Shadow and Light

Story by Hikarishade on SoFurry

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This is more of a romance then a yiff story. The yiff isnt untill the end. Just a warning.


It was dusk, the world was slowly settling to that time just past sunset. The world was slowly turning to shades of purples and dusky grays and blues. It was at the edge of a large city, the world was calm, and things were settling into a sleepiness for the night. Only to be shattered with the baying of hounds. Not... normal... hounds. The hounds of the local Demon lord who was not happy about whatever his hounds were chasing. The figure stood on the edge of the woods, ears upward as he leaned against a tree, seemingly highly relaxed. He was curious as to who or what was being chased.

The poor chasee, would be a shadow fox that seemed to melt in and out of the darkness as the lights leaving the city caught him. The fox looked malnourished, and out of shape, and wasn't doing a terribly good job of outrunning the hounds. He was obviously week from malnutrition, and was stumbling as he went.

The figure relaxing against the tree perked up as he saw the strange creature stumbling through the darkness. He pushed away from the tree and would step out of its shelter just as the stumbling fox was about to trip over a root. Strong hand grasped his arms and a warm voice rumbled up. He was a wolf, large, but slender, a runner by the look of him. Strange fur, silver blue in color, most odd indeed. A white silver belly beneath. He was wearing casual jeans, and silk shirt. And there was a definite holy aura around the wolf. Piercing blue eyes watching the bedraggled shape. "Speak swiftly, for it is your life or your death that your answer decides. Do you wish to escape from that which hunts you, or are you cast of its own self, and a being of evil?"

The fox blinked and started to look up, but the moment the midnight black face came to meet the first part of the wolf, the fox threw himself back, screeching in pain and covering his eyes. But he didn't stop too long to answer, and he scratched out his voice through the whimpers and groans of pain as he clutched at his eyes* .... Bastard... said he'd... pay me.... with food... to sleep.....with him... he.. he lied.... *and the lithe form of the fox would continue to writhe in pain, clutching at the eyes that had been temporarily blinded. The entire fox's form was midnight black, and not badly built... aside from the obvious over-thinness and malnourishment

The silver lined ears gave a faint twitch and the wolf frowned. "Answer... swiftly... Will you come with me and escape from Dalen, or shall I leave you to his hounds? There is a price, but it is far better then what those hounds will do to you" The baying was getting louder and louder with each passing moment. And it was about then that one of them burst from the brush some distance off and spied the fox. It looked like some sick minds cross between a greyhound, or Doberman and a snake or lizard, with eyes that were glowing with green fire.

The fox scrambled towards the creature of light, cringing and shuddering as he covered his eyes with an arm, in quite obvious pain. But he managed to choke out the words, as he just wanted to get the hell out of there* . .. Anything.. Anything, just don't leave me here.....

Hands gripped the fox's arms and pulled him up. And suddenly the world was lost in thick, silver fog that rolled in like boiling smoke. Shrouding the world in a lost ghost world. The hound screamed in fury as its view of prey was lost. The fox was being pulled swiftly away by one arm. The other was pulling a handkerchief from a pocket and thrusting it at him. "Bind your eyes. I wont let you trip.... but my appearance seems to hurt you."

The fox nodded his head numbly, and fumbled with the blindfold as he came along. It didn't help much, but it helped enough that he could lower his arms.. Though he still seemed unable to look upon the other* .. T.. Th-thank you....Where.. Are we going?

"To my home. Lord Dalen is my current assignment. Has been for the last several hundred years." The world was lost in the smoky fog. With every step the baying became fainter and fainter. The baying angrier and confused as the world obscured them from sight and scent. "Its not too far. And, as you so eloquently called him, the bastard, wouldn't dare set a claw past my borders."

The fox was obviously more then slightly confused. but he nodded his head a bit, and just followed a long. As long as he wasn't going to get eaten by those... things... and he was going to be fed, he would be happy.... He sighed softly, and just let the wolf lead him along. He wasn't really certain what would happen, but he had no choice.. It was this or die

The border would almost be tangible, a feeling of... warmth... peace... and the fog was suddenly gone, no. Not gone, it was still swirling past beyond some invisible wall. He would let the fox's arm go and step away. The normal night sounds had returned, a few night singing birds were singing somewhere, and the sound of water falling nearby reached ones ears. "Can you take the blindfold off without hurting yourself now?

Slowly the fox would reach up, and pull the cloth from his eyes. He looked about with the rather lovely silver eyes, in shock at the beauty of the place surrounding him... But the moment he started to turn towards the wolf, and his aura, he had to wince and shrink away. The shadows almost seemed to reach towards the fox.. to beckon him.... Almost as if they were alive with his presence

The wolf saw the reaction, and tried to dampen down his aura, there would always be leakage, it couldn't be helped being what he was, but he could try to make it less painful. They were currently in a garden. Peace permitted it, and there was a deer a few feet off eating some petunia's. The wolf regarded the smaller fox curiously. "Shadows? Ah... fear not... call them if you need, I do not use shadow... Now... why don't you walk with me... and tell me.. who, and what you are?

The fox would slowly stand, the half fastened pants hanging very loosely on his hips... He didn't have a shirt on, so when he stood full to his height, the ribs would show quite obviously. He seemed to keep his head turned very decidedly away from the creature, barely able to stand to look in the same general direction as him* ... M-my... my name is... Ghost... or at least that is what everyone calls me.... and... as far as I know.. I'm just a fox...

The wolf tilted his head a bit and then started down the lightly graveled path through the gardens. "I highly doubt you are 'just' a fox. But.. that is for a later time. Alright Ghost, my name is Andrew. You said something about him lying... what was it he lied to you about?"

The fox suddenly looked very uncomfortable, and shifted a little as they walked. But this person had saved his life, so he felt he should at least tell him what had happened* .. he.. he promised me.. If I slept with him.. that he would give me food... And.. And did... But instead.. he released those.. those things on me...

The wolf gave a faint snort. "Surely you knew that Lord Dalen has never once kept his word past him getting what he desired... Ah, unless you are not from here. Well... fear not... I will feed you, and clean you up, and not ask that you sleep with me..." The wolf gave a faint smile in the fox's direction as he walked down the gravel path. "But it will come at a cost..."

The fox's ears flattened to him, and the shadows seemed to try and creep towards him a little more as he moved... The darkness almost reached for him as he passed, looking rather interesting* ... What is this cost?

The wolf considered for a few minutes as he turned around a corner of the path, a modest sized manor house coming into view. It wasn't too large, but it was by no means small. "Cooking, cleaning, minding the garden. It is not much to ask, and you do not have to stay if you do not wish, though I would advise against it at least for a few weeks as Lord Dalen will undoubtedly sending his pack patrolling the lands between us every moment for a while.. he gets quite upset when his toys escape."

The fox wasn't in any hurry to get out of there* ... W-well... Better working then dead..... This is really all you want? Just some... some help? Some chores done? *his cheeks almost seemed to darken, as he had always just been used for what people want and then paid in different ways as an afterthought* ... N-no one... No one has wanted me... Just to work for them.... What's the catch?

"Only catch is that I want you to look and find out what you yourself are Ghost.. you are far from a normal fox... foxes don't have shadows clinging after them like lovers arms reaching for them...." The wolf gave a faint smile and started towards the house. "Do you have any belongings somewhere that you need retrieved?"

The fox would shake his head, and pull the half falling pants up to his hips once more* .. Just.. m-my pants... *he almost seemed to have a stuttering problem. .It was actually a little cute at times... but the fox seemed very nervous, so it could be difficult for one to notice. He smiled a little as he saw the shadows reaching for them, and he reached his own hand out to touch them... causing them to reach to him a little more* .. don't know... What I am.... Just.. A fox.... Th-the... The shadows.. The shadows always like me

"And so that is the catch.. you must also find yourself while you stay with me. Who and what Ghost is... now.. come in.. I should have some clothes that would fit you better then that.... Or at least a belt you can use to keep them up..." The wolf stopped at the wide wood and glass doors and pulled out a key from around his neck. He unlocked it and held the door open for him. Inside was clean, neat. A stairway landing just in front of them, a small sitting area at its base, with a few doors leading off from them. "I will show you the wash room, you undoubtedly want to wash Dalen's filth from you... As I doubt he gave you even that ability... Ill give you a night shirt to wear for now until I can rummage up some regular clothes for you" He would tuck the key back into his shirt.

