Crisis of Power, chapter 11

Story by FrostDragon on SoFurry

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#10 of Crisis of Power


The hurricane hit. And boy, did it HIT. Perfect. It took a day or so for it to sweep inland, and as the eye came towards us I prepared myself for our test. Phil and Amber's dad had gotten out just before it made landfall, and had helpers stationed throughout the country to wait for my signal. If it reached them they had to record the time of day and the signal strength.

" sure about this?" Amber asked nervously, hugging me from behind as I zipped up my pants and buckled the shoulder strap of my sword to my belt.

"Yes...make sure everyone's inside, I'm gonna go down the range away from here in case they track the signal somehow." Thunder rumbled through the cavern.

"Be safe..." she whispered, nuzzling my neck. We shifted to our normal forms and I turned around and hugged her, petting her soft brown hair. "No goodbye sex this time, I don't want you all shaky from hormone flux out there."

"Awww man," I whined playfully, nibbling her ear. She giggled and rubbed my back.

"When you get back...I think we should work on a family."

"If that's your choice...Miss Leader of Dragons." I kissed her and she brought her hands up behind my head.

"I want my King of Dragons to rut me until I pass out if this goes well..." she taunted.

"I told you, the sexy talk just doesn't fit you. I'll be fine, I just hope the signal works. If it does, telepath me and I'll send the alert."

"Okay." I softly rubbed her bare breasts and hugged her again, groping her cute butt before holding her close and getting a murr from her. "I love you Tony..."

"I love you Amber...lay low and ride out the storm." With that I hurried out of the cave, passing through the illusory barrier over the cave mouth and racing as fast as my dragon-strengthened legs could carry me. I was like an anime warrior, running far faster than any human, jumping impossible distances off walls and boulders as I headed deep into the mountain range. The hurricane hadn't hit us yet, but one of the fringe storms was bearing down hard on us and within fifteen minutes of leaving the cave I was soaked and had to slow for fear of slipping. If only I could turn into a dragon, I could fly all the way there, but if P.D. members happened to be scouring the range now that the storm was here, they might see me even if I was invisible. Why? This rain. I'd be a flying umbrella and they'd see the disturbance in the rain. Call me paranoid but we COULD.NOT. take any chances or else we were all fucked. I was using the planet's energy output on my body to keep myself about half a centimeter off the ground, to reduce footprints and the chance of slipping on skree (loose rocks/pebbles/debris on slopes).

It was a long day and night...very miserable...thankfully I had my draconic immunities and powers to keep from contracting hypothermia or something else. Once in a while I would send a thought to Amber, including a few tips on becoming a true dragon. I felt guilty about not being able to help her, but this had to be done now. By the time I reached the cave, the hurricane was much I was starting to wonder about my plan. If we wanted scientists to pin the signal on the hurricane, was it really smart to do it in the eye? They'd come right to this range to find the source if they suspected it was from the storm's eye! "Fuck it all...I forgot about that..." I had to get to the eye and then tell everyone about my location later. "Amber, I'm moving to find the eye; if I do this when the eye is over us, they'll come looking for the cause," I said aloud, sending the sound and thought along the energy lines.

"You're already a day gone, don't do any more traveling!" she thought back, distressed.

"I have to, I'm sorry...once again I didn't think this through completely." I took a power nap for an hour, concealing the cave with energy and then turning into a true dragon so I could absorb energy more effectively. In this form, I sensed that there was a gap in the storm drawing closer; since these were fringe storms, they were like popcorn thundershowers. I could use that gap to get out of the range if I flew, since there wouldn't be rain to give me away. I waited for the gap, then took my chance and flew like all hell was after me, the mountains shooting by under me. Wow, it felt so good to FLY!!! This was so much better than those covert flights in anthro form, this was true flight! On a whim I free-fell through the air, then swept up into the sky., this...was so freakin awesome I can't describe it. It felt like a roller coaster, only that I could freely choose where the ride went...the thrills of adrenaline were so terribly awesome and satisfying I couldn't imagine how I'd lived so long without knowing what this was like. I just wanted to fly to the horizon. It was like a new drug, I was hooked on flight now! Barrel-rolls, aerial dives...I almost forgot what I was supposed to be...doing...something didn't feel right. I straightened my course and felt the air briefly. Something was

Fuck. Fuck! FUCK!!! A satellite beam!!! Everything around me went blurry in my sudden panic and I felt something explode somewhere; I don't know if it was a super-lucky fluke or my sudden rsh of emotion, but the satellite tracking me blew up at that instant.


I apologize, but due to time reasons this is all I have to give.


--Tony narrowly succeeds in spreading the word, through the radio waves, of Dragonsearch's corruption

--In retaliation the government attempts to silence all radio broadcasting, but is barred by the public; however, several major radio statios are shut down underhandedly by P.D. members

--Quiet falls as the government tries to recover from this, Tony and Amber use this chance to work even harder at spreading the word

--Jordan and Susan stop in for a visit, updates on their clan; Jordan, using his legal wit, has wormed his way into several major industries in such a short time and has them under his sway in support of dragons

--The president secretly and thus illegally signs and passes several bills that cripple the resources available to Tony and Amber; if they do not have a legal residence they cannot purchase goods from major stores, nor can they be accepted at hospitals due to chance of "genetic contamination"

--Shit happens as the public rises against the government, Tony and Amber go to directly confront the president

--The president captures Tony and tries to rape him so that she can inherit some of his power, but he manages to force her to back off just long enough for Amber and others to bust him out

--President chases them down, and issues orders of genocide to the military, cutting down the time Tony and Amber have to resolve this problem

--Huge fight over the ocean, the president somehow drains Tony's power

--Amber finds that she's pregnant out of heat, putting even more pressure on them

--Tony goes and confronts the president one-on-one, and after another huge fight of draconic power he manages to persuade her that what she is doing is terrible, that she's trying to bring the apocalypse on the world in her craze for power


--The president wants to be the last dragon on the planet so that she can control the Power Age

--The Power Age is an outlet of the planet's energy; a steady radiation of intense power, but what the president willingly ignores is the fact that the power outbreak will dissolve the planet


As stated in my journal, you may use these guidelines to extend this story. However, you must follow the rules I have posted in my journal. I encourage reporting of breaking these rules, especially if credit is not given. I'm being generous giving these privileges with my work, the least you can do in return is respect it as I have outlined.

Have fun with this, and I apologize for not being able to finish.