Taking One for the Team

Story by Tony Greyfox on SoFurry

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#1 of Team Players


Waiting, muscles tense, Lucas felt the tap on his shoulder and lunged forward, strong rabbit legs propelling him up over the boards and swinging his skates around so that he was practically in full stride the moment the blades hit the ice. A quick look up-ice and he spotted the puck, an opposing defender readying to start the play from behind his own net. The bunny moved into position along the right boards and skated forward, eyes moving constantly as the defenseman tapped the puck to his own right and started the play along the far boards.

Slipping back to pick up the opponents' left winger, Lucas muscled with the larger fur, tiger-striped face growling through the grill on his helmet, watching all the while for the pass he was sure would be coming across ice any moment. Sure enough, the centre snapped a quick wrist pass across as the tiger twisted to try and free his stick. A quick push of strong legs put Lucas in perfect position to poke the pass away from the intended recipient, who swore as the puck was shunted across against the boards and moved to intercept.

Lucas chased his man, lowering a shoulder to barge into the bigger opponent as they came together with the puck in their skates. It hurt, but the rabbit worked hard anyhow, kicking the puck free â€" and right to the opposing team's centre, who had snuck into the corner. The stocky bear turned around to look for a pass into the slot as Lucas tried to disengage himself from the tiger; instead, he saw a rather quickly growing white uniform. Lucas saw his eyes widen just as the big defenseman, curled husky-tail wagging fiercely, ducked a shoulder into the middle of the bear's chest, knocking him clean off his feet and back against the boards with a clatter that raised a roar from the crowd.

"Great hit, Kelsey!" someone shouted from the bench. "Up-ice, quick!"

"Open!" Lucas shouted as he realized the opposing defensemen were out of position and powered himself into an open spot on the ice. The tiger took up pursuit, but rabbit speed helped even with all the pads and equipment, and as Kelsey feathered a pass through some legs he reeled it in as he crossed the centre line, with nothing between him and the goaltender but ice.

The netminder skated out to cut down the angles available to the bunny, but Lucas knew how to handle that; he trailed the puck behind himself a little, then flipped it forward and did a quick stick deke before tapping the puck with a skate blade to try and direct it around the hopefully confused goaltender. The trick almost worked, but the ferret under the goaltender's pads desperately whipped his stick around and just ticked the puck away from Lucas' stick blade as he was about to take the shot. "Damn!" the bunny cursed, spinning to intercept the loose puck and straightening to look for a trailing player behind him. A flash of white appeared in his peripheral vision and he pushed the puck that way just as his field of view filled with red jersey and angry striped face. The goal horn blew, the crowd roared, and Lucas felt a shoulder catch him right under the chin...

"Great game, guys!" Coach Allison called, to a general rumble of approval from the Abbostford Fishers locker room as players stripped off their gear, the mood buoyant. It had been a while since they had beaten their opponents from Port Moody, one of the stronger teams in the Lower Mainland's Senior Midget leagues, and two late goals had been the difference, both coming from hard work and strong defensive play. "We'll work on some positional play this week, but you all looked great," the clipboard-wielding cougar said. "We keep this up, I think we're going to be making a dent in the playoffs this year. Get cleaned up. Oh, Lucas will be fine â€" just needed to lie down in the trainer's room until he wasn't seeing double again." He gave a thumbs-up to the room, and walked over to the sound of an exercise bike whirring around the corner in the small cardio room attached to the home locker room.

A husky sat on the bike, pedaling steadily, his gear still on. "You all right, Kelsey?" the coach inquired, as a couple of players peered around the corner.

"Yeah, fine, just a little tightened up," the canine replied in a soft voice that belied some of the fearsome hits that he had laid out on the ice. "Didn't want to cramp up..."

Coach Allison nodded and gave Kelsey a knowing wink as he swatted one of the peeping players on the head with his clipboard. "All right, take as long as you need. Come on, guys, get your asses in gear and get changed, you smell like a locker room."

"We're in a locker room, coach!"

"Smartass. Get going!"

Kelsey shook his head and continued pedaling, waiting for the room to go quiet. It took another ten minutes before the sounds of the other players showering and packing their gear died away; a few leaned in and said goodbye as they left, but finally the sounds died away. The husky gave it another couple of minutes of silence before climbing off the bike and peering outside. Sure enough, it was empty â€" and he knew that Coach Allison had, as usual, made sure there wouldn't be any other teams needing the home lockers for a good two hours after their game.

