New Meat Ep. 3

Story by Arch Fox on SoFurry

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#3 of New Meat

New Meat Episode 3: Vengeance and Truth


It was midnight and the streets were illuminated only by the street lamps overhead. I peeked

around the corner and saw the car pull out of the drive and dissapear into the darkness.

"Looks like his parents are gone." Said Streak, "You ready?"

"I wasn't ready when you suggested it and I'm not ready now." I replied, "You have the rope,

right?" Streak pulled a thick length of rope out of the bag he had brought.

"Got it." He said.

"What if he isn't alone?" I asked.

"Then forget the plan, we run like hell." Said Streak, "You haven't talked to that Cerne kid

yet have you?" I shook my head.

"I'm still trying to get enough money for a train ticket." I said, "I should have enough by the

end of the week."

"You know," Said Streak, "if you go along with this, you forfeit the option of going to the cops

about what the two are doing."

I shrugged, "Never liked cops much anyway."

It had been two weeks since we were attacked in the alley. Remembering the threat Vaughn

gave us, we pretend we didn't know who attacked us. Our parents hadn't let us leave the house for fear of something happening again, not even to go to school. But me and Streak had eachothers numbers so we were able to talk over the phone.

It took us a few days to think of what to do about the problem, but eventually we came up with the perfect plan...

"Alright, I think he's alone in there." Said Streak. "C'mon." I followed him to the front door.

"Go over the plan again." I said.

"Ok, it's simple." He said, "Hopefully, Kale's alone in there. I'll tie his hands together

with the rope... Then we'll see how he likes his ass fucked." He grinned.

"Alright." I said, "Again, if he isn't alone, we run like hell, right?" Streak nodded. I tried

the door.

"It's locked!" I said, "Why is it locked?!"

"Guess he likes his privacy." Streak replied. He knocked on the door and a second later we heard

Kale's voice.

"Who is it?"

"Err... Pizza guy." Said Streak.

"I didn't order pizza."

"Um, yes you did." Replied Streak. We heard Kale sigh and unlock the door. The moment he opened

the door we tackled him to the floor.

"What the- you!?" He gasped. I closed the door again so that nobody could see us.

Streak pinned the wolf to the floor.

"You're going to be sorry for what you did to us." He said. Kale laughed.

"You can't do anything to me." He said. Streak grabbed the wolfs crotch. Kale let out a gasp.

"There's plenty we can do to you." The rabbit said.

"You wouldn't dare!?" Kale gasped as Streak began tying his hands together.

"You're our little bitch for tonight." He said.

"B-but you don't understand!" Kale pleaded, "The section leaders are very territorial about

their seconds!" Streak and I exchanged glances.

"What is he talking about?" Streak asked. I shrugged.

"I have no idea." I said.

"You'll be sorry if you do this!" Kale warned us. Streak turned to look at him again.

"Section leaders?" He asked, "What are you talking about?"

"I've... Said too much." The wolf replied.

"Dammit, don't talk like some sort of character in a spy movie!" Streak raised his voice and

slapped the wolfs face. By now his hands were securely tied together. He remained silent.

"He won't say anything." I said, "Let's just go along with the plan."

Streak agreed and unbuttoned the wolfs pants. The wolf began to protest but another slap to the

face made him stop. A second late, Kales pants were down revealing his naked sheath.

"You're not hard." Said Streak, "What's wrong? Scared, puppy?" Streak grabbed his sheath and began to rub it, coaxing the wolfs member into the open.

"If you stop now, I promise nothing'll happen to you." Kale begged. Streak continued to fondle

the wolfs hardening member, ignoring his begging. Within seconds his member was fully hard, resting on his stomach.

"Alex, help me flip him over. I want his ass in the air."

I nodded and did as he asked. Kale was bent over forward, the front of his body resting on the

floor with his naked ass in the air.

My own cock was hard by now and tenting the front of my pants. Streak was taking his own pants off by now and I followed his example.

