Chapter 1: Damage Assesment

Story by TheFurryAngel on SoFurry

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#1 of Shadow of the Shade

Preface: OK all the children reading this need to leave, inappropriate material is ahead and I don't want to be responsible for corrupting you. Now, for those who read the 16th chapter of the Guilded Suburb series, know this is about Digimon. Sorry if that offends or disturbs you. But they turn me on. Not sure who to thank exactly for this story but I big angel shout to everyone on yiffstar who posts digi related stuff, especially whoever wrote that story about leomon's gym, it was seriously fucking hot! Yiff yiff yiff! Oh and I have never been to Arkansas so if you are a native of that state and the events described don't match up I'm sorry.


Chapter 1: Damage Assessment



[Welcome, please enter username and password]




[Account verified!]

[Welcome Codex]

{Run program Emergency_Hack]

[Failed. Permission Denied]

{Inadequate response}

{Termination pending}


[Error system assault detected. Virus possibility 74%]

[Error system rebooting]

[System files converted. Running diagnostics.]

[Diagnostics complete]

[Insert orders Master Codex]

{Rerun previous order}

[Running program Emergency_Hack]


[Castle construction begun]

{Release case cell 14. Convert subject. Activate scanners 4F, 4B, 5F.}

[Project (T_R_A_P) running. Estimated completion time: Unknown]

{Apply skin model (#l.m) Wipe data storage}

[Skin attached. Data removed from files. Data destination]

{Data danger potential: 100%. Destroy file: Memories.Leo}


Ray got a running start and just managed to clear the brook. She landed a little sloppily and fell to a knee but she jumped up. Behind her she could hear the buzzing spin. Above the trees black saw blades spun and on each side a single bloody eye opened releasing a scanning laser.

The female human hid beneath a tree as the data was recorded.

"Target nonexistent. Shut down procedures started. Cease activity. Await orders from the Creator." The dark pieces of code floated back to the ground and were still.

Hidden among the brush Ray breathed heavily, she had to remember to be more careful. Remnants of some terrible entity still existed and though outdated, the blades were capable of rending her to slivers of bone and flesh.

She stood and brushed the dust from her shorts. She whipped her blonde hair back and it floated in the light breeze. Almost to the Silver Station and from there, a gate back to the human world.


"Fucking rain." Kyle stared out angrily into the afternoon sky, grey as could be and pouring rain. He felt a small tug but easily shoved to the back of his mind. Days like this, Leo used to-

"What the fuck is wrong with me!" Kyle threw the curtains closed and stomped off to his room. His house wasn't that large but he had gotten a good price for it. He didn't know anyone else here in Little Rock, Arkansas and he didn't give a shit.

It wasn't supposed to be like this.

The others had called him a couple of times but it didn't matter. They didn't bear his pain; they laughed and lived in another world. A place he left of his own accord. He picked up a picture from beside his bed. The younger version of him stared out from the glass. A wide joyous smiled pasted to his face. He was in the ocean, the water had been cool and he had worn his favorite swim suit. The blue one with purple flowers. And there was Leomon. Hoisting the teenager easily onto those huge shoulders. Sinews and muscle fibers clenching and bunched, working in perfect harmony.

He could still remember it too. That night. The first time they made love. The soft feel of Leomon's fur as he mated with the human. Kyle had placed a hand on the digimon's chest and felt his heartbeat, the impressive mane, how it had felt, soft and silky. How Kyle had cried the first time the digimon's monster organ penetrated him. How Leomon had been gentle and cuddled him close, the pain melting into indescribable pleasure. Leo's roars as he climaxed and the hot fountain that emptied itself inside Kyle's willing guts. The salty taste of digital seed upon his tongue.

(Nervous as hell. "Um Leo?"

"Yes love?"

"I, uh, I just wanted to ask. Would you, would you please, have, h-have sex with m-me." He hadn't meant to sound so desperate or be so blunt. He should have been more erotic, licked the cat's ear or something but Leo just smiled.

