to humans, though we Furs as they like to call us came here around fifty years ago. In population we range nowhere close to the human race with only around a hundred thousand on this planet, but when we came here many of the humans left and we helped them obtain better population control methods. We furs helped the humans expand themselves as well in exchange for them trading technology and living space with us. Now me, I was born on Earth and raised here as well, I got a good educuation and found a normal job working for Fur Co. a furry company that works on helping out furs as well as humans with financial problems. All in all I'd call myself pretty normal but there's something about me thats far from normal, it's hard to deal with at times but I get through and most males would kill for it. You see, when I was born I had a high level of pheromones, even at a young age and that only increased as I got older. Now for those of you that don't know pheromones are, they are what ferals as well as furs use to give off certin signals. Ferals normally use scent markings though urine to mark territory and also to give off what their feeling.

Me, I'm giving off a certain pheromone at all times, and this doesn't reflect how I'm feeling, but has a devastating effect on the opposite sex making them feel as if they are in heat. Now so you know I'm not just some horny wolf going around having sex with every female, I have been to the doctors to try and fix this imbalance. I've been to several doctors and all have come up with dead ends or no reasons at all as to why this is happening. Either way there is no chance as of yet to cure this problem except for temporary scent masking, which the doctors had given to me to mask not only the pheromone but all other scents completely.

So here I am standing in a subway car, just trying to get out of the house as I normally do. I can't stay cooped up in my apartment all day otherwise I'll go crazy so I sprayed on my masking spray and headed out just to do something for the day.

Lowering my head as I listen to the whispered talking between furs and the clacking of the trains wheels on the rails, it was a hot day today and being inside the subway wasn't exactly the coolest place when your pressed up against several other furred bodies. I was glad I made the decision to put on shorts and a tight t-shirt since matted sweaty fur is very nasty.

Looking around I began to scan the ad's that they had posted on the subway, just trying to enjoy the ride as the train slowly came to a stop. Many of the business furs moved out of the train which loosened up quite a bit of space but it was still crowded. Standing there once again as the train started toward it's next destination, I nearly gave a yip of surprise as I felt some firm paws giving my rear a squeeze. Quickly turning my head to the side, trying not to look too shocked or draw too much attention to myself I gazed at the large female tigeress smiling down at me.

Another part of history about the furs, it seems that most of the species take after the size of spiders, meaning that the females are the bigger of the two genders and they are also stronger. It's strange the way it works since I myself am a bit shorter than most males so am sometimes dwarfed by the females around here. The tigeress was the normal coloration with long black head fur that was pulled back into a pony tail, I felt her large paws rub over the base of my tail making me shiver slightly as her left paw slid around my waist, scratching my stomach lightly making me murr quietly. She pulled me back against her and I felt her large breasts pressing against the back of my head, I looked back at her again as I felt her left paw slip into my shorts rubbing over my growing sheath.

I wasn't entirely sure what had happened, the spray was supposed to stay on for hours even if I went swimming or had been sweating. It had never washed off before but here I was being more or less molested on a public train by a large predator with very gentle paws. It didn't take long before I was at full attention in front and the tigeresses paw was slowly moving over my shaft, the fur on her palm was extremely soft and nearly made moan out in pleasure as she pumped my length, panting softly, the tip of my tongue hanging from the front of my muzzle as I did though many took it that I was just hot.

I don't know how long I was standing there getting pawed off by the larger female but apparently a few others around me had taken notice, mainly the females and before I knew it I was surrounded by several females all in a circle with me in the middle.

It's common knowledge that sexual pheromones are increased during sexual pleasure, and with me my pheromones are already strong enough to make a female feel like she's in heat by just standing next to them, now I have a very soft paw rubbing up and down over my shaft increasing my pheromone production greatly. Looking around, leaning against my 'pillows' that were still pressed against my head and taking a look at who my new molesters were, a squirrel, doe, panther, snake, some kind of house cat and a doberman, all of which had their eyes scanning over my smaller form before locking onto the large bulge in my pants which was mainly the tigeresses paw.

