
Story by GrifterWolf on SoFurry

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#85 of Commissions

A commission for Passer-By

Rory the Lucario and Sol the Absol find lust on an overnight camping trip and Rory finds the body he's always been looking for ;)


"Nnnhh... ahhh...."

His words were like quiet echoes through the night as Rory felt the mouth of the Absol wrapped around his thick pink cock. The gentle lapping of Sol's tongue as it washed over his flesh was an incredible feeling that wetly filled the night air and silenced the crickets of the forest around them. The Lucario bucked his hips up softly, urgently invading the other male's throat as he felt the warmth close tightly around his member as he fed it to him.

Rory was a bit thickly built for a Lucario, the blue fur often filling out for a puffiness that made him look larger than the average, and while he desperately wanted to build himself up, he found that he had his own limits. His amber eyes looked down at the bluish/purple face of his best friend Sol, who peered at him with his golden eyes out from under that curl of white that made up his mane. A bright purple spot in the center of his forehead a typical marking of his breed. Things were going so well for their trip, who'd have thought the road would turn into this.

Sol was doing so well at this that Rory was sure he'd done this before. He didn't argue, he only pushed his hand down and forced the Absol to swallow every inch of it. He could feel his shaft throbbing, flexing in Sol's mouth, the occasional slip of the other Pokemon's mouth only seemed to savor the deal as Rory's tip gently left markings across Sol's face before being drawn back in. Rory bit his lower lip and sucked air through his mouth, sounding like a slobbeing fool to let his best friend do this without some sort of return. But he was too far along now to think about anything else. He rested back on his elbows as he felt Sol's tongue occasionally slip off his flesh and lick at his thighs, up his flattened stomach, then back down to return his attentions to where it was best needed.

"S-Sol..." Rory murmured.

Sol's ears perked up slightly, a keen hunger took over his gaze as he focused more intently on things now. Sol's fur brushed against Rory's balls as he shifted upward slightly, as if enjoying the treatment of Rory's hand pushing him down on it, his body beginning to tremble as he grew closer and closer..."

"AHHH! FUCK!" Rory let out a loud cry as he came.

A flush of warmth crossed Sol's face as he blushed, his head arched back a moment as he tasted the explosion of cum shooting into his mouth, a brief slip causing the wetness to splash across his face before the escaping member was brought back inside to be swallowed. The Absol let out a whimper of submission, his body trembling as he drank the offering. There was a distinctive squeak at the back of his throat and the smell of his sex suddenly permeated the air; he'd cum too, without even touching himself as the grass under him received an unexpected watering. Slowly, Sol's tongue took one last, long drag along the base of Rory's flesh before finally parting ways at the tip as he left the Lucario twitching and panting from the unexpected pleasure.

"W-wow..." Rory said after a bit of a silence. He realized then that his hands were still clutching at the grass under him and he gently released it, brushing the dust out of his claws as Sol moved over and laid down next to him. "That... was..." He paused, trying to think of a better word than "Wow..."

"I've... been wanting to do that for a while now." Sol admitted, his ears flattening a bit, indicating his embarrassment. "I just couldn't think of what to say."

Rory smiled. "Well actions speak louder than words... how'd you guess?"

Sol shrugged innocently, still licking the remnants of Rory's cum off his face. "I don't know I just..." He paused and trembled as Rory leaned in and helped to lick some of the quickly-drying cum from his muzzle. "I just felt like that was the best thing to do just then."

His smile was sweet and it made Rory smile in return. "Right, just because you're a horny little 'mon has nothing to do with it."

The Absol sat up and brushed the mane of fur from his face, thumbing his genitals back into somewhat submission. "Well, that's just an added bonus." He said, idly lapping the glisten off his thumb as he returned to facing the campfire. "I just didn't know you were into guys."

"Then I guess it was just one way to find out then, huh?" Rory asked, giving the mammal a nudge with his elbow. "I'm glad we're on this trip together."

Sol smiled again and nodded acceptantly. "Me too."

