Courage Part 3: The Dance

Story by guardian-hawk on SoFurry

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#4 of Courage

Immobilized again in the back of the van, Sroth hunkered down as low as he could to best keep his balance as the van took him to wherever his next task would be--though he had to keep his back as straight as he could to keep his tail from growing too uncomfortable. He moaned quietly through the bit in the back of his mouth and looked around, but the only light came in through the seams of the doors behind him and there wasn't much to see; all he could do was sit and wait until he arrived at his destination. Couldn't move around, couldn't touch himself, and now he couldn't even speak! He tried not to think about his captor's words, that the gear that was put on him after every task he completed would make it even more impossible for him to escape, put him into even more humiliating situations... but he had no choice! It was either obey and embarrass himself in hope of eventually being released, or disobey and be tortured by the vibrations of the cockring that kept him hard, relentlessly stimulated but unable to climax, the sensations not strong enough for him to reach orgasm and the plastic sheath keeping him from touching himself to make the feelings more powerful.

He whimpered at the thought. Twice now his captor had punished him with the horrible stimulation and denial, and twice his arousal and need for orgasm had wiped all thoughts of resistance from his mind. But despite obeying eventually his reward so far had not been the climax he wanted, or freedom; for completing the two tasks, he had lost the freedom to walk normally, then his ability to speak... And what would he have taken away next? His forced arousal persisted through it all, thankfully not as powerful now as it was when his cockring vibrated but still there, eating away at the back of his mind, making him shiver and whine with need, constantly nagged by the urge to thrust.

"It's a much more pleasant ride when you're sitting there peacefully, isn't it?" his captor chuckled in his ear. "And nice and quiet, too, now that you've gagged yourself. No arguing, no struggling, no thrusting helplessly while being punished for your defiance... Though I have to admit watching you thrash around like that is quite entertaining."

Sroth let out a muffled growl, foreclaws clenching uselessly in their mitts.

"Anyway, since things are going to be a little busy at your destination, I'm going to explain your next task while we're still en route: you are being taken to a dragon fetish strip club, which today is hosting a special all-day event to celebrate five years since its grand opening. That fetish, as I'm sure you can guess, is bondage," his captor laughed. "I never did understand why bondage is so popular among your kind... You'd think things like the Paris slave-trade incident would make dragons a lot more reluctant to be tied up, especially willingly, but apparently not."

He perked up a little at that: the voice had said 'your kind,' not 'our kind.' So his captor was human--not that the knowledge was all that useful.

"You will be greeted at the club by the stage manager, who will make sure you're properly outfitted before sending you onto the main stage to perform. Your task is to dance well enough on stage for ten dragonesses from the crowd to give you tips for your performance."

His tail tried to lash, and he snarled. Now not only would he have to let himself be seen like this, but he had to show off to everyone who saw him? Display himself to them? No, he wouldn't, he couldn't, he had to find a way to stop-- But when he tried to raise a paw he remembered just how helpless he was, the punishment he'd receive if he tried to refuse, and moaned softly, lowering his head in defeat. He had no choice.

"What's the matter? Not only will you be showing off to a whole crowd of dragonesses, you'll be in an environment where you'll be expected to be tied up, helpless and exposed like you are. This task should be the most fun you'll have today! But I suppose if it doesn't sound appealing to you after all," the voice laughed, "then I'll just focus on the especially humiliating tasks I have in store for you from now on..."

"Nn," he moaned, putting his head on the floor. He would do it, if his captor asked... And besides, he realized, the voice was right. He was going to be in a place where he wouldn't be the only dragon in bondage gear, he wouldn't be the only dragon displaying to everyone else--and in fact everyone would be wanting him to show himself off! He still didn't want to, but at least this wouldn't be as embarrassing as the first two tasks...

