The Beginning To Another Day!

Story by SiberianTiger on SoFurry

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Usual disclaimer still stands here people! If you are under 18 nor are in search of furry erotic stories you are at the wrong site. I am not in any way held responsible for underage kids that have stumbled upon this site and *happened to read this or any other story* That just means you aren't doing your job as a parent and keeping a good eye on your child while he/she is on the Internet. Other than that this is my first story I have written in over 3 years so I would like some comments on the story and don't hold back any criticizm or harsh comments if you have any.I want them all.. BTW---all characters used in this story and any of my other future installments are copyrighted by me....but I don't care if you use then just give credit where credit is due please...ANYWAY ENJOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Tiger sat up in bed and slowly wiped the sleep from his eyes.He rolled over in his bed and looked at the clock. It read 3:24 A.M. He shook his head and growled.He thought to himself,"Fuck!! I should really kick these habits of mine they will get me trouble one day." He then reached in between his matress and boxsprings and pulled a metal tin with an image of a tiger jumping through a wall of fire on top of it. He took off the top and a strong scent wafted out of the tin and almost immedialty filled the room. He sighed again and pulled out a little baggie and a pack of papers. He chuckled to himself remembering his earlier thought and of how his parents had died from the same exact habit except worse. He began to fill the paper with a very potent form of marijuana and then rolled it up into a joint. He then rolled over with a yawn and opened his side stand drawer pulling out a lighter and lit the joint taking a puff from it and smiling.

He had tried to kick that habit for about 4 months then the need just became worse and he had started up again.

When he was done he laid back in bed feeling light-headed and rather good.He sighed and looked at the digital clock beside his bed again and it read 4:30 A.M.. He sighed, got up standing on the floor and looked around his room. He saw the same thing he saw everyday, skateboarding trophies, posters up on the wall, a couch across the room, a T.V. and a game console which he hardly ever used anymore. He grabbed his stereo remote and turned it on and suddenly a really loud heavy metal music came blaring out of the speakers. He screamed at the sudden change in sound and turned it down a little bit.He then stood up and walked out of his room and down into the bathroom.He stood infront of the full body mirror attached to the door and sighed. He was a tiger morph with the basic coloring pattern, orange stripes against black fur,(or is it the other way around) standing about 5 ft 4 in. and of a build that would basically tell you that he hadn't done much work in his life except what he needed to do.He laughed thinking of something then turned on the shower. He walked back into his room and turned up the stereo pretty sure that the soundproof fabric he had stuck inside his walls would drown out the music from his neighbors.

Tiger stepped into the shower and sighed as the hot water drenched his fur and made his muscles relax.He then growled to himself as he felt an old injury make itself known.He dropped to one knee from the sudden pain but then shoved it to the back of his mind and continued to get on with his shower. He finished his shower and stepped out of the stall sitting down on the edge of the tub and began drying himself off with a towel. He didn't dry completely though because when he ran the towel over his sheath he felt the sudden urge to paw himself off. He sighed and placed the towel on the floor and placed his right paw on his sheath and began to move his paw up and down across it. He growled lightly to himself, (still hearing the music blare from his stereo) enjoying the feel once again of a daily activity.He continued to growl as his cock began to slowly grow and poke from it's sheath. He stopped midway through and wrapped the towel around himself hoping his brother wouldn't walk out of his room and stop him in the hall or something.

He made his way back into his room and layed back on the bed removing the towel to reveal to himself his still stiff 10 inch cock, wanting attention, leaking pre from the top.He smiled to himself and slowly ran a fuzzy finger down from the tip to the base and back up again, then collecting some pre from the tip and spreading it across his cock to use as lube. He sighed and wrapped his hand around his cock and began to pump on it slowly at first then speeding up.

He layed back on the bed slowly getting lost in a world of ecastacy due to the drug still working it's magic on his mind.He growled as he began to feel the usual sensation akin to an explosion inside his groin area. He growled as he continued to pump away at his meat After a few more minutes he felt it hit him.He sat up and almost fell foward off his bed from the feeling. He placed his paw infront of his tip and caught the white sticky strands of cum on his paw. He sighed and laid back on the bed slowly coming down from the heights of pleasure. He brought his hand up to his muzzel wondering what his juice tasted like he slowly licked at what was spread across his hand. He found he liked the taste and proceeded to lick his hand clean. After he was done he laid back in bed thinking to himself wondering how other males tasted he decided he would call up a well known gay friend and find out for himself tommorrow.

***Hoped you liked it...this was may first story like I said earlier that I have wrote in over 3 years.So if it sucked tell me if you liked it tell me.I'm not afraid of peoples thought's.****************