That was a relief. The husky sat down and tugged off the white Fishers jersey, tucking it into the bag that already held his pads and skates, then shrugged out of the undershirt and pants. One more glance around, and Kelsey slipped fingers under the band encircling his chest, pulling it up and off â€" releasing the husky's small breasts.

She took a deep breath. Having to hide her sex was always a challenge, especially considering the troubles that would come from anyone discovering that Coach Allison had helped her out in getting on the team. The organization back in Maple Ridge had been totally against a female playing for the top-level boys' team. Her father, who lived in Abbotsford, had talked to the coach; he'd come over and watched her play for one of the house teams, recognized the skills she possessed, and agreed to help out in getting "him" registered for their program. It wasn't ideal, but considering that as she neared the age of 18 she'd age out of the previous program, at least it got her on the ice in a league where she could compete, she thought as she slipped out of the last of her game gear, grabbed a towel and headed for the showers.

"Ugh." Lucas rubbed his chin, which still ached from the tiger's shoulder pad jacking it up at high speed. Coach had told him the pass he'd made had been perfect, he'd picked up the assist on the winning goal, and that if anyone had been videotaping the game he'd have made the highlight reel for the massive hit. All well and good, and he was sure to have some added credibility with his teammates â€" always useful for a roleplayer and second-line checking forward â€" but damn, it hurt to be successful.

The rabbit trudged to the locker room and pushed the door open; nobody was in sight, as he expected, but there was a hiss of the shower in the background, so he figured someone else must still be in there. Lucas shrugged and tugged off his gear, dumping it on top of his bag, then grabbed a towel and headed for the shower room in nothing but mottled brown fur.

Sure enough, there was a familiar husky tail twitching in the showers as he rounded the corner. Funny, he thought, he'd never actually seen Kelsey in the shower before â€" he was always either out of the room or loosening up on the bike until most everyone had finished, and it was generally accepted that he was just shy. No reason to be, though, Lucas thought â€" fairly muscular shoulders and midsection on that canine, he pondered, partly clinically and partly with genuine interest. The bunny did okay with rink rats â€" when the high-scoring forwards, knuckledragging D-men and star goalies had been accounted for, there were usually a few girls that drifted down to the second-line wingers â€" but he didn't mind spending time with guys either sometimes. He was a rabbit, after all, it occurred to him.

He shrugged to himself and stepped in. "Hey, Kels, still here?"

The other fur jumped in surprise and spun around, eyes wide in shock. Lucas laughed at the expression, a laugh that cut off rather abruptly as he realized what he was looking at. His eyes dipped down to what were quite obviously breasts â€" small, compact, but definite â€" and then dropped even further. He blinked, and looked back up... just in time to see the fist coming for his jaw. The crack was loud inside his skull, and the next thing he knew, he was staring up from the floor blearily up at the larger husky, one arm thrown across those breasts.

"What are you... how did... If you EVER tell... I..." Kelsey ran down from incomprehensible to incoherent then stopped trying and stood, panting, staring down at the stunned rabbit. Then she turned away and leaned against the wall, her head hanging.

Lucas slowly pulled himself back to his feet, rubbing at his jaw. "Damn," he muttered, looking over to the other fur. "Um... Kelsey? I, uh..."

"The door was locked!" the other fur's muffled voice came â€" and now that he knew, he recognized the softer tones that had always been there for being in the range of female voices, just a little rougher and deeper than others. "I always lock it! And everyone was gone..."

"Uh... well, everyone who wasn't concussed, yeah... and it was unlocked..."

Kelsey looked over her shoulder at the bunny and growled softly. "...Coach knows, so you can tell him all you want that there's a girl on the team."

"Why would I want to do that?" Lucas rubbed his jaw again. "The way you play, you could have four different sets of bits, eight boobs and a spare head and I'd want you to be on my team..."

She frowned, still turned away from the rabbit but looking at him intently â€" intently enough that he realized he was standing in a shower with a naked girl and quickly turned himself away for some semblance of modesty. "You aren't going to turn me in, get me thrown off the team?"