The snake was the first to reach over, her scaled paw pushing my shirt up slowly and scratching over my chest and stomach, making my close my eyes and murr which brought some smiles and a few giggles from the females around me, to them I was more or less a play toy with an erection. The doberman was next to make a move, pulling something out of her purse and letting it drop to the floor and kneeling down, she was eye level with my stomach since I was much smaller than her, though that didn't stop her from pulling my shorts down just enough to show off my covered erection that was matting down the tigers paw.

I felt embarrassed and exposed but I've found that fighting these females only leads to a much more violent mounting. I remember when I tried fighting off another wolf and ended up with an eye patch and a sling for my right arm, after that, so I just stand there and let the females do what they want. Since now I was in the midst of four, maybe even five predators and the two that weren't but looked strong enough to be, it was safer.

Finding my muzzle gripped by the squirrels paw, making me blink in a moment of confusion before I felt a warm muzzle slip over my exposed length causing me to moan, though it was muffled, The doberman was proving to be very skilled as the tiger went on to scratch my stomach with her right paw,which was slightly sticky and wet with my fluids.

I stand there panting with a closed muzzle, my nose flaring and my eyes closed as I try to relax and enjoy what was happening. I hate to admit it but having several horny females around you with a very skilled muzzle on your bit is one way or another very enjoyable, and if it wasn't for the fact that I could go to jail for this I would have orgasmed three times by now. I found that fear mixed with sexual pleasure can really throw your body off. Tilting my head back against the tiger as the doberman slowly pulled away from my shaft, leaving it exposed to the cool air as the train stopped at another station. The squirrel and the snake both left, much to their displeasure giving me soft pecks on the lips before slipping off leaving me, the tiger, doberman, doe and house cat remained in the nearly empty train car.

Looking around, at least in front of me, the only people left in the car that I could see were a homeless cat fur and a teenage fur who was leaning his head back looking passed out with his music blaring out. The females around me seemed to notice the same thing and all were on me at once.

My clothes were taken but luckily not shredded, I've had to replace nine sets of clothing because some females didn't want to waste time. I was tossed into the seat to my right completely naked with five females immediately moving on me. The tigeress was on my left with the panther on my right and then my paws became their toys as the tiger slipped one under her skirt and the panther pushed my other down her pants. The other three females kneeled in front of me and my cock was theirs as they all started lapping at a side. Let me tell you, a doe, doberman and cats tongue all at once licking your shaft is one of the most pleasurable things to feel.

My fingers worked on their own to rub over the two felines wet sexes, my paws becoming matted and wet with their juices as my length continues leaking out my own, only to quickly be lapped up by one of the lashing tongues. Soon my release was drawing near, and panting that out it only made the three work harder. The tiger muffled my orgasm moan with her mouth, kissing me roughly while the panther leaned her head down to help catch the white ropes that shot from my tip. Once the tiger had pulled her head back I looked down, seeing three sexy fur faces covered in my seed and all looking up at me with satisfied smiles.

IT wasn't over yet though, oh no, there was no way these females would be satisfied by getting some of my seed on their faces, and after years of this happening, my body had become used to long drawn out repeats of sex, so as soon as the doe began licking the underside of my shaft again I was back to full hardness.

At the small pause between my first orgasm and my second erection I decided to look over the females that were ready to jump my shaft, the panther was muscular with some tight fitting pants and a low cut grey tank top, her fur was a shiny black, her eyes were a nice gold and her thong was a hot pink, that part of her clothes just stood out. The tigeress was just as big and muscular as the panther, she had on a mini skirt and white t-shirt and she had on some matted white panties. The doe was wearing some low cut jean shorts and a short t-shirt that showed off her stomach, her fur being a nice tan with the normal white on her front, just like my light grey coloring, though I couldn't see her panties yet I knew I'd find out soon enough. Next was the house cat who had a mix of colors, the base color being a dark brown with black stripes running over her face and the rest of her body. Many wouldn't find her exotic but in my cause I found that she was just that. She stood with a smile, seeming to be the first one to take a ride as she pushed her jeans down and turned around, her black shirt being pulled up out of the way by her tail letting me see that she was wearing nothing but jeans. Lastly was doberman who had the usual colors since there weren't many designs that a doberman could take, black and brown fur and a short tail unlike the felines around me. It wasn't uncommon for a fur to dock their tail, though some are very sensitive about it. She was wearing a muscle shirt and some boxing shorts, looking like she was ready to step into a ring rather than have some fun.

