Dark city later chapters

Story by hooves on SoFurry

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#3 of Dark City

Tales from the Dark City-

Chapter 6 Past Crimes

Guest- Watt, Custard, Ooluk, Vox, Wast, Simmons, Avery, Tobias

Watt started setting up the main bar for the day, with the expansion the old semi-underground bar was twice the size with a bigger longer bar; the kitchens where huge and there where lots of rooms to hire. Lup and Urs had a suite up there, as did he- though he slept out a lot more these days. He chuckled to himself; things had finally turned round for him. All thanks to Lup and Urs!

Given Lup and Urs where to busy with other business's they had brought he was left to run the place, and as manager he'd hired on loads of staff and even found a replacement bouncer/caretaker to fill Barock's job, though he'd made sure the massive Orc he'd taken on had none of the sick side that Barock had, and Cairn had proved to be an honorable, fair and overall perfect Orc for the job. He'd be down in a bit asking for food. Watt did not have to cook anymore, he had people to do that for him, but like with the kid's food he like to keep his hand in.

The door to the stair opened and Watt was surprised to see it was not Cairn down first today, but two of the regulars; an unusual pairing of a Human and Orc, but it worked for them, and Watt was glad Vox had finally found someone, the big lug needed love. Watt looked the pair over, the Human was a big built man, he wore leathers and was a thief, obvious to all who knew what to look for. Watt had known Vox for a long time, so knew all about his skills as a warrior scout. The kid looked up startled as the pair came in, arms round each other, he half rose from his seat

"Sit Custard. These are old friends and regulars. No need to stand up when people enter a room here!" he chuckled. He came from behind the bar and placed a small jug in front of the young Half-Orc.

"That'll wash breakfast down kid, and put a few hair on your chest!" he picked up the dirty plate and moved back to the bar, grinning at Vox and his Human lover as they came up.

Wast raised an eyebrow in the direction of the kid but watt smiled and shook his head in a ‘don't ask' way. Wast shrugged

"What'll it be this morning?" Watt asked. Vox yawned showing off his rather impressive tusks

"More sleep." He rumbled giving Wast a dirty look, Watt raised an hairy eyebrow.

"Good night then?" He chuckled.

"Hardly!" Vox grunted "He won't sleep right, tossing and turning all night!"

"You didn't sleep much either!" Wast said in a fake hurt tone "You know why we couldn't sleep" A look past between them that Watt decided not to ask about.

"Breakfast then?" He offered. The pair nodded and Watt left the bar to prepare two of his ‘Hungry Ogre' specials.

When they where done Watt brought out the two huge platters and placed them on the bar in front of the two lovers. He drew and ale for them, and one for himself then, stood watching the pair for a few moments as they tucked in.

"Ya never told me's. How is it the two of you got togather." He asked plainly. Vox grinned amused, then gestured for the Human to tell it. Gulping down a bit of sausage and taking a long draught from his ale, the Human cleared his throat; and began to speak.

"I was doing six months in the lockup for cutting purses at the time; I'd got caught by that git Simmons again. I was languishing in the giant underground cell under the Gaol the Watch use for us petty law breakers, the place was overcrowded- in the big common cell were sixty five inmates all crammed in together. We are the petty career criminals; tavern brawlers, pick pockets, strong arm bandits that sort of thing. The place had some basic facilities like the little cubby hole bunks down one walls the bigger guys quickly take over (since they aren't enough), the communal sleeping area, and the small cubicles we could take a dump in. People and the er... ‘food' came through the barred area at one end. I knew it fairly well, since it was my third time in there.

"Sitting on one of the three cubicle seats, a simple hole over the running sewer waters far below, I heard the barred door open. From this seat I could see the door (one of the reasons I used that hole to take a dump in). The guards tossed in a man who landed in a heap on the dirty floor, he quickly climbed to his feet; and I got my first look at him. He was beautiful- tall, six foot maybe more, younger, early 20's I'd guess; and handsome. He had a powerful athletes build, but it was the flaming mop of crimson red hair that stood out most, especially against his alabaster skin; no freckles marred that pale creamy skin! Under his hanging crimson locks, his eyes shone a brilliant emerald green. Now I'm not much of a boi fucker, but I must confess. I like most others, in that room got an instant hard-on for him! My cock whacked against the wood of the seat I was sitting on, distracting me for a moment. When I looked back up, I noticed more about the visitor. He was pretty...sure, but it was obvious that he didn't belong in there. His clothing was a normal tunic and breeches, but they where neat, clean and of an expensive cut. If I'd been out on the promenade, I'd have noted him as a mark; and with a fat purse no doubt. I tried to place who he could be............"

"Hmmmm not a tradesmen obviously." Watt observed interrupting the Human, who grabbed a swig of his ale and crammed some food into his mouth.

"Hell no! No tradesman, not even a Merchant. He was a young Nobleman, or some rich merchantmen's son; no doubt about it. Question was, what was he doing in here with us street scum? Normally the Watch keep such people upstairs, in their private cells until they could buy their way out of whatever crime they'd been charged with. But here this lad was, in the big lockup with all us life time criminals. I knew how to find out the whole story, with not much more to do; the Jailers gossip like old hens after all! Standing I cleaned myself up, and fastened my black woolen trousers; and tunic in place. As I came out of the cubicle, the beautiful lad looked over at me; so I strolled past getting a good eyeful. He was obviously confused, and just stood there as I wandered past. Then up the four steps to the gate, he'd just been tossed through. I looked through the heavy black iron bars and caught the Jailer's attention.

‘Hey boss, what's the story behind the Lad?' I asked softly, tossing my head back towards the youth; who was slowly moving further into the room. The old jailer smiled showing all dozen of his rotten, yellowing teeth.

‘Drunk and disorderly in a tavern down in the Adventurers Quarter......landed a couple of hard licks on the Watchmen that came to break it up!' I whistled, shaking my head; that did explain a lot! The Watchmen hate it when people fight back! The old jailer went on with a little cackle. ‘His fathers connected to the higher ups at City Hall, so they couldn't beat him; like would've been proper. So's they had me throw 'em in here overnight, pretty as he is. They figure he'll get a lesson in humility, right up his backside!' The old fella chuckled lewdly at that thought, one hand gently rubbing his loins.

‘I can guarantee it!' I nodded, smiling what must have been a wicked, wolfish grin. So it had the official go ahead huh, good thing cause that pretty boi wasn't going to be safe long in here!

‘Coarse, I mights forget which of tha big cells I put him in, he might be in here all weekend. Then he might need a good -o- clean up in tha Jailers room afterwards.' The old man grinned wide, and all but stroking himself off behind the bars as he imagined himself washin' and fondlin' that lad's big naked body.

"Idly, I wondered who would be the first to approach him, and how he would take it. Would he stand up and try to fight it, or be so intimidated; he'd just roll over and take it! Ya never know, how a new butt boi would react when the time came for his breaking in. It sure could fool ya, still I bet this lad would be a fighter; he had the build for it! But did he have the training, or temperament; like an Orc that had been in there my first time in. What was his name....? Bingut?"

"Yeah, Bingut was in and out of the Castle a lot, I remember a lot of his tale aboot the place!" Watt said. He also noticed Custard as listening very intently to the story. Wast took a longer cug, and Watt lined up a replacement.

"I realized, I'd lost track of the lad in the lock up's dimness. I tried scanning for him, but he'd vanished; into the darkness. It was about then, I became aware that somebody was talking. The voice was coming from one of the dark alcoves, where the bunks were. It was getting louder, and while I couldn't see into the darkness. I could hear everything, as if it was next door. Recognizing the deep rough voice of Ooluk the Half Orc was easy enough, it like all the rest of him was very distinctive. The second, soft almost lyrical voice was a bit harder to figure out.

"Stop it! Let go of me!" It shouted, trying to sound serious and dangerous, but coming out high pitch and fearful.

"Take'm off!" Ooluk's rough savage voice grated. Then a few seconds later there came a stifled yell, and the loud sound of some slapping. Ooluk was beating on someone; I exchanged looks with the old jailer as we listened. The beating didn't last very long, and then it was quiet for a second; making us strain to listen. Suddenly there was a loud bang, and then the squeal of bunk springs being compressed; we jumped startled. Then there were some struggling noises, and we could hear the butt boi squealing like a pig as he was penetrated. Soon enough, we heard a bunk creaking under the weight of two heavy moving bodies. It's not an unusual sound around here, not at night at least. Ooluk was ploughing some punk butt boi obviously, the creak, creak, creak, and the grunting blended together. The old jailer and I listened to that for a minute. The grunting got louder, as some man was forced to spread his legs; and play the woman for the big Half Orc. It was something he was known for they didn't call Ooluk 'The Ravisher' for nothing! He'd gotten himself tossed in the lock up for assaultin' the Watch, which had netted him a severe beating. Several of the guards had picked him out for ‘special treatment' as well, what the Orc's call 'Uf wuhja'...a poling, it was one of the Watch's favorite punishments. You know it?" Wast asked.

"I've heard the lad's mention it." Watt said.

"Nothing more than an ass rape with their heavy wooden truncheon's really." Wast growled.

"Should be damm well stopped." Watt said strongly.

"Ha! There'll be Orc's in Watch Commands befare that stops and we know hows likely that is!" Vox rumbled.

"Anyway......." Wast said clearing his throat. He rubbed his left hand across Vox's big bicep "Things can change." They smiled at each other.

"So.....?" Watt prompted. Wast grinned at him.

"The nearly toothless old jailor grunted grinning lewdly at me.

‘Sounds like the funs getting started early tonight!' He paused, and we both listened to the sounds coming from the big room. Ooluk had picked up the pace, and I could hear some deep gruff laughter. Whoever was getting fucked, obviously had an audience of the other Orcs; and Half Orcs in here. That wasn't unusual either, they all hung around together; and whenever one of them took a butt boi, they all generally joined in! Claimed it was a Tribal rite, or some such thing. It was then I heard the one being fucked call out; it was the new red head, I knew it as soon as I heard him yell. He was getting it in his perfect white bubble butt, and his once virgin little hole would never be the same! Especially after Ooluk, and the others Orc's were through having they're fun with it! The Half Orc was using him lustfully, and he was calling for help. Damn that was soooo naive, all his screaming' would do; was attract more guys with a bone for him, and now that he was having his ass busted, they wouldn't hesitate to join in. I heard Ooluk slap him once again, and the lad quickly grew quiet once again. Obviously the Half Orc didn't want to share him, at least not too soon. Ooluk grunted, and then the creaking started again; faster now, the red head's butt fucking resumed, with a wild passion! He was defiantly getting the full treatment! The old jailor moved up closer, thrusting his surprising long; and stiff cock between the bars, reaching over he caught my arm, and pulled my hand over to his stiff organ. I knew what he wanted me to do of course, and since this old fella had the power of life and death over me I grudgingly wrapped my fist around his stiff cock, pumping up and down it's length as he leaned against the bars and listened to the red head being fucked, most likely imagining it was himself doing the fucking!

"I became aware of my own very stiff hard on, as I listened to the red head's whimpering. Down in the alcove he was getting ploughed, and we could hear it being done! Damn it was so fucking hot, I picturing him naked...ass up. With Ooluk's big green cock pumping in, and out of that big round perfect butt! He was trying to talk again, but this time his voice was garbled. Was he begging the Half Orc to stop, spitting curses; or just whimpering in pleasure? No way to tell, with his voice all garbled like that. I knew why of course, he was being forced to eat a cock now; he was being fucked in both ends! Impaled from two directions, by big green Orc cocks! I wondered if it was pretty boi's first cock, his first blow job? Oh he'd gotten blown before, I didn't doubt that; not in this city! But was it the first blow he'd ever given? As I listened to them forcing him to suck their cocks, I wondered what he was thinking; and to be honest I wondered what it was like. What did those big green Orc cock's taste like.....feel like sliding in and out of his mouth? Slipping my right hand down my woolen trousers, I fondled, and stroked my own throbbing cock! I'm not really a boi fucker, but damn it was getting me hot!

"Ooluk roared, and I knew by that familiar sound; he was spraying his lusts into the lad's firm round white ass! I heard the wet slurping sound as Ooluk pulled out, and heard the red head whimper. Then the lad gave another loud scream of pain, and I knew someone new had entered his ravaged hole. I slowly became aware of slapping sounds, and at first I couldn't figure them out. Then it came to me, the red head was getting his ass smacked; someone was spanking his ass, with their hand. It was just a loud slap-slap-slap-slap....again and again and again. I knew as it was being done, that they wouldn't stop; until that lad's creamy white ass was cherry red. Some inmates are into that, when they are boi fucking. Spanking the lad they fuck, until they leave him with a filled hole; and a red ass. As I was listening, I slid my right fist up and down my hard aching cock and my left up and down the jailer's stiff organ as well, obviously I was not the only one enjoying the boi's debauchment!

"In the big room the fucking was going continuously now, one after the other; and the lad wasn't begging anymore. Instead, I knew he was just lying there, legs spread, asshole wide open. Feeling it being done to him, but no longer trying to stop it. He was broken now, and would be known as a punk boi whore! His sluthole to be used, for as long as he was in the lock up! I heard the lad in the darkened alcove gasp, and moan loudly; the Orcs burst out laughing at him. From what I could overhear, the boi had just shot a big wad of this own. They were laughing at it, laughing at the boi squirting as he was being fucked like a female. I could visualize his face, as red as his hair with shame, with his violated red ass high in the air. I knew that most guys will cum, if you poke their pleasure knot long enough; but the lad obviously didn't know that! And I was pretty certain, he was living the shame of it; thinking he'd been totally unmanned.

"I've never been into boi fucking myself, the most my other cellmates and I ever did was a shared jack off to relieve the boredom, and our own pent up lust's; but nothing else! It's just not my thing, I fucked girls before I went in and I had planned to fuck them in the days after I got out. In the meantime, I just planned to live with the memory. But here I was, my cock hard; and eager for the lad's tight ass! Letting go of my own cock, I reached over; using both hands on the jailor's prick. He was already very close, and the tightness of my grip; and speed of my pace pushed him over the edge pretty quickly, unlike mine his cock didn't spurt, his thick creamy load just kinda dribbled out the head, splattering on the dirty stone flood as his body sagged against the cold rough bars.

‘Thank ye Wast.' He panted grinning near toothlessly. ‘I owe ye a favor.' I just smiled and nodded, leaving my place at the gate; I moved down into the big room. Wiping the old fucker's spooge on the backs of my trouser leg's as I went. Staying close to the wall, I peered into the darkened alcove. Sure enough, the red head was suspended between four huge Orcs; one holding each of the boi's trembling limbs, as Randal the Orc strong arm robber rode the lad's shining red ass; and the sixth in front humping that handsome face! A greasy puddle of grayish/white cum rested on the dirty floor under him. Some of it was the lads of course, but most of it was from his abused; and overflowing asshole. Randal leaned over the red head's back, up on his tip toes; as his massive Orc orgasm flooded into the lad. I edged closer; this was a dangerous place to be; I knew. The boi fuckers generally knew, and respected each other. But those of us, who kept to themselves, were neither known; nor especially respected. That, and of course here I was the only non-Orc face in the alcove!

"It was my own lust that drew me on, and as Randal pulled out; and cleaned himself off. I quickly unbuttoned my trousers, and stepped up to the lad's shining red ass. Damn they'd been rough on him! I could still see the sharp impression of huge clawed Orc hands on his red ass cheeks, and knew they would be ugly bruises tomorrow. I slid my hands up the sweat slickened outside of his muscular thighs, resting my palms on his bruised cheeks. He whimpered slightly, as my thumbs spread the big round red globes of his ass. His puckered red hole had lost its ability to close fully, and Randal's greasy cum was oozing out of the slightly open orifice. Wedging the big blunt head of my throbbing cock in the opening, I pushed my hips forwards. It was like sliding into a vat of warm butter, the various Orc's hot cream oozed down the sides of my pulsing cock; dribbling onto my swinging ball sac. Damn it was hot, and slick in the lad's sluthole! I was more than primed, from my earlier eavesdropping. And honestly, I didn't last very long, but that was fine, I knew the lad was in here for at least another day or two, plenty of chances to show him a good time! Hurriedly I cleaned, and buttoned up, then got the hell out of there. Moving out of the Orc's alcove quickly, heading back to my own bunk.

"I entered my own little alcove feeling deeply satisfied, then collided with the huge powerful Half Orc who'd been standing in the darkness; just inside. As he wrapped his heavily muscled left arm around me, his deep rough voice grumbling quietly.

‘You liked that little red headed panzys ass?' He'd startled me first by being there, then by the question and I admit, I froze for a second, looking up into Ooluk's wide mouthed, tusked Orcish face. It took a moment for my wits to return, and then I stammered my reply.


‘Funny yous don't have much of a reputation as a boi fucker.' The Half Orcs meaty smelling breath blew across my face as he hovered closer.

‘I...I like females.' I admitted.

‘But he was just to pretty to pass up?' Ooluk asked, sounding as tho' he already knew the answer.

‘Ammmm.' I answered weakly.

‘I like males only...they're struggling is more fun!" Ooluk breathed down into my face, smiling wickedly. Gods he was so close, how did I let him get so close! Suddenly the Half Orc moved, faster than a man that size should be able to; sleek, and graceful as a big cat pouncing; grasping my shoulders in his huge paws. He spun me around suddenly I found my back pressed to his front. Distinctly, I felt his stiff manhood pressing against my buttock's. Ooluk's big left hand dropped to the front of my trousers, yanking them open; sending buttons flying across the small room. Slowly he bent me over the head board of my bunk, as my button less trousers slid down to my ankles.

"All of a sudden, I realized where he was going; and I had no intention of letting him get there! I started to protest- I'm not into boy fucking...and never have been! I started to struggle, Ooluk grasped my hair; and pulled back on my head until I was looking up at the rough stone wall. I swung my right fist back, but he caught it in one huge paw! Then twisted the wrist, and pulled my arm up hard until it was between my shoulder blades. I was staring at the wall, and feeling him holding my head; as if I was a rodeo bull he was about to ride. I struggled, and he rode me, feeling me, holding my wrist tight; jerking it higher until it hurt like hell. As I desperately fought him, Ooluk was chuckling wickedly.

‘Don't yous move....don't yous dare move! I swear if yous fights me, I'll rip yer arm off; and fuck ya with it!' He threatened, then slammed my head down into the bar; across the end of my bunk! Then lifted it back up, he did it again even harder. Then again once more, everything spun crazily, and I knew he had me...or was going to have me! Then leaning down over my back, pressing his wide Orcish mouth to my ear; he growled. ‘When I was there, behind that slutty red headed boi. I was looking at his tiny sluthole, just the way I'm looking at yours now! And then... well I jest pushed forward until my Orc tail was right up against it, up against it; just like it is to yours now.' Ooluk chuckled lewdly. ‘He didn't like it one bit...but then you don't either do ya?'

‘No!' I spat.

‘Heheh thats ok...yous will later...panzy's always do!' The Half Orc whispered into my ear, as his tongue teased my earlobe. I felt his prick then, stiff and springy pressing against my hole....my virgin hole! I stared in wide eyed terror, feeling his throbbing cock against my plucker; sensing his eagerness. Jerking my ear away from him, I turned my head to look back at him.

‘Why are you doing this?' I questioned. ‘I know it's not because your horny...you just fucked that lad.' Looking into my face Ooluk laughed, then answered.

‘Because I can! And yous shouldn't play with other peoples toys unless ya wanna end up in tha sandbox!' Then he pushed his mouth against my own, parting my lips with his long slick tongue. At the same moment he pushed forward, and even though I tightened my ass. Even though I tried to pinch him out, it was useless. Ooluk pushed his way relentlessly through my tightly drawn ring of muscle. Easily conquering that meager barrier, he rammed it in all the way; until his big swinging balls were battering against my own. Gods it hurt! He was huge, and my hole was virgin territory! He didn't say anything else then, he just fucked me! In and out, in and out, grunting into my ear as he relived his boi fuck from not so very long ago. He took me, just as he had taken the red head... just because he could! Ooluk fucked me fast, hard and deep; he fucked me for a long time. He slowly savored it, enjoyed it, and all the while I stood there legs wide spread; feeling him penetrating me to my very soul. He began to quicken his pace, working me harder and faster. Holding my head back, and up as he fucked my ass. Finally, he started talking again. ‘Oh Gods...yeah.....when I's was fucking him he was soooo tight too...tight just like you.' Looking around I noticed for the first time the other Orcs crowded into my alcove, and I knew I was about to find out what an Orcish cock tasted like...

"It was a long weekend, Ooluk had dragged me back to his Alcove. Where he, and the other Orcs used me; and the red head as their fuck toys for three days. I remember the red head started begging for the Orc's big cock's before long. I can say I didn't, I wouldn't beg them for it. I tried fighting back, and the Orcs liked that. I refused to beg, or bow to them easily! Since I am a big man, one of them got me to wrestle him on the main sleeping floor, the winner to get savagely fucked! Oh the Orc's liked that idea! Ooluk was well up for ‘breaking the Human', I tried to run of course. But where was there to go in the cell block... I don't know. They grabbed me, and threw me into the cleared space that was to be our ring. My opponent was Vox, this big Orc from the docks, and built like a bull. I knew I'd have no chance if I fought fair, so I cheated; grabbing the Orcs swinging cock. Pulling his braided hair, or slapping his ass when he tried to grab hold of me. I found that Orcs really hate having the points of their ears flicked, not that it stopped him, but it got him mad enough to forget how to fight, and I got him into a nasty arm lock I'd learned from the Watch, and well.....he got to know what a Human cock felt like up his ass!

"That did it then, even Ooluk gave me some respect. They kept the red head, but let me go; not that I went far. I wanted all of them! They where genna pay for fucking my ass! And I got them all of them, all apart from Ooluk; he was simply too strong, too good a wrestler, too dominant. He had a brain as well, and was not as slow as some of his Orcs; so I couldn't outsmart him. He beat, and fucked me each time. In some ways though I didn't mind- I had the others, and I'd had Vox the one that made me give my first blow job, and the first one I'd beaten.

"Vox and I got out at the same time, we left the others there, though they where due out soon-ish. I couldn't shake Vox, in the same way he'd been glued to my cock since I bested him; he followed me home. When I asked him why he simply said, I had mastered him; and he was mine. I didn't understand at first, but I do now. He will do anything I ask, let me do most things to him. And all I have to do is fuck him, and keep him in drink. So am I a boi fucker now? Nah, give me my Orc any day!"

The Human finished his long tale, and took a deep swig of ale; to wet his dry throat. Across the bar, Watt sat with a bemused smile on his wide lips. His thoughts on what it must have been like.

"An entertaining and most arousing tale." He admitted at last, licking his thick lips. Something occurred to him, thoughts of Ooluk chasing him suddenly in his head.

"Is Ooluk still in the lock up?"

"Naw..he only did two weeks for assault." Wast grumbled "I guess the judge figured the Watch had done delivered his punishment. He's wanderin' the streets somewheres."

"Right......" Watt said, vowing to himself to be more vigilant in case the Ravisher decided he still needed paying back. Out of the corner of his eye he realized Custard seemed paler, and was trembling. The kid was taking massive cugs of the watered down beer Watt had given him.

"xuse me." He said to the lovers and crossed over to Custard.

"Wots wrong?" He asked sitting down next to the terrified Half Orc.


Simmons glanced up from his work, as his office door opened sharply. "The mage Avery Lyndel is here to see you sir." Vanasa announced, holding the door open as the richly garbed mage and a lanky younger man strolled into the room.

"Thank you Vanasa. Why don't you take an early lunch" Simmons offered his Assistant smiled at him in a very personal way and Simmons again made a mental note to have a word about her advances.

"Thank you sir" The pretty young Elf blood called as she closed the door behind the pair. Walking over Avery laid a small bundle on Simmons desk, and then took a seat. Picking the bundle up Simmons carefully unwrapped it, the ornate silver arm band glittered in the lamp light.

"This is it?" Simmons asked, looking it over carefully.

"The Torc of Cy... yes sir." Avery affirmed. "One need only place it on ones arm, speak the command words and they are transformed into the shape they are picturing strongest in their mind at the time."

"How about a demonstration?" Simmons asked. Avery smiled.

"I thought you might ask for one, and that is exactly why I brought my youngest Apprentice Tobias along." The mage explained, picking up the arm band; and handing it to the young man at his side. Taking the richly decorated band, Tobias hitched up one sleeve of his robes and slid the bracelet up his thin arm, where it fitted perfectly, even though a few second before it would not of done.

"Errrr what should I be?" He asked, looking around nervously; at first Avery and the Simmons.

"Whatever you desire!" The mage snapped impatiently.

"Errr.. desire?!?" Tobias stammered for a second then smiled and Simmons knew by the look, the young man had decided on the form he wanted to take.

Tobias was thinking of Lurlyndar the handsome Elven messenger rider, who he'd often seen bring messages to his Master's house. The Elf's long angular face, his slender but well defined body; that honey golden hair Think how many women you could get looking like that! It's not as if the Elves are that common either- no competition! Tobias thought to himself. Carefully he began to picture Lurlyndar within his minds eye, picturing the Elf as he made a delivery; sitting astride his beautiful horse... what was it's name Jo... dur Jo..duth. As he wondered this, an image of the big white horse came sharply into focus within his mind. Without even realizing it, he muttered the word of power under his breath. Suddenly a strange prickling sensation swept over his body, a shiver ran down his spine as he suddenly became incredibly itchy.

"Wha... whats happening to me?" Tobias cried, taking a stumbling step backwards as the room seemed to spin crazily.

"Oh don't be so dramatic!" Avery snapped watching the growing changes curiously.

Ripping his robe open, Tobias cast it aside; under it he wore only a pair of red silken undergarments. The young apprentice mage watched in horror, as short white fur grew to cover his body, then the real changes began, his now fur covered face began to stretch out; becoming a narrow horse muzzle. Tobias found himself looking in two directions at once, both of his eye's watching half of his body transform. As disorienting as this was, it only became worse as his neck grew longer to match his head. Tobias stumbled around doing his best to keep his balance, as he found the weight of his head and neck trying to over balance him. Lifting his hands to hold them up, he was shocked to find they were big flinty black hooves. His shoulders, and upper torso began to expand rapidly; over balancing him at last. He tumbled over onto all fours, his fore hooves clopping on the office's stone floor. There was a shockingly loud ripping sound, as his silken underwear was torn asunder by his growing body. Craning his long equine neck, Tobias looked back under his body; watching as his leg's warped and changed. A sudden pain in his buttock's made him glance up, watching as a long flowing tail formed, covering his rump as it grew. Then a strange feeling drew his attention back under his powerful equine body, behind his sheath; his big stallion sac wrinkled and shrivelled. Tobias watched puzzled for a long moment, then it at last dawned in him; as he watched his jewels writhe away........ Lurlyndar's horse is a gelding! Opening his mouth to scream, he found only a long loud whinny came out!

"Oh shut up!" Avery yelled back. "Your making my head hurt!" Tobias pushed his long horse muzzle in his Masters face, whining and whickering excitedly. "Stop the drama Tobias." Avery ordered sharply. "You picked this form... besides if you don't like this form simply change bac...." The mages voice trailed off, as his eye's spotted the glittering pieces on the floor. Looking down, he and Simmons watched in shock as the glittering pieces of the Torc suddenly billowed black smoke and then turned to a glittering pile of ash. The watch Commander was the first to find voice, and asked softly.

"What just happened?" Avery looked up at Simmons silently for a long moment them blurted.

"Many magical objects only have so many uses in them, and when they're magic is expended; they are destroyed..........."

'WHINNY' Tobias squealed tossing his long equine head and stamping one big hoof on the polished stone floor. Turning Avery cast a quick spell, allowing the Apprentice to project his thoughts to others.

'What about me?' Tobias screamed mentally. 'How can I change back now?'

"Don't be so dramatic Tobias." Avery roared obviously annoyed.

'But I don't want to be a GELDLING!' Tobais wailed.

"Don't be silly... I'm sure a simple spe..." "Gelding!" Avery and Simmons exclaimed together, both peering under the unlucky Apprentice's belly at the same time. They both winced, as they realized that Tobias was right; he was indeed a nuttless gelding.

"I am sorry my dear boy... but you did pick the form." The mage reminded his Apprentice gently.

'The image changed at the last second... I..I was thinking of Lurlyndar.' Tobias thought back at him.

"And you got his horse hmmmm." Avery said thoughtfully.

'You..you don't think it was cursed... do you?' Tobias thought franticly, foreleg again stomping the floor.

"Now now don't panic!" Avery advised. "I'm sure it wasn't... we'll have you back to your normal self in no time at all." He assured. Turning back to Simmons, the Mage quickly apologized. "I am dreadfully sorry about this my lord. With the Torc gone I will find the Mask for you at once, I promise!"

"I really am in great need of it." Simmons admitted. "However perhaps you should see to your Apprentice first and foremost."

"Oh I shall see to Tobias my lord." The Mage assured. "But you shall have the mask, you need before the week is out!"

"Well that would be useful" Simmons said. Turning to look into the deep brown eyes of the Horse Apprentice. "I am sure this will be only temporary." He said. "I wish you well." "You are a truly magnificent horse though, Elven breeds such as the form you have are very rare!"

"Indeed a shame he's a Gelding though!" Avery grunted. "As a stallion at least he could have had some fun, selling his stud services!" Tobias shook this thickly muscled neck and snorted. "We will get this sorted Tobias." The Mage bowed at Simmons and gathered up his things, and Tobias discarded clothes. Avery was very careful to collect all the ash from the Torc into a small bag he carried. "Now let us go." He led the way across the big office and threw open the double doors. "By the end of the week sir!" he said again and then after Tobias has walked sullenly from the office the Mage closed the door behind them.

After they had gone Simmons stood and looked out over the Adventurers District, had that transformation truly been an accident? Had Avery planned something? Hum.... He'd have to think about this one carefully.

Chapter 7

The past and the future

Watt put one of his massive hands over the small hands of the trembling boy

"Come on tells me." He said in a low, but firm voice. The boy turned to face him his eyes wide and full of terror.

"I.....I....." he stumbled and took another swig of his beer. "I knows Ooluk!" He blurted, and then looked round quickly. Vox and Wast where busy saying morning to Cairn, and hadn't heard. Watt leaned in closer.

"What do you mean, know him?" He growled. "Did he rough you up?"

"No!" Custard answered shaking his head. "That was the Goblins........"

"Morning!" Cairns loud voice rumbled, cutting across Custard's feeble whispers. Watt looked up into the beaming smile of his doorman, and frowned slightly. Cairns grin changed into a puzzled expression.

"Wots up?" He asked slowly. Watt stood up, pulling himself upright; and therefore standing taller than Cairn.

"This is Custard, he'll be with us for a bit; seems he's been roughed up by some Gobo's." Cairn opened his wide mouth to say something, but the intensity of Watt's stare stopped him.

"Guess I'll get me own brekkie taday then!" He said in his cheery voice, and walked off towards the kitchen. With a sigh Watt turned to sit back down, he realized that Custard was out of beer; so stepped up to the bar to get some more.

‘Why are you so bothered?' He asked himself. ‘Ooluk's no threat now, not with Lup, Urs and all the regulars in tha place......' He pulled out two tankards, and watered down one carefully. ‘But he could be, and Gobos are very good at making trouble...... don't want the Clans making trouble for Lup and Urs businesse's....' He sighed, and turned back to the table.

"All right, tell me it all, in order." He growled, a little more strongly than he would of liked. The young Half-Orc grabbed the tankard, and took a deep chug.

"It's al' so wrong, so mixed up! I's work, worked for da Altman family. They don't like Orcs much, but Mother was best friends with Lady Altman. An she always made us welcome, when both Lady A and Mother where taken by the plague." Custard made the sign of the God of Heath, and Home. "Garen rest their souls, the family let me stay on. The only heir left is a red head, big bloke, he's called Tristan, nice but never payed much notice ta me's. But that changed, afta he gotz banged up some weeks back. Started spending more time with me, and askin' me lots ya questions aboot Orcs; and the tongue and stuff. He got me ta come inta the Warrens for him, get names of places that sorta thing....." Custard made a deep sniffle, and Watt put a hand on his shoulder, Custard smiled a little in return.

"What sorta places?" Watt rumbled.

"Places where malez meet malez........" Custard looked away, a blush spreading up his cheeks. Watt chuckled.

"This is such a place." He pointed out making Custard's blush deepen. "Don't worry about it." He said, then his brow darkened. "Did anyone at those places touch you?"

"No!" Custard answered quickly. "I never went in, I just had to find where they wuz. I don't know if Tristan went ta them, but he often stunck out at night; when his father and Mr. Hardgrave where in bed. I'd heard him goin', cos he went out the door under my room. I swear he'd often come back saying something aboot them, 'not being as good', but I's had no idea what he meant. Then he'd send me back out, lookin' for another place; a Orc place this time. And that's when Iz met Ooluk." The young half Orc took another swig, his hands trembling again. Watt squeezed his shoulder gently.

"It's ok go on." He whispered comfortingly.

"I was on the East Side, down by the docks; I'd gone ta get something for da Master. When I got grabbed up by this big Goblin, he was brown skinned; and had lots of magical stuff tied to his furs. He smelt funny too, all dead meaty and sour egg like. Dragged me down an alley, and there was this massive, and I mean massive, all muscle en tusk Orc down there. He was talking ta a ugly old Goblin with a long staff. Shaman... ya could tell by all tha bones, and stuff he wore. The Goblin holding me put me down in front of the bigger Orc, and he spoke ta me, I cant remember wot he said. But them eyes bored inta me, he commanded me, told me I was genna work for him. Genna give messages to Tristan....no he called him something else......." Custard shook his head again. "I cant remember wot, somethin in Orc tho'. Told me ta go with the Goblin, Fyalx, if I didn't.......well he never said wot might happens. So I's did. Fyalx was not nice though, him and his band gave me messages to remember and pass onta Tristan. Places to meet that sorta thing. I forgot the first one, and Fyalx had his lads beat me for it. I got the second one wrong, and they beat me again. I got the last right though, and Tristan went off an' didn't come back no more. And its my fault, all my fault........." We trailed off into crying.

"So you ran away?" Watt asked knowingly, Custard nodded still sobbing. "Its not your fault really....." Watt started, but Custard burst into full loud sobbing. Watt stood up, and looked round the bar. Cairn was singing in his deep baritone in the kitchen, but Vox and Wast where still at their spot.

"Lads, I'd like ta ask a favour of yaz." Watt said walking over to them.


Tobias looked around the large wooden stall he was now shut up inside of. It smelled of piss and manure, a glance down showed him the stall was indeed well used.

"How long must I remain here?" He asked mentally, looking over the stall door Mage Avery, smiled at him reassuringly.

"It's only until I can figure out how to change you back. I can't keep a horse in the house."

"I understand master." Tobias thought back, knowing how the slick floors and stairways would torture his new equine form. "When will you be able to transform me back?"