"No chance. You're our best defenseman... woman... whatever." He shrugged over his shoulder. "But why are you hiding it? I mean, you've managed to cover tho... it up really well after all of this time."

The husky's shoulders rippled in a shrug. "They wouldn't let me play at the highest level with the boys... my dad knows Coach, so they worked out a scheme. I usually either leave without showering or wait for everyone to get done up. It isn't easy."

"Yeah, I can imagine... not being able to change without getting caught. ... mind you, you get a good look at the guys, right?" He forced a chuckle, hoping to ease her tension, but she frowned at him instead.

"Well... yeah. And that isn't easy, you know... seeing all these guys around naked and not being able to really enjoy it." She snorted quietly. "Coach told me I'd have to deal with that, though. That's why I'm on the bike most of the time when everyone leaves."

Lucas nodded. "I know I'd be distracted if I was in the middle of a locker room full of girls..." He flushed, thinking of the image he'd caught before Kelsey had clocked him, and flushed some more as he felt his sheath swell at the thought. The husky looked at the bunny's lop-ears, noting the flush rising in their soft insides, and cracked a slight smile.

"So... you're not going to turn me in, then?"

"Not a chance. You're a good player, and a pretty good guy. Girl." He shook his head, flustered. "Whatever."

Kelsey smiled finally, a full smile, and relaxed visibly. "Okay. Lucas? Thank you. I really appreciate that."

He returned the smile. "Just don't hit me again, okay?"

The husky blinked and looked contrite, turning to lean down and look at his swollen jaw. "Oh, shit, I'm sorry about that... kind of a natural reaction, you know?" She touched the knot on his jaw. "You gonna be okay?"

"Yeah, I'll be..." Lucas' eyes flicked down almost automatically as he realized she'd uncovered herself, and he flushed again at the sight of her breasts open to his view. "...fine?"

Realizing the situation, Kelsey started to cover herself again, but then shook her head and stopped, chuckling. "Relax. I'm sure you've seen stuff like this before." Her own gaze drifted downward, and she blinked as she saw the bunny's sheath full, pink showing from the brown fur of his groin. "...and you liked it."

Lucas cleared his throat and started to drop a paw down to cover himself, but it was intercepted along the way. "It's okay," Kelsey murmured, smiling. "I don't mind. Nice to know you appreciate girls that aren't really good looking."

"Not really good looking? Hey, you look fine," Lucas protested, turning to face her. "I mean, girls don't need giant boobs to be interesting."

"You're what, just turned eighteen? Anything with boobs is interesting." She giggled, and regarded him for a moment. "So... nobody's gonna be needing this room for at least an hour. I wouldn't mind making up for that punch in the jaw..."

Lucas' ears shot straight up, and he blinked. "Wha?" Oh, real smooth there, genius, his inner voice commented as he processed her comment. "Um... you? Me? Here?"

"I don't see anyone else." Kelsey grinned and stroked her fingers along the centre of the bunny's chest, brushing teasingly down towards where his erection stood at full attention, then walked past him and out into the locker room again, leaving him standing, confused. He heard a click, then she returned, striding up to him and turning off the water as she stood before him. "Door's locked now. So..."

It took another moment before the rabbit's mind unlocked, and he took a step towards her, his paws rising to slide around her midsection. "An hour or so, you said?"

"Yeah," Kelsey murmured as she stepped into the smaller lapine, her breasts nestling against his upper chest. "Lots of time." Her muzzle dropped to meet his, lips meeting and parting as they kissed. She ran her paws down his back to fondle the teardrop tail, and he returned the favour, tugging at her tailbase before letting his paws settle on her muscular rump and squeeze.

They stood tight to one another, bodies grinding against one another as they kissed, Lucas almost surprised by the limber and lengthy canine tongue that explored his muzzle and twined with his own shorter tongue. Kelsey finally pulled back and smiled naughtily as he ran his paws up to fondle her breasts. "So is it true what everyone says about bunnies â€" they've got lots of stamina?"

"That's for you to find out," he grinned as she rumbled in appreciation for his fingers teasing around her nipples as they firmed up and jutted through her white chestfur. She reached down and cupped his sheath and sac, fondling him as he gasped in pleasure, then nuzzled down along his chest.

"Let's find out right now," she rumbled as her long tongue curled down along his belly. He knew what was coming, and his tail twitched as she settled to her knees and nuzzled under his sac, then nibbled up around it to move slowly up his sheath and along his stiff cock.

