Assimilation -- Part One: Nekko Suits Up

Story by SkyeMcCloud on SoFurry

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#1 of Assimilation


Part One: Nekko Suits Up**

Written by FoxyMcCloud

"Oh, man, I don't want to be late again!" I glanced at my watch; I had exactly five minutes to get to class. I cursed myself for staying up so late, but it can never be helped. Friends keep me up late, or the street lamp glares in my face... okay, so I was up late looking up furry artwork again. Lame excuse, but it's still a valid one. Kind of.

I quickly zigzagged through the avenues and streets, a proverbial blur across the peaceful scenery, but after a while of passing unfamiliar building after unfamiliar building I realized the worst. I was lost. As I winded into an old back alley my sense of urgency dissipated. I slumped to the ground, plopped my chin in my hands, and conceded.

"Figures. You‘ve done it again, Nekko," I muttered as I dreaded my seventh absence for the month. Granted I was paying for it (it was college after all), but I hated paying for something I was just wasting. My thoughts were interrupted as I suddenly realized where I was. Glancing around I began to recognize a few buildings; in fact, my father once worked in this district.

"I'm near the harbor, aren't I," I thought aloud as I took note of the vast sea stretching out beyond the empty buildings. Then it dawned on me. "This is near that military base, isn't it?" Creeping over to the window of a nearby building I peered inside. "Hmm, isn't this where they used to do those weird experiments? Yeah, that's the old robot factory." Looking around I noticed there wasn't a soul to be seen on the streets. Curiosity got the better of me, and with no one to tell me 'no' I tested the door to the factory, and to my delight it creaked open.

"First thing that's gone right today," I thought aloud as I pushed my way into the building. "Eh, well, I'd miss class anyway. May as well make something out of today." I took my time once inside; no need to rush myself or alert anyone of my presence. Nothing surprised me or seemed out of the ordinary, though. Shelves lined the far walls, machinery about everywhere, offices to the right... I probably would have left right then and there if I didn't notice a small locked room beyond the main factory. Something felt odd about this room, as if there was a reason for it to be locked even after the rest of the building was abandoned. The label on the door read ‘MasterSuit Assimilation Room,' but the meaning behind that was beyond me.

I jimmied the lock, and thrust the door open. I looked upon row upon row of locked chambers, each with a name glowing over them in little digital display windows. "Innis, Kasai, McCloud, Rei..." I rattled off names as I passed them, absolutely puzzled about who these mystery people were. "I wonder what's inside of these lockers."

I came upon the final locker, and noticed, to my surprise, that the display simply stated 'Unassigned.' I could feel something inside of it, begging to be released. I tugged on the handle tentatively, but it wouldn't open. I tried again, but it continued to refuse me.

"Fine, then we'll do this the hard way." I snooped around the locker room, and stumbled upon a thin sheet of metal. It looked fragile, but after testing it a bit I gave it my approval; it would be a good lever. I positioned it along the side of the locker door, and pushed against it. After a few moments of work the hinges gave way, and the door swung open.

I looked up, and to my shock an orange and black striped tiger stared back at me. I nearly bolted, but I quickly realized it wasn't real. "I'm such a wuss, getting scared about a fake cat." I composed myself, and stepped over to get a closer look at this tiger. It was made out of some type of metal and some rubbery fabric, and it gave off a warm, inviting shine. It was a little bit taller than me, stood upright in a human stance, and appeared to be a little bit bulkier than me, although it was probably due to it being modeled after a tiger. I ran my hands over it, and noticed how nice it felt against my skin. "Pretty cool. Hmm... wonder if I can get this thing out of here." I tried to pry the 'tiger' out of the locker, but it wouldn't budge. Sighing, I pulled myself away from the tiger. "I don't think that sheet of metal is going to help me this time."

I looked around for a clue, and spied a clipboard on a nearby desk. After reading it, I stumbled upon an idea. Drawings and diagrams of anthropomorphic tigers, foxes, and other animals captured my attention. I learned that the lockers contained a variety of 'MasterSuits,' that would function as battle suits for military practices. My curiosity was beyond aroused by now, but then I learned that whatever program these were for had been shut down for over three decades. I paid no mind to that fact; I just hoped the tiger suit I had uncovered still worked. At last I stumbled upon some information pertinent to my current problem. "Okay, it says here, 'All candidates must state their name before their assigned suit for assimilation.' That might work. What the heck is assimilation?" I shrugged, and approached the tiger suit. "Alright, then, my name is Nekko."

Nothing happened at first, but I noticed the display above the locker suddenly changed to read 'NEKKO.' I arched an eyebrow at the change, but I didn't have much time to think about that as any questions I may have had were suddenly answered. The tiger suit began to walk towards me, and I took a step backwards in caution.

"Uh... nice kitty?"

