Office Relations I

Story by HyewaKitten on SoFurry

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A knock sounds at her door, the tigress looking over the latest reports to come out of the department she's in charge of, and she speaks simply, "Come in." She doesn't even look up as she sets the report down on her desk and signs it, then stacks it into the appropriate file. "Prompt, as usual, Mr. Connors... thank you."

A tall tiger enters the office, dressed in a crisp, conservative dark-gray suit, with a slender matching tie. He approaches the tigress's desk, nods a polite greeting, and smiles slightly. "Of course, Ms. Jennings. You wanted to see me about something?" He remains standing for the moment, his expression curious and attentive.

She looks up at him, and the prim and proper tigress is smiling like she's just met an old friend, "Please, take a seat." She motions to the extravagant chair seated across from her desk. She leans back, her own wing-backed seat reclining slightly as she narrows her eyes, looking at him with something between hunger and anticipation. That look disappears before his eyes meet hers once more, and the warm smile is in it's place. "I assume that you know why you're here."

"Thank you", the tiger rowls politely, settling into the offered chair and folding his hands over his lap. His eyebrows rise slightly at the tigress's following statement, and he blinks a few times, seemingly taken aback. "I...have to admit I don't," he confesses. "Things have been going very well in the department, so I do hope nothing's wrong...?"

"No no, nothing like that. Quite the opposite." She stands, deftly plucks a printout from the middle of the board on the wall and hands it to him, "As you can see, not only are we doing well, but we are, as of one week ago, the number one office in the company." She lets him have a few seconds to peruse the numbers and then reclaims the flimsy piece of paper, and tacks it back up. "I have to say, however, that I'm surprised that the office rumor mill hasn't gotten to you yet."

He skims over the numbers for a few moments, his eyes widening slightly. As he hands the documents back to the tigress, his eyes widen a bit more. "I had no idea. I knew our numbers would be up, because we're never so busy in a slow quarter, and I've been on the run non-stop...but I didn't realize how FAR they were up." A smile slowly spreads across his muzzle. "I'm so glad to hear it. It makes all the hustling feel all the more worthwhile."

Her own smile has changed ever so slightly, and as she takes a seat on the edge of her desk, the top of her stocking shows, as well as the garter clip that runs up her thigh. "I agree," she intones, almost a purr of satisfaction at leading such a crack team. "There are several things that I've been allowed to do now because we're the number one office.

I'm given a larger budget, we have increased vacation times and partially funded vacation packages, and I've been given much more freedom in how I run things." She tosses a paw to the side, dismissing the rest of those thoughts, "But that's another story. You're in here, simply put, because without your guidance, we wouldn't have made it, and you're the employee of the quarter."

Clearly put at ease by the good news, the male relaxes a bit, settling back more comfortably into the chair. He nods from time to time, listening attentively, and allows himself a small grin when his boss gets to the kudos. "Oh...really? It's an honor," he purrs, smiling broadly. "I appreciate your putting the confidence in me to make it happen; it was an opportunity I couldn't take lightly."

She chuckles a little at his humility, yet another reason that he was selected, she's certain. Her boss is the one that made the choice, and she simply gets to hand him the plaque. Her left leg tugs under her right as she half-leans, half sits, which shows more of her thigh and stocking, clearly showing not only the garter straps now, but perhaps just a hint of black thong panties underneath her dress. As she leans forward, she smiles once more, "It's a pleasure, I assure you. The nice thing about being allowed to run things my own way, is that I get to choose what the... motivational incentives will be for office awards and parties."

Now that the news has had its moment to sink in, the tiger begins to really notice the amount of leg his superior is seems a bit more than could be chalked up to coincidence, and her choice of words only fires his imagination further. He doesn't let himself jump to any conclusions just yet, though; swallowing hard and trying not to stare, he nods, and rowls, "I'll be looking forward to seeing what you have in mind!"

It almost seems like she was waiting for him to give her permission, and she slides off of the desk. For a split second, it appears that she isn't aware of the movement, especially because it pulls the dress up over half of her backside, clearly showing off that it is a very nice butt indeed and it was a thong that he saw in that tiny glimpse. When she leans forward onto her arms and forepaws and starts to crawl towards him, the smile is not just friendly anymore.

Conners blinks, stares, and then blinks again. Half-expecting that his imagination was running away with him at first, he can no longer deny the reality of the situation, and it seems to have left him slightly stunned. Though the male is momentarily speechless, the fixture of his gaze on the tigress's every move, and the increasingly obvious tenting of his sharp dress slacks, reveal much about his current state of mind...

The very image of a huntress on the prowl, her shoulders rolling back and forth as she slowly crosses her office floor, tail lashing back and forth over her hips that sway ever so sweetly. She moves right up to where he sits, slack-jawed, and runs her paws from the bottom of his pant leg up the interior of his thigh. "I think that I've struck upon a very effective motivational idea... you're the first one that gets to experience it." She leans her cheek against his leg, looking up at him through half-lidded eyes, "Don't you feel lucky..." It's not a question, however it was phrased.

