A Wish Came True

Story by Des Wolf on SoFurry

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This story is dedicated to my loving mate,Sisky.She has been there for me and I've been there for her.I asked her to write a beggining for another story,But she gave me a biggining for this one.I hope everyone likes it.

I Love You Sisky-Desmond Wulf

Desmond and Sisky were outside sitting on his car the night before they were going to the movies with their friends.They were looking up at the full moon and bright stars.They havn't been together for too long.They've only been going out with each other for about 2 weeks.Desmond turned his head towards Sisky."So what are you thinking about?"Desmond asked while staring at her.

"Oh you know,just...stuff."Sisky turned her head and found herself staring into Desmond's eyes.She quickly turned away blushing a little.Desmond wasn't able to tell if she was blushing or not cause of the darkness.He smirked a little at her shyness.

Sisky pointed into the sky and yelled,"SHOOTING STAR!!!"

Desmond quickly told her to make a wish.She closed her eyes and made the wish."I wish Desmond would make his move tonight."Sisky thought.

Desmond wished that he didn't have to leave but that wish didn't come true.Sisky's mom came out the door and told Desmond that he should leave for the night cause of how late it was getting.He nodded his head and Sisky's mom went back inside.Desmond turned back towards Sisky and saw the sad look in her eyes."Hey...What's wrong?"Desmond said worried.

"Well I made a wish and its not gonna come true."Sisky started to cry a little.

"Hey...There,there.Most wishes don't come true.Mine won't.I wish that I didn't have to leave."Desmond said assuring Sisky and wiping the tears from her eyes.

"But hey,I'll be back tomorrow.And we'll spend more time together.Okay?"Desmond asked.

"Okay."Sisky brightened up a little.

They hoped off his car and Desmond walked Sisky back to her door.He hugged and kissed her goodnight and got in his car and pulled out of the driveway.He got half way down when he felt something,something....It felt like he needed Sisky really bad.He pulled the car over and sat in the dark for a few minuts.He called her cell phone and asked if he could come back later when her parents were asleep.They agreed to meet in an hour so the parents would fall into a deep sleep.

Desmond drove back to Sisky's around 12 and when he got there he saw Sisky sitting on the porch waiting.Desmond got out of his car and pulled Sisky off the steps.She didn't know what he was doing.He pulled her close to his body and wrapped his arms around her.He whispered something in her ear."Sisky I...I-I love you.I wanna make love to you...tonight."

Sisky's eyes shot open."Is my wish coming true?"Sisky wondered."Are you sure?"

"I couldn't be any more sure than now."Desmond said and leaned in and kissed her.They stood there for a few moments.Desmond pushed his tongue at the opening of her muzzel.She welcomly let him in.Their tongues danced around each other.Moanes were coming from Sisky.Desmond was getting a little hard from all the love.

"Hey,you wanna go into your bedroom?"Desmond asked.

"Yeah,lets go."Sisky said and they walked towards the door of the house.They entered quietly and and Sisky led Desmond to her room.They turned on the night lamp beside the bed and they started to get undressed.Desmond helped Sisky by lifting her shirt over her head and unhooking her bra.He next hooked his fingers around the waist line of her shorts.He gently pulled them down along with her panties.

A wave of scents went into Desmond's snout.He breathed in deeply.Smelling and loving the smell.He stood up and told her to lay on the bed.She did so and laid down.Desmond got undressed and threw his cothes in a pile.He then knelt between her legs that were hanging over the bed.She knew what he was about to do.He got closer to her sex and breathed deeply again.Letting the scent wash through his head.

He looked up at her and asked if she was ready.She nodded and he ducked between her legs and gave a long raspy lick.Sisky shuddered and moaned.Desmond took more lickes,going up and down her sex.She kept shuddering and moaning.Desmond ran his tongue over her nub and purssed his lips on it.He sucked lightly on it,driving Sisky insane.He gently inserted two of his fingers inside of her.He could feel the tightness in her.He then relised something..."She's a virgin."He thought.

Desmond quite sucking and asked her if she was.She nodded and he grinned.He started to suck lightly on the liitle nub.He moved his fingers in and out of her sex getting a rhythm going.She started to moan louder and Desmond had to quite and tell her to muffle her pleasure.He kept going a little longer untill she felt something burning inside her.He thrusted his fingers a little more,but not inside enough to break her hymn.She came and he felt her walls convolsing."Ooooooohhhhhhhh Desmond."She moaned and she pushed his fingers out.

"WOW*Pant*That was...amazing."She whispered.

"And it gets better."Desmond smiled and climed onto the bed and layed beside her.He rubbed over her stomach fur and up to her breasts and found her nipples.He ran his hands over them and he gently climed ontop of her.He got in between her thighs and aimed his hard cock at the tip of her pussy.

