Family Bear

Story by Torakuma on SoFurry

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#1 of Family Bear

Family Bear

By: ToKu

Dakota Baranski felt the tumblers click, the vibrations sending chills through his large bear body. After such a day even the slightest of things were amplified. Pulling himself out of his truck after pulling into his drive way was a chore in and of its self. His bones were stiff, his muscles ached and his stomach rumbled for something he knew food wouldn't fix. But his exhaustion aside, as the door swung open his two children came bounding into his arms bringing the scents of bear musk and wood polish.

Their home was kept quite tidy by his wonderful wife Nora. Sleek oak wood furniture remained dust free, glass remained streak-less, and not a dish remained in the sink for too long. She was a wonderful mother; on top of being a designer for a fairly prestigious firm in town, she played a wonderful role as house wife. He loved her for that and he longed to hold her, kiss her, but at the same time ‘that other' feeling had been larking inside his belly since lunch time this afternoon and had not diminished an ounce.

"Daddy, daddy we drew you pictures, our teachers said to draw the things we loved the most and I drew you, come see." The two cubs said in near perfect unison, their eyes bulging in joy. The day had been long, hard, all together miserable, but his children always brought that extra bit of joy that fueled him to play along with them.

"Easy, easy, I haven't even taken off my coat." The Kodiak bear said hanging his coat on a rack by the door as his two boys tried to pull him by the pant legs. Markus was the oldest, in fourth the grade and he already knew he wanted to be a construction worker like his father. Tai was still a little young but he said he wanted to be a fashion designer like their mother. It didn't bother Dakota that his son wasn't into his little league games like his older brother, he loved him just the same, though he wished his mother didn't push him along so much. Children learned from their parents, and Dakota wanted his children to grow up to think for themselves because Dakota never had the chance when he was younger.

"See, see, I drew this one of you working on that tall new building down town." Markus said holding up a large piece of construction paper with a rough looking picture of a bear in a yellow construction hat on top of a glittering blue glass building.

"This one is of mommy making dresses." Tai said holding up his; a blotch of green and brown which Dakota figured was his wife Nora, Tai being only six, with purple shaped triangles he took for dresses.

"I love them both," Dakota said with a large fatherly smile that beamed pride that the two boys had come from him. "We'll put them both on the fridge when you two get A's, alright."

The two cubs nearly screamed as they spazzed in joy. He took this time to unbutton his shirt and grab a beer from the fridge before he took a seat in his big arm chair with a huge grizzly sigh, where he watched his two children show off the best parts of their drawing to each other again and again. Dakota took a healthy chug of his brew before a familiar form came briskly down the hall.

Nora was fit for a bear, her hard work at her aerobics class every other day had certainly paid off, and he was the one to reap the benefits. He wore a simple pair of short black shorts and a white shirt with lace work on the front. The smell of clean in the air told him she had been hard at work only moments ago but her outer appearance could have suggested she was ready to go out on a informal date. She always looked good doing the things she did.

With a quick smiled she shuffled over to him, bent down ever so and kissed him quite thoroughly on the lips, running her hand through his head fur which always stuck up in spikes naturally. He hair almost always looked styled but he never hot a hard time about it at work. He had a pretty larger intimidation factor about him, being a Kodiak.

She flicked on of his round ears ad smiled, even after ten years she still loved him. He still didn't know why, it certainly wasn't his looks, also due to being a Kodiak. Though he had muscle because of his job but he had always had that bearish belly of his. Nor was it some charming aspect he might have, he was quite rough with everything he did; the way he talked, the way he walked, he even had a bad habit of belching at the wrong moments. But she loved him and he loved her and that was all that really mattered, they had two great children, and good paying jobs, though his left him a little tired at the end of the day, and it was because of this that the rumble in this stomach drew him to the darker section of his mind.

"How was your day?" Nora asked in her sweat tea Tennessee accent as she sat down on the arm of his chair, her eyes glowing a greenish blue in the dim lit living room. She was beautiful to look at but something else boiled in him, he reached in his pants pockets and clasped his paw around his cell phone, praying for it to ring.

"Exhausting as ever." He smiled up at her as he took another sip of his beer, it was defiantly helping the urge in him but only a little, it was more of a way to prolong his patience. "Boss had us hustlin' today. Nearly feel five stories to my death if it weren't for Deslin, the bull grabbed me by my suspenders and hulled be back up top the girder."

