A Wolven Tail (Part 1)

Story by Fenra on SoFurry

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#2 of A Wolven Tail

Well, finally somthing to check off the things to do before I die list, write and post a furry story. Before you get stuck into the story just thought I would do the obligatory all characters are (c) to me, this story contains content of a sexual nature if you are offended by it do not continue etc etc bit. We all know it by now but best to cover all my bases. Also I want take this moment to appologise if any aspect of my story is similar to anyone elses, its not the most original story out there and I cant keep track of all the wolf stories around! Also please do take the time to read the whole story, skip to the yiff if you must but people work hard to create the stories and characters and doing so doesnt do thier hard work justice. Anyway, rant over, enjoy the story (hopefully), post comments/send emails by all means but if you must criticise, constructive criticism only please and for those who do like it you will be glad to know part 2 is being written as I speak or type rather. Wrtting beyond part 2 however depends on how well recieved the first 2 parts are, if I get a decent level of feedback/requests it will continue if not it will end at part 2, the fate of my story is in your hands!


Part 1 - The first true friend

The key turned in the lock and the door swung open. A wolf stepped inside, his slim, masculine frame covered in fine grey and silver fur which glistened with the rain water caught between the hairs. He had deep yellow eyes and wore a simple white button up shirt with a black jacket over the top and a pair of deep blue jeans. His padded feet meant he had no need for shoes. He closed the door, took of his jacket and hung it on the back of the door. He glanced around his small apartment, it was a depressing place he thought. Just inside the door was a tiny kitchen area with nothing but a sink, a worktop and a microwave, a pile of old chipped dishes were stacked next to the sink. An almost nonexistent bathroom with a shower, that gave only two temperatures of water, cold and freezing, was through a door on the far side. A black and white television stood against the left wall of what could be called the living space. An old, torn sofa, which folded out as a bed, sat against the wall opposite the television and there was a small table in the far left-hand corner with a telephone and an answering machine on it. There was a single window on the far side of the apartment, letting in just enough light to illuminate a small patch of the floor. Raindrops pattered softly against the glass. The old blue carpet had almost no bristles left on it due to years of wear from various tenants. The pale white paint on the walls was peeling and the grey drywall and plaster was visible behind it.

He shook his head briskly which sent drops of water flying across the room. He placed his keys on the worktop and made his way to the phone on the far side of the room. He pressed the play button on the answering machine and the familiar electronic voice began to speak

You have two new messages

He pressed the play button again to listen to the messages. Whilst filtering through a pile of mail that he had picked up outside his door, most of which were bills on their second or third notice.

Message one: "hi son" came an elderly, masculine voice from the machine "just thought I'd call to see how you were doing, we haven't heard from you in ages, you must be to busy enjoying yourself up in the big city" The wolf snorted at this as he continued rummaging through the mail. "still its been months since we have heard from you so please give us a call sometime, hope you get this message, bye for now"

If only he could call them he thought but after all the fuss he made and everything he did in getting here he could hardly call and let them know the truth. He could hear his fathers voice now saying I told you this would happen. Memories began to flash through his mind, the day he left over a year ago, his mothers tearful face, his fathers stern voice yelling incomprehensible words at him as he walked away, the occasional word reaching his ears like disgrace and disappointed.

He shook these thoughts from his head and pushed the button again.

Message two: "Hi Fenra its me" came a feminine voice, he stopped rummaging through the mail and listened intently "look... this is hard for me to say but... well I think you're a great guy but" he stopped the tape, he knew where this was going, he had heard it all before, the same excuse just a different time and place.

Delete messages said the electronic voice, he pushed the accept button. Messages deleted.

He sighed deeply and sat on the sofa, he ran a paw over his head, what was happening to him, it seemed his life kept going from bad to worse. He had just got turned down for the forth job interview this week, he hadn't worked in a month and he had barely enough money to keep himself alive.

He yawned and the fatigue finally caught up with him, he was dead on his feet he thought. He lay down on the sofa, thinking he would just take a quick nap, it didn't take long for him to fall into a deep sleep.

He was woken up two hours later by a hammering on his door, it was now early evening and the rain had stopped, the sky was still overcast but occasionally the sun peered through a gap in these heavy clouds.

