Seeds of Change chapter 2

Story by Bryer_W_Rabbit on SoFurry

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The Seeds of Change

Chapter 2

Seeds of Despair and Love

By Bryer W Rabbit

*Warning, this story contains sexual acts between two males. If you are offended by this, are not of the age of eighteen, or it is illegal in your town/city, county, state, or country then please leave now and do not read any further. This is the story of my life when I was dealing with cancer and the road to recovery told through my fursona. All names have been changed, and reflect the people that I have in my life.*

"What do you mean the tests came up abnormal?" I asked as I paced back and forth in Dr Furkelson's office. I had to admit I was a bit scared, as well as a bit angry. Here I was taking off in the middle of a busy lunch hour only to be told that the tests where inconclusive. Fat lot of good that did me.

"Mr. Rabbit, I am going to be blunt with you. Your T Cell count was a bit on the high side, as well as some adnormal protiens in your blood. I am going to refer you to a specialist. Her name is Dr. Yashita, and she is an oncologist. Now this could be nothing, but then agin it could be something. And as your doctor, I must advice that you see her. Weither you do or not though, that is up to you. You are a grown fur, and I cannot make you do what you do not want to do." He said as he placed his clip board down.

He did have a point, maybe I should see this woman. Maybe it was nothing, but then agin as he said it could be something. I thought to myself as I continued to pace back and forth, the cloying smell of alcohol about making me choke. What if it was cancer? What would I tell Buster and the rest of the Red Sand Bar Diner. "Ok, when do you want me to see her, and where is she located at." I said after a few more minutes of debating with myself.

"You go to see her in two weeks, which will be Wensday the twenty third. Your appointment time will be at 9:30 in the morning. I know it is early, but I do appologize for it." he said in a cold clinical tone. Almost as if he was writing me off.

Piss on him I thought, how dare he treat me like I am some sort of cub. Fuck him. I will find a different doctor, one who knows what the hell he is talking about. I fumed to myself as I walked out of the Doctor's office. Though I knew it did not do any good to get angry about it. I was though.

God how I was starting to get a headache, and of all the days, not an asprin on me, or in my glove department. Oh well, mind as well head to the local super market I do need to do a bit of shopping for the house anyway. I thought to myself.

As I drove through the city traffic to my favorite grocery store, yeah I know corny eh, a favorite grocery store. But hey I knew the people, well most of the people that worked there. Besides they had great meats and good produce, the words abnormal test, high t cell count, oncologist kept running through my mind. Distracting me slightly, I did not see the SUV that cut me off until I veered towards the curb.

Ok, I was pissed now. Not only was I having a bad day to begin with, but now some idiot of a driver cut me off as I was pulling into the grocery store. Oh there was going to be hell to pay I thought to myself as I slammed the car in park, and opened the drivers side door. My nostrils flaring as I stormed over towards the mink who was looking at me and sneering as if I was some sort of bug to be washed off of his window. A typical yuppy if there ever was one.

"Just what the hell was your problem mister?" I fumed as I glared at him, clenching my hands into fists and unclenching them.

"My problem? Oh I do not know, if you where perhaps a bit faster in that fucking little piece of shit faggoty prius you drive, then perhaps I would not have had to cut you off. Besides I have more important things to do. I have to get myself a manicure then get myself a double skim lowfat mocha latte with hazelnut and cinnamon from Starbucks. Now if you will do get the hell out of my way, I have better things to do that stand around and have a little powwow with common rabble and riff raff such as yourself." The mink sneered as he started to turn away from me.

Oh hell no, it is on now like donkey kong, I thought to myself as I doubled up my fist and glared at him even harder. Just who the hell did this fucking moron think he was? Gods gift to furs? Well I was about to show him just what a common rabble and riff raff could do.

"Oh you do, do you?" I asked sarcasticaly as I grabbed him by the shoulder and jerked him around with my free hand. "Then let me give you a parting thank you for such as delightful and wonderful snobbing down." I said as I let my fist fly.

