Do you believe in fate?: Chapter 1

Story by Sarah Mayline on SoFurry

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#1 of Do you believe in fate?

This is my first time at writing a story of sorts, normally I am the one reading them but I have decided to have a go.

The story takes place from each characters point of view, it my become slightly confusing because of that but please bare with it, like I have said, it's my first.

Oh, and if you read these just for the sexual scenes. yes there are alot of you out there, you can either stop reading or go to the end of the story.

Well that is my little rant, please feel free to email me about the story, improvements and such or just to say hi, I don't mind at [email protected]

Well then, on with the story.

PS. I have edited the story because I was embarrassed about not proof reading it first which ended up into a lot of typos which I think all or most have been fixed.

Do you believe in fate?

A lone figure trudged through the dirt filled streets, crimson blood forming a trail behind her, her eyes darted around desperately, there had to be some one that would help, there had to be. Moving to a tree as her vision started to fade, blood leaked from her mouth as she coughed, pain rippled through her body. One last attempt, she opened her mouth and cried out, but the only sound that came was a low strangled cry, her eyes widened and the darkness consumed her, the last thing she remembered was the dirt against her cold cheek.

The flickering candlelight consumed the darkness, illuminating the mans face, yet it wasn't a "man". The light brown fur covered his body that could be seen, the rest was hidden in his clothing, loose grey breeches and a mattered faded green tunic. A finger moved slowly up and down his small muzzle and his pointy ears flicked slowly, marking him a feline anthropomorphic, his amber eyes studying the female human that lay in his bed, the heavy smell of herbs hung in the air, he had placed many bandages on the women and apply various types of herbs, yet so far it seemed to have no effect. She stirred slightly and he moved to her side, his brow creased in concern as he placed a hand against her burning forehead, he sighed slowly and shook his head, there wasn't much he could do now but let her try and recover, calling a healer would land her back in slavery and him in a prison, if he was lucky. To many furres the human race is only fit enough to be slaves, which is what they are in general, a lot are also hunted as animals, their tribes either killed or enslaved. He sighed, shook his head and moved to the fire place. Taking some firewood from the fire he threw it in and watched as the fire grew, it was cold, and she had the only bed in his small house.

She slowly opened her eyes, even that caused her pain, she didn't dare move her body, she opened her mouth to talk but no words came out, she knew what she wanted to say, but the words wouldn't form. She closed her eyes again until she heard something stir, her eyes shot open in fear and her mouth slightly open, have they found her already, please god no..... She tilted her head to the side to look at the fire, mainly the silhouette of a furre on a rug near by. She started panting, they had found her, it was all over.... Slowly she closed her eyes again, the feeling of tears rolling down her cheeks was something she was getting use too.

He yawned slowly and opened his eyes, moving a hand up slowly to cover his eyes from the sunlight. Sunlight? He cursed and got up quickly and ran to the window, quickly closing the shutters, hopefully no one had seen the human. He ran about the small house and closed every shutter and made sure the door was locked before slowly making his way back to the room. He rubbed his arms slowly, even though he was covered by fur the cold of the morning still bit at him, he noticed that he had slept in his clothes again, seemed to be a habit as of late. He entered the room and looked to the fire, dead now no use starting it again, the day will heat up sooner or later. His gaze went to his bed and he noticed a pair of eyes looking back at him.

"So you are finally awake...." Keeping his voice low and soft so not to frighten her, but the attempt didn't work.

Her eyes locked onto his and fear flooded through her, his eyes were amber and she remembered where she was, slowly she started to shake and the tears rolled down her cheek as he moved towards her, he was going to use her, like the others did. She closed her eyes firmly and waited for the pain to come again. She jumped as his hand pressed against her forehead and she closed her eyes even tighter. She heard him sigh and felt something cover her, after a moment she felt fingers moving through her dirty hair and then it stopped. A few minutes later she opened her eyes to find the room empty and a sheet over her body. Leaving herself very confused.

He moved trough the dark rooms, his mind going through thoughts of his guest. Scared, of course she was scared, he was a furre and she was a human, a slave no doubt by her injuries and by her body, he would bet his forge that she was a pleasure slave. He slowly shook his head, he had no choice but to keep her here now, letting her out into the daylight would get them both caught, no slaver likes losing a slave, her face will be all over the street by now. She will have to stay, he didn't like the idea of keeping her penned up inside, but he had no choice, either that or the gallows. A knock brought him back to the world around him. He made his way to the door and unlocked it and opened it to find a canine in front of him.

"Yusuke, my friend! Have you finished the item for me." The canine made sure to show his teeth at every chance he got, and his tone of voice wasn't one you would use with a friend.

"Cut the act Shinta, I have what you asked for, show me the coins and you will have your poking stick." No use acting friendly to someone you hate, but business is still business and as of late, it had been going down hill.