Silence followed between the two friends as the night sounds took over. Off in the distance, sounds of crickets singing in the night were the only thing louder than the fire crackling. The two were sitting on sleeping bags that they had earlier rolled out, Sol had his green one, while Rory blended in almost perfectly with his blue and black bag. They didn't care they were naked now, even before their interlude, they were used to seeing each other this way, and out here so few travelers would not have even noticed the presence of the two so far from the main path.

The world was full of Pokemon now; humans had gone out over three centuries before, allowing them to become the world's new dominant race. So as far as they were concerned, it was them, the wilderness and the fire, nothing more. Their goal was to get to the small village of Cross on the other side of the mountain in order to set up their store as they had planned and be ready to settle down.

"I think I'll turn in." Sol said softly as he turned to see that Rory had already laid down on his bag. He'd rolled over on his side away from the Absol and it looked like he was asleep. Sol chuckled and yawned before slipping his feet into his bag and curling in. Once the fire goes out, the evening would be a lot cooler. "Good night." He whispered before closing his eyes and turning over on his side to sleep.

It was sometime late in the night that movement roused Sol partly from his sleep. His eyes cracked open slightly as he noticed the campsite had gone pitch black, the fire had died down, and even under his sleeping bag he was shivering. The sound was that of a twig snapping, maybe some bear or Ursa was wandering about in search of some food. The thought made him creep the bag up to his shoulders. He jerked slightly as he felt something against his back and he realized the warm feet and legs of the Lucario crawling into the bag with him. He wasn't sure whether it was the cold that drew him in, but he was instantly comforted nevertheless. Rory's arm wrapped around Sol's waist and he shuddered in an immediate arousal; the thickness of the Lucario's muscle was enough to make his cock spring to life as he adjusted himself a bit and allowed the intrusion with a welcoming sigh. It was warmer now; much warmer. It wasn't long before Rory was growing erect against Sol's backside. He felt the Lucario spike against his shoulder blades, but it wasn't uncomfortable, the tip was padded by a soft protector which kept him from pricking. Sol enjoyed the intimacy, he'd always wanted to submit to Rory, but always found coming up with the conversation a bit more difficult due to his friend's natural dominance and charisma, but now he could feel himself melting into Rory's paws as they traveled up toward his chest and hugged him close. He tried to make a natural wriggle as if he were asleep and trying to make himself comfortable. His ass clenched a bit around the shaft against it and immediately had a hardening response. It was like curling a bun around a hot dog and he felt Rory's body twitch in response. He wanted Rory to take him, to breed him so hard that it would make him cry out into the night, he could feel the cock against him, aching to do something, but as he adjusted himself again, Rory spoke up.

"Y'know, you're going to have a tough time walking tomorrow if you keep that up." He whispered into Sol's ear. "Be patient, we'll have our time." He said assuredly. "Though in the meantime..." His paw reached down and wrapped around Sol's arching shaft as he began to stroke it. Sol bit his lip slightly, shuddering as he felt his tip begin to spring streams of precum that dripped into the bottom of the bag. He tried to move slightly, to perhaps unzip the bag so he wouldn't make a mess inside.

He felt Rory's stomach tighten, the 'mon's muscular abdomen pushing against the small of his back. He could feel the arm wrapped around him almost thicken with the anticipation as his paw played with the knot at the end of his shaft; grasping around the base, giving him more the need to let go. Gently he could feel Rory's muzzle against his neck, a light nuzzle then a nip as he pulled the flesh down, clamping his grip directly on the knot.

"AHHH!" Sol cried out suddenly, swinging his head back some as his body lurched forward and cum began to flood his side of the bag. He couldn't see it, but he could feel it accumulate against his stomach and side, drenching Rory's wandering hand as he chuckled knowingly. "Nnnhh..." He moaned as his body began to relax some. Soon, Sol could only close his eyes and marinate in the pleasure.

"There... now you'll be able to rest..." He heard Rory's voice whisper as he drifted off to sleep.