God how good it felt, all my anger and frustrations flowing out of my fist as it made a meaty smacking sound as it struck the mink's eye. It was almost theraputic in a way. Though I wanted to hit him agin, I let him go as he hit the ground, ripping his slacks. Good, I thought to myself as I walked back towards my car. I still had to do some grocery shopping.

"I am going to call the police, and then I am going to sue." he half hissed half shouted as he picked himself up off the parking lot and made his way towards his SUV.

"Yeah, well my name is Fuck Off, and my number that I can be reached at is one eight hundred fuck you." I said over my shoulder as I locked my car door and headed towards the grocery store.

Once I had completed my shopping and was heading home. I realised that I had not eaten a thing all day, oh well I had steaks that needed to be cooked anyway. Besides the thought of fast food did not sit well on my stomach at the moment. I think I had read some where that fast food caused cancer, but hell maybe I was wrong. Any way I did not even know if it was that yet. God why am I thinking about it, the doctor said the tests came back abnormal. It could mean anything. I thought to myself as I pulled into my drive way and honked.

"You rang oh great and wonderful master who lights the very heaven with his radiant smile and who does me great honor by letting me live every day though I must lodge a complaint that you did disturb me as I was about to reach nirvana" Buster said dripping sarcasm as he opened my door.

As he did I caught the wiff of sex and himself. Ah now I know why he was so sarcastic about helping bring in the groceries. He must have been in the middle of a masturbation session when I honked. Oh well, there would be more fun tonight I would count on that. I needed something to take my mind off what happened today.

'Yeah well sorry that I interupted your little happy fist session, but I have groceries that need to be carried in. Besides I have a couple of steaks and the fixing and I thought about grilling tonight." I said tiredly as I began to pick up bags.

Should I tell him or not, I debated with myself as sat the bags down on my kitchen table. Though if I told him now, it would only cause him to worry. But if I did not tell him now he might get pissed. Oh well it was not the first time he had been pissed at me. Besides I do not even know if it is. Oh well I will tell him after I see Dr. Yashita. That way there will be no cause for worry, I thought to myself.

"A penny for your thoughts." Buster said as he came up behind me and embraced me.

"Just had a hard day that is all. Have to go back to the Doctor in two weeks, they think the tests might be a fluke. You know how lab techs can be at times, mixxing up stuff." I lied, and not feeling one bit guilty about it at the moment. There was no need to worry him.

"Well you do know what will help you forget about that hard day." He purred into my ear as he began to rub my shoulders. God how I loved it when he did that.

"Oh and let me guess, you are going to be the big bad wolf?" I said as began to unpack the groceries, enjoying the shoulder rub as I did. It was times like this that made me glad to be alive.

"Oh no, this time I think I will be little bo peep, and you can be the baker man." He murred as he let me go and headed towards the front room.

Leave it up to that wolf to be horny almost twenty four seven. And here they say lepids where supposed to be the horny ones. Ha who ever said that, had never seen Buster before. Oh well, why not I thought to myself. I did need some cheering up and something to take my mind off today.

Once the groceries where put away and the steaks marinating, I made my way to the front room. Only to discover that Buster had did some changes. It seems he had been rather busy visiting my neighbor's rose garden. As there was rose petals scattered across the floor. God, was he trying to seduce me? Who the hell will clean up this mess? I thought to myself as I looked about and desided that it would more than likely be me. Though the thought was nice, he could have been a bit neater about it.

There seated on the couch, stark naked was Buster. A grin on his face that told me all I needed to know. I wonder how long it will be before Old man Witherstone and his wife came complaining about their roses I thought to myself. Though I did have to admit, the smell was rather nice.

"Oh honey, I do hope you like what I did with the place, and by the way. Off with those clothing things, they are not going to be needed." he said as he begin to run his hands over his chest, and lap.