It leaned forward, and sniffed me with obvious interest. I stood as straight and rigid as possible, so as to seem friendly enough. But it suddenly lunged for me with animalistic furor, splaying me across the floor. I went limp right then and there; I think I once read that if you were ever attacked by an animal to just go limp, and try not to be as threatening as you possibly can. There again, prey was never very threatening, either.

The rubbery tiger nuzzled into me, and purred lowly as it lovingly stroked my body with its paws. It was very humanoid, but at the same time it was very feral. I didn't quite know how to react, so I just laid there on the floor in shock as it explored my body with its rubbery paws. He stuck his muzzle into my crotch, and sniffed experimentally. Pleased he gave a delighted lick at my groin through my pants, eliciting a shudder from me. I was in a state of surprise, shock, relief... it was... loving me? A humanoid tiger... was doing this to me? I lost myself to the moment, and felt a little giddy about the situation.

It then began to claw at me, but to my surprise (and relief) it didn't hurt at all. However I could feel and hear the sound of clothing shredding, and I realized it was ripping off my clothes. "No, what are you doing?!" I struggled to get up as it continued to claw at my chest, arms, legs... fabric fluttered about nonchalantly as my body became more and more exposed. I shoved at the tiger suit, but it refused to stop. It deftly ran its paws up and down my body, and within moments I was sitting before this tiger suit completely stripped naked. My ears burned red, and they flared up as it gently grazed against my crotch with one paw. My embarrassment was stifled, however, as it curled up against me, and began to lick me. I shuddered as it traced its tongue along my body, and let it get better acquainted with me. I noticed his tongue wasn't scratchy like most cats'; instead it was smooth, luxurious, and left a light shine to my skin in it's path. I shivered as the chilly autumn air breezed in through the nearby window, wafting across my naked body. It was an odd sensation, and I leaned closer to the tiger to at least try and maintain some kind of body heat. I didn't know what else to do; I only hoped that after this was over that I could find some clothing in this place. The tiger welcomed me closer to him, and began to lick my face. It seemed to be warming up to me, so I didn't think I was in any sort of danger.

The tiger then crept off of me, and began licking at my naked crotch. I leaned back in anticipation; if this was a dream I didn't want to wake up. He sniffed, and licked, and teased my cock with his tongue. A dribble of precum glistened from the slit of my penis, and he tasted it. After a moment I could see a smile forming on his muzzle, and he nodded his head in approval. I was confused, but I assumed it was a good sign. He gave me a slurp on the nose, and then brought me in close for an embrace. My naked body pressed against his rubbery body, and I just relaxed into him. I felt comfortable with the situation now; I didn't think it would ever happen to me (it only happens in cheesy stories or mind-blowing artwork), but here I was cuddling up to a rubber tiger. I was in heaven.

As I was caught up in the serenity of the moment something strange happened. It stood up on two legs, and then it seemed to literally open up as its arms, legs, and main body pushed apart to reveal an inner cavity. I had no idea what was going on, but I quickly retracted myself from the tiger. But in a moment it reached out at me with its paws, gripped my arms, and pulled me close against it. It petted my hair once, and smiled at me. My eyebrows knitted in worry, but it ignored my expression. After spinning me around it pushed me inside of it, and his body quickly melded around me.

"Hey, what's going on!" I tried to punch against it, but my fists were encased in the suit; all I did was flail my arms about; the moment probably would have looked hilarious if anyone happened to have been watching at the time.

I looked around, and realized that this was something more than just some playful kitten. I didn't quite know what to think of it, though... everything was dark inside. I could feel it getting very cool, though, and I could see through the eyes of the tiger's face. I moved my head, and to my surprise the tiger's head moved as well. I tested out a few steps, and my whole suited body moved to my own command.

"This... actually got really cool!" I grinned.

My celebration was cut short as I realized the suit was beginning to shrink around me. At first I panicked slightly, but as it began to settle around me I realized it wasn't going to hurt me. Material stretched and thinned out as it began to fit close to my body, hugging every contour of my naked frame. The rubber melded with my skin, and the tail aligned perfectly with the small of my back. The paws shrunk down to mesh with my own hands, as did the paws surrounding my feet. I began to feel a little light-headed as the fabric continued to shrink, and mold against me as a glove would to a hand. I felt a surge of euphoria as the inside of the suit suddenly grew cool, though I couldn't quite understand why until I realized I squished ever-so-slightly when I would move.

"Liquid...?" I murmured. I couldn't quite come to grasp with the feeling I was experiencing, but I suppose it was kind of like being inside of a womb. I drifted slightly inside of the suit, lost in the feeling of comfort. I could feel my body inside of the suit, and yet, it felt like I was the suit. At the same time I felt like I was floating inside of it as well. My muscles relaxed, and I could feel my breathing getting heavier and heavier.