The morning had come before Rory even realized he'd drifted off too. He was lying in the open, a shaft of light shining down on him from a gap in the trees above. The bag was open and he chuckled as he realized the incredibly white stain soaking the entire side of it had not been a dream from the night before. He flexed his hand and felt the stickiness of dried cum in the fur. He chuckled and he sat up with a yawn before stretching and flexing his arms out some. Pausing he looked at his physique and wondered if maybe he was getting a little bigger.

"Sol?" He asked aloud, looking around the campsite for the other 'mon to appear. To his dismay it didn't look like he was nearby. He stood up and decided he should probably wash up before he got dressed.

There was a shallow river not far from where they'd camped, Rory had found it yesterday to fill up his and Sol's water canteens. It was a cool river that would be perfect for a little wash. He made his way through the thick brush until he found the slight dip in the land that led toward the water, he could hear it running with his keen ears, just as well as smell it with his keen nose. He sighed and took in the brief patch of sunlight he came into as he crossed some long grass. As he grew closer, he could smell another odor in the air, and he could recognize this one in an instant. Smirking, Rory crept closer to the treeline that obscured the river bank and peeked through to see Sol on the other side.

His body was more slender than Rory's, not quite as muscular but not exactly thin as a twig either. A nice rounded bottom greeted the Lucario's eyes as he spied through and indulged a little peep of the bathing Absol. He wasn't bathing with any sort of soaps, but the water made his fur and the greyish blue tint of his face glisten in the sunlight. Splashing the water over his face he ruffled the fur on his neck and began to scrub along his body. From the smell of things, he was trying to wash clean the cum he'd slept in. It made Rory smirk, but as he watched Sol's balls sway down between his legs; his short gray tail swishing out of the way, a warmth began to flood his face and he found himself getting aroused; he wanted to take the Absol's body; but no, it wasn't the right time. He felt something else needed to happen in order for it to be right. Quietly, he backed away from the trees and took a different route; he knew that nearby there was a small waterfall that combined the rivers together. He could just bathe there quietly and work out a little--tension.

Making his way to the rocky hillside, he bounded up, feeling his erection staying with him all the way as it bounced up and down-from side to side. Finally when he reached the top of the hill, he could see the lake that drained out into the river below. He waded into the water until it was up to his waist, but the cool water didn't take his erection away. The pink tip of his knotted cock still taunted him as he tried to wash himself off quickly. He didn't want to spend another day of traveling in the same spot though, he didn't want to give Sol the temptation---HE didn't want the temptation. "Just rub it out..." He said to himself. "We can play more after we get to Cross..." He reached down and began to play with his cock. Enjoying the feeling of his fingers running across his glans, but there was no real place to sit down and indulge it quickly. He spotted a small alcove behind the trickling waterfall and rocks that would present the ideal place. Climbing up onto them he rested with his feet still being doused by the waterfall as he pressed his back up against the smooth rock behind him and really began to go at it.

His fingers caressed the shape of his stomach as his other hand worked his shaft quickly. Running the tips of his fingers over the knot only intensified the feeling as precum began to pour from his spout like little white rivers down over his abdomen. He licked his teeth with the tip of his tongue, anticipating his release. "If only I were bigger..." He thought. "I could have a lot of fun with Sol then... I ju-just... wish I could be as muscular as I want---"

The thoughts he was having culminated in an orgasmic fantasy of taking Sol with a rigid, thick bodybuilder body, and the climax they shared suddenly made Rory cum. "Hnnnnhh!" He grunted loudly as his cum sprayed like a hose across his chest and stomach, then shot straight at his head, which he mostly avoided, letting the cum splatter the wall behind him. Rory didn't notice the rock wall shimmer when his cum hit it, but lay there for a few minutes, trembling at each touch to his sensitive shaft.

Finally, Rory climbed down from the waterfall cave and into the water. He splashed his face and body clean as best as he could before he heard Sol's voice calling his name. He made sure to get the remnants of his seed out of his fur and then waded to the shore before climbing out and making his way back down the hill.

"There you are!" Sol spotted Rory as he came back into the camp. "Still naked as a jaybird I see?"

