Rex's Proper Training

Story by draconicon on SoFurry

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A story for FA: Meheggs about their character Rex and another charizard named Solrent, and the fun stuff that they get up to.

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Rex's Proper Training

For Meheggs

By Draconicon

"Nidoking, Horn Drill!"

And like that, the Pokémon battle was over. The spinning horn on his opponent's forehead drilled into his chest, and Rex went down with a groan and a whine. Normally, that attack would have been a pain, but he could have taken it. But after the long fight...well, he went down hard, barely able to keep conscious as his trainers waved their arms to surrender in the duel. He groaned, rolling onto his back as best he could as they walked over to pay the losing fees and bit his lip.

Why? Why do I keep losing?

This had been going on for days now. It wasn't simply a matter of losing to one strong trainer, or that Andrew and Ann - his trainers - were in an area that was too strong for them. They'd traveled too much in the last few days for that to be a thing. There was no way that their luck was so bad that they kept running into super trainers, either.

It was all down to him. Somehow, he'd gone off the beaten path. Somewhere, he'd lost his way. He hadn't won once in the last eight battles, and each time it had been almost humiliatingly easy for his opponent to beat him.

All that added up to a real lack of confidence, one that felt like a weight pulling his heart down in his chest. Rex bit his lip, attempting to distract himself from it, but it barely seemed to give him a moment's respite.

Andrew walked over to him, and he glanced up at the human. A potion bottle was offered, and he nodded. The soft spray left his chest stinging for a few seconds, but soon the worst of the pain faded away, eased out by the potent liquid.

His trainers helped him to his feet as the other trainer walked off, leaving them alone. Andrew grumbled.

"Eight times. Really, what's wrong with -"

"Andrew, shut up."

"Ann, he's losing all the time. What're we gonna do?"

"I said shut up. We'll talk about it later."

Yeah, when I'm not around. When you can be as cruel as you want.

No, that was unfair. They were both good people, but they had to be frustrated by now. Seeing him go down that many times after he'd been one of their more powerful Pokémon in the past had to be humiliating for them, too, not to mention the financial problems that they were probably having, paying out the losing fees.

I gotta do something. But what?


They left the battlefield behind, traveling for another few hours before making camp for the night. It was up on a cliff, letting them look down over the land around them, towards the different regions that they had yet to visit, towards the places that they'd been. And off to the far horizon, towards another huge cliff that Rex couldn't take his eyes off of.

The red rocks tickled at the back of his mind, pulling a memory to the surface that had been buried for a while. Something that a Dragonite had mentioned back in the Daycare a long time ago...


Ann's voice called him back to the present, and he turned around.

"We've been thinking a bit. It's been a pretty long discussion, but we're thinking of turning around. Maybe going back and getting some more training done, just so that we're all strong enough."

Rex arched an eyebrow, and Ann glanced towards Andrew. He knew the look; Andrew wanted to go back and make sure that HE was strong enough, that Rex wasn't going to mess things up. Not like there was anything wrong with the rest of the team.

And that was fair enough...but he had his own plan. And for that plan, he needed a little bit of support from someone that Andrew would listen to.

Rex reached for one of the pokeballs on the ground, and tapped it. In a shimmer of light, a Lugia burst free. The Lugia, rather, the one that had helped him and Andrew be able to function together after so long. The legendary bird floated about for a few seconds before looking down at them.

"I feel some...tension here."

"You're right about that..."

Lugia glanced towards Andrew, and Rex couldn't quite hide a smile as the big bird slipped around a bit, resting one of its large feet on top of the human's head. It nearly knocked Andrew over, and he had to squirm to keep from being pinned under it.

Rex nodded towards the cliffs again, and spoke, Lugia giving him a little help.

"It's up to me to get stronger. I heard a story a long time ago, from a good friend of mine. There is a way to train and get stronger out in the valley, either someone or something that makes Pokémon better than they are. I...I can't keep weighing you down. And you don't want to hold back from your dream for any longer.

"Let me go there...I'll leave in the morning, and you guys can keep going. I'll meet up with you after I've gotten strong enough to actually be worth something."

"Rex, come on, you -"

"He is correct, Ann."

Lugia shook his head, slowly coming down for a soft landing.

"There is someone out there that can train him. I know the area, and I remember the power that lay in the valley beyond the cliff. If there is any place where Rex can restore his confidence, it is there."

"But...but what if he never finds us?"

"I am here. I can guide him back. And Rex knows where he belongs."

Lugia glanced at him, and he nodded. There was no way that he would ever abandon these trainers, nor would he allow their dreams to go unrealized. They needed him to be at his strongest, and this was the only way.

Slowly, Ann and Andrew nodded in agreement. They would part ways in the morning, and then find each other as they could.

They hugged each other, all four of them, before slipping back to their sleeping areas. The humans went to the sleeping bags, while Rex went to the edge of their little outlook to keep watch for a while longer. He nodded his thanks to the legendary Pokémon heading back to its ball, and then turned away.

