Even A Gang Leader Needs to Have A Life

Story by chillpenguin2j5 on SoFurry

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Sorry about before, turns out I went too fast in uploading this that I actually forgot the story. Silly me.

Sam is the leader of a biker gang during the day, but when the third wednesday of every month comes around, he goes out at night looking for a sexy stud to have some fun with.

"Gah!" groaned a white furred Timberwolf in blue jeans and matching jacket as he was slammed into the wall and glared at the gang of smirking animals. "What's the big idea?!" he growled out to the group.

"Don't you know? This is the boss' turf, and anyone who walks on by has to pay the poll." smirked a Tiger with his arms crossed.

"But I had no idea this was territory. Look I'll leave quietly!" he suggested.

"Too bad." spoke a voice as the gang members slowly parted to form a path and a short black skunk with the usual white stripe walked forward in a black leather jacket and ripped jeans with a cigarette in his mouth walked over with a pipe slung over his shoulder. "Either pay the fee, or my boys here make sure you have new bruises for the rest of the week."

He winces at the intimidating creature, "W-what's the price?"

"Seventy bucks."

"T-that's insane!" the Timberwolf protested.

"So, you're saying you don't have it?" asked the Skunk with a raised eyebrow.

"A-All I have is fifty on me." he answered.

The Skunk shook his head and turned to the gang. "Hear that boys? He doesn't have the money."

"Want us to give him the usual?" asked a Doberman with a grin while he cracked his knuckles.

"I'll be happy to do it for you." A Crocodile said, flashing a switchblade in his right hand. "Maybe cut his little balls off!"

The Timberwolf backed up in fear before the Skunk held an arm out in front of the Crocodile.

"No, I'll do it myself." he spoke walking towards the canine.

"N-no please, don't kill me. I'll pay you the rest in two days, promise!" he begged sweating in panic.

"Nope. We only accept it all in one go." grinned the Skunk before swinging his pipe and slammed it against the Timberwolves side.

He winces from the blow, as he got another one in the gut. He groaned and tried covering the spot before the Skunk jumped up and kicked him to the ground with a roundhouse kick to the cheek.

The canine was laying on the ground, blood spilling from his mouth, but shown to be still breathing.

"Now then, next time you stop by my territory, make sure you can pay the toll. Let's go guys." the Skunk turned and walked down the alley with the gang of animals following.

The group reached their bikes and got on them and revved them up. Each one started driving off down the road in a group formation with the Skunk leading them.

"Way to show him up chief! I have a feeling he'll get the message."

"That's oru boss for ya, always kicking their asses to the ground."

The group kept talking until they reached their hangout. As they got off their bikes, the Skunk took notice of the time and secretly grinned before taking a serious expression and started walking away.

"Hey boss, where you heading off?" the Doberman asked.

"It's the third wednesday, meaning it's none of your business." he replied while lighting a cigarette as he kept walking.

"Damn, time flies." remarked the Crocodile. "Guess it's the boss's private time again?"

"Must be. If I had to guess, he's heading to the strip club to meet some sexy bitches." the Doberman grinned.

"Knowing the boss, he's probably gonna be breaking a few more hearts again." laughed the Tiger.

The gang laughed as they headed into the hangout.

With the Skunk, he reached his apartment and got in before shutting the door and let out a rather feminine giggle before hurrying to his room.

He closes the door and locked it as he also closed any of the blinds that were opened. "Finally, time to get ready." he discarded the jacket first to show his bare chest and build which seemed rather lithe and petite that was hidden by the leather.

He also discarded his pants, showing his legs which while muscled, was thinner than one would think.

He walked over to his closet and reached in before grabbing a form fitting black leather tank top with matching thigh high jeans.

He smiled as he started putting on the outfit and looked himself over. "This is good."

He then walked to his dresser and pulled out a pair of fake eyelashes and looked in the mirror before carefully placing them on his real ones and blinked to make sure they wouldn't fall off.

He then picked up some makeup and started applying it on his face. He made sure to add enough blue eye shadow over his eyes and set it down before pulling out a spiked bracelet and fingerless gloves.

He reached into his closet as he takes off his boots. He reached over and took a box before opening it to show off a pair of purple high-heeled boots made of leather.

"Alright done." he grinned looking himself over. "Now just one more thing." he walked over and pulled out a black ribbon before ruffling his hair up and tied the ribbon into a bow and was satisfied since he just looked like a very gothic girl version of himself to keep anyone from recognizing him.