The one called Shinta growled lightly and pulled a pouch from his tunic pocket and undid the rope to show the gold and silver coins inside.

Yusuke nodded his head slightly and motioned for Shinta to follow him, not bothering to wait he made his way to the forge beside his house. Making his way through the open forge he moved to the table he placed the finished work on. The forge was quite today, no work to be done as of late, if it kept up there will be no way for him to make a living.

"Here.... It's done as you can see, ask a tanner about making a sheath, I hear Rose is rather good at making them." He took the gold hilt in hand and raised the katana,. The gold guard was detailed with eagles as Shinta wanted. Spinning the sword in his hand he took the tip and placed it against his arm, hilt and handle towards Shinta.

Shinta smiled and took the handle and slowly pulled it back, gradually cutting the skin under Yusuke's fur, He watched with blank eyes, as if he wasn't even being slashed. Shinta growled and pulled the sword back to him and tossed the pouch onto the table and stormed out.

Yusuke sighed and shook his head, most here were like that in this town. He took the pouch and undid the leather cord, taking a gold coin out he raised it to his mouth and bit it at least it was real. Retying the cord he took the pouch and moved back into his house.

Her eyes kept moving around, never staying still for long, there had to be a trick he was playing on her, there had to be. She slowly pulled herself up, ignoring the tears of pain that left her eyes. She pulled herself off the bed to stand and the sheet left her and fell to the floor, for the first time she noticed she was naked, she looked around for her clothes and found nothing, the few bandages that covered her hid nothing, she picked up the sheet and placed it around her shoulders and hid her body from any that would want to look. She slowly moved from what seemed to be the bedroom and out into another small room, her feet dragged and it took all of her efforts to ignore the pain that washed her. Her mind drifted back to a few days before, the switches that where constantly hitting her body, her arms and legs chained to the wall as fingers moved over her body or fur rubbed against her as she screamed and cried as they forced themselves into her, slapping her face and telling her to be quiet. Her foot caught onto the leg of a chair and she fell forward heavily onto the wooden floor.

Yusuke wore a scowl as he opened the door and walked in. he tossed the pouch near a chest where he kept his money and punched the wall closest to him, only now was he aware of the white heap on the ground. His eyes widened slightly as he realised what it was, her dirty blonde hair spilled out the top. In two steps he was beside her and he had pulled her up into his arms. He quickly looked over her to check her injuries as her arms moved around his neck and pulled him against her. He felt the wetness of her tears against his shoulder as she buried her face, yet she did not make a sound.

She pulled him against her and buried her face into his shoulder, her tears flowed both from pain and memories. She stayed there for what seemed like hours, her face damp from her tears yet warm from his fur.....fur? She pulled her head back and looked at him in horror, she threw herself back away from him and curled herself into a ball, her eyes watching him from behind her hair. Why had she not noticed? Why had he not done anything? That last thought hit her more than the first. He hadn't harmed her in any way, he hadn't forced himself onto her. Why? She looked over him slowly. He was twice the height of her, his build was strong, much like that of a labourer or blacksmith, his hair seemed a mix of light red and dark brown smooth and straight, she had the urge to move and feel it. No! She pulled herself tighter into a ball and watched him.

Yusuke was taken back as she suddenly moved away, even more so by the look of stark fear he had received, that made it seem like he was the devil incarnate. He stood up slowly, his eyes open but not looking. No.... He knew he wasn't like others, in due time she might as well, but that look..... He put it out of his mind and focused onto her, she was watching him from behind her hair, he could just make out her eyes. He kneeled down on one knee in front of her and raised a hand slightly, waiting for her reaction before he tried anything else. Seeing that she did not try to move away he slowly placed his finger tips onto her knee softly and slowly moved they down against one of her hands. He watched her as he raised his other hand and gently moved her hair from her eyes as he took her hand in his.

She stayed motionless as his fingertips touch her skin, she doesn't allow herself to jump, she can't show him any fear, maybe he wont hurt her then if she wasn't afraid of him. Yet she did jump as his hand hovered over her face and moved her hair to the side and took a hand at the same time. She looked at him, head tilted slightly in confusion, did it work? He had not forced himself onto her, he is....being kind to her.

"Are you all right?" She watched his muzzle move slightly as he talked, words so soft she almost didn't hear them.

Before she could stop herself she had raised her hand slowly and was trailing her hand through his hair, he looked surprised as she did that, why? She slowly closed her eyes and tilted her head forward, offering him her lips.

Yusuke's eyes widened, he hoped she would open up to him, but this? He looked at her lips, so different from his own, yet so inviting, they looked so smooth and soft, they shone dully in the little candle light. He leaned forward, what would she taste like? No.... He slowly leaned back and shook his head, he can't, he would be no different than the ones that did this to her in the first place. He opened his mouth to speak but there was a knock on the door.