All the females around me watched as the feline sank down, the tigeress positioning me so that when she came down I sank right into her. She was tight and hot, making me murr and growl out in pleasure, much to the panthers delight as her paw slipped behind me and began rubbing around the base of my tail making me buck my hips. Most either don't know or don't care but it's not only the female sex that get pleasure out of someone running around their tail base, though some males don't like it. I in fact love the tingle that shoots up my spine everytime it's rubbed right, and the feline who I thrusted into gave no discouragment.

I panted heavily, my paws gripping the cats hips as she started rocking herself up and down my shaft, the doe and doberman licking over my sac and the small part of my shaft that was still outside of the cat's sex, tilting my head back and just letting her ride me. I don't know if I should count my encounters with females as rape or molestation since normally I end up having a great time, or at least a very pleasurable time, at least with most. Some of the females are a bit too rough, like that female wolf, but all in all I don't really feel bad about what happens to me and all my male friends that know of my condition wish they were me everytime I see them.

I guess it's all a matter of prespective and in fact I should be more happy about this. I'm a young male that could have any female I wanted just my standing next to them, though I guess my morals that my parents instilled in me makes me a bit more apprehensive toward mounting any and every female I come across, but sometimes when a feline is riding you nice and hard it's difficult to think about morals.

Giving a muffled moan as I feel the doberman rolling my sac around in her mouth, her fangs lightly scraping against my sensitive flesh making me shiver and I give a muffled yip of surprise as I feel the doe lapping at my tailhole, making me shiver even more Most males would freak out but I've had more than a few females hit the right spot up there to make me enjoy it.

The house cat continued moving her hips up and down, milking my shaft, having a lot of squishing noises coming from between her legs, looking back slightly then toward the tigeress who was holding my muzzle closed, her other paw had disappeared between her own legs. I felt a tingle run up my spine, one different from those I felt with the panther, still rubbing around the base of my tail and soon I gave a shaky muffled moan as my seed spilt out into the feline over me, making her cover her own maw with a paw to keep from moaning too loud as her hips shivered in pleasure.

Pulling off of me the feline pulled her jeans back up and leaned over, giving me a small kiss before heading off with my seed still warm between her legs. I didn't know how females did that, pull their pants down, have sex then pull their pants right back up and go on about their day, a mystery of many of the female gender. I watched as the cat moved to the next car before looking back, seeing the doberman stand up and push her shorts down before slipping into my lap, face to face this time. A few tentive licks to my tip from the doe had me raising back up for a third round and the females smiled and gave praise to my stamina.

I would have taken the praise but I felt myself slide right into the sex of a hot bitch, and at times like this I was glad that I didn't knot like my feral cousins because if I did I would most likely be locked inside a female all day everyday. This bitch didn't waste time as she started riding me nice and fast, her sex milking me, making me moan softly though my maw, which was quickly closed by the tigeress. The doberman leaned down and nipped at my neck , making me shake the tigers paw free from my muzzle so I could nip back, a canine thing for showing some affectionate aggression during mating, though I knew that these females weren't really in heat otherwise I would be in some major trouble.

Panting heavily, leaning my head forward with the doberman pressing her head against mine with our muzzles rubbing against each others lightly, she continued riding me, both of our tongues hanging out half from the heat and half from the pleasure. The doberman slipped her head, up my muzzle slipping under her muscle shirt and between her large breasts and I immediately started licking over her furred mounds. I gave a muffled moan as I felt the panthers paw on my tail again and two tongues start over my sac, obviously from the tiger and doe though I couldn't see them.