He made a female like giggle as he headed back out of his apartment. He made sure to keep a loose walk with his hips swaying as he walked down the street.

He smiled as he got some bystanders looking in his direction. He'd send a wink to some of the men while even blowing kisses to others who just dropped their jaw at the sight of him.

"I love this part." he giggles as he reaches his destination. He stood outside a rave and licked his lips before getting in line to get in.

Some time later, he reached the Raven who asked for his ID. He purposely put it under his top and got a good reaction out of the bird who looked away slightly and just nodded him in.

He giggled as he entered the club. His eyes looked over the crowd and listened to the loud music which he never got tired of hearing with each visit.

"So what should I do? Get a drink? Dance?" he asked himself. His grin turned lustful. "Or maybe find a stud to hang out with?"

He looked around to see if anyone interested him. He'd spot a few people staring at him, but none really seemed like the kind he'd want to have some fun with.

'Well the night is young, I'll hang by the bar and watch others walk in. Someone good will come in.' he smiled as he headed off. He walked through the crowds and found the right spot before he started letting the rhythm of music get to him and let his body start dancing to it.

'Or I can start dancing to the music. It's cool.' he shrugged as he danced. He'd discretely shake his hips with his tail swishing which got a few stares and whistles from some of the guys.

'Yeah that's right. Take all the sight of me.' he smiled as he kept an eye on the entrance for any newcomers. Which didn't have to take long as he spotted a shark walk in wearing a white shirt that held firmly on his chest with a pair of blue jeans as he walked over towards the bar.

'Hmm... not bad, but should I go for it? Or maybe see if someone could be better?' pondered the Skunk who kept dancing while glancing at the Shark. 'Hmm, he's pretty strong looking, and I have heard a night with one is pretty good if you're careful.'

He stopped dancing as he headed towards the bar. He took a seat next to the Shark who looked over him and grinned before he faced the bartender. "Bloody mary."

The bartender nods, and looked to the shark. "You?"

"Just some vodka will do."

He nods and headed for the assortment of alcoholic drinks.

"So, you been here before?" asked the Skunk turning to the Shark.

"I come here from time to time." he answered. "You? You come here often?"

"You could say this is the same time I make time for myself. Usually I'm pretty busy."

"Ah, so what do you do at your job?" he asked.

"It's sort of a tax company. Just making sure people pay the amount they have to and everyone's happy." he grinned.

"I see. Sounds pretty tough. I'm into construction." the shark answered. "I have to lug all sort of materials around, which is a pain in the ass. But hey, it puts bread on the table, so I'm not one to complain."

The skunk smiles as their drinks arrived. "So what you here for? To grab a few drinks and then head off?"

"Not entirely sure myself. I thought this place would be a nice spot to unwind, maybe get drunk a little before I head off."

"Hmm, well this place is very good. People to meet and chat and great music." grinned the Skunk as the bartender set their drinks down. "And plenty of women to score with."

"Oh?' he asked, eying the Skunk. "Women like you?"

"Maybe~." he winked. "Though it depends on kinds you like."

"Well maybe we can hang out and see where it goes." flirted the Shark before taking a sip from his glass.

He nods and took a sip from his own. "Ahh that's good."

"So tell me, what's your name?" asked the Shark.

"I'm called Samantha." he answered going with a female version of his name. "And your name hot stuff?"

"John." he chuckled at the compliment.

"A strong name... for a strong guy." he giggled. He took another sip while sending a wink to the guy.

"Well we can't keep drinking all night. Wanna dance or something?"

"You read my mind." grinned Samantha setting his glass down before standing up and started dragging John onto the dance floor.

"Wow you're forward." John chuckled at the eagerness. He got his arm free as he saw the Skunk already start getting into the music and tried letting the flow go through him.

He starts making small movements as he started getting into it, watching the Skunk dance wildly. More specifically, he focused on how tight the clothes seemed to hug 'her' body while his eyes were glued to 'her' face.

"Um... you mind not staring?" he asked feigning embarrassed.

"Oh! Sorry." apologized the Shark with a blush as he looked away while he kept dancing.

The skunk chuckle at the antics as he started moving his feet together as he danced. 'Maybe I should really tease him.'

He started to act like he fumbles and started to fall forward.

"Woah!" John moved forward and caught the Skunk. "You alright?"

The Skunk moves his face away from the shark's chest and looked at his face. "Y-yeah, just lost my balance." he also made sure to lightly rub against the Shark while hugging him. "Thanks."

