The Last Of The Minotaur: Part 1 The Meeting
Disclaimer- Warning this story contains homosexual acts between a minor and an adult anthro. Sooooo... You must be 18/21 to read or be accompanied by an adult. (Yeah right) "MOST" of the people and events in this story are fictional (their identities have been altered for privacy reasons and no matter what never punch a hole in a window its not worth it). . Note from author- Read and Enjoy my first story. Thank you
On a searing hot day of 42 degrees Celsius, the entire grade nine class awaits the bus outside the of the Transprovincial bus station of Toronto that would shuttle them to Hells Maw Cave a.k.a the Minotaur's Labyrinth for hours of spelunking. Every face looking in a different direction, guessing and hoping for the bus to arrive soon and give them shelter from the U.V rays. Already signs of sun burn were appearing on peoples exposed skin, and everybody was annoyed that the teachers dined in the station while everybody else roasted.
"Hey wait up Jake"!
"You are going to fast for me again".
"Back off Mike".
"Just please don't go so fast".
(Mike is not really my friend he just sticks close to avoid bullying)
Oooooo'k here is the scoop, our teachers are taking us spelunking, but are making us do most of the work which pisses me right off, and because they are living high on the hog in the diner I went to make a (unsuccessful) stand , and if you are wondering who I am, my name is Jake Anderson I'm 15, a kick boxer, 5'11/2 , 167 lb, have a natural tan, and have a sour attitude towards teachers but am otherwise very serious or very sarcastic, I wear contact lenses which give my piercing green eyes a reptilian look.
"I wonder how deep the vertical mine shaft in the cave is", mused Mike.
"97 meters deep": My best friend Chelsea yelled over the racket of the of the other grade nines who spotted the bus and then sighing with disappointment at the state of the poor machine and were now waiting in line to be engulfed by the air conditioning of the bus.
"How do you remember stuff like that? And hear like that"; he added under his breath.
"Because it's what one needs to be successful and not be so narrow minded toward video games, oh and I spend a lot of time in the woods, it sharpens the senses"; she whispered into Mikes ear.
"What"?! He yelled.
"PFFT, oh just never mind"; She replied with a hint of annoyance. I took one last look at the sign that screamed "TRANSPROVINCIAL BUS STATION"
And could not help wondering who would be stupid enough to make such a retarded sign...
"OOOOOH GAUD"! I gasped as I entered into the "UNaircondishoned" bus.
"Wooooo"! Chelsea exclaimed as she entered to.
Looking to the left the only thing I saw was disappointed, hot faces and lots of shredded leather chairs, I don't even want to describe the decades of grime sticking to the roof. Looking over to the right I saw Mike, feet propped up on the chair in front of his and warming up to one of all the teachers who had the liberty to take all the seats with working mini air conditioning units and filling the others chairs that had a.c. with equipment.
"That teachers pet, that little user I'll"... Chelsea growled under her breath until she noticed my clenched fists cracking. "Don't even think about Jake".
"Well what am I to do and what were you going to do. I argued.
"Something less physical", she argued back.
"Ugh"! I moaned as I sat in a vacant seat, Chelsea sat beside me.
"Well today could be worse". She said to me. "Well let me see what already happened already", I said before she could say anything else. "First I punch a hole in a window and have to pay for it, I tripped... The old bus started up with a grinding screech and we were off. Aaannnd; I continued, knocked over a teacher
"Ouch" Chelsea muttered.
"I then said the c word in the gym and some teacher over exaggerated the whole thing to the principle. The only reason I'm aloud to come is because they intend to torcher us".
"Well try and have a good time anyw... Oh look at that", she giggled.
I looked to where she was pointing and felt aroused seeing two male horses mating (weird huh?).
"What"?, Mike screamed leaping on top of me and kicking my face (73.4% of my scull is titanium reinforced with nano tubes which protected my scull from the onslaught) only to miss what we were looking at.
"Oh": he sighed going back to a snickering teacher while my blood presser rose and flowed out of my nostrils.
"I can't believe the teachers let him get away with these things", Chelsea snarled as she examined my cuts (the kicks I could handle but not when he wears steel toed boots always trying to look tough).
I sighed in pain then explained to her, "Most of the teachers at St. Gerard's high school have some a case of mental psychosis, ever since the economy crumbled no body cared who got what job".