"Good dragon. Now, you'll only have a few minutes onstage, so you're going to have to work pretty hard to complete this task. You're restrained enough that there's not a lot you can do to break the rules anymore... My only rules for this task are that you cannot attempt to hide or escape, and you cannot try to get anyone to let you out of any of your restraints. Oh, and I suppose if you get enough tips to complete the task before your performance time ends, you still have to keep dancing until the stage manager says you're done, because if you succeed she's the one who's going to give you your next piece of gear and she might not put it on for you if you run offstage early. Have fun!" the voice laughed one more time, then went silent.

Sroth growled to himself. Dragons weren't supposed to court dragonesses like this... It started with announcing that he desired her, then feats of strength and agility, tests of intelligence, weeks or even months spent showing his abilities to prove he was worthy of her and truly wanted her before finally, only after she agreed to take him as her mate, displaying himself, teasing her, and mounting her... He shuddered and thrust a few times at the thought, whining and wishing yet again that he could touch himself, or better yet, mount the dragoness he'd been about to court for what seemed like months now--

Wait, the crowd was going to be dragonesses? What if Saya was there, what if she saw him like this, saw him exposed and helpless, and so weak... She'd never consider him as a mate! He pictured her in his mind's eye, her eyes, her scales, her beautiful sinuous form... Again he couldn't help but hump the empty air at his belly, imagining her raising her tail for him, imagining what it would feel like to mount her, take her, release himself deep inside her as she cried out in ecstasy beneath him... Humping still harder, he tried to move his paws and tail, couldn't, then curled his head down, desperate to touch himself, give himself some sensation to thrust into, bring himself to the climax he'd wanted for what seemed like hours now...

But with his bridle on the only thing he could do was nuzzle at the plastic sheath encasing his arousal, and all his cock could feel was the snug but unmoving, unchanging pressure of the cockring and sheath trapping it, his attempts useless. He whined again and nuzzled harder, pressing his snout as hard as he could against the plastic, but just as before felt nothing inside despite all his efforts. Eventually he managed to calm himself down, doing his best to think of something other than that gorgeous silver dragoness presenting to him, but even once he managed to stop thrusting his desire was still there, lust clouding his mind as his cock remained as hard as ever with the tight ring around its base. If only...

The van stopped a couple of minutes later, and his captor said, "we're at the loading dock at the back of the club now. You'll be met inside by the stage manager, and remember: you must get tips from at least ten different dragonesses in the audience in order to complete the task." The doors behind him opened, and the restraints tying him to the floor of the van released his paws.

"There you are! Just in time," said a voice as he backed out of the van, and he looked around to see a muscular light-blue dragoness approaching him. "You'd be the traditional volunteer we had coming in?"

He sighed, but tilted his head yes.

"Good, good. I'm the stage manager here; my name's Ura." She sniffed at the base of his neck, let him smell her, then took a step back and looked him up and down. "Quite a setup you've got on, by the way... and you look pretty cute in there too, all helpless and wanting attention!"

Sroth growled indignantly, tail wriggling as it tried to lash. Being trapped in this horrible gear didn't make a strong, fearsome dragon like him look cute!

She laughed and nuzzled at his neck, purring softly, then walked around him to get a closer look at the restraints on his hindquarters, taking a brief peek at his exposed tailhole but giving most of her attention to the plastic sheath. "This is a very nice piece..." She poked it with a claw, then wrapped her forepaw around it and squeezed; he whined and thrust eagerly into her paw, but once again could feel none of the touch he wanted so badly and stilled himself, whimpering, when she took her paw away.

"You can't feel anything through that, can you?"

He shook his head, moaning through his gag.

"Ooh, that's such a great idea," she shivered a little. "And its outside is shaped just like the nice big cock inside it, too... Ever had to mount a dragoness while wearing it?"

Sroth moaned and shook his head again. How terrible that would be! To be in such need and wanting so much to mount a dragoness, to feel those sensations, to orgasm... And to be able to do the first, thrust so hard over and over again as instinct demanded, but feel none of what he wanted so badly, none of the pleasure the dragoness felt... He hoped his captor hadn't heard what she'd said.

