Finding the one

Story by Wolfy soft paws on SoFurry

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Another story. I had fun writing this and I hope you have as much fun reading it. If you spot any errors or mistakes let me know. It is how I learn. Enjoy the story! :)

Todd was excited. His friend was visiting today. The fox was at university studying computer programming. It was far from home, at the other end of the country. But after a lot of research he decided it was the best choice. He was renting an apartment that was within walking distance of the city centre. He had been there for nearly a year now. Todd had known his friend since school. He had known he was gay a lot longer than that. It was no secret his friend was gay too. The only difference being he was open about it and Todd had told nobody. He had no idea how his friends and family would react. He had feelings for his friend but the fear of being rejected stopped him admitting this to him. They had arranged to meet up at midday. Todd got out of bed and stretched. He made himself a cup of coffee then jumped into the shower. After showering he dried himself off. He looked at himself in the mirror. He was slim and athletic, not an ounce of fat on him. Walking everywhere kept him in shape. He had the usual fox characteristics. Red fur and black paws. Snow white chest fur that trailed down to his sheath and balls. He sprayed something under his arms and got dressed. It was going to be a hot day so he wore a shirt, shorts and sandals. He looked at the clock. It was eleven o'clock. Todd gulped down his coffee and set off.

Todd sat at a table in the coffee house where they had agreed to meet. As it was hot he decided on an iced coffee. He checked the time on his phone. Nearly twelve. He looked up and saw his friend Mike. The tiger wore jeans, sneakers and a black sleveless vest that showed off his chunky arms. The tiger had white stripey fur and blue eyes. He was well built, the result of pumping iron at the gym. The fox's tail wagged. Mike saw the fox and walked over. "Hey there buddy, long time no see." Mike got himself a drink and sat down.

"So how are you?"

I'm doing OK. Yourself?"

Yeah I'm good."

They talked like this for a while. The usual stuff you talk about when you see somebody you've not seen for a while. How are you? What have you been up to? Good trip? Todd zoned out after a while. He had a lot on his mind. He wanted to tell his friend how he felt but what if he rejected him? That would crush him. Admitting he was gay was one thing. Admitting he had feelings for somebody he'd known since school was another thing altogether.

"Hello? Earth to Todd?"

Todd was snapped out of his private thoughts.

"Uh, yeah go on. I'm listening."

The tiger laughed. "Yeah looks like you are. Whatcha thinking about?"

Should he tell him? No he decided. Not here.

"Um, nothing important."

After finishing their coffee they decided to have a look around town. They spent some time looking around then decided to get something to eat.They decided on McDonald's. As they ate Todd decided to ask him about his love life. That way there would be less chance of him making a fool out of himself later. That's if he was going to say anything later. He still wasn't sure.

"Sooo... Are you seeing anyone at the moment?"

"Nah. I've been single for a while now. Still looking for the right person."

"I'm sure you'll find him. How about we go back to my place? I've got beer."

Mike sat down on Todd's couch. Todd handed him a beer and sat next to him. He switched on the Xbox. They spent the next couple of hours playing call of duty and drinking. Todd was a little drunk now. He decided it would be a good idea to tell him how he really felt about him. Maybe it wasn't really such a good idea. Maybe he wasn't thinking clearly. He paused the game.

"Why are you pausing dude?"

"I need to talk to you."

Mike faced the fox. This sounded serious. "What's up?"

"Well, um, you're my closest friend and I want to tell you something." He took a deep breath. "I'm gay. I'm gay and I like you. A lot. There I said it."

Todd was starting to wish he hadn't said anything. He braced himself for the response he was expecting to hear. He'd heard it in his head so many times. I don't like you in that way. We're better off as friends. Mike on the other hand could not believe what he was hearing. He had always been attracted to the pretty fox and now it turned out he felt the same way. Without a word he leaned forward and kissed the fox hard on the muzzle. Todd was surprised at first but he soon found himself returning the deep kiss. Mike's rough feline tongue slipped into his mouth and explored inside. The fox had never been kissed before and it made his whole body tingle from his head down to his toes. His heart pounded. They both felt a stirring down below as the kiss continued. After a minute or so he broke the kiss.

"That was intense," the fox panted. You- you like me too?"

"I've always liked you in that way."

"Then why are you only telling me this now?"

The tiger shrugged. "You never told me you were gay. I wasn't sure if you had the same feelings until now."

"So... where do we go from here?"

Mike smiled. "I think we both know the answer to that don't we."