Lucas moaned softly. "You've done this before," he murmured breathlessly as her tongue twirled around his cockbase and slowly moved upwards; Kelsey looked up and grinned, nodding, then slowly lowered her long muzzle over his length. The bunny moaned, his paws moving to settle on her head as she started to slowly bob up and down along his shaft, her tongue caressing its underside. "Oh... haven't had this for a while..."

Slow, steady strokes along his shaft sent chills through Lucas' spine, and he started to rock with them, murring softly in pleasure as she cupped his balls again, fondling and tugging softly. The bunny looked down, admiring the view of her breasts bobbing as he stroked her ears, drawing her onto him, and noticed that her free paw was buried between her legs; he watched, mesmerized, as two fingers slipped in and out of sight below the slight curve of her belly, damp and slick. "Oh damn," he managed to moan as his shaft bucked under her ministrations, jetting a little seed over her tongue that she lapped away eagerly before speeding her movements.

Lucas jumped as a finger probed up against the tight ring of his tailhole, and he wriggled as she teased at it, his breath coming faster. He didn't always take the active role with other guys, and his reaction seemed to indicate to Kelsey that he didn't mind some anal play; he watched as she switched paws, bringing the one dripping with her own fluids up. He felt the cool touch of those sticky fingers against his sac, then gave a gasp as one pushed against his ring, her lubrication making its push through the muscles easier. Lucas groaned lustfully and rocked his hips a little more urgently, clenching around that exploring finger as it pushed up and curled inside him.

"Oh, right there..." Lucas moaned as her explorations found the sweet spot inside him and pushed his pleasure radically higher. Precum jetted again, and the husky sensed his nearness, gripping his cockbase with her free paw and pumping him quickly as she bobbed faster, her tongue twirling around his tip. The bunny stiffened at the multiple stimulation, then gasped and bucked as he erupted into orgasm. Opening her muzzle, Kelsey looked up at the bunny as she let him watch the first bursts of his seed gush into her mouth, then closed it again and buried his cock in her muzzle, sucking hard and milking him as he continued to pulse against her lips, tailhole clenching hard around her finger.

A satisfied sigh marked the end of the bunny's orgasm, and he relaxed, leaning back against the wall of the shower as Kelsey lapped the last drops of his seed off of his shaft and slowly drew her finger free of him. "Bunnies taste pretty good," she commented casually as she stood, nuzzling along under Lucas' chin as he draped his arms around her shoulders, smiling.

"That's not something that a canine should really be say-mmf!" The smartass comment was cut off as she kissed him again, and he tasted his own cum on her tongue as she wound it against his. The bunny caught her tongue in his lips and sucked gently, then released it, and she licked his face soggily. "Gah! Damn dogs..." Lucas smirked and ran a paw down her belly, his fingers sliding through the slick, damp fur between her legs and fondling her sex; she moaned and shifted her stance, spreading her legs for his explorations. The bunny took advantage of that and started to replicate what he had watched her doing, curling his fingers to slide two into her slick entrance and piston them slowly, his palm cupped against her clit. Kelsey growled and closed her eyes, leaning her chin down on Lucas' shoulder and licking at his neck as she rocked her hips into his paw work, fluid dripping down onto his fingers quickly.

"Mmm, a little deeper," the canine rumbled, her teeth grazing softly over Lucas' neck as she nuzzled into him and leaned closer, hips moving eagerly at his caresses. He nibbled at one pointed ear as his fingers sank a little further into her tight channel, and she moaned with pleasure. "That's it," she whispered, "harder... wait." With an obvious effort, Kelsey pushed herself away from the bunny, and the two stood, both breathing hard.

"What is it?" Lucas asked, catching his breath. "Something wrong?"

She shook her head and looked down with a slight grin at his still rock-hard shaft. "No,. just figured you could get deeper with something else..."

The bunny looked down at his erection â€" not exactly huge, not thick, but fairly long â€" and chuckled. "Yeah, I guess so..."

"Well, then..." The husky turned and settled her paws against the shower wall, her back arching and tail lifting to present for him. "...get to work, huh?"