"Er... no problem." he blushed and returned the hug while idly glancing the tight ass.

The Skunk giggled a little. "Like what you see?" he leaned up closer. "You can give it a little tough if you want." he whispered in a husky tone.

"Well if you insist..." he smiles as he moves his hands to the furry behind, rubbing them and squeezing them. 'So firm and smooth.'

Sam smiles as he moves his arms to feel John's shoulders. "I was right. You are strong." he whispers. He trailed his hands up and down the biceps. "So big and strong~"

John smiles as he rubs Sam's sides. "Well you have a nice form yourself."

"Mmm, wanna find some place private, or just leave and stop at my place where we can really go nuts?"

He smiles, "You decide." John grins.

"Well, as much as I'd love to have a go at you right here, let's get out so we can go nuts. And you can do it in me~" he purred near John's ear.

John growled lustfully as he suddenly picked Sam up. "Thought you would never say that." he started walking off. He carefully walked by people who either gave him thumbs up or shouted out good luck as the two left the rave.

Sam giggled as he was placed into a truck and into a seat belt. The Shark then entered the driver seat and started driving. "Wow, glad I suggested we leave or you might have made me choke on your cock right there in front of everyone."

"You don't sound like you wouldn't mind it with a tone like that." John chuckled. He made sure to keep his eyes on the road while sending several glances at Samantha's body.

Sam glanced down to see a noticeable bulge in John's pants. "Horny bastard. Not even 5 minutes." he teases.

John looked down at the bulge and blushed before he kept looking at the road. "S-Sorry."

"For what?"

"Well, usually I try not to get too aroused, or I kind of lose it." he admitted.

"Nothing to apologize over, we're having fun right?" he winked. "Besides, I wouldn't mind seeing you let loose."

That put a smile on the sharks face. "Good to hear."

Soon the truck stopped next to a normal looking house with a pool in the back as the two of them got out.

"Pretty nice." Sam said as he looked it over and walked to it. He and John walked up with the Shark opening the door and letting the Skunk in first.

He smiled and looked around the living room. Noticing the couch, the television, the living room table. "Nice place. You stay here by yourself?"

"Yup, been here for a few years on my own." he shut the door. "So, bedroom, kitchen, or right here?"

"Hmm... Maybe here first, then the kitchen, and the bedroom if you have the time and stamina." he said challengingly. "And trust me, I can keep going for hours."

"You don't know what you're getting into." John said approaching him. He pulled the Skunk against him with his hands moving down and squeezing Samantha's ass.

He grunted from the squeeze as he felt his muscles around him. He let out a gasp feeling some of the fingers reach down and felt the bulge rub against him.

'He feels big.' Sam thought as he grinded his legs to John's.

Said Shark leaned down and cupped Samantha's face before slamming his lips against 'hers'.

Sam blushes as he felt the Shark's lip kissing him hungrily. He wrapped his arms around John's neck and started kissing back with lust.

They go at it as they pressed hard and push their tongues against each other. 'Hard and rough...' thought Sam as he felt the kiss.

John felt his lustful side kick in and started moving his hands down the Skunk's sides and towards the front of the short jeans.

'I'm liking it so far...' Sam grins as he felt him starting to undo his jeans. But he felt the hand move away abruptly and saw John pull back with a stunned expression.

"You're a male?" he asked when he thought he felt a bulge when he was preparing to take it off.

"Oops, did I forget to mention that?" giggled Sam at seeing John's expression.

"As a matter of fact, you did." John answered, quickly regaining his composure. "But...damn, I never met a crossdresser before."

"Well now that you met one now, What will you do?" he asked, "Will you send me out the door, or you intend to continue?"

John rubbed the back of his head and looked at his bulge. "Well, if I pushed you out, that'd pretty much blue ball both of us."

"Pretty much." he said. "Plus if we keep going, I bet I can make you cum more than any girl you've ever banged."

John grinned, "I never said I was bothered by this." he said.

Sam grinned back while rubbing the bulge. "Then let's get to it big boy."

With that, John went and kissed Sam roughly as he started taking off Sam's shirt. He saw the Skunk's erect nipples and smooth body as he reached down and started rubbing the nubs.

That got Sam moaning and he felt the Skunk wrap his arms around the shark's neck.

John grinned and kept rubbing them while feeling Sam's hands move over and start unzipping his pants.

When completely unzipped, John's pants fell to the floor, leaving him with just his underwear. He stopped rubbing Sam's nipples and pulled his underwear down to let his two peni stand up.