"Open the door wolf, I know your there!" called an angry voice from the other side of the door.

Not him, not now he thought. He quickly hurried to his feet and opened the door. Behind it, just as he had thought, was a large black stallion. His large muscular frame made Fenra look tiny in comparison, a half smoked cigarette in his hand his face stern and angry.

"Rents due wolf" said the stallion "so do you have the money today"

"L... Listen, Blake" stammered Fenra "you will get the money I promise its just... well..."

"You don't have it do you" said Blake.

"Erm... well no, not as such" sighed Fenra.

"Your testing my patience wolf, its been three weeks since your last payment" said Blake.

"I know its just, I'm having money troubles at the moment and..." replied Fenra.

"I don't care about your excuses" said Blake "I have plenty of people lined up to take your place who can actually pay their rent!"

"Please you've got to give me more time" begged Fenra

"You've had more than enough time wolf, lucky for you though I'm a generous man" said Blake mockingly "you have until tomorrow, have the money by then or you will be sleeping on the street"

"But how am I supposed to gather the money by tomorrow?!" said Fenra

"I don't care" said Blake harshly "that's not my problem"

"But you cant do this!" said Fenra, his voice raising and anger swelling.

"I can do whatever I want" shouted Blake, grabbing Fenra's neck "you get the money by tomorrow or you get out" He threw Fenra onto the floor out side his room and walked off.

Fenra struggled to his feet, coughing and rubbing his neck. The door of the apartment next to his was open and a female wolf was standing in its doorway. She had fine blue fur, deep blue eyes and wore a white T-shirt and a pair of light blue jeans. She had a small silver necklace around her neck with a small jewel embedded into a paw print shaped piece of silver hanging from it.

"I'm sorry you had to see that" rasped Fenra, still coughing from what Blake had done to him.

"Its ok" replied the female wolf kindly and she turned and walked back into her apartment, the door swung shut behind her.

Fenra walked back into his apartment and shut the door behind him. He poured himself a glass of water and gulped it down, its cool water soothing his aching neck. He collapsed on the sofa and fell back to sleep.

When he awoke next it was late evening, the sky had cleared more and the deep orange sun now shone between scattered clouds. He lifted himself up and yawned. He placed his head in his paws and began to think of everything that was happening, attempting to work it all out. His thoughts leapt from one subject to another, his mind a confusing blur. He couldn't focus on any individual thoughts, the noise from the busy streets below didn't help. The sounds of sirens and car engines pounded like a drum inside his mind. He needed to get somewhere where he could think clearly he thought. He grabbed his keys from the worktop and jacket from the back of the door and left his apartment.

He got into the elevator at the end of the corridor and pressed the button for the top floor. It shook and began to move, creaking and straining as it went. It arrived at its destination and stopped with a jolt, the doors creaked open and Fenra made his way out. He walked down the corridor, its dank, dreary walls pressing in on all sides. He reached the end of the corridor at a door that said roof access. He opened and stepped through this door. He was now standing atop the roof of the apartment building, steam flowed out of metal pipes, ventilation fans hummed gently in the background and a gently breeze brushed past his fur occasionally. There was no other sound up here, it was almost peaceful, the noise of the city was far below him. The evening sun shone from above the tall city buildings, the air temperature had raised since the rain had stopped and it was now almost pleasant. He made his way to the edge and sat with his feet over the edge. He drew in a deep breath of the evening air and sighed, now he could get his thoughts straight he thought.

But before he could begin to think he heard the door behind him open again, it was the blue wolf from earlier.

"Oh this is a surprise" she said gently "I thought this was my special place"

"I'm sorry" said Fenra "I can leave if you want"

"No its fine, I would enjoy the company" she said and she came and sat down next to him "my name's Larka"

"Fenra" he said.

"Fenra?" said Larka.

"Yes, strange name I know" he laughed

"Your not from around here then?" asked Larka

"No... I'm from the country originally, that's how I ended up with a name like Fenra" he replied smiling.

"Ah a farm boy" she said laughing

"Something like that" said Fenra

"So why did you come to the city?" she asked

"No special reason, I just came seeking a better life" He said, stroking his sore neck "things never turn out the way you want them to do they?" he smiled at her and then stared at the street below him.