"Hmmmm that's a tricky question" Avery admitted. "Remember what happened earlier when we tried the polymorph spell?" Tobias trembled, squealing in fear as the memory of the pain; and failure filled him. "Exactly... we don't want to rush into anything like that again." Avery pointed out "Besides this is a nice place, with many other horses for you to interact with. Think of it as a chance to research animal communication, and interaction." Tobias shook his long equine head; trust Avery to turn this into some kind of twisted lesson! "I shall visit you as often as I can. Finding a cure for your troubles shouldn't take more than a week or two. Until then, enjoy your time in the animal world. Remember no communicating with the Humans; they will not understand the magic's!" Tobias nodded his big head, and with that Avery stepped back, and cast his transport spell; disappearing in a flash of silvery light.

Before Tobias could do anything else, the stable door opened; and a big nasty looking Orc stable hand came in. Tobias stared at the creature confused, Orc stable hands? In this part of town? He'd have to been good at his job for this exclusive Stable to hire him! The stable hand walked down the rows looking in on the other horses, and quickly he was at Tobias' stall. He unbolted the door and came in. The Orc looked into his feed bucket. "Good yuz ate." He said round his long brightly white tusks. Tobias shuddered, somehow the oats molasses coating had rendered them almost tasty; better actually than some things he'd eaten on the streets as a man, but still he shouldn't have to be eating them! Still after a few experimental nibbles, he had polished off the remainder without thinking about it. Confronted with the empty bucket, he now worried that perhaps he might be growing too horse like already! He swore not to forget that his favourite meal was not grain, but roast beef and gravy.

"Hows aboot a little treat?" The big Orc whispered, holding out a quarter of an apple. At least this could be considered Human food, Tobias decided. As he nuzzled the fruit in the Orc's big paw, the Orc's other paw slid something up over his ears. The feeling of leather straps around his muzzle caused Tobias's nose to twitch. Tobias opened his mouth automatically, and felt a bit drop into a gap in his teeth. 'Hells bells' He thought angrily 'I fell for the old apple and the halter trick!' Tobias whinnied loudly, and tried to back away; but the big Orc held fast to the halter he'd just slipped on.

"Whoa 'Zark'." The Orc grunted. "Easy now." He buckled the side strap to secure it, and then attached a lead rope.

"Come on, Zark. Turns out time while I's muck yer stall." Using the telepathic spell Avery had cast on him, Tobias reached into the Orc's mind; to see what 'Zark' meant. It meant ‘fine' he snickered, but the Orc pulled again

"Come on dur rük." Tobias looked up those words too ‘big horse' well he'd had worse nicknames. He still hadn't moved though and the Orc pulled again

"Move it Zuot!" He grumbled pulled hard on the rope. Tobias looked into his mind once more, and was less than pleased. When he discovered that it was the ancient name Orc's called those who surrendered; and were made into castrated slaves for the tribe! He nickered angerly, and pulled back, but the Orc got out another apple; and Tobias decided to let the stable hand lead him. Crunching the apple, he was lead out into a large open pasture; and released from the lead rope. Tobias trotted out into the field, actually enjoying the feeling of power in his massive body. There where other horses here, and Tobias trotted up to find that he, and a few other gelded males; had been put in with the mares!

A large pure black stallion was whinnying, and displaying in another field opposite them. He was charging the fence, and rearing up to parade around on his hind legs. His long black, and pink marbled organ flopping around stiffly; under his big barrel like belly. ‘Why was he getting so excited' Tobias wondered, then a rich strange scent filled his nostrils. It drew his attention at once, sniffing and tasting the breeze in best equine fashion. Tobias traced the sweet exciting scent to its source, the mares big round rump's! They all seemed to be walking around with they're tails up, and to one side. Fully exposing the long tear drop shape slit of their sex....... it took a moment to dawn on the Mage.

'Oh they're all in season!' Now this could be interesting.' Tobias thought, as he trotted up behind a big bay mare. She willingly spread her hind legs wide apart, releasing a stream of frothy milky excitement. Her tail had been up, and to one side since before he'd seen her. Tobias lifted his head, and inhaled deeply, the air was full of thick rich mare scent. The strong scent of mares in season, flipped natural triggers within the young Mage's equine brain. The delightful scents of her sex, firing those ingrained desire all equine males had within them. Tobias slipped his big nose between her cheeks, and ran his long slick tongue up the dark tear drop shaped opening of her sex. Trembling, as he felt the big knob of her Vulva wink out against his tongue. The mare spread her hind legs wider, squatting slightly; another dribble of liquid sexual excitement escaping her distended sex. Tobais felt his long equine malehood slid from its sheath, to dangle under his belly. The urge to mount was very strong within him, rearing up he threw his foreleg's over her, wrapping them around the mare's barrel; making her squeal with excitement. He thrust his big equine hips, but his limp organ just flopped around uselessly under him. Straining with all his might he got his long limp organ to jerk up, slapping her between the legs. The big bay mare screamed in need, and pushed back towards him. Tobais strained, and humped, but it was just no use. His shrivelled organ just wouldn't get stiff enough, to straighten out; and enter her. Sweating, and exhausted he was forced to at admit defeat, his foreleg's loosened their grip. And the mare wiggled out from under him, then turned to give him a dark unpleased look. Tobias could tell she was very displeased. Across the fence the snorting whinnying stallion, nickered and laughed at him derisively. Ashamed and embarrassed at his failure and impotency, Tobais trotted off to be alone in the lower part of the field.


Worc stared at the ‘Missing!' poster on the wall of the Guild house, Tristan the son of Lord Altman, the head of the neighbouring Merchants Guild had gone missing, and there was a big reward, quite high for a simple missing person. Not that it bothered Worc, his own interests where doing well enough without branching out into Adventuring, which was always had tricky returns. The desk Clerk was now free of visitors and Worc picked up his messages before moving off up the corridor to his ‘own' office. He shut the door behind himself and threw the pile of post onto his desk. The other merchants that shared this space with where at lunch, for which Worc was glad, he so longed to get the next level of Guild status so he could get his own plush office, still with the promotion situation as static as it was that was not happening soon.

Smoothing the front of his silk shirt Worc opened the first of the messages. All routine traffic about imports, exports, what to buy, what to avoid, though there was a message from the Guildmaster asking him to get him tickets to the ‘Granpug vs Magnusson' deciding match, as if that was possible! Those tickets had been sold out after the first two matches had been draws- first time ever in the history of the pit fights! He sighed somehow the Guildmaster thought had because he was Half Orc he had a magical way into the match. Just because an Orc was fighting! He didn't have tickets let alone could he get any for the Guildmaster! He snorted to himself and pulled open the last piece of mail and his blood chilled as he read it.

Worc sat down and read the parchment a second time, cold sweat breaking out as he read it a third time. Finally he read it again then threw the piece of parchment across the office.

"Dammit!" he cried and then retrieved the letter. He read it again. It was a lewd, exaggerated version of what had happened that night with Jon. Every detail was there, every step of the story of that ill fated encounter. He himself had only got way from the Watch since they had gone after Jon; he considered it lucky they had not recognized his Merchant's robes, instead thinking him some cheap whore. He still had Jon's clothes, he'd gathered them up after he'd run, he'd washed them and had them pressed properly. He's sent messages but there had been no contact, all the messages he'd left at the Barracks where not getting to him, or he was ignoring him, and now there was this letter!

Simply put it was an extortion to get money from him or ‘They'd' go to the Guildmaster with it, plus a lot of threatened ‘other information' about his trading and sexual activities, the sort of stuff likely to seriously threaten Worcs own position and embarrass the Guildmaster, not to mention Worcs own half estranged family. The young Merchant folded his fingers into a thinking steeple and rested his green chin on them, the letter on the desk in front of him. The writing was defiantly not the flowing hand of an Elf, or the crude scratching of a full blood Orc. The letters seemed too big for a Halfer or Goblin, a Dwarf maybe? The phrasing could have been any race though.....he sighed again, trying to work it out from this would be impossible, he needed investigators. He laughed to himself, looks like he would need Adventurers after all!


Aloysius Silveroak left the Commanders office with silent Elven grace. Simmons steppled and thought hard about what the Sage had just told him. He stared, unseeing, out of the window at the city drenched in the late afternoon sun. A knock on his desk interrupted him and he turned around. Vanasa had one hand on a report while leaning over far enough that he could help but see her amble bosom, she stood back up with a flirtatious smile and put one finger to her lips seductively. "I'm sorry sir." She purred, if this is a bad time and stepped back, making sure her boobs wobbled.

"Vanasa." Simmons said more sharply than he intended. Her eyes opened in an almost comically shocked way.

"Is there anything else I can do for you?" She asked seductively. For half a second Simmons wondered what those long Elven hands would do for all the knots in his shoulders and the tightness of his back, then he shook his head and cleared his throat.

"I don't know what your relationships with Commander Kingsbury or his men here." Simmons said more softly. "But ours will be a strictly professional one." Vanasa's eyes widened in surprised, then she sighed in relief; the seductress persona slipping off her like a sheet.

"That is good to know sir." She said honestly. "While the Commander's attentions were pleasurable... I did feel bad about having to cuckold my husband."

"That is no longer part of the job." Simmons said simply. "I am happily married, and wish to remain so." He smiled at his Assistant. "Besides my father in law would literally kill me." He admitted grinning, and Vanasa laughed.

"I understand sir, my father in law is an Ogre in all but form!" The atmosphere seemed far more relaxed now, as if a barrier had been broken.

"Look, I know you had no reason to believe I would do anything; but continue the practises of the previous Commander. But I can assure you, that I want the best for the City not for me." Vanasa smiled a bright Elven smile.

"I know the hours you are putting in re-organizing the force in the district sir, I know the fights you are having with the various sergeants, suppliers and staff. It's me who organizes all the meetings." Simmons chuckled.

"I guess so." He agreed, and felt suddenly very happy. He looked out onto the City, and the sunset turning the sky firey red. "The day's almost done, why don't you go on home to him; I won't need you anymore today."

"Thank you sir!" Vanasa said. "You don't intend to stay late do you?"

"No. I think I'll surprise the wife, and get home early tonight." A smile past over his lips- if he left now he would be able to help her feed the children.

"Shall we go then sir?" The pretty elf girl asked brightly.

"Burl." Simmons corrected, she looked confused for a moment, then smiled.

"I'll get your guard organized.....Burl." She nodded slightly, and then turned to leave. At the doorway she stopped, and looked back. "Thank you for promoting me, and allowing me to do this job." She gushed with emotion. "Not many would allow a woman in this role."

"Not an issue for me." Simmons answered with pride. "I don't care what race, gender, god, fetish or habit you have as long as you do your best for this District, the City, and don't disgrace the Office we have been charged with."

"Well thank you anyway. I will do my best" She promised.

"Your Welcome." Simmons answered smiling gently. He grabbed various papers, his sword' and made to leave with his Assistant.


Twilight was falling over the alley when Brother Lynfirlus Pendurn follower of Zathrou the God of Healers opened the heavy iron bound door, and peered out into the darkened street beyond.

"Help me." A weak voice moaned from the ground, looking down the monk jumped back in shock. On the wide stone door step, the pale naked body of a young man lay sprawled; his pale bloodless looking flesh was unmarred, save for a massive gaping, fresh wound between the youth's legs, blood was pouring down the young man thighs and onto the cobbles. Brother Pendurn had seen such wounds before, young men totally emasculated were not a new thing to him.

"Fear not... you are in good hand's." The burly hairless monk assured the mutilated youth as he kneeled at his side.

"Beware.. her beauty... is a trap!" The young man gasped, his eye's rolling wildly in his head.

"What is your name?" The Healer asked, a dark suspicion appearing in his mind.

"Doroon....my name is Doroon......" the young man gasped.

"She will harm you no more." The large hairless monk whispered soothingly, as he looked off into the darkness, just catching a glimpse of the black robed feminine figure stalking off around the far corner, her faint laughter reaching his ears. The monk's rough dry hands cradled Doroon's well defined muscles tenderly, as he whispered soothingly. "You will be alright now." Quickly the monk rose, and pulled a bell cord summoning help from his brothers within the monastery. In moments a half dozen brown robed monks had joined him.

"Take him to the hospital tower, and summons Father Rihun; he is well versed in healing such wounds." Lynfirlus instructed, as the monks lifted Doroon's naked emasculated body gently. The terrible wound began weep blood once again, as they carried the incoherently babbling youth away.

"I beg...begged her..she made me!" Doroon screamed as he was borne away by the silent brown robed monks. Once the youth was carried away, Lynfirlus fetched a scrubbing brush and a pail of water and washed the blood away form the step. As he straightened from his task the old wound ached and once he was safely inside the stores cupboard Lynfirlus lifted his robes, fingering the ugly purplish patch of scar tissue; where his manhood had once been........Oh yes he knew about such wounds, knew about cold pale beauty that used your own lusts to trap you...........

Closing his brown eyes Lynfirlus could see that cold sneering face, gloating as he begged her to end his agony, begged her to take his manhood, again he felt the searing pain, heard the razor sharp blade slicing through his delicate flesh! The nausea swept over him again and he opened his eyes quickly, he was trembling, finding himself covered in cold sweat. He dropped his robe and stepped back out into the Hall. Summoning a younger acolyte with the pull of another bell cord, Brother Lynfirlus sent the boy off to fetch the Watch. A report would need to be filed, and he would do it; but he wouldn't tell everything he could....... even now after all this time he could not bring himself to tell his own tale. He had confessed it of course, admitted his faults and flaws to his God, but that was a very private communion, he would not share it with some leering; lewdly smirking Watchman. The lad they had brought in tonight would be raving for awhile, and Father Rihun would not let the Watchmen question him; until he was in control of himself, however a report must be filed, and Brother Lynfirlus Pendurn would file it. And this time perhaps he'd have the courage to mention the dark feminine cloaked figure he'd saw walking away, then again perhaps he would not...............


It was proving to be a slow duty shift; Jon hated slow uneventful shifts, especially now that he was trapped behind the front desk. With nothing else to do he checked the post box again. He sorted through the letters, and began placing each one in the little cubby holes that bore the name of the Watchman to whom the missive had been assigned. Abruptly he stopped his eyes fixing on the letter in his hand; his own name was printed plainly upon it. It was not the big formal script of Worc's hand writing, they had been the only post he'd been getting for months and he knew the Half Orc's writing well. Jon ripped open the envelope and drew the letter carefully from within it. He unfolded the parchment; starring at the writing hard. The blocky, carefully printed words made him blanch; then a powerful blush crept up his cheeks.

"Dammit!" He cried, drawing a curious look from the Watchmen going by. He read it again and then a third time. It was a lewd, exaggerated version of what had happened that night with Worc. Every lurid detail was there, every step of the process of that ill fated sexual encounter. Angrily Jon crumpled the parchment up in his fist, and asking another Watchman to take the desk he near ran to the latrine. He locked the door behind him, then cursed angrily; throwing the balled up piece of parchment across the room. He stomped around the room cursing, and kicking the stall doors. The letter had not only detailed his debauchment, but had threatened to make it all public; it had threaten to send copies to his family, and post them in every wenching house in the city, not to mention every Watch Tower! Stooping he picked up the parchment, and smoothed the crumpled page out. He read it once again, noting the date and address that it instructed him to go to. Once he had made note of those and was sure he had them, he crumpled the parchment once again, balling it as tightly as he was able then Jon tossed it down the latrine hole.

Jon returned to the front desk just in time to greet old Dalven, his relief. The older Watchman was here right on time, as always the grizzled old Watchman sat down heavily, behind the high dark wooden desk.

"I've got the watch." He announced in the old formal greeting of one Watchman relieving another, his older voice cracking slightly.

"Then my day's duty is rightly and proudly done!" Jon answered the old man, using the formal answer to his greeting. Most Watchmen never bothered with the old greeting, or answer, however knowing the old fella liked it, Jon humoured him; it wasn't so much to make the old fella happy.

"And my thanks as does the cities go with you." Dalven finished smiling.

"Right on time Dalven." Jon said to the old Watchman. "Have a good shift." he told the old man, as he walked out the Watch Post's main doorway.

"And you have a good night." The old Watchman called, waving cheerfully at Jon as he exited. 'Humph fat chance of that!' Jon thought as he stomped down the steps of his Watch post, normally he'd go back to Barracks, but tonight he was on his way, to confront Worc about the black mail letter. He'd received a number of notes, and letters from the big Half Orc and ignored them all, but he had noted the return address- moreover it had burned it's self into his mind. He lived somewhere in the upper end of the Adventurers district, on Jordan's Promenade near Merchants Gate. It was where many younger guildsmen, who couldn't afford an apartment in the Merchants quarter proper lived, far enough out of the Warrens to be ‘proper' for an up and coming Guildsman to live. Jon pulled his Watch tabard off and stuffed into a pocket without thinking much about it, he was trying to think of what to say to Worc......oh yes he'd have some words with that Merchant!

Chapter 8


"I still don't sees hows we had ta do this!" Vox grumbled again sitting on the steps outside the Watch Post. There was no one around to hear him, since Wast was inside; and the passers by gave the big Orc a wide berth. Wast had explained that Watt wanted them to escort Custard to the Watch, and wait while he made a statement. It had taken all day for them ta stop arguing about a good time ta do it too. Eventually they agreed sundown, as ‘the Gobo's didn't like going out then'. Well that had been fine until the Watch turned him out of the Station........ he sighed again. "You look bored Vox." A cheery voice observed. Vox looked up from his sulking right into the pale green face of Worc, the Merchant and fellow Hind regular.

"I'z bored." Vox confirmed. Worc grinned, and looked up at the darkening sky. The shift would be changing soon; he'd wait here for Jon.

"So why are you here?" The merchant asked, trying to keep his voice jovial.

"We is being escort ta a Half Blood brat Watt wanted us ta bring here!"

"Really? Someone at the Hind going for whelps now?" The big Orc shook his head, Worc tried not to stare at the thick muscles of his neck as they moved gracefully.

"Nah. Kid has some info on a missin bod, or Ooluk, or somethin'!"

"The Ravisher? Anything that puts that sicko permanently in the Gaol, would be a good thing." Worc grumbled.

"Wells perhaps......." Vox admitted, looking down at the floor, hoping Worc would not see the shame in his cheeks. Ooluk had been his leader at one point. He was spared by the Watch post door opening, as a gaggle of Watchmen came out. As they descended almost half of them sneered at the two Orc bloods, the others where simply indifferent; or neutral. Only one, nodded at Worc with the respect due a Merchant Guildsman. Worc took note of the Watchman's face for future use. As they wandered off, the area went quiet again, only the lamp lighters coming close to the Watch Post; all alone in the centre of its square.

A few minutes past and no others came out. "Be back in a moment." Worc told Vox, as he walked up the stairs; his back rigid with anticipation of seeing Jon again. He walked in, there was an old Watchman sitting at the desk. Behind him was a screen, behind it Worc could see Wast; and a Half Orc kid talking to the Post Commander.

"Can I help one of the Merchants Guild?" The old man asked him, his aged and wrinkled face neutral.

"I am looking for the Watchman called Jon." Worc said keeping his tone flat, and formal. "We have a delivery for him, and since our normal messenger is sick, and I was passing; I wished to inform him of its arrival."

"Ah, well I am afraid you have missed him Guildsman. He was eager to leave, after I relieved him." The old man explained. Worc grimaced.

"You wouldn't have any idea where he has gone?" The Half Orc asked softly. The old Watchman shook his grizzled greying head.

"His habits have been a bit... strange of late." The old man grunted, in a dismissing tone.

"Ahhhhh, I see thank you anyway." Worc muttered turning away.

"Thats all yer goina do?" Wast's voice demanded loudly.

"You'll get your reward if we find the lad!" The Post Commander growled back clearly annoyed.

"Bugger the money!" Wast snarled. "Who's goina protect tha kid from Ooluk an tha Gobo's."

"Thats no concern of mine!" The Watch Captain sneered.

"Oh sorry I forgot for a second yous only work fer the wealthy merchant class!" Wast spat. The old Watchman began to stand, and Worc stepped to one side.

"You can watch your lip...or you'll be spentin' the night gettin' sticked in the lock up!" The post commander roared.

"Thanx fer yer fuckin' help Gov!" Wast spat grabbing Custard's arm, and pulling him towards the doors. As he stumbled out from behind the screen, he nodded at Worc; but said nothing in response to the old man's cheery ‘Goodnight'. Quickly Worc pushed the double doors open letting the pair out, then following them down the steps.

"What are you going to do now?" Worc asked.

"Guess we'll hav ta take tha kid back ta tha Hind, Watt will have ta see aboot hidin' him."

"Ah bugger. Hows we genna hide a kid in da Hind?" Vox grumbled.

"It is indeed no place for a lad. I don't think Watt is running that sort of bar!" Worc agreed.

"Well he'll haz ta sort it out. Come on." Wast snarled and started back across the square.


Jon wandered up the long wide street of the Jordan's Promenade, just this side of the Merchants gate that marked the boarder between the Districts. Suddenly he remembered that Captain Simmons made his home on this very street. Ducking his head, Jon pulled the hood of his cloak over it; then looked around carefully. The thought of now Commander Simmons seeing him going into an Orc's abode, made Jon cringe, he didn't want the Commander discovering his unmanly desires! Suddenly he wondered how the old Goblins curse had affected Simmons. It seemed that the former Captain now had the golden touch; everything in his life was working out perfectly. Had he already paid the price, somehow maybe back in that alleyway in the riots? Jon's mind flashed back to the Orc over that barrel, ass up, white Human spunk dripping from its obviously debauched hole! Again he wondered if it had been his Captain's cum, if Simmons had fucked a big Orc buck! That would make sense, still it seemed like such a small thing; compared to Jon's own punishment. The Watchman blushed, as he thought of all the debauchment he'd suffered over these last few weeks. Could ‘Orc basher' Simmons have really defeated the old Goblin's curse so easily? 'Then what am I doing wrong?' Jon wondered, as he at last found the address he'd been looking for.

A large building loomed over him, but the sign for the number he wanted pointed down the stairs towards a basement apartment 'Dammit what's with these Orcs and being under ground level?' Jon wondered shaking his head, as he went down the steps quickly. The ramshackle old building had once been a warehouse, with three floors counting the basement, it was long and wide, and so each floor had been divided into three large flats. A narrow hallway running down one of the long sides, gave access to the apartments. Each of the heavy doors had been painted a garish colour, and each had a bronze number plate tacked to its centre. Finding Worc's place was very easy indeed, for the door was painted in the same shade of green as his skin. Somehow Jon doubted that this was the Half Orcs idea, it was then that he noticed the runic mark above the door. He remembered it from years before, when Orc's had first been allowed to live within the city. Such warning markers had to be placed on the outside of every building, or room in which an Orc lived! 'I never realized those things were still in use.' He thought, and then suddenly remembered all the buildings in the Adventurers District that still had the marking upon them. Jon shook his head 'something's never change' He thought. Moving up to the green door slowly, Jon knocked softly upon it, then stood feeling awkward and embarrassed, in front of the silent unopening door. Waiting a long minute, he uncomfortably knocked a second time; louder and longer.

"Whotcha ya lukin' fer Gov'?" A raspy, but high pitched voice asked. Startled Jon jumped at the sound of this voice, spinning around hands up; and ready. "Cor'... takit easa Gov'!" The voice called, sounding somewhat uneasy; and amused all at once. Thinking he was alone in the long dimly lit hallway, Jon was startled to find a scrawny big nosed Goblin starring up at him. He stepped back uncertain, Goblins having been unlucky for him of late.

"I....Errr I'm looking for Wo...ahem the Orc." Jon explained, gesturing towards Worc's apartment door.

"Cor Gov yer lukin fer Worc." The Goblin grinned, displaying his sharp yellow rat like teeth. "E aint 'Omme, but I's cun till ya whare E's gonn." The Goblin assured.

"Where?" Jon asked quickly.

"Cor not aut 'ere Gov." The Goblin grunted, slipping back through the partiality opened doorway he'd come from. Frowning to himself, Jon moved over to the door. Glancing around to make sure no one was watching, he slipped into the room. The door closed instantly behind him, and Jon found himself standing in near total darkness! "Ere Gov 'ave one on me." He heard the Goblin's voice croak, then a cool pewter tankard was pressed into his hand.

"I..I'm not thirsty." Jon mumbled trying to hand it back, but finding no hands to place it in.

"Cor!" "Ye don't waint me drrank... mayhaps ye don't be waintin' me words neethar!?!" The Goblin snarled angrily.

"No...no wait... I am feeling a bit of a thirst coming on." Jon mumbled, lifting the tankard to his lips; and taking a long swallow. The strong liquor burned his tongue and throat making him choke and gasped after he'd swallowed. 'At least the strength of it deadens the taste buds.' He thought, as from the darkness around him; he heard many raspy high pitched snickers. Obviously this was why the Goblins had insisted that he drink, they wanted the amusement of seeing his reaction to they're strong brew! With his sense of taste already deadened, he took another long swallow. "Ammmmm a good brew." He rasped, this time showing no reaction to it what so ever, oddly he heard the same amused snickers once again.


Wast's anger at the Watch dissipated, as they walked back down the main road towards the Hind. He and Worc had discovered an interest in the pit fights, and where sizing up the odds in the upcoming fight. Both where very disappointed, they didn't have tickets; and neither could understand why they had not shifted the event to the much bigger Arena. Custard walked between them, and the hulking Vox behind him; keeping a close eye out on the people on the streets. Mostly merchants packing up their wares, as the night mist came rolling in. As they travelled the street lights grew less and less as the District got poorer. Vox grew more alert, each time they went down one of the many side streets; that cut so much time off their journey. They where close to the Hind, when a shout cut through the night; quickly they looked around but could see no one close by, and so hurried quickly on their way.

"You Orcs! Stand still!" The voice was Human. The group spun as a troop of Watchmen came rushing towards them, at their head a grizzled looking Sergeant, naked sword in his fist.

"Evening Sergeant. How are you tonight Arlan?" Worc said cheerfully putting on a more formal accent. The others took their hands away from their weapons.

"Have your seen a Bear?" The Sergeant barked ignoring the pleasantries.

"A bear in the City?" Wast blurted incredulously.

"Yeah a bear, never heard of one thief?" A younger Watchman snapped.

"Shut ya pie hole Rolands." The Sergeant snapped before turning back to Worc. "Bear." He said again. "Been seen running loose in the Adventurers Distinct. Last seen heading for the Warrens." Worc shook his head.

"Can't say we have Sarg."

"If you do, it's your duty to report it to the Watch. We believe it might be this Oomac thing." The Orc bloods shudder at the name. Custard stepped closer to Wast his eye's darting around.

"If we see it." Wast started quickly, before the outburst he knew was coming from Vox. "We'll let you now."

"Good!" The Sergeant snapped and ordering his men into a jog as they took off.

"Omoc is not a Bear!" Vox finally cried, as they hurried down a dark alleyway.

"Aye we know that...but them watchmen are all fools!" Wast pointed out. He looked their party over; Custard was standing very close to Vox and trembling. "Sorry we got ya into this kid." Wast apologized "Take this and lets hopes ya don't have to use it." He handed Custard his dagger, and drew a smaller knife from his boot top. The young Half Orc held the dagger awkwardly before him, as he trembled in fear. Wast fuzzed the kids hair and then took the lead again heading for the nearest alleyway.

"You know we really don't have to crawl through these alleys." Worc observed, as he hiked up his robes to step over a soggy pile of rotting garbage. In fact we'd probably be safer out there in plain sight."

"Hah...Ya might be safer!" Wast exclaimed, as they came to the intersection of two alleyways "But Vox and I have some folks we'd rather not run int...."

"Fyalx...." Cried Custard suddenly then gave out a small sigh, and slumped into Wast, dropping the dagger he'd been given. Wast looked down, and saw a small dart sticking out for the Orc boy's neck.

"Ambush!" He shouted, drawing his short sword and sweeping the fallen dagger up in one go. Vox immediately stepped back and un-slung the massive hammer he carried across his back. Worc swept Custard up, and pulled out the emergency scroll he kept in his pocket for such occasions. All around them, they could hear vile little snickers; and cat calls in the Goblin tongue. With a BANG, shutters all down the street were flung closed; and they where on their own.

Wast turned his head to look at Worc. "What is that?" He whispered his eyes actually looking past the Merchant into the ally behind him.

"Scroll of instant movement." Worc whispered back.

"Use it!" Wast ordered urgently. Worc nodded, and started reading it muttering softly under his breath. Half way through the paper suddenly exploded in flames, the magic bursting from the page; as the flames consumed it.

"They must have a shaman in they're ranks!" Worc explained wincing. As the small group stepped into the centre of the intersection, a light flared just ahead of them.

"Indeed, there is!" A high pitched voice answered, as an older Goblin stepped out from behind a piled of old crates. He was grinning wickedly at the small band, his black dyed teeth gleaming in the magical light. He wore bones, feathers and beads, woven into his leathers, he carried a long crooked staff, that was taller than he was; and also covered in fetishes. One hand rested on a sparkling ruby, which was slowly going dim as the light flare faded. He was flanked on either side by two massive Goblin warriors, their beady red eyes staring at them sinisterly, their black swords drawn, all wicked curves and barbs thirsty for blood. "Give us da whelp...or get gutted!" Fyalx squeaked in the common tongue.

"Isn't there some other way we can resolve this?" Worc asked looking around wide eyed.

"Give us tha whelp." Fyalx insisted.

"Perhaps..." Worc held up his purse shaking it, so that it jingled softly.

"Hah! We'z don't care aboot ya coin!" the Goblin snarled, but Worc could see that many of his followers eyes were now locked on the leather bag.

"And who are you... that care's not for coin?" Worc asked, as if he was in a formal business meeting.

"My names izzn't relevant ta you." He cackled. "Giz me da boi!" Wast could hear Goblins moving all around them up behind them too by now. Archers covered them to each side, their crossbow bolts covered in poison probably he thought.

"I don't think so." Wast said calmly, his fingers rubbing at the stone set into the hilt of his short sword.

"Oh?" The Shaman asked smiling evilly. "Fine...Gutz'em boyz!" He shouted. Instantly Worc tossed his purse at the Goblins who were charging from the right alley branch. Coins spilled from the bag's open top, clattering across the flag stones; the charge stalled as the Goblin's leading it dived after the glittering gold and silver coins. The Shaman's two flunkies charged in with a roar; Wast's face twisted into a wicked smile of his own as he pointed his sword towards the Goblin archers to their left. A huge cone of flame exploded from the sword's tip engulfing, and incinerating the first ranks, setting the nearby crates, and barrels on ablaze.

"Run!" He shouted, and sprinted for the alleyway opening. Worc close behind him carrying Custard, with a silent Vox covering they're backs. Behind them the Shaman shouted something, as Goblins charged into the alley in close pursuit. Wast took a left from the alley, intending to get back to the lit roads. Looking over his shoulder, he saw Vox battling savagely with the Goblin warriors. Vox quickly found, as many others in the past had; that fighting Goblins was like fighting bees. They swarmed over they're enemies, bringing them down by sheer force of numbers! Wast watched his huge lover being swarmed over for a second then looked back to Worc. "Go!" He growled. Worc nodded, and tightening his grip on Custard he ran as fast as he was able. Without a second thought Wast charged back towards his battling mate. Worc only got fifty feet or so, before more Goblins appeared; cutting off the narrow street. Spinning he charged back towards the fighting, his sword flopping useless on his hip, while he carried Custard, he could not drawn nor wield it. But he vowed that the boy was going nowhere, while he still drew breath!

"Youz guna die!" The Shaman screamed angrily, as he came out of the alleyway. Lifting his staff, a huge blast of white bursting from its tip hitting Wast. The Human was sent flying, his woollen tunic covered in glittering ice crystals. Vox roared in rage, and swung his massive hammer; his face purpling as his Orcish rage began to boil over. Worc headed for Wast's side, as Vox charged wildly into battle smashing the Goblins around like tenpins. Wast was climbing slowly to his feet, his face blue, his tunic frozen to his raw, bleeding chest. Still he had not dropped his short sword, and quickly swung at the nearest Goblin; with still deadly accuracy.

"Getz tha Boi." The Shaman ordered harshly, as he began chanting another spell. Fishing a dagger from his boot top, Wast threw it at him. That stopped the chant, as it buried it's self in his upper arm. Growling in pain and frustration, the Shaman shook his staff and over them great gouts of fire began to rain down, burning friend; and foe alike. Worc shielded Custard, as much as he could; but felt his silk's burning in the rain! Looking around wildly, he dived under a nearby wagon. Vox threw off his attackers and charged for the Shaman, only to be blown back, by a Hurricane like burst of wind that sent Goblins flying, and over turned the wagon Worc and Custard hiding under.

"There!" Shouted the largest warrior charging at the pair screaming wildly. Worc laid the unconscious boy down, and stood over him. He drew his steel, determined to face death like a true Orc warrior. He opened his broad tusked mouth to shout the battle cry of his ancestors, but above him a roar exploded. Worc watched the charging Goblin's face's turn to pure terror, as an enormous white furred beast flattered him!

Wast spun around as the white Bear landed, startled by the roar and pouncing beast. A sneaky Goblin took the chance, and cut him badly across the leg. Wast spun back around, and drove the tip of his blade through the little bastard's neck. Then glancing up, suddenly realised the Shaman was pointing at him once again. Suddenly everything went black. Vox pulled himself from the road, patting out a small fire burning his leather kilt. He watched in astonishment as the Bear shrugged off countless blows of the Goblins. One swipe of his massive claws was ripping the shifty little warriors apart. Vox decided the Bear was on their side, and even if it wasn't he wanted no part of it! So instead ran for Wast, who was walking towards the Shaman slowly, his arms hanging limply down at his side's.

"Yous keep da Boi then!" The Fyalx screamed. "I'll takez thiz one!" Vox's rage exploded, as the Shaman grabbed his ensorcelled lover. Swinging his might war hammer, Vox splattered several Goblins out of the way. Ignoring the blows that came raining down on him, he fought to within arm's reach of Wast. Then with an explosion of light, and fury the Goblin Shaman disappeared, Wast along with him. Vox tried to shield his eyes, but it was no use; and he was blown backwards blinded for the moment.

The Goblins melted away quickly, the Bear taking a couple more of the slower ones. Worc blooded his own slender sword blade, when one fleeing Goblin tried to grab the boy. Slowly calm returned to the street, only the huffing of the Bear; and the cries from Vox splitting the night. Worc wiped his blade on the ruined hem of his silken robes, and sheathed it once more. Lifting Custard, he retreated from behind the Bear; to where Vox kneeled in the road. Wast's sword was clutched in his big green paw's, and tears steaming down his broad green face as he sobbed his sorrow into the night. Worc put a hand on the big Orcs shoulder comfortingly as he scanned the darkening alleys for more Goblin assailants, thankful that he could see none.


