Dragon Dust

Story by BadRoy on SoFurry

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#5 of Transformation

Everyone knows Dragon Dust enhances a dragon's natural abilities. Less known however are the Dusts unique ... transformative properties.

Yours is a world bilaterally divided. Historically it was mankind who held chief ownership of all known resources and materials. With their devices they expanded trade routes, formed coalitions, and began a steady march toward domination of the globe. Dragonkind, lacking the technological prowess that afforded mankind such luxury, were relegated to roles as monsters and outcasts in spite of their own social and intellectual natures. Considered lower in caste than third-class citizens dragonkind for decades kept to themselves far from the uninhibited progress of humanity.

Mankind's dominion was finally challenged in earnest when the dragons revealed an unheard of and potent mineral which would be commonly named 'Dragon Dust.' This silvery powder uniquely enhanced the dragon's natural fire-breath. When a gem or shard of unprocessed 'Dust' adorned a dragon's body their normally just-superhuman strength and constitution would increase five-fold. The human race was globally put on the defensive as Dust enhanced dragons emerged from their caves and began to enact revenge for generations of mistreatment. Mankind once greatly outnumbered dragonkind but after a scant few years the dragons tipped the scales and were cemented as a rising and indomitable world power.

Presently, eight years after the emergence of Dragon Dust, there is a sort of shaky peace between dragons and humans. The dragons no longer actively conquer, but many dragons proudly harbor sadistic and vengeful vendettas against all humans. As the age of dragon dominance is quite new there is not yet an established form of government. The strongest and most influential dragons now lead small pseudo- nations. Humans and dragons live together, however humans are often bullied by dragons. There are sects of dragons that are sympathetic toward humans and would like nothing more than to see equality thrive. However the vocal majority of dragons see mankind as corrupt pitiable animals who exist solely for their pleasure. Influential, anti-human dragons will often demand human offerings as 'protection' for the humans living in their territory. These unfortunate humans are never heard from or seen again.

You are one such human offering. Your antagonistic attitude toward Gyron, the dragon ruling your former city, is infamous. This stance has earned you many a beating from human-hating dragons and earned you the ire of your fellow humans. With humans suffering such dire inequity the last thing they are looking for is a rebel rouser worsening dragon-human sentiment. Recently, in a fit of anger, you attempted to steal a passing dragon's Dust necklace. You hoped to either learn the mineral's secrets or at least attack the gem's owner on more equal terms. You managed to filch the necklace, but were swiftly apprehended and punished by the dragon's comrades. This final act of indiscretion doomed you as when Gyron's next monthly offering was to be made your fellow humans were more than happy to silence you by delivering you to him.

With your hands tightly shackled you are led toward Gyron's massive estate. It previously belonged to a wealthy landowner named Whelan, but Gyron was happy to appropriate it when he rose to prominence. Holding your arm lightly is Gyron's second in command the massive and intimidating Donvan dressed only in light, brown slacks. The scaly, forest-green brute casually guides you through the gates of Gyro's estate with a persisting scowl on his vaguely crocodilian maw. Once inside the estate you find it is essentially a village in its own right. There is a guest dormitory with a sloped roof to one side of the winding central path and large outdoor pagoda on the other. Dozens of dragons bustle from place to place. The main building is a multi-tiered affair with patios and stained glass windows. 'The perfect place for a dragon to live' you think sarcastically.

"I can't believe they gave you up so easily." Donvan observes bluntly, eyeing you. His gravelly voice belies a withheld intellect that is mirrored by his thoughtful brown eyes. You coldly ignore the dragon's comment and avoid his gaze. You have no desire to commune with dragons, much less be reminded of your failed attempt to obtain Dragon Dust for yourself.

"It's frightening how similar your situation is to how it was for dragonkind years ago. Self-preservation in spite of your own kind is just one of the side effects of this stupid conflict I suppose." Donvan continued in his rumbling voice causing you to pause at his unexpected perceptiveness. "I think you will learn to like it here."

"Oh, until you kill me you mean!?" you spit. A poorly restrained look of sadness falls upon Donvan's face in response. He averts his eyes from you and somberly leads on.

With his burly hand under your shoulder Donvan leads you up the manor's main steps and into the grand foyer. Whelan's former home looks largely unadulterated save for some decidedly draconic furnishings and decorations. The dragons that pass typically greet you with mocking laughter. The estate is apparently home to a number of different dragon species. Green dragons like Donvan occasionally lumber by, magnificently winged red dragons alight on the manor patios, and curiously meek, wingless dragons shuffle throughout the mansion's hallways. You grimace as Donvan finally comes to a stop at what is presumably Gyron's room. After pushing the huge doors open Donvan gently shoves you inside.