"But shouldn't"...
"But nothing, that hadn't mattered to the school board for 6 years".
"Yes", I replied in a tone signaling the end of the conversation.
"We're here", our home room teacher Ms. Beatroot cried in her most unholy and sing song voice yet (a women of about 50, gray hair in bun, tall, skinny, dull/blank copper colored eyes and a thin lipped always smiling food processing unit) 6 hours later, waking me from a dream of women with spinning horse tails humping female horses ears only to discover that I had heat stroke!
Opening up my eyes, I yond and closed them almost instantly.
"Ah", I groaned wearily.
"What the matter my dear", Ms. Pulaski our teacher assistant asked".
"I got heat stroke", I moaned trying to keep lunch down.
"Tut tut tut, that excuse won't work on me", she replied getting out of the bus over to where I could just see Mathew, Nathan, and Rachel struggling to unload the heavy equipment from the side compartments. As if remembering something she ran back to me,
"Dear sweet Jake would you please help the poor meek babies unload things unless you are one too"... Not giving her a chance to say anymore, I ran out of the bus to where they were.
"Hey guys... and gals", I said with forced cheeriness trying to anger the teach... creature in the bus and trying almost unsuccessfully to keep my cookies where they belong which made me wonder why I attempted to bow to Rachel in this state.
"Yeah-like-what-ever, she shot back in a snooty I don't care voice. Like I don't even know why we are going to explore a 6 gazillion year old labyrinth which is home to a centaur and made by the Egyptians".
"Actually; Nathan our 9 or 12 year old history professor class mate responded, the labyrinth is part of Greek myth and was built to house the Minotaur, a creature with the plain body of a man and the head of a bul"...
"Yeah what-ever", she shot back, and for no reason at all Mathew the mouth (no explanation required) butted in and escalated the neutral conversation into an argument.
"What a bunch of butt heads", I muttered and took the time to scan the landscape. Trees, Trees, Some more trees, humid, bugs, and no mountain with the exception of a tall pile of gravel towards to west, and speaking of gravel Lots Of It Everywhere! Looking to the east with the setting sun to my back I saw Chelsea Working the ropes that we would use to stick together in the dark.
"So where is this cave"? I asked a passing Mr. Humble (whom I met a few days ago and hated instantly) our cave guide who jus arrived in his truck.
"Right ere measle", and walked away;
"Measle"?, oh well I thought to myself and walked to where he was pointing, and if it weren't for Chelsea pulling me back I would have fell into Hells Maw.
"Whoa I think he did that on purpose", I said calmly to myself and gazed into the sandy depression in which resided the entrance to Hells Maw Cave.
"That was close"! Gasped Chelsea. "Well I think I know how this place got its name",
"Simple, a guy fell into the hole aaannd... never mind it doesn't make much sense anymore".
"Okay", she replied slapping a mosquito on her neck noticing my playful mocking stare at one of her almost never mistakes.
"HOY"! Mr. Humble screamed in his phony Cajon accent. "Gathair wound we are eading into da cave so sick with may. We'll be speanding the night in the caves soo go to tha batzoom now... and make ur that you ave all your ffood an supplies icluding you flash torches. AANY QUESTIONS? He yelled in an unnecessarily loud voice. Es you over thair".
Me and Chelsea left not giving a damn.
"Whydowehavetogotothebathroomnowandwhereandsecondarewegoingtothemineshaftwherethemassacreoccurred"? Mathew asked running all the words together. Most of the class didn't understand most of it but Humble did. "Irst I doint wan't you stenching up thee night with yune stench annd yees we are going to the mine shoft. Lets oove out. He yelled even though none of us were ready yet".
"This place is gnarly", I groaned half an hour later. Looking around with my helmet mounted flashlight I took in every detail of the melted wax looking cave. The some spell seemed to have taken hold of Chelsea, because she wouldn't stop stopping me to look at this and that.
"", I heard someone yell up a the front of the line.
"Come on lets catch up", Chelsea said with barely suppressed energy.
"After you my lady, "Yee ha"...
"STOP"! Yelled Ms. Beatroot, come here you two she demanded in her sing song voice. We obeyed.