Jon wiggled his bare toes; it felt good to have his boots off. The cool night air played over his sweaty bare feet up his hairy muscular leg's and against his hot naked loins. Something vaguely disturbed him about these sensations, but his befuddled mind couldn't concentrate well enough to pin it down. He couldn't concentrate on anything really; only acknowledge the tactile sensations of his body. Something was very wrong, but whatever it could be; escaped him somehow? His eyes slowly adjusted to the darkness in the room, until he could make out dozen's of dark vague shapes; short, blunt ugly little shapes, chuckling lewdly; starring lustfully with their little glowing red eyes. Dozen's of hot sweaty little hands caressed his naked flesh, fondling his limp cock and soft ball sac. Rolling him gently over then, helping him up onto all fours; rubbing all over his body. It all filled Jon with an odd mixture of sweet pleasure, and sickly repulsion, like biting into a piece of very sweet fruit, only to discover it tasted so sweet only because it was rotten.

The now very, very familiar feeling of a velvety head of a male organ pressed against his lips, distracted him from trying to think. Automatically he parted his lips allowing the rank long unwashed organ to slide onto his tongue. The odd stench of unwashed Goblin bodies and the sour taste of sweat; and of Goblin pre-cum filled his senses. It made his eye's burn, and water so he closed them, and concentrated on orally pleasuring the stiff little male hood in his mouth. His buttocks were spread wide by sharp wry little fingers and then the pleasure of a hot wet tongue lapping over his plucker thrilled him! A loud moan escaped through his nose, as his mouth licked and suckled wildly on the long thin cock within it. The organ as hard as iron now, was pulled from his fawning mouth, it's owner walking behind him.

Glancing back over his shoulder, Jon saw the same wry strong looking Goblin who'd lured him in with promises of information. He stood tall and proud now behind Jon's naked buttocks; gone was his meek manner and ubiquitous fawning tones. "Oh ow fuckin' luvly an' smooth." The Goblin sneered, his strong rough hands rubbing all over Jon's ass cheeks. His body was small, but immensely strong and fit; his upwards curving cock looked both inviting and threatening. "Ya cun't be keepin' a luverly bum lik that all ta yerself new cun ya luv!" There was nothing Jon could do, his drugged mind felt overpowered by the Goblin; and intimidated by his aggression, but above all Jon couldn't help wanting the lean muscular Goblin to fuck him; and to orgasm his Goblin juices up his ass. "Yer lookin' as tho' yer in tha need -o- sume fuckin'!" the Goblin grinned. He moved himself into position to penetrate Jon's un-dilated hole with his slim curved warty gray cock. "Cume on then yer gunna git it." Savagely he pushed the bloated grayish purple knob against Jon's un-dilated sphincter. It took several seconds before those unloosened muscles yielded, and the big bloated cock head with its slim curved shaft pushing sank itself into Jon's quivering hole. "Oho yea fuckin' luvly I's guna luv fuckin' a watchmun!" The Goblin grunted smirking in malicious satisfaction. Having both hands free, the gloating Goblin got to work on Jon's cock; which was already dangling semi hard between his thighs. "Don't ya be tryin' ta pretend yer aint wantin' it sluthole! We's been watchin ya!" He growled shafting Jon very forcefully, so as to excite his pleasure knot to the very maximum. "Yer luvin' d'is aint'cha sluthole?" All Jon could do was moan softly and thrust his ass back into the Goblin's swift and powerful thrusts. The cock within him wasn't massive, but he found it utterly irresistible from the moment it penetrated his anus it possessed him completely body and mind! "An tis only gunna git better!" The Goblin leader sneered, as his teasing hands brought the Human's pulsing cock to full erection. Jon couldn't look at anything, except the Goblin's big flashing eyes as he fixed them on Jon's own, and propelled the Human into uncontrollable sexual frenzy.

The Watchman could think of nothing, except the feeling of that rigid cock battering against his throbbing pleasure knot. The Gobo's mottled gray and greenish ball sac was slapping against Jon's buttocks. "Feelin' dehese? Da's tha only fuckin' balls 'ere, an yer aboot tha be find'en alls aboot thum!" The Goblin leader boasted, as he pumped his long curved cock in and out of the Human's asshole. "Watch me... Watchmun... watch me fuck yer big pink 'booluc ass -o- yer's." The Goblin leader snickered, his wicked glittering eye's held Jon's own blinking owlish ones dominantly. "Yer fuckin' gettin' it jest as ya fuckin' needs it now aintcha?" The Goblin leader panted, as he rammed Jon's asshole so aggressively with his rock hard cock that the Human's prostate was getting bruised by the savage bludgeoning.

Somehow Jon couldn't manage a full erection any longer, because the Goblin was just too dominant inside of him. "I'm gunna fuck ya's full!" The Goblin leader promised. Gradually Jon became aware of a strange feeling welling up deep inside his loins, a burning, tingling sensation raced up the under side of his barely semi erect cock. Jon was groaning, and gasping in delight; as his organ tried to ejaculate, but the Goblin pinched his cum tubes shut through the soft skin of his ball sac. "Oho no not yet ma pretty... ya gotts ta take ma load!" Thrusting like mad as the Human's anus clasped at his cock the Goblin leader screamed. "Oi yea... gunna get it...its cumin'... it's cummin'...Ah...Ah!!" The Goblin threw his head back groaning as he shot his load right up the Human's asshole. Jon could feel the eager cock jerking wildly inside his quivering hole, as the Goblin leader squirted his hot rich cum deep into him. "I's luv it!" The Gobo shouted, his grip on Jon's cum tube's loosening as his hot cream filled the Human. Jon's cock head flamed with tingling delight then he was trembling as the rush of ejaculation swept through his pulsing organ. It was a massive thrilling orgasm, quite unlike any other kind. Loud, lewd hoots and howls of derisive laughter came from the assembled Goblin mob as they watched the big strong Watchmen moan and whimper submissively as his cum spurted out onto to floor.

As the last quivers of his orgasm pumped the last few weak spurts of thick yellowish cum into the Human, the Goblin leader stepped back; pulling his cum slick fucker out. The others had been watching, with growing excitement about who would be next and the sight of their leader's thick sticky cock coming out of the Watchman's thoroughly debauched hole, was driving them wild. "Whotcha ya fuckin' waitin' fer?" He demanded gesturing to the drugged and obviously helpless Human slut. With this from their leader the pack moved in around Jon, lining up at either end. Jon quickly found his head pulled back around, and another foul smelling; and sour tasting Goblin cock shoved into his mouth, another ramming up his abused asshole. The world was quickly becoming a blur of thin gray bodies and hard dribbling cocks. It was all Jon could do to catch a breath; he found at times there were two Goblin cocks in his mouth or ass. He loved it, as each and every one of them took turns ramming their cocks up his spasming sluthole and down his throat; fucking him full of cum! Cum spilling from his own half erect cock, pleasure sweeping over him each time someone filled him. They were all so excited, by the sight of each other's cocks dosing the Human with spunk it took each of them less than half a minute to fuck and fill him, from penetration through several piston like strokes to pumping their cum inside of him.

Goblin slime oozed from his red abused sluthole, trickled down over his balls; and down the inside of his wide spread thighs as they came back again and again, Goblin turn around time being so short Jon was not going to be short of ‘customers' for awhile. Somewhere he knew this was wrong but then he'd blow another load and all fears and doubts vanished. He was a cock slut and he loved it!


Custard was still lying unconscious; Vox's wails had subsided to sobs and the Bear was standing with its back turned to them, watching the other end of the alley. There had been no further attacks, no sign of any Goblins. Like bugs fleeing the light, they had vanished into the woodwork of the dark city. Not a single shutter had opened either, though Worc was sure people would be listening behind them. Small fires dotted the landscape, as the result of the Shaman's fire rain; but Worc paid them no heed. He knelt, and lifted Vox's tear streaked face up to his own; looking deep into his eyes.

"We will find him." He growled, at the big Orc. "I swear on my name, my family name and my Tribes name." Vox's eye widened a little, but he said nothing; merely sniffling, the tears still flowing. "Believe me, we will find him." Worc promised softer. Vox nodded numbly again. The sound of movement alerted the Half Orc; quickly he stood back up hand on his sword hilt. It was the Bear, the immense white furred Ursine had turned himself around; and was watching Worc curiously. There was something about those dark glittering eyes that compelled Worc to say. "Thank you." The Half Orc blinked, and then gave a small hysterical sounding laugh; rubbing one burnt hand over his forehead.

With a ‘humpf' the Bear reared, Worc's hand went to his sword once again, but instead of drawing it. He watched in rapt fascination as the Bear began to glow slightly, and then seemed to melt and shrink! Fur seemed to pull itself back into the titanic body, which was shrinking and changing. The massive furry belly growing smaller, and shifting upwards as the legs turned back inwards; straightening to became Human. The massive dagger like claws slipped back into enormous if normal hands; the bloodied white muzzle shrank back into a heavy browed, square jawed face, his ears realigned themselves on the side of his head. Long silvery white hair replaced his thick fur, all over the massive mans body. Wearing only a snow white loincloth, covered in slightly glowing runes; the big man rolled his huge shoulders and stretched his back with a light snap sound. Worc knew who he was at once, but the thick limbed man put a finger to his lips in a gesture of silence. Worc could only watch amazed as Arvak Magnusson, (the only man to have forced Granpug the Pit Champion to a draw) walked past him; and squatted in front of Vox.

"Has a mun ban tak'n?" The WereBear asked surprisingly quietly to Vox. Vox sniffled and nodded his big shaggy head. "Wus 'e yur luve?" Magnusson asked strangely, again very quiet.

"Yes!" Vox admitted, his deep voice cracking with the emotion he felt.

"Thun I'll 'elp yun recovor em." The big man answered, making Vox looked up sharply. The Human backed off, and offered the Orc his massive coal shovel of a hand. The big Orc grasped it slowly, and Magnusson effortlessly pulled him to his feet.

"How....." Worc started, but the Human waved towards the houses, and shook his head. Worc nodded in understanding- the walls had ears. Vox reached for Wast's sword and stumbled forward heavily. Worc could see the dark blood running from the many wounds that cover his powerful body. "He needs help." Worc stated obviously. Magnusson nodded his massive head towards the still unconscious Custard. "And him." Worc said plainly. The massive man pulled Vox's bleeding arm over his shoulder, and waited as Worc picked up Wast's sword and tucked it into his belt. He then picked up Custard and let Magnusson lead the way down the street.

Chapter 9

Masks uncovered

As darkness closed in around them, and the lights from the city twinkled like stars on water. Magnusson lead them quickly to a massive, rambling building just off Arena Street. The massive double doors were locked, but the big man produced a key from somewhere. Idley Worc wondered where he'd been carrying it, as they hurried into the massive room beyond, the door slamming shut behind them. The long room had once been a warehouse, Worc had been in enough of them to know the lay out, but this one had been converted into a gymnasium. Magnusson laid the wounded Vox on a padded massage table and then hurried over to a number of low cabinets along one wall; above them on the second floor heavy foot steps could be heard. Worc listened intently as they crossed the floor, and came down the wide staircase.

"Back fer more trainin'?" A deep guttural voice asked, sounding amused. "Nervous aboot your up comin' defeat...I promise I'll not hurt ya...to bad." Worc's eye flew open wide as he recognised the massive Orc standing on the stairs.

"Granpug!" He breathed throatily; his eye's wandering over the Orc champion's massively muscled body. Clad in only a tiny fur loin cloth, much like the one the bear wore. His huge naked body was magnificent to behold, a light sheen of oil making his powerful muscle appear to move like liquid.

"Whats all this...then?" The massive Orc demanded, as he tromped down the last few steps; and out into the room.

"Need yer 'oard's -o- healin' elixir." Magnusson explained, even as he was pulling the armour and shirt from Vox. He began treating Vox's many wounds with the amber coloured liquid without waiting for permission. Granpug looked them over coldly as he moved closer.

"Yer lookin' worse fer ware Merchant." He snorted at Worc. "That whelp seriously wounded?" He demanded.

"N..No.." Worc stammered, he'd seen Granpug before of course; but the big Orc champion had never spoken to him. "He was hit with a Goblin sleep dart."

"Goblins!" Granpug spat. "Ya should keep better company country boi." Granpug growled at Magnusson. The big Human just flashed him a smile, as he worked on bandaging Vox's wounds.

Grandpug stomped over closer, and took Custard off the unresisting merchant. Worc drank deeply of the Champion's musky scent, and burned the view of his massive body into his memory. Grandpug turned, and walked a short distance to a pile of straw wrestling mats; where he placed the sleeping boy. The sight of his broad shoulder's, powerful back, butt and thighs got Worc's organ stirring; and growing hard.

"elp me hara!" Magnusson growled, suddenly cutting into Worc's silent body worship. Worc blinked, and then turned quickly to the table; where he helped hold the semi-conscious Vox down. As the massive Human stripped him down, noting Orcs wore nothing under their kilts, skilfully treated ;and sealed the many wounds. "We're luuky they'ere not usin' poisen!" Magnusson rumbled, as he rubbed thick slave; and potion into the sword cuts.

"Why where you attacked?" Granpug asked stalking closer, but never up to where they where working. Worc looked at Magnusson, who nodded his big blond head slightly. Trying to avoid starring at Granpug, or Magnusson's bodies too much; Worc related the story from his meeting at the Watchtower. When he got to the part where Magnusson came to their rescue, he faltered making eye contact with the big Human. Who shook his head slightly, which was all Worc needed; to change the tale from a WereBear to a simply Human Magnusson rescuing them. The big man smiled slightly at him pleased as he finished the tale.

Granpug stood there his arms folded across his enormous chest, as Worc finished the tale. Silence reigned for a long moment, then the big Orc snarled. "A great pledge Arvak, how's do ya plan on findin' the missing man?"

"Aye 'hat's where I wus hupin' ye might be 'elpin'." Magnusson admitted. "Adter ull I'm nuw tu thss city." He pointed out grinning at the scowling Orc.

"Hum.... Yer stretching things a bit!" Granpug rumbled with a chuckle. "It was a risk bringing these three here as it was!" He gestured at the sleeping Vox.

"Mayhaps, bot I knuw ye're a decent Urc; en thy'll 'elp folks un daneger. I knuw ye give tu charity, I knuw ye're wurkin' with childrun from tha Warrens; tu fund places fer 'hem tu luarn. I knuw ye uwn several schuuls.....need I gu un?" Granpug starred at the Human somewhat shocked;

"How did.......?" He started.

"Simply usked arund. tis nu big seacret, especially umungst yer fans. Usk tha Merchunt 'ere, I'd weeger 'e cun reel uff hundreds uf fucts abut ya." Granpug looked sharply at Worc, who gulped; and nodded speechless.

"Is this true?" The Champion demanded.

"Errr....ahem....yes." Worc confessed feeling aroused, and intimidated by the two giants infront of him. He reeled off twenty, or so ‘facts' about Granpug the gruesome Champion of the Pits. Granpug threw his head back, and roared with heartily laughter.

"All my attempts at living a quiet, private life; all my hype as the dastardly fiend of the pits! All for nothing!" He looked over at Worc, and smiled. "Some of those are wrong too merchant, I don't get my tailoring done at the place you mentioned." He grinned a big tusked smile, and stuck out a shade sized green paw in Worcs direction. The merchant grabbed it, and was given a surprisingly light friendly handshake. "What's ya name friend?" The Champion rumbled.


"Guud ta meet ya. Nuw lets be gettin' yer warriur friend uver 'ere, sumewhere mure warm and cumfurtable." Magnusson nodded, and picked up Vox's limp naked body. Granpug picked up Custard, like the boy weighed nothing; and indicated they should accompany him back upstairs. Granpug led them past an office packed with promotion stuff, and into a much warmer; and larger room down the corridor. Worc was surprised by the plainness of it all. No ostentatious luxuries; the table, chairs, and chests were solid oak designed to take the champion's weight. The floors were carpeted, and the windows glazed. But apart from that, the walls where bare of tapestries; or panelling. And where plain stone and plaster, the roaring fireplace was also plain white stone; and un-carved. Granpug kept going through this living room, and into his solar behind it.

"Put him on the bed." He rumbled, gesturing at the massive oak four poster wedged into one corner. Magnusson nodded, and lay the warrior upon on the down filled mattress; covering him with one of many scented furs that covered the bed.

There was another fire going in here, and Worc could see through an open door to a bathroom beyond; the sweet smell of a scented bath filled his nose. "I was about to bathe." Granpug explained, opening the door to a closet behind him. "But it looks like you need it more Worc." He said in a soft teasing voice, turning to throw a towel big enough to cover him completely; at the merchant. "You go use it." He ordered firmly.

"I couldn't..." Worc started, but a firm glare from Granpug, was enough for the merchant to give in; he nodded walking into the bathroom without another word.

A few minutes into his bathe he was half asleep, while up to his neck in the richly scented warm water. Worc was surprised when the door opened to admit Magnusson, the Human walked up to the side of the massive bath; and looked right into Worc's eye's.

"I will juin ye!" He announced plainly. Worc could only nod in pleasant surprise, watching as Magnusson stripped off his loincloth. Revealing himself to be as big between the legs, as he was everywhere else! Worc caught himself drooling, as the big huumon climbed into the hot water, at the other end of the tub. The water level rosing so far, so quickly, he had to adjust his position; or be swamped. "Thank ya fur nut telling the whule truth in yer tale uarlier!" The big huumon grunted after settling into position.

"It seemed the right thing to do." Worc said diplomatically. "Something told me you had not shared the information with Granpug."

"I 'ave nut, and I hupe ya will be keepin' it quiet as well." Worc stared at Magnusson for a few moments, the water neck high on him; only reaching to the Humans hairy nipple line.

"Why wouldn't I?" He asked in a quiet voise. "I know you are not ‘Omac', and there have been no reports of wild bear attacks in town until tonight. I have no one to tell, no none who would be interested." He was lying of course, the information was worth a fortune to the right people.

"Ya're a merchant, and ubviuusly a fightin' fan; uf cuurse ya 'ave sumeune tu tell! I am nut that fresh uff tha muuntains Wurc!" Magnusson growled.

"All right, all right. I do. I know I could throw the whole fight if that got out. BUT I am not going too." He stated, his jaw firmly set.

"Why? Why wuuld ya nut? It cuuld make ya a rich Urc!" Magnusson pointed out his bright blue eye's narrowing to slits. Worc moved round the bath, and touched Magnusson's furry chest right over the heart; starring into those deep eye's then answered very quietly.

"Because of what you said tonight, it seemed to come from in here." He tapped the massive chest muscle's. "I guessed you where out tonight, not because you needed too hunt; but because you wanted to help. Am I right?" Magnusson lifted Worc's hand, and held it cradled within his two massive one's.

"Aye ya arre. I 'ave talked tu many fulks abuut tha Umuc creeture, un I wanted tu see if I cuuld be trackin' tha beasty. I caught a scent, but it led tu tha Gublins; nut tha fiend. Guud jub I did..Hah!" He chuckled derisively at himself, and let go of Worc's hand. Worc smiled at him, and turned to swim back to ‘his' end. "By the Thunder Gud! Huld!" Magnusson rumbled, distress in his deep voise. Worc glanced back over his shoulder at the giant huumon. "Yer back is veraly bad burnt!"

"Fylax rained fire down on us." He pointed out, tho' honestly he hadn't noticed the pain until now either; strange how those things work out.

"Cume 'ere!" The big bear ordered, reaching up he grabbed a bottle from one of many on the shelves. "Granpug always keeps gnumish salves fur burns, und tired muscles in 'ere. Let me wurk une untu yer back." Worc nodded, and turned slipping around backwards in the tub. He felt Magnusson spread his legs, but he kept backing up until he bumped into something hard! Worc guessed was not the Werebears hairy belly, and infact he could feel the hot throbbing muscle laying against his lower back. Magnusson said nothing, but lifted the Half Orc up; by pushing him onto his closing thigh's. Worc felt the soft sac, and their firm orbs wedge into his ass crack; but the burn patch was out of the water now. Magnusson slicking up the palms of his hand's with the salve, then began to rub the merchant's tired, burnt muscles soothingly.

Worc exited the bathroom, having learned a lot about Granpugs extensive tastes in bath scents, and salts; Magnusson had doused him all sorts of smells and slaves. He felt really awake, his bruises gone, his muscles relaxed and mind refreshed. The Werebear had even lifted him from the tub, and laid him down on the specially built table; where he had massaged every part of him; well almost every part. They where both aroused, but neither made a move for the other. Worc could not help feeling to gulity, Jon's face popping into his mind; no matter how much Arvak turned him on. Magnusson had wrapped him in his towel, and sent him out still hard; but feeling relaxed. And better for having allowed nothing to happen between them. Vox was still asleep on the bed buried up to his neck in furs, Custard had been put on a small pile of furs near the fire, his clothes folded and lain close by. The sight of the boy cooled Worc ardour, and moving across the room; he found a clean loincloth laid out for him. He would of liked more, he was not a fighter after all; and felt rather small compared to the behemoths surrounding him. He shrugged thinking. 'beggars cant be choosers' . As he dressed in the almost too big garment, he moved out into the main room; where he could hear Granpug moving around. The Champion took one look, and gave him a big laugh as he came into the room.

"You look like a fighter just beginning his trainin'." He chuckled. "Dressed in his old man's loincloth, with something to prove!"

"Oh I have nothing to prove." Worc muttered. "And I'm sure not a fighter!" The laughter disappeared from Granpug's face as quickly as it'd came, and he stalked quickly up to Worc. Prodding the merchant's chest with a thick finger agressively.

"Your a fighter!" He growled deep and angerly. "You've got Orc blood." "We will always be fighters." "Beneath those silks of yours still lays an Orc's heart, your soul still and orc's soul." "Your Human blood means you can use your head as well." "Never, never forget that!" "If there is something you want, then you will fight for it." "It is part of our way!" Granpug stepped back, and composed himself. "Sorry." He apologized, after a moments thought. "I see so many Orcs in the city that have given up, been defeated by the systems." "Beaten by the Huumon ways, losing all their Orc ways; becoming Huumon in all but face." "They becomes weak, useless, acceptin' of their place on the bottom; not prepared ta fight back. To better them selves, which is why Orcs came to this city in the first place!" "When I see Orcs like that, I want to shake ‘em; and shout ‘remember who ya are!' "There are Humon slaves in this place, that are better off than many of the working free Orcs." "It is wrong!"

"My father left the City rather than lose the old ways." Word admitted quietly sitting in one of the massive chairs. "I always thought him wrong, that the old tribal ways where primitive and..." Granpug cut him off, with a surprisingly soft admission.

"Some of them are." "I did not mean we should go back to living in caves, and warring on each other." "I did not mean we should go back to the dark days, when we warred on the Huumons; Elves and everyone else. Just because we could, or over petty things like who had da highest mountain." "I mean Orcs should remember their strengths, remember they can work together. Remember they work best tagehter, not apart like the Humans have taught them.

"Su why dun't ya lead 'hem?" Magnusson asked from the doorway, again dressed in his white runic loincloth.

"Me?" "I'm no leader Arvak." "Who would follow a pit fighter?" "Its people like our merchant friend here who needs to lead, who needs to pull the Orcs here out of their own pit."

"It strikes me, thut ya can du mure 'han ya think." Magnusson said quietly. "Mayhaps if ya let tha mask uf ‘unly bein' a pit fighter' slip fur a bit, ya'd see tha leader; 'hat I as un uutsider cun see."

"Ha." Granpug snorted sounding less certain. Looking back, and forth between the two men; Worc got the feeling this was an old debate. Fascinating as it was he found himself drifting off into sleep in his chair.


Commander Simmons received his morning briefing, from the Sergeant of the local Watch tower to his modest Captain's house on Jordan's Promenade. He had insisted on a morning briefing before he headed for Olrrick's gaol, it allowed him to keep on top of things. On the streets, before he slipped into the world of politics, budgets, and bickering Captains. Sometimes he already missed the street work! There was only two pieces of real news, another 'Omoc' murder; more disturbing because it took place within a building (a first). And what seemed to be the outbreak of warfare between rival Goblin Clans. Twenty two had been found in a side road, ripped apart by spell; and it seemed Goblin Warwolves. There were No witnesses to this highly unnatural event...naturally. There were also amusing tales of a great white bear loose within the city, on the surface it seemed a ridiculous story. But the more he thought about it the less amusing it became, if such a beast were loose within the city. It would have to be some rich noble's pet, or some mage's lab animal.

After the Sergeant left, Simmons helped his wife attend the children. Alessa had employed a helper, but the young Human woman seemed to have no patience with the children. Simmons made a mental note, to sack her as soon as he could. 'I must remember to sort out proper staff!' He reminded himself once again.

"You will remember Daddies dinner party tonight won't you?" Alessa asked him as the breakfast dishs were cleared away.

"Do I a choice?" Simmons asked, leaning over to kissing his wife's rosy cheek.

"Nope... none what so ever...none of us do... you know daddy." She admitted smiling at him. "Besides daddy says he has some news for us both."

"Great!" Simmons grunted wincing with a distinct lack of enthusiasm.

"Cheer up!" She conjoled. "You two are soo alike â€" damm stubborn!" Simmons stuck his tongue out at her, as he gathered things and hurried off to work.


It had been a strange night for Worc, first receiving a black mail note, then the Goblin attack; and finally meeting both Magnusson and Granpug. He woke in a strange bed of furs, with everything spinning crazily in his head. He recognized Granpug's solar, after a few moments; noting that Vox and Custard still slept. From the light coming round the shutters, he guessed it was early morning. The fire had dampened down, but the room was still pleasantly warm. Worc climbed out of the furs, and found he was still in the loincloth. Amazingly he felt very good, no soreness in his wounds nor stiffness in his muscle's. He went to the bathroom, draining his full bladder; and fondling his morning erection a bit. Then wandered into the main room, both the giants where still there. Somehow both of them seemed even more massive, with the early morning light playing across their thickly muscled bodies.

"Ah just the Orc!" Granpug said, as he stood from his early morning stretching.

"Simple questiun." Magnusson announced. "Huw much danger is tha boy in?" Worc cleared his throat, wondering that himself; then said thoughtfully.

"Well, if Fyalx took Wast in place of Custard, then probably less than he was; certainly." He looked back and forth between the two titans. "Why?" He inquired meekly.

"If we arre tuu gu adter 'his Gublin, I dun't want tha bui anywharre near ut hand." Magnusson explained forcefully. "Granpug knuws sume fulk, whu cun luuk adter tha bui; get'im well uut uf tha way." "Sumewharre safe, and pussibly later intu schuul, und tha Guds willin' with a family."

"If you think it for the best..." Worc answered surprised.

"We do!" Granpug rumbled, his rich voice making the statement more of a command.

"Then he is in your care, I guess?" Worc replied, sinking onto a chair.

"Good settled." "I have sent for a coach. to take you and Vox where you want to go." "Probably better, if you travel before any people can spot you with us." Granpug said firmly. Worc nodded his agreement, as Granpug walked over to him; and motioned for him to stand.

"I am Granpug, and you are a friend of mine." "From now on if you need something you come to me!" Suddenly he pulled the Merchant into a deep hug, Worc felt his organ go steel hard. As the massive Orc champion held him, and then dropped him back down onto his feet.

"Errr...how about some tickets to the fight!?!" He gasped suddenly, making both Granpug and Magnusson burst out laughing.


With the still sleeping Vox (the potions and salves should wear off in the afternoon Granpug said) safely back at the Hind, and Watt brought up to date. Worc made his way home, both Watt and Cairn had offered to see him there; but Worc had refused. They were both needed in the Hind, and besides the Merchant needed time alone. 'So much had happened!' He already felt slightly guilty, for taking advantage of Magnusson and Granpug's good natures. By begging the Fight tickets off them, and borrowing the clothes he had on from Watt, only made things worse somehow.

Trotting down the steps to his basement abode, Worc started down the hallway towards his door. When something caught his eye, the door to the empty apartment next door was standing ajar. He paused curiously, as the scent hit his nose, one whiff told the Half Orc it was cum; and lots of it. Worc pushed the door all the way open, and looked into the main room. It was empty of furniture, but the hall lamps reveled a pile of clothing, and huge watery puddles of cum around one roughly clear space on the floor. Something was wrong here, he stepped in further; and realized he recognized part of the tabard sticking out of the clothes pile. Bending over he pulled it clear, the sword and belt clattering to the floor as he did so. He froze in shock, not only was this a Watchman's tabard; but one sniff told him it was Jons! Quickly he took another look around, the space between the cum puddles was Human sized-ish. Frightened thoughts went through his head, had Jon come here looking for him? What had happened here? He took a good look at the cum puddles, and realized they where yellowish-white; only Goblins had cum that colour. Mixed in with it, was some pure white cum; that could only be Huumon. Jon had been here, Worc was certain. He grabbed the clothes, and weapon. Slamming the door behind him, Worc almost ran down the corridor to his own door. Fishing the brass key from the sporran he wore over the leather kilt, Worc quickly opened the door. The magical light globes within were shining brightly, as they always did, he slammed the door behind him' and quickly locked it.

Worc entered his bedroom, and put the pile of Jon's things on his bed. Then stripped from his borrowed clothes, and went to replace them with some silks from his clothes chest. But something stopped him, and he returned to the pile of Jon's things, he picked each garment up in turn. Pressing each one to his flat Orcish nose, drinking deep in Jon's scent from them. He couldn't explain it, but that smell moved him closer to Jon, closer to something he couldn't explain, something he needed. His cock limp and forgotten since his morning erection, began to jerk up growing hard; and knew he couldn't stop himself. He climbed onto his soft bed, pulling Jon's things with him; as he inhaled the huumon's sweet scent. "What is it about you Huumon?" He muttered quietly to himself, he was hornier than he could remember being since... well sine that night in the alley behind the Hind. He rolled around on his bed, burying himself in the smell of Jon, getting more and more aroused. Worc rolled himself up onto his shoulders, his knee's coming to rest beside his long pointed ears! As the big spade shaped glands of his own organ prodded his thick lips. Opening his wide mouth, Worc allowed his own cock head to slip between them. The hot velvety soft head lay throbbing on his tongue, placing him it that odd zone of dual pleasures. He loved being sucked, most every male did; but then he loved sucking too! The feeling of that soft, smooth flesh over the hard springy muscle, the sensations of it sliding in and out, over his lips and tongue! He curled his long slick tongue around his hard on, caressing the outer rim of his big spade shaped cock head. Dual wave of pleasure flooded his brain, grasping his buttock's with both powerful hand's. He pulled down feeding himself more of his own organ, as he began the wonderful suction now. Fully lubricated with his saliva, the big throbbing organ slid in and out faster. With one hand he began stroking the base of his shaft, and gently rubbing his own floppy ball sac. The taste of his own sweet pre filled his suckling mouth, as he felt his arousal building. His mind drifted to fantasies of Jon, of suckling on the Huumon's surprisingly large organ; of Jon lovingly suckling on him! His lips and tongue became more fawning, and eager as he fantasized. Lost in the pleasure of his fantasies, and his own avid mouth time became meaningless, and he found the surge of orgasmic pleasure thunder through him much too soon! His own hot gooey seed exploded on his tongue, spurt after spurt it filled his mouth; before he let the thick gooey fluid slid slowly down his throat!


Simmons glanced up from his work, as his office door opened sharply.

"The mage Avery Lyndel is here to see you sir." Vanasa announced, holding the door open; as the richly garbed Mage strolled into the room.

"Thank you Vanasa...it's about time for lunch." "You might was well go now." Simmons offered.

"Thank you sir." "Would you like me to bring you anything back?" The pretty young Elf girl asked.

"No thank you...the wife packed mine." Simmons answered, watching as she closed the door behind the mage.

"How is your Apprentice?" Simmons asked as the Mage walked over. Avery laid a small bundle on Simmons desk, and then took a seat.

"He is as well as can be expected sir." The mage answered carefully. "I have researched a spell of restoration, I will be trying on him later today."

"So what is this?" Simmons asked waving at the package. The Mage smiled at his Commander, Avery had hoped, he would not have to reveal the fact that he had the Mask of Transformation. But with the Torc of Cy having proven to be so flawed, Avery found he was left with little choice. If he didn't turn the Mask over to Simmons, the Watch Commander would surely go to the Mages Guild; to find another way. They of course would mention the Mask, and since many members of that body already knew Avery owned a copy. Word would quickly get back to Simmons, and the Watch Commander would believe him disloyal.

"Have a look sir." Avery said with a characteristic wave of his hand. Picking the bundle up, Simmons carefully unwrapped it; the mask was very plain. Sculpted from clay, and glazed with a fine white ceramic finish it looked unremarkable; and certainly not magical.

"This is it?" He asked the Mage, arching a single eyebrow.

"Yes... sheer genius." The Mage stated firmly. "Deceptively plain, yet its magic is profound."

"How does it work exactly?" Simmons asked turning the mask over and over in his hands.

"One simply places the mask over ones face, while speaking the incantation." Avery explained. "What could be simpler?"

"And what incantation is that?" Simmons asked.

"Here I've written the words down for you." The Mage said handing Simmons a small piece of parchment. Taking it, and glancing over it, it had thee columns of words and one single line of text.

"The first word controls the time you wish the transformation to last, the second the species your wish to be. The third sets the gender, and the fourth line is the words of power that triggers the magic to work."

"You can change your gender?" Simmons asked surprised.

"Indeed Commander." The Mage assured. "Male to female...female to male, one can explore the other gender." Avery leered. "Of course females must take care not to allow themselfs to be impregnated."

"Oh?" "Why is that?" Simmons asked curiously.

"The magic of the mask will not change a pregnate female into a male." "If one were to be impregnated, he would be stuck as female." "Until he gave birth, and then put the mask back on!" "Of course by then, he might very well have become so femminine that he wouldn't want to change back!"

"Ahhhhhh I see." Simmons grunted. "And if I wish to look like a certain person?"

"That is more difficult Commander." Avery admitted. "You must first place the mask on that beings face, and utter their name and the word of power. Then replace the mask on your own face and utter the time set and words of power."

"Indeed that would be much more difficult." Simmons chuckled. "Especially for spies."

"Yes, that is why the mask was not more widely use by them." Avery explained also chuckling.

"Have you used it?" Simmons asked sharply. "I don't fancy ending up a gelding." Simmons smirked, giving the Mage a dark lewd look.

"Indeed. I can certainly understand that!" Grimacing Avery chuckled sheepishly. "I've used it for the annual mages costumed ball, its great fun really." Something clicked in Simmons memory.

"So you had it all along?" Simmons asked arching one eyebrow.

"Yes my lord." Avery confessed shamefaced. "It is so rare and wonderful an object, I didn't fancy parting with it...if I didn't have to."

"I see." Simmons grunted. "Well that is understandable, I suppose." "This will be most useful...thank you for loaning to me Avery; you can have it back anytime."

"You are of course welcomed Commander." Avery answered magnanimously sweeping his hands out in a grand gesture of giving. "If there is anything more I can do for you sir... please feel free to request it." The Mage added lavishly, as if his munificent knew no bounds.

"Yes one thing Avery." "I'd like a demonstration please." Avery blinked at the Commander request, his eye's going wide. Simmons smiled at him slightly, making a little snipping motion with his fingers.