"I'm sorry." Donvan whispers as he shuts the doors behind you and locks them.

"There he is!" An unmistakable voice booms. At the opposite end of the large rectangular bedroom sits Gyron. The sight of him rouses your anger as it never had before. He sits nude upon a huge and comfortable-looking bed. His jet black scales seem to absorb surrounding light. Gyron is not as large as the green dragons, or as skilled in flight as the red dragons. His power lies in his especially potent fire- breath as well as in other singular and little-known specialties. The relatively lithe dragon gazes at you with excitement in his penetrating, yellow eyes. The red patterns of his face seem to enforce a constant angry glare. Upon quickly sweeping the room you notice a bizarre apparatus has been installed in the ceiling. A brown, organic looking mound hangs from the ceiling with a metal grate at its lowest portion. Below it the furniture and carpets seem to have been purposefully shifted aside to form a cleared circle.

"The great rebel rouser finally stands before me." Gyron shouts from the bed "Come to me."

You begin forming a plan of escape. Gyron is naturally far stronger and faster than you. You decide to bide your time and wait for an opening to snatch his Dust or sneak away. Slowly and begrudgingly you shamble toward Gyron. When you reach the apparatus you decide to call Gyron's unvocalized bluff and step through its path.

"Oh, beautiful! I didn't even have to force you. You are a cocky one!" Gyron announces stifling laughter. You had anticipated subterfuge. You attempt to flee before Gyron can spring his trap. "I think you will find yourself quite unable to move." He purrs.

Sure enough when you try to lift your feet you find them glued to the spot by some force. You glare up at Gyron who has risen and is approaching you.

"I refuse to suffer humans. Your fleshy, hairy, and weak forms disgust me. And you've seen firsthand how untrustworthy your kind can be. Truly you are lucky to have fallen into my claws." Gyron explains, gesturing with his claws for effect. His yellow eyes shine with excitement.

"Damn you dragon! You are the monsters. Is this how you killed all of your prior 'offerings'?" You shout eyeing the machine above you.

Gyron ignores you and pinches your cheek in his claws with a grimace on his maw. "Ech, disgusting."

"Let me go you beast!" You yell as Gyron steps back.

"Oh ho yes that would suit you well, he he he." Gyron remarks to himself. Without warning he opens his mouth wide and with a hacking sound launches a small green fireball at the apparatus. You cringe as the blast dissipates without any visible damage. However Gyron's flame has excited the organic portions of the apparatus and it begins to pulsate rhythmically. With a start the black dragon approaches you quickly and in one hand shatters your shackles.

"Oh my, almost forgot. Those would have made this very uncomfortable." Gyron says coyly.

You lash at Gyron with your liberated hands, but can't reach him. He laughs at the attempt. Above you a dull green paste appears. Oozing from the slats of the metal vent the mass lazily falls toward you. Fearful of what the stuff may be you struggle to move your feet, but the magic binding you in place holds firm. The first of the green slime touches your head and, wincing, you are relieved to find that it is not caustic or painful. Though as it continues to fall coat your body you begin to fear suffocation.

Dreadfully slowly the mass covers your body. It feels heavy, but curiously supportive so that you don't topple from its weight. It also causes your skin to tingle. You had shut your eyes, but the surprising effects of the ooze cause you to open them. When you do so you find that you can see perfectly fine through the stuff. Looking down you see your body as a coated mass of green slime. You can move, but it is difficult with your body growing strangely numb.

"I'm sure that you are familiar with Dragon Dust?" Gyron asks, pacing in front of you.

"Mnngg." You groan within your thick coating.

"It enhances the abilities of dragonkind of course! Though with my alchemical knowledge I have discovered an exciting new use for the stuff. When the powder is incubated at the proper temperature and then sparked by a specific flame it gains new properties. It becomes the transformative 'Dragon Clay' you are currently encased in." Gyron explains.

"Uunngh." You groan. The tingling of the mud has become more severe. The boundary between your skin and the green mud becomes uncertain. Glancing down you notice the mud at your extremities is forming solid shapes. Hugely clawed toes and feet two times the size of your own become apparent. Similarly massive, four-fingered hands appear around where your hands had been.

"Unnh! Mnng!" You groan as you attempt to shake the ooze off. It feels thicker than it had before and sticks to you like a second skin. On his bed Gyron lays back and gropes his testicles as he watches your transformation.

Toward your torso the changes continue. You rise feet in the air as thick, well-muscled, and green legs slowly emerge from the Dust. The fine details are still vague, but the dust is clearly taking the shape of a green dragon. Your feet are no longer held in place so you stumble backwards as your thighs balloon outward with muscle. At your groin an enormous dragon cock grows. It is slightly pointed and, to you, uncommonly large. You try to turn from Gyron who is avidly enjoying this development.