Nora didn't even flinch at the thought of him dying, not that she didn't care or course, after ten years of hearing about this kind of stuff she had build a sort of protective wall around her. She was used to hearing about Dakota being in trouble and almost getting hurt. She still prayed for him every morning and so far it had seemed to work. She keeps praying, he keeps working, and the world keep turning, and his inside too apparently.

He gripped his phone tighter, as Nora smiled, not to hard though; his bear paws have been known to break things on accident before. She just smiled as he continued.

"Anyways, Deslin said he might be calling tonight, said I'd take him out for a drink after work." Dakota peered into the small hole of his bear can, the golden liquid inside swimming like his stomach at the small lies he told. "It'll only be for an hour or so, I'll be back in time to tuck the cubs in."

"You're lucky you have such a good friend out there at the site watchin' over you." Nora said her southern drawl really coming out, any other night it would have gotten him hard right then and there, but the phone in his paw was a reminder to other issues at hand. "Lord knows you don't pray enough."

Dakota smirked at that, he never had been very religious. It had been forced on him by his parents when he was younger and it had never really stuck with him as he got older. Nora understood this; she was a very understanding bear, having had surprisingly understanding parents. She knew his faith had been raddled when he was younger and that was why he wanted his cubs to grow up to think for themselves and be the bears they were born to be.

Dakota almost came up with a clever retort when the phone in his pocket sent shocks of vibrations and sound through his fur and ears. His heart skipped a beat and he nearly swallowed his tongue.

‘At last.' He thought as he dug the phone out of his pocket; his arm seeming to move in slow motion as it brought the devise to his round brown ears.

"Yeah?" He panted into the phone having just glanced at the caller I.D. his heart almost stopped beating in his chest when he heard that deep, bovine voice over the receiver.

"You still up for tonight, Kota?" Deslin said his voice slightly distorted through the faint hum of cellular phone white noise.

"More than ever." Dakota replied as Nora smiled at him, tracing a claw through his chest fur as she continued to teeter on the edge of his seat. He tried his best to smile back as they planed the deceit with her so close. This always made him a little uneasy when he and Deslin planed these things, but he knew it was only a temporary remorse.

"Meet me at the usual place then, I'll be home in about fifteen minutes; that gives you about ten minutes to get here."

"Right, see ya in a bit then." With that they hung up the phones.

"Gonna meet him at the pub?" Nora asked as she started to re-button his shirt for him. She really was a good wife. He lived her for everything she did; he just needed this every once in a while. It was who he was, how he was born, so he figured. His parents had been very clear that they hated homosexuals; two men could never love each other. He wasn't a homosexual though, far from it in fact, his wonder wife had one smokin' body. She could get him hard with a few whispers of the delicious southern charm, at least on any other night than one like this.

"Yeah, like I said I'll only be gone about an hour." Dakota stood and finished buttoning his shirt over that tuft of chest fur she loved to play with. Nora just nodded understanding. He rarely went out so the nights he did he was granted full immunity to any scorn she might be holding in, which was hardly ever. He leaned in and kissed her again as his two boys realized he was heading for the door. "I'll see you later."

"You're leaving again daddy." Markus came running up to him, grabbing him around the middle and burying is face into Dakota's belly.

"Only for an hour, I'm going to meet a friend for a drink." Dakota chuckled at his son's affection. It was another lie but his son was way too young know about anything he was planning on doing.

"An hour is an eternity." He mumbled into his father's belly.

"Don't worry; I'll be back in time to tell you a bed time story." Dakota placed a paw gently on the cubs head; his son's were the only things he was gentle with. Markus looked up and reluctantly nodded understanding.

Nora took Markus back to the table to finish his homework as Dakota slipped back into his over coat before fishing for his keys. He was in his car before he knew it, the eagerness inside him pushing him onward. In a hurry the car ignited and sped off down the moonlit street. Stop lights and road signs sped by as he raced across town, passing the construction site on the way. He was hungry for something he only had an appetite for every month or so. He was like a vampire, if he went without it for too long he grew inpatient and frustrated. It was a like a stress dump, it could take this problems and haul them away like yesterdays garbage.