"Of course my love."

Kyle's hands had been shaking uncontrollably but Leo brushed his paw against the human's face. Those giant arms went around his waist and he felt secure. The digimon would never leave him, Leo was his and he was Leo's. The lion kissed Kyle and the long digi tongue slid into the human's mouth.

Kyle relaxed as Leo entered his mouth and he sucked greedily on the feline tongue, Leo purred in delight at the feeling and a stray paw wandered down to grope the human's supple ass. Kyle could feel Leo hardening through the black pants so he broke the kiss and sat down on the bed to tug at them. Leo wore no underwear so as soon as Kyle got the lion's pants down, Leo's 18 inch shaft slapped against his belly.

Kyle could only lie on the bed and stare at it. His throat suddenly grew dry as he realized he had no idea what he was doing or what he should do.

Leo seemed to interpret this so he hooked a claw under Kyle's shirt and lifted it up. Kyle's body was nowhere near as impressive as Leo's. His abs didn't have the definition and his Pecs where barely rounded but the lion didn't care. He picked his lover into his arms for another kiss, this time Kyle slipped his tongue into Leo's mouth and the lion's tongue entwined itself around his lover's.

The dripping kitty shaft smeared pre across Kyle's belly and treasure trail. Leo pushed his love down and grinned mischievously. Kyle moaned as his love lapped at the human skin, the warmth of the sucking mouth raising hickeys on his chest and ribs.

Then Leo started sucking on a nipple. Kyle almost lost it in his pants right there. The enormous cat, leaning over him with his mouth full of human flesh, the eroticism was driving Kyle wild.

Leo ran his tongue down over his mate's belly, between the curves of the abs, and down the light trail until he got to Kyle's pants. Kyle started moaning with greater intensity and the hungry kitty unzipped the human's pants and yanked them off. Kyle was barely 6 inches long even hard but Leo still sucked eagerly.

"Leo, oh Leo, Leo!" Kyle bucked his hips into the lion's mouth. The huge golden jaws drooled and lapped at the silky pink skin and Kyle trembled. "Leo, I, I'm gonna cum."

-slurp- "Cum for me babe." -slurp- Kyle tightened his fists and felt the blood drain from his body as his cock swelled. It shook for a moment before blasted the lions tongue with the sweet human spooge. Leo licked the cream up and gulped it down voraciously. He leaned over to his mate and shared a cum flavored kiss, Kyle ran his own tongue around Leo's mouth trying to get as much of his own cum as he could.

Still trembling Kyle wrapped his arms around Leo's stocky neck. The lion's mane was incredibly soft and smelled like feline. Releasing the cat after a short squeeze Kyle got onto all fours. Winking back coyly.

"Love, are you sure? You may not be able to stretch to fit me; I refuse to put you into harm's way."

"Its ok Leo, I want it, I want to feel you in me."

Smiling the lion nuzzled Kyle's flank. "Very well Love." Leo's meaty shaft bumped up at the tight hole and the lion put a little more force.

"Perhaps another way Love, ride me."

The Lion leaned back and sat down. Kyle climbed over so they were chest to chest and the digimon's length was pointing up, straight at the tight ass ring.

Kyle slowly lowered himself, Leo's fur was warm and fresh, he loved the tingles it gave him when the gold pelt rubbed against his bare skin. He whimpered a little as the massive member stretched him open, his ass spreading to swallow it all.

Biting his lip Kyle forced himself down farther until he couldn't take the pain. He broke into tears feeling his face grow hot in embarrassment. "Enough Love, I can't let you do this, please I don't want you to get hurt." Kyle looked up through his blurred vision. Leo's eyes were wet as well; he clutched the human to his chest and rubbed his muzzle against Kyle's neck. "No more pain Love."

The human pushed himself down again, stretching was a little easier this time and he lifted himself back up. He settled in a firm rhythm, up and down, bobbing on the lion hood deeper each time.