"Yes sir, I understand." The Mage answered standing, and reaching over to pick up the Mask. "Hmmmm what to do?" He mused, then an idea clicked in his head. "A Satyr perhaps... I went to the ball last year as one." Carefully Avery took off his mages robe, folding it and laying it upon a chair; then removed his silken under garments. Standing before the Watch Commander totally naked now, he placed the plain white ceramic mask over his own face. Then muttered the words of a incantation, choosing a one minute spell duration. The cold ceramic touching his face, suddenly felt warm against his naked skin. Avery lifted his hand away, Simmons saw saw that the mask did not come with it. As Simmons watched the bright ceramic white darkened taking on a golden hue, as the face began to take form. The eye's caught his attention first, large yellow eye's with those odd shaped goat pupils. Thick curly eyebrows grew out as the mage's face, which had distended almost into a short muzzle. Long pointed goatish ears wiggled, as a rough gray mane grew to cover his head. Squat, ugly horns sprouted from his forehead, jutting up and curving back as they grew. Simmons watched fasinated, as the tall mage's body shrank; his leg's twisting and curve into crooked animal leg's. As the leg's took shape, Avery's feet shrank and darkened; forming into small cloven black hooves. Thick rough gray fur began to sprout on the mage's bare leg's, which were how completely animal shaped. Panting Avery leaned on the front of Simmons desk, as the new body took full shape. Then with his short little goatish tail wiggling, Avery stood up; and spun before the Watch Commander. The stopped, smiling devilishly he grasped his furry ball sac and shook it at Simmons. "It'll only make you a geldling, if that's what you want it to do." He assured his voice light and musical, with almost an undercurrent of joy. He pranced around the office on his hard little hooves making clopping noises as he jumped. Simmons was amused to notice that the Mage's furry hand's had not left his shaggy crotch, but continued to fondle and caress his furry balls and long sheath. Soon the Satyr's long pointy pink cock was hanging from his furry sheath. Catching Simmons starring at his long pink organ the Avery Satyr grinned lewdly.

"Ever see a Satyr's cock before?" He purred seductively.

"No." Simmons admitted honestly.

"Like what you see?" The grinning goat man asked leeringly as he stroked his dripping organ.

"You take on the natural characteristic of the creature?" Simmons asked surprised.

"Oh yes!" Avery the Satyr laughed as he moved around the edge of Simmons desk. "Totally I could sire Satyr and Fawns in this form." He explained, as he masturbated only inches from Simmons face. Simmons starred at the long pink pulsing organ, making the Satyr giggle with glee; as his lustful magic worked on the Human's mind. "Wondering how it would taste Commander?" The Avery Satyr purred shaking the long shaft, the pre drops sprinkling into the air. Simmons blushed, for the Avery Satyr had seemingly read his thoughts; the long pink cock did appeal to him. In truth he longed to take it into his mouth and try its strange musky taste! It was a powerful temptation, even though Simmons knew it would be wrong for him to do this with an underling. As the satyr's cock began to drip longer and longer strings of pre-cum, Simmons found himself leaning forwards. His tongue reaching out, catching one of the satyr's long glittering strings of pre-cum. The taste surprisingly sweet, instantly firing a desire to taste more! Then suddenly he was saved, as the Avery Satyr convulsed, jumping backwards; the transformation reversing itself as the time limit ended. Simmons found his head clearing, had he really wanted to suck off a Satyr? "I..I'm dreadfully sorry sir." Avery stammered as his natural shape and mind returned his cheeks flushed bright red. He quickly dressed himself as Simmons chuckled.

"No harm done...and I've learned something about the nature of the mask's magic." Simmons answered the embarrassed mage simply. Avery nodded.

"The Mask can be very powerful sir, some forms are more overpowering that others and require lots of discipline to master successfully." Simmons nodded at the Mages words, wondering what the Guild's ball must have been like; if Avery had been that lewd after only a minute as a Satyr. "Now sir, if that is all you require; I shall be upon my way."

"Goodbye then Avery." Simmons muttered dismissingly, as he studied the parchment; and it's columns of words. Bowing Avery left the office.

Smiling to himself the Mage stood in the empty outer lobby; he quickly chanted his spell of transportation and vanished with a silvery light. He appeared instantly within his own casting chamber, high in the corner tower of his rambling old mansion. Moving quickly to the massive water filled bronze bowl, Avery peered into those sparkling waters and commanded them. An image formed on their rippling surface of Commander Simmons setting his parchment to one side and picked the mask up once again. "Ahhhhh ha ha ha!" Avery chuckled; the spell of location he'd placed on the mask was working perfectly. Now he'd be able to watch everything that would happen within his scrying pool. Within the image Simmons stood, walking over to his office door and locked it. Avery watched amused, as the Watch Commander stripped off his bright dress uniform, carefully folding and setting it aside, in one of the office chairs. Avery studied Simmons naked body, tall and hard muscled; littered with old scars. It was a ruggedly handsome body; the Mage was surprise by the size of the genitalia. Not that those interested him at all, Avery had never felt the slightest desire to be with another male. True he'd used the mask to take on feminine form, and had allowed men to use his then female body for both they're pleasures, but that was different, he couldn't explain exactly how; but he knew it was different.

Charter 10

Family Dangers

Now naked Simmons walked back over to his desk and picked the Mask up. Placing the plain white ceramic thing over his own face Simmons muttered the words of the incantation he wanted. The cold ceramic laying against his face suddenly felt warm against his skin. Lifting his hands away, he found that the Mask did not come with it as he had seen before. Quickly he spun, looking at his reflection within the mirror hanging on his office wall. The image within the mirror startled him at first, the bulk of the Mask made his head and face appear bigger and rounder.

As he watched the bright ceramic white darkened taking on a dark Orcish green. His jaw line began to lengthen and grow wider, squarer; inside his mouth Simmons could feel his teeth changing, growing sharper, stronger in his now purplish gum's. The Mask seemed to fade away as two of his lower teeth grew massive and thick, thrusting out of his mouth, becoming pearl white tusks. His strong nose grew wider, flatter; his eye sockets deepened as the thick Orc brow emerged from his smooth forehead, his eyes turned black, and the light in the office caused him to wince a little. His ears grew pointed and his hair grew much longer and thicker. As his head completed its change, Simmons felt dizzy for a moment, the room around him seemed to get farther away, startled he glanced first down then up and realized that this illusion was caused by his growing in height. His big chest became more massive with each drag of breath; his nipples grew wider, longer and puffed out. Simmons shoulders grew wider, and the thick muscles of his neck flared out as were those of his broad arching back. Between his growing monolithic thighs his male hood throbbed and pulsed mightily, an odd tingling sensation running through it. His already good sized shaft began to grow, longer and wider; grunting in pleasure he watched his low dangling testicles expand to rest further down his legs! At last the transformation stopped, and Simmons looked at himself in the mirror, a smile broke over his broad Orcish face, as he admired his new form.

Slowly he turned looking at himself from every angle he was able to. As he was a big man he was somehow not surprised he'd become such a huge Orc. Still he was not used to such mass! The strength in his body! He flexed his massive new arms, pleased by the huge bulge of his biceps. Simmons was amazed to discover he could control almost every muscle. The big handsome Orc in the mirror turned and danced slowly making his thick well defined muscles jump and quiver. Thick fingers ran up his torso, fingering and pinching his sensitive Orcish nipples.

"Who's your big Orc Daddy?" He grunted jokingly, somewhat surprised by the deep richness of his voice. He ran his thick tongue over his tusks grinning at himself in the mirror.

Simmon's play had awoken his long green shaft and he stared at his long thick green organ which was jutting out as hard as steel. It fascinated him to see this very large green cock raising; and lowering itself without any hand on it. Sitting on the edge of his desk, he watched the big handsome Orc in the mirror play with himself.

"Ho yeah thats it big boi." Simmons panted breathlessly "Show me how you like it done!" Long grayish strings of pre were flowing down his cock length; he rubbed the slick liquid lust over the big aroused organ. A soft slurping sound filled the air, as the Orc in the mirror fucked his own massive fist. He took deep drafts of his own male smell and a line of drool trailed down his broad square chin, as his lubricated fist shot up and down the length of his huge organ.

"Ohooo your likin' that aren't ya big boi." Simmons grunted feeling very wicked, as he rubbed and pinched his own distended new nipples.

"Turn around and lets have a look at that pretty green ass." He growled, lust filling his mind. Slowly he stood and turned around, pulling one knee up on the desk; and pushing his round perfect rump back towards the mirror, looking over his shoulder, still pumping his big fist wildly Simmons eye's devoured the image, getting even more aroused as he did so.

"I'd pound that ass!" He grunted aggressively. Placing the middle finger of his off hand in his mouth, he coated it with hot slick saliva. Then reaching back he slowly inserted it into the tiny virgin pucker; a long loud moan of pleasure escaped the big Orc.

"Heheh you love that don't ya?" Simmons teased, as he thrust the thick finger in as deep as it would go watching the Orc in the mirrors face contort in pleasure/pain. Slurp, slurp, slurp sounds filled the air.

"If you think that's good...wait 'til I put something bigger in there!" He panted masturbating excitedly, driving himself harder. The big Orcs eyes widened as he found his pleasure knot and fingered it roughly; he gasped and moaned loudly as orgasm took him! Simmons pumped his huge green Orc cock sending thick ropes of grayish Orc cum splattered across his desk top, he milked every ounce of pleasure and cum from his thick organ, moaning and growling to himself as he humped the air.

Once the delight of orgasm had past, Simmons was humiliated to see the mess he'd made. The Orc spunk lay in puddles on the hard wooden desk top soaking into the papers and documents; even the lunch Alessa had made him, was covered in thick globs! Taking his own soft linen underwear Simmons sopped and blotted up puddles on the desk; and papers as best he could. Something was tempting him to taste it, to lick up his own warm cum, but he resisted and then spoke the words that ended the Mask's spell, reverting to his own human form. He quickly redressed, wincing slightly as he looked his linen under garments wet with now cold Orc cum- he decided to simply do without. He'd just gotten himself fixed up, when his office door opened startling him as he thought he'd locked it! Vanasa's beautiful face peeked into the room her eyes searching the office. Simmons moved quickly and covered the mask with his arms.

"Something I can do for you Vanasa?" Simmons asked as he recovered slightly.

"No..I..I just thought I heard growls." She confessed.

"I...I was...Err... those were growls of pleasure I was just enjoying my lunch!" Simmons explained, quickly picking it up and taking a huge bite. He got a mouthful of cold Orc cum mixed in with the bread and meat, he chewed for a second. "Amammmmm!" He growled as he swallowed. "Good stuff!"

"Oh!" "Well enjoy sir." Vanasa answered as she closed the door, wondering why her boss had turned so red.

After she left Simmons sat back in his chair and let out a huge sigh. The sensations of Orc form had been amazing. All the power in that body! The raw emotion and aggression! No wonder Orcs had such problems with their tempers and manners, the desire to pleasure himself had been so strong, so, so, demanding! He looked over his ruined lunch and sighed again, time to get something from the shops.


Avery shook his slightly balding head, as he watched Simmons put the Mask away in his desk.

"So he really did want to use the mask just to spy on the Orcs." The Mage muttered under his breath, shocked and somewhat disappointed. He really had been hoping for more erotic entertainment. 'This will prove worth watching in the future.' Avery thought, grinning wickedly; as he cast a spell upon the pool to tell him when the Mask was next used.


Tobias watched the Orc stable hand, as he moved down the long row of stalls. Since it was early evening it was time for the stalls to be cleaned out he knew, but wasn't looking forwards to begin put out into the field. Now that the mares were out of heat, the single huge stallion had been paying more attention to the geldings like him. Kicking, biting, intimidating with his size and strength, but most shocking of all by mounting the cowered gelding. Tobias had not believed his eyes when he'd first seen the big black stallion mount then anally penetrate a poor cowered gelding. He himself, had barely escaped the same fate; only this morning. The dread had built all through the day; this evening it would be his turn! Tobias just knew it; nervous frothy sweat covered his big equine body as he watched the Orc lead the gelding across from him outside. Then just when his tension was at its height, a silvery light flared in the centre of the isle and his Master stepped out of it, looking around the stable for a second.

"Ahhhhh there you are my boy!" The Mage said jovially, as he stepped up to the stall door.

'Where else would I be?' Tobias demanded. 'It's not like I can go out on the town!'

"Hahaha true...true but that's all about to change my boy!" Avery stated with jocund certitude. "I've been in the great library, of the Guild tower ever since your... errr....unfortunate accident." Avery faux solemnity.

'I can see the strain of all those long hours on your visage.' Tobias answered in the same tone. In matter of fact, Tobias could see that the Mage was well rested and flush with excitement. Idle he wondered, if Avery had just come from one of his many lady admirer's bedrooms.

"But not to worry my boys for those long hours of study and research have paid off!" The Mage gloated smugly. Tobias wondered if the Mage had just gotten lucky, or if he'd had some underling do the work; remembering his own experience with Master Avery, he was willing to wager it was the latter. "For I now have the magic to release you from your self made prison!" The Mage explained. Tobias snorted dismissively through his big equine nose...self made prison...indeed!

'Your sure?' Tobias inquired, remembering the Mages earlier; painful failed attempts. Avery smiled patronizingly, as his hand' waved in a dismissive manner.

"Of the five mages in all the world who could cast this spell you're lucky enough to have the very best on your case." Avery boasted, as he gathered the spell components from his robes.

'So you've test cast it then?!?' Tobias asked.

"Upon whom?" Avery snapped sharply arching an eyebrow "besides test casts are for apprentices!" He growled condescendingly.

"Come for your Horse Mage?" A deep voice cut into their conversation. Avery turned and glowered at the Orc stable hand.

"Yes I have" He snapped. "I will be casting a couple of quick spells on him then we'll be gone. Is that a problem?" The Orc looked between the horse, and the angry Mage backed away.

"As long it does not disturb the other Horses guv" he said.

"Well lead them out before we start then!" Avery snapped going back to his preparations.

‘He's a good man that stable hand. Really does know how to look after horses' Tobias murmured.

"Well if you want to stay here under his care then!" Avery said and began to pick up the components he'd arranged.

‘Of course not.' Tobias said quickly recognising one of Avery's moods.

"Then let me get on with it!" Avery said gruffly. Tobias stayed silent and watched the Mage as he worked to construct some sort of tripod with a small dish on top. The stable hand emptied out the last of the geldings as Avery worked then left quickly as the Mage opened the stall door.

Tobias took a step back uncertainly, as he watched Avery place the tripod in front of him and begin his chant. He got concerned when the Mage drew a small ceremonial dagger and nicked himself on the finger, letting the blood drip into the dish. He nickered at the Mage but before he could go further Avery pointed a long finger at him and bright stars and novas exploded before his eyes obscuring the rough wooden walls of his stall. Tobias screamed and whinnied as his powerful equine body convulsed on the straw and manure littered dirt floor. His chest and loins felt as through someone was crushing them in an apple press! His skin burned like every single hair on it was being plucked out all at once. His blood seemed to be boiling, and pain filled his every sense, he could see hear it within his own screams and the cracking and popping of his body, taste it in that strange coppery taste of fear. He could smell in within his own frightened sweat, and feel in within the burning agonizing pain! His transformation into a horse had been so exciting and almost painless ‘So why should this change be so painful? He wondered as at last the bliss of unconsciousness swept over him.

The young Apprentice Mage awoke to find Avery kneeling over him, dabbing his forehead with a damp cloth

"Errr welcome back." The Mage greeted his apprentice with a decidedly uncomfortable look on his sweaty red face. Quickly Tobias raised a big trembling three fingered hand staring at it in a daze for a long moment. The odd fur covered fingers had thick flinty hoof looking nails.

"I.....I'm not really back to normal." Tobias grunted in a surprisingly deep voice looking from his furry hand, to his master's eyes.

"Ahem....well.....no.... the spell failed us both!" Avery said, making it obvious that it was no fault of his own. Avery helped Tobias sit up, so the young mage could look dow over his new form. "You're similar to a Minotaur only equine." Avery explained. Tobias's eyes roved down his huge new body; his arms, chest and legs were thick and massively muscled; his legs where bent backwards like a Minotaur's and ended in huge black hooves. He could feel massive strength this form. Lifting his fuzzy hands he could feel his horse like muzzle, the big round nose and soft mobile equine lips, pointed equine ear's and mane 'Hmmmm maybe this wouldn't be so bad.' Tobias thought as his big three fingered hands explored his powerful new form.

"But, but at least I...I'm whole." Tobias rumbled looking back up into Avery's face.

"Errr... well... magic is an odd thing, it can give you limbs you never had before; such as a tail." Tobias suddenly became aware he was sitting on his own and moved to free it from under his powerful buttocks. Avery stuttered trying to explain "or it can take organs you already had away.....like it did with your...errr.... testicles." The older Mage grimaced "but once the magic has taken one of your original organs away, destroyed them, it seems that it can not bring them back." Avery mumbled sadly.

"Wha.. what are you saying?" Tobias demanded his eyes suddenly widening as it began to dawn upon him. Sitting bolt up right, the young mage quickly looked down at his naked loins, his once Human penis had been replaced by a huge furry equine sheath, but his big leathery horse scrotum remained a shrunken empty bag of flesh!

"By the gods...I'm, I'm still a....a....gelding."

"Well eunuch technically, horse's are geldings, but your not a horse technically your more a man than a horse... men are Eunuchs." Avery droned in his dull lecturing voice.

"What difference does that make?" Tobias cried. "The two words mean the same thing in the end!" The young mage wailed, gesturing to his ruined manhood. "I'm still castrated!"

"Easy my boy... easy." Avery whispered, patting Tobias on his broad furry shoulder gently "There are other magic's. I'm sure I can find away to reverse your unmanning." These words only made the young mage sob louder, as he buried his long equine muzzle in Avery's bright robes. "There...there." Avery mumbled uncomfortably, as he patted the young mage's back; as tenderly as he was able.


As the working day ended, Simmons had bid his staff good night; then hidden himself in the records room. He had planned to change forms, and make sure he was not overwhelmed by Orcish emotions again. However he'd found a shiny serving tray, in the furniture storage room; and couldn't help himself. Finally, a few orgasms later the floor was covered in Orc cum; but he was spent and more in control of himself. Simmons stood admiring his huge naked new form, within his improvised mirror; until he heard the first night watch Wardens trooping in over his head. Realizing he'd lost a little more time than planned, he dressed himself in the rough woolen and leather clothing of an Orcish stevedore. He'd picked up the Orcish garb when he'd nipped out for lunch. He'd had to explain to the storekeeper, he wanted it for a dress up party! Unlocking the storage door, he stomped up the stairs then down the empty hallway. The Sergeant on duty at the front desk, gave him a startled look ;but said nothing. The two Watchmen guarding the main entranceway paid him little notice at all.

Out on the night streets, Simmons made his way down the still crowded lanes. Following his plan he made his way to a number of different Orcish pubs and taverns where he was amazed to find the Mask's magic even enabled him to both understand and speak the vile sounding Orcish tongue! He was also proud to notice that everywhere he went he was receiving admiring glances and even leering inviting stares from both females and male Orcs. He'd been told once that Orc's had no taboos about gender and therefore, for them there where no inhibitions about males having males or females having females, but until this night he'd never truly understood, nor even truly believed it. Now however both seeing the other Orcs, and experiencing being Orcish himself he understood. As he had a few proper Orcish drinks all his Human guilt and shame evaporated, he would have to think Orcish if he was to solve his case..

Aside from his own private revelations, it was the fearfully whispered gossip that Simmons concentrated on. 'Omoc' was the word on every Orcish lip, 'Omoc' the terror, 'Omoc' the devil, 'Omoc' the devourer, it was a name from the deepest, darkest Orcish past, a terrible demon that hunted, and devoured Orcs. A fiend that feasted on their flesh and their souls, growing stronger and more deadly with each soul and keeping an Orc from his rightful place with his ancestors. This shocked Simmons as he had not even known Orcs believed they had souls yet as he moved through the pubs, and taverns he heard it all repeated many times.


Avery watched Simmons move around the Orc bars, gathering information- a gossip that's all the Commander was after all. The Mage becoming more and more bored 'Perhaps this isn't going to be as entertaining as I thought.' He mused, considering releasing the spells on the scrying pool.


Simmons was traveling the dark twisting alleyways moving to yet another Tavern, his glowing Orc eyes piecing the darkness. Suddenly ahead of him, Simmons saw a dark hulking figure move through the darkness, his night vision caught just the profile of a massive horned head. Gasping, Simmons threw himself into a nearby doorway using the walls to hide. Fear gripped his heart as he clutched the hilt of the small dagger on his belt. The thing could only be 'Omoc'! The thought filled his Orc mind with an unreasoning fear and only through sheer force of will was he able to crane his neck forwards peering around the edge of the wall. Far down the alleyway he saw the broad spiked back moving away from him. He let out the breath he hadn't realize he was holding, and then snuck silently out of his hiding place. Down the alley 'Omoc' turned the corner, on his relentless hunt of his enemies. Drawing his pitifully small weapon, Simmons stalked slow and hesitantly after the fiend. His breath rasped in his throat, large cold drops of sickly sweat crawling down his wide Orcish face and neck, every Orcish instinct telling him to flee. Forcing himself to move, Simmons hurried to the corner peering around it fearfully, just in time to see the fiend turn down yet another side passage. Hurrying out of his alley he was glad to see the dim light of a street lamp in the distance. He was pretty close to Sunrise Ave he knew, and all of the main streets were being patrolled heavily as per his own orders. 'Omoc' turned away from the lighted streets, heading back into the dark maze of alleys and passages.

Stepping out onto what turned out to be Sunrise Ave, Simmons looked around quickly. As luck would have it, spotting a pair of patrolling Watchmen headed right towards him. A wide relieved smile split his face when he saw the pair, quickly and silently he gestured for them to come to him. The pair walked unhurriedly up looking at him curiously. Simmons stepped back into the alleyway.

"Whats all this then?" The leader of the pair asked him grumpily. Reaching out with his very long arm Simmons placed a big green finger over the Watchman's mouth.

"Ssshhhhh." He ordered "I track the fiend.... he is very close...having just pasted this wa..." Pushing Simmons hand away from his face roughly, the Watchman took a step back and snarled.

"What are ya fer?" The other Watchman laughed loudly at this, then joked.

"We're pretty close to that buck bar Vinny... maybe he mistook ya fer Jon!" The first Watchman's eyes widen, his face reddening in anger and embarrassment.

"That it?" "Ya green skinned slug?" The first Watchman snarled "Ya mistake me for a piece of ass?" Simmons starred at the pair, confused for a long moment.

"Well E's sure getting em'self an eye full." The second Watchman teased, nudging his partner in the ribs.

"What the hell are you talking about?" Simmons demanded hotly.

"Hey now!" The chuckling Watchman growled. "Don't go get belligerent beast." Then he noticed the naked dagger clutched in the big Orc's paw.

"Don't you understand? You have a chance to catch 'Omoc' a chance to stop the fiend's killin..." He shouted at them. With a solid THWACK! The heavy hickory truncheon came down on Simmons's thick Orcish brow, stunning him for a second. Just long enough for the Watchman's hard boot toe to sweep up, connecting with his big low hanging Orcish testicles. "Uhuuuuu!" He groaned clutching his crunched goodies with both big green hand's and dropping to his knees. "Wha..." He started to ask, but the truncheon came down a second time thumping into the side of his skull. Bright stars exploded before his glazed eyes and Simmons toppled over. Face down on the cold slick cobble stones, he felt the Watchmen's steel toe capped boots slam into his sides again and again even as sharp blows from the thick wooden batons smacked off his broad Orcish skull. Above him the Watchman were cursing and ranting about his Orcish parentage and sexual habits. Then it stopped but Simmons didn't make any attempts to rise, he lay silent and motionless on the cobbles hoping this inaction would appease them, for a moment he actually believed it had, then he felt his rough woolen trousers being yanked savagely down.

"Who's tha piece o ass now." He heard the first Watchman snarl, then felt something smooth and grainy being jammed between his ass cheeks. He knew at once that it was the rounded tip of the Watchman's hickory truncheon! Sliding around the big stick came to rest on the puckered gates of his asshole; Simmons clinched those gates as tightly as he was able, but he could feel the Huumon leaning his body weight against the truncheon's grip and knew there was no way he could keep the huge stick out for very long! Already his muscles had begun to jerk and quiver from the strain, and the Huumon just pushed harder and harder. Suddenly a gruff angry sounding voice barked.

"Let'em go he's learned his lesson." Glancing up Simmons saw a tall balding Half Orc watching them from an open doorway. He wore leather traveling clothes, that had seen better days, but his stance told he knew how to use the broadsword hanging at his hip, though his hands where nowhere near it.

"Aint none o yer concern." One of the Watchmen exclaimed. "Go back in a'fur ya get tha same!"

"If I go in I'm coming right back out with forty -o- me brothers!" the Half Orc growled, his chest puffed out in a confident, almost arrogant stance. "You fellas really wants another riot so soon?" The two Watchmen exchanged glances, obviously either wanted to explain to their Captain why another riot had broken out on they're beat.

"Aint worth tha trouble Vinny." The second Watchman whispered. Standing up straight the first Watchman tore the club from between Simmons's butt cheeks.

"Yu'd enjoy it to much anyway panzy!" He spat, giving Simmons one last kick; then walking away head held high. Simmons watched them go marking their faces in his memory. Kneeling beside him, the big Half Orc helped him to a sitting position; noting his grim expression.

"Revenge will jest get ya killed." He said softly. "Ya can't beat tha Watch...tho' gods know they beat us often enough. Uf wuhja' can be lived with." Simmons looked up shocked, this happens so often they had named it?

"Uf wuhja'...A poling?." He grunted.

"Yeah.. yer first time I take it." The Half Orc said. "Wouldn't count on it being the last one." he grunted, as he helped Simmons to his unsteady feet. "You won't find no healers open this time a night, come on up to my rooms." He offered as he helped pull Simmons rough woolen trousers back up. "I got a bit of Elixir left from my adventuring days I think." Lifting and then ducking under Simmons arm, the stranger slid his own arm around Simmons's waist supporting him.

"Elixir?" Simmons asked befuddled.

"Healin' Elixir." The samaritan explained patiently, sounding like he had experience with explaining things to slow or drunk people. "A few drops o that stuff will fix ya right up." He promised, looking over into the wounded Orc's eyes. Then he shifted his weight slightly and helping his burden along the street.


Avery wrapped his arms around his sides, as he roared with derisive laughter. The Commander of the Watch getting beaten and molested by Watchman under his own command! The Mage thought his sides would split, this was turning out to be entertaining in ways he'd not considered!

"The Orc's will be treated like everyone else living in my district!" Avery repeated the words Simmons had spoken "of yes you have been!" the Mage roared.


Watt lay the stranger down gently on his bed, and then moved down to the trunk at its foot. He hadn't been back to these rooms for a while. Lucky he'd gone to get his whetstone for Vox.

"We'll have ya's feelin' much better ina moment..." Watt promised looking at the stranger awkwardly. "Ahem... don't think I gots yer name friend."

"Bur...uhm." Simmons started then trailed off, as he realized he shouldn't give the Orc his real name.

"Buruhom." Watt repeated. "Like 'Gaku Turuhom' the great swamp kingdom." Watt smiled at the stranger. 'Damn he's a looker.' He thought, wondering how it was that he'd never saw this handsome fellow before. Judging from his amazingly clean clothing, Watt judged that he was a stevedore. Not many full blooded Orc's wore trousers, but those who worked the docks loading cargo ships had adopted the Human practice, it made it easier to hide small or even not so small objects that they had slipped out of the crates they were loading on to the merchant ships. Watt glanced down at his companions baggy trousers they were obviously covering a set of not so small objects! Belatedly, the Half Orc wished he'd taken the chance to look his companion's goodies over; while he was pulling those trousers up.

"Whats your name then?" Buruhom murmured.

"I am Watt." The Half Orc said smiling up at him from the chest. "Ahhh hah here it is." He announced holding up a slender delicate bottle, within it a small amount of glimmering fluid swirled around. Moving back up to stand beside Simmons, Watt took the carefully wetted bottle stopper and dribbled some of the glimmering liquid over Buruhom's bruised, bloodied cheek and cracked head; almost at once the wounds closed healing over without even a scar left behind. Carefully placing the stopper back in the slender bottle's neck, Watt began unfastening Buruhom's soft leather tunic.

"What..." Simmons started to demand, when the grinning Watt cut him off.

"I have ta get to the rest of ya wounds; the Elixir won't soak through leather." Gently Watt opened the tunic, smiling as Simmons struggled out of it for him. Watt's eyes wandered over the Orcs powerful torso, noting the thick thatch of hair; on the great slabs of his chest. Huge dark bruises covered his ribs, the boot toe prints clear on the bruised and swollen flesh. "Ho they sure did a number on you!" Watt grunted, as he spread the healing elixir over the big bruises as gently as he was able. It took sometime for him to treat all the kick, and stick marks on his guests big torso however once he had, Watt reached down to the waist band of Buruhom's woolen trousers. Simmons powerful hand shot out catching the fat Half Orc's wrist. Looking down into his eyes Watt just smiled gently. "Ya'll need it." He said simply, slowly Simmons relaxed his grip; letting the fat Half Orc slip his trousers off. Lying totally naked before the Half Orc, Simmons big green cock stood out semi-stiff.

"Right roll over." Watt ordered softly, licking his lips at the sight of Buruhom's big cock, he was so well hung! Simmons obediently rolled over spreading his massive muscular thighs as he did. Pushing the big round globes of Buruhom's buttocks apart Watt studied the puffy distended orifice. Carefully he picked a long wooden splinter out of the tender bleeding flesh; Watt was impressed Buruhom didn't even flinch. Gently he painted the raw bloody orifice with the sparkling elixir, as the warm liquid washed over his abused hole Buruhom's big Orcish body jerked, making the fat Half Orc doctoring him chuckle as his big rough hands gently kneaded the muscular globes. Glancing back over his shoulder Simmons watched Watt fondle him.

"You like those?" He asked huskily, surprised at how sexually excited he was feeling.

"I likes it all, yous gotts a beautiful body." Watt whispered, slipping his big hands under Simmons body to rub and fondle his now stiff cock and soft ball sac. Slowly Simmons rolle d back over, exposing his excited manhood to the fat Half Orc.

"How about this?" Simmons purred, teasing, jacking one hand up and down his big thick cock.

"Oh yes!" Watt breathed deeply. "It's beautiful." Simmons noticed the enormous tent in the front of Watt's leather kilt.

"Oh I bet yours is just as nice!" Simmons teased reaching over to unbuckle Watt's leather kilt, releasing his big erection; the huge drooling cock flopped out only inches from Simmons face, it was even larger than his own new Orcish organ. "Damn, huge and beautiful." He grunted reaching up to fondle the massive dripping organ, and roll the Orc's big ball's around playfully in his sac.

"Yo...yous really thinks its beautiful?" Watt asked breathlessly enjoying the first caress his organs had had since Lup rubbed him off.

"Oh Yes...very nice." Simmons admitted, find his wide mouth watering as he examined the Half Orc's malehood.

"Then why don'ts ya kiss it?" Watt grunted half teasing, half hopfully.

"Just what I was thinking!" Simmons admitted shamelessly. Opening his wide Orcish mouth, Simmons softly slipped the big fleshy helmet into it. Watt inhaled sharply as he felt the strangers hot wet lip's close over his big cock head. Simmons wet the hot velvety helmet, with his gently suckling lip's. Then grunted.

"Nice kiss, now how about a little tongue." Teasingly he licked up and down Watt's thick lenght, until it was completely covered in his hot slick saliva. Between his own thick thigh's, Watt was nuzzling his soft ball sac. "Don't I get any kissing?" He asked catching Watts eye.

"If you likes." Watt agreed winking, then before Simmons could answer; Watt took his rock hard organ into his maw. Slipping the tip of his tongue down into Simmons foreskin, circling the big fleshy head.

"Damn!" Simmons swore breathlessly. "You kiss good!" Watt looked up grinning wolfishly.

"If'n ya likes it...maybe we's can do it often!?!" Watt asked hesitently.

"Oh I likes it!" Simmons answered positively. Then slipped his own tongue into the deep foreskin covering Watt's thick cock, carefully and studiesly copying Watt's expert actions. The fat Half Orc moaned lustily, as he sucked Simmons long organ all the way into his mouth. Swallowing, letting the rigid organ slide down into his throat; Simmons tried to do the same but found the unfamiliar pressure made him gag.

"Heh...that tricks not so easy." Watt admitted as he pulled Simmon's long organ from his throat grinning. "But all ya gotts ta do is practice." Simmons chuckled softly, as he decided he'd be doing alot of practicing in the future.

As he watched the two big Orc bucks orally pleasure each other, Avery slipped his long smooth fingers under his robes to caress his aroused manhood. It was not the type of erotic spectale the mage had expected, Simmons was a married man with two small children after all. Indeed he'd expected to see the Watch Commander whoring or even using his pretty blond half elven secretary Vanasa. But he'd certainly never expected to see Simmons sucking another man's cock. And never ever would have thought to see Simmons sucking and Orc's cock! So unexpected, the sight was very very arousing for the mage. Slipping his hard cock out of his robes, Avery jacked it slowly as he savour the images flickering within his scrying pool. "No wonder he wants to coddle the Orcs so!" The Mage grunted, leaning on the table holding his scrying pool; as he drew closer and closer to his peak.