Dakota began to pay attention to the street names as he ventured deeper and deeper into an area he seldom traveled, turning where needed. He found himself driving up a familiar driveway, silver Nissan Titan parked in the open garage. Dakota stepped out from his Dodge, a Dakota, ironic he drove a car with his same name, and made his way to the front door. He raised a paw to knock but the door flung open to reveal the towering form of a young, built, bull, short black fur almost shining blue in the moonlight. He had ivory white horns that rose up from right above his forehead that grew forward, up and out to the side slightly into needle sharp points. He wore the same work shirt as the bear; a blue and black flannel, un-buttoned half way and rolled up to the elbows. Dakota smiled at the faint look of eagerness the bull shared with the brown Kodiak.

"You're early." He said in his New York-Tennessee accent and simply held out his bovine hand to greet his friend.

"I drove fast." Dakota responded by offering his own paw to shake his friend hand.

"You look tired Mr. Family Bear," Deslin teased knowing he went home to two kids and a wife every night. The bull was a swinger if he ever saw one, only with girls though, as far as Dakota knew he was the only guy the bull had fucked since his teenage years, which was pretty the same for the bear if he didn't count that young otter two years back. Though Dakota wasn't sure why a philanderer such a Deslin would want to fuck a male bear from work, his best friend, when he could get himself any kind of pussy out there.

"Just need a good hammering and I'll feel like new." Dakota admitted like asking for something as simple and trivial as a beer.

The bull just stepped aside to let the bear in, the clean smell of soap and body wash masking the scent of bull as he passed. The bear didn't have enough time to shower before the bull had phoned him, but that was alright, if he could he'd let the bull take him at the job site as other construction furs worked around them, but that was quite an impossible fantasy. Besides, the bull knew what the bear wanted and he and just made the appropriate actions for a more enjoyable time.

"That was a pretty close call today." The Deslin spoke as he shut the door; the bear knew he was watching as he took in the place. It always seemed different every time Dakota came by, some other sculpture, painting, or a new piece of furniture sat somewhere where nothing had before. Deslin was a construction worker, he knew how to work and he did a damn good job too, but it wasn't widely known among the other workers that he had been born into wealth. The bull was younger than him by at least eight years but already he sat on more money than Dakota ever would.

"You saved my skin today, Des." Dakota said as he remembered the events that ‘really' took place earlier today with a large bear grin. "It came out of nowhere today, all the workers sittin' around eatin' their lunches, shirtless and sweaty."

"You're actually saying you're attracted to the guys?" Deslin said with a grunt.

"Not really," Dakota replied staring up at a large painting above the bull's fire place; two very lewd looking female tigresses fought to the death. "Just imagined them fuckin' me that's all."

"Lucky I was there to keep them busy while you shot your rocks off." The bull smiled at the bear as he turned from admiring the place for the millionth time. "Maybe you'll find a better place to paw-off then behind the cement mixer."

The bear chuckled at the comment and took the few steps between them; this close he could smell the bull musk finally coming through the body wash. The younger bull gave off strong scents of hormones, a smell that caused the bear to push the bull back until he plopped down in an arm chair behind him. Dakota dropped to his knees and anxiously worked at the belt binding the pants to the bull's toned waist. It took mere moments before the pants were around Deslin's ankles and Dakota's maw was on the bull's hardening dick, nose buried in crotch fur.

"You sure love cock, Kota." That was a nick name the bull had given him after the first day they met. Just so happens the bulls favorite band's initials were K.O.T.A. The bear had never been a real avid music listener, and he wasn't sure what type of music the young bull listened to but if his favorite music was the same as his name than it was a plus in the bear's book. "Looks like you really needed this."

Dakota just mumbled an ‘um humm' as he sucked and slurped on the massive bull member like he was in a contest to win a new car. He had been starved and he was getting what he wanted. The great thing about bulls he had come to find was that when they shoot their load, they really fuckin' shoot ‘em. Dakota knew first hand that he would leave here tonight fuller than a boar on Thanksgiving Day.

"Heard your oldest boy wants to be in construction." The bull said looking down at the Kodiak as he worked his pole.

There was a loud slurping sound before a pop. The bear looked up with drool running down his chin as he grinned. "I know, I'm proud of both my son's." Dakota said and dove back down into the bull's crotch.

"And your youngest, Tai, wants to be a fashion designer." There was almost a hint of humor in there, but Dakota wasn't going to take anything Deslin said to heart.