Ura laughed. "Then you'd better give your master that idea... or I could just have you do it to me later," she flicked her tail up just long enough for him to catch a glimpse of her vent and purred again. "Anyway, follow me, come on; you're supposed to go on stage in less than ten minutes."

He walked obediently along behind her, but she noticed him struggling with his hobbles and slowed after a moment so he could keep up, guiding him out of the loading dock and down a hallway. He began to faintly hear music, and the excited howls and roars of dragons, then she said, "have you ever performed like this before?"

"Nn," he shook his head.

"That's what I thought. I don't know what you think you know about performing a tease, but if you want to do it well then I need you to forget whatever you think you know about it and listen to me."

He grunted and tilted his head.

"First: it's not just about displaying yourself. Yes, obviously you're going to show yourself off to them at some point, but don't just stand there with your leg up and think that's enough to make them happy, because it's not. Move with the beat of the music, show them how much that gear restrains you... And it's called a tease for a reason, too. Don't show everything at once; hide your belly and rump for a while--well, as best you can, anyway," she paused, glancing at the gear that kept his cock and tailhole completely exposed. "Hide the parts you know they want to see, then give them little glimpses of it, and show more and more until you finally let them see everything, then spend a little while thrusting and presenting your rump and so on."

Sroth snarled at that. Present himself? He was a dragon, not a dragoness, and he did the mounting when he mated!

She growled back at him. "Like it or not, displaying yourself is pretty much the point of the show, and you should have known that regardless of whether or not you've danced before. What did you think you were going to do?"

"Rrrmph," he growled past the bit in his mouth, wishing he could explain what he was objecting to, and lowered his head after a moment.

Ura paused and cocked her head to one side, confused, but continued to lead him down the hallway after a moment. "The point is, yes, you're going to have to show yourself off a fair amount. Along with that... You're going to be very close to your audience, and if you see a particularly beautiful one near the stage you'll probably want to display just for her for a little while... especially considering how aroused you are," she chuckled and brushed her tail against the plastic sheath, drawing another unhappy whine from his throat. "Anyway, there's nothing wrong with giving someone some up-close attention, but make sure you don't stay in that one spot too long because you'll have more than just one dragoness to please out there. You got all that?"

He tilted his head. It didn't sound too hard... if he could figure out a way to shut out the part of him that was so embarrassed by the mere thought of showing off to such a large crowd.

"That's about all the advice I have..." She stopped at a large door, behind which seemed to be the source of all the noise. "This will take us backstage. We still have a few minutes, so let's go in and make sure you're all set up to go out, then if we have time we can take a little peek at the stage itself to give you an idea of how things will look while you're out there. Come on."

She opened the door and he winced at the blast of sound that washed over them both; the music was so loud,, and somehow the roars of the crowd could still be heard over it! He fought the urge to tuck his head under one of his wings at the sound, and after a moment followed the dragoness through the door. It led to a dimly lit open space, with bondage gear, props and furniture scattered about and a few dragons lingering there; Ura spoke briefly to one of them, took some things from a box, then returned to him.

Sroth noticed the eyes of the other dragons on him and did his best not to flinch, not to crouch down and hide his arousal from them, but they just glanced briefly at him before returning their attention to whatever they were doing. Even still he felt that now-familiar heat of embarrassment rise in his face, and was once again thankful that his scales wouldn't show his blush.

"Here, hold still a moment," she said, nearly having to roar just to make herself heard over the noise, and he stood there as she strapped black elastic bands around each of his legs. They didn't seem to restrict his movement at all, just wrapped around the upper part of his limbs... "There we go. While you're performing, someone in the audience might wave some cash at you. If they're pretty far from you they'll probably just throw it up onto the stage, and if they do then leave that money alone; we'll collect it and give it to you once you're done performing. But if they're right up at the edge of the stage, if you walk over to them they'll stick the money under one of those bands so you don't have to worry about keeping track of it. You might want to do a little something to show some appreciation to whoever tips you, because if you do it'll encourage more of the crowd to do the same."