Watt panted a long low groaned of pleasure, his huge testicles drawing up. 'Damn this fella sure proved to be a fast study!' He thought. As his big spasming cock, disgorged it's hot thick liqiud pleasure; deep into Simmons subserviently suckling mouth. Resting his balding head on a thick meaty thigh for a moment, Watt bask in the pleasure of orgasm. Glad that he seemed to be getting lucky a lot lately, but then why not; he was a pretty good looking guy. He reflected. But back to the task at hand, quickly he began to suckle hard; on the long stiff cock within his own wide mouth. Simmons lays back on the bed, tossing his head from side to side. Whimpering in delightful pleasure, as he bucked his hip's against Watt's broad face. Watt squeezed Simmons's big balls in his huge rough paw, as his hot suckling mouth plunges up and down his pulsing lenght. Simmons grinned in delight at the rough treatment, thrusting his long organ deep into the Half Orc's throat! Grunting in delight as he felt his thrusts pulling his sac against Watt's rough powerful grip! "Harder!" He grunted, urging the Half Orc on. Watt reached up with his other big paw, gripping and rolling a nipple between his clawed finger tips. Suckling hard on Simmons wildly pulsing cock, licking and drawing as much pre-cum from it's blunt tip as he could. Lusty moans escaping his throat as he kneads the hefty ball's harder still. "Harder..oh yes like that!" Simmons grunts in a savage mixture of pleasure and pain. As his orgasm drews nearer and nearer, his big ball's twitching and spasming in Watt's grasp. Even as watery jets of his grayish Orc pre-cum floods the fat Half Orc's mouth. Watt relentlessy sucked the big thick cock in his wide mouth, running the head against the roof of his mouth. Simmons spread his heavily muscled thigh's, stretching his thick leg's stiffly out to either side of watt's head. Fighting to hold back his orgasm, until the fat Half Orc's tightening grip crushed it out of his spasming nut's! But already he could feel his peak drawing near, the fat Half Orc's eager suckling mouth just felt too good! Watt's off hand releases the thick nipple, sliding down Simmons side; and up under his big round buttock's. The big Half Orc pushes a thick finger into Simmons ass, pumping it in and out playfully. It is so much different an act that the 'Uf ' the tender intimatcy of it shocks Simmons. "More!" Simmons demands lustfully. Gently Watt plunges his other three thick fingers in as well, even as he pulls and squeezes the soft green nut sac. Pinching each one between his big strong fingers, his fawning mouth bobbing quickly along the lenght of Simmons wildly throbbing cock! With four thick claw tipped finger prodding his pleasure knot, Simmons can hold back no longer! "Uhuhuuuuuu yeah!" He grunts as a long powerful spurt of hot thick Orc seed blasts into Watt's hungery mouth. Throwing his shaggy head back, his big body contorts in spasms of pleasure. His thick musclar leg's tensing in time with his orgasmic blasts, as foutains of thick gwooy grayish Orc cum is pumped into Watt's greedily suckling mouth. The fat Half Orc swallows savouring every drop, as his continues to finger fuck Simmons's ass. Letting go of the now swollen nut sac as the orgasm subsides, Watt raises his head from the spent cock. To give his conquest a lewd grin, then stares in wide eyed shock at the new Orc he'd known as Buruhom. Simmons languidly returned Watt's lewd smile. "That was good!" He panted, then noticed the Half Orc's stunned expression. "Whats...?" He started, then noticed his own pale hairy forearm's. "Oh SHIT!" He swore as Watt reached up and pulled the white ceramic mask off his face. The fat Half Orc stared into his eye's for a long moment, then grunted angerly.

"I..I.. knows you!" "Yous that Watch Captain...Simmons.. yous killed Garn!" Watt gasp his brow darkening, as he sat up quickly.

"I'm very sorry about that." Simmons blurred looking up into Watt's angery eye's. "I really don't know what came over me... I've never been like that before!" "And since that day I've done everything I could to make up for my action's."

"Whats you doin' down here?" Watt asked suspiciously. "Lookin fer a Orc ta kill... or do ya just like fuckin' them whiles ya mock theys race wit' ya magics?" The big Half Orc growled his voice becoming low and dangerous.

"I...I'm not mocking yer race..I've come to understand and respect it greatly because of this mask!" Simmons swore so heartfelt and honestly it made the Half Orc blink in surprise. "I am trying to find and stop 'Omoc'." Simmons explained.

"Lookin' likes an Orc!?!" Watt sputtered shaking his balding head. "You's either real brave, ur real crazy...an I can't tell which!"

"Well your people won't talk to the Watch about 'Omoc'!" Simmons pointed out. "I was tracking him earlier...when... But then, I guess I can see why... now!" Watt smirked.

"Yeah, yous found out what it's like bein' on the other end of tha 'Polin' huh Watchman."

"I'm Watch Commander now... I'm going to put a stop to that!" "Things will change.. I promise you!" Simmons assured the fat Half Orc, Watt chuckled shaking his balding head.

"Somethings never change... sides there were times 'a polin' was the only sex I's got fer months ata time." Simmons looked the big Half Orc up and down lustfully.

"Somehow I find that hard to believe!" He mumbled huskily, turning his body around so he could lay face to face with the big Half Orc.

Avery released his spell on the scrying pool, watching wearily as the image within it faded away. Panting in post orgasmic bliss, the mage cleaned his own stick liqiud lust from his fingers. The Watch Commander's adventure had proved eroticly entertaining after all, and the mage was pleased. 'This will prove worth watching in the future.' Avery thought, grinning wickedly; as he cast a spell upon the pool to tell him when the mask was next used.

Charter 11

Family Dangers

"Oi yer guna be gettin' sucha ride!" The pot bellied Dwarf promised firmly, leering over at Tristan; as the human trotted around him. The fat Dwarf had won the bidding on him this time, and so Tristan was his for the night. Sweat covered the human's big pale body, and he was breathing deeply as he jogged around the bedroom. The long braided leather horse whip, cracked against the human's naked ass cheeks. Making Tristan's long cock jump in excitement and stirring him to trot around the Dwarf even faster, with a leash clipped into Tristan's nose ring. Branur guided the human's path, as he watched those beautiful buttocks bounce and tense. "Oi lad ya gutts a sweet arse on ya!" Branur lustfully praised. "I luve breakin' a stallian ta ride!" Most Dwarfs didn't ride horses, and were intimidated by their size and height; Tristan knew. He douted Branur had ever been near a horse, much less broke one to ride! But it was obviously a fantasy of the Dwarf's, the tall human taking the place of a wild stallion. The whip cracked again, raising another long red welk on Tristan's pale round ass; and making his rock hard cock dribble. The human stumbled, falling to his hand's and knee's; his head dropping as he panted for breath. The Dwarfs heavily booted feet approached, making the human glance up head still bowed. "Sa ma proud stallian bruke at last... ready ta be ma little ridin' pony?" Tristan whinnied and nodded his head meekly, making the pot bellied Dwarf chuckled. "Good little pony!" "I gut a treat fer ya...it aint a carrat...but I'll wager ya'll like it!" Branur promised, as he freed his stiff organ from the confines of his leather trousers. The organ was much like the Dwarf himself, thick and fat with a head much bigger than its body; perhaps a half inch shorter than Tristan's own. It looked huge on Branur however, as it was so out of proportion to the Dwarf's short round body! Craning his neck forwards, Tristan lapped at the big velvety fully exposed glans. The big purple helmet fasinated the human, he'd never seen a cock without foreskin before; although he knew some human's had adopted the custom. With his hand's on his thickly muscled hip's, Branur thrust his organ forwards; and tossed his big shaggy head back. "Ahhhhh yah...devour that carrat little pony!" He ordered. Rubbing his tongue back and forth against the underside, Tristan slowly swallowed the big cock! Making Branur moan in delight, as his full lenght was engulfed; Tristan sealed his lip's around the base of the big organ. Suckling powerfully for a moment, before opening his mouth to lap at the Dwarfs hairy ball's; as his throat swallowed and caressed the huge cock head! "Damn ya gutt a talunted tongue un ya little pony!" Branur swore, as he stroked Tristan's bright roan hair. "But I did nut buy ya tu eat carrats... I baught ya fer tha ridin'!" Making sure the big throbbing organ was well coated with saliva, Tristan pulled his mouth off of it; turning around to offer the Dwarf his round perfect buttuck's. "Hahaha ma little pony wants tu be mounted!" Branur laughted. "Whot a slutty little pony!" The Dwarf mocked, as he moved up to stroke; and fondle Tristan's firm round buttock's. Driving his big round cock head against the human's tight pluckered orifice, Branur drew a riding crop from his belt.

"Uhuuu Uhuuu!" Tristan grunted, as the Dwarf's massive cock head forced his tightly drawn sphintcer muscles open.

"Take ut like a stallian ya slut!" The Dwarf growled, as Tristan begins squirming and trying to pull away.

"Uhuhuuu..so..soooo big an..and hard!" The human whimpers, even as his body opens up to take the Dwarf's organ.

"Mountin' ya... Ruttin' ya... Yer no stallion." Branur teased, as he reached around to grasp; and squeeze the human's cock. Which had gone limp, from concentrating to open himself for the Dwarf's impatient peneration. "Yer a pussy pony... My little pussy pony!" Branur growled, as the huge helmet of his organ slipped pasted Tristans gates; and sank deep into him! Branur leaned back, to watch his long shaft thrust sink into the human's hot hole. "Who's tha stallian?" He demanded, as his big cock slid ball's deep into Tristan's body.

"Uhu uhu You... your the stallion!" Tristan moaned submissively.

"Thats right!" "Und who's tha pussy pony?" The fat Dwarf taunted, as he thrusted savagely in and out!

"Uhu uhu uhu M..Me!" Tristan squealed as he began bucking his hip's back to meet Branur's hard fuck thrust's!

"Say it!" The pot bellied Dwarf demands, as he smacks the human's soft ball sac with his braided leather riding crop; making Tristan's limp organ spring up excitedly.

"Pussy pony I'm your pussy pony great stallion!" Tristan squeals in high pitched delight, the powerful muscles of his ass squeezing; and milking Branur's thick cock as he humps back into the Dwarf's thrusting.

"Hahaha!" The Dwarf laughted, delighted that the human was getting into his own private little fantasy game. "Oi ya luvin' that hard stallian cock aint ya little mare?" Branur gloats, as he rams his throbbing malehood as hard as he can into the wanton human.

"Yes...ride me like a stallion riding a mare!" The human begs breathlessly, his long hard cock dangling under him; drooling rivers of slick silvery pre-cum onto the floor beneath him.

"Thats it whinny...whinny luke tha little pussy mare ya'rre!" The fat Dwarf growls into his ear, as he fucks even harder and faster into Tristan's quivering hole. His stubby fingers fondling the human's rock hard cock, as he contuines to mount like a stallion in rut!

"Whinny, whinny, whinny!" Obeys as he feels the Dwarf's rough fingers fondling his drooling organ! "Ohoooo gods my stallion... I.. I'm going t.. to..." Whimpering Tristan bucks his hip's back onto Branur's cock, then forwards into the Dwarf's roughly fondling fingers.

"Goin' tu what ma little pussy mare?" The Dawrf taunted derisively.

"To CUM!" Tristan screams, as he feels his passions rush over they're peak. His huge testicles quiver readying themself's to blast out they're thick gwooy load. Branur chuckled at this admission, reaching over to take a tray off the nearby table. Sliding it under the human's pulsing organ, as he jerked it with his other hand. "Wha?!?" Tristan began, but was cut off by his own orgasm; thick gwooy ropes of white stud milk exploded onto the tray. Quickly forming a big puddle of thick greasy man milk on the silver surface.

"Yer dinner little slut!" Branur explained as he hammered the human's big round ass faster and faster. "Lick it up pussy pony!" Hearing the Dwarf's orders Tristan gulps, and lean's down licking up the cooling spunk; swallowing and sucking more and more cum up. As he watches Branur's thick body begins to jerk and spasm, almost ready to climax. Tristan works his anally muscles like mad, trying to please his Dwarfish master. The pot bellied Dwarf gripped the human's hip's tightly with both fist's, fucking him wildly until he scream's.

"I'm fillin' ya up ya little pussy...hehe!"

"Ohooo ohoooo yes... please fill me like a cream puff!" Tristan pants begging as Branur pumps, and spurts his creamy cum deep within him.

"I'll fill ya tu ya burstin' with ma seed... little mare!" The Dwarf panted, as he collapsed over Tristan's ass.


Ooluk descented the twisting stone stairway, deep into the darkness beneath the city. Like the burial catacombs, these stairways and vaults; had been delved deep into the bed rock. By generations pasted, who use the stone to build the city; that now rested far above. Many such places exsisted, tho' most had been sealed off; and forgotten for centuries. When the deep delving races, had first been allowed into the human city. Many such long forgotten places, had been found; and put to use once more. Down the five hundred, and twenty nine dark stone steps. Across the narrow stone archway, over the dark cold waters. That had seeped in through the solid stone, slowly over hundreds of years. The big Half Orc made his way to the 'Hulguth' a small flat stone island in the dark lake. Ancient runes, and warding circles had been carven into the 'Hulguth's' flat surface. It was a place that reeked of dark powerful magics, and ancient bloody ritual. A long stone altar rested just outside the warding circles, on the opposite side of the small island. A tall slender figure stood behind it, wrapped in a flowing hooded black robe.

"Greetings Ooluk." The dark figure purred softly. The big Half Orc tilted his shaggy head, looking at the slender figure. The wide nostrils of his flat Orcish nose flared, as they sensed the sweet scent of decay. He moved closer, noting the feminine curves within the black robe.

"I know yous not huumon." "What yous doin here?" He grunted, inhaling the sweet scent of rot; that seemed to radiate from the black clad female. "Wheres Fyalx?" Ooluk asked, watching the huumon cautiously. For dark evil power, and confidents also radiated from the black clad female. As a predator, Ooluk knew another predator when he saw one. This was one of the few huumons to be feared.

"The goblin is in the shaman's cave, preparing himself for your ritual." Lilith explained. "It is amost daring ritual you attempt, to subjugate the will of two at once!" "As for what I'm doing here... you are not the only one looking to use the magic contained within this place." "And your dark ritual shall not be the only one casted, upon the 'Hulguth'."

"What yous wants with me?" Ooluk asked carefully.

"At the moment... nothing." Lilith admitted. "If you succeed in your ritual... you will be most powerful indeed." "At that time, perhaps I shall make an offer for your service."

"Until that time, your actions are only an amusement to me."

"I's an amusement." Ooluk snarled darkly.

"Indeed...I know all about "The Ravisher." Lilith purred. "I even have a gift for you." The Necromancer giggled softly, gesturing off into the darkness. Slowly an image formed upon the back ground of darkness. The two Watchmen that had administered Ooluk's savage poling appeared, each locked in a large iron animal cage. The huumons were stripped of they're weapon's, and uniform's; pale and naked. "They are in the basement of a warehouse near Merchants gate...and they are yours to do with as you please." Lilith purred, watching in amusement; as Ooluk licked his thick lip's in anticipation.

"I will make use of this gift." The big Half Orc grunted lustfully, absently rubbing his loin's. "Whats it yous want in return?"

"Only that you remember my gift, when you come into your power." The big Half Orc laughted lewdly, as he starred at the two naked huumon Watchmen.

"This 'ill be somethin' I's remember very long." Ooluk assured her.


Out on the street, Simmons got more than a few odd looks; as his hurried up Sunrise Ave. He'd carefully wrapped the Mask in his cloak, and now carried it as a tightly wrapped bundle under one arm. To where Sunrise Ave intersected the main Promenade, flagging down a passing horse drawn cab.

"Where ya wanta be goin' Gov?" The cabbie asked, as Simmons climbed into the cabin.

"Jordan's..." Simmons started, then realizing the lateness of the hour. "Three Sixty one Gorland Hiegths in the merchant's district."

"Core... Merchants district... that'll be a handsome fare!" The cabbie exclaimed happily.

"An extra two silver lordies if you get me there quickly." Simmons offered, realizing that because of his distraction with the big Half Orc. He'd stayed out much later than he'd wish, and now would be late for dinner with his in laws. His negotiations with Watt for his help in recruiting Orcs for the Watch, and getting the fat Half Orc to keep his secret. Had taken sometime, but he'd made sure Watt had enjoyed getting this poling from a Watchman. He smiled to himself, as he remember the fat Half Orc's moan's of pleasure. And the wide beaming smile, on his broad green face as they parted company. The fat Half Orc had truely enjoyed his commanding, even dominating manner; admitting he'd gladly serve under the human anytime.

"Ow quickly Gov?" The cabbie asked as his whipped his horse into a trot.

"Five minutes ago." Simmons grunted sourly.

"I'll do me best Gov." The cabbie called down, as his whipped his horse into a gallop, guiding the two wheeled cab through the dark narrow streets at break neck speed. Leaning back in the padded leather seat, Simmons reflected on the events of the evening. "He'd seen 'Omoc' remembering the brief glimpse's he'd caught of the fiend sent cold chills down his spine. The monster had been, if anything even more demonic and frightening than the halfers drawing had made him out to be! His time amoung the Orc's had been informative, constructive; and even highly pleasurable. His encounter with his Watchmen grated on his pride, and upset his sense of right and wrong? He'd been planning to weed out the more malevolent Orc haters, now he was forced to rethink this plan. "A new broom sweeps clean." He muttered under his breath, as the cabbie clattered along the cool night streets. Hastily he made a mental list of officers he knew well, deciding that they would make up the core of his training program. Watt had thought, he could muster twenty or so Orc's at once; those few would have to fill the ranks immediately. Paired one on one with one of Simmons trusted officer's, they would learn to job by watching and doing. As the cab raced through Merchants Gate, making the two gate watchmen scream angerly as they leaped back out of it's path. Simmons snorted in amusement at this, his mind drifting to the events to come. Dinner with his pompus father in law, Simmons sighed shaking his head. "It's going to be a long evening." He muttered disgustedly under his breath.


The ancient runes, and warding circles that had been carven into the 'Hulguth's' flat surface; flared brightly as the Necromancer's spell of summonsing was released. A globe of utter darkness formed within the center of the warding circle. And then from the gleaming black orb, tall crooked monsterous shadows stepped. Then more and more until the warding circle was filled with shadows, their eye's a glittering scarlet hell. As the stood motionlessly, the black orb that was their doorway into the world closed silently. "What is your command mistress?" The shadows ask in one cold hissing voice, the whole group bowing before the evil Necromancer. Lilith gestured making a image of 'Omoc' form upon the darkness behind her.

"This is 'Omoc'." He is somewhere within the labyrinth of this city, find him and follow him to his lair." She ordered. "Then report its position back to me." Releasing the magic that bound them within the circle, Lilith watched as her shadowy spies flitted off into the darkness. The shadows would comb the streets, and back alleyways all night; retreating into the void with the rising of the sun. It was a long shot that one of them would find, and follow 'Omoc' back to his hidden lair. But short of sending her undead minions out on to the streets, it was the best she could do. Elron, the ghostly seer she kept as her pet, had not been able or willing to show her. And had payed for that failure with unimaginable agony, for she had tortured his trapped spirit. Her breath deepen in sexual excitement, as she throught of torturing the seer. She crossed the 'Hulguth's' stone archway over the waters, climbing the stone stairway back up to the tunnels. Hold up the memory jewel, she starred into it's sparkling depths; everything her shadows learned would be record within those depths. Her shadow creatures would sense it's location, and return to the jewel; since it was they're escape back to the void. And tho' the air of the 'Hulguth's' chamber pleased her, she could not afford to linger; for other things demanded her attention. Tucking the memory jewel into one of the many hidden pockets, and folds in her dark robes. She fished out a long clear vile, filled with an ugly thick green fluid. A wicked smile spread across her coldly beautiful face, it would ensure the loyalty of her one living minion. Lilith detested having to depend on the living, they were so... unruly so...willfull! The mindless undead were much more to her liking, they would do whatever she commanded without thought or question. Even those few minions whom she's trapped they're souls, had been enslaved and forced to obey her every whim. Even Alavgar that sanctimonious moron, Lilith smirked remembering the horror and disgust in the paladins eye's. When she'd forced his corpse to do her bidding, to pleasure her; first physically in her bed chambers. And then in more intellectual ways by breaking the paladin's vows at her command. His now soiled soul still bound by her dark magic's to his almost fleshless animated bones, guarding the tombs that are her play ground. Still she needed her living minion for the time being, and the time was growing near for her to renew the hold she had upon him. The love crazied fool, would do anything she bid; for a few more months with his beloved wife. How pitiful the fool was, she thought as she made her way through the underground passages. Still it made him her willing servant, and for that she was grateful.

Yan Philbert Ostertog the Justicar's chief Merchants Guild representative paced the opulent study of his townhouse. Pausing only occasionally to refill his wine glass, waiting how he hated waiting. Tall, and lean with blond hair so pale it almost appeared white, he was considered one of the handsomest men within the city. What was not so widely known, was that he was also one of the most unobtainable. For the Justicar was obcessed with his late wife, so obcessed he'd taken her from her tomb. So obcessed he'd tread deeply into darkness, so obcessed he'd made a pact with the devil; or at least the nearest thing that could be found within this world! The secret door behind the bookcase swept open, and a dark robed figure glided into the room. Turning quickly Lord Ostertog confronted the black clad woman anxiously.

"You are late!" He exclaimed his voise quivering, both angerly and fearfully.

"One is never to late with the dead." Lilith purred, a cold gloating sneer twisting her pale beautiful face. The Necromancer held up the clear vile with it's foul looking green contents, swinging it teasingly before the Merchants eye's. "Your love shall remain with you for another cycle." She purred.

"Hurry she wastes away even as we speak!" The blond Justicar cried, his voise breaking; as tears filled his bright blue eye's. "Cold and gray she lays in our bed as she layed within her tomb!" Turning he hurried through the studies side door, and into the bedroom beyond; Lilith trudging along behind. Upon the opulently appointed bed the withered corpse of a tall red headed woman lay stiff and pale. Walking over slowly Lilith carelessly threw the covers off, then using a short bladed dagger cut the silken night gown off the corpse. Pouring the foul sickly green fliud over the dead woman's withered rotting flesh, she used one gloved hand to massuage it in. Almost at once, the desicated flesh soften; changing from a foul rotting gray to a healthy pink. The corpse soon showing the full blush of life, then it took a long shuddering breath. The eye lid's fluttered, then opened revealing the sparkling emerald eye's beneath. As the woman slowly sat up, she looked down at her own nakedness; then smiled at them both.

"Time for our threesome already?" She asked innocently.

"Danra!" The blond Justicar sobbed, kneeling at her side taking one soft hand into his and bringing it to his lip's.

"Yan...your always so eager." She purred, stroking his blond hair gently.


Master Merchant Oscar Broadhook stood leaning on his mantle fuming quitely to himself, as he stirred the fire. Behind him he could hear his wife and daughter talking happily, as his teenage son Otto played with his daughters children. He tapped the poker on the hearth stones ringingly, then slipping it back into it's rack.

"I'm sure he'll be here soon daddy." Alessa Simmons assured. "He has a lot of responseiblities with taking office, and his investiagtions."

"Into a few random Orc murders." Oscar muttered sourly. "Like we don't have too many of the beasts in the city anyway."

"Daddy!" "What a terrible thing to say!" Alessa Simmons scolded.

"Well it's true..." "Have you ridden though the warrens lately?" Her father asked, shaking his head.

"No!" Alessa admitted. "And neither have you I bet." "What business would you have down there anyway."

"My business takes me to all parts of the city." Oscar grunted, his face reddening as he picked up the poker once more. And turned back to the fire, poking at the glowing coals savagely; making sparks leap up. The doubles doors opened smoothly, and the finely dressed butler stepped to one side announcing.

"Watch Commander Burl Simmons." Burl strolled into the room boldly smiling as his wife rushed into his arm's.

"My apologies for the lateness of my arrival."

"That quite all right dear." Alessa Simmons purred as she snuggled into his arms. "We've had great fun catching up on the events of the day." She announced happily, trying to head of any complains or agruements her father might start. Across the room Oscar Broadhook scowled angerly, as he replaced the poker into it's holder.

"By the gods man what are you waring?" Mr. Broadhook snapped scowling. "You look like a common dock worker!" Simmons looked down at the over sized orc stevedore outfit he was garbed in, then over at the others in the room in they're formal attire; and smiled weakly.

"It was part of a disgiuse." He answered mildly.

The butler, who had not moved from his spot by the open doorway; cleared his throat and announced carefully.

"Dinner is served." As the others filed from the room, Alessa Simmons hugged and kissed her husband passionately. Whispering to him, as she watched her father leave the room.

"Daddy isn't in the best of moods."

"I figured as much." Simmons whispered back, as he escorted his wife out of the sitting room; and down the hallway to the dining room.


The meal went well enough, with the conversation staying light. Topic's ran from the price of salt, to Simmons investigation into the strange murders. Across the table, Otto Broadhook listened carefully; as he always did when his brother in law talked about his work within the adventurers district. It was one of the many places within the city, the rich pampered youth was never allowed to go. Consequently he often day dreamed about the strange people, and things that when on there. Carefully watched by his fathers servants, and the Deans at his private school. Otto rarely got to indulge his curiousity about things outside his sheltered world. His father however quickly changed the subject, saying such things should not be talked of at dinner. The rest of the conversation bored the youth, still he kept his eye's glued on his hero across the table. His brain filled with images of swashbuckling action, and gratefully busty young maidens. All willing and eager to fulfill his every lustful desire, old Jenny the maid was clearing away the table. When Otto's mind slipped out of his fantasy, Alessa and his mother were headed towards the nursery. While his father and Simmons retired to the study for after dinner brandy. Hastily Otto hurried after them, just slipping in the door as Macorun the butler was closing them. He took a seat in a big over stuffed chair in the corner. Watching as his father pour Simmons, and himself a bit of brandy. Then the elder Broadhook took a seat nearest the fireplace, leaning back in the huge over stuffed chair. His dark eye's studying his son in law for a long moment, as they silently sipped they're brandy.

"How is your investigation coming?" He asked, then before Simmons could answer. "It shouldn't be much longer, Right?"

"We're getting close." Simmons interjected, his mind flashing back to his sighting of 'Omoc' earlier that evening.

"I'm glad to hear that." Oscar growled. "Your wife and family need you home at night." "Part of being a good manager is learning to delegating responsibility."

"Five years as a sergeant, and four more as a Watch Captain." "I know how to lead men, how to delegate responsibility; and whom to trust with it!" Simmons answered angerly.

"Yes I'm sure you do." Oscar answered surpisingly mildly. "Honestly Burl I am amazed, and gratified to see you come so far so fast." "Watch Commander at so tender and age, it justifies the faith my daughter has in you."

"I have but done my duty to lord and city." Simmons answered, wonder where all this sudden buttering up was going. He knew his father in law well enough to know, the only time he used butter was to lube someone up for a good screwing.

"Yes, but you did it very well; better than anyone else." "Watch Commander is a very important, but more significantly lucrative position." "You are a man of great consequence now Burl, powerful; influential." Oscar leaned forwards suddenly and handed his son in law a rolled up parchment. Simmons winced to himself, he'd not even seen Oscar taking it out! Arching one eyebrow he asked cautiously.

"Whats this?"

"The deed to a home more befitting your more significant position in life." Oscar explained as Simmnons unroll and read the parchment quickly.

"First of all I have a home." Simmons started.

"That hovel!" "It's barely fit for a ten silver a week bachelor Watch Captain!" "Much less a married Commander of the district." Oscar scoffed.

"Secondly it's not even in my district!" Simmons growled through gritted teeth.

"Oh don't be naive my boy." Oscar snapped. "No Watch Commander has a home any lower than the merchants district!"

"This place is only a block up the hill from here." Simmons noted as he glared at the deed in his hand's.

"Yes, close enough to Merchants gate, so your ride to Olrrick's gaol; will be but a short one." Simmons grit his teeth and messuaged his forehead as Oscar babbled on annoyingly."

"P..perhaps one day you could... t..take me on a tour of Olrrick's gaol." A soft hesitent voice asked from the corner. Somewhat startled both men turned to look at the chubby teenager. Simmons found his voice first and answered with a smile.

"Surely Otto when I get a chance."

Oscar glared harshly at his son, shaking his head angerly. "Adults are talking Otto!" "Go to your room." The youth's face flushed with embarrassment, and he quickly stood.

"Yes father." He spat angerly, he was hardly a child. 'I'll be seventeen winters in six more days!' He thought hotly as he hastily slipping out the sliding doors into the hallway. Cautiously Otto peered down the hallway, not a servant was in sight. So the youth slipped into the cloak room, intent on playing one of his favorite games. Carefully he looking over the cloaks, hoping Simmons had worn his blue Watch Captains cloak. The teenager liked to put it on and imagine himself on patrol in the adventurers quarter. The blue cloak wasn't there however, instead he found a rather plain cloak wrapped around a hard object. Like most teenaged boys Otto was curious in the extreme, and this bundle his brother in law had brought just begged to be examined. He unwrapped the bundled up cloak carefully, picking up the cool ceramic mask solicitously. Slipping the mask over his face, he quickly he searched through the cloaks pockets. Finding a carefully folded piece of parchment, unfolding it he strained to read the spidery hand writing. "Alydinu." He knew from his studies at school meant Elven. "Femininus, Trolyum dekus." Female, and time something, this was like a word puzzle! The last word on the far side of the page was totally unknown to him. But he sounded it out slowly, then suddenly the world began to spin crazily. A pain ran through his loin's, as if his under garments had suddenly gotten to tight! Unbuttoning his trousers he shoved them and his linen underwear down past his knee's. This don't help the pain at all however, it now felt as if some huge hand was squeezing his testicles savagely. 'What the fuck?' He thought, glancing down at his aching loin's. Watching as his manhood became smaller and smaller, he looking on in shock and disbelief. It was just an inch long now... he watched it shrink to a small pink lump. "Bloody hell!!!" His balls, which now felt like the huge invisible hand was crushing them into pulp, suddenly withdrew into his groin! "No fucking way!" She shouted. As a stinging pain burned in the pale smooth flesh, as a new opening; a vagina budded opened before her eyes. She stared at her trembling hands, as they softened becoming slender and feminine. Along with the rest of her body, long sleek legs; smooth tight stomach. Her eyes rolled back, as a new miserable agony throbbed within her chest. Groaning as she felt her chest bulge, into firm well shape; if not large breasts. Lifting herself up to stand in front of the cloak room's mirror. Otto watched as her blonde hair grew longer, soon draping down past her new slenderer shoulders. Her pale elven lips became full and sensuous, her eyes a deep vivid shade of blue. The old weak flabby chin melting into a sexy pointed elven woman's. There was nothing remotely masculine about the figure within the mirror now. "Ooooh damn I'm sexy." Otto mumbled, noticing her voice was now as smooth and feminine as her new body! Like many sheltered young men, he'd never seen a naked female body; except in lewd drawings. Much less had one to explore and or play with, now here it was! Just the thought of it making Otto's mouth water, a line of drool escaped her mouth as she starred at her reflection in the mirror. Otto giggled as she noticed the silvery line of drool on her sharp elven chin, sheepishly she wiped it away with the back of her hand. Then let her long slender hand's roam over her new body, exploring and fondling, first her pert pointy breast's. Then sweeping down her taut stomach, to her wispy golden haired pubic bush. Trembling fingers lightly caressed the lip's of her hot sex, marveling at how soft and smooth they felt. Reaching down with both hand's, her trembling finger's spread the delicate pink flesh. Watching in wonder as it enfolded like some rare pink flower, the lip's and folds growing puffy and distended. Long clumsy finger moved round those distended folds stroking them softly, testing and probing the tender flesh. As tingles of pleasure from her explorations began to race through her body. Those wandering fingers found the hard excited little knob of her clit, a single stroke making it pulsate with a mind blowing rhythm. "Ammmm!" Otto moaned fingering the hard little lump again triggering a second mind blowing spasm of pleasure. "Ohooo yeah that's the spot!" She moaned, teasing her clit yet again. Her sex quickly became sopping wet, as her arousal grew. Suddenly her mind was filled with images, not of her sleek female body. But of hard arouse male organs, like the one Otto was use to playing with; and of powerful strong young male bodies. She was fingering her swollen clit with one hand, and squeezing an tugging on her hard nipples with the other. As she fantasized about the thick muscular body of one of her classmates. She was rubbing her clit frantically, as her slender golden elven body trembled in pleasure. And then a tide of pleasure washed over her, as wave after orgasmic wave made her beautiful body spasm and contort. Otto could see her breasts redden with the flush of orgasm, her thick nipples fully erect as she toyed with them. "Ohoooo Wowww four of them!" She gasped as the orgasmic tide at last broke, leaving her panting and gasping for breath.

"I'm and elf girl." She purred smiling. "I should be in the adventurer's district."

Otto peered out of the cloak room door, and smiled the hallway was still empty. Silently she crept over to the huge front door's, any other night those doors would have been locked. Macorun the butler locked and barred those doors after dinner every night, except when the family had company. Dressed in only her underwear, with a heavy old cloak concealing them. Otto slipped out the front doors, and hurried off into the yard. Once she had rounded the house, she hid in the shadows of the stables. Only a few months before her father had gifted her with a horse, having been trained to ride at school. Otto was never the less surprised at the gift, since her father never allowed her out into the city. It was a pointless gift her father had given, simply because all her rich friends at school seem to have one. Outside of the schools arena she had never ridden her mount, but Otto planned to change that tonight. She opened the stables side door slowly, the faint creaking making her wince. It was only a slight sound, but to Otto's new elfish ear's it almost sounded like thunder. With the door opened only wide enough for her to slip her slender elfish body through, she entered then quickly closed it. The cavernous stable was lit by only a single lamp, but her keen elven eye's found it easy to see even within this half light. Luckily the stable boy had gone home for the night, so she had the building to herself. Quickly she raided the tack room, staddling the roan geldling her father had given her. Opening the massive front door's, she mounted up and rode out into the night. The dark city stretching out before her, oh the adventures that awaited!

'Now this is an interesting development.' Avery thought. He wasn't sure who this young man... now elven female was; or how she had come by the mask and it's instructions. But it intrigued him greatly, what would she do in her new female body; where was she going? He would watch and see, and when the time came he would retrieve the mask magically.

Dark City-Chapter

Gifts and Things more precious

Burl and Alessa Simmons sat cuddled togather under a heavy old cloak, as the open topped carriage rumbled slowly up the street. "Father is just trying to be nice...in his way." Alessa Simmons whispered.

"But just look at it...it..it's a mansion!" Burls Simmons pointed out, as the carriage rolled to a stop before a huge gated manner house.

"He can be very generous with those he loves." Alessa explained.

"Humph!" Simmons snorted. "This gift has nothing what so ever to do with generosity." "And everything to do with keeping up appearances within his circle of friends and associates." "If I live here...people will think I steal for a living like a..a...Errr."

"Like a merchant?" Alessa asked sharply.

"It's nothing against your family honey." Simmons explained.

"My family are merchants." Alessa pointed out sharply. "And have been for generations, great, great grandfather came to the city with only seven copper Dolec's in his purse." "He worked hard and made a fortune, then his son's and grand sons lost it." "Father has worked very hard to make it back, now that he has he just wants to share it with his family." "Is that so wrong?" Simmons wince knowing his wife had trapped him with her words.

"No my dear...no its not so wrong." "And it would be insulting to turn down a gift... even one so extravagent." Simmons answered admitting defeat. "I'll see about hiring a house hold staft tomarrow." Simmons whispered, as he allowed his wife to pull him into a long passionate kiss.

"Mother and father promised to keep the boy's, so we could have tonite alone in our new place."

"Really?" Simmons grunted huskily, his strong hand slipping under the cloak to fondle her breast as they kissed once again. "Perhap I have a new game we can play." Simmons whispered, as the carriage pulled in the open gate; and up the short drive to the broad marble entranceway.

"Oh?" She purred. "And what might that be?"

"A game of change." He whispered, as he helped her down out of the carriage; and took her arm as they surmounted the marble steps. The big house was empty and dark, except for the path to they master bedroom on the second floor. The massive room had been richly furnished, obviously by his father and mother in law. As if to show exactly what was expected for the rest of the manner house. But Simmons ignored it, right now he had much more pleasant things to occupy his mind. Unlacing the back of his wife's formal gown for one thing, planning the erotic use of the mask for another. The mask! He had forgotten it, wrapped in an old cloak; in his father in laws cloak room. "Damn." He hissed under his breath.

"Whats wrong?" Alessa asked looking back over her shoulder.