Mike gently pushed the fox onto his back with a paw. He didn't protest. He pulled off Todd's shirt and pulled down his shorts. The fox wore nothing under his shorts. He kicked off his sandals. Mike quickly undressed and climbed on top of the fox. He pressed his lips firmly against the fox's. They spent the next ten minutes or so kissing and caressing each others bodies. Todd shivered as the soft feline paws roamed over his body. They were both fully erect, their members rubbing together. Mike sat up and wrapped a paw around Todd's rigid foxhood. He moved his paw slowly up and down the erect vulpine penis. Todd moaned and his body tingled just like when they had first kissed. The touch of another male's paw on his cock was indescribable. Mike gave the fox's cock a squeeze making him whimper. He then moved his head down and lapped at the swollen fox balls. Mike took the fox's balls into his muzzle, his tongue lapping at the furry sack. He then gave the shaft a long slow lick. Mike took the throbbing fox meat into his muzzle, his head bobbing slowly up and down. Todd could not believe how good this felt. He had thought pawing off was the best feeling ever until now. The tiger alternated between sucking and teasing the sensitive tip with his rough tongue. The fox was close now. The tiger's muzzle moved rapidly up and down Todd's penis and he sucked hard. The fox gasped as he finally came, filling his lovers muzzle with warm cum. The fox gripped the couch tightly, his claws digging in as he came. His whole body was rigid until his orgasm had passed. Mike gulped down the fox's cum, loving the familiar salty sweet taste.

Mike pulled the fox close to him hugging him tightly and nuzzling his head fur. Todd felt safe in the tiger's arms. He inhaled deeply breathing in his strong musky scent. Mike had made him feel good and he wanted to return the favour. He slid down the tiger's chest until he was eye level with his sheath and balls. He gave the furry orbs a squeeze. Mike gasped, his cock quickly stiffening again. Todd took the tiger's cock into his muzzle and began to lick and suck. He didn't have as much experience as his friend but he did his best. He figured he was doing a decent job judging by the moans and groans coming from the feline. He spat the cock out and turned around. He laid on his belly with his rump in the air. He raised his bushy tail and looked back at his lover.

"Take me big boy. I want you inside me."

The tiger did not need telling twice. The sight of the swaying fox butt alone nearly made him cum. He gently parted the furry cheeks revealing his tight tailhole. He buried his muzzle between the fox's cheeks and lapped at his tight tailhole. Mike lapped at the tight pucker of flesh then buried his tongue deep inside. Todd was fully erect again and squirting pre cum onto the couch. Mike pushed a finger inside the fox. A second finger soon joined. Todd was excited but also a little nervous.The fox whimpered as he thought about how the tiger's cock would feel inside him. Mike told him to relax and assured him he would go slow and not hurt him. Todd felt the tiger's paws on his rump and the tip of his cock against his hole. The tiger then thrust forward, burying himself deep inside the fox. Todd gasped as his virgin tailhole was invaded. After giving him some time to adjust the tiger began pumping his cock in and out of the fox. The pain quickly faded and was replaced with pleasure. Even the barbs scraping along his insides were starting to feel good. Mike couldn't hold back any longer. He grabbed the fox's hips and pounded into him as hard and fast as he could. Todd pushed back against him trying to get as much of the thick feline cock inside him as possible. He wanted the tiger to stay inside him forever. The tip of his cock banged against the fox's prostate with each thrust. Todd groaned as a second orgasm overtook him. Mike gripped the fox tighter, his claws extending and digging in slightly. His hips were a blur as he pistoned in and out of the fox. He leaned down and took the fox's neck fur between his teeth as he came hard. He held the fox in place until he was finished and his balls were empty. He then collapsed on top of him exhausted. Todd rolled over so he was facing his feline companion. The tiger kissed him deeply.

"How was that for you," he asked with some concern, afraid he had been too rough with the little fox.

Todd smiled and nuzzled his lover gently. "That was amazing," he panted.

Mike looked deep into the fox's emerald green eyes. He knew he had found the one.

A bad night out

Darkness. That is all the wolf could see right now. He was not sure where he was but he guessed it was some kind of cage. The cage was small giving him little room to move. The top of his prison was low forcing him to stay in a crouching position....

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Master and pet

The coyote feels a tug on his leash and crawls around the chair until he is kneeling in front of his master. The huge bear puts his feet up on a footstool and pulls off his socks. He takes a moment to admire the bear's feet. They are broad and meaty...

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Shit fun

Todd shivered as his partner's tongue teased his tailhole. The wolf spread the fox's furry cheeks and licked harder at the tight ring of flesh. He pushed his tongue deep inside and sucked on the fox's anus. The wolf could feel a lump inside the fox's...

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