He tilted his head in understanding, sniffing and peering closely at one of the bands before looking back at her.

"You also need a stage name. I don't know your name--and I suppose you can't tell me--but even if I did, dancers never use their real names onstage, so I'll come up with a couple ideas and you tell me if you like one of them..." She thought for a moment. "How about 'Wild Stud'-- No, a little too simple, and it'd be better if it included that you're tied up... 'Raised Tail'?"

Sroth snarled and shook his head back and forth. He wasn't happy about his tail being bound up like that, and he certainly didn't want whatever she named him to call attention to that, much less invite some dragon to take advantage of it!

"No? All right... 'Bound Savage' maybe? Or is that too derogatory?"

It definitely is, he thought with a growl, shaking his head again.

She cocked her head to one side. "Maybe... No, I liked where I was going with my first idea. 'Wild Stud,' 'Restrained Stud,' 'Bound Stud...' I know! 'Harnessed Stud,' since you've got that nice harness making you show off your shaft and your rump."

He growled, but tilted his head after a moment; it could be a lot worse.

"All right. We still have a minute or so, so let's take a look out onstage... Follow me." She led him across the open space and between a set of curtains, then up to a wall, gesturing at the holes in it with a claw; the din was still louder here and there was no way she could make sure he heard her.

He put one of his eyes up to the hole she'd indicated and looked through. Though the lighting on the other side of the wall wasn't much brighter, he could make out a circular stage there with a large open space beyond, that space packed full of dragons with their eyes on the dancer onstage. That dragon, also male, was clad in a latex suit that seemed to cover his entire body except his eyes, nostrils, tailhole, and penis, also kept erect by a cockring but not trapped inside a sheath like his own was. The dancer bucked, rolled, and wove back and forth along the stage, finding ways to incorporate thrusting or showing his rump to the crowd for a moment into his movements. He shivered nervously at the thought of doing that himself, and pulled his head back after a moment, growling. There was no way this was going to go well...

Ura tapped his shoulder with her tail, and brought him back to that open space again. "He's almost done out there; you'll be going on in just a few moments. Just to give you an idea of how to decide how much you tease before really showing off, you'll be out there for about five minutes. Ready, Stud?" she bared her teeth and flicked her tail up again.

"Nnn," he moaned, lowering his head, though he doubted she could hear him. How was he supposed to do this? He didn't want to court any of the dragonesses out there, he didn't want them to see him display himself, he didn't want anyone to see him so weak and helpless... but he had to. He had no choice! It was either this or suffer those terrible vibrations... And as much as he hated every word his captor said, wasn't the voice still right? This was a situation where he was supposed to be in bondage, supposed to be exposed to them, displaying himself, showing off to them... Not only did they want to see it, but they would show their appreciation for his performance by giving him their hard-earned money. They only thing that could make this humiliating was if he didn't want to be out there dancing for them...

But he didn't.

The music stopped, and a few moments later the other dancer came through the curtain, tilting his head briefly to Sroth before walking through the door that led out to the hallway, a pair of dragonesses trailing after him.

"All right, you're up!" Ura said, walking him over to the curtain that lead onstage. "Don't worry about dancing like an expert; I'm sure you'll do fine as long as you don't try too hard to impress them. You look damn hot in that gear, so you're not going to have to be the world's best tease to get them to like you. Remember, always keep dancing, keep moving, and good luck!" She nuzzled his snout between the straps of the bridle, then slapped him across the flanks with her tail, and he walked out onto the stage.

The scent of draconic arousal crashed over him like a wave. He shivered as the smell amplified his own arousal and it took all the strength he had not to start humping the air... then he looked out at the crowd. At least thirty dragonesses--and a few dragons--in every possible color looked eagerly back at him, standing packed together beyond the circular front of the stage, some wearing less restricting fetish gear but all of them with their eyes on him. He moaned softly, and thankfully inaudibly over their roars of greeting when they saw him, and had to fight another, new urge: the urge to turn and flee back behind the curtain as quickly as he could. How could he be doing this? This wasn't the dragon's way, he shouldn't be showing himself off like this, he shouldn't even be here...