"Streak, I was thinking," I said, "we want this to hurt him right? He's probably used to having

a cock up his ass, so what do we do to him?" Streak grinned and slapped the wolfs behind which caused him to let out a grunt.

"You think you can take two cocks at once, pup?" He asked. Kale whimpered.

"Two at once?" I asked. Streak continued to grin and pushed his member against the wolfs exposed hole.

"Don't do this." Kale whimpered.

"Why the hell shouldn't we?" Streak asked, "This is payback."

With that, he pushed his throbbing cock into Kales hole, I heard the wolf breath heavily.

I sort of felt bad for him. But then I remembered what they did to us and was filled with a

desire for revenge.

I stood next to Streak, who was busy pounding the wolf's hole. I rubbed my own member against the wolfs ass and heard him mutter something. I pushed into him. I felt Streaks member rub against my own as I pushed further into the wolf.

"Argh! Stop, dammit, it hurts!" He screamed.

"This is what you did to us you bastard!" Streak yelled back.

I had never fucked anybody before. I started slow. I could feel Streak's cock rubbing against

mine inside of Kale as he pounded his ass harder and harder. I picked up the pace myself,

fucking him faster, harder until both of us were pounding into our victims ass furiously.

Kale was yelling for us to stop, whimpering until Streak actually stopped.

"I think he's had enough of that, don't you?" He asked.

"Um, yeah, I guess." I replied. We both pulled out of him and Kale let a sigh of relief.

"Besides," Said Streak, "I'm about to cum and I don't want to finish just yet."

Streak pushed the wolf over onto his back. He looked back at us hatefully.

"You'll pay for this." He said.

"Yeah, yeah, so you keep saying." Streak replied.

He knelt down and ran a finger down the wolfs shaft. He moaned. Streak got Kale in the same position the wolf had forced him into a couple of weeks ago. He was leaning against the wall, his legs in the air and Streak shoved his member inside him again. The wolf moaned.

"Feel good, pup?" Streak asked. Kale didn't answer.

I rubbed my own member and stood over the wolf. He looked up at me.

"You bite me, you lose your teeth." I warned. I gripped the wolfs ears and plunged my throbbing, hard member into his mouth. I forced myself deeper into his mouth and furiously face fucked him.

I heard Streak breathing heavily.

"I'm cumming, pup!" He gasped. I eventually felt my own load build up and I came inside Kale's mouth. I held his head in place, forcing him to swallow me load.

I stayed there for a moment before pulling my member out of the wolfs mouth and stepping away from him. Streak was busy groping Kale's balls and stroking the wolfs member, dripping pre-cum.

He leaned forward and licked Kale's shaft and took in his his mouth. He started to suck his

cock and seconds later, the wolf blew his load into Streaks mouth.

The rabbit stood up and wiped the cum off his chin.

"I didn't want to leave him without letting him cum." He said. He knelt down again and undid

the rope tying the wolfs hands together and pulled his pants back on. I did the same.

"Let's go before we get caught." Said Streak.

"You'll pay for this!" Kale yelled, "I swear to God you'll be begging for mercy with my cock

up your ass you bastards!" We flipped him off and left.


I was waiting at the train stop the next day. My parents had given me an advance on my allowance and I had enough for a ticket there and back. I was going to see Cerne and see if he had any answers or ideas or anything at all that could help. Streak didn't come with me, we didn't have enough money for both of us.

I took the small piece of paper with cerne's address written on it out of my pocket and checked it.

13 Sandre Str.

I had an idea where that was. I was wondering where exactly it was when the train arrived and

everybody at the station pushed their way into the train in a typically dissorganized fassion.

An hour later the train arrived at my stop and I got off. I checked the address again. I knew

where the street was, it was about 10 minutes from the station. I had to stop several times to

ask for directions but I eventually found the house I wanted. I knocked and a lioness opened

the door.

"May I help you?" She asked.

"Is this Cerne's home?" I asked, "I need to talk to him. It's important."

"Oh, yes, are you a friend?" She asked.

"Well, err, no." I replied, "But I need to speak with Cerne." I thought for a moment and then

added "Could you tell him it's about Vaughn?"