"NNngg! Mmnng!" With your hands awkwardly working under the visible dragon ones you attempt to pull the ooze away, but it doesn't yield. In fact it feels more and more steadfast by the second. The Dust grows out from your chest forming first immaculately chiseled abdominals and then outlandishly large pectorals that nearly block your vision. This obstruction is remedied when inexplicably your vantage point rises. You guess that your neck is growing long and stout like that of a green dragon. You wish to run and shake the stuff off, but the recent bulkiness of your form and surrealism of the sensations leave you barely standing. The tingling of your face tells that it will be the final aspect to change. You bring the clawed, draconic hands to your face and are shocked to find sensation growing within them. Beneath them you feel the mud extending outward and slowly congealing. The long, crocodilian snout of a green dragon begins to fill your vision. The sight of the alien, dragon hands grasping the snout vanishes suddenly. You see only blackness as the mud continues to settle. When your eyesight returns the sense is altogether sharper than it had been before. Also, to your horror you no longer feel as though you are looking through a film of ooze. You hesitatingly look down to find the vaguely detailed body of a green dragon. And as you view it the transformation concludes with undeniable finality. The Clay settles with an audible crackling. As it does so the edges of your scales become clear, cleavages of muscle are defined and most horrifying of all you no longer feel a sense of your human body beneath it all.

*HHaaahhhh* You gasp "Whuuu, no! NO!" You shout in an unfamiliar and deep voice. You grope your body to find that you not only control the pinching of your claws, but you fully sense the pinched flesh. You fall backward staring at your sinuous body in disbelief. A hulking, green dragon you fall to your knees with a loud thud.

"This is impossible!" You begin, hating the sound of gravelly voice. "No, I'm not a dragon! I'm a .... I'm a hum ... ?"

"You are a what?" Gyron asks with a knowing smirk on his short maw. You look up at him, confused.

"You chang-mmnn" When you try to speak the words you find your mind and mouth fail you.

"Oh you poor thing. I enchanted the clay. If you try to say that I transformed you or that you were once human the words will fall through your fingers like sand. You'll live out the rest of your days as a 'hideous, scaly dragon' and no one will know you were ever anything else." Gyron says laughing heartily as you slump crestfallen. You caress your unfamiliar body sadly as hopelessness sets in.

Suddenly Gyron is standing before you. He brandishes a chain leash and collar which he swiftly places around your thick neck. You struggle feebly at the collar.

"Now that you are in a far more attractive body it's time to have some fun." Gyron sneers with perverse delight. Gyron hops onto your back forcing you to your hands and knees. Once in this position Gyron produces two thickly padded mitts. With ease he forces your giant hands into them. The sizable Dust gem he wears on his armband makes him surpassingly strong. Stronger even than a green dragon like yourself. He leaves you with your fists balled and useless inside the soft, rubber mitts. Around your broad trunk Gyron fastens a sort of leather corset. At this point you note distantly that you do not possess wings as normal green dragons do. With a single yank he pulls the strings taut forcing the wind out of you. You collapse to the floor.

"H-help me!" You manage to shout toward the door. Gyron walks to face you. He lifts a foot and places it atop your long, green snout. His claws dangle dangerously close to your fear-stricken eyes.

"No one is going to help you, dragon." He says, putting deliberate emphasis on the word dragon. "Everyone in this estate is loyal to me. Right now you are all mine."

He removes his foot from your snout and with your chain in hand walks toward the bed. You begin to rise to your feet.

"What do you think you're doing?" Gyron asks "Animals like you don't walk on two legs. Get down, now!"

Not wanting to receive a beating you relent and fall to your hands and knees. You crawl pitifully and awkwardly in your bulky green dragon body. At the bed the Gyron mockingly cheers you on.

"Very good. There's my little pet." He coos as he begins to stroke the length of your toothy maw. You try to move away, but the collar restrains you between Gyron's legs. "You'll make a perfect little dragon bitch won't you?"

"No! Never." You yell with faltering confidence. Your cheek suddenly stings. As your vision stabilizes you realize the black dragon has slapped you with full force.

"You terrible beast! Fine, I'll have to break you in." Gyron says. Leaving you facing the bed Gyron circles around to your backside. He runs a firm claw under your robust tail and across your firm, round buttocks. "Have you ever taken it in the back before?"

"Wh-what?!" You blurt, startled. Attempting to convince yourself you add "No, you wouldn't." You can't see Gyron with him pulling your chain.

"Oh yesss, I would." Gyron says before falling quiet, allowing you to anxiously expect the worst. "Aw yeahh, pucker up big boy."