I wonder why he was so pushy about that...


Morning came sooner than he expected, and after a brief goodbye - during which even Andrew gave him a tight hug - Rex was gone. The scaly Pokémon slid down the cliff with practiced ease towards the forest below, and commenced a long run through the branches. It cut off a number of them with his forceful leaps, but it was better than running along the forest floor.

The light blue dragon was big enough to make quite a rumble as he moved through the forest, and knew that it would keep most of the other Pokémon well out of his way. Better to keep moving faster than to slow down and get into a fight. He pushed himself harder than he probably should have, feeling his lungs burn in the process, but he wanted to get started. He needed the training.

His powerful legs kicked him off of the last tree towards the cliff at the far end of the forest, and he sunk his clawed toes and fingers into the rock. Dragging himself up it was a little bit harder, particularly as he didn't exactly have good climbing skills, but his claws were sharp enough and his muscles strong enough that he was still able to make good time along the way.

He reached the top as the sun began setting, but there was still enough light left for him to make out a cave ahead of him. According to the stories that he heard from Dragonite, this was the entrance to the valley and the Path to Strength.

Rex paused at the edge of the tunnel, staring into the darkness. Barely a few feet into the cave, the tunnels turned to the side and blocked out all the light that came from outside. He knew that he'd be feeling his way through the darkness for who knew how long to find the valley on the other side...but there was no other way. It was too well hidden from above, from what he'd heard, and there was no way that he would consider cheating to get stronger. He had to take this route.

Taking several deep breaths, Rex stepped into the tunnel, keeping his hand planted on the wall as he stepped into darkness. The soft sounds of Zubats chirping and screeching to each other was the only sound he heard, and he tuned it out as fast as he could. The last thing he needed was to get Confused and end up going the wrong direction.

If there's even a right direction down here... he thought as he slipped further and further into the darkness.


Twelve hours later...

Stomach grumbling and his head aching, Rex was on the verge of giving up on everything when he finally caught sight of light out of the corner of his eye. He paused immediately, slowly turning his head.

It was real light, morning light poking through an opening. If he'd kept walking, he would have missed it completely, and possibly gotten lost in the tunnels again. Rex shivered at the thought of going further, of how close to being permanently lost he had gotten. He turned himself, keeping his hand on the wall and his eyes on the light as he ran towards it.

His feet ached as he ran over gravel towards the end, and he stubbed his toe on a Geodude too slow to get out of the way, but he didn't care. It was sunlight. It was -


It was a long freaking fall, was what it was. His eyes went wide as he fell from the tunnel towards a lake below, his belly smacking into it hard enough to send up a massive plume of water. It splashed over everything, splattering here and there and everywhere along the rocks behind him and the shore that wasn't too far away...behind him, anyway. As he broke the surface again, gasping and groaning in pain, he saw that the rest of the lake stretched on well into the distance, running towards one end of the valley.

His eyes followed the lake to another forest, and past that, a great stairway that seemed to lead up to somewhere important.

Rex groaned. It seemed that his trip had only just begun. Slowly kicking against the water, he started his trip onwards, hoping that the forest at least had a few berries for him to eat along the way towards his destination.


I swear...this kill me. Rex panted as he reached the top of the stairs, coming face to face with another cave entrance. The dragon Pokémon whimpered under his breath, shaking his head a few times as he remembered the other cave, how close he'd come to getting lost. What little comfort he'd gotten from the berries he'd eaten had long since faded away, and he had no idea if he would even come out of this one.

The temptation to turn around and head home was very, very strong. He had tried very hard, but he was so exhausted that he felt like he was going to collapse. If he pushed himself any harder, he swore that he'd lose his mind.


But he had to try. For Ann and Andrew, and more importantly, for himself. He stepped into the cave.

Thankfully, the ground was smooth and well-tended under his feet, a vast improvement over the other tunnel already. He felt his way along, sniffing for any sign of someone else in the cave. At first, there was nothing, but the further in he went...


He sniffed the air. Yes, there was definitely a hint of smoke in the air, something that had to mean other Pokémon, at least, and perhaps a trainer. Encouraged, he picked up the pace, moving faster and following the scent.

Eventually, he reached the end of the tunnel, and stumbled into a cavern. Trying to catch his balance, he only managed to completely fall over his feet, flopping down on the ground, and nearly bumping his nose against several orange toes.

"Hmm? A visitor, I see..."

Rex slowly looked up, following those thick orange legs up to a creamy white belly, and up further towards a horned head, supported by a long neck covered in a collar. Surprisingly, a pair of glasses reflected his own image back at him as he looked at the other Pokémon's face.

"A...I didn't expect...a Charizard...out here..."

"Well, we do live in the mountains, you know. And it's much more comfortable in these caves than on the surface."

"Um...I guess."

"Who are you, anyway? I don't usually have such tired visitors."