She gave me an odd look but did as I asked.

A few seconds later a lion around the same age as me came to the door. Streak had told me that Vaughn and Kale did something terrible to him, but I didn't imagine him to look so beat up...

He had a scar down the left side of his face as well as bruisings. His face seemed to have

frozen in a perminent state of sadness.

"Cerne." He said holding out his hand.

"Alex." I said, taking it.

"Please, come in." He said, "You poor bastard."

He led me into the living room where we both sat down. He was sitting on a chair opposite to

where I was sitting so we were both facing eachother.

"I don't know what you expect me to tell you." Said Cerne.

"Anything." I said, "But what I want to know first is why you didn't go to the cops."

He hesitated.

"You have to swear not to say anything to anybody."

"I swear." I said. He hesitated again.

"Alright." He said, "Vaughn and Kale are just two members of a huge clan known as the Forbidden Paw. I guarentee you've seen them walk past you on the street though you don't know who they really are. The members of the Clan are everywhere." I was reminded of when we were attacked in the alley. Vaughn had warned me that they were everywhere...

"But that dosen't explain why you didn't go to the cops." I said.

"I said that they're everywhere. I mean it. Everywhere."

It took me a while to figure out what he meant but I eventually guessed. Cerne continued;

"I couldn't go to the cops. I know for a fact that there are members in the police force.

If I went to the police, then they would do something to make sure I looked like a liar.

They would make sure that whoever I accused would be let free with no charge... And then things would just get worse for me."

"But how do you know all of this?" I asked. Cerne hesitated again.

"My...Brother." He said, "He was a member of the Clan once." A look of shock spread across

my face, "You promised you wouldn't say anything to anybody." Cerne reminded me.

"When Vaughn and Kale raped me, my brother left the Clan." He continued, "Nobody is ever allowed to leave the Clan. Ever. They tracked us down and..." He stopped.

"I get it." I said.

"There's something else." Said Cerne, "You seem to be Vaughn's target... Don't fight back, for the love of God, don't fight back. The Clan have a sort of... Hive Mind sort of thing."

"Hive mind? What do you mean?" I asked.

"You know when you crush an ant or a bee and the rest attack you protecting it? That's what I mean. If you attack one of the Clan members..." He must have registered the frightened look on my face because he asked; "What? What's wrong?"

"Last night..." I gasped, "Me and Streak -a friend-... We... We tracked Kale down and raped him. For revenge." Cerne stared at me.

"My God." He said.

There was silence for a minute.

"Cerne?" I asked, "Kale mentioned something about Section leaders and Seconds?" Cerne nodded.

"Members of the Clan are set up into 'Sections', small groups of people led by one stronger

person. Seconds are their followers. Kale is Vaughns Second."

"One more question." I said, "Kale said that Section leaders are territorial about their

Seconds. What did he mean?"

"My brother was sketchy on the details about this but... Section leaders use their Seconds

as sex toys, their bitches when their not out raping people. They don't like it when somebody

else fucks them."

"I see." I said, now feeling completely lost and hopless.

"I'm sorry I can't tell you how to beat them." Said Cerne, "If anything all I've done is scare

you. I'm sorry."

"It isn't your fault." I said, "I guess this is goodbye for now."

We got up and shook hands. Cerne led me to the front door and I left.

The next train didn't arrive until 8 PM. By the time I got off the train it was 9.

"Hey!" A voice behind me. I turned around and brought my fists up to defend myself.

"Whoa, calm down." The voice belonged to another fox.

"Oh, err, sorry." I said, "Guess I'm a bit nervous."

"No problem." Said the other fox, "This late, this dark, I'm not suprised your jumpy. Your

Alex, right?"

"Yeah thats-!" The moment I answered I felt a sharp pain at the bottom of my neck.

I collapsed, the world around me getting blurry. I felt something trickling down my back.

I couldn't move.

"That's what happens when you fuck with us, bitch." The fox's voice.

I passed out.

Part 4 Coming Soon!