"Yusuke! Damn you!" A woman's voice shouted.

The door started to open. He had her in his arms and he rushed back to the bedroom, he gazed at her once to see her saddened eyes, what for would be later, if he was caught with her even Rose might report him. He placed her in the bed and moved the sheets to cover her.

"Don't move." He quickly said and rushed back out the door.

She opened her eyes as he gathered her in his arms, she felt his chest against her, he felt so strong.... She looked at where they were going and her expression turned to sadness, he was racing to the bedroom, he was the same after all. She looked back at him, hoping he would see her, he did, once, but he ignored her and kept going. As he lay her down onto the bed she closed her eyes and spread herself out for easy access that her former masters liked her to do, but instead of him moving on top of her she felt the blanket go over her. She opened her eyes and saw the white of the sheet.

"Don't move." He said, voice so soft again she almost had to strain her ears to hear it.

She does as she was told, most likely he was going to get others, her masters liked to do that a lot. She lay motionless, she heard his footsteps as he left the room. Why....After he was so kind....

Yusuke rushed back out and almost ran into Rose in the small corridor.

"Rose! What a surprise this is." He said, quickly putting on a smile. He must have really pissed her off for her to come in like this.

"Cut the crap, why the hell did you tell that bastard Shinta that I made some good sheaths! You know damn well I hate that bastard, always trying to court me, and just when I think he has given up, you give him a bloody 'nother chance!" She placed a finger roughly against his chest as she talked slowly forcing him back or he received a claw into his chest.

His eyes widened as he found himself back in his bedroom, Please girl, don't move.

"I know, sorry, it just slipped my mind that's all, I'm a little out of it today." He slowly followed her gaze as she looked away from him to the bed, at the mounds the human created.

"Now, now, what do we have here?" Rose moved away from him and slowly made her way to the bed. "Is this why you are out of it, hmmm?" She reached out to take the sheet covering the mound in hand.

"Don't wake her!" He said as he rushed forward and took her wrist spinning her around to face him. "She is ahhhhhh, tired, let her get some rest."

Rose looked at where he had taken her wrist and she raised an eyebrow then looked up to him.

"I bet she would be, with a strong man like you, not many can resist you." She said with a smirk on her face as she placed an arm around his neck and pulled him down as she sat on the edge of the bed. She moved his head down and kissed him roughly. Yusuke kept his eyes open and looked at her in surprise which made her pull back and laugh, quickly slipping from under him and making him fall forward onto the side of the bed.

"If she can have a piece of you, I will be back for my piece later, I wont let you get out of this one." She laughed again as she made her way out.

All she could do was blink as she listened to the two talk, yet none of it was about her, well, not really. She heard the woman laughing and footsteps leaving, slowly the laughing died and she pulled the cover down. In front of her was the male furre, he was staring at the hallway and she quickly smiled and placed her arms around his neck and pulled him down against her, he hadn't brought others to use her, he hadn't forced himself upon her. Instead of butterflies of fear in her stomach, it was butterflies of an emotion she had never had before. She pressed her lips against the top of his muzzle, which she thinks is a kiss, never having kissed before.

He looked down at her, soft lips again his rough soft. Receiving two kisses from two different women in a matter of minutes was something he was not use to. But this woman, she could be a girl for all he knew, he didn't know how humans aged or anything at all for that matter. Yet there he was, kissing her, and enjoying it. He slowly slipped his hands underneath her and pulled her forward against him as he leant back to sit down on the bed. He deepened the kiss, forgetting what she was, he slipped his rough tongue against her lips which she opened happily and moved her soft tongue against his. Everything about this woman was soft, even her skin as he ran his hands up and down her back and slowly along her thighs. Amazing....

She would have sighed contently if she was able to make a sound, she wished to at least tell him her name, yet she could do neither. She was sitting on his lap, naked save the few bandages, yet the feeling she was getting made the pain disappear. She lowered her arms slowly and placed them around his back, leaning into the kiss more and more, it was amazing to her, but she wanted more, for the first time in her life, she wanted him. Her hands slipped down his side and made their way to his front, slowly her fingers nimbly undo the buttons, one, two, three, up to the top, after the buttons were aside she slipped her hands inside the tunic, running her fingers slowly through his soft short fur, over the strong muscles of his chest and also over a few scars, strange, she couldn't picture this gentle man as a fighter. She slowly broke the kiss, their tongues parting slowly from one another. She placed her palms firmly on his chest and repositioned herself so she was kneeling on the bed on top of him, slowly she started to push against his chest.