The fox nodded gently, and would slowly follow him through the doorway. He was looking decidedly uneasy, but the thought of a bath did seem to brighten his spirits a little * .. A.. A h-hot.. Bath? .... That. w-would.. be n-nice...."

The wolf gave a soft smile and moved to the door just past the stairs and flipped on the light, gesturing for the fox to follow. The room was a large marble bathroom. The bath was along one entire wall, two steps leading up to it, and it then sunk down into the floor. The wolf started the water from three faucets around the tub and stood. "There's soaps in the cabinets to the right, towels on the left.. adjust the water to what you like. Ill get you some clothes and start something for you to eat."

The fox actually gave a smile, and nodded his head gently. He didn't wait for the wolf to leave the room before he dropped the pants from his hips, and stood there in full naked glory. The fox was nothing to scoff at... He had a rather large sheath for a fox... Not quite the size of a wolf, but a little impressive for a fox. The fox instantly went to the water, and found the hot water tap, and would push it up a fair bit

The wolf would politely avert his eyes, though undoubtedly noticed. He would quietly leave the room. He would leave the fox alone for several minutes before he returned. He set down a black silk nightshirt on the counter. "Is there anything else you need?"

The fox seemed to be in his own little world as he was in the bath. Almost every single kind of soap that had been in the cabinet had been removed, and carefully placed next to the tub, a little of each having been used. The fox seemed to be in sheer bliss, as he was covered from head to toe in bubbles, the bubbles almost flooding over the top of the tub. The look of joy on the fox's face was comparable only with the innocence of pure joy and happiness

The wolf chuckled softly watching the fox enjoying the bath and would pull out a towel or two to spread on the floor in the event of spilled water. And then left the room to start making something for the fox to eat. The fox could probably more then amuse himself until then.

The fox would well indeed be able to keep himself amused until the wolf returned... He would finally be getting out of the tub, after what was easily almost an hour, and be rubbing his fur heavily. The water inside the tub was almost black, despite how much soap he had used... Obviously this poor little thing hadn't had a bath in a very long time... but despite how much color was in the tub, the fox's fur was still as ebony as it was before, if not more so now that it was not only wet, but also clean

The wolf would return just about then, and lean against the doorframe of the bathroom. The scent of food had slowly been drifting through the house. "Do you need help brushing your fur out?"

The fox blinked and looked up, finally realizing that the wolf had returned* ... Oh.. Um... Y-yes.... I've never had a brush b-before...I.. I wouldn't... know how.. *the fox seemed to darken in the face a bit... a blush perhaps... But he would pull the towel over his form, and make certain to get himself as dry as he could

The wolf gave a soft, rumbling chuckle and he pushed away from the door frame, pulling open a drawer and took out a few different types of grooming brushes. He then kicked down the lid of the toilet and sat down. "Well... Ill show you how then... You'll feel far better once all your fur is laying in the proper directions."

The fox nodded gently, and moved towards the wolf. He had seen people be brushed, but had never actually had one of his own to use in his fur, so he kneeled down in front of the wolf, waiting to see what would happen. From head to toe, the fox was midnight black, hair and all.. The only color on him was the silver of his eyes, and the pink of his tongue.

The wolf picked up the metal toothed grooming brush, made to get out all the dead fur that wouldn't have been washed out. And started working on the fox's chest. Pausing every so often to pull the dead fur out of the brush and throw it away in the trash. "You will feel much better after we have all your dead fur out of your coat... and your dinner needs to cook some anyway."

The fox winced a little as he felt knots that he had not removed being pulled from his fur, and tangles being tugged out. The fox looked pretty scruffy, but would most definitely look quite lovely when the fur got all brushed out. The fox wouldn't complain however, and simply held himself still, wincing when something tugged a little harder then he would have liked

The wolf was as gentle as he could be and would carefully groom the fox. Moving across his chest, shoulders, around his back and hips. He would have the fox stand and work along his thighs and legs, but avoided the fox's sex. Mostly as the metal toothed brush would not be comfortable there. And he would carefully work on the foxes tail, giving it special attention. Every so often, pulling the shed fur from the brush. Once he had that finished, he would take the soft bristled brush and start brushing his fur into the proper directions. "Why don't you tell me about yourself while I do this..."

The fox blinked a little as he felt the soft brush, and actually began to murr softly, pressing towards it as he enjoyed the feel of it brushing through his fur and over his flesh* ... Th-there isn't too m-much to tell... I'm eighteen as far as I can understand... I've never had any p-place to live... I've always j-just wandered....."

"No parents? No friends? Well... what are your interests then? Can you read? Write?" The wolf would calmly continue to brush the little murring fox. His hands were gentle as the soft brush was meant not only to lay the fur in the proper direction but to gloss the fur as well, drawing out the natural oils of the skin and distributing them across the fur.

He was cooing softly every so often, but he would continue as the wolf asked questions of him* ... Never had friends... N-no family... Don't know what to be i-interested in.... Always just d-did what had to eat...

"And what about reading? Writing?" He would finish the brushing, spending again a bit longer on the tail, and managed to keep his own deep murr out of his voice as he smoothed the now rather fluffy and soft. He would set the brush aside and hand the fox the soft, silk nightshirt to put on.

Ghost smiled, and would carefully shimmy into the silk shirt, bowing his head gently towards the wolf* .. T-thank you... And.. I've never learned.. to read or war-write..... They wouldn't t-take me"

"Well that's just another thing we will have to remedy.... but that's for tomorrow... your undoubtedly tiered... and hungry... Lets take care of the hunger, and then I will show you to the room you can use.." The wolf stood and put away the brushes before moving out of the room, gesturing for the fox to follow.

The fox nodded, and started to follow, but stopped after a moment. He quickly rushed back and picked up his pants, before he began to follow the wolf again. The pants were old, dirty, and very worn, but ghost seemed to clutch them to his chest like it was some kind of lifeline

The wolf would watch the fox and only give a faint smile as he let the fox across the entryway into the next room, which was a large dining room, and a door past that into the kitchen. "Sit at the table..." There was a large wooden table, used normally for preparing food, chopping vegetables and meats and such. But right now it had a set of dining ware for two. The wolf moved over to the stove and pulled a chicken out from the oven. And oddly didn't even use a hot pad to pull it out, even though it was hot and steaming. "What kind of meat do you like? White or Dark?"

The fox blinked a little, not seeming to really understand the question. What little meat he had ever had was all dark.. it was usually brown, and almost to the point of turning bad. So really, the confusion showed on the poor thing's features

The wolf chuckled softly and shook his head and used a knife to cut the chicken first in half, and then to cut apart each basic part. "White meat, and dark meat... comes from different parts of the bird.... And each tastes subtly different from the other.. have different textures..." He brought over the carved bird and set it on the table, vegetables that had been cooked with the chicken roast being set beside it as well. "What would you like to drink? And don't wait on me.. go ahead and eat."

He blinked at the other question just as confused as the first.. there was water to drink... Or rather it was the most palatable of choices that he knew of... Um.. W-water ... p-please? *he looked at the bird, and reached out with a hand, pulling at the bird a little. He seemed to be almost as heedless of the heat as the wolf, though the fox had to suck on his fingertips a little to cool them after he had put the meat down on the plate in front of him

Andrew chuckled softly and went to the cupboard to pull out a glass, and poured the fox a glass of water, and added a few chunks of ice as well. "There you go..." And the wolf would sit down across from him and take only a single leg to chew on. "Eat your fill."