The tiger male takes a deep breath, and as he slowly exhales, the smile begins to return to his muzzle as his mind finally begins to accept what's happening here. He grins down at the tigress, and nods slowly, the tip of his tail beginning to twitch rhythmically from side to side. "Very lucky," he rumbles, the evidence of his arousal now quite pronounced, straining against the material covering it.

Her fingers all seem to converge on his shaft, still encased as it is by his pants, and she fondles it for a moment, gathering her legs under her while she purrs up to her best employee. "Good boy... now, part of the deal is that we can't have any sort of a sexual harassment suit going on here. If at any point you want me to stop..." she says as she tugs his zipper down and deftly fishes the length of meat out of his boxers, "all you have to do is say so." Her paw works up and down the length once, her hot, moist breath puffing over it. "You don't mind this though, do you?"

The tiger's eyes instinctively squeeze shut as the tigress's paw wraps around his covered erection, a soft gasp escaping his muzzle as his head tilts back slightly. He recovers after a moment as he's spoken to, and can't help grinning at the very idea that he'd want this sexy female to stop what she's doing. "Mmm, not at all," he breathes, his voice husky and deep, hips rising a bit involuntarily as the tigress frees and strokes along his shaft. "Far from it..."

Ms. Jennings rumbles a deep purr up to him, and slides a little closer, her breasts mashing into his thighs as she licks just the base of his meat. "Good. I thought that you might see things my way." Her tongue is soft, but has that textured feel that all feline tongues do, just barely scraping along the surface of his shaft. Fingers tug him a little more, making sure that he's fully hard for her as she gives him his just deserts for working so hard.

The tiger lets out a soft moan as that gently-raspy feline tongue glides over the base of his shaft. "Far be it from me," he murmurs, grinning faintly, "To question your policies..." The tigress's touch confirms his very complete and intense arousal, while he reaches down as well, running a few claws admiringly through her cheekfur.

She rubs her cheek against that paw for a moment, and then in a motion that is too smooth to be anything other than both female and feline, she opens her maw and takes the top half of his shaft into her mouth, sucking on it slowly, gently, starting to build the pace up, letting him relish the sensations that she's offering him.

Conners gasps as a warm, wet muzzle swiftly envelops the upper part of his maleness, and the tigress begins her leisurely ministrations. "O-oooh," he whispers, hips canting forward a little, one paw clutching firmly at the chair's armrest while the other slides back from her cheek to brush his claws through her short dark hair. The tiger's tail drums softly against the chair's leg, at the same tempo as his cock gently throbs against a textured tongue...

That purr never stops, traveling it's way from her throat to her tongue to his shaft, a subtle vibration as she bobs her head, just a little, working a bit more of him into her mouth each time, just pressing the length of her tongue against him in as many ways as she can manage, teasing him, making sure that he's good and hard for what she knows is going to be the real motivation.

Unable to take his eyes from the tigress, the male can't quite suppress a shiver as he witnesses his length vanish, inch by inch, into her hungry muzzle. By now, he's surely as hard as a tigress could ask for, his length thick and erect against her tongue, and its tip beading lightly with a single drop of pre.

She pulls off of him almost daintily, a thin line of his pre trailing from her lips as she slowly moves away from the now rock-hard male, and she stands, lifting one paw to each side of her dress, thumbing the shoulder-straps off and letting it pool at her feet. "Now there... let's see what we can come up with in a little more interactive conference..." She leans back, crooking her finger at him as she pushes herself up onto her own desk.

The tigress's invitation seems to come as a fresh surprise to the male, his eyes rather wide at the sight of her leaning back up on the desk... it appears he thought his motivational session would end with the attention he was getting a moment ago. Judging by his grin and the eagerness with which he discards his jacket and tie, though, it's a welcome surprise indeed. He quickly joins her at the desk, slipping his arms around her and leaning in to nibble and kiss at her neck and throat, large paws roaming her back.

She moans at the openness and speed with which he comes over to her, almost whispering out, "Yes... gods yes." Her paws reach around his back, holding her body against his, feeling her chest press into the smoothness of his shirt. "Take me... fast.. please... I've waited all day... please..." She kisses him on the lips, a powerful and hungry kiss, showing that she's not just doing this for him.

Rumbling deeply at the tigress's inspiring words, the male kisses her back eagerly, his tongue writhing lustfully over her own. As their muzzles join, he wrestles himself out of his shirt, fumbling slightly with it in the urgency of his desire. He isn't as thorough in disrobing his boss, though; he simply pushes her thong to one side with a broad fingerpad, guides the tip of his maleness up against her glistening cleft, and lowers his muzzle to moan against her throat as he starts easing his shaft inside her, inch by inch...