"Just wished this was a little easier and faster." Simmons grunted lustfully, as he worked at the strings and bindings eagerly.

"Hahaha." She laughted huskily, as she began to wiggle out of the still tight dress. "You haven't been this eager since, that first time just after the riots." The formal satin gown lay crumpled at her feet, and she stood smiling in her frilly lace under garments. "Now what was this new game you wanted to play?" Simmons grimaced as he remembered he'd forgotten the mask in his father in laws cloak room.

"Errr it's not quite ready to play." "Why don't we play the Ram and the Sheperdess."

"Oho that ones sooo naughty!" Alessa giggled.


Jon awoke with a start, it wasn't the cold stone pressed against his naked skin that roused him. Nor the pain, which was shooting through his skull like a lightening bolt! He rolled over, taking mental note of all the aches and pains that afflicted his body. His testicles ached feeling empty, his anus raw throbbing like a toothache; and his shriveled cock feeling like it might never get hard again . The world spun for a long moment, leaving him feeling nauseated. Pressing the hills of both hands' against his eye's, Jon breathed deep and slow for a moment. The smell coming from his own naked body, only made his nausea worse! Dried Goblin cum, and urine mixing with his own sweat; creating a revolting miasma. Memories of his canalized debauchment came rushing back to him, in obscene disjointed flash's. That left him feeling humiliated and degraded, shamed by his cringing subservients; and wanton obeisance. Climbing unsteadily to his feet, Jon felt a wave of vertigo wash over him. Staggering swiftly across the small cell, he managed to catch hold of the bars in the small window in the heavy oak door. The corridor beyond was dimly lit, across that narrow hallway a door just like his own could be seen. Farther down the corridor, Jon could see a lighted room; its open doorway providing the light that dimly illuminated the corridor. Pressing his face against the cold, rough iron bars, Jon peered down the hallway towards the light. Tilting his head at just the right angle, Jon found he could see into the lit room. A naked man was bent over a wooden table top, his hand's bound to the far side; his wide spread leg's bound to the table's. Behind him hunched a massively muscled figure, its broad powerful body; dark skin and pointed ear's marked it as an Orc!

The human lay very still, and silent on the hard polished wood; afraid Ooluk would discover he was awake. The Orc's body weight pressing him against the table's edge, and he could feel Ooluk's huge organ still throbbing rock hard inside of him! First the big Half Orc had squeezed his tiny balls, in it's huge powerful paw! Punching and threatening to crush them; before the human's very eye's. Until he'd agreed, to do all the perverse and embarrassing things Ooluk wanted him to do. In front of the leering laughing Goblin audience, he'd begging the big Half Orc to treat him like the boi slut he was. He'd licked and suckled on Ooluk's huge male hood, said whatever the Half Orc had wanted him to say; did whatever he'd told him to do! Until, Ooluk had ordered him to lick the greasy Orc spunk; from another's ravished anus. This refusal had enraged the massive Half Orc, and Ooluk had told him. "I'z goina fuck youz till ya pass out, then more whenever youz wake up!" It wasn't just a lewdly whispered promise, but a perverse threat; as if the orc were using the act as a torture or punishment. To make him cringe, at the mere thought of a big Uruk cock. He'd not believed it at first, but the human was a believer now! A single tear crawled down his cheek, holding his breath he prayed Ooluk had not spotted it! But then he felt the Half Orc's broad wet tongue lick the salt tear from his cheek. "I'z know yer awake!" Ooluk grunted, his hot meaty smelling breath momentarily stealing the human's own.

A faint voice caught Jon's attention, as he leaned against the heavy old oak and iron bound. A soft whimpering voice drifted down to him, reverberating off the cold stone walls. The voice begged and pleaded in a timid yielding whimper, an obviously male voice; but a subdued broken male. "No more......please!" The huge Half Orc was in motion now, no long just hunching behind the trapped human. With his massive paw's braced on the table, he'd began thrusting his enormous cock savagely in and out of his human captive!

"Who'z yer master?" Ooluk growled, as he battered the captive Watchman's abused orifice.

"YOU!" The human whimpered in that same subdued broken voice.

"Whatchz goina do?" The Half Orc demanded coldly.

"Any..Anything you want!" The broken Watchman sobbed yieldingly. Jon gasped as he saw the broken man's head turn to look back meekly at his Half Orc rapest. It was Vinny Capria, one of the local Watchmen; Jon had worked with.


Tarne opening the door slow, and carefully; the room beyond was hot and humid. Smelling of the activities that had made it so, on this cold damp night, reeking of sweat and sex! Tarne inhaled that scent deeply, now that such things were forever denied him; he found he enjoyed the hint of it. The sallow, sagging flesh of his face was instantly covered in a sheen of sweat; as he carried the brass tray into the sultry room. Two mugs of watery beer, and a bowl of course soup rattled; as he sat the tray down on the small bed side table. Tall, middle aged and lean save for a ponch around his middle. Tarne looked down at the young slender elf girl laying tangled in the twisted sheets still damp from sweat and they're liqiud passions. He had to admit she really was quite a beauty, it was a brilliant and notable success for the brothel! There were few Elven females in the whole of the city, and none had ever been turned out for public use! The Elf's were carefully, to never let one of they're young travel into so dangerous a place. The ones seen within the city might look young, innocent and naive, but were cunning streetwise and most times many hundreds of years old. Turning out some farm girl new to the city was easy, but and Elven girl... it was unheard of! 'Damn she's pretty!' Tarne thought as he stood over her, he would have taken her himself; if the 'Urkree' had not robbed him of the ability to do so long ago! Still he could enjoy the sight of her naked flesh, and could enjoy knowing how much coin that body would be making them.

"Whats this blood?" Tarne demanded, as he spotted the bright red on the tangled sheets.

"Had to break her in!" Jax chuckled. 'Gods I love poppin' virgin's!' The pimp thought as he chuckled.

"Yer yankin' me!" Tarne choked incredulously.

"Nope.. a virgin she even admitted as much to me." "Hand me a mug." Jax ordered, from his place across the room. The pimp sat naked in a hard wooden chair, before the opened window. Tarne obediently picked up the mug, and delievered it to his partner. Silently admiring the handsome pimp's naked body, his large organ dangled down over the chairs edge still semi hard. "Did ya bring more 'Urkree'?" Jax demanded, as he took the mug; and drained half of it in one gulp. Tarne grinned, showing his rotten teeth and drug blackened gums.

"You should know thats somethin' I'd not be forgettin'!" Jax looking up at his addicted partner, Tarne had that strange unheathy look of a 'Urkree' slave. "Thought you might have smoked it already." Jax growled.

"You know me better than that... business first." Tarne insisted, Jax ignored that.

"I've dosed her twiced already, along with a few mugs and half a bottle of Dwarfin spirits." "Of course she lost most of that after the first pipe." He admitting pointing to a chamber pot that stank of vomit.

"Well at least thats over with!" Tarne exclaimed relieved. "I'll get a couple more pipes in and pour the soup down her." "Then she can start making us some money!" Unseen behind them, a white ceramic mask suddenly appeared over her face. And just as suddenly vanished, as it and her cloak (that was laying crumpled on the floor.) Were called to the mages casting chamber many miles away. It had been fine entertainment, but Avery was not about to let the mask and it's instruction fall into the hands of petty criminals! He was more than a little irritated, that Simmons had let it fall into the hand's of this boy...well now Elven whores hand's. He would return the mask to Simmons of course, but ment to have strong words with the Watch Commander; about safe guarding it better in the future! Tarne was giving her the first pipe of 'Urkree' as the image faded from the Scrying pool.

"The Seamen's Lay...what a name for a dock side brothel!" Avery sneered wondering idlely who was naming these places. Whoever it was either had a fine sense of irony, or was amused by crude puns! Still the mage made a mental note of the place, thinking it might be fun to take the Elven whore for a ride. Before every low life in the city had polluted her with his seed!


Lilith lay back in the Justicar's huge round bed, the tangled sheets damp against her pale skin. Which still shone with a blush of arousal, the Justicar and his wife's reanimated corpse had pleased her well! Danra lay cuddling her sleeping husband beside Lilith, the fool believed she'd given him his wife back. But the reanimated corpse was just an empty husk, that the Necromancer control; like a puppet master his puppets! Danra would tenderly make love to the Justicar, or just as quickly cut his throat at Lilith's command. Danra her puppet, was also her puppet master; pulling the strings that made the Justicar do her bidding. Yan had not like the idea of sharing his bed with the Necromancer, but Danra had insisted; and like butter by a flame he had melted. Now he was even enjoying it, enjoying watching his wife and Lilith togather. Even enjoying the cold yet throbbing toy she had brought along, Lilith reached down and fondled the massive organ's she'd taken from Doroon the rent boi! She felt the pleasure as the organ was caressed, thanks to the magical belt it was mounted upon. She knew the pleasure Danra's body had given it, and the hot tight feeling of the Justicar's taboo orifice had given. It filled her with delight, the power of it; of forcing the Justicar to surrender himself to her unnatural penetration. To climb atop a reluctent male, and thrust that big organ within him; no wonder men loved to do it so much! And feared it begin done to them so much, she had sensed a differents in his mental out look; as soon as it was within him. He had become more subservient at once, as if her having carnal knowledge of him had made her his superior! She looked down at the sleeping Justicar, he had been under her control before, but now she felt he was under her power as well. The slimy rotting green sperm leaking from his debauched anus, spoke of how utterly obedient the normally assertive Justicar had become. Standing, Lilith walked to a nearby window; throwing it open to let the cold night air wash over her naked flesh. As the damp mist and cold air embraced her naked form, the blush vanished from his skin. And she stood a sleek alabaster nude, in the silvery light of the waning moon; the black worn leather of her belt and harness standing out starkly. Below her the city stretched out, lights flickering in the fog that covered much of it. Her shadow servents were criss crossing the city she knew, and by morning she would know many secrets of those streets. With any luck she would even know where 'Omoc's' lair was located, then the real fun could begin! Secretly she longed for a powerful lover, one who could use her in much the same way she'd used the Justicar earlier that very night. Her old master the Lich Lord Kylguz had that power over her, he had taken that silly hedge wizard girl she was; and had moulded her into the dark mistress she now was! Just the thought, the faintest memory of his cold dry touch on her hot flesh; sent her into shivers of perverse arousal! "Come to me?" She commanded, behind her she heard Danra climb out of bed; heard the slapping of her bare feet on the cold marble floor. Turning Lilith cast a simple sleep charm on the half awoken Justicar, this was something she did not wish to share with him! Unbuckling her belt and harness she slipped in on Danra, buckling it in place; so now the dead woman wore Doroon's massive organ! Leaning over the window seal, she let her pale breast's swing in the night breeze; as she spread her long shapely leg's. Danra stepped up behind her, and guided the long cold organ into Lilith's hot soft feminine flesh. Closing her eye's, the Necromancer pictured her Lich master taking her from behind; as he so loved to do! "Oh yes master me... ride me 'til I cum!" She half ordered half begged, as the corpses hands cupped and fondled her own snowy white flesh. She ended for the moment the illusion of warmth and softness around Danra's animated corpse. So she could feel the cold dead skin as it caressed her own hot body, the flush of arousal making her body turn pink and warm once again. Following Lilith's mental commands, Danra reached up and grasped a hand full of the Necromancers long shiny black hair; yanking her head back savagely. "Uhuuuuuu!" Lilith moaned throatily as her puppet thrusted full lenght into her, as she was pulled back. As the Necromancers Subconscious mind fed commands to her undead puppet, having Danra commit a more and more brutal fucking. But it just wasn't the same, for no matter what was done to her or how savagely it was done; she was still in control!


Simmons watched the growing brightness of false dawn light the sky, as his carriage rumbled across the city. The fog which had blanketed much of the city, had not be enough to save it from the bitter cold of the predawn hours. And the stone of the streets, and building were coated with a sparkling sheen of frost; it was a hard frost that promised a harsh winter. The sun was just peeking over the city wall's, as he reached his destination. The humble little house on Jordan's Promenade was silent and dark, save for one dim light that shone from the little kitchen. Climbing down from the carriage, Simmons tossed the drive a silver 'lordy'. The shivering man flashed him a warm smile, as he caught and pocketed the coin.

"Thank ye kindly my lord."

"Yer welcome." Simmons called back over his shoulder as he, mounted the short stair and entered his home. Hurrying through the house to his kitchen, he found his old friend Sergeant Ducket sitting at the table. The burly Watchman had a cup of tea in one gnarled fist, and was holding a cream pastry in his other.

"Mornin' Burl." He grunted, smiling through his heavy dark moustache. "Would ya like a cup?" The Dwarf asked holding up the steaming tea pot.

"Good mornin' Thurval." Simmons greeted the dwarf. "Don't mind if I do." The Watchman poured into an empty cup, he already had sitting before him; then handed it to the Watch Commander. Simmons took the cup, and dropped two sugur cubes into the liqiud; stirring it with a spoon for a moment. "Whats the news then?" Simmons inquired, as he took a sip of the scalding hot tea; then setting it aside to cooled.

"Shadows..." The dwarf grumbled.

"What?" Simmons asked arching an eye brow.

"Shadows... blacker than midnight with eye's -o- glitterin' scarlet hell...everyone was seein' them all night... in tha fog..on tha wall... under tha bed." The dwarf rolled his eye's and stroked his short well groomed beard. "I'd say it was nerves, over this 'Omoc' thing.. except it was all over the city from what I can gather!" "Damn strange I'll say that much!" "Damned strange!"

"Shadows is that all?" Simmons asked half hopeful.

"Hells No... the fiend was on a rip lastnite...struck three more times; two of them was in doors." "He took his time with them, gods it was a real mess!" "Good news is that wasn't no bears runnin' around lastnite, at least that anyone saw an bothered to report!"

"Tell me he left some clue as to were he hides out!" Simmons grumbled.

"Doblar and Aloysius Silveroak have been puttin' pins in a map, and they think they've got it narrowed down some."

"Well thats something at least." Simmons grunted, rubbing his eye's; as he picked up his cup. The tea was still to hot even now, so he set it aside once more.

"Oh...I almost forgot that Mage Avery wants to stop by and have words with ya sometime to day." Simmons rolled his eye's, at the thought of putting up with the pompous Mage; but nodded.

"When did he say he wanted to talk."

"He didn't." Thurval grunted. "But I have it on good authority he never gets out of bed before lunch!"

"Hahaha well thats good at least!" Simmons chuckled, wondering idlely whatever had become of Tobias the mages luckless apprentice. "I guess I've got a pretty busy day ahead of me then." Simmons admitted, remembering he would need to see about hiring a staff for his new house; and figure out what to do with this one. The dwarf grunted, but said nothing; as he sat sipping his tea. "You wouldn't know anyone who wants to buy a house would you?" The dwarf looked around at the neat little kitchen appraisingly.

"Naw all my friends is poor..or single...or both."


The morning passed quickly for the Watch Commander, Vanasa as usual had things running like a clock's works. It was just before lunch that thing's began to break loose, it all started when his father in law. Oscar Broadhook came storming into the office, just as Simmons was dismissing yet another black hearted Watch Captain. Simmons had heard the yelling in the outer office of course, as Vanasa had tried to explain that the Commander was in a meeting. This in it's self was nothing usual these day's, with the numbers of Watchmen, Captain's and Sargeants he was letting go. So when the door banged open, Simmons just layed his hand on the heavy wooden trunchon he kept concealed under his desk.

"I'm sorry sir...he is insisting on seeing you immediantly." And exasperated sounding Vanasa explained as the Merchant pushed passed her and into the office.

"Thats alright Vanasa...we have just finished here." Simmons aswered, gesturing for the red faced Captain Morland to leave. The angery Ex-Watch Captain stood and stomped out, as Oscar paced the office like a caged beast. "What can I do for you Oscar?" Simmons asked as the office door closed with a bang.

"Give me back me son." The Merchant growled, startling the Watch Commander.

"What do you mean?" Simmons asked confused. "Otto's not here!"

"No of course not...that would be to much to expect." Oscar grumbled. "First Altman's son goes missing, a grown man for gods sakes." "And now poor Otto, a mere youth of seventeen winters!" Simmons sat bolt upright in his chair, fear and worry in his hawkish eye's.

"What happened Oscar?" "Tell me everything you know, from the begining." Simmons voise was calm and professional, but the merchant could see real caring and compassion in his eye's. Appeased somewhat by his son in law's obvious concern, the merchant began to tell his story slowly.

"Otto wasn't at breakfast this morning, I thought perchance he was running late." "Not so uncommon a thing for my over indulged son, I must admit." The Merchant grumbled. "However when we went to awake him, his bed was empty; found to not even have been slept in!"

"Did anyone remember seeing him last night after you sent him to his room."

"Sent him to... I don't think I care for you insinuation!" Oscar growled.

"I'm insinuating nothing... I only wish to know if anyone saw him last night after we did?" Simmons explained patiently.

"No..no one remembers seeing him after dinner." The Oscar admitted in a frosty tone. "I did not drive my son away!" The elder Broadhook snapped suddenly. "I've always treated that boy far better than my father treated me!" "He's never wanted for a single thing in his life!" Ignoring this out burst Simmons went on with his questioning.

"Was there anything besides him missing?" Simmons asked shapely.

"My stable man found his horse missing when he went to hitch up my carriage." The Merchant admitted slowly. "That doesn't mean he wasn't taken!" Oscar growled to head off any runaway line of thinking.

"Was there anything else missing or out of place?" Simmons demanded ignoring the Merchant's blustering.

"Ammmmm well Macorun told me the cloak room was quite a mess this morning."

"That bundle that I sent word for your butler to keep safe?"

"Macorun couldn't find it... he looked for it just after your message arrived." "We thought perhaps you'd left it in the cab you arrived in." The boy was loose in the city, with a mask that could make him look like anything. Finding him would be all but impossible, quickly Simmons did a rough calculation in his head. If Otto's ten hours were not up by now, they soon would be!

"I'll pull out a dispatch to all my Watchmen on the street to keep an eye out for him!" Simmons promised. "And send word to the Watch in the Merchant's district, it's far more likely he's still over there."

"He did not runaway." Oscar insisted. "He was abducted!" "Most likely by the same villians who took that Tristan boy!"

"Why?" "For what purpose?" "No ransom has been asked for either... and it is my belief that Tristan Altman simply does not wish to be found."

"Otto did not runaway!" The elder Broadhook insisted.

"No I don't think he did either." Simmons replied. "I think he's just on a day trip into the city, to see things that interest him; he may even come here."

"What makes you say that!" Fumed Oscar sourly.

"Well he did asked if I'd show him around the Gaol just last night." The Merchant gritted his teeth the muscles in his thick jaw working furiously.

"And this is all your going to do?" He demanded.

"What more would you have me do Oscar?" Simmons asked plainly.

"Investigate!" "Or do you not care as much for Otto as you do for those green skinned monsters?" Now it was the Watch Commanders turn to grit his teeth, but he fought to keep his reply calm and curtious.

"Otto is as dear to me as if he were my own brother." Simmons spat harshly. "But everyone in my district gets the same level of consideration... I will check to see if anyone on Night Watch spotted anything unusual last eve'." His anger mollified somewhat by Simmons passionate answer Oscar Broadhook stood.

"Thank you Burl...I knew I could count on you in this matter."

"We'll find him Oscar." Simmons assured as he escounted his father in law to the door.


The Orc was dressed in the silvery chain mail of the Watch, with a armoured leather kilt. And would have been considered a handsome example of the breed, if not for the black eye patch; and long pale scar running down his broad green face. After several seconds of silence the Orc, while looking directly into Rolands eyes asked. "You're a booluc aint'cha?" The off duty Watchman's face turned a bright shade of red, but he averted his eyes in guility embarrassment. "You little bitches all smell jest alike." The big Orc grumbled, sneering down at the human.

"W...what do booluc's smell like?" Rolands stammered nervously. The big Orc tilted his balding head, his thick lip's twisting into a lewd smile around his thick yellowing tusks.

"Likes a puddle -o- cum!" The Orc grunted, leaning into sniff and snuffle loud and dramaticly at the human. "Yeah youz a booluc alright."

"I love cum!" Rolands admitted, startling himself with his own forthrightness; he would have never been able to admit that to another human Watchman. "I.. I love the smell of it...th.. the taste...the feel of it in my mouth or between my buttock's." But there was just something about the massive green skinned creature, Rolands could understand it himself; but knew it was so. The big one eyed Orc made a snorting sound, and growled lustily as he looked the human over.

"Yous little bitches all alike, jest waitin' ta be picked up'n fucked!" Hearing this rough, crude talk from the big Orc; caused an immediate reaction in Rolands. Making the Human's manhood turned into a piece of sleek hard stone within his soft woolen trouser's. "This room 'ill do, come on!" The big Orc ordered, as he took Rolands by the arm and led him into the latrine. Once inside, he pushed the human into a vacant stall; closing the door behind them. Then turning back to the human, he pulled out one of the biggest cocks Rolands had ever seen in his life! "Ok ya'z little slut, suck on this." The young watch man sat on the toilet's seat, put the big Orc cock right at face level. So it didn't take much effort at all to open wide, and let the big green Orc cock slip into his now very eager mouth. "You'z suck good for a Huumon." The big Orc spat while Rolands slurped and licked the beautiful erection for all he was worth. As long as he could remember, Rolands knew that he liked males; better than females. And while he had fantasized, about having a truly huge cock to play with. He was stunned at how quickly the events of the past few moments had given him the opportunity to fulfill that dream. The big Orc leaned against the stall, to maintain his balance. However, just as he was getting into it; Rolands could feel the huge green fucker tense up. Warning him that the big one eyed Orc was about to cum in his eager suckling mouth. While jerking the shaft wildly, Rolands suckled and nursed at the big velvety head. Until the thick organ convulsed hard in his mouth, a truly brutal orgasm suddenly erupting into the back of his throat. "Yous'a cum sucking little boi whore!" The big Orc grunted breathlessly, while allowing Rolands to lick and suckle his huge organ clean. This lewd mocking, and vulgar ridicule making the human even more aroused; and fawningly submissive. "Thats'a good little slut, clean up ma fucker." "Gets it lubed and ready ta fuck your tight little panzy ass." One eye growled savagely. Rolands shivered in fear at the prospect of being taken by the huge Orc. The Orc's massive erection scared and fastinated him all at once! Still he offered up no resistance, when the powerfully built monster pulled him to his feet. And kissed him full on the lips, before whispering. "Okay, pussy drop your panties; n spread'em, I'z gonna fuck your hot little bitch ass!

'Mmmm just what I need!' He thought, while he stepped out of his trouser's and silken shorts. Exposing his highly aroused genitals to the Orc's critical eye.

"Bloody fuckin' hell!" The big one eye'd Orc spat. "Jest lookie at that pitiful little excuse fer a cock!" "I've gots fuckin' fingers bigger than that!" The Orc chuckled derisively, holding his thick fingers beside it. Indeed most of them were longer and thicker than the human's semi aroused malehood. "Hah wit that useless little thing ya might -s- well not have one atz all!" "Maybe I'll bite it off an have a little snacky!" The big Orc joked, as his thick fingers fondled and stroked the little pink organ senually. "Tha only thing yous good fer is gettin' fucked in yer sluthole!" One eye teased gloatingly, as he tugged on Roland's puny manhood playfully. "Whatcha think... wantz me ta get rid of it fer ya?"

Rolands gulped fearfully, but answered in a clear if shaky voise. "D..do whatever y..you wish!" He panted breathlessly, his voice a soft and submissive purr. One Eye sneered at this unassertive reply, whipping out his belt dagger; he held the razor sharp edge to the small cock's base.

"Oh I'z goin' ta!" The Orc growled domiantly, to see just how subservient and willing the human really was.

"I..It's your's d..do whatever you want with it!" Rolands whimpered.

"Mine huh... zo'z I can takez it anytime I likez." One Eye growled lustfully. "But right now I'z wanta fuck yer pussy ass!" The big Orc grunted sheathing his blade and grinning wickedly at his new booluc. Rolands put both hands up against the back wall of the stall, and spread his legs wide apart; to allow the big cocked Orc stud to have his way with him. Grasping the human's round firm cheeks, One Eye spread them and rammed his huge organ home!

"Y...You're fucking tearing me apart!" Rolands moaned as the battering ram like cock impaled his tiny pluckered asshole.

"Yous wants me ta stop?" The big Orc growled, as he grunted and thrusted against Rolands tiny gates.

"OOOOhhhhhhhhhhh Nooooooo it hurts to good!" Rolands panted while straining to open him himself for the enormous invading cock.

"Yous don't act likes ya wants me ta stop!?!" One eye grunted gloatingly, as he thrusted in and out of the younger human's smooth round butt.

"NO-no, please don't stop!" Rolands begged, pushing his ass back into the big Orc's hard pounding thrusts.

"As you like it." One eye leered, and began again harder this time, deeper and faster. He too was groaning with pleasure, the human wasn't the only one enjoying this! By this time Rolands had dropped one of his hands to his rock hard cock, and was masturbating it furiously. While the big one eyed Orc use his asshole, like it his personal fuck toy. Which the young Watchman realized that it actually was just that at the moment.

"Ohohohoooooo mmmmyyyyy!" Rolands moaned loudly. "I'm almost ready to shoot!" He panted, jerking his cock and thrusting his pale pink ass back onto the Orc's huge invader. It was almost like they'd been fucking for years, because at the very moment both their cock's stiffened, and just like clockwork exploded. Belching huge gwooy spurts of they're greasy cum, Rolands down the privy hole; the Orc's deep inside of him. Leaning his massive head over the human's shoulder One Eye looked down at Rolands fully aroused cock. "Guess itz big E'nuff ta keep after all." The big Orc snorted licking his lip's. "Still I mightz make a snack out of it later on."

The big Orc Watchman quickly pulled down his armored kilt, and after giving Rolands a couple of hard smacks on the ass, growling. "Yous be here tomorrow... same time." "Ya got it?" Rolands could only smile weakly, and nod in the affirmative, he couldn't wait!!! Perhaps he could even get pardnered with one of the big Orc's now working patrol...


When lunch rolled around, Simmons hurried off to the Merchant's district; he still needed a staff for his new home. And was determined to select them himself, the house servants guild hall was crowded. But the guild clerks proved to be of little help, they could find no Orcish butlers, obviously no one thought they would; or could be made into a gentleman's gentleman. So he quickly settled on a dwarfin butler, by the unlikely name of Alvod Foesplitter. Alvod was tall for a dwarf, very nearly five feet; and his features spoke of some human heritage. His family, he claimed had served the Ostertog's one of the richest and oldest families in the city; for well over a hundred years. Simmons could have checked it all out in the guild records of course, but such things simply did not matter to him. Alvod was a sensible hard worker, who could follow orders without second guessing them. And better still he found Simmons idea to hire Orc's for his house hold servants to be very wise indeed.

"They're hard workers... not to bright at times, but very loyal." The dwarf had explained. "And as a plus, many fear to hire them because of they're fierce appearance. So they're always plenty on the market and those come at a much reduced rate." Though the dwarf made it clear, he felt that Simmons really couldn't afford his services. He was quickly on his way to the Commanders new house, three ninty seven Gorland Hiegths; promising he'd have the place in shape by night fall. Simmons rather douted that, but assured the dwarf he'd send the rest of the staff over; as soon as they were hired. Walking down the long lines of Orcs, he was startled when one stepped out to greet him. Simmons found himself spun round, facing a large younger Orc, with a lewd grin on his tusked face.

"Need some help there Commander?" He asked the stunned Simmons teasingly, then seeing the confused look on the human's face whispered. "Don't ya remember?" "We...gots to know each other in tha riot... that little alley behind tha brewery." "I'm called Vurner."

"I...I remember very well!" Simmons replied his voise all choked with emotion. "I..thought 'Omoc' had... It's good to see you!" The Watch Commander growled clasping the Orc's massive forearm and pulling him into an embrace.

"Tha fiend got my brother!" The Orc explained soft and mournfully.

"I am sorry." Simmons comfortied as best he could.

"Not your fault." The big Orc grunted wiping one tear filled eye. "So yous looking fer thralls... or maybe a 'Booluc'?" He asked grinning lewdly once more.

"Both." Simmons admitted returning the Orc's grin.

"Iz a good stable hand, and can take care of things that grow pretty good." "And if ya still treatin' ya 'booluc's' like ya did that nite I'll be very happy to serve you."

"Nothings changed with that." Simmons assured, making the Orc's smile widen. "I'll fill out your papers here at the guild, go up to this address; and talk to a dwarf named Alvod." "He'll put you to work were he needs you for now."

"Thank ya Urak!" Vurner grunted, as he hurried off. Simmons smiled to himself, as he surveyed the lines of Orcish servants; perhaps the day wasn't going so badly after all. By the end of his lunch hour he'd hired two cooks, a maid, grounds keeper and two servers to help Alvod and the cooks. He still needed at leasts two more maids, and a coachman; but felt sure he could see to hiring them later on. He was just on his way back to Olrrick's gaol, when a sudden thought struck him. He'd told Otto about his investigation's, and now remembered the teenagers particular interest when he'd talked about the 'Sylvan Glade'; and the halfer girl. Velmar's Walk wasn't exactly on the way, but he cut down Herders path; deciding he could stand to be a little late. "I am the boss after all." He grunted under his breath, as he spurred his old gray gelding in to a trot. He decided to stop in at the halfers whore crib first, listening at the rickety old wooden door; he quickly determined she was doing business. So he leaned back against the damp stone wall waiting, he didn't have to wait long. A portly middle aged street merchant came swaggering out in short order, freezing in surprise; when he found the brightly uniformed Watch Commander standing there. Simmons flashed the red faced man a friendly smile, gesturing for him to move along.

"Have a nice day." He called cheerfully, as the shocked merchant hurried pasted him up the stone steps; and out on to the streets. Pushing the door open he stroll in, averting his eye's as he saw the naked halfling. "Hello Miss Took." "Remember me?"

"Ya your that Watchman that came asking about..." She trailed off as a shiver of fear racked his plump, but curvaceous little body. Making her pert buxom breast's jiggle, the thick brown knobs of her stiffly aroused nipples doing a enticing little dance. "I..I don't know no more a..about that..that thing!"

"I didn't come to question you about 'Omoc'." Simmons answered.

"Oh...oh really?" "What do ya want then?" She asked apprehensively, crossing her short arm's and arching one eyebrow.

"Did you work the 'Sylvan Glade' last night?" Simmons inquired.

"Ya same as every night." "Why?"

"Did you happen to see, or meet anyone; of any race that seemed particularly young and naive."

"Hahah... no one I meet seems naive...ever in this place!" The halfer exclaimed amused. "Why do you asked?"

"My in laws have a young famly member who may have gotten lost while out exploring the city." Simmons explained.

"Oh." "I see...well I hope you find him alright this city can be a harsh place!" The halfling muttered softly. "It can, and will put an end to innocents and naiveté very quickly." She paused for a long moment a grimace on her chubby round face. "You might want to talk to Ceryden...he's the night bar man at the 'Glade'." "He goes for that type of young men, handsome nobelmen; or merchent's son fresh out of private school." "Out on the wicked side of town, for they're first taste of naughty indulgences." "Most get more than they're lookin' for when they meet him."

"Tall elf?" "Lives on the second story of the tavern?" Simmons asked.

"Ya thats him."

"Thanks for your help Miss Took." Simmons called as he turned to leave.

"So yer not lookin' for a free fuckin' then?" The halfling asked sounding surprised and a little put out.

"No." Simmons answered honestly.

"Shame...you look like one a girl might enjoy." She called sweetly.

"Some have told me they did." Simmons called back as he closed the rickety old door and climbed the stairs.


"Ya best nut be lyin' tu me Tarne!" The large northman growled, as he and his crew crowded into the brothel's show room.

"How long hav' ya known me Olaf?" Tarne demanded. "Must be over five years by now." "Have I ever mislead ya?"

"No." The giant black bearded sea captain admitted. "But ya'vu gut that scurvy luuk abuut ya!" "I'z..." The northman's voice trailed off as he caught sight of the slender scantily clad Elf girl. "By thu thundur god!" He breathed, hardly above a hoarse whisper.

"Not silver for this one Olaf." Tarne chuckled in amusement as the barbarian's reaction. "Gold."

"An wurth it!" The big bearded barbarian agreed, as he studied the Elven beauty before him; hardly believing she was for rent. Behind him, Tarne was listening to Olaf's crew grumble; and then asked how much gold if would take. The whore monger told them the price, more amused than disappointed when less than a third of them could manage the price. It really didn't matter, 'Orlina' (That was the working name he'd picked for her) had already started to bring in a higher class of customer. Just that morning a mage had come in requesting her, Tarne wasn't sure how he'd known about her so quickly. But figured it was just magic, at any rate high class men who'd never have entered a dock side dive like the Seamen's Lay. Had been flocking in for the past day, making Tarne reappraise 'Orlina's' price more than once. She was on a sliding scale now, 200 gold for an average customer; but whatever Tarne thought the higher born customers could afford! One pompous, lucullan, fop had paid 1000 gold for one hours scroggin' the Elfish whore.

The tiny part of 'Orlina' that was still Otto Broadhook, screamed and raged impotently within her pretty head. As she seductively lead the massive northman up to her room, but that tiny bit of machismo an heterosexual pride. Was drown in a restless sea of effeminacy, and drug induced submission; which stroked by the masculinity of her customers. Made her the perfect whore, a model of feminine seduction and muliebrity! Tarne would give her another pipe, after she had pleased the huge sea captain! He'd promised...and that was all she cared about, besides it wasn't like her customers didn't give her pleasure! Infact, some of them filled her with so much orgasmic delight; it felt almost as good as smoking 'Urkree'. Olaf lifted and held her gently, treating her as if she were some delicate thing; that could break with the slightest caress. Yet he would sink his massive weapon into her, slowly, gradually; carefully. He would be, until deep within her tender flesh, his passions overcame him. Then he would batter her delicate sex with his massive manhood, panting and growling with pleasure. His hard muscled body pounding her slender feminine one, until in a roar of desire he would fill her; with his hot thick seed! There was no dout, it was what was going to happen; she knew that. And the tiny piece that was still Otto knew it, he couldn't change it; an she would not.


In the narrow alley beside the 'Sylvan Glade', Simmons found the narrow twisting wooden stairs that lead up to the loft apartment. The door at the top, resemabled the rough hewn staircase not at all; carved into woodland scenes and polished to a warm hue. It was like finding a rare, beautiful jewel in a dung heap upon the street. Lifting the silver handled knocker, Simmons rapped on the base plate three times. After a long silent minute the wonderous door swung open, and the Watch Commander found himself face to beautiful face with a tall golden haired elf. He stared startled for a moment, his angular eye's wide in surprise; then slowly narrowing in leering amusement. "Well...well." The handsome elf chimed happily, in his sweet melodious voice sounding very pleased. "Issss thisss that other time you assssked for Captain?" Ceryden leaned against the door frame lazily, his loosely belted silken robe revealing a great deal of his slender body. A wide leering smile showing off his straight white teeth, as his sparkling eye's roved over Simmons body.