At first the fox looked a little sheepish, and sipped at the water, to help his stomach fill. But the moment he put the small piece of white chicken meat into his mouth, the eyes of the young fox lit and went wide. He devoured the small piece, and instantly went back for more. The fox wouldn't retain himself just to the chicken however.. He would begin to eat the vegetables as well, and anything he could reach. He had been given permission to eat his fill, and he was starving, as his body showed. He would begin eating at a fevered pace, that only one who had not eaten in weeks would have

The wolf contented himself with the single chicken leg, watching the fox stuff himself. "Don't eat too fast or you will get sick... but I am glad you like my cooking... Have you ever cooked before? I suppose not, but I am merely curious"

The fox would shake his head at it, as he continued to stuff himself. He would slow a little at the warning, but still ate until he felt his belly filled... And that was when almost all of the food was gone. There was some left, but oddly, it seemed the fox had eaten more vegetables then meat... Strange that a carnivore would eat more vegetables then meat... But that is what had happened.. He almost seemed to not know what he was.. to not know what his body needed

The wolf watched him quietly for the most part since his guest was busy eating and couldn't really talk. Once the fox seemed finished the wolf would start to clear tings away. "Well I suppose I shall have to show you much... You will have normal daily chores, but we will also dedicate a few hours in the afternoon to teach you to read and write. Now.. you must be tired. Would you like me to wash your pants for you so that you will have them in the morning?'

He blinked and thought about that for a second...Washing the pants.. That sounded good to have clean clothes.... So the fox smiled and nodded gently, offering up the pants gingerly* T-thank.. y-you.....

The wolf would take the pants and lay them across his arm and then gestured for the fox to follow him. "Lets take you to your room so that you can sleep.. you must be exhausted after today..."

His cheeks tinted a little, and he nodded his head. He half expected the wolf to take him into the room, and then try to have sex with him... It was the way he was used to things being. so when the wolf led him into the room, the fox instantly lifted up the night shirt, and got onto the bed, laying down and looking over his shoulder at the wolf, waiting to be used as was what he was accustomed to

The wolf blinked and then gave a faint smile and shook his head. "No, Ghost... I told you, that I would not do that to you.... Sex is not a way for payment.. at least it shouldn't be.. It should be something shared between two who love each other. Now... you can put the nightshirt back on to sleep, or do so in the nude... Ill have your pants ready for you in the morning."

He blinked and looked at the wolf with real confusion... This was not how things were done... This was... no.. this wasn't right. The fox now looked very, very confused, but nodded his head , and curled up onto the bed, looking very small against it, despite his size... He seemed to just be.. Well.. Scared and confused

Andrew sighed softly and moved over to the bed, sitting on the edge of it. "Ghost... don't be frightened... Its not that I would not be willing... but it is something I feel should be shared between lovers, not demanded as payment."

The fox was obviously quite confused at this point* .. B-but... Everyone... everyone else... T-they... they do it that w-way...

The wolf sighed softly and shook his head as he gave the fox a gentle pat on the head. "Yes well... I am not everyone... the world has become a twisted place, and no one wants to love anymore. Now sleep, Ill turn off the light for you... you just rest."

The fox nodded his head gently, and curled against the bed, but still seemed to be slightly frightened. Things were very different here from what he was used to.. not that it was a bad different.. But it would take great deal of getting used to for the poor fox

Andrew stood and moved over to the light switch and turned it off, bathing the room in darkness, and carefully shut the door behind him. Once outside he sighed softly and shook his head before going to do a few menial chores of cleaning up and washing the fox's pants before he would retreated to his own room.

The fox would find sleep, but at some point through the night, he would have taken the blanket and moved from the soft bed, to the hard floor, and seemed to be sleeping well there... And there, he would sleep until he was woken by the wolf

The wolf would let him sleep himself out the next morning, and whenever the fox did wake there would be the scent of food waiting for him. And on the table beside the door were his pants, as well as a shirt, and a brush.

The fox would eventually be out of the room, closer to the time of noon, as he had not been woken. And when he came out, he was brushed and clothed, and looking a fair bit happier. With his hips filling out a little from the previous night's meal, the fox was looking much better, and the pants were hanging on him a little better. Slowly the fox would peek out, and seemed to try to move quietly from shadow to shadow, doing everything in his power to avoid the sunlight

The sound of the fox up and about alerted Andrew that his guest was awake. He would poke his head out of the library downstairs and tilted his head before he disappeared again, his voice raising up. "Your breakfast is in the kitchen... you remember how to get there I hope. When your done eating, join me in here please."

The fox would gladly go to the kitchen and eat his meal, before the sound of him dodging in and out of things to keep from the light would mark his approach towards the library... but when the fox saw the amount of light flooding into the room, he whimpered softly and stopped beside the door

The wolf was sitting at a table. The room was full of high windows to let in as much light as possible for reading. At the whimper the wolf looked up from the book he was reading and blinked, frowning at the fox's obvious reluctance. "What's wrong Ghost?"

The fox shifted uneasily at the doorway, not wanting to go inside of the room with all the light inside* ... too much light... Too much.. light hurt... .H-hurts ghost...... *he whimpered again, softly, wanting to go to the wolf as requested, but apparently unable to... He wasn't looking directly at the wolf as usual, but his reluctance was obvious on his face, as well as his discomfort

Hmm? Light? Oh... ah yes... your bound to shadow.. sunlight would be uncomfortable, forgive me." He waved his hands and curtains started closing by themselves. Each window, one by one, being covered in the heavy draperies that probably hadden't been undone in a long time. But it would cut off the sunlight well.

He blinked and watched the procession with amazement. He had seen minor magic's before, but this was not minor. With awe, the fox finally entered into the room, moving close to the wolf, but still keeping his gaze away from the wolf's form* Y-you.. Wanted to .. s-see me?

The wolf felt slightly uncomfortable with the fox always avoiding looking at him, but understood the reason why. "Yes... I have been trying to find some clue as to what you are, but there are so many types of things that are bound to shadow it is rather frustrating.... So I need help with it.. but to do that, I need you able to read... so that is what we are going to do, seeing as doing gardening in the sunlight seems out of the question."

He nodded his head gently, agreeing very much on that thought* You will t-teach me to r-read? *the fox slid down onto the floor in a sitting position, keeping his eyes averted from the bright creature, unable to look at him for the fact that he was born of light

"Yes... but if my presence hurts you too much, I will see about finding one of the others that might be more tolerable to you... I am sure I could find a shadow born creature, or even a normal mortal teacher if you think you would preferred?" The wolf really did only want the fox comfortable.

He shook his head.. He wasn't overly trusting of people, and he was having hard enough time trusting the wolf.. Though the wolf was making it easier* ... No... Long as I don't l-look.. I'll b-be okay...

"Why don't you get up off of the floor and take a chair then. The floor cannot be very comfortable... " Andrew smiled wryly and pulled out a few of the younger children's books. The simplest there were..." Do you at least know your alphabet?"

He blushed a little, and nodded his head. Slowly the fox slid up into one of the chairs, looking a bit small in it, as his form was rather lithe. He thought about the words, and he would do the little rhyme he heard the children say, though he did get a few of the letters in the wrong "order"

The wolf would tilt his head and gave a slow nod. "That is good enough I suppose.. you did get some of them flipped around... well... Now I shall show you what they look like, and what sounds they make..."

The fox would seem to be a quick learner, as the letters were being taught to them.. He was after all quite old, and able to grasp them with a little encouragement. It would take probably a few hours, but he would eventually remember all of the letters by how to see them

After that the wolf would be satisfied with today's progress and started to put things away. "Alright... That's enough for now... we still have a few hours before night falls... Why don't we go and I will show you how to cook a bit... " The wolf stood and looked to the fox.