Finally he sat down and pressed his ass to Leo's thighs. All 18 mighty inches were stuffed into him and the lion's eyes bulged. "K-Kyle, Kyle, I'm going to shoot Love, I can't, can't hold it back-

He purred into a growl as he came inside the human, boiling lion seed flowed like water and splashed across his lap and leaked out of the used anal pucker. Leo collapsed as his spasming cock sent ropes of cum everywhere, making the sheets stick together and the human's ass and legs were warm and wet.

Kyle put his head down on his mate's chest. Leo raised a paw and stroked his hair, purring out a low lullaby, coaxing his beloved to sleep.)

The days felt like they could last forever. But now they were gone, stolen from him and Kyle's heart had grown cold as the nights and dawns passed him by.

And that fucking crest. Everyone had found out theirs, Robbie the alpha male and natural leader had received courage and the power the break fear, Cassie the big sister everyone had always dreamed of was given love and the power to heal, Jenny the intellectual received wisdom and the power to see through lies, Barry the youngest got patience and the power to calm. But his never showed up. The amulet now sat in a box beneath his bed, out of sight and out of mind.

The surface was still pale and ivory, the face had never glowed and revealed the symbol for the crest that Kyle was destined to receive. And that bastard Shade_of_Devimon. Fucking everything up. Even his death couldn't comfort Kyle, too much had been lost. The others tried to get him to stay but they couldn't deny what Kyle felt. Maybe he wasn't supposed to receive a crest. Maybe he was just destined to fail.

The man flopped down onto his bed and closed his eyes. He tried to remember the good days. Leomon's booming voice and gentle paws. His sweet kisses and the power of his fists. Swimming in the sea and watching the sun rise. Days that were as dead as Kyle's soul.


The surface was cool and he slumbered peacefully. A lightning bolt cut through the darkness and the prism shattered. Clear shards scattered to eternity as the shadows clutched at him.

The digimon groaned and rubbed his head and he floated. "The fuck? Where?" He looked around but only the cold black mists gave him any notice. The remains of the diamond casket that had held him dissolved into bytes and binary and he let the data blow away. His head hurt, but he knew his name.

Leo.matrix. But where the fuck was he? He sniffed the air but the plane had no smell, he licked at the mist but there was no taste. Frustrated he bellowed into the emptiness.

"Hello?!" The echo crashed and reverberated through the atmosphere and grew dimmer as the sound traveled away from him. Still irritated as hell he took off running, his legs pumping awkwardly until he set into a familiar pattern, his massive chest heaved and made the tattoos splayed across him dance. His fine pelt was the color of burnished gold while his mane was a golden brown. His thick arms twisted with muscle and he had the tattoos. Black and empty they slithered down his arms, across his yummy chest, and up over his chiseled shoulders and down his back.

He didn't care where he was headed, any place was better than here, he leapt and cleared a chasm that had to be at least 50 fifty wide, his wide paws crashing to the ground and transferring the shock out of his body.

From the distance he could see a light. It twinkled and spun and light meant civilization. He popped his back and took off springing again.


Ray sat at a train terminal impatiently. Occasionally she saw other humans, people who had digivices whispering amongst themselves. The irritated teenager sighed. She couldn't place it but she knew she was different. She didn't just have a digivice, she was a digidestined. But where was her digimon? All the others had theirs but she still had not managed to find her counterpart.

Bitterly she got up and walked over to the railing. Enraptured by the swirling darkness of the End Zone, she didn't hear the conductor call for tickets. Turning around too late she saw the last train headed for the human world disappear without her.

"Fuck, guess I'm stuck here till morning." Now thoroughly pissed she stared back into the wastes, hoping for some sort of inspiration. She thought she saw something. Ray blinked and peered closer. Holy shit, someone was approaching! Stepping back she felt terror grip her. The End Zone was where every dead and gone resided no one went there willingly and no one sure as fuck came out. But someone was, and they were moving fast.