I glanced down and noticed the rubber had molded around every part of my body. It was as if the rubber had become a second skin. In fact my crotch had taken on the typical shape of a feline sheath, my dick rising up against my stomach rather than hanging low between my legs. I was surprised that it was doing this, rather than simply being being encased inside of the suit; the afternoon sunlight gave the rubber surrounding them a slight glow. I reached a curious hand to my ass, and to my surprise (delight?) the suit had even melded itself into my asshole, and beyond.

"This is incredible." I twisted about to check myself out; how I wished a mirror was handy. I thought back to all of the times I'd check out furry artwork, and long for this kind of transformation, and here I was in a rubber tiger suit. By now it wasn't large on me... no, it felt made for me. Every bit of my body looked like a rubbery orange tiger; how incredible I felt. I sat down on the floor, and leaned against the wall. I didn't quite understand what happened, or why, or how I'd get this suit off, but I really didn't care at the moment. I kind of didn't want to take it off now. Something in my head kept telling me not to worry about it, that I belonged in it, that it would take care of me. I felt my mind drift away slightly; it would be later on that I would realize that the rubber tiger's consciousness was invading my own.

At first I wasn‘t aware it was happening, but after a few minutes a wave of relaxation and pleasure overtook me. I could feel my muscles being massaged, even though I couldn't actually see any hands upon me. I came to understand that the suit itself was massaging me, and gently teasing certain areas of my body. I let my senses go, and enjoyed the sensations coursing through my body. It felt so good to just sit back, relax, and indulge myself in the moment, as strange as the setting and reason may have been. I noticed my dick hardening up, and my breathing started to become ragged. I felt like stroking off right then and there, but self-control restrained me from that idea. But gradually my mind began to wander into the idea of doing it anyway. It could be fun, right? No one was around to see me do it. How often does someone who's only dreamed of becoming a rubber tiger get to wear a rubber tiger suit like this?

As I battled the idea in my mind I glanced down to see one of my paws stroking off at my rubber-coated dick. I frowned in confusion as I pulled my paw from myself, but my other one reached for my crotch as well. "Wait, no," I stated; I wasn't about to jerk off in the middle of some weird building while dressed up like a rubber tiger, as much as I wanted to. I suddenly felt light-headed, as if I was drained of energy, and I slumped against the wall. My paw once again reached for my cock and began to stroke gently, a light squeak emitting from the rubber against rubber. I couldn't do anything but watch my own body forcibly pleasure itself.

"What's wrong with me? Why can't I control myself?" I tried to regain control of myself, but it was as if my own muscles were denying me control. Every time I would try to exert myself I couldn't, as if I were trying to lift a boulder with my own hands. My paws kept gliding over my stiff member regardless of what kind of strength I exerted; some force was determined to stroke me off.

I could feel something inside of the suit also wrapping itself around my member; something was also gliding around the backside of my suit towards my ass. It was as if something beyond the tiger suit was taking a hold of my most private of areas.

My vision blurred, but I tried to maintain focus; if something was happening beyond my control I at least wanted to know what was going on. I watched as one paw snaked behind my back, and began to poke at my anus. I could feel some force pulling me out of my sitting position, and forcing me to kneel down on the floor; I had no choice but to oblige. One claw tested my asshole, followed by another, and another... soon enough I felt the suit's very own tail penetrate my ass. I gargled out a moan as it poked against my prostate, but it came out strangled, hungry, and lusty.

My suit's tail began to thrust in and out of me, and my paws attacked my cock again. A few tears streamed down my face as I realized I was helpless against whatever was going on, but how could I stop it? I didn't even know if I wanted to; the feelings, as forced as they were, were amazing. I could feel my legs spreading apart as my body was forced into a laying position, my tail still inside my asshole. My arms and legs were spread eagle, and my tail kept thrusting up inside of me, grazing that sweet spot over and over again. I moaned and writhed in ecstasy, begging for it to release me, but it wouldn't give in to my pleas.

After a short while I found myself on all fours desperately trying to reach my mouth down around my own cock. I couldn't believe myself, but I couldn't stop myself from doing it, either. The tiger's own mentality had taken over my own body's movements, so it disregarded me as it forced my body to twist and bend in ways I'd never been able to before. My back stretched out awkwardly (I swear I dislocated something in the process), my legs hung high over my head, and the tail just continued to thrust itself in me. After a while of frustration I was finally presented with my own rubbery cock in my muzzle. I didn't want to, but the suit forced me to wrap my muzzle around my cock, and suck. So I did. I sucked, and nibbled, and I could feel my own tongue slip between my lips to taste and lick my rubbery groin. I part of me kind of let myself go, and I began to suck my cock under my own willpower for a few moments. I wanted to get this over with, and if it was going to keep doing this to me then I'd just give in and do it for it. But once again that wave of energy depletion came over me, and my eyes glazed over.