"Saw Nora and Tai at the Stein Mart yesterday." The bull continued as he unbuttoned the rest of his shirt, revealing a toned and defined body, but if was far from washboard abs, or perfect pecs. Dakota liked guys like that better, being one himself, plus the large belly.

"You shop at Stein Mart?" Dakota said with the cock still half in his mouth, not wanting to be away for too long.

"Yeah, why?" The bull said pulling his shirt from over his head as they made their idle conversation.

"Ohh eason elly," The bear slurred as he ran his thick tongue up the shaft of the grayish bull cock, running over the veins like dots of Braille. Dakota thought he'd try his hand at a deepthroat and devoured the dick, shaft and all, letting the flavors of body wash, cock, and pre fill his senses. Deslin grunted a sigh, the bull never moaned, just like Dakota never grunted. It was a pride thing really, females moan, gay furs grunt, Dakota was neither of those, he simply was a male Kodiak bear who loved sucking cock on occasion, and every month or so, loved to be fucked.

Recovering from the sudden flood of pleasure, Deslin reached forward and pulled the bear's shirt up his back, ripping some of the buttons off before he discarded it across the room. Dakota had taken up washing the bull's already clean balls, the faint traces of fur tickling his tongue as he spit cleaned both dangling orbs as the think bovine dick rested sloppily between his two round hears, dripping pre down his back.

"F-fuck, just wanted to say...that...there is a big market for fashion...designers on the west coast." The bull's rumbling voice spoke cutting out every couple of words as the pleasure in his groin was starting to boil.

"The cubs only six, Deslin." Dakota said letting the spit soaked balls fall from his mouth. The bear figured the bull might think he would say he might grow up to like football or something, as if he was in denial that his son might really want to be a fashion designer when he got older. "Who knows if the fashion scenes anywhere will still be there in eleven years? Now are you ready to bust or what?"

The bull just stared on for a moment before a grin crossed his face to match the bear. Taking his paw Dakota helped the bull to his feet while Dakota switched places with him. Deslin took his cock in hand, stoking it several times before leaning in and feeding it to the hungry bear. He took it like a pro as the bovine thrusts became gradually faster, quickening as the cum boiled in those soaked nuts. Dakota Felt his own throbbing cock wanting to burst out his pants but he knew there was time for that still.

"F-fuck, g-get ready." The bull said taking hold of his cock, using his own spit as lubrication as he pounded away with his fist. Dakota just grinned before opening his muzzle wide, eyes glowing, his tongue falling out the side of his teeth and waited, as the bull worked, aiming for that open maw. "T-thirsty?"

With that one word the sack beneath the grayish cock rose as bull cum erupted from the flat tip of his cock. Dakota felt his own cock leak pre as jets of cum sprayed into his open mouth, drenching the fur around his muzzle and threatening to drown him. Deslin let the bear have his pacifier back so he could suckle as the remaining cum oozed out of him. Dakota couldn't see the look in his own eye but the face the bull made pretty much told him he was in ecstasy; a belly full of cum and a soaking face to prove it.

He felt it then, that inebriation that only over came him in situations like this. It was like having finished that last beer, straight from the cooler, draining the last bits of golden flavor, letting your lips roll of the end. He was intoxicated with the moment, drunk on the substance that filled his belly, he was cum drunk.

He noticed, almost alarmingly that the bull and taken off his pants and was already working his own member in his mouth. Dakota let him for a while, careful not to get jabbed in the thigh by a sharp horn. He liked getting head but it almost felt weird when I guy did it. It was strange he knew, he could suck a cock, fuck a dick, but when it came to a guy blowing him, it just didn't seem right to him. So after a few minutes he pulled the bull's head up by his horns and smiled.

"I'm a little short on time; you want to just fuck me already?" Dakota asked his stomach turning but not from the cum, thinking about being filled with a cock always made the bear anxious, excited even.

Deslin just grinned and stood pulling the bear over to the couch where he took his position over the side on the arm rest, huge bear claws spreading his cheeks in invitation to the bull and his fat tongue. It almost sent him over the edge, his stiff cock wedged between furry belly and leather sofa, as bull tongue probed his insides. He felt quite indescribable; Nora never made him feel this way. Sure it felt good fucking her but this was about ‘him', about him sucking cock and him being fucked, and taking it all like a male.

With the warmth of the tongue gone so suddenly he almost asked for it back but when he felt that slippery, flat, head press against his tail hole he almost shivered in anticipation.

