Why it's Always Good to go to the Gym - Chapter 1

Story by Meical on SoFurry

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#1 of Why it's Always Good to go to the Gym

So this is my first shot at something like this. I wanted to to something for my bf for our three months, and this is what I came up with. Constructive criticism always welcome. And now for the warnings. This story contains gay sexual acts. If you do not like that, or you are not of age to read porn (usually 18, but sometimes 21), stop now. If you do like it, and are 18, continue and enjoy.

Meical walked into the gym carrying his bag with him. He was a blue dragon, at least in his short sleeve shirt and denim shorts, around 6 feet tall. 19 years old, he looked built, but most of it was hidden by the bagginess of his clothes. He looked around at all the guys working out in the gym, and pumped up and ready to workout himself, headed for the locker room. He quickly found a locker and put his bag down on the bench in front of it. He stripped his shirt off first to reveal a defined crimson chest and six pack abs. The crimson coloring framing his pecs and abs, leading all the way down into his shorts. Pulling on a sleeveless shirt, he then pulled off his shorts. He was wearing a black jockstrap with a very noticeable bulge residing in it. He eyed a much more muscular dirty white wolf at the locker across the room. The wolf was not wearing a shirt at all, and was just wearing a tight pair of compression shorts. Meical tried to eye the bulge in them, but before he could get a glance he noticed the wolf doing the exact same thing he was. Mecial smiled up at the handsome wolf, blushed and quickly turned around, before realizing that the wolf could now see his completely exposed butt. Quickly pulling up his shorts and turning around, Mecial noticed that the wolf had already left during his quick panic.

"Well crap," thought Meical, "he looked really promising, and so handsome to boot."

Meical finished getting ready, headed back out into the gym for his workout. He started out bench pressing, his built pecs flexing through his shirt with each lift of the bar. Breathing deeply, and in rhythm with his pumps, he did three sets and sat up, gaining his breath back slowly. He looked around the gym and spotted the handsome wolf doing pull ups on the pull up bar, his back to Meical. Meical watched mesmerized at the wolf's flexing back, seeing each muscle clearly defined with each pump up and down.

"Hey buddy, are you done here?" said a gruff voice from behind Meical.

Mecial blinked out of his mesmerized stupor and jumped up. He turned to face a stern looking, muscular gator.

"Oh, yes I am." He said hurriedly getting up, and moving away as the gator loaded up the bar.

He tried to look for the wolf again at the pull up bar but the bar was empty. Sighing slightly, Meical went off to the dumbbell rack, grabbed a pair of 40s and began to work on his triceps on an unused bench. After doing three different exercises for his tries, he put the dumbbells back, still glancing around for the wolf he had decided to take a chance on. He couldn't find the wolf, but reasoned that the wolf was even more built than he was, and would have to take longer working out then him. Meical decided to finish up his workout and then look for the wolf.

Finding an open mat, he went to work on his abs. They did the same as his pecs, bulging out against the thin fabric of the shirt, their crimson color very noticeable through the white. Finally finishing up his workout, Meical grabbed a water bottle, and started a secret hunt for the wolf. He looked through every area of the gym, noticing all the hot guys in the gym that day, but still hunted for the wolf. Meical had searched the entire gym, and still hadn't found the wolf. A bit disappointed he headed back to the locker room for his bag and clothes.

"Why didn't I talk to him when I had the chance? Stupid, stupid me," he thought pushing open the door and moving into the room towards his locker.

Walking into the room that held his locker in it, Meical stopped dead in his tracks. Leaning against his locker was the handsome wolf. Mecial stood in stunned silence for a moment.

"Hello," Meical muttered a little sheepishly.

"You're the dragon that was trying to get a good look at my bulge earlier."

Meical blushed deep enough to match his cheeks with his torso and nodded.

"Well, don't you want to have a real good look?" The wolf moved so he was standing straight up in front of Meical.

Meical glanced down at the wolf's bulge and noticed it twitching slightly under the scrutiny, feeling his own cock start to harden in his jockstrap. The wolf moved up to Meical, holding out his paw.

"The name is Junfu. I've been noticing you around here lately and just now got the courage to talk to you."

Meical took the paw and shook it firmly.

"I'm Meical. Nice to meet," muttering in hopes Junfu wouldn't hear, "and you're really handsome."

Junfu cocked an ear and smiled, blushing slightly himself.

"I'm not the only handsome guy in this room."

Meical again blushed crimson, but is immediately surprised as Junfu leans in and kisses Mecial ever so slightly on the lips. Junfu holds the kiss for a bit and breaks slowly, looking at Meical.

"Meical, are you ok?" In a concerned tone.

Meical snaps back to his sense and nods.

"Yes, I'm fine. You just caught me a little off guard there."

Meical slowly approaches Junfu, and this time, full lip locks him. Junfu opens his mouth at just one poke from Meical's tongue and allows it in. Soon Meical finds what he's been looking for and starts to lick slightly at Junfu's tongue, eliciting soft moans out of the wolf. Junfu wraps his arms around Meical and pulls him close into his body, Meical murring at the heat radiating from Junfu. A door at the other end of the locker room slams and they quickly break apart panting slightly.

"That was... amazing," pants Meical.

Junfu smiles and wraps an arm around Meical's shoulders.

"Are you doing anything tonight?" Junfu asks, looking quizzically at Meical.

"If I did have anything, I would be saying ‘Not anymore~.'" Meical looks up happily at Junfu.

"Well, how about a movie at my place then? I have so many stacked up to watch, and it would be better with some company to watch them with."

Meical rushes over to his locker, pulling out his bag, and stuffing what he wore to the gym in it.