He blinked and nodded his head. He has never cooked, so this would be a whole new experience to him. Slowly the fox would stand, and carefully slid the chair back exactly where it had been before he had sat in it. He smiled, and would come up behind the wolf to follow him, keeping his eyes away, but seeming otherwise rather comfortable with the wolf's presence

Andrew waited for the fox to pass him before he waved again, and the curtains once more tied themselves back, letting the late afternoon sunlight flood the library once more. He would then walk to the kitchen and then tilted his head considering. "We should make something simple for your first time... Is there anything you've ever seen or tasted that you would like to try and make?

He didn't really know, and shook his head a little* .. Best ever had... w-was last night.. When you made f-food for me... *he blushed again rather heavily, looking a bit awkward

The wolf chuckled softly and shook his head before he moved over to the large walk in freezer and propped it open with a foot while he looked inside. He kept most of his meats frozen, as he did not eat often. He would then grab a rack of ribs from a meat hook and shut the door again, warming the meat just enough with his hands so that it was not frozen, merely cold. "Alright.. we will have ribs then... very simple... Sit down and watch."

Ghost nodded his head and slid into a chair. The silver eyes watched Andrew's every motion intently, trying to keep his eyes on what the wolf would be doing.. He needed to learn, and this was how he did that

It was a large rack of ribs, and the wolf would pull a clever from the block of cooking knives and started cutting the large piece of meat into smaller ones. "See? Cut between the bone... can you do that? I have to start the sauce"

He blinked and nodded his head gently. Slowly he creeped over, and began to slowly slice through the meat with the knife the way Andrew had showed him. .. But the fox caught on very quickly, and started to chop through the ribs at quite an impressive pace, seeming to be good with a knife in his hand

The wolf went to the cupboard and pulled out a few things and started to make up a barbeque sauce. Bringing all the ingredients to the table where the fox was cutting the ribs. "Now watch... this is how you make the sauce." And he would carefully measure out the ingredients, tell him what each was, and mix it together.

The fox watched quite intently, never stopping cutting the meat. Amazingly, he seemed to be able to read where to cut just by the feel of the ribs in his hands, and the peripheral vision. He murred softly and watched the wolf make things, as he finished with the meat. Unfortunately as he got to the end, he accidentally clipped his finger, and he instantly yelped and shoved it up into his mouth, sucking on the blood.. but the small bit of blood that was left behind was not red, as normal fox blood.. It was a deep purple color, which spoke that he was definitely a shadow creature

The wolf flicked his ears as he heard the fox yelp and he blinked. "Ah... hold on, Ill get something to take care of that... Go wash it off in the sink..." The wolf went to the sink himself only long enough to wash his own hands off and go to the small first aid kit that was kept under the sink.

Thankfully, the cut wasn't too bad, and it was more just the shock of having cut into his finger that had made the poor young fox yelp. He continued to suck on his finger, waiting for Andrew to come back with the kit, though he wasn't certain what he was going to do. So he just sat there and sucked on the poor cut finger

The wolf came back and sat down on a chair at the table and gestured for him to come over. "Let me see your finger." He put the kit down on the table and opened it up.

The fox would slowly move over to the chair beside the wolf, and slide down. his finger slowly popped from his mouth, and was offered to the wolf. It was of course soaked in the fox's saliva, but it was there, for the wolf to examine, in all it's soggy goodness

Andrew chuckled softly and shook his head as he took a bit of gauze from the kit and started to sponge off the soggy finger to see what damage there was.

The fox blushed rather heavily, enough that the black cheeks took on a more rosy color. But the finger was held still, and the damage not all that bad. It wasn't a terribly deep cut, though it did continue to slowly ooze the purple blood from it as it was held

Andrew would clean off the finger and then carefully put some antibiotic on it, and wrap the finger with a bandage. "There... that's better... now... lets get back to dinner hmm?" He smiled and let the fox's hand go as he turned his attention back to preparing the sauce.

The fox didn't stop blushing, and held his hand up, looking at the bandage for a few moments. After a little while, he finally nodded his head and moved back to where Andrew had been preparing the sauce, and watched him, with a much higher intensity then before. Yes it hurt his eyes to look at Andrew's ands, but he would do so to learn.. and because he kind of liked this person

Andrew would suddenly hand the bowel to Ghost. "Alright... stir it fast with the whisk..." And Andrew showed him how. "And I will heat the oven and get the pans out." Andrew smiled. He liked the fox, he was shy yes, and strange.. but it was good to have company again.

Ghost nodded his head gently, blush still slightly present, as he started to stir the sauce properly. He would still watch Andrew, but with a little more attentiveness this time, and actually started to watch more of his form, though he was squinting quite a bit.

He chuckled softly and turned to start heating the oven. He also took out a large pot of water and put it on top of the stove, turning on the gas to heat the water as well. Then pans came out, with racks to keep the meat from sitting in their juices as they cooked. "Alright.. you can stop stirring that... Now... take the ribs and put them on the racks.. then we get to slather on the sauce."

Ghost would do as Andrew instructed, placing the ribs on the pan, and then painting them with the barbeque sauce. The fox began to murr softly as he watched it, and enjoyed the smell of it all. He knew this was all going to taste good

Andrew smiled as the fox worked on the ribs and he went into the store room, to come out with a large basket of un shucked corn. He set it on the table and started to peel off the husks. "Once you've got all the ribs covered, just put them in the oven, carefully.. don't burn yourself.

He would do so, very careful when he discovered how hot the oven got. He didn't use any gloves, but he slid it in as if he knew what he was doing, and then closed the door. Smiling, he moved over towards Andrew, and sat down, watching what he was doing curiously

He handed an un shucked cob and chuckled softly. "You can help me shuck the corn... Grab the husk at this end, and the corn silk as well, and pull it back from the cob and toss it in the pile... "

He would shuck the corn, as he was being showed, murring happily. He continued to shuck, until there was nothing left. He would watch Andrew take it and put it in the pot, keeping every motion under scrutiny, so he could learn how to... cook...

Once the corn was in the pot he cleared off the husks, and brought out potatoes and two peelers, another pot of water getting pulled out and put on the stove. "Once last thing... then we just sit back and wait for it to finish..." He would take a potato and show the fox how to peel it, and warned to peel away from himself, not toward.

He would do as instructed, and didn't seem to be too bad at it... he had some rather marvelous digit dexterity, and quite honestly it could be seen as sexually arousing, if one's mind was left to wander... but he seemed happy enough to just peel the potatoes and when the were all done, he cooed softly

Andrew showed him how to cut the potato's to quarters to cook faster and then set a lid over the potato's and corn while they cooked. He chuckled softly and then moved back over to the fox. "Well we have about an hour, forty minutes before its ready... what would you like to do?"

He shrugged his shoulders a little not certain to what they should do* .. I do not know... I normally don't g-get to stay in one place l-long enough to do anything....

Andrew nodded slowly and leaned against the table, watching the fox through calm blue eyes. "Well... why don't you tell me what you know of your life... from your first memory until yesterday when I pulled you from Dalen's hounds"

The fox would nod gently, and begin the tale as best he knew it. He would tell of how he did not remember much of his childhood... but since he was roughly the age of five as he can reckon it, he was always alone, and without a home. He would speak of doing many things for food... Most of them unspeakable acts of personal sacrifice... Giving of his body to those who did not deserve it... Those who used him and hurt him, and then fed him and threw him away... And this is how the tale would continue until the night he had just spent within this house

Andrew would listen quietly to the tale and would offer no word of chastisement for his acts. He would nod here or there, but would otherwise stay silent. And when the fox was done speaking it would be about time for the food to be finished. Andrew would stand up and check on it, and turn off the heat on the corn and the started to drain the potato's. "Well I do not condemn you for what has happened to you... it was what you had to do to survive. And if you hadden't survived, well then I wouldn't now have your excellent company."

The fox couldn't help but blush heavily, and nod his head softly. He smiled, and slowly stood up, watching Andrew as best as he could to learn this "cooking" that was being taught to him. He wanted to make certain that he would learn all of this, so he could become useful to Andrew.. so perhaps he could stay with this one who treated him so well...