"Oh, I'm sorry. Let me - ugh."

He tried to get up and flopped down, more tired than he realized. His host seemed to realize this and immediately got up, helping him to his feet and guiding him over to a rock. He sat him down, and Rex nodded in thanks.

"Sorry, it's been...Wow. A long time...a few days, I guess, getting here."

"You must have had a pressing reason."


Rex shook his head.

"My name is Rex. I...I came here, because I keep losing in battle. I need to get stronger."

"I see. And what makes you think that will happen here?"

"I heard from a few friends that this is the place where Pokémon come to become as strong as they can possibly be. That there's a trainer or something here that helps them. I know that Dragonite and Lugia -"


The Charizard held up a hand, adjusting his glasses.

"The Lugia sent you here?"

"Well, not quite sent...but approved it, yes."

"I see. And this is something that you heard of before that? I don't suppose that there was a Gengar involved as well?"

"I...think I heard Dragonite mention someone like that, yes."

"I see. I see..."

The Charizard stepped back, walking about the small cavern with his fingers against his chin, deep in thought. Rex took advantage of the quiet to lean back, resting for a little while. After the long trip, he'd take any chance to get his breath back. And besides...there was eye-candy to enjoy.

His host was hardly a bad-looking dragon, he had to admit. Sleek muscles over a thick frame, and...he glanced slightly down at those big orange feet again, with the soft undersides. He looked away immediately, but the image stayed in his mind.

It took almost five minutes - by which time he'd almost fallen asleep - for the bigger dragon to turn and face him.

"I will train you. On their recommendation, of course."


"Of course. Who do you think helped them? I am Solrent. Now, get some rest. You need it, anyway, and you'll definitely need it before training tomorrow."

"But -"

"Do rest. You will need it. I assure you of that."

Despite his protests, he was more eager to rest than he let on. Several days of near non-stop travel had worn him down, and he didn't know how much longer he would even be able to stay awake, let alone talk. He bowed - taking a look at Solrent's claws in the process in a way that left his cheeks red - and got back to his feet, walking off.

He swore that he heard a small chuckle as he did, but he couldn't say why.


The morning hit him hard, from a fire blast near his head to wake him up and a roar that kept him awake. Chased out of the tunnels by a powerful fire blast the likes of which he'd never seen, Rex ran and ran until he leaped out of the tunnel entrance, almost falling down the stairs to avoid getting burned.

Panting and shaking in a little fear, he stared at the smoking hole as Solrent stepped out. He shook his head.

"Are you crazy?"

"Not really. But I did tell you to be well-rested, just so you'd have the energy to get out."

"What if I'd been caught in that?!"

"You wouldn't. Nobody weak enough to be caught in that ever gets here."

Solrent waved for him to come up to the top of the steps again, to the flattened stone there. Reluctantly, he agreed, coming to stand on it. The Charizard adjusted his collar around his neck, and then stretched his arms over his head.

"We'll start with yoga. It's not that hard to learn, and it's a good way to get you limber for the day ahead."

"I...I thought you were going to train me to get stronger."

"I will. But it takes time, and I need to see where you are at this point. Indulge me."


He stepped behind the bigger dragon, following him in various poses. It didn't take long for him to start getting into the whole thing, particularly when he got to watch his teacher from behind like this.

Normally, he wasn't such a perverted Pokémon. Normally, he found a way to get on with his tasks without thinking of the naughty things that he might do with the people around him. But there was something about Solrent that turned his mind towards the perverted, particularly in some of the poses that the dragon struck. Several, including those that shoved one's rump in the air, seemed almost designed to make him look back there, while others -

Rex's face felt like it would burn off as the Charizard stood on one foot, one of those big, meaty soles shoved back almost in his face. He could almost catch the scent of it, and he had to hold his breath to avoid it. He could already feel a certain tingling down between his legs, and he did not need that embarrassment on his first day.

The poses pushed him from spot to spot, sometimes demanding that he stand on one foot, sometimes making him stand with his ass pointing back. But through it all, he could feel himself getting more and more flexible, more and more relaxed.

"Hey, this isn't bad."

"I told you, it is quite good for making you feel more relaxed, more limber."

"So, are we gonna train with a sparring match, or -"

"Hmmph. If you were worried about getting torched in the cave, then you wouldn't have a chance in a real sparring match. No, we're going to work on helping you deal with distractions in a fight."

"...what do you mean?"

"A battle is won through a matter of focus as well as a matter of strength. Power and ability means little if it can't be focused on a goal. If you are distracted, if you are drawn off to think of other things, then your own power will never be sufficient. You will be taken down again and again. I will start by teaching you how to ignore these things."

"I...see. But I really think -"

Solrent's fiery tail whipped around, nearly knocking him off of his feet. Rex only just managed to avoid it, but he still felt like his head was burning from how close it had come. He slowly rose up, and nodded.

"Training against distractions. Got it."

"Good. Go stand on that rock."