"Please welcome our next performer to the stage," said a voice over the speaker system, "a dragon out of the mountains, our very own Harnessed Stud!"

The audience roared again, some raising their heads or even rearing up to get a better view of him, and while he controlled the urge to hide backstage--and to thrust--he couldn't stop himself from crouching to keep at least some of them from seeing his exposed, trapped cock. But the way the dragonesses had greeted him... Yes, he thought this was wrong, but they were all dragons too, weren't they? And they wanted to see him tease them, wanted him to show off his bound, helpless and aroused form. They all seemed so eager, so excited to watch him dance, and they couldn't possibly feel that way if what he was doing was 'wrong,' could they? And if it wasn't really wrong... He had no choice, so why torture himself by thinking that performing for them was such a horrible thing to do when they thought otherwise?

The crowd had showed up just to see this show, after all, it wasn't like the tasks in the park where those who saw him were shocked by his appearance... If they thought it was normal, then he could think the same way, at least for a little while, and tease them without worrying about how humiliating, or how wrong, how improper it might be. Maybe it seemed embarrassing when he thought about it, but now that he was out there... Sure, it might feel odd to display himself to a bunch of dragonesses--and dragons, he remembered, though the few males in the crowd seemed more interested in the dragonesses around them than in him--who he had no intention of courting, but it wasn't like he was ugly, or he didn't have much to show off; he had nothing to be embarrassed of, and judging by their reaction to seeing him it seemed they agreed with Ura--as much as he hated being tied up like he was, dragonesses thought he looked hot in his restraints. I can do this, he thought with a growl, hobbling out to the center of the stage and stopping there, still crouched to hide his arousal but now more to tease than out of embarrassment. I can do this, and I might just be able to have some fun, too.

The lights had been dimmed when he walked out--not that it made much difference with a dragon's night vision--but when the music started a moment later the lights around the stage brightened a little, then began to flash and sometimes change color in time with the beat of the music. The song itself was simple, for now at least, just a strong, steady beat to help get things going... Wait, that meant it was time to dance... what was he supposed to do? He froze for a moment, staring out at the crowd and unsure of how to begin--come on, do something! he screamed to himself, don't just stand there!

Sroth tapped a hind paw. It took a couple moments, but it was a start: he quickly found the beat and began to stomp his hind paw in time with the music, then after keeping that up for a little while started to bob his head as well. He just did that for a little while, then let the movements spread along more of his body, waving his whole neck from one side to the other, rocking his hips while he stomped--the audience seemed to like that one when he started it, but he didn't move to properly display himself to them, at least not yet. As the music developed, the beat keeping steady but a simple, repetitive melody taking shape along with it, he got his back and shoulders involved, shifting his weight from one forepaw to the other and raising and lowering his chest the slightest bit from the ground, starting to give the briefest glimpses of his arousal to those in front of him...

He kept it up for a little while, then began to move around the stage, always keeping his chest forward to keep himself hidden from at least some of them, and looked out at the crowd. Many of the dragonesses were panting, some had their tails up, others working to get as close to the stage as they could... Remembering Ura's advice, he started emphasizing his restraints, lashing his tail the little it could, shuffling his bound wings, growling past the bit in his mouth and showing his fangs behind the bridle while he tugged his forepaws apart at the limit of the chain linking them, showing how little he could move while still giving them chances to see his belly for a moment or two but never long enough for them to really take in the view. How long has it been? he wondered as their calls began to quiet down a bit. Am I waiting too long to start showing off, or are they just being impatient because they're heated up and eager to see it?