"Two?" Sam asked a little surprised.

"Well yeah, I take it you've never done it with a Shark?"

"Ehehe, nope." Sam admitted smiling. He reached to them and started caressing both of them with one hand each.

The Shark growled in lust at the feeling of Sam's soft hands. "Like the size?"

"Like it? I've never seen a penis, well peni, this big." he complimented brushing tongue against the one in his right hand.

"Well... consider it kind of like payback for the crossdressing secret."

"Fair point." Sam leaned in and started licking around the left while moving his hand up and down the right one.

"Hey take a breath." John said to him. Sam does so and prepares to ask before John grabs his head and started to push his right cock into Sam's mouth.

The Skunk's eyes widened at the move before he felt his head get pulled back and forth on the dick with his hand moving faster on instinct. Sam blushes and moans at the bitter salty taste as he starts to lick it slowly. 'Wow it's... actually good.' he thought as he held onto John's sides and got into sucking.

John groaned as the Skunk focused sucking on one cock and kept moving his head back and forth while the claspers on his cock brushed against the inside of his mouth.

Sam move his tongue out to brush at the base and move lower, tickling the sharks balls as he uses his hands to rub them as well. He also got hit with the arousal and felt his own cock get harder underneath the jeans while it rubbed against the leather. He reached one of his paws to his own jeans and started unzipping. He let his cock hang out and started rubbing it while swirling his tongue all around the tip.

"You're good with that tongue of yours. Have you got experience with others?" John asked smirking.

Sam moved his mouth off and smirked back. "Of course, why else would I dress like this? It's to make sure any guy can't stop staring at me."

John smiled and pushed Sam's mouth back on his cock, going faster now. "Then I'll make sure you take in every drop."

Sam grins as he suck harder and faster. He made sure to rub the second dick while hearing John pant and groan.

Sam then heard a loud growl as he felt the shark's cock erupting in his mouth and hands. He tried to relax and moaned as he felt the sperm fill his mouth while the other cock's sperm flew out and landed on the floor like a fountain, getting some of it on himself.

He moves back coughing a bit as he gulps down the rest of it. "Wow, you were really pent up." he told him. "You had a good taste as well."

Instead of a verbal response, John leaned down and shocked Sam by tossing him up in the air and caught him upside down before he started licking at the Skunk's cock.

Sam was shocked at the whole situation, blushing as he panted from the licking. "A little sudden don't you think?"

John didn't say and kept trailing his tongue around the bottom and got Sam to moan out from the spot before the Shark started sucking on that spot with Sam moaning and squirming with pleasure.

"Ngh... hahh.." he blushes at the feeling of his cock being sucked. "So good..." he moans. 'I never had someone suck me off. This is great.'

John licks around Sam's cock as he also rubs and fondles the Skunk's balls. He started sliding it in his mouth and started sucking with his head moving back and forth on it.

Sam started to thrust into the shark's mouth as he went with the pleasurable feeling. "It's so good...I'm gonna cum!"

John smiled as the Skunk moans out, spraying his seed in the shark's mouth, He gulps all of it down as he moves away from the cock. "Now it's time for the fun part." he growled out in lust.

"What else you have in mind?" he asked grinning at the shark. He found himself carried over to the couch and was dropped on it before finding the Shark on top with him on his stomach and the two peni rubbing against his ass.

"I'm going to assume that you're no stranger to anal sex, but not with two right?" John asked.

"Well there was this one time I had two guys fuck my hole at the same time, so yeah." grinned the Skunk.

"In that case..." he lines them up and shove both of them inside his ass at once. "I don't have to hold back!"

"AHH!" cried out Sam with wide eyes as he gripped the couch and gritted his teeth. "God!...I think they're bigger than both those guys!"

"Did your ass just get tighter?" He teasingly asked groaning from the tightness. "Cause I can barely move in this tiny hole."

"You're just much bigger than both those guys." Sam said. He bit down on the pillow. "Now give it to me big guy."

John grinned and lean downward and started thrusting into his ass without restraint. He was stunned at the snug fit with both cocks rubbing against the other and feeling the claspers scraping against the walls.

Sam moans louder and started to push back to his thrust, to feel the tip touch the deepest part of him as possible. 'Fuck! This is better than I imagined!'

He felt his cock throb back in arousal from the fucking, "Ahh yes! Harder! Fuck me harder!"