I continued to lick and suckle my cock without missing a beat, but I knew that it wasn't really my choice anymore. By now my balls were about ready to burst; I was on my back with my legs swung over my head, and they kept bouncing into my nose as I sucked myself off. I did admire how lovely they looked in the tiger print latex, though.

Finally I could feel it coming to a glorious end as a surge of my own relief rushed towards my cock. I sucked one final time and could feel my own juices suddenly releasing into the inside of the tiger suit. I flopped about as I orgasmed into myself, the shock of it all causing me to flail slightly. It felt weird, suddenly swimming inside a suit filled with your own cum, but as quickly as it occurred the ejaculation seemed to drift away from me as if it was absorbed by the fabric of the suit. I laid still for a few moments on the floor not wanting to move. I was still collecting my thoughts about what just happened.

Shortly thereafter I could feel the suit filling itself back out as it released my body from its hold. I gave a mixed sigh; part relief, and part longing, part violation. Once it reshaped itself back to its original size its body opened up, and deposited me upon the floor. I flopped out of the tiger suit, slick with sweat, remnants of my own cum, and whatever liquid the suit had filled itself with, and just nodded off to sleep on the floor.

Some time later I awoke, and found myself hugging a strange rubber pillow. My eyes flickered open, and I immediately remembered where I was, what had happened to me, and I realized that the rubber pillow was actually the tiger‘s leg. It must have spent some time coddling me as I slept, because as chilly as the night air was I felt pretty warm. I looked at his face, and it had a concerned look upon its glossy features, but its ears perked up once it noticed I was awake. I marveled at him for a moment; he looked almost human, and yet distinctly feline. He then stood up, and helped me into a sitting position. Glancing up I noticed my name still glowed above the locker I had found him in. The tiger purred lowly, flopped against me, and nuzzled its face in between my legs. I looked down at him fondly; despite how strange the afternoon had been, it was still a dream come true for me. I only hoped it wasn't over.

Then I saw it.

"What... is this?" Still glancing down I looked closer at my crotch, and could see my cock was still encased in a shiny orange rubber. I reached down and cupped my own groin in my hands, and was surprised at how vivid the sense of touch was. I stood up and realized I was wearing some sort of pair of rubber briefs that matched the tiger‘s own pattern; our lower torsos now matched each other. They did very little to hide my manhood, but what took me aback the most was that I had a typical feline crotch instead of a human's; my cock was tucked away deep into a sheath, and my balls dangled lazily below it. I was confused; the tiger-print briefs acted more like a second skin then a pair of underwear, and it had changed my groin completely. I cupped my balls in my hand, and it was as if I was touching myself directly without any fabric in between my hand and my balls. "What's going on?" I demanded of the tiger, but realized I probably wouldn't get an answer from something that absorbed me, jerked me off, and then deposited me like yesterday's paycheck.

I examined myself; sure enough my cock, balls, ass... everything in my nether regions were encased in some kind of rubber briefs, but they felt like so much more than briefs. I glided my hands over it, and elicited a gasp of excitement. Eventually they came upon my asshole. I could feel it stretched apart; whatever these briefs were, they forced my asshole open for very easy access. I could feel a paw snaking its way up my leg, and gently tease my new anal chamber. I swatted the tiger away, my cheeks burning scarlet, and I swore I could hear him giggling. I needed answers, so I strode over to the desk and picked up the clipboard once again. After leafing through a few pages I let out a worried moan as I found a page that explained what was going on.

Congratulations! You are now the new pet of the patented MasterSuit. This incredible suit is designed to not only give you the protection and edge in combat, but it is also designed to take care of you, and give you endless hours of love and praise. WARNING: The assimilation process is highly erotic, and will grant lifetime attunement between you and your new MasterSuit. Upon completion of the assimilation process it will contain your lower body within a special pair of PetBriefs for easy future access, ownership rights, and protein extraction. WARNING: The PetBriefs are not removable, and any attempt at doing so may cause you harm and/or death. Be aware that your MasterSuit requires a healthy regular supply of protein and nutrients acquired directly from its pet. WARNING: If the MasterSuit is not willingly fed, it is not unnatural for it to feed off of its pet by force. Thank you for your patronage!

By now the tiger had padded over to me, and leaned against me. He gently nibbled my ear, and ran his paws through my hair. I glanced over at him in shock; I was now his... pet? The tiger grinned knowingly, licked the back of my neck gently, and purred deeply into my ear as it traced a paw up and down my body. His paw lingered upon my new rubber dick, and he gently cupped it in his hands approvingly. Suddenly feeling tired I slumped into his arms, my mind giving up on my body for the night. The last thing I could feel was myself being absorbed back into the tiger.

Life, as I knew it, was about to get a lot wierder.