With no way to keep track of how much time had passed, he chose to play it safe--and besides, considering how much the scent of the audience's combined arousal had intensified his own need, he really wanted to get some proper thrusts in before he went mad, even if he couldn't actually feel anything. He stood tall on his forelegs, turned his hindquarters a little to the side to give as many of them a clear view as he could, then lowered his belly a little bit and humped at the air beneath him. The sight of his big, hard cock made them roar again in excitement, and he stepped forward to give them a closer look at his loins, teeth bared in a feral grin behind the straps of his bridle, all his inhibitions forgotten as their enthusiasm encouraged him to really get into his performance.

Something shiny flew out of the crowd, and his head snapped around to see a thin wafer of silver land on the stage to his right. His first tip! He couldn't help but make his way over to it and look down to be sure--it was, it was a five-dollar bill!--then craned his head back and howled as loudly as the bridle would let him (that is, barely audible over the music and the roars of the crowd), thrusting still harder and hoping his appreciation of the tip would encourage others to do the same. He scanned the crowd for more, but didn't see anything offered just yet... Time to show off even more.

Sroth shuffled right up to the edge of the stage, close enough to look directly at individual members of the audience, bobbing his head and thrusting in time with the music, constantly switching between looking into the eyes of a few very pretty dragonesses beyond the stage and scanning the crowd for any paws holding up tips for him to come collect. He growled as he saw one and hurried over, barely managing not to stumble, and crouched again--though still rocking his hips--so the dragoness could slip the metal wafer, another five, under the band on his left foreleg. "Thhmmmk mmm," he said, but not only could he not even hear himself say it but it seemed a poor way to properly show appreciation for the tip. He paused a moment in indecision, then looked into her eyes, raised his left hind leg and thrust, hard cock pointed right at her for a few seconds before he put his leg down again and moved on, the crowd roaring in his ears for more.

He shook his head and nosed the bill pressed against the scales of his leg, backing away from the stage a bit but still showing off, then scanned the audience for another offer, but there weren't any-- No, there on the far left! She was a little ways back in the crowd but he hobbled over anyway, strutting and arching his back as he went, and when she tossed the cash at his feet he reared back and humped in her direction for as long as he dared without losing his balance, then fell back onto all fours.

Looking for more tips, he pranced around the stage a little while longer and eventually received a fourth from a dragoness at stage right, but while the rest of the crowd was definitely enjoying his performance it seemed almost like they were waiting for something, holding off until he moved in some way to really impress them or heat them up... But what hadn't he done? He'd teased, he'd strained against his bonds, he'd displayed himself and humped air for them; what else was there? What else did they want?

My tail, Sroth realized with an unhappy moan. He'd shown off his forcibly exposed and aroused cock, but even though his tailhole was also made visible by the restraints he'd almost unconsciously kept his rump facing away from the crowd the whole time--as much has he could on the semicircular stage, anyway. But he was a dragon, and he didn't raise his tail like a dragoness! Maybe some weak dragon might present like that as a show of submission, but he wasn't that way, he was stronger, braver, more aggressive...

But he still needed six more tips, and there was no way he had more than a minute left to get them all. It was either show off his tail, or fail the task and be tortured with the vibrator, and that was no choice at all--and besides, it wasn't like anyone would actually be accepting the invitation...

Growling, he finally relented and swung his hindquarters around, still thrusting but with the opposite effect now that he'd turned around--though at least they could still see his penis if they preferred to look at that. He turned his head to glare at them all in challenge as he continued to show the crowd of dragonesses his rump, face flushing hot with humiliation as he shuffled slowly around the stage, but his display had the desired effect: the audience's roars grew to near-deafening levels, and four separate tips were tossed onto the stage all at once. He could see at least three more bills being waved at him from the edge of the stage and pranced over, reluctantly continuing to show his rump but turning a little so he wasn't so exposed to all of them and hoping they would be happy to settle for just being presented with his trapped, aroused cock instead... But it seemed wrong to show appreciation for a tip that'd been prompted by his raised tail by showing his belly, and when the ninth tip was tucked under the band on his foreleg he growled, bit down hard on his gag and showed his rump to her, waggling it back and forth for just a moment before turning around again--why did they like it so much? It was so embarrassing!