"May I come in?" Simmons asked smiling back at the elf.

"Ssssure honey like I told you...your welcomed here anytime!" Stepping gracefully back into the apartment, the tall elf held the door for Simmons to enter. The room within was long and open, stretching the lenght of the building. The living area and kitchen made up most of it, with two small rooms walled off in the farest back corners. "Pleasssse have a sssseat." The elf offered, gesturing to the many sofa's and couch's that littered the big room. Simmons found a seat on one of the smaller sofas, Ceryden took a seat opposite him. Spreading his knee's allowing his robe to open, giving Simmons a full view of his semi hard cock; which dangled pulsing gently up and down. "Sssso what can I do for you?" The elf purred in dulcet tones, his lyrical voice dripping with lustfully suggestive innuendo.

"Oh they're many things you...could do for me." Simmons answered slowly allowing his eye's to linger on the elf's naked malehood. The elf pursed his full lip's sensually, as a wicked amused look played over his handsome angular face.

"Where to sssstart then?" Ceryden purred, one hand slipping down to fondle his half aroused organ's.

"Information." Simmons answered, licking his lip's as he watched the elf's long slender fingers caress his golden pubic bush; and the half aroused organ's beneath.

"It's 8 and ahalf inchessss when fully aroussssed." Ceryden teased winking at the very obviously aroused Watchman.

"Very nice..." Simmons breathed, dropping his own hand to fondle his hard organ through his uniform trousers. "But I'd like to ask you about last night in the 'Glade'."

"What about lassst night?" The elf asked, his narrow eye's watching Simmons caress himself.

"I hear you go for innocent naive young men, handsome nobleman; or merchant's son fresh out of private school." Simmons said carefully watching the elf's reaction to his words.

"I do find that type of malessss aroussssing..." "What of it?" "They come to my bar, getting drunk and flirting; then act sssshocked when they wake up in my bed!" "Hassss one of them filed ssssome ssssort of complaint." The elf's dulcet tones becoming sharp, his lyrical voice dripping with sarcasm.

"Oh No... nothing like that." Simmons snickered, slowly unbuttoning his bright uniform pant's. "I just want to know if you saw anyone, of any race in the 'Glade' last night that might have peaked your interest." Simmons asked, as he opened the last button; and slipping his hand down into his linen under garment's. Ceryden lifted his head, trying in vain to get a look down into the Watchman's under garment's.

"Well actually, I did find one cute little 'SSSSt Cubben'ssss' boi; he and hissss friendssss came into celebrate they're up coming graduation." "From that most illusssstrioussss and wealthy hall of learning." Standing up Ceryden let his robe drop to the floor, full exposing his lean well defined body. Gracefully he stroll over between Simmon's wide spread leg's, dropping lithe fully to his knee's.

"What became of this wanton young celebrant?" Simmons asked leeringly as he lifted his hip's allowing the elf to pull his trousers and underwear down over his thigh's.

"He ended up in my bed of coursssse!" The elf smirked, as his eye's hungrily devoured the sight of the human's massive cock and ball's. Gently Ceryden ran his soft palms up the insides of Simmons thigh's, before moving up to playfully caress the human's scrotum.

"And after that?" Simmons panted his hard cock bouncing in excitement, as the elf's feathery touches made him ache in desire.

"Heheh... he's still there sleeping off the drink!" "I was thinking to have some more fun with him, would you like to do that?" The elf asked slyly, a lascivious look on his handsome face. As he leaned down to lick the big hot head of Simmons throbbing cock. Knowing that the ten hour time limit of the mask had expired hours ago, Simmons grunts huskily.

"Lets have a look at him." The elf's lewd smile widened, as he stripped Simmons clothing off; leaving him clad in only his knee length riding boots. Standing, Ceryden takes Simmons thickly muscled arm; leading him to the larger of the two back rooms. A naked young man lays face down on the elf's big four poster bed, one look tells Simmons the young man isn't his chubby brother in law. Walking over, Ceryden spread's the lad's round prefect ass cheek's; exposing his abused orifice.

"Care to partake... it'ssss only been ussssed three timessss by a friendly old elf." Ceryden snickers obscenely.

"That ones nice enough... but I see one that interests me much more!" Simmons growled, letting his rougher dominant side show for the first time; Ceryden's pointy eyebrows shot up. But so did his long slender elfhood, grabbing the pretty elf aggressively. Simmons rolled him over onto his belly, beside the drunken youth he'd spent the night buggering. Rapaciously climbing atop the elf's firm round buttocks, he assertively spread Ceryden's thigh's with his knee's. "Ready to have that sweet ass ravished, like you violated that boiz?" Simmons demanded aggressively.

"Oh yessss officccer... make me pay... and pay dearly!" The elf panted breathlessly, thrusting his naked ass up against Simmons aroused loin's.


Within the dark sealed tower chamber, Lilith moved like a spector amoung grave stones. Her soft black robes rustling quitely, as she moved about the cluttered room. She had left the justicar's home long before dawn, making her way back to her tower; through the under ground passageways of the necropolis. The dark corridors of the city catacombs were her secret thoroughfare, allowing her to move about the city unseen. Not as flashy as using a hell gate, or glamorous as teleportion; but it suited her. If only the people living above knew what she did, about their under ground city of the dead. It would be considered on of the wonders of the world, a great maze of tunnels, vaults, caverns and shafts. Even one such as herself, who had wandered it's depth for many years; could become losted within it's twisting level's. The last of her shadowy servants, had returned just before dawn. Passing through the portal within the glittering memory jewel, to it's home in the plane of darkness. But leaving behind within that jewel, all that it had seen; and heard in it's wanderings of the city! She took the glittering gem stone from her pocket, lifting it up to stare into it's sparkling facets. Soon it's hidden knowledge would be hers, but the stone would not get it up easily; she would have to force it from the gem. Placing the gleaming gem upon a small black iron tripod, she sat the tripod over the black flame of a lost soul's candle. As the black fire licked the stones surface, it began to sing; a high crystalline note. It rather reminded Lilth of the wail a male made when one tortured his testicles, quickly she casted her spell of viewing. The glittering black surface of the gem slowly became transparent, in the light of the black flame. Starring deep into it's depth's she watched scene after scene, seeing and hearing a thousand different tales. A dwarf abusing some pale young human stud in a garret apartment, a prim and proper school schoolmarm... with a caged and leashed Stayr in her bedroom. A drunken Orc raping the bung hole of an empty pickle barrel, Ooluk enjoying her gifts to him in his hidden abode. Muggers bashing the heads of the unweary, cut purse's empting the wallets of the unaware. And so many other things good and evil, thrilling and amusing; arousing and frightening. Many sights pleased or aroused her, but none of these were what she was seeking. Still she watched, and waited; collecting secrets about many of the cities personalities. The wealth Merchant Oscar Broadhook copulating with some filithy Half Orc female, fucking her behind the drawn curtains of his private carriage! While miles away his pretty wife goes to sleeps alone, wondering what it would take to get her husband to be with her more often! Lilith knew the answer to that, and thought for a moment about sending a note to explain. Something like... 'Your husband doesn't fuck you... because he prefers filithy submissive Orcish whores!' But then she's distracted by the sight of another Master Merchants lewd secret. Lord Andulus a fat, and very well known (and very pompous) Merchants Guildmaster from the Riverside district. Was auctioning off his pleasure boi's, sharing them out to the highest bidder; making profit on his sexual slaves! Then startlingly she found herself watching 'Omoc", he was within a darkened building. Thick sharp white tusks pushed out of the side of its wide lipped mouth, and wide black spiralled horns curved back out of its heavy forehead ridge. Massive, thick and well defined slabs muscle covered the creature's huge naked red shinned torso. Slinking around the dark hall's, it was obvious he was stalking something. Eagerly Lilith watched as the huge red skinned beasts hunted, it's small beady black eyes scanned the dark rooms. The lamps and candles had been extinguished, and a attempt had been made to douse the flames in the fire place. But it had been hastily done, and so the fire still flickered faintly in the back of the big brick alcove. The shabby room was obviously a kitchen and was empty, but the fiend still stalked around the room slowly. Wide nostrils flaring as he inhaled deeply, scenting his prey. Lilith watched as the demonic appearing creature came upon a thin wooden door, half concealed at the back of the kitchen; 'Omoc' snarled and stomped up to the door. The thin cheap wood splintered as the fiend savagely tore it open, huddled in the small dark pantry beyond. A bulky green skinned figure screamed in terror, as she looked up into the horrible demonic visage. A thrill of excitement ran through the Necromancer as she saw the fiends lastest victim was a Orcish female. He smacked the Orc girl down

without care, she yelped in pain as she hit the hard wooden floor. The muddy brown-haired Orc girl sniffled slight through her wide Orcish nose, struggling to get back up onto her feet. "TAKE

THOSE DAMN FILTHY RAG'S OFF!" 'Omoc' roared in his strange unearthly sounding voice,

her face cut and bleeding; she hastily did as he ordered. 'Omoc' grabbed her wrists, pinning them down and covering her body with his greater wiegh; pinning that down as well.

"Yez...yez...I'z 'ill...jest pleaze don't hurtz me!" The Orc girl pleaded softly crying.

"Good. Please me and I will not hurt you." 'Omoc' grunted evilly, obviously a lie even to her; but still she obedied. The Orc girl started by unbuttoning her rough homespun blouse, almost with haste she pulled it over her shoulders; exposing her large firm breasts.

"Nice teat's, little slut!" 'Omoc growled, with a demonic grin. Slowly he placed his huge clawed hand's on her warm flesh, delicately wandering upwards towards her sensitive chest. Taking them in his hand's and squeezing them brutally, she moaned in pain from this cruel grip; as the points of his claw's tore into her delicate flesh! 'Omoc' threw his great horned head back, a cruel bone chilling laugh escaping his wide leering maw! The fiend enjoyed seeing his victims writher in pain, without another word he ripped off her long heavy skirt. She screamed in pain and fear as the rough fabric abraided her skin as it was savagely torn off of her! The Orc girl lay panting, and sobbing on the rough wooden floor; completely naked with her hair in a total mess. 'Omoc' grinned in the most evil of ways, laughing derisively at her helplessness. "No resistance at all". He demanded. "You are and eager little slut!" He taunted. She looked up at the massive red skinned fiend, his broad muscular body so alike; yet so different from the Orcish males she knew. This however was not an enjoyable moment to her, unlike when she entertained the local Orc males! She glanced down, her eye's spotting his exposed cock, forcing a gasp of shock at the sight. 'Omoc's throbbing malehood stood a proud fourteen inches, she trembled in terror as she realized she would be torn apart by this pulsing monster. "Ammmmm... on all fours!" 'Omoc' commanded.

"Wha...What?" The Orc girl choked.

"On your hand's and knee's slut... get in to the rutting position... I know this isn't a new thing to you whore!" 'Omoc' snarled smashing one huge spiked fist into her ribs, she screamed in agony; but quickly rolled into position! Just as she turned around, she realized what was to come; too late! Instantly 'Omoc's weight was over her, his fourteen inches of throbbing male need laying hotly against her sex. The fiend chuckled evilly, holding her hips in a savage clawed grip, as he eagerly searched for her entrance! She felt the burning hot, swollen glan's of his organ stab at her most private area's, not knowing whether to scream or choke. It press at her anus, fearfully she lunged away; only to be brutally yanked back to him! Just then 'Omoc's' might organ found her damp sex, viciously he forced one third of his cock up her sex in a single thrust. She screamed in agony and ignominy as she felt herself being ravished by the fiend. Tho's she was obviously no virgin, she still felt very tight for him

The thought crossed 'Omoc's' mind, as he pulled back almost out of her; both of them panting one from sexual excitement the other pain and terror. "You ready for all of it little slut?" He growled teasingly!.

"Nooooooo... by the god's... No it's...too big.... please don't..." She begged powerlessly. He snickered darkly, and ferocious thrusted forward; ramming his massive throbbing cock halfway inside her. She moaned in agony, biting her lower lip so hard blood welled up. Even as a strange pleasure filled her, as her big erect clit was stroked by his knobby cock! Her tightness aroused him all the more, and he slammed the rest of his member into her. Enjoying the pleasures, even as her delicate flesh ripped to accommodate his massive girth. She screamed and coughed in pain, as it blended with the pleasure; creating new sensations she did not understanding. Leaning down he lick her long pointed orcish

ear, as he continued to stretch her tight tiny sex to new limits. Inch by inch his massive shaft pushed into her, until his powerful hips met her big round buttock's! 'Omoc' grunted in sheer pleasure, as his huge organ bottomed out within her. Rapidly pulling out, he then roughshodly thrust hard and deep again. The ravished Orc girl was panting loudly now, arched her back to slam her ass back into the savage fucking! "You like it...don't you...little slut?" 'Omoc' taunted, between his thrusts.

"Nnn...Noo!" She shouted in denial, tho' her actions clearly showed differently. Suddenly she

grunted and moaned, hot moisture running down 'Omoc's' massive organ; as she experienced her last

orgasm. Her hot tight sex tightened as spasms of orgasmic pleasure ran through her, the feeling only urging 'Omoc' on. He however was not done yet, increasing his brutal thrust's; he squeezed her soft breast's unmercifully. Teasingly the fiend licked her neck and shoulder, enoying the taste of fear and pain in her sweat. Faster and faster he slammed in and out of her senitive flesh, his might organ savaging it. His panting breath quickened more and more, the young Orc's tightness was almost too much to bear; 'Omoc' felt his ejaculation coming swiftly close. His cruel thrust's becoming even hard and faster with his raising lust. With a deep roar his plunging hip's slammed to a split second halted, then thrusted deep into her; to her very limits! Then the fiend came hard, his powerful body crushing her's; as he held himself as deep as he could within her. She felt his huge hard body plunge an intense in climax, but had no orgasm of her own to relieve the horror! She let out a short scream of horror and disgust, as she felt his foul seed filled her! With one final thrust 'Omoc' was spent, suddenly his huge taloned hand's grasped her clit. Ripping it from her body with ease, the monster chewed, and savoured the raw bit of Orc flesh! Throwing his head back 'Omoc' released an odd sounding cry, half of pleasure, half of pain at it's transformation. Then it returned to its gruesome feast, devouring the struggling female alive!


With a wide pleased smile on his lip's, Simmons mounted the stairs to his office; whisling a cheery tune as he strolled past Vanasa. The blond elf girl stood as he came in, and quickly started to speak.

"I took care of your first three after lunch appointments." She said glaring disapprovingly. "When he showed up and insisted upon waiting to see you!" She explained gesturing to the richly dressed Orcish merchant who was sitting in Simmon's office.

"I see." The Watch Commander smiled. "Thank you Vanasa... I don't know what I'd do without you." Simmons said pleasantly, walking into his office and closing the door behind him. The half elf girl shook her head, that was exactly the way the former Watch Commander use to act after he'd used her! Strolling over to his desk, Simmons greeted the Orc with the same smile. "Hail and well met." "Ahem... haven't we met before.... Worc isn't it?"

"Indeed sir you have a good memory." Worc choked surprised the human was greeting him so friendly, but then he'd been hearing rumours that the Watchman had changed.

"So what is it I can do for you good merchantman?" Simmons inquired, as he took a seat behind his desk.

"It's a matter concerning your friend Jon Altmon." Worc stated gravely.

"Has he been harassing the Orc community again?" Simmon's asked arching one eyebrow angerly.

"Harassing.... No." Worc grunted half way between a choke of surprise and a chuckle of amusement. "Jon has been most kind and professional." Worc assured.

"Kind and professional?" Simmon's repeated his other eyebrow climbing up to join the first. "If I might ask... why is his welfare your concern?" Simmon's asked suddenly suspicious, he'd been hearing the oddest rumors about his old friend lately. Worc blushed a darker shade of green, and licked his lip's salaciously a faint smile on his wide lip's.

"We had...a certain relationship." Worc admitted carefully surprised by the warm smile that spread across the Watch Commanders face.

"That is comforting to hear." Simmons admitted smiling and nodding. "I had feared, his feeling in this matter; would leave me no choice but to remove him from the Watch!" "I'm glad to hear that is not the case." Worc nodded...so the rumours about Simmon's were true he was no long a Orc hater and was purging his command of them!

"So you see...the problem is not him at all!" Worc grunted. "Indeed I fear for him!" Worc exclaimed. "I fear he has been kidnap by... well by goblins!" Worc answered noting that the Watch Commander suddenly sat bolt upright a serious expression on his face. Worc told of Wast's kidnapping by the goblin's, and his fear for the human.

"Goblins!" He grunted. "Why would goblins want to kidnap Jon and this Wast?" Simmons demanded as his thoughts turned to the strange reports he's been getting about warring goblins! "Two other Watchmen have resently gone missing as well." He admitted, not mentioning Stephen who had been missing since the riots.

"I fear it is not they who wanted him." Worc answered softly. "They are merely lesser agent's for darker and more evil forces!"

"Someone who could call shadows to do they're bidding, perhaps?" Simmon choked, worry plainly written on his handsome face. Though he'd slept through the night, reports of the shadows had already reached the Orc's ear's. Indeed these sightings combined with 'Omoc's' rampage had so frightened the Orcish community that many were fleeing the city completely!

"I fear all our enemies may be working under one dark power!" Worc admitted. An eerie silence filled the room, as the two of them sat looking at each other; each deep in thought.

"He's in a meeting!" Vanasa's voice came sharply from just outside the office door.

"He's expecting me!" Avery's haggard voice replied angerly. A instant later the office door swung open and the mage came stomping in.

"I'm sorry sir...I told him you were in a meeting... I couldn't stop him!" Vanasa admitted.

"That's quite alright Vanasa... the mage has and appointment." Simmons assured.

"He does?" She asked sharply.

"Yes... sorry I forgot to tell you about it!" The Watch Commander apologized.

"Of course sir." The half elf girl grumbled closing the office door a little harder that normal. Stomping angrily over to Simmons desk, the mage lay a heft bundle upon it; then opened his mouth to speak. But the Watch Commander cut him off, standing Simmons clasp the mages waist happily.

"Just the man I've been wanting to see!" Simmons growled cheerfully.

"I... Errr... Me sir?" Avery mumbled, startled as much by the Commanders good cheer as his sudden statement. His chest puffing out proudly, as the thought of himself being so important to the Watch Commander. "I am of course at your command my lord." Avery said gesturing pretentiously.

"Indeed so!" Simmons confirmed, quickly telling the mage everything he and Worc knew of the night's events. Including the strange disappearance of Jon, Wast an the other two Watchmen. The mage listened gravely, nodding his head from time to time; as he paced about the office theatrically.

"Well the summonsing of shadows is a dark magic, but hardly a powerful spell!" Avery pronounced ostentatious as he paced. "I dare say any third year apprentice, in one of the darker field's of magic; could cast it quite easily." "On the other hand, the sheer number summonsed!" "Hints that the caster was of some might, or a student of the darkest magical arts!" Avery whirled and sat flamboyantly. Worc excused himself at this point, promising he'd see what he could hear on the street's; and be in touch. Simmons smiled and winked at the Orcish merchant, handing him a paper with the names of a number of contacts. Worc was startled to see a number of names he knew, including Watt and the dwarf Halaxe. Once Worc had wandered out, Simmons held up one hand to stop the mage; who was rambling on about a magic users registry. "I mean if one has people of such power, one really should at least keep a record of who they are and when their in the ci...Errr."

"I have other reasons for wanting to speak to you... private reasons." The Watch Commander confided softly. "I fear the mask has been taken... used by my nephew to go exploring the city."

"Ahhhhhhh!" Avery grunted nodding his head slowly.

"The problem is... his time limit ran out long ago... and no one has seen him." Simmons explained his eye's suddenly taking note of the bundle Avery had brought and lain on the desk. "What's this?" The watch Commander asked picking up the bundle, reconizing the cloak. "Where... how... did you..." Simmons sputtered, as he unwrapped the magical mask.

"That elven whor...ahem young lady was your nephew?" Avery demanded.

"You've seen him?" Simmons inquired arching one eyebrow.

"Not him no...Her!" Avery corrected slowly.

"But how is that possible?" "You told me yourself the mask's changes only last ten hours at the most... it's been longer than that!" Simmons pointed out.

"Indeed sir... but if you will remember I pointed out the danger of one who has taken female form." The mage prompted. "Male to female... one can explore the other gender." Avery repeated floridly. "Of course when one is female one must take great care not to allow ones self to be impregnated."

"Oh?" Simmons grunted sharply .

"The magic of the mask will not change a pregnant female into a male." "If one were to be impregnated, he would be stuck as female." "Until he gave birth, and then put the mask back on!" "Of course by then, he might very well have become so feminine that he wouldn't want to change back!"

"And your saying this happened to Otto!?!" Simmons choked. "But then why hasn't she came back, if not to her parent's home then to my wife and I?" Avery fought to suppress a sly libidinous grin, as Simmons asked sharply. "Where is she?" "You must know if you got the mask back."

"I called the mask back with magic my lord." "But I can tell you the last place I know she was." Avery announced grandiloquently.

"Yes?!?" Simmons snarled.

"A small dock side tavern and brothel called the 'Seamen's Lay' down in the sea port district."

"Vanasa!" Simmons called instantly.

"Yes sir?" The half elf called anxiously as she opened the office door and looked in quickly.

"Get me Doblar Halaxe and his brothers in here at once!" The Watch Commander ordered briskly, then turned back to the mage. "What can you tell me about the place?" He demanded. The mage's knowledge of the brothel, seemed more profound than a casual viewing would give. But Simmons said nothing, after all it was no business of his were the mage choose to spend his off time.


"Master Alvod... Master Alvod!" The big Orc called franticly. as he threw the massive double door's wide open.

"Vurner!" The Dwarf snapped, coming around the corner to meet the wide eyed Orc. "What...is...the... bother!" The tall dark bearded dwarf stammered, as he saw Vurner clearing the way. In the drive, Burl Simmons was lifting a limp slight figure from a large official coach. The coach was driven, and surrounded by heavily armed; and armored dwarfin warriors.

"Urak Simmons needs a room made up fer that poor sickly 'Jolu' girl." Vurner panted, as Simmons mounted the house step's two at a time. The Watch Commander was red faced, and bleeding from a slight wound on his cheek. And a number of the dwarf's showed signs of resent battle, and were on alert as they partolled the house grounds.

"I need a comfortable room Alvod!" Simmons growled as he stormed in the opulant entryway, carrying the slender limp form of a pretty elf girl. "One with it's own fire place, and summon's the best healer you know of at once!" Simmons ordered.

"Yes sir, of course sir; right this way." "The south turret room has just been readied for use." Alvod explained as he quickly lead the way up stair's. "Nekxar." The dwarf called to one of the Orcish maid's as they hurried through the hall's. "Send Vurner and the coach man for Doctor Hilderbrant on St Barth's and Kennth's hill, tell them to use my name." Hurrying into the room Alvod drew back the cover's on the massive old bed, helping Simmons place the elven girl between the sheet's. Pale and trembling, she was covered in a cold clammy sweat; her eye's rolling back in her head. "What ill's this poor creature?" The dwarf asked, as he knelt and quickly lit a fire in the nearby fire place.

"A foul poison." Simmons grunted, looking around for the first time. "Where is Alessa?" He demanded.

"Poison!" The Dwarf exclaimed shocked. "Dear... dear me what is the world coming to." He grumbled stacking wood on the slowly growing flames. "Madam is out with her mother shopping for furnishings for the household." Alvod explain as he stood up brushing his stubby hand's togather.

"Mother..." Simmons grunted thoughtfully. "No one is to know of our guest here... instruct the staff not to speak of it." Alvod's thick bushy eyebrows arched high as he listened to Simmons orders.

"Even madam?" The stocky butler asked slowly.

"I shall explain it to Aleesa myself." Simmons explained, then turned to look at Doblar; who was standing in the open doorway. "I want two of your men standing out side this door at all hours for the next week or so." Simmons grunted sitting down hard in a nearby chair.

"I'll set up a rotation my lord." The heavily armoured Halaxe assured. "Garit and Hymlor will take watch tonight."

"Very well... and thank you Doblar." Simmons grunted, leaning back in his chair and wiping the sweat from his head.

"I am honored to assist you my lord." The dwarfin enforcer growled, as he turned and tromped out.

"If I may know...sir." "What is happening?" Alvod asked softly as Halaxe left the room.

"Family secrets Alvod... I trust you know how to keep them." Simmons answered.

"Of course sir... I am the very soul of prudent discretion." The dwarf assured.

"Your a gem Alvod... a rare and vauble jewel."

"Errr thank you sir." The dwarf stuttered.

"Will you pop down to the kitchens and have the cooks make her something to eat while we wait for the doctor."

"Of course my lord." Alvod agreed hurrying out. Simmons starred down at the pretty young elven female, who just a few days before had been his nephew. As she tossed and turned in her sleep, her body craving the drug that had polluted it. Otto had wanted adventure, and had taken on a female form; the city had surplied more adventure than she'd bargained for. Seduced and impregnated by a low life street thug, hooked on 'Urkree' and turned into a whore. Simmons could only imagine the horror of it all for a young inexperienced male!


Doctor Hilderbrant surprisingly was a venerable gray haired gnome, who looked remarkably spry for a centenarian. The gnarled old gnome took one look the paitent and snarled. "Drugged... something powerful and addictive... Panthunal.. or 'Urkree' perhaps."

"Yes 'Urkree'... and I have reason to believe he's pregnate." Simmons answered as Dr. Hilderbrant threw back the bed clothes, and opened her robes exposing the slender elven body. Gnarled old hand's expertly examining pert breast's and pubic mound. As Simmons and Alvod tried not to stare at the golden naked flesh so openly revealed before them.

"Indeed She is with child." The gnome confirmed at last, putting her robes closed and covering her once more. "And there is eivdents of an enormous amount of resent sexual experience's." The doctor growled crossly looking cockeyed at Simmons and Alvod. "I trust that will stop... for the time being at least."

"Indeed doctor... she has been rescued from that fate." Simmons answered.

"Ahhhhhhh that is for the best!" Dr. Hilderbrant grunted. "Shes going to be very ill for a few day's, and delerious as her body goes through withdrawal." "Cold and hot baths alternated, will help somewhat." Taking a heavy dark bottle from his bag, the old gnome turned to face them. "Give her one spoon full of this whenever the pain becomes to much, or she get's to delusional." "One spoon full no more." "And no more by the end of the week... trading one addiction for another is no good!" The old gnome grunted shaking his snow white head. "She will need to be watched night and day for the first week, and kept tabs on afterwards for at least a month; to assure no relapses." "For the good of the child...keep her as well fed as you are able; her appetite should return within the week." "I'll be coming around every evening for the time being to check on her progress." "In the meanwhile watch her, make her as comfortable as possible; and try to get her to eat something." "Oh and drink as much as possible, I recommend elven herbal tea." With that the old gnome packed up his medical bag, and stomped out into the night.


Burl Simmons watched as his wife superivised the Orcish servents, as they unloaded the many box's and bag's from the carriage. Shaking his head ruefully, as his new servent's paraded past him with the booty.

"All the shops in the district must be bare this night." He teased as he wife came up the steps towards him.

"This is only the half of it... the large stuff will be delivered tomarrow." Alessa explained with a slight smile as her husband's shocked eye's rolled. "What happened?" She asked as she spotted the bandaged wound on his cheek.

"Just how deeply in debt am I?" The watch commander asked anxiously. "Just a little nick... it's nothing really." Simmons explained brushing her finger's away from his bandage.

"Hahaha... You still have a few coppers to rub together." She assured, as she kissed his injured cheek just below the bandage. "Most of it was much reduced or gifts once the merchants learned to who's home it would be going." Simmons winced at this, he hated this sort of thing. "I know.... I know... you hate that kind of thing." Alessa rushed on. "But what was I to do, offend half the merchant houses in the city; by turning down they're gift's?"

"Well... No I guess not." Simmons grunted. "Still you could have kept who you were from them." He protested.

"Oh honey... be serious... every merchant house in the city knows me because of father." Alessa pointed out. "And mother was with me..."

"Of course." Burl grunted knowing this was not one he could ever win. "Come with me please... Alvod can see to placing these things." Noting her husband's serious sober tone, Alessa raised one eyebrow. But Simmons merely gestured to the stairs, quickly heading up to the south turret room. They climbed the dark turret stairway in silence, until they came to the bed room door. Garit and Hymlor nodded as they pasted into the room, but said nothing. Once in the room, Alessa glance back at the dwarf guarded door curiously.

"What is going on?" She asked at last. "And why may I ask have you filled our beautiful new house with savage looking Orc's?" Simmons stopped and looked back at his lovely wife gravely.

"They're hard workers... not to bright at times, but very loyal." He explained repeating Alvod's very words to him earlier that day. "And as a plus, many fear to hire them because of they're fierce appearance. So they're always plenty on the market and those come at a much reduced rate." "And as for what's going on... perhaps you'd better have a seat." He insisted gesturing to one of the chairs beside the bed.

"Yes... but they're soooooo ugly and...and..." Her eye's widened as she realized what he was saying. "You have news." "Is... is it about Otto?" Alessa asked numbly as she stumbled back into one of the chairs. "He's not..." She started then noticed the sleeping elven girl for the first time. "Who is this?" She asked. Seeing no way around it Simmons said simply.

"Otto." The explanation took sometime, and a few snifters of strong brandy. But at last Alessa had come to understand and except the strange position her brother was in.

"But however shall we explain this to father and mother?" She wondered sipping her brandy as she starred at the beautiful sleeping elf.

"Hmmmmm I think perhaps it is best that we do not." Simmons stated firmly.

"But...but their worried so... even father tho' he puts up a bold front." She protested.

"I thought perhaps to tell them that he has set sail on some long journey." Simmons explained. "Khathuy perhaps in the elven kingdoms... it's about a year's travel there and back again." "Once she's gotten over this... illness we can have her write them a couple of letters."

"She...her..." Alessa choked.

"Yes my dear... until Otto gives birth...and puts the mask back on... he is a she!" Simmons insisted gently, as he embraced her. Softly Alessa Simmons began to sob into his chest, her strong shoulders shaking in his arm's.


Master Merchant Oscar Broadhook glanced around uneasily, at the brutish looking; but richly liveried Orc's. That surrounded his son in law's massive dining table, all under the watchful eye of a Dwarfin butler. The old merchant gritted his teeth, and rolled his eye's as the Orcish maids and liveried footmen. Franticly scrambling to serve the twelve dinner courses, in the span of an hour. Grimacing he wondered if the cooks were Orc's as well, the thought revolted him. Setting aside the dish infront of him, he drained the wine from his goblet. Watching sourly as the stocky dwarfish butler refilled it at once. "So you said you have news of Otto?" He snarled down the long table at his son in law who sat opposite him at the head of the table. Sure that Simmons had hired this lowbred lot of ill favored Orc's to serve in his fine new house just to maculate the gift.

"Indeed..." "A young man of Otto's description, was seen booking passage on a elven ship; headed to far Khathuy." Simmons replied gravely.

"Khathuy!" Oscar roared nearly choked on his wine. "That's six months sailing... just getting there!" He grumbled darkly. Once again glancing around sourly at the Orcish servants, who hovered around the high table. When a thickly muscled Orcish maid caught his eye, making his manhood throb hotly within his trousers. Suddenly feeling a wave of odium and paranoia, Oscar wondered if Simmons had his watchmen spying on him.

"Oh dear... why on earth would...would he do such a thing..." The elegant Lady Eloise broadhook asked looking around at them all confused.

"Adventure..." Simmons said in an off handed manner. "Many a young man such as your son longs to see the beauty of the elven kingdoms and it's peoples." Simmons explained.

"Yes of course... mother don't you remember how he always talked about such things." Alessa Simmons added softly.

"Well... yes he was fascinated with the city and far lands!" Lady Eloise admitted.

"Are you sure it was Otto?" Mr broadhook growled, sounding more than a little skeptical. Clearly he did not think his pampered son had the nerve to do such a daring thing.

"Well, we found Otto sold hr...Errr his horse to a nearby livery stable; to book passage abroad ship." Simmons replied carefully. "I've brought it back of course."

"Oh... our dear boy aboard in the wild world." Lady Eloise moaned softly. Amazingly her husband was smiling widely, as he swirled wine around in his half empty goblet.

"Perhaps it is a good thing... travel broadens one." He grunted a faint look of pride on his pugnacious face. "In any case it was a audacious if insolent thing for him to do." The old merchant grunted. "The kind of thing my grandfather did in coming here!"

The image of the slight, pale, elven girl laying pregnant up stair's, flashed through his mind. "I'm sure Otto will learn a lot in his time away." Simmons assured, thinking it would not be the kinds of things her father would like.


Worc had wandered the Orcish pubs, and restaurants for most of the past few days'. Ever since his meeting with the Watch Commander, but had heard very little. So many of Orcish blood had fled the city, most places were only half empty. Only the goblins, half ogres and giant bloods seemed unconcerned by the fiend's murderous rampage. The Orcish merchant was just raising to leave, when a big ogre blood strolled over and sat down at his table. Worc arched a single eyebrow at his big uninvited guest, but sat back down as the ogre gestured. "What can I do for you?" Worc asked pleasantly, fully expecting a crude sexual come on.

"I hearz yer lookin' fer information about a hummon friend -o- yers that went missin'." The huge half ogre grunted in a low voice.

"You heard correctly big one." Worc admitted, just as softly.

"Gobo's took'em." The half ogre grunted, picking at one floppy ear with a thick blunt finger.

"I believe so...yes!" Worc answered sitting up straighter as his interest grew.

"A watchman... they'z drugged an butt banged good." The half ogre grunted, a big lewd smile slitting his brutish face.

"Indeed... you have information about him then?" Worc choked, at hearing Jon's treatment so nonchalantly described.

"Yeah...whatcha give me." The half ogre grunted.

"What would you like?" Worc asked starring up at the big gray skinned creature shrudely.

"Well... I wuz thinkin' -o- silver.... butttttttttt." The big brute licked his lip's, as he looked the slender Orcish merchant over.

"Tell me what you know, and you'll get silver." Worc promised. "If I think it's worth more you'll get silver and the butt as well." "Sound fair?" The half ogre nodded his big shaggy head quickly, and launched into his tale. It seems a gobo leader by the name of Gutlo, had been bragging about drugging and butt raping one of the Cities Watchmen. None of the pub's patron's had much believed the tale, but then Gutlo had tried his drug on the half ogre. He'd managed to shrug off the effect's, and not fall into the Gobo's trap. "Where can I find this Gutlo?" Worc asked.

"E drinks at tha Wyrm's Sting." The half ogre grunted, watching in excitement as Worc handed over the coin. "Iz wouldn't drink anythin' E offers ya."

"If I find him there... I'll come back and let you have the rest of your payment." Worc promised, slapping his own rump; as he stood up. The big half ogre smiled wider, a bit of drool escaping from his thick lip's.

"I'm called Rulukz.... ya cun find me 'ere anytime." He called as he watched the slender Orc hurry away.