"Yeah." Rory said with a grin. "Just needed to wash up a little."

"I know what you mean. After last night I was so caked in dry cum that I had to practically peel myself out of my bag. You owe me a new one too, you jerk."

"Uh-huh, I'll get you a new one when we get to Cross. Let's get moving shall we?"

Sol had just pulled on a pair of blue trousers as he buttoned up a white and blue pin-striped shirt that he left untucked. "You might want to get dressed then, I don't think society's ready for public nudity yet."

"Uh-huh." Rory said as he sat on a log and pulled out his duffel bag. "It's a shame though, I'll miss staring at that little butt of yours."

Sol blushed as he tucked his mane back and put a ball cap on. "Oh, don't worry you'll probably see it soon enough."

"I could only hope--nnh!" He grunted a bit as a pulse of--he couldn't even describe it as pain; more like a muscle twitch right at his pectoral and he grabbed it. "What the--?"

"You okay?" Sol asked, a look of concern crossing his face.

Rory smiled. "I'm fine. I just laid too long on one side last night, that's all."

Rory was a bit more generic in his outfit; he pulled on a pair of khaki shirts that he cinched up with a corded belt and a buckle that resembled the shape of an old Pokeball. He preferred to go without shoes unlike Sol, who donned a pair of hiking boots, but he did slip on a denim vest that was almost completely faded white and left it hanging open on his arms. As he adjusted his crotch some he noticed Sol staring at him. "You okay?"

Sol's blush was obvious but it seemed like he brushed it off anyway. "N-no I'm fine, just forgot that those clothes look kind of fitting on you, that's all."

"Uh-huh. Okay come on you flatterer, let's get going. Many miles before we--"

"Fuck?" Sol asked, then fell into an immediate awkward silence.

Rory's eyes widened, then switched as one of his eyebrows lowered in obvious amusement. "SLEEP, you dunderhead. The phrase is 'Many miles before we sleep'." He clicked his tongue. "I swear I must've spoiled you last night."

"Spoiled rotten." Sol admitted. "I'm sorry, forgive me."

Rory rubbed his leg, which was beginning to throb slightly now. "There's nothing to forgive, now let's get--GAHHH!" He cried out suddenly and fell forward as he tried to stand up. "Ouch ouch ouch!"

"What's wrong?" Sol asked.

"Ch-Charlie Horse... and a really n-nasty one." He panted as he grabbed his ankle and was surprised to feel his muscles throbbing and swelling. "Ahhh!"

The pain was fleeting, soon he could feel it shooting across his body but the aches quickly vanished and returned again, each time replacing the sensation with a warmth Rory had never felt before. His ankles swelled up in size just a bit, but his calves bulged out more. He could feel every vein in his legs crackle like a breakfast cereal or a mouth full of Pop Rocks candy. He looked at Sol, who appeared frozen in fear as the Lucario rolled around on the ground. Rory's thighs were the next to really start to burn, even though the pains shot across his body it was like something was systematically making him ache from the feet up. This was a bit more vibrant of a growth, he felt his legs become taut in his shorts, then the ache swimming across his balls like there was a pressure in them begging to be let out. The pain shot up to his stomach that bulged and waved like the surface of the ocean. His muscles became more prominent there, like the fur didn't even matter. Divots appeared along his abdomen, forming rolling hills of thick, solid muscle. As he put his hands on his stomach, he could feel them churning. He could feel his fingers as they burned to the touch of his stomach and the pain washed around his entire core. Rory's back popped out, causing him to arch it inward. He rolled onto his shoulder blades as it felt like there were hot searing blades cutting at them. He felt his shoulders bulge out, the musculature of his back causing his body to rise up off the ground just a little bit more at a time had him in a panic. What was happening to him? He grunted again as he felt his arms flop to the sides like they were limp noodles; he'd briefly lost all feeling in them too, but immediately got the sensation back as he watched his shoulders pop out a bit and his biceps suddenly start growing. Every vein in his arm showed through his fur now as his back flopped against the ground.