"Does it hurt?" she asked, touching his neck

"No, not really" he said, wincing slightly at her touch "Its my pride that's been hurt more than anything"

"Oh" she said.

"What about you?" he asked "why did you come to the city?"

"Come here? No I was born here" she said "I've lived here my whole life"

"You've lived here your whole life?" said Fenra, slightly taken aback "I cant imagine a worse fate"

"Some of us just have bad luck" she said smiling

"It would appear so" he said, the pair fell silent for a while then Fenra spoke again "you said this was your special place, any particular reason? If you don't mind me asking?"

"My father, he used to take me up here at sunset every day" she said, her eyes looking slightly glazed over as she spoke "he used to say that even though things are tough there is still some beauty left in the world"

At this Fenra looked out over the buildings at the setting sun, the sight that greeted his eyes was one he had never seen before. The deep orange light shone off the windows and metallic sides of the tall buildings, making the city shine in the dying light. It really is beautiful he thought.

"Your father is obviously a very smart man" he said.

"Yes he is or rather was" she said

"Was?" Fenra asked curiously

"Yes, he died two years ago" she said, a tear rolling down her cheek

"Oh I am sorry, I didn't mean to upset you" he said hastily

"Its ok, you didn't know" she said, composing herself

The pair sat in silence for a while when a passing breeze caused the pain in Fenra's neck to flair up again. He winced as it brushed past the raw skin.

"Are you ok" asked Larka

"Yeah... yeah I'm fine" he said

"You really shouldn't let him treat you like that" she said

"Hmm, not that I have much of a choice" he said sombrely

"It doesn't seem right though" she said

"Are you living in the same city I am?" he said bitterly "you know how they treat us around here, were worthless to them"

"But surely you could..." she started

"What? Go to the police, as if there going to care about a single wolf" he said harshly "I've just got to accept it, this is my life"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean to upset you" she said " I was just trying to help"

"I know, I know" he said apologetically "I'm sorry, I'm having a rough time at the moment"

"That's ok" she said, smiling at him sweetly. He smiled back in kind.

This moment was interrupted however by a low growling sound.

"What was that?" asked Larka

"My stomach" said Fenra clutching his abdomen

"Oh" laughed Larka "hungry are we?"

"Starving" he said smiling at her. When he took his hands away she looked at his chest, he looked very thin.

"My god look at you" she said

"I'm sorry?" said Fenra, a little confused by this comment

"When did you last eat?" she asked

"What" he said, trying to avoid the question

"You heard me, when did you last have anything to eat" she said forcefully

"A... about two days ago" he said, at this Larka gasped "its fine though"

"No it isn't" she said "why haven't you eaten in so long"

"Well I'm having money troubles at the minute" he said "as you might have guessed by my run in with Blake earlier"

"Well yes but I didn't think it could be this bad" she said "come on, I'll get you something to eat"

"Please... its fine" he said "I don't want to make a fuss"

"No excuses" she said, looking at him kindly, extending an arm "I wont take no for an answer"

"Ok" he said reluctantly and taking her paw he lifted himself up

The pair made their way back through the corridors, into the elevator and back to Larka's apartment.

"Make yourself at home" she said as they walked in "I'll order us something to eat"

As she put her coat on a hanger behind the door and made her way to a phone on the wall in the kitchen Fenra looked around her apartment. Although not much bigger than his and with relatively the same layout it seemed like a palace in comparison. The walls looked freshly painted, the kitchen was spotless with a stack of clean dishes on a shelf above the sink. She had a large sofa against a wall and a full colour television opposite it. Her bathroom had a shower that made his look like a bucket in comparison, the carpeted floor looked new and felt soft against his feet. Even the window at the back of the apartment seemed to let in more light.

"Is takeaway pizza ok?" she asked

"That's fine" he said, still looking around awe struck at the apartment.

Larka muttered the order down the phone, replaced it on the hook then turned to look at Fenra. When she saw how he was looking around with child like curiosity she smiled.