Ray could see the vague outline, the massive form was definitely male and based on the tail she guessed feline. The figure bent low as he ran and took a good jump. He sailed up through the air to the platform and, despite his size, landed lightly on the stones.

Ray fell back and stared in horror. It looked like some sort of anthropomorphic lion, with a broad chest, wicked looking fangs, and black markings across his body. She inched away when he turned to her and his giant emerald eyes caught hers.

She tried to scream but her throat chocked up, the lion walked over casually and extended a paw smiling.

"Have no fear little one, I mean you no harm. Who are you?"

She took the outstretched palm and he lifted her to her feet. "Thanks, I'm Ray, who are you?"


"Like, Leomon?"


"whats a .matrix? Digimon have names ending with mon."

"I know, honestly child I have no idea."

Indignantly Ray raised her fists "I'm 17, I'm not a child thank you." She turned a little pink in rage but the lion's gentle smile soothed her.

"My apologies Ray, I meant no offense. Where am I, we?"

"Silver Station, you're new here aren't you?"

"I'm afraid I don't know. I woke up surrounded by shadows and some sort of barrier."

"You don't remember anything?"

"Sorry no."

"It's cool, you can chill with me, I live in the human world. It's like the digital world but not quite."

Leo tilted his head. "Do not humans have parents?"

"Yeah, they worry a lot, want me to marry a rich guy, but I'm never getting married. I just want to live here with digimon."

"Then why are you returning?"

Ray looked a little embarresed "Because I don't have a digital partner like everyone else, I mean I have a digivice so where is my partner?"

"I'm afraid I haven't a clue."

"It doesn't matter, who's your partner?"

Leo looked into the tunnel "I don't know that either little one, all I have are a bunch of feelings. Feelings that I have something to do but no inclination of what is expected of me."

"Oh shit, not here." Ray took off running for the tunnel as the sound of whirring filled the station. Black buzz saw blades flew through the air.

"Life forms encountered immobilize and reform."

Leo glared and his eyes thinned to slits. He clenched his fists and they ignited in violet fire. He snapped his paw and a whip of flames cracked and slashed one of the blades in half. It faded into data and disappeared.

"Scanning. Data unexpected. Terminate immediately."

"Alright then. Come to Leo."

Four blades dove but the lion did a back flip and flung bolts of purple and struck each one squarely in the center on the crimson eye. The flames devoured the offending data forms and they vanished. The remaining blades assembled in the air as Leo put his fists together.

The dark spinning creations flew in a circular motion until they circled Leo and then, all at once, they pounced. They aimed at his joints but Leo smiled. He let out a roar and flung his arms wide. An explosion of violet fire erupted from him and the shockwave incinerated the blades. The pieces of them fell to the ground, thoroughly singed and cooked.

Ray looked out from the tunnel entrance.

"How, how did you do that?"

"Not sure Ray, just, felt the need to fight. Felt like I had to defend myself and the fire came."

"Just don't do that at my house, my mom is gonna flip enough shit when I bring a muscle lion in the front door."


Growlmon stared down the blades. They buzzed and scanned him.

"Target identified: Growlmon. Begin purification process."

The digimon's muscles tensed up. He had seen it happen too many times before. The blades would cut you apart. They would then fuse to and empower the darkest parts of you, perverting your mind and releasing all your hate and fear, until only a Shade version was left. Growl had no intention of fighting another Shade_of_Seraphimon.

Taking the initiative Growl blasted the closest blade with a fireball. It shattered, hissing and the other stopped.

"Target hostile."

"Damn right I'm hostile, fuck off bitches."

"Downgrade threat. Resume purification."

Growl breathed another fireball but this one was barely a spark.


"Target defenses neutralized. Consider attack options."

Growl didn't stick around for them to choose.

He ran past shrubs and other fleeing digimon but the blades ignored the other targets. They spun and flew with unnatural precision after the panting digimon.

Growl rolled down a hill and looked up ahead. The Silver Station! Humans and other digimon collected there to use the trains to get back and forth between the two worlds. It was his best bet for safety. Behind him the buzz saws howled and spun. Growl vacated the premises.