Andrew drained the potato's and then put them in a large bowel, and showed him how to add the butter, and just a little bit of milk to the potato's and then brought it over with the masher and showed him a few mashes in example before handing it over to him. "Ill drain the corn and pull out the ribs... you mash the potato's."

He smiled and would do so, until they were a thick paste that it seemed all mashed potatoes were. Ghost seemed to be absolutely delighted to do this with Andrew, and continued to murr happily, albeit just slightly louder then before

Andrew drained the corn and put them into a bowel, butter to the side to be used to taste, salt and pepper too... "The plates and silverware are in the cupboard and drawer over there.. get out a set for us.." He then pulled out the ribs and start putting them on a large plate.

He would search through a few cupboards until he found the right one, and would set them all out as they needed to be for two people to dine. Then he would slide down to the space near the seat, his tail actually wagging gently as he waited for Andrew.

Andrew would move over to the table and set down the platter before taking his seat opposite the fox. "Alright.... Go ahead and dig in.. there's more then enough for us... and probably some for a snack later on as well."

He smiled and would begin to take what he felt he would eat. Once again it was more then a fox would normally eat, but not quite as much as the night previous, when he had damn near gorged himself

Andrew was more moderate in his portions, leaving the bulk of it to the fox as he ate. He would lean back and chew absently at a bone. And once Ghost had seemed to taken the curb off of his hunger he would speak up. "Was there anything you wished to ask me?

Ghost thought on that for some time, and the one question that came to mind more then any others was quite simple, and elegant in that simplicity* ... If I am shadow bond... Are you... light bond?

Andrew laughed softly and gave a small nod. "Yes... I am bound to the Light... To an extreme sense... to put it mildly." He chuckled and continued to chew on the bone.

The fox thought about this, and it took some time for him to come up with his next question.. Though it was rather obvious that the fox was more intelligent then most might think* .. What... W-what do you think I am?

The wolf looked over the fox curiously and he sighed and gave a shrug. "I honestly don't know... There are so many things that can be shadow bound... from kitsune to simple shadow imps... " The wolf gave a shrug. "We will find out of course... but it might take a very long time to get it right."

The fox would nod his head silently, and accept the answer for that. He had no other questions for that time, and so fell to silence, just sitting there, and looking a bit sheepish as he waited for the time to come that they might rest again

Andrew chuckled softly and shook his head as he sat up and started to clear the dishes. "Do you know how to wash dishes?"

Ghost would nod, and help Andrew with the dishes. This was something he did know, as others had made him do so as part of the payment for a meal. So it really didn't take all that long for them to get the dishes done, though when they were it was starting to get dark outside, and ghost let out a soft yawn

Andrew gave a faint tilt to his head as the sun started to disappear and he chuckled softly. "Day has gone swiftly... we should start to turn your schedule from day to night... you can garden in the night, and it would be far better and healthier for you.... But not just yet, lets get your strength back first. Would you like to bathe again tonight or go right to bed?

He grinned and nodded his head rather enthusiastically. He was a very shy, quiet thing for a fox... Most foxes were very outspoken, and quite obvious about what they wanted... but Ghost was actually quite quiet and shy... Very different... But not a bad thing. He smiled and practically bounced along behind Andrew, cooing happily

Andrew laughed and shook his head. "Nodding isn't an answer to the question I asked... You want a bath, or bed first? Its entirely up to you.. and something I think you can do on your own tonight... I will be in the library if you need me though."

He wanted a bath, so with the soft almost whisper that was the fox's quiet voice he spoke up with a merry tone in his voice* .. I would l-like... a bath f-first.... I l-love.. .w-water...

Andrew laughed softly and gestured for the fox to head to the bathroom. "Then go start a bath then Ghost... you know how to work the bath... If you want to talk or need something just call me"

He nodded his head, and happily bounced off to the bathroom, and it was only a few moments before the squealing laughter, and happy sounds of the fox splashing and playing with the water as it filled the tub came out

Andrew only smiled and chuckled as he moved into the library and started pulling out various books on shadow beings, starting up his quest for what exactly this fox was.

It would be about an hour or so, before the fox finally peeked his head into the library, finally ready for bed. He was still slightly damp in a few places but for the most part was almost completely dry. He seemed to enjoy the water quite a bit... Well. that was an understatement. But all the same, he gently squeaked out towards Andrew* ... I'm going sleep... G-goodnight...

Andrew would look up from where he was reading, oddly, in the dark. The blue eyes reflecting silver in the dark. "Alright Ghost... if you need me I will be here, or you can knock on my door, its upstairs, third door down the hall."

He smiled, and nodded happily, before he disappeared out of the door, and off to bed.. And nothing would be heard from him.. At least for a few hours. For the moment, he would sleep peacefully

Andrew would spend a good portion of that time reading before he finally got up and went into his own room. Letting the house settle into silence for the evening.

It would be deep into the night before the silence was broken by an ear shattering scream. It was most definitely the fox's as he screamed several times, in absolute horror and what could only be described as terror. It would easily echo through the entire house

It would instantly have Andrew up in arms. His door flew open and the wolf burst into the fox's sleeping room, a hand on a sword hilt, that was for the moment still sheathed. His blue fur standing up on end as he searched with cold blue eyes for some intruder, trying to take in the entire scene to figure out what was going on.

In the room would be nothing but an empty bed, and the small fox huddled up in a corner, screeching in horror, and sobbing in absolute fear. he seemed to be muttering repeatedly to himself in something that was most definitely mostly gibberish, but there were a few words.. like demon... and dreams... but it was pretty unintelligible

He cursed sharply and his hands left the hilt of the sword as he rushed over to where the small fox was sobbing. Andrew's voice shushing softly as he tried to detangle the fox from the blankets. "Ghost, Ghost! Calm down.. its alright.. its Andrew... calm down.. It was a dream... a bad dream... "

With the comfort of the wolf there, the fox would break into pure crying, pressing himself up against the wolf. Ghost continued to blubber things about demons, and the one he had escaped from coming for him in his dreams, and such other things. He was genuinely terrified.... Sadly much as a child who had gone through its first nightmare... But it was definitely just a nightmare, and the poor fox was absolutely terrified

The wolf would wrap his arms around the smaller, slender fox and hold him against his chest as he tried to shush the crying, but not actually stopping it. Letting the fox cry himself out. Considering the horror of having a demon for a bed partner Andrew could understand the nightmares. And he simply held the fox and let his presence try and sooth the smaller ones fears.

The fox had to keep his eyes tightly shut in Andrew's presence, but he most certainly didn't pull away. If anything, he just pushed himself tighter to the comforting presence of the wolf, and continued to cry. It wasn't too long.. Perhaps ten minutes.. Before finally the crying started to subside. The fox was still rather frightened, but wasn't sobbing his eyes out any longer

Carefully Andrew would sit back a bit so that he could look at the fox, using a gentle hand would come up to wipe the tears from the fox's face. "There... nothing is here... Nothing is going to be getting you from here... Not as long as I am still able to move."

The fox sniffled and rubbed at his eyes, but kept pressing towards the wolf, seeking the comfort he needed so badly at that moment* ..d-don't... d-don't l-leave me.... p-p-please...

"No.... I don't leave you right now.... But lets go back to the bed.... I don't fancy sleeping on the floor... " He moved slowly, carefully picking the fox up in his arms, blankets and all to go to the bed and gently lay the fox down.

The fox would detach himself enough that they could lay down again, but the moment Andrew got into the bed, the fox was pressing himself up against the larger wolf frame, tucking his nose in along the side of the wolf's shoulder and neck, and cuddling himself as close as he could. It was a rather intimate position, but that almost seemed lost on the fox... That or it was exactly what he wanted.. It could be either one

The wolf was only slightly taken aback, but would not take advantage of the situation. He simply held the poor frightened fox and gently smoothed the back of the small vulpine's head. Making soft, soothing noises in the back of his throat as he tried to calm the other male enough to sleep.