"What would you do if you found out your son was gay?" Deslin asked rubbing his cock head in circles round the hole of his mate. Dakota faltered, his sexual thoughts slipping away suddenly. There was one down side to being the guys fuck buddy; he liked to talk a lot. They were both talkative at work, always cracking jokes about the other guys and how gay they looked when they pulled out their lunches beautifully prepared by their wives or the yellow bandannas some of them had taken to wearing. All while secretly being the two who are the ones who are actually fucking around, but this was sex, simple sex, who did the bull think he was; his lover, his wife?

"What are you talking about?" Dakota asked a little irritated at wanting to be fucked, lying their open and waiting, but no fucking...

"If your son is gay, you know, likes guys and all that. Goes on to be some fashion designer and hangs out with chicks just to hang out?" There was a silence, Dakota thought for a moment. He loved his son's. Who they grew up to become wouldn't change that, he had thought this through in his mind the day Markus was born. He knew too many furs, a lot of whom he worked with who were very uptight about that stuff.

"Wouldn't be a big deal really." Dakota said looking back at the bull. "He's my son, I made him, he a part of me, there's no way I couldn't love him forever. If he like dudes, then I'll give him tips how to pick up ones, just like I'll give my other cub tips how to pick up chicks. So there, will you just fuck me already?"

The bull just grinned and rocked forward, his cock slipping almost seamlessly into the bear's rectum without warning. Dakota's head swam as it breached, sighing as he had earlier when he took up his spot in his chair at home. It felt amazing as the bull hilted him in one try, long cock smashing up against Dakota's prostate with its flat head, spots appearing in front of his eyes as a jolt of pain shot through him from taking so much at once. The bear just smiled as Deslin pulled out momentarily only to come slamming back into him.

"Fuckin' right, that's how you fucking do it." Dakota growled licking some of the remaining cum from the side of his mouth. He pressed his own throbbing member into the leather arm rest as his pleasure spot was pummeled, pre leaking; causing less friction for the bear to hump his way to orgasm. "But go slower, take your time, fuck me right, I want to enjoy it."

Deslin slowed but kept a perfect pace, in and out, loose bull balls slapping against the bear's furry ones as the sounds of fucking filled the high walled living room. The bear couldn't turn around to see if the bull was enjoying this as much as he was, but the way every other third thrust made that connection to the bear's button was enough to keep Dakota in a state euphoria.

It was a faint ringing that brought Dakota to his senses. He looked down at the floor in front of him and realized it was his phone ringing in his pants. He reached as Deslin rocked into him, grabbing the edges of his pocket. On the third ring he answered as the bull gave a particularly vicious thrust, but Dakota being the master at fucking a dick answered in perfect tone.

"Daddy it's been like a million hours now, aren't you comin' home soon." Markus had picked up on his mother's accent at age five and sometimes it sounded like he was talking to her over the phone. It made him smile but not only because he loved his son so much but that the cock in his ass just felt so good.

"I'll be home in twenty minutes," Dakota said perfectly even though he received two powerful blows as he spoke. He grinned again, eye rolling up in the back of his head as he pressed his own cock harder into the leather beneath his bear belly. "I'm just finishing things up here."

"S-shit, you'll be done here in five." The bull whispered behind him.

"Make that fifteen minutes, okay son." The bear almost sighed into the phone, his insides fluttering and his balls ready to bust. He normally didn't act this school girlish but this was a long overdue fuck and it was seriously fucking with his senses.

"Daddy you sound weird." Markus confessed over the line, Markus had to scrunch his face with a pleasurable smile before he replied.

"Just haven a good time." It wasn't a lie this time; he defiantly was having a ‘good' time.

"Oh okay, but will you tell us a bed time story when you get home, one about construction?" He pressed his eyes shut, not in pain and only half in pleasure; he truly loved his sons, his wife, this god damn cock in his ass.

"I'd love to tell you a bed time story about construction." Dakota reassured the cub as he took another body tingling thrust of cock, landing deep inside his pre dripping hole.

"Okay then daddy, I'll see you in fifteen minutes, I'll start counting." Markus said sternly.

"Alright, I'll see ya." With that the bear dropped his phone and held on to the sides of the couch, careful not to leave claw marks in the material. "FUCK, I'm gonna fuckin' bust a load in your fuckin' rich boy sofa Des."