Looking at the boulder that the Charizard pointed to, Rex nodded and climbed onto it. It lifted him about four feet off of the ground, putting him a little over a foot and a half taller than the Charizard. He glanced back for more instructions.

"Stand on one foot, and hold that balance. With your eyes closed, too."

"I think I can do that."

He closed his eyes, slowly lifting one foot off of the ground and sliding it along his leg. He wobbled back and forth at first, but soon found that center of balance he needed. It wasn't that bad, he supposed. A little bit off, but -

A sudden roar made him jump, and he fell right off of the boulder. Slamming down on his ass, he grunted and rubbed at the base of his tail.

"What was that for?!"

"I told you that I would be training you against distractions, didn't I?"

"You said distractions, not a roar two inches from my ear."

"Distracted you, didn't it?"

He glared at the grinning dragon, but slowly pulled himself back up onto the rock. It took him a little bit of work to try and get his balance back, but he managed to get on one foot again. Still, he was stewing about the rude surprise, and trying not to think about it. He would just have to -


Whip-cracking a tail was just as effective as the roar, and he slipped down off of the other side of the boulder. This time he only just managed to keep from cracking his head against the rock, panting as his heart raced.

No words, this time. Instead, he just climbed back on the boulder, closing his eyes and getting back into position. He had to do this. He had to.


By the end of the day, he wasn't sure if he had gone deaf or if he'd mastered the whole thing. Certainly Solrent seemed a lot quieter as they walked back into the cave; perhaps he had lost a little hearing. He could only hope that it was temporary.

Regardless, his teacher seemed more tired than he was, and the Charizard moved to the edge of the cave and laid down, head towards the wall and back towards him. Rex laid down on the opposite side of the cavern, and tried to go to sleep.

Emphasis on tried. The day had been hard, but not hard enough to leave him exhausted, and his attention was wandering again. Mostly down towards those orange and cream colored soles, those claws wiggling in sleep. He blushed as he glanced over them, wondering how they would feel against his face.

All the thoughts that he'd suppressed during the training day were coming back in full force, and it was all he could do to keep from pitching an erection. He bit his lips as he stared at those soles, unable to look away, and he groaned as he kept coming back to fantasies about them.

Why? Why did it have to be a Charizard? Why couldn't it have been something that didn't have feet? It was one of the few real fetishes that he had, rather than something that he simply enjoyed. He didn't know why it was there, he didn't know why he liked it so much, but it was an appreciation that had gotten him in trouble before with other Pokémon that wanted him to 'admire' their soles.

Now, he had a teacher that had some very sexy feet, and he didn't dare do a thing with them. It was only getting harder - wrong word, difficult - to avoid thinking of them as something sexy, particularly as he was losing the fight against his own body.

He blushed as his shaft finally came free, throbbing and dripping. He glanced down at it, up at his teacher's feet, and groaned.

Screw it. Rex wrapped his hand around his cock, stroking it slowly to the sight of his teacher's soles. He stared at them, imagining them pressed against his face, imagining the soft musk that doubtlessly clung to them was sinking into his nose. He imagined being pinned down in a sparring match and made to lick them clean, imagined them pressing against his cock -

He groaned, arching his back as he almost came from that thought alone, his cock throbbing in his hand. But the sound...Solrent twitched, and Rex immediately rolled over to face the wall, his hand still moving along his cock, but quieter.

There was no further sound, and he assumed that his teacher had gone back to sleep. He whimpered, squeezing his cock hard as he stroked it faster, more desperately. He had to cum, he had to cum, now.

With a bitten off roar, he did. Splattering his seed all over the rocks in front of him. He shivered, smelling the scent of his own load, but he couldn't stop himself, squirting more and more.

By the end of it, he was simply exhausted, and slipped off into slumberland.


Hmm hmm, so my student does enjoy the show, Solrent thought as he heard the sputtering splurts come to a stop. The Charizard smiled to himself as he stood up a few minutes later, when he was sure that Rex was asleep, and walked over to the other side of the cavern. A little glance was all he needed to see the evidence, and he shook his head.

Not without a smile, though.

I think I have the perfect plan for tomorrow.


The next day came without a fire blast to wake him up, something that Rex was more than grateful for. Though, to be honest, he had never expected to need to be grateful for a lack of fire waking him up.

He blushed as he looked down at the mess he'd left, however. Gasping and blushing at what he'd done, he quickly sucked in a breath of air and blew out water, a little attack that he'd learned a while back at the insistence of his trainers. He was never sure why; it didn't address any weaknesses his other moves didn't cover.

Still, at least that should keep Solrent from knowing how he'd shamed himself last night. That was something, wasn't it?

Getting to his feet, he followed the tunnel out to the small plateau that they'd been training on yesterday. Solrent was already there, and Rex walked up to him. He joined the bigger dragon in a yoga position, the pair of them standing with one leg in the air and the other planted flat against the ground.

"I'm sorry if I got up, what should I call you?"