"They will be here soon" she said

"Oh ok" said Fenra, only half listening

"Like what you see?" she said jokingly

"Sorry" he said "Just this place is amazing"

"Its not that great" she said

"Well in comparison to my place its the Ritz" he said laughing "how can you afford this place"

"My father" said Larka "when he died I was his only living relative so I got everything"

"Ah I see, must be nice" he said "the apartment I mean not what happened to your father" he added quickly realising what he had just said. Larka simply laughed

"I'm sorry, I have terribly communication skills" he said laughing

"Its fine" she said, smiling "come, sit down, take off that wet jacket"

She took his jacket and hung it on the back of his door then sat down next to him on the sofa.

"So tell me" she said "how did you end up in such a mess"

"Bad luck I suppose" he said "that and not being able to keep a job for more than a month at a time"

"Really?" she said

"Yeah, I haven't worked in a month" he said "and I've been turned down for four jobs just this week, not only that but I'm down to my last few dollars and if I don't get enough money together I'm going to be sleeping on the street, so much for a better life"

"Your having a bad month" said Larka

"hmm yeah something like that" said Fenra, smiling at Larka

The pair sat in silence for a while until there was a knock on the door. "Ah that will be the pizza" said Larka and she went to the door. Sure enough it was the pizza, she paid the fox who was delivering it and brought it into the apartment.

The aroma flooded Fenra's nostrils, maybe it was the hunger but this scent was so captivating, it made him want to jump up and devour it all right there. Larka placed the box on the work top in the kitchen and took a few slices and placed them on plates.

"Here we go" she said passing one of the plates to Fenra "its hardly gourmet cooking but it does the job" she chuckled softly to herself.

"I'll live" said Fenra smiling. He took a bite out of one of the slices. It was amazing, the taste, the fact that he finally had something to eat, it took all the strength he had to resist devouring it all.

"Well?" said Larka, just eating a piece herself

"Best damn food I've ever tasted" he said laughing

"Well help yourself, there's plenty there" said Larka

"Oh no I couldn't" he said "what about you?"

"Hey I'm not the one who hasn't eaten in two days" she said smiling

"Thank you" he said as he got up to get some more pieces "very much"

"That's ok" she said "so how did you end up like this?"

"Huh?" said Fenra, his mouth full of pizza

"You know, refusing help offered to you" she said "even when your almost starving" she let out a short chuckle

At these words memories began to flow through Fenra's mind, a school ground where he lay black and bruised, a group of people surrounding him all offering help, a vixen saying how sorry she felt for him. He shook these thoughts from his head and composed himself.

"Its difficult to explain" he said, sitting back down on the sofa, his plate stacked high with pizza

"Humour me" said Larka

"Ok, well I've always been a bit of a charity case if you follow me" he said "not the most popular, most attractive, most anything"

"Go on" said Larka

"Well because of that I've spent my entire life having people feel sorry for me" he said "having friends who were there simply because they pitied me, living off other peoples generosity"

He paused briefly as more memories flowed through his mind.

"Anyway as much as that may have worked it always sickened me" he continued "knowing that people were only with me because they felt they had to rather than they wanted to"

"And that's why you refuse help?" asked Larka

"I just didn't want to take anymore" he said sombrely "I didn't want to be pitied anymore or have friends that were there out of guilt, I wanted to show them that I no longer needed to be pitied and that when a true friend came along that they would be with me because they wanted to"

"I see" said Larka

"I know pretty stupid isn't it" said Fenra, smiling "To let things get this bad and still refuse help, I guess I'd better face it, I'm always going to be pitied"

"You poor thing" said Larka, placing a paw on his shoulder

"No please, don't feel sorry for me" he said

"But..." she started

"You know what" he said hurriedly, finishing the slice he was eating and making for the door "thank you very much for the pizza but I think I'd better go"

"Wait" said Larka, grabbing his arm "please"

He turned and looked at her face, her deep blue eyes pleading with him, he sat back down next to her.