Lifting my head up and licking over the front of the dobermans muzzle which was returned in full, our soft tongues lapping against one another as I felt my orgasm build up for a third time in one day, I knew that I wouldn't be able to raise up more than one more time after the doberman was done. Slowly starting to raise my hips to thrust back up into the doberman as I felt the other three females work my special spots, the base of my tail, my sac and finally my tailhole though the tigeress was carefull with her rough tongue against my tailhole which I was relieved for.

Leaning my head back down and pulling the doberman close, I shivered as my third orgasm was sent up into her, and she scratched behind my ears with her paws as my seed was sent deep into her making her murr in pleasure, even leaning her head down and licking between my ears a few times. As she began to raise up a call of the next station we were going to stop at was called out and she quickly pulled her shorts up and gave me a kiss before moving off and sitting herself down in another car. I was too tired to really want to get dressed but with the three remaining females help I was dressed and moved off with them, the car had smelt of sex so we had to move otherwise we could get into some trouble. As the train came to a stop it was quickly filled with business furs and humans as well as others, and it had become extremely cramped. I found myself squished between the panther and tigeress with the tiger infront and panther in back and I couldn't see where the doe had disappeared to though I was a bit glad, I couldn't handle three more romps and I thought that with the crowd I could rest a bit, but I was wrong.

Feeling the panther slip her paws around me and push my shorts down as the tiger looked over her shoulder with a smile, I noticed the back of her skirt slipping up and showing off her rear and matted panties, which were pushed down slowly. The panther licked between my ears and pushed me forward, my shaft slipping between the tigers legs and up against her wet sex. I was even more nervous now, we were completely surrounded by furs and humans and here I was expected to preform,. My mind was saying no, but my other head was saying 'yes' and soon I found myself buried inside of a warm feline sex, the panther moved right up behind me helping to shield what was happening as my hips started moving on their own.

Rubbing my head against the tigers back as the few inches that were inside of her were massaged by her inner muscles, I didn't think at the moment but was glad that most of the other furs in the car were male, otherwise I would be trapped and would probably die from over exherting my body. My hips continued pushing firmly against the tigers rear, a soft purr coming form her as she held onto the handle over head like nothing was happening, Yet another mystery of the female species that I had yet to figure out, how did they act so casual like this, it almost made me feel like I was too small for her, but her on my hip keeping me close dashed that thought.

I continued pushing up against her, the small sensation that she was giving me by squeezing my tip was slowly bringing me to another orgasm and she continued squeezing my hip and purring, her long slender tail wrapping around my waist as I worked as best I could. It was strange at how I got on the train to just get out of my house and now I was getting a full workout by several hot and bothered females, and had to bury my muzzle into her back to keep myself from moaning out as my seed was spilled out into her and her body accepted it eagerly.

My cock quickly went limp and fell loose from the felines tight sex, letting my seed leak out, but her pulling her panties up trapped it inside and she pulled her skirt back down, looking over her shoulder with a sly smile giving me a wink as her tail slipped from my waist, rubbing against my limp member making me shiver slowly. At this point I was tired and just wanted to go home, but I had one more female to deal with, the panther slipping her paws around and rubbing against my limp member. It took a few minutes before I raised back up, which she noticed and slowly began stroking me, making sure I was able to do what she wanted.

A few more moments passed before the panther nibbled on the tip of my right ear, making me shift, and some pre cum leak from my tip, That gave her the answer as she slowly turned me around to face her, her paws slipped around me and rubbed the base of my tail making me shiver once again like always. Her right paw rubbed the back of my head, pushing my muzzle between her large breasts as her left paw slipped down, opening her pants and pushing her thong out of the way before pulling me toward her, slipping my length between her legs and rubbing the top of it against her wet sex. Looking up at her to try and ask to see if I could get out of this, but the panther nosing into my left ear purring happily made me forget to ask that, I wouldn't want her to go from happy to sad as she started grinding her hips back against mine.