It was terrifying, but somehow arousing at the same time. Rory felt his body burning again, this time centering in on his chest as his pectoral muscles popped outward. His sides were hurting from this constant strain but he was being aroused by it at the same time. His shorts were becoming unbearably tight now. As his thighs continued to expand slightly, his butt and crotch began to push through the fabric. There was the sound of his shorts tearing and at last the ripping as the threads came apart. His thick, hard cock now flopped against his stomach as it became free, and a wet, glistening stream of precum splattered against him as he tried to grab it; his arousal out of control. He noticed his pink knotted shaft had become a much darker color and it had grown in thickness. He panted loudly and imagined he was grabbing a fire hydrant, his balls ached, he could hear them swishing with loads of cum now. He'd never felt anything like it before and the mess was almost impossible to ignore.

Growling, he could feel his neck thicken and his head felt like it was even swelling some, he looked down as his muscular body was now almost completely unrecognizable. He was as big as a body builder, maybe bigger than a Machamp or a Machoke. His wild, throbbing erection constantly slipping from his grasp as his butt slammed firmly on the ground, his shoulders now growing so large for his vest that it simply split down the middle of the back and was now dangling from his arms. His growling seemed deeper to his ears, his body resonating with a size like he'd only ever imagined.

"RRRRRRR!" He growled as he took his knot into his hands and gave it a good squeeze.

He let out a vibrating roar that shook the ground as he came. Heavy amounts of cum shot from his shaft and all over the ground, splashing on him as he turned over and huffed, christening his new body in the glorious white bath he was coating himself in.

Finally, the feeling subsided enough for Rory to clear his head. He turned over, panting loudly, his massive erection refusing to be sated as he looked at Sol. Sol stood silently nearby, having backed into a tree as he watched the strange and almost terrifying transformation take place. His pants failed to hide the prominent erection though as precum had made a very obvious stain on the front of them. Rory growled a bit as he finally got back to his feet and hulked his way toward the Absol. He chuckled as he leaned in and gave Sol a rather sensual sniff.

"You don't have to be afraid, Sol." Rory said as he discarded the remnants of his vest. He growled and leaned in close again. "Unless you want to be..." He whispered into his ear with a grin.

"R-Rory?" Sol managed to whisper as his hands explored the Pokemon's new chest, feeling every muscle on the way down to his hips. Rory was all-too obliged to lean in and let Sol have a good feel too.

"Mmmm..." He purred. "You like the new me?" He asked as his thick cock pressed against Sol's abdomen through his clothes. "Then prove it."

Sol's hands trembled as they spread out from Rory's chest, finding their way to his shoulder, down to his biceps, and every time he squeezed those muscles, he gave out a rather obvious grunt of arousal. Rory calmly reached down and squeezed his abdominal and chest muscles together, showing off a bit as he grasped the Absol's pants and unfastened the button. The pants fell down without any interruption. The flop of them hitting the ground was quite audible to the both of them as Rory leaned in and purposefully rubbed his thick shaft against Sol's needfully. His hands grabbed Sol's backside and squeezed it and Sol trembled in his submission. "Nnnahhh!" He gasped as his rigid shaft pushed against the Lucario's, a shove of his back against the tree only made him seem much shorter in comparison. Unable to resist the urge, Sol grabbed Rory's bicep and squeezed it tight in his hands, seeing obvious pleasure in his face, Sol pulled him up somewhat, surprised that his friend was easily minding the weight as he licked greedily at the fur-covered flesh and he could feel it pounding against his lips as he did so.

The Lucario's musk was overwhelming almost, Sol's cock dripped like a faucet down Rory's leg as his shaft bumped against the powerful thigh. He couldn't help but grasp at his muscles as he could, gravity kept on pulling him away though that was until the male pressed his weight against him and held him against the tree. He began to massage Rory's chest, sending his hands gliding down over the blue fur, around the spike in the center and on downward to his abdomen. Rory tightened his stomach, making a ripple of muscles appear just as Sol's hands dragged along to that point. It was glorious, Rory's size, his strength. This new found body of his was all but enticing him to explode from sheer excitement. He moaned as Rory pressed his chest against him, his arms wrapped around Sol's hips as Sol searched for a place for his own hands only ending up holstered in the male's arm pits, which radiated their own warmth.