"Sol is fine."

"I'm sorry if I'm late, Sol."

"It's quite alright. I was planning on how to take your training further today. It seems that you were well able to master blocking out sound yesterday."

"Well, at least now I know that you didn't drive me deaf, huh?"

"Mmm, that is a risk, and I'm glad that it didn't happen. Today, however, we will focus on two senses at once. Scent and Sight. Do you think that you can avoid being distracted by them today?"

"Only one way to find out."

"Good. Then we will have you mount a different rock today. Something smaller. That one, I think."

Following his teacher's gesture, Rex jumped on top of a rock that was barely a foot and a half off of the ground. Solrent gestured for him to sit down, and he did, crossing his legs and slowly closing his eyes.

Almost immediately, he was assaulted with a powerful musky scent. He spluttered, opening his eyes, and gasped.

Pressed right against his nose was one of those beautiful orange and cream colored feet, the sole depressed by the edge of his snout, the flesh soft and warm against him. Each little breath brought the soft scent of musk into his nose, or the flavor of sweat into his mouth. Rex groaned and leaned back, almost falling off the rock. But at least it was off of his face.

"What the -"

"Don't worry. It's a simple enough exercise, isn't it? A mild distraction, a foot that could smell a little bit better. Surely you can handle something like that, Rex."

"But, but Sol -"

"Surely you can handle my foot in your face, and not get that distracted."

"But what if I can't?"

"Then you're not strong enough to be here."


He can't really know. This is just him messing with me. This is just him doing something..something that he did with the other students, right? A way of hazing me, I bet...just go along with it. You can handle it for a few minutes.

Rex got back on the rock, taking a couple of deep breaths of non-musky air before nodding at his teacher. Once more, that big foot pressed against his face, and he shivered as he took in that smell. His hands pressed down against his thighs, trying to keep his crotch from being visible to the Charizard, knowing that he'd be getting hard in record time if this kept up for long.

Seconds stretched out into minutes, and he felt that musk slipping deeper into his nose, and he panted softly as he stared at that foot, wobbling slightly before he corrected himself.

"You have quite a fascination. You seem very...distracted, Rex."

"I am...I am not distracted, Sol..."

"Well, you seem like it. I think you're sniffing at my claws quite a bit. Do you like the smell, perhaps?"

He hadn't been...had he? He shivered as he realized that at the very least he'd just started, sucking at the smell that came off of those feet. The musk flooded down his nose, and he snorted, trying - and failing - to clear his head.

"It's so much easier to just focus on my feet instead of the lessons, isn't it? So easy to let that smell slide deeper. Perhaps this is a lesson that you can't get around; perhaps you are just weak to scent."

"I...I am not weak!"

"Then keep smelling, and keep staring. Perhaps you can prove me wrong."

He blushed, knowing in some way that this was a trap, but he couldn't stop himself. He didn't want to lose; he didn't want Solrent to think that he was weak.

So he stared at the toes as they squeezed down, curling around his nose. Panting softly, he watched as they dug into his scales, holding him tight as he breathed in, sucking down that musky, potent foot scent. Holding him as he breathed out, panting softly against the sole, his lips dampened by the bit of sweat lingering on it.

They slowly drummed against his muzzle, giving him a slow, steady rhythm that was impossible to get away from. One, two, three. One, two, three. One, two, three. It hit him again and again, and slowly it started to play out in his head. One, two, three, sniff. One, two, three, sniff. The beat continued, and with it came the soft musk of the Charizard's foot in his nose, filling him with the smell of flesh and musk and sweat.

And slowly, ever so slowly, he felt his eyes start to close. Not completely, because that would fail the challenge, but partially. Down to half open. Yeah, that should be fine, Rex thought. There was no need to worry about that.

Drumming again and again, and making him take sniffs of that foot, the Charizard's toes slowly took over his vision, making it nearly impossible for him to look away. No, not nearly, but fully impossible. Rex could only stare straight ahead, right at those feet, as they took over his view and his vision.

He heard a small chuckle, but it felt far away, and he was able to shut it out immediately. The distractions of hearing were no longer something to bother him. All he needed to do was concentrate, and it was gone. All that mattered now was holding this pose while those feet were in front of him.

And to Rex's relief, that seemed to get easier and easier, even though he swore that there was something he was forgetting. Some tension that he was ignoring, he supposed; better to ignore it now than have it make him trip up later.

That foot pushed harder against his face, and he adjusted his balance accordingly. Solrent would be proud. He was managing this just fine, even if he was starting to huff at the scent a little bit more. He blushed a bit to himself, but he didn't know why. He was doing well, wasn't he? Even if he was feeling some strange bit of tension, somewhere -

"Looks like you enjoy my feet as much when you're awake as when you're asleep."


For some reason, it was harder to respond. His mind felt like it was taking longer to catch up, to actually come up with something to say. But why?

Wait...Did that mean...