The fox would still whimper and hic every once in a while, until finally he settled. After some time, he would nuzzle in closer to Andrew, and finally he began to sleep again. But this time, soon after the fox began to sleep, he started to murr softly

Andrew would give a faint smile as he felt the fox fall asleep... but he would sweep the fore of the fox's mind, looking for any spider webbing of what might have been the demons actual touch. He didn't want the demon clutching to the fox. He was innocent of anything like that.

There really wasn't much in there, except the sexual act they had shared. In the front of his memories, the fox had indeed gone to the demon willingly, but not expecting to be betrayed. The poor innocent fox's mind revealed him to be quite gay,and if Andrew continued to poke about, he would find that the fox was starting to come very attached to the wolf... A definite sentimental bond forming

Andrew did not go deeply, just enough to make sure that there was no clinging mental trace from the demon. He would pick up a few images from the encounter, as they pertained from the demon, but after that he would carefully caress over the fox's mind to let it slip into a deeper sleep and he pulled his mind away. He would ten settle his own self down to sleep.

The fox would actually sleep the rest of the night through, and this time would not be found on the floor this time would not be found on the floor in the morning. He would actually clutch to Andrew the entire night, and as far into the next morning as possible. But if Andrew found a way to detach himself from the young fox, it would wake him from his state of sleep

Andrew would only patiently wait for the fox to sleep, though he would start to stir about halfway through the morning. The wolf turned his head so that his muzzle was pressed against the fox's ear. His voice rumbled softly against him. "Ghost... its time to wake up..."

The fox grumbled a little, and tried to burry himself further against the wolf's larger form, crushing his entire body to him. There was little separating them, save whatever the wolf wore, and the silk nightshirt that Andrew had given him... So needless to say, it made for some interesting positioning

Andrew was only wearing pajama bottoms. He had taken off the scabbard belt before he had laid down. So yes, it was definitely an interesting position. But the wolf tried to keep that out of his head and gently murmured closer to the fox's ear. "Ghost... wake up.... You need to eat breakfast..."

At first there wasn't much response, but then there was.. well.. quite frankly, it was licking. The fox was gently lapping at the wolf's neck as he started to come out of his sleepy state, murring softly in return to the gentle probing's of the larger male

Andrew caught himself from murring and laughed softly instead. Shifting himself a bit so he could try and squirm himself around to look at his sleepy guest. "Ghost.. that tickles... come on... wake up."

Ghost's eyes were half open, as he was only half awake. But he was definitely aware of what he was doing, as he started to shift the licking towards the canine's cheeks, and slowly seemed to be migrating towards the ears. The very faintest of murring's could be hurt over the louder sounds of the licking, as the fox was actually enjoying this

Andrew laughed a bit more and shifted slightly. The closeness of the fox would make trying to hide the slight growing hardness beneath the wolf's pajama bottoms hard, though he would try his best. He would turn his head slightly, trying to escape from the licking of the fox. "Ghost... I am fairly sure I am not in need of a bath..."

Ghost only giggled softly, and continued licking along the wolf's features, until he reached the ear. The fox wasn't one to be easily dissuaded, and the wolf wasn't outright pushing him away, so of course he decided to continue. Catching one of the larger wolven ears, he gently started to suck on the tip, murring away happily the entire time

Andrew laughed softly and tried to pull his ear away from the playful fox. His growing problem was becoming slightly more noticeable as he tried to shift himself away. "Ghost.... You don't have to be doing this... " It was a soft, gentle statement, with a hint of amusement.... and perhaps just a little bit of interest in it as well.

The fox smiled, and finally let go of the ear. He would bring his face to the same level as that of the wolf's and give the wolf a soft knowing lick. He knew well he didn't need to... But need and desire are two very different things, and to prove this, he slowly slid down the wolf's body to the nicely defined pectorals, and would begin to tenderly lick at one of the soft pink nipples

Andrew gave a soft, almost surprised gasp as the silver lined ears flicked upward. The small nipple instantly hardened at the touch of the vulpine's tongue. The wolfs hands came up to touch the sides of the fox's face. And the hardness in the pajama bottoms and was not able to be ignored any longer. "Gh-ghost.... " His voice had become a little horse, mostly with a slight, almost bemused, surprise.

The fox smiled coyly, and lowered his head to the nipple. Gently, he wrapped his lips about it, and would suckle softly upon the hardened flesh, drawing his tongue in tender flicks across the small nub. The fox's tail began to slowly wave back and forth behind him... Almost seductively so

Andrew moaned softly, gasping each time the fox flicked his tongue over the pink nub. His hands softly caressing the fox's face as he squirmed slightly. His own tail was giving a few faint wags, but nothing too much. But then again, when a wolf gets horny, they rarely were large tail waggers. If anything his tail was flattening against him behind him as he started to pant softly.

Ghost murred softly, and after a few moments of this, began to gently kiss his way downwards. He knew what he was going for... and it was pretty obvious what the wolf wanted. He was used to servicing others... That was how it always was.. On the rare times he had actually laid with a woman he had managed to achieve an orgasm.. but usually he didn't with men.. but who knows... Perhaps this time would be different.. it felt different.. And in a good way

Andrew was indeed enjoying it, but he was not certain that the fox wasn't doing this out of some obscure need to pay him back for things. So he would carefully stop the fox from his advance lower, despite how interested the wolf obviously was. "Ghost.... Look at me.... I don't want you to do this because you think you have too.... You heard what I said before... '

The fox smiled softly, and nodded his head. He nuzzled gently across the hands that held him back, speaking in the most gentle of whispers* ... Ghost knows..... I w-want to... Because I... I l-like you... *he smiled, and slowly slid from the wolf's grip, moving down towards the cock again, his hands reaching out to gently caress over it with tender strokes through the fabric of the sleeping pants

Andrew gasped softly as he felt the tender touches of the fox against the cock, already well out from its sheath, beneath the silk fabric of his pajama's. His ears flattening as he started to pant harder. "G-ghost... " There was nothing else he seemed to be able to say at the moment. His hands caressing over the foxes face and ears lightly.

The fox grinned a little, and slowly undid the pants of the wolf's pajamas, and slid them down, taking any undergarments that might be there with it. But when the warm pink flesh of the wolf's cock was exposed, he grinned and leaned down. Slowly, the long vulpine tongue trailed from it's mouth, and drew slowly along the underside of the erect wolf cock

Andrew moaned softly as he felt the tongue slide over his sex. Another inch or two slipped from the wolf sheath. He wasn't overly impressive in size really, but was average for a wolf. Being about seven inches or so in length. His hands caressed the fox's face as he panted faster.

The fox wasn't about to draw this out unnecessarily, so slowly he sunk the male flesh deep into his mouth, murring around it, and causing his tongue to vibrate about the erect flesh. The fox's nose flared happily as he took in the scent of the male arousal. He began to slowly bob his head up and down, taking more and more of the wolf into his mouth as he did so, feeling the tip of his cock tickling at the back of his throat, and ignoring it

The wolf's hips shifted against the vulpine mouth as it engulfed his cock. Feeling the heat wrap around him made him moan louder as he fought against the strong urge to thrust against the warmth that surrounded him. His hands caressed through the foxes fur, encouraging the fox to take more and more of his cock into his mouth, but never forcing more then the fox could handle. The wolf's blue eyes were slowly glazing over.

The fox only murred louder, and began to bob his head more, taking the wolf down into his throat for long deep sucks, before he pulled back to get a breath, and start to do so again. He was rather good at it, considering he had done so all his life just to scratch out a meek living. As he sucked the tip down into his throat, his tongue would play across the sensitive underside of the cock, gently working it over with the strong pink muscle

The wolf moaned and closed his eyes completely as he leaned his head back against the pillows. His hips were slowly starting to twitch, despite his efforts to keep from doing so. The cock was getting warmer, and was starting to throb slowly. Pearls of pre cum would begin to seep from the pointed lupine tip as his panting got faster and louder, mixing with the moans. His hands gripping the fox more firmly, and then relaxing again, not wanting to force anything, but unable to completely fight off the instinct to grab and fuck the fox's face.