This was the last one I hoped, I didn't want to run into that doe otherwise I'd have to run away hoping I'd lose her. It was too hard to preform over and over again but thankfully most of the females just wanted me to cum, because if I had to make them cum I'd have died long ago since there was no way I could make women cum one after another. I might have strong pheromones but I'm still just a normal male.

Feeling the panthers paw on my tail base I pull back and slide up into her, making her purr a bit louder as I start grinding up against her as she grinds back against me, panting against her chest as I continued pushing up into her, sinking as much as I could into her only to freeze as I suddenly hear that the train would be stopping again in a moment. If one of the furs or humans bumped me or her just right everything would be exposed and I would be banned from the subway, or at least this specific train. I knew I would be in more trouble than I could handle.

The panther noticed me tense up and smiled as she started grinding back against me, her sex milking me hard and fast making me tense up for a different reason as I gripped her shirt tightly, I panted softly and started to thrust up against her, knowing she was trying to make me cum before the train stopped and at the rate the pleasure was coming it was going to happen.

Resting my muzzle between her breasts, I felt myself getting close as the trained neared the station, the panther was indeed good at this and continued milking me without me having to really thrust into her, but me doing so seemed to catch her off guard and make her hips buck slightly as I thrusted at random. Her right paw suddenly gripped my tailbase firmly, almost too tightly as I felt her insides clench more over and over, milking me as a flood of her warm juices splashed over my hips. I hoped no one noticed but at the time I couldn't think straight as I pushed up into her, feeling myself on the edge and just as the train began to slow down I came deep inside of her, my orgasm was cut short as the panther quickly pulled herself off my shaft and pulled my shorts up and got herself presentable, though I just kind of rested my head against her chest.

She smiled at me and pet my head as I felt her hips shivering slightly, and I felt her other paw give my rear a good feel before the train stopped and everyone started to go off including me, I had to get off that train before any more females got to me. Quickly moving though the crowd to one of the subway bathrooms and moving to the mirror washing my face a bit, getting the sweat off of me as well as looking around before taking a brown paper towel and giving my sheath a bit of a once over with some soapy water, matted fur as I've said before is 'nasty.'

Turning from the sink and moving toward the urinal to relieve my bladder as most males need to do after sex, holding my used length in my paw as I did my thing only to nearly jump out of my fur as I felt some paws on my shoulders, I didn't know what to think as I spun around, ready to snap at what I thought was a male trying to do some sick kind of bathroom rape. I froze when I saw the doe from the train smiling down at me, looking down at my leaking member before quickly turning me around. I was so stunned to see her that I just turned back around and finished up before turning back to her with what I know had to be a stupid look on my face.

The doe only smiled down at me before slipping a piece of paper into my front right pocket, giving my head a pat and quickly leaving the mens restroom. Looking around to see if anyone had noticed me before reaching into my front pocket, I pulled out not one, but three separate pieces of paper. Blinking as I looked over each one reading the names in my head 'Jessy,' 'Mika,' and 'Ericka', each name followed by a phone number. Obviously some of the females had slipped me their numbers, reaching into my other pockets I found two more numbers from the tiger and panther, though I couldn't tell who's number was who's, but the names were 'Nidia' and 'Kaya.'

Shaking my head and giving a sigh before quickly putting the numbers into my pocket. 'Add them to the collection' I told myself in my head as I quickly moved out of the bathroom, figuring out where I was which strangly enough was right were I had began my little train ride, I had done a full loop back to my own neighborhood. Moving out of the subway and quickly down a block before getting home, I quickly locked myself in my apartment. Setting the numbers down and picking up the phone that I keep near the door, I dialled without looking at the papers.

I let the phone ring three times before a female voice came over the phone.

"Yes, I'm David Wenton and I need to speak to Dr. Yowmen. My scent cover has seemed to stop working."