"Hope you got room in that ass Baranski, I'm g-gonna fill that married ass of yours." Deslin said and laughed as his consistent pace was finally bringing him over the edge and into orgasm. "Oh fuck here it comes."

Dakota felt it instantly, his large body shaking in his own orgasm as shot after shot filled his ass with hot, sticky, bull cum. His belly grew warm as he came, flooding into the small area under his belly, thick cum sticking to the leather and matting his fur. Deslin collapsed on top of the bears back, his cock still spurting goo inside the bear and buried his face into Dakota's back fur. The bear started chuckling at first but the bull joined in and soon they were laughing, both seemingly cum drunk.

"I might have to pick you up tomorrow and carpool to work," Dakota said his teeth gleaming in a smile. "Think I might need another ass full of cum to get me through work tomorrow, if you're up to it."

"I think I'd be willing to provide." The bull replied with just as big a smile and slowly rose, pulling his cock loose as well. Some cum escaped but Dakota clenched his hole shut; he didn't want any to go to waste. He'd probably go home and have sex with Nora, fucking her with an ass full of cum sounded awesome to him, enough so that he grinned toothily all while dressing.

"Nora's gonna ask how I ripped three buttons off my shirt." Dakota said putting on his coat with his chest fur exposed. He raised a paw to try and style his face fur with the drying cum, he didn't want to look so conspicuous when he walked in his house with the change of Nora being right there.

"Say you got in a fight because someone called you fat." Deslin said and chuckled as he sat in his chair, still naked.

"Naw, she knows I don't care about that shit." Dakota explained as he checked the time on his phone, he had ten minutes to be home, and an eight minute drive ahead of him, he'll make it.

"You could just tell her you spent the last hour being a bull's bitch."

"Hey, just because you had your cock up my ass doesn't make me your bitch," Dakota said pointing a sharp claw at the bull and in returned Deslin grinned and licked a finger before pressing it to the tip of a horn. "I'll see ya tomorrow, bright and early."

Dakota smiled as he let himself out, his truck started and he pulled away from the house no longer feeling hungry, though he did miss the feeling of that cock between his ass cheeks. He fantasized about Nora, and the bull the rest of the way home, thinking of different variations he would love to have both of them in, and at the same time. Fucking Nora while Deslin fucked him was his favorite so far. He never had asked Nora if she would ever consider a three way, though she'd probably assume he wanted another chick. He just chuckled as he let himself in through the door way to find a nearly dark house, neat, orderly and smelling fresh. He hung his coat up and removed his shirt, stashing it in the dirty laundry before heading down the hall. Nora was in their room reading a book, dressed in a lavender night gown; he gave her a quick, loving, nod before heading for the boy's room.

Though the lights were out they were both awake, chatting away at boyhood things. They almost squealed when they saw their father enter the room. Tai came jumping out of his bed and into his father's arms where he buried his head into his chest fur. Dakota could feel the cum sloshing around inside of him, it made him grin as warmth spread across his face. The boys were too young to know what the smell of cum even was so he wasn't worried about kissing his two sons on the ears like he did every night. Nora would never suspect him of sleeping with a male so he was safe there too, it made him feel bad, but he had his ways of rationalizing it. She was his wife, and he loved her for the things she did, but she clearly couldn't give him everything he wanted, needed. At least he wasn't sleeping with three guys all at once.

"Daddy are you still gonna tell us a story." Markus asked sitting up eagerly.

"I guess so; you wanted a construction story, right?" Dakota asked taking a seat on the small stool between their beds, he felt some of the cum escape the muscles below his tail, he wasn't going to be able to hold it in sitting like this.

"But in space." Tai squeaked from beneath his blankets, Markus soon copied him and nodded in approval. Dakota was a good story teller, he could even mix two completely different subjects like construction and space, at least well enough for his two boys.

"So construction workers in space, like astronauts?" The big bear asked and the two cubs nodded. He finally relaxed and let his muscles loosen. The cum was still warm as it gushed out, soaking the bottom of his pants as he began the story off the top of his head. It was almost like cuming all over again, he would have to go straight to the shower after this and sneak back to clean the stool. A smile crept across his face, but again it was only partially the stories fault; he could afford to lose this cum, tomorrow was another day where a fresh batch awaited him.

Love to hear your kind, hateful, sad, psychotic words. Please comment below :D