He couldn't bring himself to wiggle his hindquarters like that again and simply thrust at the next dragoness to tip him, but even if the crowd seemed a little disappointed at that it didn't matter: he had his ten tips now, and had passed the task. No more did he have to show off the tailhole he didn't want to present to them, no more did he have to hump the air-- Well, no, he could keep doing that as long as the music kept playing, because he was actually enjoying strutting around the stage and displaying his impressive, if initially unwanted, erection to them.

His performance continued for only another fifteen seconds or so, but he collected two more tips in that time, and when the song ended and the lights came up the whole crowd howled and roared for him again. His face flushed once again, this time in shock that he'd not only just done but dared to enjoy doing something like that, but he bowed to them, folding his forelegs beneath him and lowering his head to the floor for a few moments before standing again, panting a little in a combination of weariness from the exertions of his dance and continuing arousal. Oh, how he wished he could mount one of those dragonesses who'd watched his displays--and actually be able to feel it...

Ura came out from backstage to stand next to him, dragging an open-topped box along behind her with her tail, and said, "give it up again for our Harnessed Stud!"

The audience roared another time, and he bowed again, briefly, before looking at the stage manager. She was the one who had the new restraints for him to put on... What were they, and when would she give them to him? The crowd quieted after a few moments, and a little more cash was tossed onto the stage; he bobbed his head in thanks but didn't thrust for them again--his show was over, even if the sheath and cockring still had him exposed to them.

"Thank you!" Ura said, her voice amplified by the speakers. "And if he wasn't bridled I'm sure he wouldn't hesitate to say how happy he is you all enjoyed watching him dance, because this was his first time on stage. But after that performance I think he should come back again soon, don't you?"

They roared again in approval.

She chuckled. "Now, this wild stud is going to need a little help before he leaves the stage. His master told me to put this gear on him before sending him back," she pulled the box she'd brought out in front of her and upended it, revealing its contents: two more paw-mitts, evidently for his hind paws this time, and a stout metal bar with metal cuffs on each end. "But I was thinking it would be a lot more fun if a volunteer from the audience did the honors, since you all seem to like him so much. Do I have any volunteers?"


"Me, me, me..."


Nearly half the crowd reared back onto their hind legs, waving for attention, and Ura paused; it seemed she hadn't been expecting this many of them to want to come up on stage. But when she hesitated the dragonesses who'd reared up only grew more agitated, then two of them closest to the stage jumped up without invitation, racing towards him and the gear. Four more followed the first two before dragons raced out from backstage to cut off the rest, but they didn't stop those already on stage...

The first dragoness there shoved Ura out of the way, while the next, a yellow-scale wearing a strange rubbery shell over her chest and shoulders, forced him onto his side and put her paws on his neck to keep him down. He struggled briefly, but then three more arrived, one holding his forepaws still and the other two holding his hind paws so he couldn't fight back. Moaning, he squirmed and tried to get his paws free--there shouldn't be this many of them! What were they doing? But when he did one of them curled her tail around to tickle his sheath and his belly around it, making him whine and thrust eagerly into her touch, objections to their presence forgotten in his need.

A few moments later the first dragoness appeared with his new gear in her paws, and nodded briefly to those who held him before wrapping up one of his hind paws in a mitt. Sroth howled and tried to kick at her out of reflex only to be teased again by the dragonesses pinning him down, claws and tails tickling at his belly and rump and making him lie back and groan at the mixture of sensation and distinct lack of sensation. "Good dragon," the dragoness pinning his neck down purred, and nuzzled him on the snout. "Hold still while we tie you up..."

He growled at her, but laid still aside from his hips; he couldn't help but thrust upward at their touch even if he couldn't feel it where he wanted to through the plastic sheath. On went the other mitt, then the spreader bar that held his hind legs apart, and after locking everything shut they let go of his hind legs--though two of them kept hold of his neck and forepaws.