"Look right there". As I turned my head to look where she was pointing and where everybody else was looking I saw the mine shaft! I sighed seeing that it was only a crooked hole nearly 300 ft deep where some prospectors were dim-mindedly searching for some non existent gold and were killed mysteriously 68 years ago. "Not much is it... AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAhhhhhhhhhhhhh"! I screamed as I slipped on a something that someone dropped causing me to fall leaving the students behind confused and horror stricken that I fell. During that time thinking that this was the most Fucked up and disorienting day ever.
"FUCK YOU", I shouted as my last farewell to Ms. Beatroot, Ms. Pulaski and the other unmentioned teacher, "FUCK YOU,FUCK YOU, FUCKYOU, FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU, FUCK YOU, FUCK"..."CRACK!... WHOA... HELLO... shouldn't I be dead", I asked out loud after a few minutes which seemed like hours staring into eternal blackness.
I felt around looking for my helmet which flew off my head, not moving just in case I was injured... duh there no chance that I am not.. "oh there you are"... I suddenly hears rustling beside me and... did something just slither right from under me?... click... "nooo"?... "nooottthhhing"?..."ooooo"; I heard something moan, so I sat up and swiveled my torso to the source on my right... did I just wet my self? Looking down, my black nylon tank top was all wet and.... "AAAAA"!!!! for a second I thought I could see right through me but actually I was staring at a hole that was closed but went right through me "AAAAAAA"! But there was no pain.
"OOOOOO", I turned again to the source and this time I saw what it was and barely suppressed a scream as I gazed at a Minotaur trying to stand. I couldn't force my self come to turns with what was going on, then one last piercing scream so found its way into my throat as it opened it incomprehensible and stunning eyes that burned into my heart and soul. Feeling the life literally drain away from me I tried to turn away but caught sight of one blood stained horn... how nice! I thought deliriously as I died.
"Oooohhh". "Where am I"? No answer came as I opened my eyes. Am I dead? No one answered. Looking around I found that I was in some sort of egg shaped cavern, the walls were covered in strange pictures and carvings. I sat up and turned to the wall to my left where a huge mantle with exotic markings, designs and a large fireplace with the bust of Venus on the top of the mantle. The room was dimly lit by 5 or 7 torches ringed around the cavern burning a disturbing blue. Looking down I saw that I was laying on a large king sized x2 bed with silky thin but warm sheets. I also saw an angry red scar on my chest where the hole had been... "Where are my clothes"? I asked myself.
"Beside you", a rough, strong but young voice to my right replied.
"Uuuugh". I choked as I slowly turned that direction remembering what had happened the last time, then caught my breath as I grazed upon a most beautiful creature, (minus the life sucking eyes) and to my surprise found very attractive. The Minotaur unlike the stories had a body covered from muzzle to cloven hoof in course curly but straight navy blue hair; it had a simple cloth like silver loin cloth covering only the front, an overly long lion's tail, and the legs went like this. The upper leg went forwards and at the knee it bent backwards then went forwards again like an elites leg. The hooves were so black and shiny they were hard to look at. The eyes were toned down but no less incredible hiding an eternal wisdom, intellect, and suppressed sorrowful loneliness, and aside from the eyes the most prominent thing was that he was about 9 feet tall .
"Who are you"? I croaked weakly.
"My name is Draconis" the minotaur replied.
"Thats not very Greek", I thought to my self. Hell I didn't even know any Greek names.
"Where am I!, where did my heat stroke go?, and why am I not dead!?... And why the fuck am I naked"! I demanded, but then maybe this guy was the one who killed the miners which made me skitish.
The minotaur smiled, "you are in the lair of the minotaur" he replied and continued: "The reason you are not dead is because I revived you before your soul passed on, and for the process to work you had to be naked in order to heal and recover your soul". "So why were you sucking my soul and isn't this supposed to be in Greece"? I growled dangerously.
"It was not my fault, like most humans I have trouble controlling my emotions and powers and it is expressed through my eyes in devastating ways, and no the labyrinth was built in Greece but mysteriously leads here".
"Ok sooooo"... and as quick as lightning I bolted to the small entrance at the point of the egg shaped cavern. "Gack"!! I exclaimed as I felt a pressure around my neck as someone gently but firmly was choking me. I fell to the ground naked and struggling to stand again. "Sorry but I can't let you go just yet", said the minotaur still holding me.