Ray was pacing waiting for the train.

"God damn, missed the last one. Next one won't be here for 12 hours. Great."

"If you had gotten on the train you would not have met me."

"Guess that true-

Ray screamed and grabbed her pocket. Her digivice had gone from normal to a million fucking degrees in a heartbeat and Leo jumped to his feet as she pulled the device out of her pocket. It beeped and whirled as Ray stared at the screen.

"It's here! It's here! Leo it's here!"

"What love?"

"My partner, its approaching fast too, man, mine sure can haul some ass. Wonder what it is."

"There." Leo pointed toward the west and they could see a red shape hurrying toward them.

Ray's device beeped again. "Growlmon, my partner is Growlmon. Wow he's kinda..." She held herself back. She wanted to say hot, with his trim figure and defined chest the digimon cut a definite figure. Turning a little more scarlet than normal Ray looked back and her heart froze. Behind the digimon another swarm of saw blades was rising from the forest.

"Well fuck me Leo, looks like my partner brought friends."

"Indeed Ray."


Growl could see them clearly now. A human female, age undeterminable from this distance, and what looked like.... Leomon? What the hell? A sad pang tweaked at Growl's heart. There was a damn good story behind this, or at least there better be.

The lion crouched into a defensive stance in front of the girl, his eyes locking onto the blades as Growl cleared the fence in one vault. He kept panting and running but stumbled as he ran up the steps and crashed at the lion's paws.

"Good to see you Growlmon, I'm Leo.matrix and this is Ray your partner."

Slightly stunned Growl looked up. "What?"

"Good to meet you to lizard." Leo jumped forward without breaking his crouch and ignited his paws. Growl turned back and steadied himself.

"Ray is it? Good to meet you, I like food and sleep. What about you."

"I'd like you to fuck me." Fortunately the grating of the blades drowned out her words. Growl felt a heat building in his chest. Not waiting for the blades to get any further he blew a giant fireball. It soared over Leo's head and collided with the oncoming assault.

Growl stood there in shock. He couldn't do that. He noticed the tattoos on Leo were glowing and as he got closer they glowed brighter. Leo snapped his wrist and flung a spear of purple flames into the line of advancing enemies but their ranks swelled back. Growlmon felt the heat grow as he stepped closer to Leo.

This time instead of a fireball, it was a flamethrower. The harsh orange-white flames seared the waves of blades and as most fractured and fell to the ground, smoking and charred, the rest collected a distance away. Scanning again they fled into the sky, vanishing amongst the clouds.


Night fell and Leo took first watch. His green eyes lit up the evening like floating lanterns as Ray and Growl tried to get some sleep. Without the sun the temperature dropped and Ray shivered. Leo's fur protected him and Growl was used to extreme temperatures.

She clasped the drowsy digimon close and laid her head on his chest. Growl tried to think about something other than her slow breaths across his skin, or the feel of her breasts, firm and full against his side.

Instead he pondered this new lion. Leomon, damnit Leo was gone. Who was this .matrix version? And how did he make Growl's fire stronger with his markings? Exhausted the digimon nodded off.


Kyle watched the stars come out with a measure of contempt. He had the weekend off but what was he going to do? Drink himself into oblivion and bottom for every guy down at the bar like he usually did? He was tired of it, they couldn't make him feel that spark, that shock that Leo had, when the lion kissed him, and the electricity ran its course.

Their seed was bitter while Leo's had been sweet. The feline had purred and nuzzled him; they ground his face into their crotches and told him he was their bitch. Some days he felt like he was.


Yeah yeah I know this isn't the longest thing ever but cut me some slack, setting up the story people. For those who got excited when Ray touched Growl, I may or may not continue that. If anyone wants to help me write a story where Growl fucks Rays feel free to message me, I'm gay, I write GAY fiction, straight or bi stuff isn't my forte but I can try.