"This looks like fun," one of them said, and he looked over to see one of them with her paw wrapped around the sheath, squeezing lightly on it. He couldn't keep himself from humping still harder towards her touch, whining and wishing so badly that he could just be able to feel something through it... "Poor dragon, all tied up and unable to feel anything... But we can still see and feel you all we want!" She bared her teeth, then ran her tongue briefly over it while one of the others raised her tail, presenting to him, and he couldn't help but stare in longing at her exposed sex. Oh please, he thought, thrusting wildly, let me be able to feel this--

The dragoness lowered her flanks towards him, but then the dragons finally got to him, shoving the females away and standing protectively around him. "Are you all right?" one of them said.

He whimpered, shuddering all over with arousal as the teasing stopped, but after a few moments managed to bring himself back under control and tilted his head yes.

"You guys get control of them and we'll send the next dancer out in a few minutes," Ura growled. "I didn't think it would get this out of control... Come with me," she tugged on one of Sroth's forepaws with her tail, leading him off the stage. He lowered his head and hobbled along after her, but his new restraints made walking even more difficult and he could only waddle clumsily along, hindquarters waving back and forth as he made his way slowly back through the curtain.

"Sorry about that bit at the end there," Ura lowered her head. "I didn't think they'd react like that. But what it does mean is that you really did a good job with them, because they must have really been heated up by your performance to be that eager to get their paws on you." She untied the bands from around his legs and put the tips he'd received into a small bag, and one of the other dragons who worked there came through the curtain to give her the tips that had landed onstage. "Right, I'll carry these to your van for you... I guess it's time for you to go back to your master. Let's go, follow me."

He whined softly, probably inaudible over the continuing roars from the stage, but lowered his head and walked along behind her. She led him back down the hall to the loading dock, though the walk was even slower this time with the spreader bar restricting his movement still further. She watching him waddle along, an odd expression on her face, and eventually he caught a whiff of her own building arousal. "I didn't think there was much that could heat me up much more than you already did, but you look even more desirable now," she purred as they reached the loading dock. "If your master didn't insist on having you back as soon as you were done performing I'd be taking to my office right now and having you put that hard cock to good use."

Sroth moaned softly and thrust at the air beneath his belly, her scent reminding him yet again of just how aroused he was. He would do it in an instant, if only he'd be able to feel it...

"And I'm serious about you coming back, by the way, and not just so you can mount me with that sheath when you have more time," she chuckled, tickling at the sheath with her tail and making him whimper and thrust harder in need as he could see her touching him so clearly but not feel even a bit of the stimulation he wanted so badly... "You danced pretty well for your first time, and if you got a little instruction you'd probably be one of our most popular performers. Tell your master I want you to come back some time, all right? It'd be a shame for a dragon as gorgeous as you to not be able to show himself off every once in a while."

He finally reached the van, but she put a paw on his shoulder to stop him before he could hobble inside. "Tell your master thank you for letting you come perform here today," she said softly, and nuzzled him on the snout, purring. "I hope to see you again..." She tossed the bag with his tips into the back of the van, then helped him climb in before closing the doors behind him.

Moaning again, Sroth put his paws into position so he could be bound in place, and the shackles activated a moment later--though this time his hind paws were held only by a couple of pins that anchored the spreader bar to the floor. He'd been teased so much, been so close to so many dragonesses who were all so aroused by seeing him perform... And his sheath had denied him even a single moment of pleasure from their attention.

"Congratulations!" his captor's voice buzzed in his ear. "You passed your third task. Did you have fun?"

He growled--but considered the question after a moment and realized that, in spite of himself, he really had enjoyed performing for the crowd of dragonesses. Maybe it wasn't something he was eager to do again, but he'd had some fun displaying himself for a little while, at least... Growling again, he tilted his head yes.

"That's what I thought," the voice chuckled. "Enjoy the ride, and I'll tell you what to do next once you've arrived at the next location."

Sroth growled, but there was nothing he could do to break free, and he hunkered down for the ride as he felt the van start to roll.