"I'm already to go."

Junfu chuckles and pulls out his bag as well, he pulls on a pair of basketball shorts, and puts them over his compression short and zips up his bag, remaining shirtless. Meical admires the nice curve of the bulging pecs and biceps, and notices not a six pack, but an eight pack on the wolf. Junfu shuts his locker and turns to face Meical. Meical jumps slightly at the sudden turn towards him as he was admiring the wolf. Junfu chuckles again, and motions Meical over. Meical comes over and looks at the wolf's beautiful dark brown eyes.

"Do you want to touch them?"

Meical slowly nods. Junfu puts his bag down and first flexes both arms. Meical feels how rock solid they are. Junfu then flexes his pecs and bounces them. Meical traces the curves of them with a finger feeling the bulging power within them. Meical slowly moves his finger down to Junfu's abs. He traces the deep ravines of each one, electing a soft moan from the big wolf.

"You're so big Junfu."

Junfu laughs and smiles.

"Hard work and dedication. Although a little protein powder never hurt anyone."

Meical smiles at the big wolf.

"Well you're an amazing piece of beef. Shall we go then?"

The two move out of the locker room, side by side into the main area heading for the doors. Meical debating taking a hold of Junfu's hand. Junfu answered Meical's debate by taking his hand right before heading out the siding doors. In the parking lot Meical looks at Junfu, and Junfu squeezes the hand.

"I only live down the street here."

Junfu pulls Meical to the sidewalk, and they walk down the street to an apartment complex at the end of it. Junfu leads Meical up to the second floor, unlocking a door two doors away from the staircase, and pulls Meical inside. Inside is just a small one bedroom apartment, with a single room doubling as both kitchen and living room. Junfu goes over to the counter and starts to go through drawers.

"Well no wonder you're so built, the gym is just down the street." Says Meical laughing a little bit.

"That's really the only reason I choose this place." Replies Junfu looking around at the walls and ceiling in need of minor repairs. "Anyway, how about some popcorn for our movie date?"

Junfu holds up a bag of unpopped popcorn. Meical nods and walks into the living room. Junfu turns around and starts the microwave. Beside the couch is a stack of DVDs still in their cellophane wrappings. And a wide screen plasma TV with a thin layer of dust on the screen.

"Boy, does he just have these here in case he gets a date?" Wonders Meical.

Junfu appears in the living room with a big bowl full of popcorn and jumps over the back of the couch, landing in the dead center of a cushion. He pats the cushion next to him while looking over at Meical. Meical picks a random movie out of the pile and unwraps it, popping the disk into the DVD player. He goes over and settles next to Junfu. Junfu turns out the light, wraps an arm around Meical, and the movie begins.

About halfway through the movie, Junfu shifts so his head is lying in Meical's lap, using his abs as a pillow for the back of his head. Meical slowly looks down at Junfu in his lap and smiles. He feels along Junfu's muscles again, tracing out all the muscles in between Junfu's ribs. Feeling his biceps and triceps lightly, marveling at how defined they are. Junfu looks up at Meical and smiles at him, pulling the dragon's hand forward to caress his pecs and nipples. Meical begins to tent up in his jockstrap, and hopes Junfu can't feel it. Looking down at Junfu's shorts, he sees the faint outline of Junfu's hard cock. Entranced, and now fully hard himself, Meical slowly pulls down Junfu's shorts, and compressions shorts, to have Junfu's 9 in cock spring free of its confides. Junfu feels his cock spring out and murrs a little, feeling a hard pressure against his face. He looks down at Meical's shorts and sees the rigid outline of a nice sized cock. He reaches out and pulls both elastic bands down, letting Meical's 12 in cock loose. It smacks Junfu lightly in the face as it comes whipping out of the shorts. Junfu chuckles and reaches out to grab Meical's cock. Meical gently grabs his hand, and shakes his head.

"Not here Junfu. Which way is the bedroom?"

Junfu takes Meical's hand, hits the stop and turn off buttons on the TV, and leads Meical to his bedroom. As he pulls Meical into his room, Meical throws him down on the bed, lies down on top of him, and kisses him passionately. Both their cocks bobbing about between them. Meical slowly breaks the kiss and sits up on Junfu's chest, pinning his arms. Junfu looks up questionly at Meical. Meical just smiles and leans down, licking and kissing Junfu's neck. Junfu moans out softly, his hard cock begging to be used. Meical slowly makes his way down Junfu's chest, licking at the wolf's nipples and in between the canyons of his abs. All the while Junfu keeps moaning out, wanting the sweet release of his cock. After a few more minutes of teasing, Meical gets up and pulls his jockstrap back up over his throbbing cock. Junfu leans up on his elbows glancing from Meical to his very hard cock.

"This will make the next time all the sweeter." Says Meical.

He pulls up his shorts next and turns to face Junfu, still naked and hard on the bed.

"Can I get your number or something? I'd very much like to see you again."

Junfu gets up off the bed and grabs a hold of Meical's hand. Meical had been expecting a piece of paper with his number already on it, but there was nothing in the wolf's hand.

"I'll do better than a number." He says slowly pulling Meical over to the bed again. He pulls Meical into the bed with him and pulls up the sheet over the both of them

"You'll get to see me first thing in the morning." He says with a grin.

Meical grins and blushes as well. Junfu wraps both arms around the dragon in a warm and protective embrace.

"Good night Junfu."

Junfu holds up a finger to Meical's lips.

"Call me daddy now, ok?"

Meical smiles and blushes a little more.

"Ok daddy, good night daddy." He says a little sheepishly.

Junfu smiles. "Good night my baby."

The pair quickly fall asleep snuggling next to each other.