"How could I not? You were very productive last night, after all...and there was only one thing you could be looking at, after our little stretching exercises."

Rex felt himself trying to blush, but as he took another breath of that foot musk, it faded. There was no need to blush, no need to fight this. He was doing what came naturally, and still accomplishing his task. He slowly nodded, dragging his nose up and down the bottom of the Charizard's broad, smooth sole.

"I knew it. But that's alright. A student can be perverted. As long as they are willing to pay the cost."

"The...The cost?"

"Yes. The student of the master...must submit to his master."


It wasn't a word that he normally heard, and one that he didn't apply to himself when he did. He didn't submit, and he came here because he wanted to learn how to be strong enough never to have to. But...

But there was something, something buried deep in his head. Something that suggested that he'd done it before, that he'd liked it. That he wanted to do it again. It was too distant to examine, too far away to really understand, and every time he reached for it, it seemed to slide away even further.

But it was definitely there, and it wasn't bad.

He nodded again.

" master."

"Submit to master."

"Submit to master."

"Submit to me."

"Submit to you."

"Who am I?"

"You are master."

"Good, Rex. Very good."

The Charizard smiled as he pushed a bit, and this time, Rex was too relaxed to really fight it. He slipped back off of the rock, not quite falling, not quite stepping off of it, but somewhere between the two. The dragon stumbled slightly before getting his footing, only to find that foot in his face again. On his snout, pushing him down, and his legs obeyed, carrying him down to his knees before his master on the rock.

Solrent pushed him down further and further, until he was down on all fours. Only then did the Charizard take a seat and look down at him, smiling to himself and rubbing at his head. Those claws on his feet felt...surprisingly good, Rex thought.

"Your master requires worship. Hold your head together, and do not lose yourself as you lick over my feet. This is the test of taste."

"Yes...Yes, master..."

Rex didn't know how this was supposed to apply to the world of Pokémon battles, but it was better to try and figure it out later than wait and question it. He buried his muzzle against those soles, feeling them squish against his face lightly as he dragged his tongue along the underside.

Immediately, his tongue was covered with the wonderful taste of the fire dragon's musk, the flesh soaked in it and with a bit of sweat. His eyes rolled back slowly, and his thoughts - what few were left - strained to be heard. They were buried beneath the potent flavor, however, and he barely cared.

Barely. He wanted to impress his master, impress the Charizard by being able to keep up with him. And so, Rex held tight to the thoughts. He didn't look at them, didn't try to understand them, but held them so that they wouldn't be swept away.

And through it all, he kept licking. Licking and lapping over those soles, feeling them rubbing against his tongue, feeling them leaving their mark behind with every successive lick. The shine of sweat slowly getting replaced by the shimmer of spit, leaving the claws slick and wet and slimy looking with his spit connecting them, and the sole more reflective than ever.

Rex nuzzled against the undersides of them, moaning softly as that tension - his erection, he finally realized - throbbed all the harder between his legs. His eyes didn't move from that foot, so he had no idea of whether he was doing this right, but he hoped that he was.

He didn't know how long he was licking over that sole, how long he was nuzzling and loving it, before it was pulled away. He repeated his actions on the other, but soon, he realized that both feet were out of his reach. Even so, the musk was so potent that his head wouldn't clear.

The warmth of Solrent's tail flicked under his chin, and he turned to look upwards. His eyes flicked over the Charizard's collar up to his face, and locked with his eyes.

"You are doing well. Such a good little boy, passing the test of Taste so quickly. But now, it's time to learn the test of Touch."

"Yes...master...How -"

"Put your feet on my lap, and I'll show you."

It was a matter of some doing to position himself correctly, but Rex managed it after about half a minute. He laid on his back, his long feet placed on the bigger dragon's thighs. Hard claws grabbed hold of his feet, and pulled them further and further up, until he felt something hard and thick and warm against the bottoms of his feet.

"That's a good student. Put your feet together, and stroke. Feel your way."

He smiled. This was one thing that he did feel some confidence towards, and he started feeling around with his feet. The hardness was easy to stroke and define, and he pressed his feet together hard around it. Solrent groaned, but he knew that he was doing this right. He felt his way up, and then down, stroking his soles along the sides of it, up towards the tip. He squeezed down hard, pushing his feet together until he swore that his soles were molding to the edge of the shaft - complete with the pointed end - before pulling them back down in a slow, dragging motion.

"Mmph...yes...that's good...keep it up. You're doing well."

The praise was enough to leave his foggy mind glowing, and Rex smiled as he moved his feet up and down, faster and faster against that shaft. It was so big, so hot, but his feet were strong enough to take it. He batted it from side to side at the base before getting another strong grip, dragging his feet up towards the tip. It throbbed beneath his soles, and as he reached the top, he felt it oozing, dripping.

For some reason, that felt particularly good.