"Oh you damned horn dog you." I chuckled as I begin to remove my shirt. Then a thought struck me as I stopped. One thing would make this better, and that would be a bit of music.

"That is Mister Horn Y Dog to you mister, and hey why did you stop." He whined as he looked at me.

"You shall see pup, you shall see," I said as I turned on the radio and popped in a cd. Soon my favorite techno song begin to play, as it did I turned and looked at Buster with a wicked smile on my face.

"Oh Mr Dog then let me show you what the Easter Bunny has brought" I said as I began to gyrate my hips. As I did I slowly unbuttoned my shirt and tossed it to the side. Still dancing slowly and gyrating my hips back and forth I began to unbutton and unzip my jeans. I could tell I was having the desired effect on him, as I heard him whimper.

"Come on oh please come on baby, I want to eat you right on up." he panted as he looked at me with hungry eyes.

Slowly I tossed my jeans to the side, and slipped out of my bikini briefs. As I did I took them into my hands and sling shotted them towards Buster, who was grinning madly, his cock starting to peak from its sheath.

Slowly I walked over to him and leaned foward and gave him a kiss. As I did, I also squeezed his sheath causing him to moan even more. To be honest, it has been a while since I had given him a strip tease and it was rather fun. The smell of musk and arousal in the air was turning me on. Infact the air was perfumed with it.

"Oh I want you on your back my easter bunny, because I have a special treat for you." he said as he pushed me back onto the couch.

Once I had fallen back onto the couch, he slowly lowered himself infront of myself. I could tell that this was going to be rather interesting. Though to be honest with you, I was a bit shocked, since Buster was the usual dominate one. Every once in a while did he give fellatio, or bottom. This I think was one of those times. And I was right.

Slowly he spread my legs as he began to kiss my balls and my sheath. I could feel my sheath starting to tighten under his administrations. And I was was loving every minute of it, his tongue playing along my sheath, and every now and then he would stop and nip ever so gentlely my balls.

The feeling was driving me insane with pleasure. I did not know just how much more I could take of his velvet torture, but I was about to find out. I felt my fingers dig into the cushions of the couch as he took my cock into his mouth and begin to gentlely suckle it.

"God do not stop, if I where to die tonight, I would die a rather happy rabbit. I would tell Saint Peter that I died with a smile on face" I panted out as he continued to suckle my cock.

I could feel his tongue working the underside of my cock, as he slowly began to stroke my balls with one hand, as he ran his other hand over my stomach. Slowly he began to pull his muzzle off my cock, until only the very tip of it was left in. As he did he began to run his tongue over the head of my cock. That was the straw that broke the camels back.

I think he knew what was about to happen. Because as he did he gripped my legs with both hands. As I grunted I grabbed his head and began to thrust my cock into his muzzle, almost at blinding speed at times. Feeling my cock strike the back of his throat. At that moment, I was in pure bliss nirvana. All the previous worries of the day where melting away, leaving only myself and Buster in this single strand of time.

"OH GOD, OH GOD, OH GOD PLEASE TAKE ME NOW!" I shouted as I felt my balls began to tighten up on me.

With one final thrust, I felt my cock erupt into the warm, moist cavern of Buster's mouth. I could feel his throat muscles moving as he began to swallow the load I had left for him. Slowly I felt my cock began to pull back into my sheath, spent and happy I was.

"Buster are you ready for me to get the steaks going now?" I asked as he rose to his feet and looked at me.

"No," was all he said he sat down next to me on the couch and leaned his head on my shoulder.

As he did, I leaned my head over onto his head, taking in the sweet scent of him. How I loved that wolf.

Authors note: This is the second chapter of the series. And just as happened in the story with the fist fight. Well that happened to me outside of a Piggly Wiggly. I do appologize for any typos that may be in this. But as I was typing it out, I am suffering from a moderately bad cold and have taken cold medication for it. So I do appologize for any typos. More shall come as I type it. Thank you and enjoy.