She moaned at the sensation of his cock at the opening of her sex.He gently started to push in.He could feel her squezzing down on him.Sisky was starting to feel some pain.When Desmond whent as far as he could he stopped."Now Sisky...This will hurt at first.But It'll feel great once we get going okay?" Desmond asked.

"Okay.I trust you."Sisky looked into his eyes and could see the look of love.Sisky breathed and Desmond started to push more.He was at her hymn and he could feel her wanting to let him in in.With one final push,he broke through.Sisky mewed loudly and quickly grabbed the pillow on the bed and covered her head.The pain was horrible.She didn't know it would hurt this much.

But Desmond started thrusting,knowing that the pain would be replaced with pure pleasure."Hey are you okay?" Desmond said while thrusting a little slower,hoping she was okay.

Sisky removed the pillow and Desmond saw her tears falling down her cheek.Desmond quickly stopped.Sisky was crying from the pain."Shhh shhh shhh shhhh....Its okay...the hard part is over.The pain will go away in a few seconds."Desmond cooed her.Sisky's tight body finaly got used to the pain.She told Desmond to start thrusting again.He complied and started to get the rhythm going.She still felt pain but it was going away.After a few more thrusts,the pain was gone and was being replaced with pleasure.

She finaly lost her virginity to a guy who cares,who loves her,someone that will always be there,and someone that will always put her needs infront of his.She knew he might be the one.

Desmond was thrusting,Sisky was in ecstasy.She was enjoying the sensations of Desmond's cock inside of her.He kept thrusting inside of her,feeling her walls convoles around his cock."Hey*pant*guess what?Haha...Your not a virgin anymore."Desmond laughed and kept thrusting.

Sisky was starting to moan loudly again,and she grabbed her pillow and put it over her head for the second time.The thrusts were starting to get harder and Desmond was going deeper."Oooooooooohhhhhhhhhhhh..."Sisky moaned through the pillow.Desmond layed ontop of her while thrusting and started to lick and suck on one of her nipples.

She had some more stimulation going on and she was dying to cum.He eased back a little and let her calm down.Desmond's knot was starting to get bigger.Behind the knot it was getting more sensitive,and Desmond was barly ably to hold out from cumming."Dessy...Please...Tie us together.She mewed loudly and her walls convolsed and squeezed his cock in more,sending Desmond over the top."Ooooooooohhhhhh GOD..IM CU....."Desmond quetly yelled but didn't get it out what he tried to say,and he pushed his knot in and pumped his seed into her,and tied them together.Desmond lied ontop of her...breathing hard.

"Sisky...I-I Love You."Desmond said lovingly out of breath.

"I*pant*Love you to Dessy...Will you father my pups."Sisky asked.Desmond was kinda surprised but he nodded his head and they kissed passionatly with him still inside her.

His knot slowly went down and he pulled out.He layed on the side of her trying to catch his breath."Hey Dessy?Wanna know what I wished for?"Sisky asked.

"Yeah...w-what was it?"Desmond questioned.

"Well for you to make your move.For you to mate with me."Sisky said with tears forming in her eyes.Desmond could hear her voice cracking a little.

"Hey whats wrong?"Desmond asked.

"Nothing...It's just...Im so happy being with you."Sisky said nuzzeling up to him still kinda crying happy tears.

"Im happy to.You know...I thought that girl Snow was the one....But...Your the one who actually likes me,and cares for me.I don't ever want you to think I don't care about you.I love you Sisky."Desmond said assuringly and put his arm around her as she layed on his chest.He looked over at the clock on the night stand that read two o' clock.The two lovers drifted off to sleep,still naked and the door locked.

Desmond awoke and found that it was five o' clock.He felt Sisky still on him and he gently picked her up off of him and he got dressed."Fuck...My parents are gonna kill me if their up."Desmond thought.He Gently kissed Sisky on the cheek and she stired.

"Hey...You gotta get home?"Sisky asked with her eyes closed.

"Yeah...Im sorry,I have to get home before my parents wake up.But I'll come back later today ok?"Desmond said.She agreed with him and he kissed her on the lips and said his goodbye and quietly left the house.He pulled into his driveway around five thirty.He gently unlocked the door and walked in.He got undressed and layed in his bed and fell back asleep and dreamed about the night before.

The End

I Love You Sisky-Desmond Wulf

The Lovers

Ok this is my first story I've finnaly finished.Just obey the rules, if your under 18, then leave...blah..balh..balh so here it is "The Lovers". Jerard was the average otter with hazel eyes and nice,brown slick fur.He and his girlfriend Denala...

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