He pulled his feet down and up, down and up, feeling for every sensitive spot. He tried new things, such as holding the rod with his toes and grinding the bottom of his foot against the very tip. That drew more grunts than ever out of the Charizard, and he pushed it harder, grinding, rubbing, stroking with the bottom of his foot. Every little burst of slime along his sole only made him push it harder, only made his cock throb with more need.

But even that was something secondary. All he knew was that he needed to explore, and find what he needed.

The rod felt like it was on the verge of exploding when his feet were grabbed again, pulled away hard and fast. Rex groaned, pushing with his legs as hard as he could, but there was no way to win against Solrent, against the Master.

"Not...not done yet. Another...test of your taste. Bring your mouth up here."

"Yes, Master."

He moved, and he was grabbed as soon as he was within reach. His eyes rolled back in his head at the flavor that burst across his tongue as that shaft slipped inside. He barely recognized it as the Master's cock, something huge and wet and musky, but he didn't care. The idea of sucking it was...wonderful, and he eagerly pulled it down his throat, sucking along the shaft and bobbing his head up and down.

" are eager...perfectly so...Go on, keep going - oooh..."

His master was moaning, he realized, and he took that as permission to go further, faster, harder. He bobbed his head up and down as fast as he could manage, taking the shaft all the way to the base and sucking down that pre.

Every time that he reached the base, he got a nose-full of the Master's musk, that wonderful scent that had pushed him down to this obedient state, that smell that had left him little more than an eager student to his 'zard master. He smiled to himself - as much as he could with a cock in his mouth - and let the musk run over his mind, stealing away a few more of his thoughts.

Not all of them, though. He wanted to win. He wanted to...

He wanted to impress his Master. Rex swallowed around the shaft, feeling the Master's hands on his head squeezing on his scalp, keeping him pinned in place, and he kept it up. The taste, the wonderful feeling of being held, the thought that he might be surpassing Master's expectations -

Were all shattered as he was pulled back. His mouth opened wide in a gasp for air that he didn't know he'd needed, and a line of spit and pre connected his mouth to that magnificent cock.


"You're almost...almost done, and so am I. But you have one more test before you get your reward."


"Turn around."

He did, unable to comprehend what would happen next. His head swam, his cock dripped; his whole body was awash with a heat that he couldn't understand in this state, and didn't know that he wanted to. All he knew was how bad he wanted his Master.

He felt the touch of that shaft under his tail, and with barely a second to brace himself, Rex gripped the ground hard. The Charizard's thrust nearly knocked him off his feet anyway, and he slid forward from the impact. His hole felt stretched beyond anything that he could imagine, and he moaned loudly.

"Your final test...hold back...keep your sense of Touch undistracted...You're almost done..."

Rex nodded, clenching down as much as he could on that shaft even as he tried to ignore it. But why? It felt so very wonderful...his eyes rolled back every time that it slammed into him, every time that it bumped over his prostate, every time that it rubbed him properly. His body burned hotter than the Charizard's tail tip, and he had to fight to keep from pushing back.

Every thrust rocked him around, making his cock bounce and slap up against his belly. Rex groaned, feeling the pleasure building around him, around the tip of his cock with each wet smack. He wanted to reach down and touch it, and at the same time, he wanted to reach down and push it away. He had to ignore all distractions. He had to make it to the end of this, to impress his Master. Reward or not, the bigger reward would be to make his Master happy.

But it was so hard, and so was that cock. He groaned, shivering from the pleasure that was running through him, his grip on his thoughts and his will so tenuous, so hard to maintain. The dragon Pokémon had two desires, warring for supremacy. On the one hand, he wanted to cum. On the other, he wanted to make his Master happy.

He bit his lip, feeling his shaft twitch and tremble even as the massive shaft in his hole did the same, grinding and rubbing against his sensitive spots, those big hands pinning him down and holding him in place. His skin felt like it was hypersensitive, begging for more, but at the same time, pleading for mercy.

His hole twitched and clamped with abandon, and Rex couldn't stop it. It was all he could do to keep himself from climaxing on the spot, his body at the mercy of the bigger dragon. He bit his lip harder, his teeth almost breaking the skin as his hole was battered again and again, the shaft stretching him further, opening him deeper.

Until finally...Master came.

The feeling of hot seed spilling down his hole came with one of the greatest senses of relief that he had ever imagined. He almost collapsed on the spot, and would have were it not for the fact that Master held him so tightly. Rex panted again and again, his own shaft begging to finish, but he managed to hold it back. Somehow. The will to give Master satisfaction, the need to succeed for him, gave him the determination to succeed.

Slowly, Master Solrent pulled out, the last bit of seed splattering down on Rex's thighs. He was pushed over, and stared blankly upwards as his Master stood over him.

"You did...very well. And now, you may have a small reward. Your Master will let you have his feet to finish on."

Rex could only smile in gratitude as the Master lifted one orange and cream foot, the claws on the top wiggling softly before the sole was brought down hard in a heavy stomp. He groaned, the impact almost driving the air out of him, but at the same time nearly taking him over the edge in one move.