Hooking one of her legs around his hips, her heel probing his thigh as she tugs on him, her lips openly meshed against his maw, salivating as she gets what she's been waiting for all day, all week nearly, from him. Such a thick shaft he has... gods, it fill her so wonderfully, pushing apart her walls as he burrows within her body. Her fingers wrap under his arms and latch into his hair and around his neck, clutching him as if afraid that someone will steal her star employee. She wastes no more time with words, her body doing all of the talking that needs to be done. Her snatch is moist and hot, tight and willing, welcoming the whole of his invading member with no hint of complaint.

Conners slips his arms back around the tigress, and as his cock finishes slipping hilt-deep into her sex, his claws find and unfasten the clasp of her bra, then draw it off to one side. He pauses just a moment to admire her shapely breasts, purring appreciatively, but soon leans in and covers them with his broad chest. He raises his head and grins at the tigress, letting out a soft play-growl...then, without wasting another moment, begins to grind and buck his hips with a lusty groan, gliding his full length smoothly in and out of her heat.

She assists him as much as she can when he takes her bra off, and as he looks down at her breasts, admiring the way that she keeps her body, she feels even more sexy than she already did with his masculinity buried inside of her. When he lies down over her and starts to thrust at her body, raking his shaft along her inner walls, slapping her hips with his own, hilting with each delectable thrust, she almost squeals in delight, arching her back into his chest, thrusting her swells towards him, offering him more to pleasure, if he possibly could do anything else to make her groan and cry out in passion.

The tiger male stays close to the tigress for a short while, enjoying the feel of her breasts, and their firm peaks, pressing into his chest. Feeling her arching into him, and spurred on by her sounds of pleasure, however, he raises his body up slightly from hers, and slips his big paws between the two of them, covering those up-thrust mounds with his broad palms. Gasping with delight, his tail lashing wildly, he kneads her breasts in slow, firm circling motions even as his hips begin to snap harder, hilting his cock inside her over and over...

She thrashes on her desk in the midst of the buildup of a powerful orgasm, the kind that's going to steal her breath away for several moments while she lies there, her eyes glazed over as she soaks in the raw sensation of it. Gods but he's a good fuck... strong, powerful, and knows when to throw himself against her body with no abandon. His paws on her breasts, his lips in her ear, panting as he works himself against her, rutting on her desk, pleasuring himself as much as he's giving her delight. A slight whimper comes out of her throat, warning him that her finish is rapidly approaching.

Conners, too, shows every sign of getting close...his rhythm grows a bit erratic, and his body tenses visibly, the muscles of his large frame standing out in stark relief. His breathing, too, grows heavy, his moans of pleasure giving way to earthier, more feral growls and grunts that accompany each of his deep, heavenly thrusts. Knowing he can't last much longer with the gorgeous tigress, he covers her body once more with his, trapping his paws between their chests, and buries his muzzle against the side of her neck, suckling and nipping sensually at her furred flesh...wanting to feel her shudder in climax before surrendering to his own.

Jennings clutches his back, her claws pricking out into his pelt as she crashes into the wall of a mind-shattering sexual finish, her jaw working as if trying to will words to come out, or sounds, or something, but nothing comes. Nothing sounds from her other than a twitch of her tail lashing against the desk as her love channel squeezes hard, then flutters, surrounding his shaft with sensations that tell it, "Now is the time!" and "Flood her!" all at once.

He couldn't possibly hold back any longer with the overwhelming sensations of the tigress's orgasm surrounding his maleness, but the instinctive messages sent by her inner closeness are welcomed all the same; unfastening his muzzle from her neck, the tiger throws his head back with a gravelly groan-roar, tilting his head back and arching deeply. His paws clutch at the tigress's spread thighs as his hips go still, the part of his cock outside her body pulsing visibly as he fills her with seemingly endless thick ropes of hot tigercum, his climax as copious as it is intense...

She lies under him getting filled by his seed, feeling each blast and savoring it, even though it might not appear so from her glassy eyes and vacant expression. She holds him dearly close, pressing her chest against his, feeling the thundering stampede of heartbeats that were working to supply blood and oxygen to the two almost feral lovers. After a few moments though, her body relaxes, unable to clench her muscles as tightly and for that length of time. She pants a few breaths, getting herself back under control.

Conner's peak lasts a good long while, the tiger clearly driven to impressive heights by his lover's many charms, and when his orgasm finally fades, it does so swiftly and completely, leaving him so drained he has to push out his paws to keep from falling forward and sandwiching the tigress against her desk. For a long time, he can do nothing but pant and stare in amazement. When his mind begins to un-fog at last, he leans down and kisses the tigress softly, smiling. "Hrr...that was wonderful," he rumbles, then blinks suddenly as something occurs to him. "But I do have one question. You've known about the employee awards for days now, haven't you? Why did you wait so long for... this... to come out?"

The panting tigress runs a gentle paw along his cheek as she lies there, just savoring the feeling of a male body over hers, his shaft still lodged within her quim, full of his seed and pre. She smiles up at him after the question and holds his face with her fingers, "Well I had to make sure that the office was sound-proofed..."