An ass-whoop'in to remember CH5.

RAW is WAR 12/08,98 The furs in the crowd cheered holding up signs of their favorite superstars the arena was electric, fireworks flared, music blared the show had just begun back stage the superstars were making finial preparations. Furs in the crowd...

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Rural Midwest, August 21,1942 I was once degenerate a nobody a poor sack of shit. a theif alone, I had nobody I was alone roaming the streets for food and shelter but more then that a friend someone I could lean on, talk to in my time of need. He came...

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An ass-whoop'in to remember CH4.

The Rock beats down owen with the WWF title and walks back down the ramp and is given a close line by Austin who pins him for the win the grabbs a microphone "Ya see Rock I just whooped your ass," "And come fully loaded your ass is mine,"