"What you just told me is... well its heartbreaking and I cant help but feel sorry for you" she said "but that doesn't change the fact that I like you for who you are"

"Really?" said Fenra

"Yes" she said "did you not think why I invited you into my home, why I happened to be standing at my door when you were talking to Blake, why I kept you company on the roof. All before I had heard this"

"But..." said Fenra

"Please" interrupted Larka "let me tell you something my father told me, we all begin this life alone, each one of us a pitiable being, but when two like beings come together then regardless of their pasts, they can form a bond like no other"

"I see, miserable being must find more miserable beings then he will be happy" said Fenra

"Well that's one way of putting it" said Larka smiling

"So you would really want to be my friend, even if you didn't know all this" he replied

"Yes" she said "absolutely"

"Thank you" he said, a single tear running down his face "thank you"

He hugged her and she returned his embrace. He stayed in her arms for a few minutes before letting go. It was now late, the sun had disappeared and the moon sat high in the clear night sky, casting a pale light through the streets.

"Its getting late" said Larka "and I've got... things to do tomorrow"

"Oh, sorry" said Fenra "I didn't mean to overstay my welcome"

"That's ok" said Larka as Fenra got his jacket and headed for the door, she met him at the door.

"Thanks again for the pizza" he said

"You're welcome" she said

"Well, goodnight" he said

"Goodnight" she said, kissing him on the cheek "see you tomorrow"

She closed the door and Fenra took out his keys to get back into his apartment. Tomorrow he thought, and suddenly he remembered what Blake had said, how was he going to get the money by tomorrow. He unfolded the sofa and collapsed on it, drifting into a deep sleep.

He was awoken at midday the next day by the phone ringing. As usual his alarm had failed to go off. He stumbled out of bed to the small table in the corner and picked up the phone.

"Hello" he said sleepily

"Fenra, its me Larka, are you free?" she said

"Yeah" he said, not like he had anything better to do than sit around until he gets kicked out of his home he thought "why do you ask?"

"I was wondering if you fancied going for a walk" she said

"Sure" he said "just give me a moment to get ready"

"Ok, knock on my door when you are ready" she said

"Will do, bye for now" he said

"Bye" she said

He quickly went into the bathroom to wash his face and try to make himself look presentable, as presentable as a poor wolf about to lose his home could be he thought. He threw his clothes on, grabbed his keys and jacket and left. He knocked on Larka's door and waited, he heard the clicking of locks behind the door and she appeared.

"Ready to go" he asked

"Sure" she replied, and the pair headed off

"So where do you want to go" he asked as they headed out of the apartment building

"Oh just around the block" she said "I felt I needed to stretch my legs and what kind of a friend would I be if I didn't invite you along"

This day was nothing like the previous, the sky was a clear, perfect blue. The sun was hot and there was a refreshing breeze which whipped between the buildings every so often, taking the edge off the heat.

"Thanks" he said and she simply smiled "It will be good to get one last look at the neighbourhood"

"Still don't have much hope on getting the money?" said Larka

"Nope" he said smiling "better that I just enjoy today rather than worrying about it"

"Oh well, I'm sure things will work out" said Larka

Fenra looked at her curiously, as she said this he could have sworn he saw a glint in her eye, as if she knew something. He decided to ignore it.

"Did you get what you had to do done this morning?" he asked

"Yes all taken care of" she said

"That's good, what was it?" he asked

"Ah that's a secret" she said winking at him

"Ok then" he said, although curious he decided against pursuing it.

It was at this moment he noticed, as he did all days, the looks of everyone they passed, their body language, they way they averted their gaze, crossed the road when they saw them coming or shot them a look of contempt as they passed.

"Ah I hate it" said Fenra

"What's that?" asked Larka

"The way they treat us, surely you've noticed it" he said

"Well of course but I try not to let it bother me" she said

"Well then you're a stronger wolf than I am" he said

"Why's that?" she asked

"I just couldn't let something like that not bother me" he said

"Why?" she said

"I don't know, I've never really thought about it, its just been automatic" he said "Its probably because of where I grew up"

"Really?" she said

"Yeah, back in the country my family is well respected" he said "particularly my father, everybody loved him"

"What is it that your father does?" she asked

"He farms and produces ale" he said "or at least he used to, he is retired now"

"Oh really?" she said

"Yeah, its really popular back home" he said "we used to get all sorts coming to his place to try it, from locals to distant brewers"

"Sounds like a nice life" she said

"Yes it... it was" he said, as he spoke his tone dropped, images flashed in his mind, fire, yelling, panic.