"why... can't... HUUUUUH". I gasped as the pressure around my necked lessened but still held firm. "Why can't you let me go"? I whimpered feeling more helpless than I ever felt.
"I can't let other people know of my existence as I am the last of my kind and I believe you know what would happen to me if I was discovered".
"But you can trust me".
"Yes I could but I am still cautious of your kind no matter who you are". He bent down and picked me up like a baby, I quickly smashed my metallic skull against his and the only reaction was an emotionally hurt expression from him and a sore bleeding forehead as he carried me back to the bed, I sniffled and found that his fur smelt of ash and a forest before a rain storm. I couldn't help feeling like a child again in the protection of a parents arms. He laid me down gently and released the last of the pressure on my neck before walking around the bed and laying down beside me.
"I am truly sorry for hurting you", he said empathetically staring me in the eyes. "But I must keep you here for I while to make sure that you don't try and expose me" he said as he affectionately rubbed his soft muzzle against my forehead and wrapped a heavily muscular arm around my waist.
"Why are you that last of your kind", I asked strangely feeling myself warm up to him instantly. He sighed, spilling his breath which smelt of a pine tree across my face.
"We were hunted out of jealousy, because of our superior powers to that of man. We are powerful but man outnumbered us and one by one we fell".
"But what is this about a woman who had a minotaur as a baby and had it imprisoned in the labyrinth"?
"That was me, my father mated with her before the day of his death and after I was born, I was immediately imprisoned in the labyrinth for eternity".
"Didn't some guy come and kill you"? I asked as I shifted position.
"No, he couldn't defeat me and I didn't have the heart to kill a man with the amount of honor surrounding him, so we struck a deal, he could cut the horns off my head as proof of my destruction and I would telepathically make the princess whom he loved love him if he managed to kill the king who imprisoned me". He sighed again before continuing: "It was painful mentally and physically to lose my horns and they're still not done growing back".
"Oh", I muttered feeling foolish for asking too many questions and head butting him. Glancing up at his slightly too small horns then down quickly at his loin cloth, I felt myself aroused as spotted a bump which I presumed was a sheath.
"UH, OH", I thought as he caught me staring at his pelvic area. But tried and failed to make it seem like he didn't notice, and one more quick glance down proved this as I observed the long bump growing longer and swelling.
"I am not trying to scare or offend you but I find you very attractive", he breathed. "To answer his question I tried to wrap my right arm around his arm and allowing my hand to drift towards his swelling genitals. He stiffened, and I felt ashamed as if I did something wrong but felt relieved as he relaxed again then spoke:
"I feel the desire to mate with you but it feels sinful and wrong". "I do not want to ruin your relationship with your god".
"How do you know"? I asked feeling embarrassed.
"You wore a cross necklace and a bible with a hand free book light". "How do you know what they are, where is my cross necklace, and what where you doing in my stuff"?
"I wasn't in your stuff (I could feel his penis sliding out of its sheath against the loin cloth and against my leg) it was scattered everywhere and your cross is here, he said tilting his head slightly and untying it from the base of his left horn and it was then that I noticed to he had an indigo mohawk going down his back and fountaining in every direction. "Here you go"... he suddenly stopped as 48 inches of penis slipped out of his loin cloth. Words couldn't begin to describe the amount of shame one would see in his eyes.
"I I I I"... He stuttered.
"Its ok I said reaching out with one of my hands and brought his head towards me and drew him into a long passionate kiss rubbing his penis against my legs and pelvic region. When I released he looked different but I couldn't put my finger on it. I slowly got up as my heat stroke began to reappear as a throbbing headache and crawled over him.
"Are you sure you want to do this". He asked me which was a little weird. Before anything else could be said he got onto his hands and knees as I stood up on the bed and placed my 9 inch hardened penis at the entrance of his puckered anus. Brushing his flicking tail away allowing my hand to drag across his rump I suddenly got an urge that I could not control and hammered my rock solid member into his soft virgin anus and began to pump ferociously all the while Draconis moaned with pleasure. After about 2 minutes I began to climax.