John grunted as he made sure to hold onto Sam's hips tighter and started to force his cocks in harder and deeper than before.

He moans from the feeling as he started to rub his own cock in pleasure, resting his body on the couch. "Yes! It's so good! More!"

John grinned as he leaned over him and reached his ear. "I never expected you to be such a submissive person. You love being a bitch to a strong male don't you?"

"N...No..." moaned Sam who felt his pride rise up from being a leader for so long.

"Really? You crossdress into a petite goth girl every wednesday am I right?"

"Ngh..." he groaned feeling the cocks thrust up against his walls. "It's.....every third wednesday."

"Still a routine of yours. And you also said that you got experience sucking cock before meeting me? Am I wrong?"

"Y...Yeah." he grunted out.

"You willingly started licking and rubbing my cocks, went along with sucking it, and didn't struggle when I flipped you over and started sucking you." whispered John lightly nibbling on Sam's ear as he kept moving.

"Ah.." he blushes as he felt embarrassed as he pointed out his submissive moments.

"Top it off. You let me mount you and said you had males in you before, 2 in fact. As I was fucking you, you beg me to go faster and harder inside you. So, you still want to say you don't enjoy being dominated?" he whispers

".....es...." whispered the Skunk.

"What was that?" John asked.

"Yes..." admitted Sam with reluctance.



Hearing that, he felt John lick his neck, which made him shiver. "Good little Skunk."

'First time I've felt this helpless. And it's kind of hot.' thought the Skunk before moaning as John went even faster. He felt himself start to cum, but struggled to hold back. Hoping he doesn't noticed.

John noticed the twitching cock and grinned before reaching down and started jerking the cock.

'No... not this.' he blushes as he tries to endure. He tried muffling himself before moaning into the pillow as his seed shot out onto the couch. Sam was filled with relief despite what he feels inside as he relaxed on the couch. But he let out a gasp of surprise as John's own cum started filling his ass. He let out a moan in pleasure as the warm fluid flows through him.

John grinned and let the sperm fill up the Skunk's ass and grunted before pulling out.

Sam panted as he felt some of it leak out of it as he panted in bliss. "So...kitchen next?"

John didn't answer as he picks Sam up and carried him off. He entered the kitchen before setting Sam on the dinner table.

He looked up at him standing there with a big grin. "Q-Quit staring at me with that smile like that." Sam said shrinking down from the look.

"Sorry, but I just got a great idea for how we can fuck here." grinned the Shark.

"How so?" he asked. He got his answer as his legs were held open before John slammed both his cocks into the Skunk's ass. "Kaaahh." he cries out from the penetration, he instinctively wrapped around the Shark. He grit his teeth at feeling them fill him up again as the Shark started moving back and forth without warning.

"Aww, I'm flattered you're enjoying it." he chuckled feeling the hug. He used this chance to reach down and grip Sam's ass while putting everything he had into the thrusts.

He blushes as he felt him rub and squeeze them. "Glad you're enjoying it." he moans as he said that. 'I can feel all his sperm push in deeper.'

John move to Sam's neck as he started to take some licks to the Skunk's skin. This got a moan out of the mammal as John started lightly nibbling on it with his thrusts.

Sam was panting from the thrusting and then he let out a yelp as he felt a quick bite at his neck. He shudders from the feeling. 'I'm gonna lose it again!'

"I'm about to cum." he moans softly as he rubs himself on the Shark's body.

"Then go ahead and cum."

After John thrusted a couple more times, Sam let out a pleasured moan as he came onto John's chest. His sperm flying out and spreading across the shirt while John's thrusts became more frantic as he grit his teeth.

The skunk moaned and nuzzle in John's neck as he took the fucking. He gasped out feeling more sperm unloaded into his ass and flood his hole. "It's so thick and creamy." he said swooned.

"And now the bedroom." spoke John picking Sam up without moving out of him and walked upstairs.

"You're still able to keep going?" he asked sounding impressed.

"What's this? I thought you could last for hours." grinned John.

"I can, but usually not my partners." he replied grinning. "Try not to pass out on me."

"You should take your own advice." John grinned his teeth baring. He entered his room and sat on the bed with Sam on his lap. "Let's see how you handle this round."

"But what is this?" he said noting their position. "I'm confused."

"Cowgirl." he grinned before he started bouncing Sam on his twin cocks.

He gasped at the position as he had never in this before. He moaned at the new sensation as he kept going down and was pushed up before falling back down on the dicks over and over. He was moaning in bliss as he even started assisting by using his legs and bouncing himself.