He arched his back, pressing his cock against the high pressure from that big, magnificent foot, feeling it grinding down on him. It lifted again just as he was about to go over the edge, and it took everything in him to keep from grabbing at it, from humping the air in need.

And then the foot stomped down again, the impact shoving him back against the ground once more. In the back of his mind - where he was keeping the few thoughts he'd been able to hold onto - he felt more grateful than ever for his tough body, for how many beatings he'd gone through and how many he'd taken. This was nothing in comparison. This was wonderful, and so, so, so good.

He panted as that foot lifted and lowered like a powerful piston, slamming down and grinding against his cock for a few seconds each time before moving away. Each time brought him a bit closer, and tormented him with the loss of pleasure when it stopped before he could blow.

It didn't take long before he was gasping and panting, begging and moaning on the ground, but Master still took it slow, grinding and stomping and teasing. Rex couldn't summon the words to beg properly. He barely had the awareness that he was still there. All that mattered was the extreme pleasure between his legs, the pressure on his cock and stomach, the constant build-up that seemed to have no end.

Stomp, crush, squeeze, tease.

Stomp, crush, squeeze, tease.

Until finally, the foot came down and the claws squeezed down along the tip of his shaft. The sudden new pressure, the different stimulation, finally pushed him over the edge, and Rex came hard. He screamed to the heavens, cumming so hard that he knocked himself unconscious.


The sun was bright enough to wake him up as it rose over the horizon, and Rex groaned.

Stupid...wait...why am I outside?

He opened his eyes the rest of the way, and spotted his teacher doing some more yoga off in the distance. Shaking his head - and deliberately looking away from those tempting claws - he tried to remember what had happened.

There had been some new training. He had succeeded in learning how to ignore the temptations of sound, the distractions of that sense. Solrent had told him that they would be trying something new...

His eyes widened as the memories started coming back, and he crossed his legs to hide the bulge that was building. The motion, however, scattered a few rocks and caught the Charizard's attention. As he walked over, Rex blushed a bit.

"I...I can't believe I did that."

"Hmmm, you did better than you might think."

"What are you talking about? I -"

"Took to the training better than anyone that I've seen, in a very long time."



Solrent sat down beside him, and the Charizard gestured towards the valley.

"Look out there. Why do you think that we've only used the mountain for your training?"

"Well...I thought that we'd start here and move on..."

"Not quite. The training that anyone gets here is the ability to focus. Physically, you were already strong. But mentally, you didn't have a target. You didn't have something to drive you forward.

"And that's why I worked you over so hard yesterday, to see if you could stay strong. And you know what?"

"I failed?"

"No. You succeeded. Your training really showed through. A lesser Pokémon would have lost themselves to the trance that you went through, but you held on. You haven't been begging to submit again, have you?"

He blushed. It had been a bit of a thought, but he had resisted...maybe Solrent was right.

"So, does that mean that we're done?"

"For now. I'd like to come with you, and see what we can do to keep your training going. I'll even be willing to join up with the rest of your team, if that would help."

"I...Well, that'll be up to Andrew and Ann, but..."

"I think I can persuade them."


Somehow, Rex wasn't too surprised that Solrent was able to persuade his trainers to let him come along. The idea of having a big dragon without having to fight him on their team probably appealed more than they showed, but they were off to celebrate without a second thought.

The surprise came when he felt jealous when Dragonite and Solrent embraced in a tight hug, and he kicked himself a bit, trying to keep from showing that feeling.

", you two know each other."

Dragonite chuckled.

"Of course. He and Gengar helped train me to be as strong as I am. I don't think I'd have ever gotten there without their help."

"You might have, but it would have been a struggle. All I did was speed it along."

"Yeah, don't kid yourself. I'm glad you were able to help Rex out, though; he needed it. And you probably got a good bit of 'stress relief' out of him, didn't you?"

"Indeed. He's quite good at that."

Rex blushed, opening his mouth to argue that, only to hear a deeper chuckle above him. He glanced up, seeing Lugia slowly flying in circles above them, his telepathic voice reaching down to all of them.

"Yes, Rex is...very good at stress relief. He quite enjoys it, I think."

"I noticed that. His mind is easy to sway, during training. I believe that he simply has a natural inclination towards it."

"Oh, can you all stop?!"

Rex blushed as they all turned to him, and rubbed the back of his head.

"Hey, he was teaching me. And you have to show your master - I mean teacher! Teacher! Some respect..."

It was too late. They were all laughing again, and Rex blushed heavily as he turned away. He was about to start walking off when the Charizard's arm settled on him again.

"You know...You can always call me master..."

Solrent chuckled as he blushed, leaning in and whispering.

"Or boyfriend..."

That blush wasn't going to go away for a while, particularly as Lugia and Dragonite were still talking about how much fun they'd all have together. Mostly with him in the middle. It was going to be a long night...

The End