The dank air of the catacombs was thick with a miasma of old molding rot and rodent droppings. Lilith breathed deeply taking it all in, a pale master of the dark arts of Necromancy. She reveled in the death and decay that ruled here, laying aside her staff. She carefully weaved the protective spells and wards she believed she would need. He was here somewhere she could sense him, taste his anger and hate in the air feel his evil like a bugs crawling upon her pale skin. Carefully she slipped the velvet glove off her withered dead hand. Taken from a powerful mummy lord, grafted onto her body in place of her own weak flesh. It could kill, with just a single touch. It would be her last defense, if her spells and wards failed her; not that they ever had! Taking up her staff once more, she began her search for the fiend... for her new ally.. and perhaps more. The thick air took on a sharp metallic scent of fresh blood drying slowly. Lilith licked her lip's tasting the coppery flavor on them, a shiver of pleasure ran down her spine. The long dark corridors a vast maze stretched out ahead of her, had she not known where to look. She might have searched a hundred years and never found 'Omoc's' hiding place, now a disembodied eye ball. Floated down through the dark maze, showing her the way even in total darkness. Slowly she made her way through the maze of rough hewn tunnels, and carefully crafted catacombs. She was not so far from her own home ground, and the restless undead that guarded them. But was far enough that the tunnels were unsafe, even for her. Creatures that obeyed no master lived and roamed here, sneaky trap setting Kobolds; and larger nastier thing's.


The hot smooth organ throbbed powerfully within his mouth, Tristan knew it was very close to release. As many as he's felt throbbing on his tongue, he could read every nerve impulse. The huge uncut organ, wasn't the cleanest he'd had all day. In fact it had been pretty rank, when the big Orcish dock worker first rammed it into his mouth. Still the human had quickly gotten use to the sweaty rank flavor, and was suitably disappointed. When it was suddenly ripped from between his suckling lip's, forcing them to make a lewd sounding slurping noise. "Hahahaha!" The Orc chuckled as the lewd sound filled the air, amused at the sound. And the sight of a handsome wealthy young human kneeling before him a lowly Orcish laborer. His big green male hood pulsed only inches from the human's mouth, knowing what was about to happen. Tristan's bright gray eye's snapped closed, as the Orc's hot thick grayish load painted his face. Above him the orcish laborer grunted and gasped as he pumped every last drop of his spooge over the handsome young human's up turned face. "Thank you." The human panted breathlessly as the big Orc chuckled once again. Once his orgasm had faded away, the big creature lowered his kilt and stomped off; leaving the submissive human kneeling on the restroom floor. Tristan's jaw ached, and his lip's had long since gone numb. As a parade of Orc's, Dwarf's, and goblin's who had used him, came and gone as it were. The human felt bloated, and could hear they're cum slashing in his belly; some preferred to splatter his face. But most wanted the pleasure of orgasming deep in his hot suckling throat, feeding the human they're spunk; he always made sure to thank them everyone. The restroom door opened and closed, wiping the cum away from his eye's before he opened them. He knew from past experience how badly cum stung if it got into his eye's, Tristan looked up; wondering how many more he would get to service. Ooluk stood over him, leering down at his cum covered face and head.

"Heheh... Youz a mess Caur Crim!" The big half Orc snickered. "Been havin' funz." Ooluk teased glancing down at the oozing erection obviously visible in the human's tight damp loin cloth.

"Yes master!" The human answered, starring up into the big half Orc's yellow eye's in adoration.

"Knewz you'd enjoy it!" The big half Orc snickered, as he prodded the human's stiff organ with one bare foot. "Well come on... letz getz ya cleaned up." The big half Orc grunted lifting Tristan to his feet, and guiding him out into the bath house. The hot pool was empty the rest of the patron's having moved off into stream, massage or private room's. Tristan could hear the cold showers going just down the hall, reaching around from behind; Ooluk untied his human's loin cloth and tossed it aside. Then both big rough hand's slide around to cup and squeeze big handful's of Tristan's lean round butt. Tristan found Ooluk's wide nose buried in his damp cum stained hair. "I likez yer scent." The big half Orc grunted huskily. "Cum makez it smell even better, makez me horny to smell you covered in spunk like that!" The human leaned forward at the waist, spreading his leg's slightly; and readying himself should his master decide to penetrate. Ooluk chuckled at the sight, and hugged Tristan's pale muscular body to his own massive green one. "Always ready for it... aint ya slut!" He grunted into the human's ear, as his big hand's swepted up and down Tristan soft naked flesh. "Ammm Hmmm." The human moaned nodding his head silently, as he thrust his buttock's back against Ooluk's semi hard cock. "Wash first." The big half Orc grunted placing a clothe in his hand's, and walked him down into the hot waters. Grasping Tristan's cum sticky long red head with one huge green paw, Ooluk dunked the helpless human. Tristan came up choking and spitting, only to be dunked again at once. When he came up the second time, Ooluk was sitting on one of the submerged stone seat's. "Wash yerself then ya can wash me Caur Crim!" Quickly Tristan cleansed himself of the lays of Orcish and dwarfin orgasmic fluids, then moved over to wash the massively muscled body of his master. As he moved around Ooluk his rigid organ blushed against the half Orc's thigh, cat quick Ooluk reach out and grasped it. Squeezing the rock hard organ in his might paw. "Harder even than before." The half Orc observed as he looked the blushing human over with a dark smile.

"I... I... it's you." Tristan said awkwardly. "You excite me so much master." He whispered starring deep into Ooluk's yellow eye's. Suddenly he sprang, lifting Tristan up out of the waters; and sitting him on the stone edge of the bath. The human found himself looking down at his Orcish master's powerful shoulders. Carefully Ooluk looked around at the dim empty bath chamber, as he spread Tristan's muscular thigh's. Then without warning the half Orc's big head dropped down, hot tusked mouth engulfing the stiff drooling human cock.

"Ohoooo!" Tristan exclaimed in shock and pleasure as his aroused cock was softly and sensually suckled. Ooluk had never shown more than a casual interest in his human's cock, other than a bit of hand stroking while the big half Orc was rutting him. Indeed Ooluk had had it pierced and ringed, so Tristan could never penetrate him or anyone else anally. So it was a major shock when the big dominant half Orc had suddenly gone down on him. Laying back the human's strong muscular young body withered in pleasure as his master's mouth devoured his male hood. Strong powerful athlete's hip's bucked and pumped, riding the half Orc's broad flat face. As his hand's gripped the bath's edge he lay upon, Ooluk's hot breath tickling his bright red pubic hair. It had been some time since Tristan had been allowed to cum, and he'd been aroused for hour's orally pleasuring the multitudes. Now he found this so unexpected pleasure working it's magic on him far to quickly. Sensing the human's state, Ooluk backed off; lifting his mouth off the pulsing organ. Flashing Tristan a savage wolfish smile, his jagged razor sharp teeth clicking together. "One little nip." He grunted fondling the human's throbbing dribbling manhood playfully. "One little nip and it would be gone forever." He sneered evilly, yellow eye's appraising his pretty human's reaction.

"As you wish master... it like all the rest of me belongs only to you!" Tristan panted obsequiously.

Ooluk smiled at this answer, and thrust his suckling mouth back up and down Tristan's throbbing length. "And one day perhaps I will enjoy that little snack." The big half Orc growled. Before rapidly bring the human back to full arousal, making Tristan's long sleekly muscular leg's tense straight out; as his hip's bucked and plunged.

"Mmmmaster ohooo master!" Tristan moaned. "I..I'm... about to...to... Oho Gods!" "I'm...I'm... going to... I'mmmmm ccccuuuummmmiiiinnnngggg!" Shockingly Ooluk held the pulsing spurting organ in his mouth until Tristan's orgasm had at last faded away. Slipping his tight suckling lip's from the human's weakly pulsing semi hard cock. And pulled Tristan up to him sharing a long kiss and the human's own sweet cum with him. When they at last let the kiss break, wet mouth's hovering close; waiting to share each other again. Ooluk grunted breathlessly.

"I'z 'ave never...Never willin'ly done thatz fer anyone!" The big half Orc whispered. "I killed all those who forced me when I came into my strength." Ooluk grunted darkly, almost threateningly. "I'z aint weak Caur Crim, butz I want ta please ya... an I'z never want ta be without ya!" It was as close as the big half Orc could come to saying it, but it was enough for his human.

"I love you too my master!" Tristan whispered, pressing into another long kiss with his love; tasting his own fluids on the Orc's big slick tongue. A look of leering lust crossed Ooluk's big Orcish face, as their lip's parted again. Growling darkly, an evil grin on his face; Ooluk grasped the human's shoulder's in his big strong paw's.

"Time to please your master slut!" He growled. Quickly spinning Tristan around, now the human found himself bent over the pool's edge; chest and face pressed to the cold stone. Round perfect pale ass thrust up and out, ready for the taking; swiftly the big half Orc pounced upon his back. Massive paw's grasping toned flesh, as powerful hip's thrust; his huge hard bludgeon of an organ. Parting the pale globes of Tristan's ass cheek's, forcing it's way through his tightly drawn sphincters with practiced ease. A savage rape more than a lover's penetration, hard, brutal and fast; just the way the human liked it!

"Ohoooo Godsss yessss!" Tristan moaned as a spasm of pain in his anus, made his limp organ jerk up in arousal.


Darkness an oily ocean that lapped against his mind like the sea against a ships hull. Broken at last by a flare of light as his eye's opened, the light triggering a spike of pain through his skull. "Gods!" The big human swore as he rolled over on the rough nasty bunk, pain flared in his beaten body. Nose lip's and cheeks aching, dried blood crusted on his face making it itch. Reaching up to scratch it away, his trembling finger found bruises and cuts. With a sharp ache throbbing in his loin's, glancing down he found that he was naked. His big ball's were swollen and purple from the abuse they had taken. Sitting up very slowly Wast looked himself over, finding his body bruise and battered from head to toe. The smell coming from his naked body, only made his nausea worse! Dried Goblin cum, and urine mixing with his own sweat; creating a revolting miasma. Memories of his vitiated debauchment came rushing back to him, in obscene disjointed flash's. That left him feeling humiliated and degraded, ashamed by his helplessness and perverse enjoyment. Climbing unsteadily to his feet, Wast felt a wave of vertigo wash over him. Staggering swiftly across the small cell, he managed to catch hold of the bars in the small window in the heavy oak door. Wast peered down the dark corridor beyond, farther down the corridor, he could see into the lighted room. Its open doorway providing the light that dimly illuminated the corridor. Pressing his face against the cold, rough iron bars, Wast peered down the hallway into the room. Tilting his head at just the right angle, Wast found he could see a naked man laying over a wooden table top, his hand's bound to the far side; his wide spread leg's bound to the table corners. Over him hunched a massively muscled figure, its broad powerful body; dark skin and pointed ear's. Leaving no doubt that it was Ooluk, Wast shivered in fear as he realized he was in the ravisher's power. Just like the poor fella on the table, an Ooluk was doing what he was named for! The huge Half Orc was in motion, hunching over the trapped human fucking him violently. With his massive paw's braced on the table, thrusting his enormous cock savagely in and out of his captive! Finally, with a magnificent bellow, he exploded deep within Cameron, filling the human up with his orcish seed. Ooluk continued to thrust for several minutes more, owing to his orcish stamina. Panting he slowed, and his thrusts became less urgent as the orgasmic trembles subsided. Finally, he withdrew entirely, his thick cock finally spent, finally becoming soft. Standing up he towered over the whimpering human, he grinned gloatingly at him.

"You aint even worth savin' fer the ritual slut." Ooluk snickered. Cameron watched trembling in fear as the massive Orc kneeled between his wide spread knee's. Playfully the big half Orc swatted the human's rigid erection, bouncing it around back and forth. Knocking long silvery strings of pre-cum all over the human's inner thigh's and belly. "Fer all that cryin' ya sure gotz yerself a hard cock." He grunted, grinning up at the human wickedly. "I'z think maybe ya like take it up the ass better than ya likez fuckin' ass!" Ooluk snorted derisively, one massive paw sweeping up to engulf the Human's hard cock. Drawing a gasp of pleasure from Cameron, as it stroked his shaft. "So stiff an excited." Ooluk grunted teasingly. "I wonder how it tastes." Slowly Ooluk lowered his mouth to the human's throbbing organ, licking it teasingly. Making the human's pale body jerk, hip's thrusting involuntarily in pleasure. "Hahah." Ooluk laughed. "Wantin' more of that?" He questioned, slowly lowering his tusked mouth over the hard male hood. Cameron blanched slightly as the Orcs mouth with its forest of sharp jagged teeth closed over his rigid organ. A high pitched excited groan escaping his throat as the Ooluk's hot suckling mouth took in his full length! The Orc's bobbed his head up and down the human's shaft a few times then he lifted his head to grin wickedly at Cameron. "Sweet as candy." He teased, before returning to his work. The Human lay back enjoying the hot suckling, gasping and moaning softly; until the Orc lifted his mouth up to speak once again. "O course ya've proven yer not ta be trusted with it... so time fer yer punishment." He growled grinning wickedly...

W..Wha..what d..do..you mean?" Cameron stammered as he looked down frightened at the big Orc. Ooluk couldn't answer however as he had taken the human's stiff organ into his toothy maw again. All he could do was look up grinning as he suckled on the human's rock hard organ. Then suddenly he snapped his powerful jaws closed, the hard aroused blood engorged muscle resisted for a moment. But then the razor sharp orcish teeth tore through the hard man muscle! Cameron his mouth open his face twisted in horror watch as Ooluk lifted his head away. Where the human's once proud manhood once stood was only a blood inch long stump!

"IIIIIIIEEEEEE!" Cameron screams as his tiny stump suddenly erupts spurting thick white seed as it fountains blood. Quickly Ooluk took a healing draught from his discarded clothing and poured it over the dreadful wound. Then leaned back chewing the human's manhood up, as Cameron watched sickenedly. Chewing and swallowing the massive of bloody meat, Ooluk opened his wide Orcish mouth; to show the human it was all gone. Then stood up, and gloatingly untied the emasculated human.

"Problem solved...Lesson learned!" The big Orc snickered. "Won't be fuckin' anybody now!" "Ya cockless wonder!" Ooluk gloated derisively. In his cell Wast trembled in fear, in the lock up at least there had been something to restrain Ooluk's cruel violence. But here he was unfettered by fear of punishment or reprisals. The cut purse watched as Ooluk dragged the cockless Cameron back to his cell. "Yer buddies a real pansy cunt!" He growled as he tossed the emasculated Cameron in with the other captive watchman. Then came and smiled at Wast through the barred window. "Wanta wrestle?" He asked the pale disgusted thief, with a leering grin remembering their time in lock up together.


The back court yard was dark, the street lamps having been silently extinguish. Even the small lamp that lit the back portico was cold and dead. Within the kitchen the cook fires had burned low, a dark shadowy figure move quietly across the room.

The hour was late, and a care worn Burl Simmons sat at the huge oaken desk in the study of his massive new house. Before him laying scattered across the polished wooden desk top, were dozens of reports, roster assignments and of course budget plans. So distracted was the watch commander, he didn't hear the tall double doors open and close. Didn't notice the shadowy figure as it crept slowly across the large room, the thick carpets muffling quick soft foot steps. It was not until slender delicate hand's slithered around his neck, Simmons jumped his head spinning.

"When are you coming to bed?" Alessa Simmons asked sweetly, as she smiled in her startled husband's face. The watch commander looked over his wife's slender well shaped body. Covered only moderately by the thin translucent silk of her jade green night gown. The color of it almost reminding him of Orcish skin.

"Soon my love." He answered kissing her softly. "I must get these roster reassignments done."

"Why not let some subordinate handle such paltry matters?" Alessa purred seductively, as she sat in his lap. Her erect nipples pressing against his chest through the silk of her gown and his robe. Making blood rush to his male hood as he kissed her again. Her soft hand's pushed open his robe, rubbing over his hairy chest. As the hot silk clad flesh of her nether regions pressed softly over his rigid organ. "Why not have your half elf do it?" Dropping his writing quill Simmons big hand moved up to cup one of her breasts. As the other slid down onto her plush buttocks.

"If I had someone on hand... perhaps I would." Simmons breathed. "However I do not and this must be done by morning." Freeing one nipple he kissed it gently, then allowed his mouth to engulf it. Aleesa moaned softly as he did so her back arching thrusting her flesh against him. "As for Vanasa... she has a great deal of work to do already." He admitted, lifting his mouth from the nipple; the cool air and saliva making it stiffen even more.

"Well now aint this sweet." A rough angry voice growled from across the room, as the double doors banged open. Looking up started, Simmons saw a rough group of former watchmen he'd dismissed standing in the doorway. Unshaven and disheveled, they all held drawn weapons and sported evil smirks. They're leader was a former Sergeant named Olyan, who was holding a rusty hand axe.

"Olyan!" Simmons growled, standing up so suddenly it dumped his wife onto the desk top in front of him. "What are you doing here... what do you want?" The Watch Commander asked, as he glared at the group; even as of them crowded into the room. Circling around him and Alessa cutting off all roots for them to escape.

"We..." Olyan said slowly, savoring each word. "Are here wanting revenge..." He explained with a dark vicious sneer, gesturing to his men. Instantly they leap forwards seizing the Watch Commander and restraining him forcefully. "Revenge for taking out lively hoods, revenge for disgracing us in the eye's of our neighborhoods." Olyan snarled as he moved up to the restrained Simmons. "Revenge for the indignity you... have afforded us!"

"And tha gold." A voice growled from behind him.

"And the gold owed us for all these things." Olyan carried on swiftly before he lost control of his gang. "You get this high office, then turn us out on the streets!" The former watchman spat. "Now yer tart of a wife's runnin' around the city spending gold like it's water." Seeing Simmons about to object Olyan quickly cut him off. "Don't bother lyin' we got eye's, now we're here fer tha gold due us." Suddenly a wicked smile crossed his face, as he looked Alessa over leeringly. "Of course ya got other things that might be worth takin'." He looked suggestively at her, one dirty hand reaching out to push the shoulder straps of her night gown off. As Simmons struggled powerfully within the grasp of his captors. They all chuckled lewdly, as the silken gown slipped down exposing one pert breast.

"Keep your hands off her or I'll kill you!" He snarled savagely, as Alessa struggled to pull the gown back up over her exposed flesh. Her captors were snickering lustfully and pulling down at the material.

"Wheres tha gold?" Olyan demanded as he watched his men teasing the helpless Alessa.

"We don't have any gold!" Simmons shouted back angrily.

"Don't tell us your lies!" Olyan snarled. "Ya don't think we'd believe that you'd trust it all to the money lenders!" Olyan snorted, drawing agreeing snickers from his men. "And even this pretty tart can't have spent it all!" Olyan taunted grasping the hem of her night gown with one hand. "Of course we can keep our self's busy for awhile with yer little slut here." Olyan snickered yanking her gown up swiftly, the delicate fabric ripping as he did so. Alessa Simmons screamed as her gown was half torn off her body. Bellowing in rage Burl Simmons struggled uselessly against the hand's holding him. As Olyan leered gloatingly at Alessa's naked lower body, reaching down to unbutton the front of his trousers. Desperately she kicked at him, but her leg's were quickly pinned by the men holding her. Eye's wild with terror and frantic revulsion she looked to her husband. But he was as trapped as she, glancing back she saw Olyan's naked aroused organ. Standing stiffly out in front of him as he moved in between her wide spread leg's. "Looks like we're going to get to have some fun with this floozie!" The ex-watchman snickered obscenely, as his dirty hand's slipped under her thigh's. Fondling her delicate sex lustfully as his organ grew more rigid.

"Unhand the master and mistress!" A deep solid sounding voice said suddenly from the open doorway. All eyes turned to find an oddly tall, oddly well groomed dwarf standing in his night shirt.

"This aint none of your business seneschal go back to your room." Olyan snarled, turning back to Alessa's spread leg's. He lifted her up and moved forwards intent on spearing her damp sex.

"Unhand them at once!" Alvod repeated more firmly this time a soft ringing note was heard. Turning around again Olyan frowned, as he saw the ancient war hammer in the dwarf's blunt hand's.

"Take him down." He ordered a burly pair standing behind him, then turned once more to the struggling Alessa. "Don't worry strumpet we'll have our fun." He gloated lifting one finger moist from her sex to lick it leeringly.

"Ya aint goina hurtz tha mistress or master Alvod." A second voice growled, spinning Olyan found himself facing a group.

"Orc's!" He grunted in surprise and shock, as the house hold staff crowded into the room. Vurner had a heavy spade in each hand, the cooks carried meat cleavers. The stable hands had hay forks, even the maids and servant girls had long saw toothed knifes. Behind them the nanny, stood planted on the stairway leading to the children's room's. A club that looked suspiciously like a table leg, clenched in her big hand's. A grim look on her blunt face that said louder than words, that none would pass while she yet drew breath.

"We'll cut you lot to pieces if ya don't leave right now!" Olyan roared angrily, as he lifted his rusty hand axe again. Feinting a charge, but the Orc's didn't move a step. Tucking his quickly softening member back into his trousers, Olyan turning to his men. At just that instant, the air was filled with a whirring sound; as a heavy hammer spun by his head. Ducking to the left he straightened and gave Alvod an evil glance. "You missed Nibelung." Then noticed Alvod's grin, looking back quickly he saw that he had not been the target.

"Sir... your sword!" Alvod called as he tossed Simmons blade across the room. Even as the ancient war hammer reappeared in the dwarf's blunt hand's. Suddenly the room was filled with blood curling screams, as the Orc's changed into battle! The fight was a short ugly one, that left three dead; and most at least wounded. Alvod was bleeding from a head wound, as he helped Simmons secure the last of the surrendering house invaders. Vurner who was unharmed stood over the captives glaring menacingly down at them. Alessa Simmons who had a nasty cut across one naked breast, was seeing to the maids who had taken wounds to they're arm's and leg's. The cooks were bruised and battered, but unlacerated and had gone for the watch. The stable hand's and footmen had gone out to search the grounds. Alvod glanced around and flashed Simmons a grim smile.

"Loyal and brave... I couldn't have rallied human servants to so bold an rash an action!" He admitted.

"How did you know?" The watch Commander asked as he looked around.

"The cooks were up to stoke the fires in the kitchen, for breakfast." "When they saw them sneaking in the back door." The dwarf explained. "They came to me at once, and I had them alert the rest of the staff."

"Glad they were!" Simmons grunted. "But why didn't you send anyone for the watch?"

"Begging your pardon sir." Alvod said quickly. "But it was in the nature of a tactical decision, the watchmen wouldn't have been here for sometime." "I felt I needed every fighting body I could get at the time." "Had I awaited the watch... well I fear madam would have had..."

"Understood." Simmons grunted flushing as he thought about what was about to happen when the rescue had come. "It was a close thing." He agreed.

"The children still slumber." The nanny assured softly as she helped Alessa bind the maids wounds.

"I... I'm very..." "Thank you!" Alessa blurted suddenly hugging the Orctress who was easily twice her size.

"Mistress is welcomed." The Orc female whispered patting her trembling shoulder tenderly.

"I think perhaps madam is not as displeased with your choice of servants as she was earlier." Alvod whispered as he stood and brushed himself off. "A bit of tea is what is needed here I think." Simmons chuckled softly as the dwarf trotted off to put a kettle on.


Amdis stood under the guttering streetlight, humming an old Dwarf ditty; taught to her by her father. She glanced up from the light to the lightening sky. Dawn was coming quickly, and her nights work would soon need to be over. Taking another look along the street, she began humming the tune from the top. From the darkened alleyway opposite her, Amdis heard the same tune being whistled back. With a casual flick of her boot against the wall, she started across the street. Moving leisurely down into the still blackness of the alleyway.

"Wotcha got fer me?" She whispered using the gruff deep voiced Dwarfin language. A disheveled Dwarfin male, smelling of strong drink stepped out in front of her, pulled his fingers through his rough unkempt beard.

"I got sumthin' fer ya." He whispered back lewdly matching her language, one filithy hand cupping his crotch suggestively.

"Aint enough there ta interest me!" Amdis growled. "And what is there is to inferior quality fer even a strumpet much less me!" She taunted making the Dwarf grimace.

"Ya needn't be so unkind... I was merely jestin'." The Dwarf grunted.

"I know... and I'm not fer yer jestin' Edargon!" Amdis snapped darkly. "Now what news?"

"Not good news boss!" Edargon whispered. "Tha Orcs are scared, very scared." "According ta what I can dig up, this ‘Omoc' beast is a demon!" "A foul thing from the netherworlds, that eats Orcs souls! It changes as it eats'em, growin' fouler and more twisted." "Getting' bigger and stronger with each soul." "According ta the lore I am hearin', it'll become unstoppable." "An eventually wipe out everyone of them."

"Any truth in that?" Amdis asked sharply.

"Who knows?" Edargon shrugged his thick shoulders. "Tha Orc legends remain mostly oral, who knows how much has been exaggerated." "Or just blow up ta make a good story, or is plain wrong." "What I can tell you is the fear it is causing is very real." "I've heard of Orcs refusing to take night shift jobs, or not travelling alone even in tha day." "Some are talking of heading back out ta tha mountains, hidin' in caves."

"Likely?" Amdis asked sharply.

"I doubt it boss, they know tha city can't cope without ‘em workin'." "Their leaders are on top of it fer now, but if this fear gets much worse..." "Well... who knows!"

"Hummm." "Interesting..." "Any new players in tha game?"

"Well tha usual gang shift rounds, tha Elders are still there -o- course." "Ever heard of the Pierced Hind?" Amdis shook her head, arching one bushy eyebrow. "There is a Half breed there called Watt, who has been making a bit of an impact." "In tha neighborhood trying to organize the Orcs a bit, give them a shot of self esteem that sort of thing." "Which is odd ‘cause the Hind is a Buck Bar."

"Well he won't succeed then!" Amdis said with a bit of a chuckle.

"That's tha thing." Edargon insisted. "He is... tha place has expanded recently, now it has rooms fer Orcs an non Orcs alike." "Plus from what I heard tha owners are buying up lots of tha ‘entertainment' places down in tha Warrens."

"Who are they?" Amdis asked truly curious now.

"No one seems ta know, everything is being done by way of this Watt." "He turns up, throws down a helm full â€"o- gold; then takes the deeds." "Builders come in, clean the place up; or pull it down." ‘The Brothers' is tha only name I have heard."

"Alright keep an eye on that lot." "If they are rich, they'll quickly annoy tha wrong gang." "And we don't need another riot, or worse on our hands!"

"Aye Boss." Edargon grunted. "Well I'll be off fer some kip then."

"Go rest. Well done." The scruffy Dwarf nodded once to Amdis, then turned vanishing amongst the boxes and barrels of the alley.

Amdis stood and thought for a moment then headed back onto the road. She walked and thought. This Watt did not seem like a problem, but Omac most definitively was! She wondered about possibly recruiting the Orcs help in finding ‘Omac', but if they were as scared as it sounded. She'd need an insider, one of them, otherwise they wouldn't talk! Damn Orcs always so stubborn about allowing others to help them with a community problem. Of course her own people were much the same, Amdis grinned as the comparison to her own people struck her. No wonder the Dwarfs and Orcs tribes used to war on each other so often! ‘No enemy so reviled as those like ones self!' She chuckled at the old proverb.

A low whistle caught her attention; the small tune was an Agent signal. It came from ahead of her, and she stepped cautiously towards the doorway that it had come from. The long slender triangular bladed stiletto dropping from her into her hand from a baggy sleeve. Years of having lived and worked on the dangerous streets of the city making her vigilant. The slightly ajar door pushed open under her hand. And she stepped into the dirty living room of a low class merchant dwelling, human from the hangings and furniture. A Human male sat on the floor opposite the door, he was dressed in a Merchant Guild tunic. But was wearing nothing below his waist, not that it mattered; as his throat was ripped open. Bright red human blood covered the front of his tunic, and the floor around him. Amdis drew a vicious heavy bladed cutting dagger, to back up her stiletto. Then stepped carefully into the room, as the whistle weaker now came again from the back room.

Stepping through a second doorway, a set of stairs went up to her right. With another dirty room in front of her, there was a blood trail coming down from upstairs into the room. Slowly she entered the room to find an overturned kitchen, pots and plates where thrown about. And the table as well as a couple of chairs was smashed against one wall. Against the far wall was a pale naked figure, his left arm bent in an unnatural way. A nasty Orcish dagger was buried into one hairy leg, the blood still fresh and pumping onto the dirty floor. The humans nose was smashed, splayed across his bruised cheek. His eye's blackening, one mostly closed shut by a blood filled swelling. The man whistled again, through his puffy battered lips.

"Luximore!" Amdis choked as she recognized the beaten man. As his blood matted head slowly lifted and he coughed.

"Amdis..." He croaked bloody spitting spraying from his swollen lips.

"Who did this?" Amdis demanded in a harsh whisper as she looked around guardedly.

"Upstairs." Luximore croaked weakly. "It was upstairs......" He waved a blood covered hand vaguely, then his head fell back on his blood soaked chest. Amdis quickly began a low chant in Old Dwarfin, then reached over and placed a slightly glowing hand onto Luximore's spurting wound. A hot tingle of power swept through her, as she called on her Deity's healing powers. The human's naked body shuddered as the power spread through it. Amdis reached her right hand over, and with a swift yank. Pulled the nasty shaped dagger from her Agent's wound, even as the bleeding stopped magically healing over. Though there would always remain a deep ugly scar, to mar the human's pale skin. Stepping over the blood pool, she expertly snapped the mans arm back into place. Then stepped back, watching as Color returned to Luximore's face. Though he would hurt, and not all the wounds had vanished; Amdis knew he would live. Luximores eye's where shut, and she knew he would need a few more minutes.

Amdis left him to recover, and warily climbed the stairs. Trying not to step in to much blood, nor make to much noise. As she had expected there where two rooms, both small bedrooms. The door to the right was shut, but something bloody and heavy had slammed into it. Looking into the room on the left, Amdis felt a sickness in her belly. The scene was one of the worst she'd seen in decades of patrolling the City. All over the room were the remains of an Orc, or maybe even two! Patches of green skin stuck to the walls made that obvious. Not a single surface was free of blood, or bits of gore; some even hung from the roof eves. A broken window brought in the sounds of the night outside. And Amdis could see a slightly higher rooftop on the other side of the road. A huge jump but from what she had heard of ‘Omoc' totally possible for him.

Amdis did not need her Deity's magic, to figure out what had happened here. The three males had obviously been enjoying each others company, a huge crash and the thing was in their room. It would have gone for the Orc first, but when the others had attacked it. It had ripped one's man's throat open, he had staggered down the stairs for help. But had died before making it out the door. The other had taken a dagger to the fiend, only to end up getting it in his own leg. Then slammed into the door across the way, and had either fallen or dragged himself down the stairs. Had he still been fighting it? It didn't matter, the creature had incapacitated him; then returned to its meal or vice versa. Luximore was damn lucky she had been passing. Amdis took another look around the room from the doorway, the Agency had been helping the Watch. And Commander Simmons keep a lid on this, only the Orcs had an idea what was going on. Their Elders where helping, but murders like this where going to get into the news eventually. She sighed, and started back down the stairs; time to call in the Watch clean up wagon.


"Anything?" She asked cocking one slender eyebrow as she looked at the mask in her husband's hand's.

"Anything." Burl Simmons repeated. "Elven Count... Centaur... Satyr..." He listed a number of her fantasy partners.

"Actually... I've kinda got a new one..." Alessa blushed as she watched her husbands smiling, curious, face.

"Well... are you going to tell me... or am I going to have to guess." Reaching over into their night stand, she took out a rolled up parchment. Carefully she unrolled it starring at it for a long moment before turning it so he could see. It was one of the posters for the pit fights, a rather exaggerated drawing of the champion Granpug. Glaring and flexing his mighty naked body, looking both sexy and dangerous all at once! A lesser man might have insecure and intimidated by the image.

"Ohoooo so and Orc is it!" Simmons chuckled remembering his wife's first reaction to his hiring Orcish servants. "I've actually seen him in person... you know." Simmons chuckled as he looked at his clearly high aroused and blushing wife.

"No..." She breathed wide eyed. "Is he... I mean does he look like..." She turned her gaze to the imagine once more.

"Pretty close yes." He answered grinning. "Think I could manage a fairly close reproduction." Simmons snickered, lifting the mask to his face then pausing. "Your sure this is what you want?"

"Yes ravish me like a wild Orc!" Alessa begged softly as she lay seductively on they're bed. Starring hard at the drawn imagine on the parchment, slipping the mask on and muttering the trigger words. That he knew by heart now Simmons moaned as he felt the magic begin its work. The cold ceramic laying against his face suddenly felt warm against his skin. Lifting his hands away, he was unsurprised when the Mask did not come with. Alessa Simmons gasped as she watched the bright ceramic white darkened taking on a green Orcish hue. Her husband's jaw line begin to lengthen and grow wider, squarer; inside his mouth his teeth changing, growing sharper, stronger in his now purplish gum's. "Ohoooo dear!" Alessa panted in arousal as she watched spellbound. The Mask seemed to fade away as two of his lower teeth grew massive and thick, thrusting out of his mouth, becoming big pearl white tusks. His strong nose grew wider, flatter; his eye sockets deepened as the thick Orc brow emerged from his smooth forehead, his eyes turned black. His ears grew pointed and his hair grew much longer and thicker. As his head completed its change, Simmons felt dizzy for a moment, the room around him seemed to get farther away, startled he glanced first down then up and realized that this illusion was caused by his growing in height. His big chest became more massive with each drag of breath; his nipples grew wider, longer and puffed out. Simmons shoulders grew wider, and the thick muscles of his neck flared out as were those of his broad arching back. Between his growing monolithic thighs his male hood throbbed and pulsed mightily, an odd tingling sensation running through it. His already good sized shaft began to grow, longer and wider; grunting in pleasure he watched his low dangling testicles expand to rest further down his legs! At last the transformation stopped, and Alessa looked at him, a smile broke over her blushing face; as she admired his new form. Looking first at the poster imagine and then at the huge brute towering over her.

"Whatcha thinkz little one?" Simmons grunted in his best Orc imitation. She was somewhat surprised by the deep richness of his voice, but it was his massive green Orc tail that really stunned her.

"Prefect!" She breathes lustfully as her husband was now Granpug's twin! He flexed his massive new arms, pleased by the huge bulge of his biceps. "Don't just stand there." Alessa breathed opening her robe and laying back, as she motioned for him to join her.

"Who's your big Orc?" He grunted jokingly, as he crawled between her wide spread thigh's. Running his thick tongue over his tusks, grinning wickedly at his enraptured wife. "You did say this was what you wanted.... To be ravished by the pit champion!"

"Yes." Alessa moaned softly reaching under him to grasp the huge throbbing green organ. Guiding it into her, pulling his hugely muscled form to her. Until his hard muscled form was pressed to hers, then taking his pointed ear lobe in her mouth. She nibbled and sucked on it playfully she whispered. "Be savage!"