Rory was trembling now, his muscles flexing with a need that made itself known by a firm prod against Sol's ass. "I--m-must..." He panted. There was a bit of a pause as Sol had only a second to prepare himself. The second he felt the Lucario's body thrust forward, he tensed up as he felt the 'mon penetrate him.

"AHH! Ah!" He cried out, but not in an expected cry of pain; more of a cry of shock mixed with pleasure as his back slung against the tree and Rory very literally lifted him up with a single buck into the ass.

*WHAM! WHAM!* The Lucario's impatient thrusting finally made the target and he slipped eagerly into Sol's ass.

"Oh yes! This is what I've always wanted!" Sol thought to himself between screams of extacy. "Make me yours, Rory! Please!"

He wasn't sure if that was out loud or in his head, but immediately Rory leaned forward and gave Sol a firm love bite on the neck before plunging in harder and deeper until the hilt of his cock was pressing against his taint, until Rory's balls were slapping against Sol's inner-thighs as Sol held on for dear life, still clenching at Rory's new muscles, pleasuring himself by their size and girth. After a few moments of unrelenting grunts and cries from the Absol, he suddenly found himself locked at the lips with the Lucario, who had wrapped his hand around both of Sol's wrists and pulled him taut against the tree. His nose breathing out hot puffs of air as they kissed, his tongue wildly ravaging Sol's maw as he continued to pound into him, again and again as his breath began to quicken and the thrusts grew deeper and longer for the both of them

"Mmmmphhh!" Sol cried at last, suddenly not able to take it anymore, the burning sensation of his orgasm suddenly hit him.

As he threw his head back, he let out almost a howl toward the sky as he came. Furious jets blasted in between the two of them, splattering mostly on himself, but some of it sloshing against Rory's body. His moan trailed on as it felt like the orgasm was lasting forever, getting messier everytime the Lucario's stomach pulled away from Sol's spasming volcano of seed. Sol didn't stop twitching, he didn't want this orgam to end.

Rory moaned and growled almost primally as he felt Sol cum, it was an explosive mess that put their little fun in the sleeping bag to shame. He huffed and leaned in, biting Sol's collar softly as wet showers of cum splashed over him. He breathed out through his nostrils as he felt his own tide of cum approaching fast. He could feel his balls filling and churning with a heavy round of cum, precum was coming so hard and fast now that he could feel it dripping from Sol's ass. He needed him, he wanted him. Every fiber of his new muscular form wanted to breed Sol and make him his. He bit down harder and felt Sol cringe in a passioned pain.

Abruptly, Rory pulled his cock free of Sol and practically dropped him to the ground, he grabbed him wordless and spun him around, bending Sol down, he forced himself back in and he watched Sol's toe claws curl as he was penetrated once again. Both males dripping, Rory could feel the depths of his lovers ass and it all but scalded his shaft as it pushed in harder than before. He could feel Sol becoming aroused again physically, his gasps and pants and moans only crescendoing as they made hard love, Sol grabbing the tree as though holding onto it for dear life He wanted it so badly that it was a taste in his mouth.

"RRRRRROAHHHRRR!" He roared so loudly that the trees shook and birds took to flight. A heavy pumping of warmth flooded Sol, who found himself suddenly pouring seed from his ass as his lover grabbed his hips and kept on forcing himself in to his full length. Both cried out and Sol threw his body back to ride Rory's cock as long as he possibly could.

As the two finally rested against the tree, breathing heavily, Sol could barely manage a "Wow." as they stood cradled in each other's arms.

Rory chuckled weakly, panting loudly as his new body continued to hug the Absol. "So... what was I saying about you having to walk like this?"

Sol smiled softly and meekly kissed his partner on the cheek. "So... how about you carry me then?"

Both were too exhausted to laugh.