A Wolven Tail (Part 3)

Part 3, pretty self explanatory by now, besides since I'm submitting this on the same day as part 2 I've already said all I have to say in the section before part 2. I will however but in the obligatory all characters, story contents etc © to me as are...

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A Wolven Tail (Part 2)

Well here it is, part 2. Sorry its been so long, been having trouble finding time to write in between my university work and been having trouble with internet service providers too. Still never mind, here it is now and for all of you who have been...

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A Wolven Tail (Part 1)

Well, finally somthing to check off the things to do before I die list, write and post a furry story. Before you get stuck into the story just thought I would do the obligatory all characters are (c) to me, this story contains content of a sexual...

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A Wolven Tail (Part 5)

Well here it is, part 5 all finished and I tell you what, I need to give my hands a break from typing for a day or two. This the longest part by far, measuring 45 pages in Microsoft works! Though there is a reason for that, I go a great distance story...

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A Wolven Tail (Part 6)

First things first, while this is labeled as part 6, its technically more a part 5.5, see part 6 was meant to be an all encompassing part to end the story, however if you look at the time stamp on part 5.... well it was uploaded over 3 years ago, in...

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A Wolven Tail (Part 4)

They said it couldn't be done, they called me a mad man but I showed them all mwa hahahahaha..... Erm ok maybe not, crazy rant over. Still I know it has been forever and a day since I ended part 3 and I'm pretty sure a lot of you never thought it was...

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