"Are you ok" asked Larka "you seem distracted"

"Oh sorry, got caught up in my own thoughts" said Fenra "I'm fine"

"Ah good" she said

"Where were we?" he asked

"You were talking about the way people treat you around here" she said

"Ah yes" he said "its just frustrating"

"Well don't worry, we wolves will just have to look out for each other" she said, smiling

"You seem oddly cheery" he said "any particular reason?"

"Maybe it's the sunshine, maybe it's the warmth on my fur, maybe it's the fact that I'm with you, who knows?" she said, Fenra could swear he saw that glint in her eye again "Well I think we better head back, its almost time"

"Time?" he said, turning to look at a clock on the side of a building, it was approaching three in the afternoon, it dawned on him now, "ah yes, time to face the music"

"Come on" she said and taking him by the paw the pair set off in the direction of the apartment building.

They arrived back at the apartment and Fenra's heart began to race as they got in the elevator.

"Relax" said Larka, placing a paw on his shoulder

He looked at her face and the sight of her deep blue eyes calmed him. "Thank you" he said as the lift stopped, she simply smiled at him.

As the doors opened he saw him, Blake leaning on his door waiting. He took a deep breath and stepped out of the elevator.

"Ah there you are wolf" said Blake

"Listen Blake I..." started Fenra

"I don't care what you have to say" interrupted Blake "I just stopped by to tell you I'm glad you finally decided to pay up"

"I... what?" said Fenra, taken aback by this

"Yeah, its good to see your finally doing your responsibilities as a tenant" said Blake "but I don't see why you couldn't give it to me in person, why you had to slide an envelope under my door"

"Wait, hold on?" said Fenra

"Save it wolf, you've had you pat on the back for today, just don't let it go to your head, I'm still keeping an eye on you" said Blake "now get out of my way I've got things to do"

He pushed past and before Fenra could call after him he was already in the elevator and disappearing from sight. Fenra stood there speechless, what the hell just happened? he thought. He looked at Larka who was smiling.

"See I told you everything would work out" she said

"Wait you knew" said Fenra

"Kind of" she said, suppressing a smile

"Wait" he said, the truth dawning on him "you paid him, that's the thing you had to take care of, that's why you were so cheerful"

"Maybe" she said winking at him

"Oh Larka you shouldn't have" he said

"Its fine don't worry" she said "consider it a friendly gesture"

"No a friendly gesture would be paying for a meal this..." he said, his voice breaking "this is... amazing"

He hugged her close and a tear rolled down his cheek.

"I don't know how I can repay you" he said, releasing his embrace

"Well there is on thing you could do for me" she said biting her lip

"What, what could I possibly do to make this up to you?" he said

At this she placed her paws around his neck and kissed him deeply, when she broke the kiss Fenra looked at her curiously, she met his gaze with a seductive look. Fenra took a step back and looked at her, maybe it was because he had so much on his mind but he had never noticed how beautiful she was, her beautiful face, her deep blue eyes, her perfectly formed body, her shapely rump, her long tail.

"What's wrong?" asked Larka, curious as to why he had stepped back, looking at the way he was now examining her

"Nothing" he said "you're just beautiful that's all"

Larka simply smiled back at him, took him by the paw and led him into her apartment.

The pair entered, Larka closed and locked the door behind them, removed her necklace and placed it on the worktop next to the sink. She turned to face Fenra and before a word could be said she threw her arms around him and kissed him, thrusting her tongue deep into his mouth. She did this with such force that Fenra was knocked back a few paces and the pair fell onto the sofa. She did not break her kiss however, instead she intensified.

As Fenra lay beneath her on the sofa he slid his paws under her shirt and gently moved his paws over her breasts, exploring their every facet with his paws. She broke the kiss for the first time and she lifted her shirt up, over her head and threw it to the floor. She then wasted no time in unbuttoning Fenra's shirt until he lay bare chested beneath her. She turned her attention to his chest, running her tongue from his stomach to his neck, he sighed with pleasure as she did so.