Yusuke watched her as she moved, her soft and gentle hands against his chest, his tunic falling from his shoulders to rest at his elbows. He slowly started to lean back, guessing that it was what she wanted. She lay on top of him, chest to chest as he watched her, she was kissing his shoulders gently and her hand started moving down his body to his pants, knowing what she was after and thinking that it was going to quickly he took her by the shoulders and pulled her back, she looked down at him, shocked and stunned, she didn't know why he had done that, but he did. Slowly his hands crept from her shoulders to her chest, each hand taking a breast and he started to knead them softly since she had a bandage just underneath them. What surprised him was her reaction, her mouth opened and closed every time he squeezed almost like she was moaning her eyes closed and her head moving slowly. One hand slipped down from a breast and wrapped around her soft behind and pulled, she slid up slightly and he lowered her down against him.

She moaned softly in her mind, even though they did not leave her lips the actions where still done, now and then she received a shiver as he squeezed harder. She opened her eyes slowly as he was leaning her down and her body stiffened and her mouth opened wide and her eyes closed as she seemed to moan again, she felt him take her nipple into his warm mouth, rough tongue flicking it and running over it, god it felt so good. Her hands gripped his hair tightly, pushing him against her breast, his hand pinched her nipple and she shivered again. She wished she could speak, she didn't know why she couldn't, she just wanted him to know she was enjoying this. She felt his other hand sliding down her tummy and to his pants, he went to work on undoing them and as he did he was rubbing against her mound, slowly she started to roll her hips against his hand.

Yusuke bit down on her nipple out of surprise as her hips start to move, he quickly leans back and raises his head to lick her lips to say sorry. His fingers quickly undo the leather strap that hold his pants up at his waist and he lifts his hips off the bed to pull his pants down to his feet and kicked them off. His stiff member pointed up to her, one of his hands hold her up above it and lower her slowly so it just rubs softly against her lower lips. He pulls his head back slightly from the kiss and looks at her.

"Are you sure you want to do this?" He asked tenderly.

She nodded her head slightly and he gradually lowered her onto him. She opened her mouth in a silent gasp as his head enters her body and she places her arms around his neck and buries her face into it. Inch by inch she lets him continue, until finally he is in her to the hilt. She nips at his neck softly and pulls her head back to gaze at him, she felt so fulfilled at that moment, never with her masters, never didn't they once make her feel so good. A man....a furre she had known for less than a day and he was inside her, by her own choice, even though she was there, he was in her that moment, it was still hard for her to believe, she feared of waking up and finding herself chained to the wall in her cell.

Yusuke kissed the crown of her head gently, his hands slowly moving over her soft skin. It was amazing, her body was so smooth against him, her chest against his, her soft lips against her neck. She was not the first he had had, but she was of her race, true the skin against his fur was strange but he could not deny the fact that her shyness about this meant more to him than the lust of a female feline did. He waited a few moments before moving his hands to her behind and slowly lifting her, she stirred against him and he stopped, afraid that he had caused her some sort of pain. She slowly started to raise herself as he stopped. He let his arms drop away from her and he let her do as she wished.

She had opened her eyes slightly, even if all she could see was his fur against her face. She gritted her teeth as he slowly started to raise her, she moved slightly, it was not painful like it was with her masters, just the opposite, pleasure she had never known coursed through her, she didn't want it to stop. Slowly she raised herself, inch by inch he left her until only the head was still inside her and then she slowly lowered herself down impaling her, she smiled faintly as she heard a moan from him, she was glad he was also getting pleasure from this experience, she gently nipped his neck and continued to raise and lower herself onto him, the pace increasing slowly which each thrust until her arms were around his neck and she was kissing him deeply and their hips parted and met in a frenzy.

Yusuke swirled his rough tongue around in her mouth, twisting it around hers and running the tip along the top of her mouth. He felt a numbing sensation in his lower back, he knew what it meant. He leant forward which got him a look of surprise from her, yet she still kept her lips against the his, he pushed her down onto her back onto the bed and his thrusts grew harder and faster and her legs snaked around his back to add more the effect, that didn't last long though, his member grew slightly inside of her and he pulled himself out quickly, his warm white seed shot and landed against her lower lips, pulling back slightly three more shots came, landing on her stomach and breasts. He panted heavily, the tip of his tongue hanging out of his mouth and he fell down beside her, one arm draped over her just below her breasts.

She swallowed softly as his warm seed landed against her skin, he had not forced her to drink it, he did not force it into her mouth, shocked and relieved, he was not like the others. She tilted her head slightly to watch him as he lay beside her not even noticing that is arm was against one of her wounds. She raised a hand and placed it on his back and moved it to his side, she turned to press her body against his, Slowly her eyes drifted shut and her dreams came, dreams of freedom and....some of him.

End part one.