A Fox's Punishment

Story by Zachthefox on SoFurry

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#1 of Kyle and James

Kyle, my boyfriend, was pissed. I shouldn't have gotten into an argument with him. He told me he wanted to take me on a date in public, and I said it was a bad idea and that we weren't ready for that yet. He completely exploded at me for being disobedient, and, being a year older than me and much stronger and more dominant, he won the argument. He told me to go up into his room and he would deal with me there.

I walked into Kyle's room, with Kyle close behind me. He shut his bedroom door and locked it. "You've been a bad little fox, James. Now I'm going to punish you for it."

"Punish...me?" I repeated. "What do you mean?"

"You'll find out. Get on my bed, now, and take off all your clothes."

I sat down on his bed, but didn't take off my clothes. "Why do you want me to do that?" I asked, frightened.

"Because I said so!" The 16 year old snarled, showing me his sharp fangs. "Now get your fucking clothes off, or I will do it for you! You have three seconds to do it!"

I immediately pulled off my shirt and started unzipping my jeans. Pulling them to the floor, I sat on the bed in just my boxers.

"Your boxers too," he said, watching me intently. Hesitantly, I grabbed the waistband of my boxers and pulled them down to my ankle. I stood there naked, my cock beginning to grow just a little bit.

Kyle laughed when he saw this. "I see your dick is enjoying this attention," he said. He walked into his closet and reappeared a minute later with something behind his back. "Lay flat on the bed and close your eyes," he said. "I have a surprise for you."

Not wanting to find out what the 'surprise' was, but not wanting to get into any more trouble either, I laid flat on my back with my head against his pillows, and closed my eyes. Almost instantly, I felt something shoot up my ass. My eyes flew open and I saw Kyle inserting a tube into my butt.

"What is that?!" I screamed.

"Your surprise, of course!" he said happily. He continued to push it in until it was all the way inside me. Then he grabbed a diaper from the bed and unfolded it.

"T-That's a diaper," I said. "What are you doing?"

"This is your punishment for arguing with me, James. When I come back in here, that diaper had better be clean, or you're in big trouble." He slid the diaper under me and brought it up to the front. Removing the enema from my butt, he grabbed a plug and stuck it in the enema's place. "This is so nothing leaks out of your butt," he said with a wink, as he shoved it deep inside my ass. Then he took the four tapes and stuck them securely on the cover. Finally he reached under me, and made a small hole for my tail, and pulled it out. He patted my butt, and said, "Have fun."

He walked to the door and flipped off the lights, and then left the room, leaving me in total darkness. I laid still so as not to feel the plug inside me. I just knew he wanted me to mess the diaper, so that he could punish me even further.

It was only three minutes later when I felt the enema working. My bowels started to stir and I felt pressure building up in my stomach. I knew I couldn't let it go, or else Kyle would have his way with me. That thought alone made me shiver some.

I crossed my legs and held as tight as I could to keep from releasing. My legs worked for about two minutes, and then they went numb, and I released. A massive load shot into my diaper, which forced my plug to go with it. The plug rubbed up against my lower back, which made me even more uncomfortable. My load continued to expand as the smell became awful, and my diaper was nearing its limits. I also realized I was peeing too, I guess the giant load I had released made me forget about my bladder.

I finished about a minute later, and that's right when Kyle came in. Almost as if he had been standing by the door listening. He immediately noticed my diaper was filled.

"Oh...lookie what we have here!" he said. "Seems like someone couldn't hold their shit in until I came back, like they were supposed to. Oh well, that's okay, I figured you'd do it." He held his nose as he walked over to me. "Come on, you bad little fox, let's get you clean." He reached out and grabbed my arm, and I shamefully let him take it. I knew he was mad at me, and that whatever would come next wouldn't be pleasant.

He escorted me into the room next to his, and told me to lay down on the floor. I did as I was told, not wanting to get into any more trouble. He untaped the diaper and pulled it down. We both looked at it at the same time and found it was filled with shit and piss all over the place. The plug Kyle had used for my butt was covered in shit.

"You bad, bad fox!" he yelled at me. "I told you to keep the diaper clean, or you'd be in trouble! Well, guess what? You're in trouble now!" I lowered my head and started to cry. He laughed at this. "Look at you, crying. You're one sad thing, you know that? You can't even follow directions. Well, you're gonna learn a lesson from me." I shook at that statement. He said it with an evil tone of voice, I knew he meant business. "Since you couldn't take your first punishment, I'm going to give you a second one. And it's a lot worse."

He took the diaper out from under me and left me naked on the floor. He threw the diaper in the trash and took out some wipes. He wiped all the shit off my butt and crotch, and threw the wipes in the trash as well, leaving me clean. He put the plug on the bookcase nearby and walked back over to me. "Now listen here, you bad little fox. You're gonna get this punishment and take it, like a man. If I hear so much as a peep out of you, you're going to get it." I shuddered at his tone and nodded my head slowly. I didn't know exactly what he was going to do, but I had a pretty good idea.

He unzipped his own jeans and pulled them off, along with his boxers. He then threw off his shirt leaving him completely naked. His reddish fur looked beautiful, like mine, and I couldn't help but stare. His hand traveled down to his dick, and he started rubbing it. "I'm gonna have a good time with you," he said. My eyes widened and I started crying again. He seemed angered by this. "Why are you crying, fox?" he asked me.

"B-because I'm afraid," I said quietly.

"I told you to keep your mouth shut," he barked. "Now shut up, or I'll have to make you." He laid down on top of me, his face just inches from mine. I could feel the air coming out of his nostrils as he positioned himself for my 'punishment.' In one swift move he shoved his dick deep inside my ass, without any lubricant. I yelped loudly, but he kept it in there. He slowly moved it out, and then back in again, and took his left paw and covered my mouth so I wouldn't make any noise. He continued to go in and out as he got faster, and the pain for me got worse and worse. I could only mumble as he held his paw firmly over my mouth. My face was flowing freely with tears as I tried to scream for him to stop.

It took almost five more minutes of him fucking me before he was even close to cumming. He took his paw off my snout and grabbed my hips with both paws. He thrust at an incredible speed before finally, I heard a loud moan, and felt cum shooting deep inside me. He collapsed on top of me as he continued to slowly go in and out before finally pulling out. We were both gasping for breath, but for different reasons. I was in so much pain my breath was almost nonexistent; I was hyperventilating to get air into my lungs. He got off my chest, and stood up over me.

"Now..." he said, in between gasps. "Are you ever going to argue with me again?"

"N-no!" I shouted, with my voice choked up from my crying. "I-I promise!"

"Heh, good..." he said. He walked over to the bookcase and grabbed a black leather collar off the shelf. He brought it back over to me and put it tightly around my neck. "You're gonna wear this from now on, you understand?" I nodded my head. "Good, now get dressed and go home. I'll call you tonight, expecting an apology for your behavior."

"A-alright," I said shakingly. I got my clothes on and walked out his door. On the way out, I could've sworn he winked at me from his doorway. I didn't wink back.

Right before I went out the house, I heard him say quietly, "Goodbye my little fox, I'll be seeing you soon..."