"How does it feel?" grinned John.

"Do you really had to ask?" he moans as he winks at the shark. "Now give it to me as hard as you can!"

"With pleasure!" he said as he started to pump Sam with everything he had. His hunting instinct was on full mating mode and he planned on filling this mammal with every drop of sperm he had.

Sam moans from the pleasure he feels as he was being bounced on the shark's cocks. 'This feels so good. I never felt this way before. I feel so hot and flustered.'

John grunted as he made sure to push his cocks in as deep as he could and felt them start touching something, sam's prostate.

Sam moans loudly as his cock throbs and twitches from the new feeling. His cock started spurting out sperm without control as he felt his head feeling fuzzy. "I... I nevered... cum so hard... or.. So soon."

"We're not done yet, I haven't cum yet." growled John who started slamming Sam onto his cocks harder and faster with all inch of them being stuffed inside.

Sam moans out as he pushes downward with his thrust. 'So good! I'm gonna cum!' He moans from the feeling, 'But I just came recently, I can't cum already can I?"

John leaned down and started to lightly nibble on one of the Skunk's nipples while being careful not to bite too hard.

"H-hey, why you're doing that?" moaned out Sam who couldn't stop rocking his hips.

"Why not? Thought you might like it." he said smiling. That's when he started licking them while lightly tugging on them and got a louder moan from Sam.

"See? You're moaning so cute." chuckled John before he started feeling his cocks start to twitch.

"Well you're about to cum."

"You're right on that!" growled John before holding the Skunk down and started unloading his third load up into his rectum.

Sam moans as he felt the familiar warmth fill his insides. He could tell his ass was filled as some of the sperm started to drip out onto the floor.

Unable to hold back, Sam sighs as he climax onto John's shirt again, feeling tired from cumming the fourth time. He leaned back and slipped off John's cock and landed on the ground while panting.

"So how was our round?" John asked panting. He didn't get a response and looked closer to see Sam had passed out.

He smiled as he looked over at the skunk. "He looks so cute sleeping." he reached down and picked him up before setting him down in the bed.

He places the blanket over the both of them as he brought them close. "Good night." he whispered.

(The next morning.)

Sam was adjusting his bike to make sure that it was in riding order. He nodded and stood up before seeing some of the animals walk over with a familiar Timberwolf in their clutches.

"Well, well, well. We meet again huh?" Sam chuckles looking him over. "Let me guess, you got lost again?"

The group pushed the canine towards the Skunk forcefully. Said mammal picked up his pipe and slung it over his shoulder. "Alright, talk."

"W-Well, I came here to pay the fine." he spoke up nervously. "I just want to walk through here without any trouble."

"Oh? So you got the money eh?" Sam walked up close to him. "Keep it."

"Huh?" the Timberwolf gasped out along with the gang members.

"What? Do I have to repeat myself?" growled the Skunk with a glare.

"Uh.. n-no." he said as he started to head off.

"Uh, boss?" spoke the Tiger.

Sam turns to the Tiger, not losing any intensity in his eyes. "What is it?"

"Why'd you let him keep his cash?"

Sam frowned and put the pipe down. "Let's just say after last night, I'm in a good mood today."

The Tiger looks at him a bit, then nods, "If you say so."

"So how was it? Did you get a set of twins and bang both of them?" asked the Doberman with a grin.

"Actually, I got a good one. A Shark." he grins at the canine. "Let's just say the two of us had one hell of a ride."

The group grins as their leader got onto his motorcycle.

"Let's go boys." he ordered as they got on their own bikes and he drove out with them following. 'If I meet that guy again, maybe I can try something else. Wonder how he feels about anal?'

The Path To Feeling Like A Nun

We find ourselves in a clean and empty church. Well, almost empty. Two figures could be soon on the right side of the seats with one bent over and panting as the one behind them moved their hips back and forth with low grunts. The one on the bottom...

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Sharks and Whales are Closer Than Ever

"Oh no! I'm gonna be late!" cried a girl's voice as she sprung out of her bed and rushed around her room to get some clothes on. "Damn alarm clock must of died....knew I should have gave it new batteries..." she griped as she looked around for her...

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A Visit to My Uncle's House

A city bus pulled up to one of its signs before the doors opened and a single person stepped off as the bus drove away. This person was a husky. A male, from his posture, and he looked kinda bored. Maybe it was the bus ride. He wore a plain blue...

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