"Don't stop", Draconis breathed with pleasure, suddenly I gave a cry as I had my first and among the most strongest orgasm of my life, I pumped still into him letting the cum flow out of my joyful penis. But sooner or later all good things come to an end as the last of my semen squirted into him.
"Your turn", I panted falling onto the bed disoriented with unimaginable pleasure and heat stroke feeling the spooge leak out of his anus and onto my leg.
"I might hurt you", he said; his voice filled with love, compassion, worry, and still that unmaskable shame.
"Then why not oral", I asked trying to keep alive the moment. He considered for a moment then sat cross-legged on the bed allowing his oddly shaped, long, ridged penis to stick into the air. I crawled over, stood up and took his long Minotaur meat into my mouth and began to suck as had as I could while masturbating the large portion of the exposed cock. His meat slipped out of my mouth a bit as he shifted onto his knees then leaned backwards.
"OOOHHHH!" he gasped as he neared the end of his long virgin life. I felt that he was nearing jackulation and one HELL of an orgasm I began to suck harder, gripping his penis harder stroking up an down the shaft faster. He suddenly released about 4 gallons of mint flavored cum into my mouth, down my throat, and all over my body. I let the penis slip out of my throat trying to catch my breath. Suddenly feeling aroused and Draconis smelt it, leaning forwards until he was once again on his hands and knees. I quickly crawled over to his rear end then stood up and using the strength of every well toned muscle in my body I began to pump harder than before.
"AAHH AH AAH OOHH", we gasped and moaned in unison,
"I love you"..."AAAAAAHHHHHh"!!! I screamed as heat stroke and my still healing wound hit me so hard I fell down shaking.
"Oh No"! Draconis exclaimed swiveling towards me and bringing his face close to mine.
"Are you ok? We shouldn't of"... I smiled at him,
"You're too cautious... and you know what? I think I'm in the mood for some oral the other way around". "Are you sure you are ok"? "Yes". "Ok, just relax"... before he could say anything else I drew him into another kiss tasting his nectar like saliva, I slowing drew away and he dragged his long tong down my body towards my awaiting member. He slowly wrapped his tong around it then closed his mouth around it and began to suck slowly, rocking back and forth. It felt so good my chest and back ached with anticipation of my next orgasm.
About 20 minutes passed before I felt an orgasm bubbling up inside of me.
"I... think... I'm... Going... to AAAHHHHH"!!! I screamed as the orgasm rocked my world, and the pleaser kept on increasing with the help of Draconise's powers.
'Thank You My... love", I panted as more and more fluid flowed out of me but something was missing hen it hit me like a bomb shell.
"Yes my love"? "I feel hollow not knowing the pleaser of you cock up my ass".
"Are you shure? I could injure you and healing you already used up a lot of my magic".
"Yes I want... I need it", I said as I observed the stream lined shape of it. I turned onto my hands and knees exposing my ass to Draconis who starred at it for a few moments before grabbing both hips gently with his clawed hands and without hesitation slowly forced his member into me.
"OooohhHHaaAAAHHH"!!!. He stopped as my moans of pleasure turned into cries of pain.
"Please... Don'tstop I gasped through tears and feeling of blood trickling down my leg onto the bedspread.
"But your hurt"!
"Please"...! I begged so he continued to force his member as far as it could go before pulling back until the arrow shaped head remained at the entrance before thrusting in again and again and again. AAAAAAAHHHHHHHH!/OOOOHHHOHOHOHOOOH!
We both gave a different cry as he hit his biggest orgasm yet jetting semen and urine into my bowels. Mine was a cry of blood and pain; his was a cry of ecstasy and pleasure until he noticed the injury, the blood, and the pain I was in. "I didn't know"... I cut him off by placing a hand firmly on his cheek.
"It what I was what I wanted and what ever you did was not your fault', I said through the tears. He looked very disgusted at what he had done and looked like he was about to do something very bad to himself so I quickly wrapped my arms around him catching him by surprise I forced him down onto the bed. He turned his head around to face me. "This had been one crazy day huh"? I asked him smiling through the tears. He didn't reply. "Lets just sleep I", suggested. "Agreed"? He hesitated... "Agreed" Then wrapping our arms around each other we went into our third and final kiss of the night that would last till we were asleep and ready to sort things out in the morning. I would also ask him about the mine inccedent.