"That is an amazing view." Lucas took it in for a moment, then stepped up and slid his paws over the canine's taut rump as he positioned himself. She spread her legs a little further to help ease the height difference as he guided his shaft to her entrance, and then with a slow, firm push he buried his length fully inside the husky's tight sex.

Hilting himself tightly, Lucas heard an incomprehensible moan of lust from the canine, and he reached forward to cup her breasts as he went into motion, plunging hard and deep into her. Bucking back against him, Kelsey groaned encouragingly, her hips wriggling as the bunny buried himself over and over into her tight folds. He leaned forward and nuzzled at the back of her neck, fingertips trailing over her nipples as they moved together. "Feels good, Kels," he moaned against her neck, biting softly; she replied with a nod and a squeeze of her internal muscles that damn near made the bunny cum again on its own before he got himself under control again.

Lucas watched as the canine shifted her arms, loosening one to slip down her belly and start fondling herself again as he pushed into her steadily. "Nngh, wanna cum..." she grunted, pushing back harder onto the bunny, who ground hard into her each time their hips met and clenched down to milk him as they slid apart.

Moaning, the bunny shifted his speed yet again â€" he knew that some of the females he'd been done with really liked one of his techniques, and decided to give it a try... pulling back, he gripped around her hips hard and started to pump hard and fast into the tight hold of her sex, jackhammering his cock into her. Kelsey gasped and arched her back at that, tensing; he felt her muscles clench around him, and she gave a low shuddering howl as her climax swept over her. The bunny felt a splurt of juices gush over his thighs as she gripped him hard inside her, but kept pounding into her insistently as she shivered and pulsed and coated his fur with her pleasure.

The sensations were intense, and Lucas felt the pressure building again as she started to run down, but something flashed into his mind and he slowed a bit. "Rrgh... getting close... you protected, though?" he groaned into the panting husky's ear. At an affirmative nod, he relaxed and gripped her hips tight, pumping hard into her a few more times before he moaned and burst again, pumping another load of thick bunnycum into Kelsey's belly.

He sagged against her back, getting his breath, the two furs panting in time as they came down from their orgasms. Lucas nuzzled into her neck softly as he relaxed, then grinned a bit. "Hold that pose," he murmured into one ear, which perked curiously as Kelsey turned to look over her shoulder. He grinned and slowly slipped out of her, hearing the spatter of their combined fluids hitting the floor, then knelt behind the husky, nuzzling against the spread folds of her sex, admiring the view of the well-coated entrance.

"I still owe you one," the bunny said as he leaned forward to kiss her nether lips. Kelsey gave a soft yip of surprise as he slid his tongue up along her sex, flicking against the folds, lapping at the combination of their juices, tasting his musky, salty seed and her lighter, slick juices as he cleaned her first from the outside, then slowly buried his tongue into her to lap at the remnant inside.

He brought his paw up to cup her mound, thumb pushing into her with a soft squelching sound to help his tongue's work, the husky moaning as he brought her level of pleasure back upwards steadily. She ground her hips back against his face as he worked, tugging on her inner lips with soft nibbles, pressing against her clit with his thumb as he circled it slowly, then moving his tongue down to circle that sensitive nub with steady, teasing strokes, responding to her vocalizations and movements to find what the husky liked the most as he worked her over.

It wasn't long before her breath was coming rapidly again, her body tightening around his thumb as he lapped at her clit, and with a bark she came again, coating the bunny's muzzle with her fragrant fluids as she pushed back against him. She shuddered as the ripples of pleasure rolled through her, assisted by the rabbit's work, then slowly slumped, her knees unable to keep her up any more. Lucas gathered her up and drew her into his lap as she settled down, nuzzling at the side of her neck. "You okay?" he asked breathily.

"Y... yeah, I'm okay," she managed, looking at the bunny with a weary smile. "That was intense."

"Glad you liked it." Lucas smiled and settled against the shower wall, arms around the bigger husky's middle. "Kinda glad we figured all this out..."

Kelsey chuckled and nibbled his cheekfur lightly. "So am I. But we better get cleaned up before someone tries to get in here."

"I guess so." Regretfully, the bunny let her go and watched her stand up before getting to his feet.

"Hey, Lucas?"

He cocked a lop-ear. "Yeah, Kels?"

"You need a roomie for the next road trip?"

The bunny grinned. "I might..."

Taking One for the Team

© 2009 Tony Greyfox