She sat up and began to undo her jeans, as she did so he sat up, undid her bra, threw it aside and began to kiss her now exposed breasts. He placed kisses all around them until he reached her nipples where he flicked his tongue gently over them. Larka threw her head back and moaned with pleasure. He stopped with one last teasing flick and lay back down, undoing his jeans. She looked at him with wild passion in her eyes and finished removing her jeans which fell to the floor, then once he had unbuttoned the top of his jeans she grabbed them and threw them from him, he removed his shirt completely as she did so. They both lay there, wearing nothing but underwear. She kissed him again while sliding a paw down his underpants, she felt his rock hard member for the first time in her paw, broke the kiss and smiled.

"Very nice" she said and she looked at him very seductively before kissing him again.

As she thrust her tongue into his mouth, she began to pump his member rhythmically, up and down, up and down. Fenra wanted to let out a deep sigh of pleasure but she wouldn't let him break the kiss, instead she put her remaining paw behind his head and held his lips to hers. Fenra breathed deeply with pleasure through his nostrils, the warm air flowing over her face.

Fenra reach a paw out and into her panties, he felt the heat coming from her pussy instantly, its juices beginning to flow at his touch. He teasingly circled her entrance with his fingers, it was obvious this was driving her wild. She breathed faster and faster, she couldn't stand it anymore, she took the paw that was behind his head and thrust it down her panties, grabbing his paw and forcing three of his fingers deep inside her. At this she broke the kiss and moaned loudly, her hips buckling with pleasure. Her pussy felt warm and moist against his fingers, its walls contracting in waves against him, he knew exactly how to intensify this, he took his fingers and ran them softly against the walls in opposing directions to the waves. She moaned louder and faster with every passing moment, she stopped pumping his member and used her now free paw to remove his underpants.

Fenra withdrew his fingers, to which she sighed as he did so, they looked directly at each other and he winked at her as he pulled off her panties. She raised herself up and positioned her pussy just above his member, they looked deep into each others eyes, smiled and kissed as she began to lower her pussy around his member.

Teasingly slowly she moved, drawing him deeper into her. With every movement they both breathed faster and harder, both engulfed in this feeling, this moment. After what seemed an eternity she reached the base of his member, he was now hilted in her fully and the pair both let out a moan of ecstasy. Her pussy began to contract against his member in waves, as if it were trying to pull him deeper in, he could feel its every movement, every vein, every muscle, every lump massaging his member.

He began to breath faster and faster as her pussy worked away at his member, its juices freely flowing down his shaft and across his chest. With a sigh of pleasure she began to raise herself until he was only half in her then she thrust herself back down with an enormous moan, he moaned too as she did so.

She continued to raise and lower herself on his member, faster and faster, the pleasure intensifying with every movement. He began to thrust back against her, as she lowered he thrust into her, as she raised he drew himself further out. Faster and faster the pair went, both breathing heavily, sweating and moaning with pleasure. Eventually he felt it swelling, a climax unlike any he had ever felt before, he looked at her face and she obviously felt the same. Both sped up their movements until he felt it, he couldn't hold out much longer.

Feeling it too she raised her pussy right to the tip of his member, the pair looked at each other, smiled, sweat glistening in their fur, then they kissed deeply as she thrust down and he thrust up as hard as they could. At the same time they reached climax and he came inside her, harder than he had ever come before, his seed flowing in great bursts into her. He moaned deeply, loudly, almost primaly as he emptied his contents into her. She to screamed with pleasure as she came deep and hard, her juices leaking out of her over flowing pussy, down his member and across his chest.

Their fluids mixed together within her, he felt his member floating in this cocktail of juices as he emptied the last remains of his seed into her. His erection was rapidly failing him but he stayed within her for as long as he could, absorbed in the feeling of her warm insides. She too clung on to his member, holding onto the feeling of his manhood within her for as long as possible. Eventually he could hold out no longer and slipped out of her, some of her juices flowed over his chest as he did so. He sighed deeply as he exited her and she moaned as his member passed her entrance one last time.

She then collapsed on top of him, panting and sweat glistening in her fur. She put her arms around him, tucked her head under his chin and drifted into a blissful sleep. He took her into his arms and kissed the top of her head. He looked towards the window at the back of the apartment and saw the orange glow of the setting sun glittering off of buildings, shining into the apartment and glistened off of the sweat on their bodies. This is the start of something beautiful he thought and he too drifted into a blissful sleep.