The fox continued to suck at the wolf's cock, only doing so harder as he felt the drops of pre into his throat. He continued to suckle Andrew's cock into his throat, swallowing heavily around the cock, causing the muscles of his throat to ripple around the tip, and massage much of the pre out of it as he could manage

Andrew could feel himself swiftly reaching that point of no return as the fox so expertly sucked him. His lips pulled back and a growl started in his throat as his hips began to twitch with more force. But Andrew would force himself from just releasing, and a hand caressed the fox's face tenderly. "G-ghost... I-I'm going to cum... " His voice was rough, and harsh, but a note of tenderness as he wasn't about to just go without warning the fox..

The warning only sent the fox to a harder pace of suckling the wolf, pulling the flesh with his muscles all the more in the desire to have what the wolf contained.. He wanted the wolf's seed.. He wanted to taste it.. And he didn't plan to let it get away, as he sucked harder on the cock that filled his mouth

The wolf couldn't stand it. Andrew's cock suddenly grew harder and the he gripped the wolf's head as he thrust his hip up against the fox's mouth. Grunting and growling as he felt his sex explode in the fox's mouth. His cock twitching as if alive as he let out a long howl. His hands gripping the fox's fur firmly as he arched his entire body into filling the younger males mouth.

The fox only shifted himself a little, to at least get SOME air, as he drank the wolf's cum down hungrily, murring around the large thick cock. He quite gladly swallowed up every single pearly bead of cum that the wolf shot down his throat, enjoying it completely. Sure, Andrew was holding onto his head, but he had endured worse from others

Andrew would release the foxes head the moment he tried to pull away. Even in the heat of passion he would do nothing to hurt the fox. It would be several long moments as the cock throbbed and then slowly he relaxed against the bed, panting heavily and moaning as he opened his eyes slowly to look at the young fox. Not really sure of what to say at the moment as his head was lost in this strange fuzziness of pleasure.

Murring softly, the fox would lick the leftover cum from the wolf's form, and finally crawl up Andrew's body, murring softly.He would nuzzle himself up against the wolf, and murr happily, nuzzling himself into the wolf's form, despite the fact that his eyes were completely closed

Andrew would wrap his arms around the slender fox's body, his eyes still blinking a bit in a daze as he was highly bemused. But he would turn the younger fox's head up, and very softly, and gently, brushed the fox's lips with his own. Almost tenitivly, but caringly. "Thank you Ghost... but were not finished..."

Ghost nodded, and cooed softly. He hasn't really expected such, and slowly slid himself across Andrew's lap, fully intending to ride the wolf as long as he wanted... The wolf wasn't overly large, and Ghost had taken much larger up his tailpipe... So it really wasn't that bad, and he was going to enjoy it

The wolf murred softly and placed his hands on his hips and gently moved it him from his hips, rolling with him so that it was him who was straddling the foxes hips. He shifted himself enough to kick off his half off pajama bottoms. Leaning down to gently kiss Ghost's lips. "No Ghost.... you have had enough of that... This is your turn..."

He blinked, quite taken aback... No one male had ever tried to let Ghost enjoy this.. It was always about their pleasure. So when this happened, ghost numbly allowed himself to be manipulated, his cheeks turning to a dark crimson color beneath the ebony pelt

Andrew caressed the vulpine's face, murring softly as he reached between them and began to caress the males sheath, leaning down to gently lick and kiss the blush on Ghost's face. "If you don't want to Ghost, you just have to tell me... but I want to return your favor... "

His face was red, but he wasn't going to stop him. So ghost only nodded softly, with a rosy color on his cheek... Which soon came followed by an almost inaudible moan... And then a gentle coo, as his cock began to slowly slide itself free of the male flesh covering it. Ghost's light breath soon became a light panting, as he became aroused by a male.. No.. .but someone he cared for.... For the first time ever

Andrew smiled as he watched Ghost slowly begin to relax, and enjoy himself. The wolf murred softly and continued to lick and nuzzle the fox, across his face, cheeks, and slowly to those adorable, large ears. His free hand caressing across the fox's neck and shoulders as the other felt the male flesh sliding free from its sheath, and wrapped his hands around it, slowly caressing it to draw forth more of it.

Ghost gasped softly as he felt the hand about him, and murred loudly(for him) in happiness. Panting softly, he tried to lick back to the face that was giving such tender attention to his own, but he couldn't make all of the gentle laps of his tongue connect

When Andrew felt the fox was as ready as he could be, he would bring the hand that had been stroking the male vulpine cock to his face and licked it. He tasted the fox's musky male scent on his hand, and he murred loudly, but he was licking his hand mostly to coat it in saliva... he would then grasp the cock again and stroke it a few times. He didn't have an lube handy, but he would make do. Only then would Andrew stop licking and nuzzling the fox as he lifted himself up and carefully positioned the fox at the tight puckered opening of his tail hole and slowly start to lower himself down on the vulpine cock.

The fox's eyes opened wide, as he finally felt what it was like to be in the embrace of a male lover. As the tightness slid down over him, his entire form fell into heavy shuddering, and he moaned in sheer bliss. His entire form was shivering with the lust that was slowly filling the small fox.. Though the loud moan was the loudest sound he had ever made in the wolf's presence before.. Except the screaming of course

The wolf bared his teeth as he slid down the males cock slowly. His muscles twitching against the cock as it tried to adjust to the size that was penetrating it. His ears flat, but he seemed to be enjoying it as well, as the wolf cock, which had retreated back into its sheath was slowly reemerging. And despite the discomfort, Ghost's moan only made him more determined and he wouldn't stop until his ass was flush against the vulpine's balls... and he would then hold himself there, panting heavily.

The fox couldn't stop shivering and twitching in the pleasure that he had never known before. His entire form was in a constant state of shuddering with sheer bliss, as he simply couldn't believe the wolf was doing this. The pleasure running through his body was immense, and he most definitely wasn't about to do otherwise

The wolf smiled a bit as he panted, watching Ghost's reaction and pleasure in this act. Slowly Andrew would start to work himself back and forth, grinding the males cock deep inside of him, and against that nerve cluster that was so enjoyable... Shivering he would move up and then down again. Starting slow, still letting his ass adjust to the size of the thing inside of it. But also because he wanted this to last...

Ghost wasn't completely inexperienced in sex, and so thankfully wouldn't release too soon... But he panted and felt the wolf moving on him, and this only cause the fox's breathing to come harder, and illicit louder moans of ecstasy into the small room's confines

Andrew would lean over his smaller lover and kiss him tenderly, licking and lapping at the fox's panting mouth as slowly be began to work his hips against the fox faster. His own sex was again hard, and glistening in the cool air, and Andrew would take one of Ghosts hands and wrap it around the lupine flesh. Each downward thrust of his hips against the fox's cock made him shudder, and his cock twitch.

The fox didn't need much encouragement at that point, and he wrapped both hands around the wolf's cock, starting to caress it up and down in time with their thrusting. His breath was heavy, and most definitely pleasured, as every once in a while it was broken by soft moans

The wolf moaned long and hot against the vulpine's ears as he felt the fox caressing his cock in time with his thrusts. It made him start to move just a little faster. His eyes closing as he blindly licked, nipped, and sucked at the fox's ears, face, and neck. His hands caressing along the fox's slender form. His cock was aching to release again, but he would hold himself back. He wanted to share this with his handsome lover, and he would begin to work his ass more firmly.

The fox cried out softly in bliss, as he felt the wolf's ass clenching down around him, and the faster strokes of the anal ring along his form. Panting loudly, he knew that he couldn't last long, and began to stroke the wolf faster. The fox could feel his orgasm approaching, as he started to spurt pre up into the anal cavity of his lover

Andrew could feel his lovers body tensing and relaxing in that way that only meant that his release would be soon... this only made Ghost pant harder and his own cock spurt pre cum on the fox's hands as he felt his own balls ache for their second release. But he couldn't, and wouldn't until he heard his younger lover's cries of pleasure. His pace again raising a notch as he bucked his hips down against the fox's, bouncing himself against the fox's cock, and riding it for all it was worth.