"No, pleeahh--" You try to protest as the obsidian dragon begins forcing his dick into your anus. You arch your back in discomfort. His penis is somewhat ribbed and simply huge. Inch by inch you feel it filling your entire existence. "Ohh, goddd. Stop. Stop, it's too big!" You moan loudly.

"Oh ho, no. You're taking the whoooole thing." Gyron says as he yanks the chain mildly strangling you. You paw at the ground awkwardly with your padded mitts. Though no amount of squirming relieves the pressure. For what feels like hours Gyron plunges his cock inside of you. When at last he is fully inside he lays atop your well-muscled back. He licks the back of your neck lasciviously.

"Mmm, I outdid myself with you." He says in a sultry voice. He traces his hands seductively around the muscles of your chest near your groin.

"Please stop! I'll give you anything." You announce with surprising fervor.

Leaning close to your ear Gyron whispers "Yes, you will." As he begins to hump your tight, sinuous rump. Every thrust feels as though it is reaching the back of your teeth. He grabs you roughly by your wide hips and pulls you into his thrusts. His enormous black dick slides in and out with increasing rapidity. You feel some viscous liquid trickling from your gaping anus.

"Unnnh, unh, unh." You moan unable to form any coherent words.

For about twenty minutes Gyron plows your virgin ass. You lay against the bed with eyes closed attempting to mentally escape the vileness of your situation. Though despite your wishes you open your eyes to find the green, scaly muzzle remains. Behind you Gyron approaches a summit of pleasure.

"Grrrahh!" He roars "Take it you dragon bitch. How does it ... feel to get fucked by the king?"

"P-please... st--" Gyron yanks your chain before you can finish the sentence. Simultaneously he plunges his cock mightily as he climaxes. A small flood of cum trickles from your anus. With the entire ebony shaft inside you you try feebly to crawl away and escape the violation. Gyron digs his claws into your hips to hold you in place. When Gyron's excitement finally wanes he mercifully withdraws his gigantic dick. Glad to be free of the filling member you collapse onto the bed. The bed creaks under your unfamiliarly great weight. *Smeck!* The black dragon gives your ass a firm slap.

"Oh yes. That was a nice, tight hole." Gyron says. He leans over your prone form and caresses the corset around your waist. After fondling your muscular trunk he rises. "You may not leave this estate. If you attempt I will hunt you down personally and you will be severely punished. Should you manage to escape no one will believe that you were once human. I own you now, do not forget that." Gyron heads for the door leaving you sobbing on the bed. "Donvan, clean up this mess."

You perk up at the mention of Donvan's name. With a last cruel grin Gyron departs. A moment later Donvan swiftly enters the bedroom and rushes to your side. He takes your burly arm in his.

"Look what he did to you. I am so sorry." Donvan speaks in an uneven voice. Observing his deep, brown eyes you find they are glazed and puffy: the nearest dragon approximation of crying. His sniffling and concerned air confirm his real sadness. Your jaw drops in surprise. Donvan carefully begins removing your bondage. "I hate him... Gyron murdered my beloved in order to ensure my cooperation. I wasn't strong enough to stop him. And what he does to you poor humans. It's not natural."

When you are freed from the rubber mitts, corset, and chain Donvan helps you to your feet. He briefly looks you over to see if you have any severe injuries. He fetches you a towel to preserve your modesty. In your insecurity you are overjoyed to learn that sympathy can be proferred by a dragon. This effect is enhanced by the fact that being a green dragon you and Donvan look fairly similar. Donvan is taller and slightly less muscular than yourself. In spite of your previous feelings toward dragons you find yourself arrested by the dragon's affectionate demeanor. He holds onto your shoulders tenderly, keeping you steady as you walk to the door. You allow your head to rest on Donvan's warm, comforting chest.

"He--he turned me into... int..." You attempt to speak.

"I know, I know." Donvan whispers in a low, reassuring tone as he strokes your face with a gentle hand.

Donvan guides you into the hallway where a semi-circle of dragons has gathered. They all bear concerned and knowing expressions. The crowd represent the gamut of dragon species. When you see a group of wingless dragons you make the connection that wingless dragons such as yourself are all former humans. The fear in the eyes of some is instantly familiar to you.

"Don't worry my brother. Someday we are going to destroy that monster." A red wingless dragons whispers and firmly grasps your shoulder. Looking around the circle you see the other dragons all share this potent resolve. Despite the unfamiliarity of your dragon body and the violation you recently endured you are excited. The thought of joining the dragons in toppling everything Gyron has built fills you with the wild joy.

"Perhaps we can find a way to return your human forms." Donvan muses excitedly.

In an altogether unanticipated impulse you take Donvan's burly hand in yours and exchange a spirited glance. Surprised, Donvan steadily returns the gesture with a sweet smile. 'Perhaps this situation isn't as bad as I thought.'

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