The fox simply couldn't take it, and he clutched the wolf's cock perhaps just a bit too tightly... But he did grasp it tightly, as he moaned out in ecstasy, and released himself up into the anal canal of the wolven lover. Everything about the fox showed that this truly was the first orgasm he could actually enjoy

Yes the grip of the fox was a bit tight, but even that wouldn't stop the wolf from howling and spunking all over the fox's hands, stomach, and chest as he felt the fox release. If anything it made it so much better as he knew how much Ghost was enjoying it. Pushing himself down hard on the cock as the fox released deep inside of his bowels. Andrew leaned down against him, his hips instinctually giving a few thrusts against the fox's hands, as he panted and moaned softly.

The fox's grip quickly loosened, and let the wolf slide gently through his hands. Murring softly, he would start to lick at some of the thick spunk that was coating his fur, murring away happily. There was a look of actual, true happiness in the small fox's features... One previously unknown

His cock would give a few last spurts before he collapsed against his lover, ignoring the fact that he was squishing his cum between the two of them. The fox's cock still inside of his ass he only wrapped his arms around Ghost and held him tighter. Moving his head to tenderly, and almost lovingly kiss the smaller fox.

The fox was very inexperienced with kisses, and it showed in his nervous reluctance.. But as the kiss was held, he would relax more into it, finding this to be very pleasurable indeed

Andrew didn't seem to mind the fox's inexperience with a kiss, and would only encourage his lover to enjoy it as he tenderly caressed Ghost's face as he kissed him. And then broke it off to look at the smaller fox. "Thank you Ghost... "

Ghost only cooed softly, and nuzzled himself into the wolf, murring away happily. The fox's small voice gently squeaked out in return to the wolf* ... th-thank you... it w-was... amazing...

Andrew chuckled softly and would kiss the foxes nose before he slowly, and reluctantly pulled himself up. "We have lost what little we had of the morning... and I think we both need a bath before anything else.

Ghost blushed, and gave the softest of giggles. He nodded his head knowingly, as they had indeed lost almost all of the morning, and would be needing to definitely clean themselves before they went ahead with things. So when the wolf was off of him, he slowly slid up and licked the wolf's cheek affectionately, murring happily as he stood up

Andrew grinned as Ghost licked his cheek.... and suddenly scooped the fox up off of his feet and tossed him onto his shoulder. One well muscled arm holding the fox in place, while his free hand scratched at the base of the fox's tail, turning toward the bathroom and marching off with the fox. "Looks like I caught me a fox."

The fox squeaked and giggled happily, gently flailing his legs just enough to make himself squirm, but not too much as to actually make him difficult to hold. The fox couldn't help but continue giggling happily, his tail flicking about from side to side in happiness

The wolf marched on into the bathroom with his 'captive' securely in place on his shoulder. The fur pattern on the wolf's back was odd... but then again, a wolf with silver and blue fur was odd in and of itself. He flipped the fox off of his shoulder and set the fox onto the side of the tub and turned on the water. "You may wish to adjust it to a temperature you prefer."

The fox giggled softly, and nodded his head. There was a new light in the silver eyes of the young shadow creature. He still couldn't look directly at Andrew, unless his eyes were closed, but otherwise he was perfectly happy... sure the fox could never truly look at his lover... but he could enjoy the presence none the less...

Andrew didn't seem to mind that the fox couldn't directly look at him. It wasn't the first time. Though he did try to keep the holy Aura as minimized as possible in the fox's presence. He would go to the cupboard and pull out some of his own favorite soap and then slip into the bath as it was filling and add in some, to make a rather nice smelling bubble bath.

The fox wouldn't make too many adjustments to the heat of the bath... Though he did make it hot for him, which was probably just warm for Andrew. He never stopped cooing however, and just enjoyed the time he was spending with Andrew after their little love session

Andrew would sink into the bubble bath as it filled and watched the fox with a new curiosity in him. And a new interest as well. He seemed content, and he smiled a bit. "I am glad your so happy Ghost."

Ghost closed his eyes and turned his face towards Andrew, cooing gently* ... Ghost f-finally... has something to b-be happy about..... a-Andrew... makes g-ghost... happy....

Andrew reached out and pulled Ghost to him, settling him on this lap and wrapping his arms around him as he nuzzled the smaller vulpine's face, murring loudly as the water lapped around them and the bubbles tickled their fur. "Good... I may have known you only two days... but they have been the best two days I have had in a very very long time."

The small fox murred happily, and nuzzled his face up into the wolf's neck. He had to keep his eyes tightly closed, or there would be much pain... But he had a bit of an idea on how to fix that... He carefully detached himself from Andrew, only long enough to find a thin hand towel, and he bound it about his eyes. In this fashion, he was able to look directly at Andrew, and see him in a way few others could. Cooing happily, he returned and nuzzled his face up into the warmth of Andrew's fur

Andrew had an idea of how to fix it as well, but it would have to be something to do later. But this was good enough for now. He took an unused wash rag and tenderly started to wash the fox in his lap, murring loudly and he smiled tenderly.

Ghost only cooed and pressed himself closer to the wolf, exposing his body one piece at a time for washing, so that he could remain in as much contact with the wolf as he could. The fox really was a sweet little thing... Adorably cute, and shy... and very affectionate...

Andrew seemed only delighted at this game. Washing one piece at a time, though he reserved the fox's face for his tongue as he couldn't help but lick at it as he washed him. Always gentle and giving special attention to certain area's. "How is it, that no one has seen you Ghost... the real you.... "

The fox just smiled that sweet little smile, and shrugged his shoulders gently* ... Most people.. d-don't look in t-the g-gutter... *he smiled, and found a washcloth, and began to return the favor to Andrew, adding a new dimension to the game.. Washing the other without breaking much contact

Andrew laughed softly and let the fox return the favor and bathe him as well. The soft blue eyes watching him as he tickled the fox here and there while he tried to wash him. "Well... I think the gutter gave me one of the most wonderful gifts I have ever been given."

The fox would squeak and try to nip at the naughty hand that dared to tickle him.. but he just smiled, and kept going, enjoying the game as much as Andrew was.. But with the words, he would take a rather heavy blush onto his cheeks, cooing softly in the arms of his new lover

Andrew pulled the washcloth from the fox's hands, he was clean enough, and simply pulled the fox closer to him, Murring loudly as he nuzzled his fox. A hand caressing his back as he enjoyed the closeness of his companion. And the warmth from the water. And his tail gave a few wags through the water. "We have much to do today... but I don't want to let you go."

The fox nodded his head gently, and nuzzled himself up into her, cooing with absolute joy. He just liked being there with the wolf, not really caring about what else had to be done* ... I l-like it... r-right here.....

Andrew chuckled softly, the sound rumbling through his chest as he nuzzled the fox. "Nor do I... but you have to eat, so you can gain your strength back and you need your next lesson in reading, so you can help me find out what exactly you are."

He sighed softly, and nodded his head gently... Though still made no attempt to move. He was perfectly happy right where he was, and enjoyed feeling his lover's body pressed to him... He didn't even want to consider moving

Andrew was making no immediate move either.. he just wanted to cuddle at the moment, and was doing so... and he was resisting the urge he had to start fucking his sweet little lover again. But no... he was going to be good as he tenderly licked the fox's face.

Ghost seemed completely oblivious to the wolf desires, and just pressed himself closer to him, murring with the affection and happiness that was now filling places he had never before known were empty

The wolf murred softly and caressed the fox's back slowly. His eyes half closing as he licked the fox's face. He wasn't making any move to get out of the bath, and only pulled the fox closer to him. He didn't want to talk either.. just wanted to hold the fox as close as possible.

The fox murred happily, and pulled himself up to the wolf, gently licking at the underchin of Andrew's face. He enjoyed the presence of his lover, and was not about to do anything to detach himself from that